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Best Session Winner

Alex Be

Session Date: 11/10/2008 2:29AM

Length: 31.9 minute(s)
Subject: Science - Chemistry
[00:00:00] Automated System Message: *** Please note: All sessions are recorded for quality

control. ***


Guest (Customer): URL >

Alex B (Tutor): Hi! Welcome to My name is Alex. How can I help you?
Guest (Customer): hi alex! my name is ale too :)
Guest (Customer): oops i mean alex
Alex B (Tutor): Awesome!
Alex B (Tutor): :)
Guest (Customer): Hahahaha!!!! ok i have this chem ? that is jsut really confusing
Alex B (Tutor): Well, how about we do some chemistry smack-talkin' then?
Alex B (Tutor): LOL
Alex B (Tutor): :)
Guest (Customer): ok here it goes.....
Alex B (Tutor): Alrighty.
Alex B (Tutor): Feel free to type it out, or use the whiteboard.
Alex B (Tutor): You still there?
Alex B (Tutor): Ok, there you are.
Guest (Customer): there is the ugly little critter:P
Alex B (Tutor): That is an ugly little critter, I agree.
Alex B (Tutor): However, it's one we can train and make a pretty little critter.
Alex B (Tutor): :)
Guest (Customer): lol
Alex B (Tutor): Here's my advice.
Guest (Customer): is it pv=nrt??
Alex B (Tutor): It sounds simple.... But it works.
Alex B (Tutor): Let's start with what we know.
Guest (Customer): i like simple:)
Alex B (Tutor): And then derive everything we need from that.
Alex B (Tutor): So far, we know absolutely nothing about the gas that's going to form.
Alex B (Tutor): Actually, do you have an equation for this?
Guest (Customer): correct! NADA!
Alex B (Tutor): Or do we need to figure that out, too?
Guest (Customer): no we dont:(
Alex B (Tutor): Ok, #1 Get equation.


Alex B (Tutor): This much we know.

Alex B (Tutor): I think I know the rest....
Alex B (Tutor): But, I'm going to do some internet surfing to be sure.
Guest (Customer): ok:) sounds good to me Alex
Alex B (Tutor): Ok.... I was right.
Alex B (Tutor): When you combine Al and HCl....
Alex B (Tutor): the major product is AlCl3
Alex B (Tutor): And then H2 gas is also made.
Alex B (Tutor): Of course, when they say "hydrogen gas"
Alex B (Tutor): H doesn't stand alone
Alex B (Tutor): It's always H2
Alex B (Tutor): A diatomic molecule.
Alex B (Tutor): Sound familiar?
Guest (Customer): Yeah it does:D
Alex B (Tutor): Ok, good
Alex B (Tutor): Alright, we have the equation.
Alex B (Tutor): But, it's not balanced.
Alex B (Tutor): You think you could balance it for me?
Guest (Customer): yes! i can:)
Alex B (Tutor): Alrighty, go ahead.
Alex B (Tutor): YES
Alex B (Tutor): Fantastic
Alex B (Tutor): GREAT job
Guest (Customer): TOUCHDOWN!!!!!
Alex B (Tutor): I made that "6" look a little nicer.
Alex B (Tutor): It was an ugly critter.
Alex B (Tutor): ;)
Alex B (Tutor): Alright.....
Alex B (Tutor): First major victory goes to the 2 Alex's.
Guest (Customer): ugly number for an ugly equation:P
Alex B (Tutor): We balanced the equation.
Alex B (Tutor): Now, what do we know?
Alex B (Tutor): We know we have 9 grams of Al
Alex B (Tutor): That's actually ALL we know.
Alex B (Tutor): So, like I said:
Alex B (Tutor): Start with what you know.
Alex B (Tutor): And derive everything else.
Alex B (Tutor): So, we start with 9 grams Al
Guest (Customer): got it:)
Alex B (Tutor): This is a standard stoichiometry problem.
Guest (Customer): oh wow thats a really ugly 9
Alex B (Tutor): LOL
Alex B (Tutor): Yep!
Alex B (Tutor): We start with grams of Al
Alex B (Tutor): Then we go MOLES of Al
Alex B (Tutor): Then to Moles of hydrogen.
Alex B (Tutor): Do you know how to do that?
Guest (Customer): ok FYI i am not good with stoichiometry at all!
Alex B (Tutor): Ok, not a problem.
Alex B (Tutor): If you look at the equation.... PV = nRT
Alex B (Tutor): n = moles
Alex B (Tutor): So, that's where we WANT to go.
Alex B (Tutor): We want to figure out N
Alex B (Tutor): moles of hydrogen.
Alex B (Tutor): To do this, we go from grams of Al



