Vancouver Public Aquarium Casestudy

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Ayesha Rahman
Ayesha Jamil Afridi
Zawata Pasha
Adnan Khan
Junaid Ahmed Abbasi

Vancouver Public Aquarium-Case Analysis

CASE FACTS (problems and strong points)

Vancouver public aquarium was a popular recreational area in downtown Vancouver and
it was centrally located to all the major adjoining communities (strong point)
Due to increased popularity and growing number of visitors, space was becoming a
problem and needed to be addressed. (problem)
The aquarium was considered to be the leading edge of both marine research and display
of mammals and northern pacific marine species. This was a huge source of the
aquariums popularity (strong point)
Aquarium facilities lacked restaurants and food courts. (problem)
The aquarium rented its space out for parties, meetings, dinners and birthdays which was
an added feature. (strong point)
The aquarium had a large visitor market namely: schools, members, general admissions,
donors , volunteers and scientists (strong point)
A prominent part of aquarium visitors consisted of educational and school visits where
up to 5 such visits were accommodated by the aquarium everyday. (strong point)
These large number of school children disturbed the other customers and they often
complained about it. To counter this problem ,the aquariums educational programs
coordinator ms Dewey proposed to allocate some hours of weekdays to only school tours
and restricting the entry of general public during those hours. (problem)
During the summer months ,VPA often encountered problems related to public parkings,
with large amount of visitors , parking space available would run short (problem)
VPA had a significant amount of donor support and volunteer support which helped the
management run its operations smoothly (strong point)
VPA had major publicity through extensive media coverage and tribute shows. Many TV
and film scenes were shot on the aquarium grounds. Plus the aquarium had its own free
monthly magazine by the name of sea pen (strong point)
School tours also included films and interactive workshops even so the aquarium offered
French language tours and also provided a travelling teacher for out of city school tours
and also VPA sent descriptive brochures at the start of school year so that schools can
book tours and programs in advance (strong point)
Due to the popularity of these school tours and programs, school teachers often felt
frustrated due to their inability to book school tours due to overcrowding/over
VPA had extended aquarium hours but only a handful of people were aware of this so it
was not producing any value (problem)

So now the problem persisted of separating school tours and general admissions but if such
measure was taken the membership holders and general admissions might feel frustrated about
being not admitted at all into the aquarium and also the aquarium would have to take on more
help for managing large number of school tours but on the other hand the crowed wont have to
bear with screaming school children plus the aquarium gift shop would be closed during school
tours which would reduce the need for hired staff to one only one. but one another question
remained that whether the sales lost from general admission and memberships could be
compensated by increasing school tours

Question No. 1:
How could the $120,000 promotional budget be better spent?
Advertising: VPA was using mixed-strategy for advertising such as direct mail and magazines
for the members while advertising on radio, television and newspapers for local public.
According to survey of 1986, only 24 % people were aware of the VPA programs through
brochure while 54% were unaware of any advertisements regarding the programs.
The budget for year 1986 showed that radio as a medium of advertising was used more than
television, (radio 3.76 % as compared to television's 1.23% ) thus VPA can utilize the budget
better by spending more on advertisements in television rather than in radio.
Secondly, people showed positive response regarding getting aware through brochures thus more
budget be allocated to the distribution of brochures which constituted of only 4.6 % in the 1986's
promotional budget.
Although costs of Billboard advertising are high yet it triggers interest in the potential consumers
and lures more customers in. It can also help those deciding on how to spend their weekends or
holidays to choose to visit the VPA. Instead of benefiting from this medium only in summers,
billboards can serve the same purpose all-seasons for tourists and those seeking adventure and
knowledge. Also billboards could be used to advertise the extended aquarium hours in summer
to increase awareness.
Promotion: Although VPA was using two promotional pricing strategies, still there was a need
to be more vigorous to increase awareness among people regarding the VPA programs, timings
and offerings.
28% of the visitors were not aware of the extended hours thus the decision to set the same
operating hours for the whole year would add to advantage.
Restaurants: Aquarium had no restaurants or food services thus opening a food-court or
restaurant that offers quality food can attract more people due to its location and environment.
Merchandise: VPA could increase awareness through distributing its custom-built merchandise,
such as: shirts with logo of VPA or pictures of aquarium, mugs, badges and alike.
Pamphlets: Distributing pamphlets in the newspaper can attract and enhance the awareness level.
People are more attracted to colors and pictures rather than black and white information.

