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Select three ways to counter objections to Cost (Select 3)

Incorrect, objections to cost can be overcome by meetin
g the opportunity expectation, by turning the discussion into a value discussion
, and by involving the Oracle Insight team.
Select the areas where customers have choice and flexibility with Peopl
eSoft (Select 4)
Correct, PeopleSoft provides choice of Operating System, Web Se
rver, Database Management System, and Browser

Oracle provides customer testimonials for you to use in objection handl

Correct, Oracle continuously updates Customer Successes includi
ng Case Studies, Snapshots, podcasts, and more.

Identify the definition of Enterprise Software.

Correct, Enterprise Software is characterized by multiple users
and stakeholders, cross-business unit business processes, shared data, and comp
lex technology requirements.

Select three PeopleSoft Target Markets (Select 3)

Incorrect, PeopleSoft Enterprise is designed for Global
Enterprise, Enterprise, and SMB customers.

Select three PeopleSoft Market and Business Drivers (Select 3)

Correct, three PeopleSoft Market and Business Drivers are that
it "Provides PeopleSoft customers a full-featured technology upgrade", "Enhances
the productivity and user experience for the users of PeopleSoft applications"
and "Offers unique and powerful differentiating features".
Which statement best describes how PeopleSoft fits into Oracle s overall
applications strategy addressing Complete"?
Incorrect, the statement that best describes how People
Soft fits into Oracle s overall applications strategy addressing Complete"
is that "PeopleSoft functionally includes a deep and wide set of applications us
ed across all industries and business functions".
Scenario: You are having a discussion with a certain type of User at a
prospective Customer. They mention that their primary requirement is to implemen
t applications and tools that allow them to do their job the way that is best fo
r them. Which User are you addressing?
Incorrect, the "End User" is the one that mentions that
their primary requirement is to implement applications and tools that allow the
m to do their job the way that is best for them.
Scenario: You are having a discussion with a certain type of User at a
prospective Customer. They mention that their primary requirement is to help add
ress internal stakeholders needs more quickly at a lower cost. Which User are you

Incorrect, the "IT Manager" is the User that mentions t
hat their primary requirement is to help address internal stakeholders needs more
quickly at a lower cost.

Why undertake a process of discovery with a customer? (Select 3)

Correct, a process of discovery allows you to understand the cu
stomer's business problem,
find the business owner and influencers and understand how they perceive value,
and engage in a collective problem finding and solving process.
Identify three key aspects of Oracle's Applications Unlimited policy (S
elect 3)
Incorrect, Oracle's Applications Unlimited policy includes Lifetime Support, Con
tinued Releases, and Co-existence Solutions.
12.Identify four Functional Positioning attributes(Select 4)
Incorrect, Functional Positioning attributes include Vision and Strateg
y, Ability to Execute, Features, and Price and Value.

What are questions the customer is looking to answer? (Select 3)

Incorrect, questions include "Why do I need your product?," "What problems does
this product solve?," and "What are the benefits of the product?"

Select three Oracle license models (Select 3)

Incorrect, Oracle has standardized on Component License Model, Customer
Applications Suite License Model, and Enterprise Applications License Model.

What important details are contained on the price list supplements? (Se
lect 2)
Incorrect, price lists supplements contain included products (products
shipped with the select product at no extra charge) and prerequisite products (p
roducts that must be licensed in addition to the product being purchased).
Select the license model that allows you to create custom bundles for s
pecific user populations using a single licensing metric.
Correct, Custom Applications Suite is the license model that allows you
to create custom bundles for specific user populations using a single licensing
The Favorites menu item includes which of the following? (Select 2)
Incorrect, the Favorites menu item includes Recently Used pages and Favorites.

The new PeopleTools grid adds what features? (Select 4)

Correct, grids provide horizontal and vertical scroll bars, column resi
zing, sort ordering, and drag-and-drop column reordering.

Identify three features of new User Interface. (Select 3)

Incorrect, "Tagged objects that show actionable information", "Type ahe
ad searching" and "Modal search windows" are three features of new User Interfac

Select four capability advantages maintained by Oracle (Select 4)

Correct, Oracle capability advantages include platform flexibility, bre
adth and depth, standards-based integration, and deployment flexibility.

Select three resources useful for creating a cost or differentiation ad
vantage (Select 3)
Incorrect, Patents and trademarks, installed customer base, and reputation of th
e organizat
ion are resources useful for creating a competitive advantage.

Identify the correct statement regarding market trends.

Incorrect, trends include aligning human capital investments to busines
s goals to achieve best results at lowest cost through HCM,
providing actionable information through CRM, and aligning financial operations
to business goals to achieve best results at lowest cost through FSCM.
Identify which of the following are PeopleSoft target customer profiles
(Select 3)
Correct, target customer profiles include existing customers upgrading,
customers requiring multiple pillars, and net new customers.