Alex B (Tutor): To moles of Al

Guest (Customer): ok let me see what i can do
Alex B (Tutor): Then to moles of Hydrogen.
Alex B (Tutor): Alright, I'll help
Alex B (Tutor): Yep, that's a good first step
Guest (Customer): ok thats all ive got:)
Alex B (Tutor): Ok, you're close.
Alex B (Tutor): Let me show you a method that will work every single time.
Alex B (Tutor): :)
Alex B (Tutor): I'm going to open a new whiteboard.
Alex B (Tutor): When you do stoichiometry, there is ONE big rule.
Alex B (Tutor): Whatever is on top cancels whatever is on bottom.
Alex B (Tutor): And when everything cancels out, you better be left with the units you want.
Guest (Customer): ooo i dont like rules:P
Alex B (Tutor): You started off correctly.
Alex B (Tutor): You used the molar mass of Al
Alex B (Tutor): To convert from grams of Al to moles of Al
Guest (Customer): ok i see what your saying:}
Alex B (Tutor): We can write that out like this:
Guest (Customer): correcto
Alex B (Tutor): Do you see how "grams Al" is both on top and bottom?
Alex B (Tutor): So, we can cancel that out!
Alex B (Tutor): Now, we're left with moles of Al
Guest (Customer): yes i do:)
Alex B (Tutor): But we don't want moles of Al
Alex B (Tutor): We want moles of H
Alex B (Tutor): So, how do we convert to moles of hydrogen?
Guest (Customer): we wnat moles of H
Alex B (Tutor): Now, we want our equation.
Alex B (Tutor): Go back to Whiteboard #1
Alex B (Tutor): Do you see how for every 2 atoms of Al, we want 3 molecules of H2
Alex B (Tutor): ??
Alex B (Tutor): Well, we make 3 molecules of H2 for every 2 atoms of Al
Guest (Customer): yes i do.
Alex B (Tutor): Ok....
Alex B (Tutor): You can also say the same thing about moles
Alex B (Tutor): For every 2 moles of Al, we make 3 moles of H2
Guest (Customer): ok so then our next step is to......
Alex B (Tutor): Back to Whiteboaurd #2
Alex B (Tutor): For every 2 mol of Al..... you get 3 mol of H2
Alex B (Tutor): So, put Mol of Al on bottom
Alex B (Tutor): Look what happens!
Alex B (Tutor): Mol of Al cancels outs
Alex B (Tutor): And waht do we have left?
Guest (Customer): and cancel out the denominator unit with the other numerator
Alex B (Tutor): mol of H2
Guest (Customer): and we get....
Alex B (Tutor): Yes....?
Alex B (Tutor): YES
Alex B (Tutor): Perfect
Alex B (Tutor): 0.5 mol H2
Alex B (Tutor): Now.....Whiteboard #3
Alex B (Tutor): We're almost there....
Guest (Customer): WOOOO HOOO!!!!!!!