Discount on bringing more visitors: First-time visitors can be motivated for re-visiting if they are
provided with an incentive, such a discount coupon of 10 % on bringing at least one more visitor.

Proposed fiscal budget of $ 120,000 for 1987
Year 1986

Year 1987

Total budget: $122,224

Total Budget: $120,000

Radio: 4600/122,224= 3.76%

Radio: 1.23% + 2% of Thank-you budget

Television: 3.76% (More than doubled)

Television: 1.227%
Newspapers: 2.45%
Thank you: 4.09%
Magazines: 30.11%
Brochures: 18.8%
Brochure distribution: 4.6%

Newspapers: 2.45% + 2% of Magazine budget

Thank-you: 0 % (as Maxbell centre was
inaugurated in 1986)
Magazines: 23.1% (deducting budget for 8
Brochures: 18.8%

Photography: 4.09%

Brochure distribution: 4.6% + 2% of Magazine

budget savings
Photography: 4.09%

Passes: 0.81%

Passes: 0.81%

Billboards: 15.46%
Clam Shell: 1.47%

Billboards: 15.46% + 3.01% for winters from

Magazine budget-savings
Clam Shell: 1.47%

Schedules: 4.09%

Schedules: 4.09%

Contingency: 8.99%


Question No.2:
How could the aquarium boost its attendance on weekdays and Saturdays?
Attendance on weekdays and Saturdays can be boasted through:

Introducing discounted rates on weekdays after school-tour hours

Introducing packages such as: A show or two free on same ticket price
Budgeting on free Discount-coupons provided to selected households through posts or
along with newspaper.
Designing Weekends special program that can attract equally large number of people on
Saturdays as well as on Sundays.
Conception of Weekends-Caf at Vancouver Public Aquariums ground.
Introducing joy-rides for children. It can also attract large number of school children.
Providing special discount/surprise gift scheme to the group of 5 or more members of
weekdays and Saturdays.

Question No. 3:
Should Elizabeth Dewey's school Proposal be implemented? If so, what
communications would have to be done to minimize the risks associated with
it and maximize the benefits? If not, how should the issues Ms. Dewey raised
be addressed?

Yes, the School Proposal be implemented because:

It will reduce/eliminate the conflict between the general public and school tours where both
groups will get to utilize their visiting hours to maximum.

To decrease the frustration of general public for not being allowed the admission, they need
to be introduced to the change before implementing it through pamphlets, info-papers or

It will lead to better time management and conflict management. And enhanced profits if
managed properly.

School students are charged $2.5 each and each group is averaged to 34 students. If 6 groups can
be allowed daily from 9 am t0 3 pm time-period then:
1 group= 34 students x $2.5
= $85/group
So 6 groups= 6 x $85 = $510.
In winters, 550 people averaged the attendance per day of which 70 % were General admissions=
385 people at most which mainly constituted of 2 adults and one child.
2 Adults and 1 Child= (2x5.50) + (3) = $14
385/3 = 128 groups of 3
128 groups of 3= 128 x $14= $1792
How to compensate this loss of $1700 on daily basis if School Proposal has to be implemented?
The following strategies can help solve this matter:

School tours can be increased to double rate (12 school tours a day) without compromising
management and quality of tours. But in doing so more volunteers need to be attracted.

Attracting through: 1) Providing certificates for volunteer work. 2) Free entry for volunteers'
members for a day or two. 3) Providence of free lunch/dinner during volunteering days. 4)
University/college students can be attracted.

Still the VPA need to compensate its $1000 loss which can be reduced through:
i. Introducing operating hours 3pm to 7 pm on weekdays.
ii. Discount rated during weekdays to attract more adult groups.
iii. Providing packages or one free show at same rate for general public after 3pm on
iv. This strategy would not sufficiently attract the lost 70 % general admissions but can
achieve at least 35% admissions ( 50% of previous attendance)

Thus 35% of 550 = 193 people


192/3= 64 groups of 3 members, so 64 groups multiplied by $ 14 = $ 896.

As the survey concluded that 97% said that they have received good entertainment value for
their dollar spent thus increasing the prices by 7% could not prove to have adverse effect on
the demand pool of general public.

Thus the price can be increased from $14 to $15 without affecting the admissions and can
achieve delta dollar value of $64.

Finally the 'Killer Whale Habitat' served as the first-mover advantage and thus it can be used
by VPA as premium pricing strategy.

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