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Colegio de San Juan de Letran Calamba

School of Engineering
ECE Department

COMM111L: Digital Communications Lab

Experiment No.1-Signals and Basic Operations on Signals


Student Name: Leopando, Keilla Marie Romabiles

Student No: 3113361
Year and Section: 4ECE1
Group No:2

Date Performed: November 18, 2014

Date Submitted: December 2, 2014

Engr. Jose Paulo Pagala

Laboratory Instructor

Data and Results:






FIGURE 1 Miscellaneous Signal Construction Part1a






FIGURE 2 Miscellaneous Signal Construction Part1b




FIGURE 3 Miscellaneous Signal Construction Part2

Original Signal






FIGURE 4 Exercise 1

Original Signal








FIGURE 5 Exercise 2

Answers to Questions
1. In procedure A, what are the differences between the outputs of the two scripts?
The differences between the outputs of the two scripts are that the Part 1a is an
aperiodic signal which consists of horizontal lines while the Pat1b is a periodic signal. It is
also obviously seen in the figures that the vertical lines in Part 1a is removed but they have
both horizontal lines positioned in the same place. In addition, Part1a is classified as
aperiodic because the signal is in random and does not repeat itself. On the other part1B is
a signal that repeats itself.
2. In procedure A, why and how did the vertical lines appear on the output of the 2nd script?
The vertical lines appear on the output of the 2nd script because a basic operation of
signals was used in this constructed figure. Amplitude/Time Scaling was used in order to
have vertical lines. It functions by multiplying the signal by a positive or a negative constant.
3. In procedure B, what have you observed on the output waveforms using different values
of resolution?
The different values of resolution in t pertain to the range of values in the time
domain. In other words, it is the limits of your x axis. It depends on your input resolution on
what your output waveform will be look like.
4. In procedure B, how does the resolution affect the output waveform? Elaborate you
Resolution affects the output waveform by how accurately the figure will look like
when the script is played. Greater resolutions will produce a compressed signal while less
resolutions results to a much wider signal.

Data Analysis and Observations:

Based on the gathered data in the experiment, I have observed that Matlab is capable
of plotting signals that are composed of more than one type of signal and piecewise defined
functions. In plotting a miscellaneous signal, it is important to classify it first whether it is an
aperiodic signal or a periodic signal so that you will know the expected output waveform. From
the figures that we have constructed, Figure Part 1a is an example of aperiodic signal while
Figure Part1b is a periodic signal. Figure 3 is the combination of different signals that perform
the basic operation of signals such as Amplitude/Time Scaling and Amplitude/Time Shifting. For
Figures 4 and 5, they are piecewise defined functions which is defined by multiple sub functions
and each sub function applying to a certain interval of the main function's domain. In creating a
script of piecewise defined function, it is important to use the comparison, logical and arithmetic
operators to define the different functions accurately.
Therefore, miscellaneous signals consist of more than one type of signals. These cannot
be classified as analog or digital but it can be classified as aperiodic or periodic. Periodic signal
repeats itself after a specific interval of time. It can be represented by mathematical equation
and their values can be determined at any point of the time. Continuous-time signals are said to
be periodic. Other term for this type of signal is deterministic signal. On the other hand, an
aperiodic signal is the opposite of periodic signal. Aperiodic signal does not repeat itself after a
specific interval of time. It cannot be represented with a mathematical equation and their values
cannot be determined with certainty at any point of the time. Random Signals can be classified
as aperiodic signals. In addition, we were able to construct and plot a piecewise defined function
in which is defined by different formulas on different parts of its domain. In evaluating a
piecewise defined function, it is important to locate the region of the domain that contains the
value of the independent variable.

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