Alex B (Tutor): Victory #2

Alex B (Tutor): :)
Alex B (Tutor): So.... onto the last whiteboard.
Alex B (Tutor): What was the question?
Guest (Customer): Oh yea Alex's 2- Chem 0!
Alex B (Tutor): We wanted to know what again?
Alex B (Tutor): Volume.
Alex B (Tutor): Found it.
Guest (Customer): we want to know the volume of hyrdogen gas proiduced at stp
Alex B (Tutor): Ok....
Alex B (Tutor): So, we have PV = nRT
Alex B (Tutor): And we can re-arrange that like this:
Alex B (Tutor): Make sense?
Guest (Customer): I get it:D!
Alex B (Tutor): Alright, now....
Alex B (Tutor): We just plug in stuff.
Alex B (Tutor): The easy part.
Alex B (Tutor): We already solved for N
Alex B (Tutor): n = 0.5 moles
Alex B (Tutor): R is a crazy number.
Guest (Customer): ok let me see if i can finish this ugly problem with a K.O!
Alex B (Tutor): Go ahead.
Guest (Customer): 0.082:)
Alex B (Tutor): YES
Alex B (Tutor): And put in the units, please.
Alex B (Tutor): :)
Alex B (Tutor): (I'm picky about the units for a reason.)
Guest (Customer): tempature is 273 K correct?
Alex B (Tutor): Hmmm....
Alex B (Tutor): Yes, I believe so.
Guest (Customer): and for pressure i am going with 1 atm. correct?
Alex B (Tutor): Yes
Alex B (Tutor): And what is that rounded to the correct number of sig fits?
Alex B (Tutor): figs?
Alex B (Tutor): You were given 9.0 grams of Al
Alex B (Tutor): So, that's 2 sig figs
Alex B (Tutor): ;)
Alex B (Tutor): The answer is.....
Alex B (Tutor): 11 L
Alex B (Tutor): VERY GOOD
Alex B (Tutor): Totally awesome
Alex B (Tutor): Touchdown Alex's!!!!
Guest (Customer): i was just testing u with the sigs;)
Guest (Customer): YEAH!!!!!
Alex B (Tutor): Now, let me show you one very important thing....
Guest (Customer): now i can do my victory dance!!!!
Alex B (Tutor): I'm going to open up a new whiteboard.
Alex B (Tutor): Heck ya! Victory dance time!
Guest (Customer): ok shoot
Alex B (Tutor): I'm VERY picky about units.
Alex B (Tutor): And I insist that everybody use them.
Alex B (Tutor): That way.....
Alex B (Tutor): you know FOR SURE your answer makes sense.
Alex B (Tutor): All the units should cancel properly....
Alex B (Tutor): And then you know you did the problem correctly


Alex B (Tutor): Let me show you:

Guest (Customer): Thats good, i like it when i make sense
Alex B (Tutor): R is crazy
Alex B (Tutor): It's 0.082 L atm/ mol-K
Alex B (Tutor): You asked me if we should use 1 atm
Guest (Customer): eeewww
Alex B (Tutor): And you wouldn't have had to ask.....
Alex B (Tutor): If you wrote out the units
Alex B (Tutor): By the definition of R
Alex B (Tutor): It told you to use ATM
Alex B (Tutor): There are multiple versions of R
Guest (Customer): hahahaha ok i will write the units down everytime:)
Alex B (Tutor): Some use Torr
Alex B (Tutor): Some use Pascals....
Alex B (Tutor): CRAZY STUFF
Guest (Customer): yea 760 torr
Alex B (Tutor): Now watch this....
Guest (Customer): really CRAZY!!
Guest (Customer): WOAH!
Alex B (Tutor): Everything cancels
Alex B (Tutor): Except L
Alex B (Tutor): What you want.
Alex B (Tutor): Liters.
Alex B (Tutor): So YOU KNOW your answer makes sense.
Alex B (Tutor): because it must.
Alex B (Tutor): That's why I insist on using units.
Guest (Customer): Thats one for the HAll of Fame! for sure!
Alex B (Tutor): LOL
Alex B (Tutor): Nice.
Alex B (Tutor): Is there anything else tonight?
Alex B (Tutor): I can help with?
Guest (Customer): Nope thats it!
Guest (Customer): Thanks alot alex! ur the funnest tutor ever!
Alex B (Tutor): Alright, well you can feel confident in your victory tonight over chemistry!
Alex B (Tutor): :)
Alex B (Tutor): Please fill out the survey!
Alex B (Tutor): And have a GREAT night!!!
Alex B (Tutor): :)
Guest (Customer): Thanks teamate!
Alex B (Tutor): Bye bye!
Guest (Customer): I will:) have a great night!
Guest (Customer): Adios!

