Part 21 Isps, Solas

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Class 1 & 2 Oral answers ( Part 21 )

Recent marine circulars

Circular No-1 of the year lists all the circulars which are valid till that date.
Subsequent circulars issued, if not cancelled by any other circular, can be treated as
Circular no-1 can be achieved from ship owner, agent or MPA web site.
Circulars not listed in No-1 are cancelled.

Ship security system

Security level: There are 3 security levels, namely, Security Level 1, Security Level 2, and
Security Level 3, defined in the ISPS Code.
Flag States will set security level for their ships.
A ship prior to entering a port or while in the port, is required to comply with the
security level of the flag state or the port state, whichever is the higher.
The master is required to have information on board concerning persons or
organizations responsible for the appointment and employment of crew members of the
Ships are to be provided with a ship security alert system.
Ships are subjected to port state control with respect to compliance with chapter XI-2.
The port state
control inspection in this respect is limited to verifying that there is on board a valid
international ship
security certificate (ISS certificate) issued under the provisions of Part A of the ISPS
The master of a ship has the overriding authority and the responsibility to make
decisions and measures with respect to the safety and security of the ship.
A ship is required to carry on board a ship security plan approved by the flag state on the
basis of a ship security assessment.
The company operating a ship shall designate a company security officer (CSO) for the
Each ship is required to have a designated ship security officer (SSO).
The CSO, the SSO, appropriate shore-based personnel and shipboard personnel having
specific security duties and responsibilities are required to undergo training in maritime
security in accordance with the guidance given in Part B of the ISPS Code.
Drills and exercises with respect to the ship security plan are required to be carried out
at appropriate intervals by all parties concerned with the ship security plan.
A ship, after a verification that the ship complies with chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code
will be issued an International ship security certificate (ISS Certificate) valid for a period
not exceeding 5 years. Within the 5-year validity period of the ISS Certificate, the ship is
required to have an intermediate verification which will be endorsed on the ISS

A ship is required to act upon the security levels set by the port state or the flag state,
whichever is appropriate by carrying out the activities prescribed in the ISPS Code with
the aim of identifying and taking preventive measures against security incidents.

Class 1 & 2 Oral answers ( Part 21 )

Security level
Security level 1
The level for which minimum appropriate protective security measures shall be
maintained at all times.

The following activities shall be carried out through appropriate measures, taking into
account the guidance given in part B of ISPS code, in order to identify and take
preventive measures against security incidents:
Ensuring the performance of all ship security duties.
Controlling access to the ship.
Controlling the embarkation of persons and their effects.
Monitoring restricted areas to ensure that only authorized persons have access.
Monitoring of deck areas and areas surrounding the ship.
Supervising the handling of cargo and ship's stores.
Ensuring that security communication is readily available.

Security level 2
The level for which appropriate additional protective security measures shall be
maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a security incident.
Additional protective measures specified in the ship security plan shall be implemented
for each activity of security level 1, taking into account the guidance given in part B of
ISPS Code.

Security level 3
The level for which further specific protective security measures shall be maintained for
a limited period of time when a security incident is probable or imminent.
It may not be possible to identify the specific target.
Further specific protective measures, specified in the ship security plan, shall be
implemented for each activity of security level 1, taking into account the guidance given
in part B of this ISPS Code.

Security level three is the highest.

Marking of IMO number

Class 1 & 2 Oral answers ( Part 21 )

IMO Number is to be permanently marked in two places.

Covered by SOLAS CH-XI-1, regulation - 3.4.

Place-1 is any of the following places:

On the stern of the ship
On either side of the hull
Amidships port and starboard
On either side of the superstructure, port and starboard
On the front of the superstructure
In the case of passenger ships, on a horizontal surface visible from the air.
Place-2 is any of the following places:
Either on one of the end transverse bulkheads of the machinery spaces
On one of the hatchways
In the case of tankers, in the pump-room
In the case of ships with ro-ro spaces, on one of the end transverse bulkheads of the ro-ro


Ship security officer means the person on board the ship, accountable to the master,
designated by the Company.
Responsible for the security of the ship, including implementation and maintenance of
the ship security plan.
Responsible for liaison with the company security officer and port facility security
A ship security officer shall be designated on each ship.
In addition to those specified elsewhere in ISPS Code, the duties and responsibilities of
the ship security officer shall include, but are not limited to:
Undertaking regular security inspections of the ship to ensure that appropriate security
measures are maintained.
Maintaining and supervising the implementation of the ship security plan, including any
amendments to the plan.
Coordinating the security aspects of the handling of cargo and ship's stores with other
shipboard personnel and with the relevant port facility security officers.
Proposing modifications to the ship security plan.
Reporting to the company security officer any deficiencies and non-conformities
identified during internal audits, periodic reviews, security inspections and verifications
of compliance and implementing any corrective actions.
Enhancing security awareness and vigilance on board.
Ensuring that adequate training has been provided to shipboard personnel, as
Reporting all security incidents.
Coordinating implementation of the ship security plan with the company security officer

Class 1 & 2 Oral answers ( Part 21 )

and the relevant port facility security officer.

Ensuring that security equipment is properly operated, tested, calibrated and
maintained, if any.
The ship security officer shall have knowledge and have received training, taking into
account the guidance given in part B of ISPS Code.


CH-2 -II
a) Fire safety objectives
Prevent the occurrence of fire and explosion.
Reduce the risk of life caused by fire.
Reduce the risk of damage caused by fire to the ship, its cargo and the environment.
Contain, control and suppress fire and explosion in the compartment of origin.
Provide adequate and readily accessible means of escape for passengers and crews.

b) Functional requirements


A-Class division:

Divisions formed by bulkheads and decks which comply following regulations:

Constructed of steel or other equivalent material.

