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To the Memory of My Beloved, The Author,

Mr. William Shakespeare, and what he hath left us

Ben Johnson

Occasional poem- because Ben Johnson was paid for it

Lines 1-2: he refers to himself (Ben Johnson); I am generous when I speak about your name
but I don`t want other people from that much praise to become jealous; I am going to praise
you a lot but the purpose is not to draw envy
Lines 5-16:gives a list of motives that do not lie behind his decision to praise Shakespeare
1. Ignorance: Writers can praise someone although they do not know much about it; echo
reflection of the word- not real thing. They know little but they still write about it. (Little
knowledge is a dangerous thing)my intention is not ignorance (because I know much
about Shakespeare and his works) Throughout the poem Ben Johnson pops out his ego
although it should praise Shakespeare.
2. Prejudice (bias) (, , ) the
aim of the criticism is to finds out the truth, but the prejudice gropes in the dark (
3. Malice it should praise but ruins the person
These 3 are like whores praising a prestigious and successful woman. But even if writers
begin to praise like this, we are immune to them.

Lines 18- 25: he starts praising Shakespeare and mentions Chaucer, Spencer and others and
the place where they were buried (Westminster abbey) but tells that Shakespeare is buried
in another place and says that he is still alive, his works are monuments. He cannot compare
Shakespeare to all these because he is above all of them .
Lines 27-30: He says that his opinion is not limited in time but it is from all times. Here again
we see Johnson`s great ego- his opinion is of every time- he knew the writings of any writer
living in any time.
Lines 45- 47: Shakespeare and his capacity is compared to that of Apollo- the God of sun,
beauty and poetry; He is also compared to Mercury- the messanger of God and the patron
of trade and merchandise- why is he compared to him? Because a merchant to sell the
goods should be very persuasive, sweet-tongued, eloquent and that`s why Ben Johnson
compares Shakespeare to Mercury
Lines 46-51: Images of weaving, nature is personified as a woman who is dressed in the
words (clothes made for her). ***** Art should be an imitation of nature (Aristotle)- the
best in it is Shakespeare.
Lines 57-62: Images of blacksmith: sweating, casting iron ( ); SECOND HEAT:
the creative process- 1st nature creates something and 2nd the writer imitates it; In writing a
poem the writer recreates the nature`s creation or strikes the second heat; but in the
creative process author is also changes (but he must turn it and himself)
Lines 65- 70: issue: his works; he brandishes, his lines which are his spears are brandishes at

Lines 71-75: The river Avon is mentioned and Shakespeare appears as a swan in the river; he
wrote during the time of Elizabeth and James; The use of Eliza shows the close relationship
of Ben Johnson to the queen
Lines 76-80: Images of astronomy: In ancient Greece great people were given a star or
constellation now Shakespeare was turned into constellation; ELIZABETHANS BELIEVED IN
THE INFLUENCE OF PLANESTS, STARS ON EARTH; The position of the stars when we are born
influences our character and future life; Now by being a constellation Shakespeare can
influence the drama and the stage (Shakespeare`s plays in performance); Since Shakespeare
is gone the stage is drooping- depressing in decline; The stage is grieving since Shakespeare
is gone and is garmented in black like the night; but his plays shade a light on the stage.

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