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Marketing Management short questions

Q.No.1:Diffrentiate between services and product marketing?

Ans: The difference between a product and service is firstly a product is a visible and tangible
object, while a service is intangible. A product can be bought and owned while a service can be
paid for but not owned. A product for an example can be purchasing a hair product while an
example of a service is paying a hairdresser to do your hair.

Q.No.2: Define four types of consumer buying behavior?.

Ans:1)cultural factors,2)personal factors,3)psychological factors,4)social factors.

Q.No.3:Define competitive advertising?

Ans: a commonly used type of advertising that communicates the unique benefits of a product,
differentiating it from the competition.

Q.No.4:What is product depth concept?

Ans: The amount of sub-products offered by a business within a particular line of products.

Q.No.5:Define packaging and labeling?

Ans: The wrapping material around a consumer item that serves to contain, identify, describe,
protect, display, promote and otherwise make the product marketable and keep it clean. Display
of information about a product on its container, packaging, or the product itself.

Q.No.6: What is de-marketing?

Ans: Marketing where the goal is reducing the demand for goods or services.


Q.No.7: Define focus group?

Ans: a group of people assembled to participate in a discussion about a product before it is
launched, or to provide feedback on a political campaign, television series, etc.

Q.No.8:What is sales promotion?

Ans: Sales promotions are the set of marketing activities undertaken to boost sales of the product
or service

Q.No.9:What is SWOT analysis and how it helps companies?

Ans: a study undertaken by an organization to identify its internal strengths and weaknesses, as
well as its external opportunities and threats. The SWOT analysis is an extremely useful tool for
understanding and decision-making for all sorts of situations in business and organizations.

Q.No.10: Define direct marketing?

Ans.: the business of selling products or services directly to the public, e.g. by mail order or

telephone selling, rather than through retailers.

Q.No.11:What are different levels of product?

Ans: 1) Core Product 2). Generic Product 3). Expected Product 4). Augmented Product 5.
Potential Product.

Q.No.12:Define segmented pricing

Ans: Selling a product or service at two or more prices, where the difference in prices is not

based on differences in costs.

Q.No.13:Define exploratory research?

Ans: Exploratory research of research conducted for a problem that has not been clearly



Q.No.14:Define consumer buying behavior?

Ans: Consumer buying behavior refers to the selection ,purchase and finally consumption of the goods
and services that satisfy his needs and wants.

Q.No.15:What are unanticipated situational factors?

Ans: the factors that influence purchase intention are called unanticipated situational factors.

Q.No.16:What is exposure?
Ans: Market exposure, also known as exposure, represents the amount an

investor can lose from the risks unique to a particular investment.

Q.No.17:Write components of marketing information system?

Ans: There are four main components of MIS.1.Internanarl records.2,marketing decision support system.

Q.No.18: What is casual research?

Ans: Research that attempts to explain the relationship between two variables (if A cause s B
to occur)

Q.No.19:what is stratified sampling?

Ans: the population is divided into subpopulations (strata) and random samples are taken of
each stratum.

Q.No.20.No.:what are dichotomous question?

Ans: Fixed-alternative question that can only be answered in one of the two indicated ways, such as 'A'
or 'B', Agree or Disagree, True or False, Yes or No.


Q.No.21:Define undifferentiated marketing?

Ans: A companys attempt to appeal to the whole market with a single basic marketing strategy

intended to have mass appeal.

Q.No.22::What is Differentiated Marketing?

Ans:A marketing strategy in which a firm decides to target several markets segments and
design separate offerings for each segment.

Q.No.23::Define utility?/
Ans: the ability of a product to satisfy human want is called utility.

Q.No.:24:define image pricing?

Ans:A method in which a same product is priced at Two different levels based on image

Q.No.:25: define loss leader?

Ans: A loss leader is a product that has a price set below the operating margin.

Q.No.26::what do u mean by ROE?

ANS: The amount of net income returned as a percentage of shareholders

equity. ROE is expressed as a percentage and calculated as:

Return on Equity = Net Income/Shareholder's Equity.

Q.No.27::What is price leadership?

Ans: the setting of prices in a market by a dominant company, which is followed by others in
the same market.


Q.No.28::Write formula for calculating Break-even point?

Ans:Break even point=total fixed

cost/selling price-variable cost

Q.No.29::What is compensation deal?

Ans: a deal where an exporter is paid (at least in part) in goods from the country to which
he or she is exporting

Q.No.30::What is counter trade?

Ans: international trade by exchange of goods rather than by currency purchase

Q.No.:31:Define skimming pricing?

Ans: A product pricing strategy by which a firm charges the highest initial price
that customers will pay. As the demand of the first customers is satisfied, the
firm lowers the price to attract another, more price-sensitive segment.
Therefore, the skimming strategy gets its name from skimming successive
layers of "cream," or customer segments, as prices are lowered over time

Q.No.32:: define informative advertising?

