Run On Sentences

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Run-on Sentences

& Comma Splices

A. Most of the following sentences contain run-on or comma splice errors. If you find a correct
sentence, write C in the left-hand column. If the sentence contains a run-on or comma splice
error, write either RO or CS. Then correct the error.

The space shuttle program has been very expensive it has also been very successful.
The space shuttle program has been very expensive, but it has also been very successful.

1. ____ It's acceptable for dogs to bark at strangers they shouldn't bite them, however.
2. ____ The next day my parents found out that I had lied, I think they met Sams parents at the
3. ____ My grandmother is 86 years old therefore she walks very slowly.
4. ____ Many other examples I could choose to show who I am, many of them not vivid
images of memorable moments, but everyday aspects of my life.
5. ____ The large brown garage door creaks open slowly, out into the morning sunshine a rider
on a road bike emerges.
6.____ The seventh mission was memorable, for its crew included the first U.S. female astronaut, Sally
K. Ride.
B. In the following paragraph, correct any run-on or comma splice errors you find. Write the
corrected paragraph on the lines provided.
Charleston and Gettysburg vary greatly in cultural attractions but both have a rich military
history. Gettysburgs main attraction is based mostly on the great Civil War battle of the same name,
many large monuments are located in the field where particular high points of the battle occurred.
Also, a vast graveyard contains the bodies of thousands of unknown soldiers. On the other hand,

Charleston possesses an equally famous Civil War monument for Fort Sumter is located at the
mouth of Charlestons harbor. Tourists must ride a ferry to the island fort and there they find a fivestory museum filled with national treasures. Because of their historical significance, both cities
make wonderful vacation stops.

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