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The quality of a man's life is in direct

proportion to his commitment to

excellence, regardless of his chosen field of
Many of us already have or will one day get to a point where they
feel worthless. That uneasy feeling is often caused by failing to fit
into society's norms and rules and not being able to accomplish
tasks assigned to one. Some give up, some push through it while
others resort to a rather positive method. It's called
compensation and it's a way of protecting one's personality by
putting their efforts in a domain where they are able to have
stellar success. Many famous scientists, artists and sportsmen
have only found about their talents because they were incapable
of reaching their other goals or even fitting into socitey's mold.
Arnold, the main character of the book 'The Absolutely True
Diary Of A Part Time Indian' is a part of an Indian tribe which
doesn't really fit into the modern USA and he seeks escape in
drawing comics where he can show his creativity share his point
of view. When he joins the high-school in Reardan he gets
rejected by his own tribe for attending a mainly white school and
betraying his own people. That made him only more focused on
school and determined on the basketball court.
However, feeling useless may be a consequence of not being able
to achieve goals set by yourself which are often overambitious
and unconventional. It is crucial to comprehend that we are
created as different and therefore everyone is good at a different
field of endeavor.
-Emir emi

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