Ans: Informative advertising is a sales and marketing approach that focuses on the task of
attracting consumers by educating them on the nature and benefits of products.

Q.No.33:: Define services?

Ans: the action of helping or doing work for someone it includes Intangible products such
as accounting, banking, cleaning, consultancy, education, insurance, expertise, medical treatment,
or transportation

Q.No.34::What is target market?

Ans: A specific group of consumers at which a company aims its products and services.

Q.No.35::What is in Inflation?
Ans: The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is

rising, and, subsequently, purchasing power is falling


Q.No.36::What is questionnaire?
Ans: a set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers, devised for the purposes of a

survey or statistical study.

Q.No.37::Define marketing information system?

Ans: A marketing information system (MIS) is a management information system (MIS) designed to
support marketing decision making.

Q.No.38::What does MDSS Stand for?


Marketing Decision Support System

Q.No.39::Define population?
Ans: The entire pool from which a statistical sample is drawn.

Q.No.40::What is descriptive research?

Ans: Descriptive research, is used to describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon
being studied.

Q.No.41::What is probability sample?

Ans: Sampling method in which each sample has a fixed and known (determinate probability)
of selection.

Q.No.:42:Define simple random sample?

Ans: a simple random sample is a subset of individuals chosen from a larger set. Each
individual is chosen randomly and entirely by chance,


Q.No.:43:What is quota sampling?

Ans: Quota sampling is a method for selecting survey participants. In quota sampling, a
population is first segmented into mutually exclusive sub-groups, just as in stratified sampling.

Q.No.:44: Define Maslow's theory of motivation?

Ans: Abraham Maslow theorized that humans are driven and motivated by a series of basic needs.
The primary needs, include physiological needs, and are followed by other needs of decreasing
intensity, by safety and security needs secondly, then love, affection and the need to belong,
followed by esteem needs and ending with self-actualization needs. When these basic needs are
unfulfilled, humans focus their entire energy on filling them.

Q.No.45::What is sub culture?

Ans: A cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with
those of the larger culture:

Q.No.46::What are operating supplies?

Ans: Physical items required for the running of a manufacturing production or service facility owned by
a business. Operating supplies do not include salaries, but they do include consumable materials used by
the business on an ongoing basis.

Q.No.47::What is price discrimination?

Ans: the action of selling the same product at different prices to different buyers, in order to

maximize sales and profits.

Q.No.48:: How can people's economic circumstances be determined?

Ans: There are numerous economic indicators that are used to define the state
of the economy or economic conditions. Some of these are the unemployment
rate, levels of current account and budget surpluses or deficits, GDP growth
rates, inflation rates and more.


Q.No.49::what is hypothesis?
Ans: A hypothesis is an explanation for a phenomenon or an activity which can be tested and
verified in some way and proves or disproves the hypothesis.

Q.No.:50: what is horizontal marketing system?

Ans: A horizontal marketing system is a distribution channel arrangement whereby two or more
organizations at the same level join together for marketing purposes to capitalize on a new opportunity.
For example: a bank and a supermarket agree to have the banks ATMs located at the supermarkets
locations, two manufacturers combining to achieve economies of scale, otherwise not possible with each
acting alone.

Q.No.51:: Differentiate between need and wants?

Ans: Need is a basic living Essentials e.g food ,clothes ,shelter whereas A want is something

that isnt essential to survival, but which we would like to have if we can, such as toys, movie
tickets, or a swimming pool.

Q.No.52::How are people marketed? Give examples?


Q.No.53:: why government increase interest rate?

Ans: If the Government is worried that inflation is likely to increase, then they may decide

to increase interest rates to reduce demand and reduce the rate of economic growth.

Q.No.54::Give two examples of changing eating habits of people?


Q.No.55::What is impulse buying?

Ans: the buying of goods without planning to do so in advance, as a result of a sudden whim or


Q.No.56::Who are achievers?

Ans:it is lifestyle groups in psychographic consumer segmentation.

Q.No.57::What are the methods to change non users to users?

Ans: Marketing mix tools are used to convert non users to users i.e product ,price ,place
.promotion and target marketing.


is trading up?

Ans: 1. Increasing the number of features (and their associated benefits) of a product, improving
its quality, or backing it with a superior level of service to justify a higher price.

Q.No.59::What is re-use packaging?

Ans: This is the category of transport packaging that is designed for repeated usage and an extended

Q.No.60::Define profit orientation?

Ans: A term used to describe a business that operates under the primary objective of making money.

Q.No.61::Write down traditional channels of distribution?

