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A pair of journalists stood upon the pavilion ahead of the stands of a basketball court, witnessing a

practice match between two high school teams from Tokyo. Today, they were focused upon one
team in particular. The match was quickly turning into a one-sided affair with the team in the white
and red kit outclassing their opposition easily. One of the journalists, a very experienced member in
the field of youth basketball turned to his younger fellow member, adjusting his pose in the process.
This winter cup promises to be the best in recent times. Kaijo High, he said thinking about one of
the quarterfinalists of the summer tournament. They have Kise Ryota, their prodigal ace who is
adept at following any kind of gameplay.
The younger of the two took note of something that he observed during the match and then replied
with a question, But didnt they lose out in the quarters? The older man stood up a little stiffly
remembering the monstrous team, They lost to Tohou Academy. It was a fierce battle.
Isnt it true that their prodigy Aomine Daiki has never lost to any team ever?
The older man sighed thinking about the displays of arrogance attributed to the strongest player of
the Generation of Miracles. The only one who can beat me is I.
Speaking of the strongest teams, the young man continued, isnt Shutoku High the school of
another one of those Generation of Miracles?
The Old man sniggered at that almost relishing the opportunity to report another one of their
matches, Midorima Shintaro, the shooting guard. What a terrifying shooter.
That accounts for three of the former Teiko prodigal sons, the young man said clipping his pen
over his notebook, what about the other two? Here the old man looked up pondering the more
mysterious of the lot, At Akitas Yosen, you have the Center, Murasakibara Atsushi.
Murasakibara Atsushi, he was considered as a mad genius at his game with zero intelligence outside
of the game. His outer appearance of a docile giant completely contrasted with his true match face.
Then comes Kyoto Rakuzans Akashi Seijuro, already the captain of that team which comprises of
three of the Uncrowned kings.
Not much was known about this person as he was a very private guy by nature. He rarely gave
interviews and the ones that he gave looked more like those of professionals trained by their PR
So one of these teams will win then, the young reporter noted. His companion let out a quite
chuckle. Dont be so sure. He said now properly looking at the practice match particularly keeping
his attention on the tall center in the white and red kit.
Kiyoshi Teppei, he indicated towards the player who was jostling with his opponent centre
beneath his own net. He damaged his knee last year and couldnt participate in the Inter-High. He is
a very strong centre. Almost as if accentuating his statement, the rebounded ball was instantly
pounced upon by the player in question subverting his opponent in the process. He quickly sent the
ball to his teammate who was running for a quick break.

Hyuga Junpei, the man pronounced once the ball reached its target, He is their captain and a
clutch shooter of considerable acumen. The boy looked at his options through his glasses and then
deciding quickly made the shot from a yard outside the 3-point line. The ball made a perfect arc in
the air and sailed into the hoop adding another 3 points.
Izuki Shun, he continued with another player who had the ball now standing poised in his point
guard position. He feinted to the left and then made an almost blind pass to his right. He is said to
have a complete 360 awareness of the court. The ball indeed reached an incoming red haired
power forward who took the ball in stride and leapt up and dunked the ball with conviction.
And finally their new player, Kagami Taiga, who has already gone toe to toe with the Generation of
Miracles, he concluded with a gleam in his eyes, Seirin, they are the dark horses of this Winter
The final whistle blew in concurrence with his conclusion.
Remember their names, he said to his young partner, they can surprise a lot of people.
As they began to leave, the young reporter couldnt help but notice a blue haired boy standing in the
team huddle of Seirin High. He looked like a kid compared to those around him and his very
presence seemed to diminish right before his eyes, but the man couldnt help but think at last, Have
they always had that player in the match?

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