Identify three Enterprise Software Market Drivers (Select 3)

Correct, enterprise software market drivers include Simplicity, Product
ivity, and Value.
Which of the following are key industries for PeopleSoft? (Select 3)
Correct, key industries include Public Sector, Higher Education, and Financial S
Identify three ways PeopleTools 8.51 reduces risk, cost and resources (
Select 3)
Correct, PeopleTools 8.51 reduces risk, cost and resources through Peop
leSoft Test Framework, Usage Monitor, and Compare Report enhancements.

What is the expected PeopleTools release cycle?

Correct, PeopleTools plans to have annual releases.


How can customers more easily uptake new features?

Correct, Feature Packs allow adoption of new features without a full up


How does PeopleSoft 9.1/8.5x customer adoption compare to prior release

Correct, PeopleSoft 9.1/8.5x adoption is larger and faster than prior r


Identify three parts of the PeopleSoft Market Strategy (Select 3)

Correct, PeopleSoft market strategy includes engineering other Oracle s
olutions to work with PeopleSoft, investing in new versions and solutions, and o
ptimizing the applications for the database and middle tier technology.
Which of the following are key areas of investment for PeopleSoft? (Sel
ect 2)
Correct, two of the key areas of investment for PeopleSoft are: "Extending the P
eopleSoft service-enabled architecture" and "Improving the user experience throu
gh enhancements in Collaboration".
Which of the following are PeopleSoft Value Proposition statements? (Se
lect 3)
Correct, PeopleSoft Value Proposition statements include Increase Productivity,
Accelerate Business Performance, and Lower Cost of Ownership.

Identify four PeopleSoft product pillars (Select 4)
correct, PeopleSoft product pillars include HCM, FMS, SCM/SRM, and CRM.
Select the True Statements regarding Integration Broker (Select 3)
Incorrect, three True Statements regarding Integration Broker are: "Manages conn
ectivity between PeopleSoft Applications and all other Applications", "Complemen
tary to Fusion Middleware" and "Connects PeopleSoft Applications to Fusion Middl

Identify the best business use cases for utilizing RSS feeds (Select 2)
Incorrect, the best business use cases for utilizing RSS feeds are that
"Users can subscribe to the feed and gain access to the data through a browser"
and "Departments or entire organizations to create standard definitions of reus
able data".
36 The graphic below illustrates which feature?
Incorrect, the graphic below illustrates "Search Results in Context".
37 The graphic below illustrates which feature?
Correct, the graphic below illustrates "Detail in context, actionable, efficient

PeopleSoft Delivers three Feed Data Sources (Select 3)

Correct, the three Feed Data Sources delivered by PeopleSoft are: "Peop
leSoft Query", "Integration Broker Service Operation" and "Portal Content".
39 Select the true statement regarding upsell with PeopleSoft Financial Manageme
Correct, PeopleSoft Financial Management upsell includes moving a custo
mer from core modules to adding ESA and ALM modules.
What does PSFT HCM upsell include?
Correct, PeopleSoft HCM upsell includes moving a customer from core modules to a
dding Talent Management and Business Intelligence.

Select two True statements regarding Collaboration Value (Select 2)

Incorrect, two True statements regarding Collaboration Value are that "
Collaborative services come standard" and it "Avoids the need to switch between
50 What is a Feed? (Select 2)
Incorrect, a Feed is a "Data Format that provides users with frequently
updated content" and "Allows software programs to efficiently check for updates
over the web".

How can RSS Feeds be disseminated? (Select 3)

Incorrect, in order to be disseminated, RSS Feeds need to be "Accessed
via Microsoft Outlook", "Accessed via Desktop gadgets" and "Accessed via Web Bro
Which statement best describes how PeopleSoft fits into Oracle s overall
applications strategy addressing Open"?
Incorrect, the statement that best describe how PeopleSoft fits
into Oracle s overall applications strategy addressing Open" is that "PeopleSoft h
as embraced a web services and a service oriented architecture making it open to
interoperability within your IT environment".

Which statements represent the needs of End Users? (Select 2)

Incorrect, the two statements that represent the needs of End Users are: "Simpli
city and ease of use of applications/tools" and "No IT functionality or process
In a single order, you cannot mix and match across products lines and l
icense models based on the customer's needs and user populations

Select three ERP market attributes (Select 3)

Incorrect, ERP software facilitates the flow of information between all busines
s functions inside the boundaries of the organization,
manages the connections to outside stakeholders, and integrates assets, financi
al resources, materials, and human resources.
30 The Main Menu item includes which of the following?
Incorrect, the Main Menu includes a search box, cascading menu items, so
rtable menu items, and searchable menu items.
31 The graphic below is an example of what feature?
Incorrect, the graphic below is an example of "Grid Pop Up".
32 Which statements represent the needs of IT Managers?
Incorrect, the two statements that represent the needs of IT Managers ar
e: "Enable the business (LOB owners and end users)" and "Reduce complexity of ma
intaining IT environments".

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