Ans: The chain of businesses or intermediaries through which a good or service
passes until it reaches the end consumer. A distribution channel can include
wholesalers, retailers, distributors and even the internet. Channels are broken
into direct and indirect forms, with a "direct" channel allowing the consumer to
buy the good from the manufacturer and an "indirect" channel allowing the
consumer to buy the good from a wholesaler. Direct channels are considered
"shorter" than "indirect" ones.

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Q.No.62::Define telemarketing?
Ans: the marketing of goods or services by means of telephone calls, typically unsolicited, to
potential customers.

Q.No.63::What is AIDA?
Ans: attention, interest, desire, action relating to the customer. It refers to the four stages of a sales
process that were developed in 1925.

Q.No.64::What is advertising copy?

And: Advertising copy is the text of a print, television or radio advertisement message that aims

toward catching the interest of a prospective customer or buyer.

Q.No.:65: Differentiate between advertising and advertisement?

Ans: Advertising is paid form of ideas, goods and services while advertisement is not paid by the

Q.No.:66: How packaging deceive their users?

Ans :Packaging can deceive users in some cases where the quality of product is inferior as compared to
its super packaging.

Q.No.67::What is new marketing concept?

Ans: The modern concept on the other hand concentrates on the satisfaction of the buyer needs
and thus new concept emphasizes on customer and their need satisfaction.

Q.No.68:: what is the difference between brand name and brand mark?
Ans: Brand name is the part that can be spoken including letters words and number whereas brand
mark is the part of the brand that can not be spoken. e.g. IE, Symbol FX.

Q.No.69: What is trade name?

Ans:the full legal name of the organization is called trade name like Nestle co. Procter and gamble.

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Q.No.70::What is trade mark?

Ans: a symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a

company or product.

Q.No.71::Define promotion?
Ans: Promotions refer to the entire set of activities, which communicate the product, brand or
service to the user. The idea is to make people aware, attract and induce to buy the product, in
preference over others.

Q.No.72::Define promotion Mix?

Ans: : Using several different types of communication to support marketing goals which include
Advertising, Personal selling, Publicity, and Sales promotions.

Q.No.73:: Write down the techniques of promotion mix?

Ans: There are five main aspects of a promotional mix 1 Advertising 2 Personal selling 3 Sales
Promotion 4 Public relations Direct Marketing .

Q.No.74:: Define advertising?

Ans Presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. Examples: Print
ads, radio, television, billboard, direct mail, brochures and catalogs, signs, in-store displays, posters,
motion pictures, Web pages, banner ads, and emails.

Q.No.75:Define personal selling?

And: A process of helping and persuading one or more prospects to purchase a good or service or to act
on any idea through the use of an oral presentation. Examples: Sales presentations, sales meetings,
sales training and incentive programs for intermediary salespeople, samples, and telemarketing. Can be
face-to-face selling or via telephone.

Q.No.76:Define sales promotion?

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Ans: promotion that supplements or coordinates advertising.

Q.No.77:Define direct marketing?

Ans: the business of selling products or services directly to the public, e.g. by mail order or
telephone selling, rather than through retailers.

Q.No.78:What is wholesaling?
Ans: The sale and distribution of goods to users other than end consumers.
Wholesaling involves selling merchandise to retailers, wholesalers and
merchants, or to industrial, commercial and institutional users.

Q.No.79:What do you understand by 5ps.?

Ans: Product ,price, place, promotion and target market or people are extended
5ps of marketing mix.

Q.No.80: What is the impact of technology on our lives?

Ans: Technology in many ways has a positive influence because it makes lives easier; from
communicating with others to cooking and running a business. At the same time technology can
have a slightly negative influence because it can make us lazy and take things for granted.

Q.No.81:illustrat innovation adoption curve?

Ans: A model that classifies adopters of innovations based on their level of readiness to accept
new ideas. Innovative adoption characteristics are assigned to groups to show that all
innovations go through a predictable process before becoming widely adopted.

Q.No.82:What do you mean by Business portfolio?

Ans: The collection of products and services provided by a company.

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Q.No.83:What is demography?
Ans: The statistical study of human population and its distribution is called demography.

Q.No.84:Define product?
Ans: a set of tangible and intangible attributes which may include packaging ,color ,price, brand seller
reputation and seller services.

Q.No.85:What does the width of product mix indicate?

Ans :The width of the product mix indicate that how many product lines the company carries.

Q.No.86:W/ha/t does the length of product mix indicate?

Ans; the length of product mix indicate the total number of items in its product mix.

Q.No.87.:what does the depth of product mix indicate?

Ans: the depth of product mix indicate that ho many varieties are offered of each product in line.

Q.No.88: What is screening?

Ans: idea screening is the second stage in new product development once a large pool of ideas has
been generated by what ever their means their number have to be pruned to manageable level.

Q.No.89:What is drop error?

Ans: it occurs when the company dismisses a good idea.

Q.No.90:What is go error?
Ans: t occurs when a company adopts poor ideas.

Q.No.91:What is test marketing?