Suitably stiffened.
Insulated with approved non-combustible materials such as
The average temperature of the unexposed side will not rise more than 140ºC above
the original temperature
The temperature at any one point, including any joint, rise more than 180ºC above the
original temperature.
Within the time period:
Class A-60 60 min
Class A-30 30 min
Class A-15 15 min
Class A-0 0 min.
Constructed as to be capable of preventing the passage of smoke and flame to the end of
the one hour standard fire test.
A test is required as per FTP code.

Class 1 & 2 Oral answers ( Part 21 )

Main vertical zone:

Sections into which the hull, superstructure and deckhouses are divided by A-class
Mean length and width of which on any deck does not in general exceed 40m.

International shore connection:
Required for ships 500GT and upwards.
At least one.
Specifications as per FSS code.
Can be used on either side of the ship.

Fire pumps:
Ships shall be provided with independently driven fire pimps.
Passenger ships:
4000GT and upwards: at least three.
Others: at least two.
Cargo ships:
1000Gt and upwards: At least two.
Others: At least two (one independent).
An emergency fire pump for cargo ships and passenger ships less than 1000GT, if fire in
any compartment cause all the pumps inoperative.

Fire hoses and nozzles:

Non perishable material.
At least 10m length.
Not more than 15m in machinery space.
Not more than 20m in other spaces and open decks.
Not more than 25m for open decks for ships with max breadth more than 30m.
Complete interchangeability of hose, couplings and nozzles, unless one hose and nozzle
for each hydrant is provided.
For cargo ships 1000GT and upwards, 1 for every 30m and 1 spare (not less than 5).
This no. does not include E/R or boiler room.
Nozzle size: 12mm, 16mm and 19mm or as near as thereto.
Dual purpose type (jet and spray).

Portable fire extinguishers:

Comply with FSS code.
Of appropriate type and sufficient number.
For ships of 1000GT and upwards: carry at least 5 extinguishers.
Near entrance of an space.
Carbon di oxide shall not be placed in accommodation spaces.
Non-conductive extinguishing medium for control spaces and electrical spaces.
Ready for use and placed at easily visible places.
Spare charges: 100% for first 10 and 50% of remainder.

Class 1 & 2 Oral answers ( Part 21 )

Additional fire extinguishers, which cannot be recharged.

Fire fighter's outfit:

Comply with FSS code.
Ships to carry at least two.
Passenger ships: additional 1 for every 80m and part thereof, of the aggregate of all
passenger spaces and service spaces.
If carrying more than 36 passengers, 2 additional outfit for each main vertical zone.
Tankers: two additional.
Two spare charges for each breathing apparatus.

The crews shall have necessary knowledge and skills to handle fire.
Crew members shall receive instructions regarding fire safety, duties.
Parties for fire fighting to be organized.
Crew members shall be trained regarding fire fighting.
Their performance to be evaluated.

Training manuals:
Training manuals to be provided in each crew mess room and recreation room or in each
crew's cabin.
To be written in working language of the ship.
Will contain instructions easily understood and illustrated wherever possible.

Fire control plans:

General arrangement plans shall be permanently exhibited for the guidance of ship's
GA plans will show for each deck:
The control stations
Various fire sections enclosed by A and B class divisions
Particulars of fire detection and fire alarm systems.
Sprinkler installations
Fire extinguishing appliances.
Means of access
Ventilating systems including fan control positions.
Position of dampers
The details may be may be set out in a booklet, if approved by director.
A copy shall be supplied to each officer.
One copy shall be available onboard in accessible position.
Plans and booklets to be kept updated.
Alterations to be recorded as soon as possible.
Descriptions in these booklets to be in language(s) required by the authority.
Duplicate set of fire control plans shall be permanently stored in a prominently marked
weathertight enclosure outside the deckhouse for shore side fire fighting personnel.

Class 1 & 2 Oral answers ( Part 21 )

Carriage of dangerous goods

Additional requirement for construction and equipment for safe carriage of dangerous
goods regarding:

Water supplies.
Source of ignition.
Detection system.
Bilge pumping.
Personnel protection.
Portable fire extinguishers.
Insulation of machinery space boundaries.
Water spray system.
Separation of ro-ro spaces.

Document of compliance
An appropriate document issued by the director on an authorized organization.
Evidence of compliance of construction and equipment with the requirements of this
Shall be carried onboard.


As per regulation-2, SOLAS CH-II, part-2 (MSA-CH-179, safety convention,
subsidiary legislation), in order to achieve fire safety objectives, the following
functional eight principles are embodied in the regulations:

Division of the ship into main vertical and horizontal zones by thermal and
structural boundaries.
Separation of accommodation spaces from the remainder of the ship by
thermal and structural boundaries.
Restricted use of combustible materials.
Detection of any fire in the zone of origin.
Containment and extinction of any fire in the space of origin.
Protection of means of escape and access for fire fighting.
Ready availability of fire extinguishing appliances.
Minimization of possibility of ignition of flammable cargo vapor.

Class 1 & 2 Oral answers ( Part 21 )

Specifications of international shore

Outside diameter 178 mm
Inside diameter 64 mm
Bolt circle diameter 132 mm
Slots in flange 4 holes, 19 mm in diameter
Flange thickness minimum 14.5 mm
Bolts and nuts 4 nos., each 16 mm in diameter, 50 mm in length
Washer’s 8 nos.

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