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Most engineers, with technical bent of mind, want to spend more of their time designing, researching, and

technical writing, with no proper communication and coordination with their co-workers, superiors or
monitoring their subordinates progress. In the inner core of their hearts, they believe that management is
more destructive than beneficial, limiting their freedom and innovative spirit, a distraction from basic
technical work and objective, concrete, tangible and goal-directed tasks.

As quoted by David A. Garvin in Harvard Business Review (case number 9-313-110, published April 2013 )
Since the early days of Google, people throughout the company have questioned the value of managers.
That skepticism stems from a highly technocratic culture. As one software engineer, Eric Flatt, puts it,
We are a company built by engineers for engineers. One question stood out, because it had come up
again and again since the companys founding: Do managers matter?

Laws of nature applicable to running any organization dont care whether you know about them, or
believe in them. They go on doing their job regardless. Yet we certainly benefit from at least an
understanding of how these laws operate. Take the example of gravity. Gravity controls the motion of
trillions of celestial bodies in the universe. Gravitational forces guide the motion of everything in space,
from microscopic specks of interstellar dust to giant galaxies.

Now, do we have any mega computer somewhere that can keep track of the incredibly complex dynamics
in our unimaginably vast cosmos? No. And there isnt any earthbound computer that can come close to
the precision of nature that keeps every heavenly body perfectly related to every other heavenly body. If
one entity changes, such as star exploding or an asteroid hitting a planet, then everything in the universe
adjusts to this event automatically.

Gravity is a fascinating reflection of higher metaphysical laws of universe. This all-pervading forces of
nature illustrate a point that applies equally well to material, materio-spiritual and pure spiritual states of
reality The laws of nature are self-executing and self-balancing. Self-executing means they operate
continually in every corner of the universe. There is no stop button that allows us to temporarily halt their
workings. Self-balancing means the laws automatically take care of the job that frustrates students of
mathematics: balancing both sides of an equation. The nature of an equation is equality, whether the law
be mathematical (E = mc ) or psychological or management related. Whenever a variable on one side of
an equation changes, the other side changes to balance it. More mass means more energy; less mass;
less energy.

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