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Ans; test marketing involves how large the market is and how consumers and dealers react to handling
using and repurchasing the product.

Q.No.92:What is business analysis?

Ans:a comprehensive study of market for a new product is called business analysis.

Q.No.93:Define price?
Ans:amount charged for products or services.

Q.No.94:Define training?
Ans: the action of teaching a person or animal a particular skill or type of behavior.

Q.No.95:Explain Break even point?

Ans: the point at which gains equal losses.

Q.No.96:What is NOISE?
Ans: Price and volume fluctuations in the market that can confuse one's
interpretation of market direction. Used in the context of equities, it is stock
market activity caused by program trading, dividend payments or other
phenomena that is not reflective of overall market sentiment. Also known as
"market noise

Q.No.97:What is package copy?

Ans: Written material on product on which the information of the product is
displayed should always be mentioned e.g medicine packages.

Q.No.98:Define re use packaging?

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Ans: a package that can serve others purposes after the original contents have
been consumed e.g liter Bottles of soft drink later can be used to serve water.

Q.No.99:Define demand?
Ans: The amount of a particular economic good or service that a consumer or group
of consumers will want to purchase at a given price.

Q.No.100:Define product positioning?

Ans: Positioning defines where your product (item or service) stands in relation to others offering
similar products and services in the marketplace as well as the mind of the consumer

Q.No.101:What is fixed cost?

Ans: A cost that does not change with an increase or decrease in the amount of
goods or services produced.

Q.No.102: Define variable cost?

Ans: a cost that varies with the level of output.

Q.No.103:What is uniform delivered price?

Ans a price strategy in which a seller pays for shipping and charges the each customer the
same price regardless of the customer location.

Q.No.104:What is automatic vending?

Ans: The sale of merchandise through a coin-operated machine.

Q.No.105:What is direct channel?

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Ans: Distribution channel in which a producer supplies or serves directly to an ultimate user or consumer,
without any middleman (agent, distributor, wholesaler, retailer).

Q.No.106:What is indirect channel?

Ans: A way to move the product from producer to user with the help of intermediaries that

perform functions related to buying or selling the product.


Q.No.107:What is retailing?
Ans: the activities involved in the selling of goods to ultimate consumers for personal or
household consumption.

Q.No.108:Define trading down?

Ans: Reducing the number of features (and their associated benefits) or the quality of a product to suit
the selling price demanded by its customers.

Q.No.109: Define product line and give examples?

Ans: a product line is the set of all products that are closely related ,because they function in simile
manner ,sold to same group of customers and marketed through same type of outlets .clothing is an
example of product line.

Q.No.110:Define product mix and give example?

Ans:A product mix is the set of all the products offered for sale by a company. The structure of product
mix has width, length, length and consistency.

Q.No.111: Write down product mix strategies.

Ans:1)expansion of product mix,2)contraction of product mix,3)alteration of existing product,4)positioning
the product,5)trading up and trading down.

Q.No.112:Define branding?

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Ans: the marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a
product from other products

Q.No.113:name parts of branding?

Ans: logo, wording, visual identity, promise ,differentiation.

Q.No.114:Define brand mark?

Ans: The proprietary combination of names, symbols, and colors that convey visually a brands


Q.No.115:Define Trade name?

Ans: a name by which a product or service is known in a particular trade or profession.,

Q.No.116:Define private brand?

Ans: A brand placed on products that a large manufacturer has created for a

smaller retailer.

Q.No.117:Define generic brand?

Ans: No-name' or non-decrepit brand that is not advertised, and is sold at a price substantially lower
than the comparable branded products

Q.No.118:What is Family brand?

Ans: Marketing strategy where the same brand name is given to a number of products in order to
encourage recognition.

Q.No.119:Define brand label?


a label which gives the brand name of the product.

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Q.No.120:Define Grade label?

Ans: Product labeling that includes a quality rating for the product.

Q.No.121:What is Descriptive label?

Ans: The label showing the name of the product, price per pound, total price and possibly the
"sell by" date or "pull by" date.

Q.No.122:Define notorious label?

Ans: A panel found on a package of food which contains a variety of information about the
nutritional value of the food item.

Q.No.123:Define Quantity discount?

Ans:a price reduction to those who buy large volumes.

Q.No.124:Define trade discount?

Ans: discount offered by a manufacturer to trade channel members if they perform certain functions such
as selling storing and record keeping?

Q.No.125:What is depression?
Ans: A severe and prolonged downturn in economic activity.

Q.No.126: What is recession?

Ans: A significant decline in activity across the economy, lasting longer than a

few months.

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Q.No.127: what is the main problem of a marketing manager?

Ans: 1) Building / Managing a Sales force 2) Training the Sales force 3) Understanding the Customer
situation and reporting it to the senior management.4) Making presentations to key customers / clients.

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