Honorable Mention
Daniel K.
Session Date: 11/08/2008 8:13PM
Length: 34.2 minute(s)
Subject: Science - Physics
[00:00:00] Automated System Message: *** Please note: All sessions are recorded for quality

control. ***

Daniel K (Tutor): Hello! Welcome to How may I help you today?
Guest (Customer): URL >
Guest (Customer): hi there
Daniel K (Tutor): Do you have a question with which I could be of assistance?
Guest (Customer): i've got a diagram i'll draw on the board and then we can answer

some questions from it

[00:01:55] Daniel K (Tutor): Thanks.

[00:02:03] Daniel K (Tutor): I would be glad to help you out. Would you please type out your question

and/or put your question on the whiteboard exactly as it appears on your assignment?
[00:04:02] Guest (Customer): A bead slides on a frictionless wire
[00:04:27] Daniel K (Tutor): So D is lower than A?
[00:04:36] Guest (Customer): The potential energy at the highest point is 2000 J if the potential
energy of the lowest point is 0.
[00:04:45] Guest (Customer): its at the same height
[00:05:27] Daniel K (Tutor): Thanks for clarifying.
[00:05:23] Guest (Customer): they both are at the lowest point
[00:05:30] Guest (Customer): sure
[00:05:43] Guest (Customer): ok, so heres the question
[00:06:47] Guest (Customer): From the highest point on the diagram, the bead moves to the
right. The kinetic energy at location D is measured to be (the actual kinetic energy) 1800 J.
What is the work done by the friction force?
[00:07:22] Guest (Customer): (Make sure that you give sign of the work of friction).
[00:07:36] Guest (Customer): im not sure how to start this
[00:08:08] Daniel K (Tutor): Thanks for typing out the problem. I understand the question and will be
able to help us find the solution. During the session please feel free to ask questions at any time or to
stop me for clarification.
[00:08:20] Daniel K (Tutor): First, all energy is conserved.
[00:08:44] Daniel K (Tutor): This is true if we take the whole universe as our 'system'
[00:08:58] Daniel K (Tutor): initially at the top we have all potential energy.
[00:09:03] Daniel K (Tutor): This is our initial energy.
[00:09:33] Daniel K (Tutor): All of this energy must be accounted for by the time we get to the

[00:09:55] Guest (Customer): ok

[00:10:04] Daniel K (Tutor): Is the kinetic energy the same as the potential energy?
[00:10:21] Daniel K (Tutor): Sorry, is the kinetic energy at the bottom equal to the potential energy at

the top?


Guest (Customer): no if kinetic energy is 2000J at point D, potential energy will be )

Guest (Customer): 0
Daniel K (Tutor): That is correct, the potential energy is zero at the bottom.
Daniel K (Tutor): So at the bottom the bead currently has 1800 J of energy, but we started

with 2000J of energy. Where did the other 200J go?

[00:13:01] Guest (Customer): hmm, energy wasnt conserved
[00:13:52] Daniel K (Tutor): If we only focus on the 'bead' then yes, energy was lost somewhere.
[00:14:20] Daniel K (Tutor): But if we focus on the bead and the track, then all the energy must be
[00:14:26] Daniel K (Tutor): Did some energy escape as sound?
[00:15:12] Guest (Customer): it is possible
[00:15:48] Daniel K (Tutor): Yes it is, in fact, in a real world situation, it is almost certain.
[00:15:59] Daniel K (Tutor): However, we were not told any energy was lost as sound.
[00:16:24] Daniel K (Tutor): We were told that there is friction.
[00:16:40] Daniel K (Tutor): Is it possible the track got warmed up due to the friction between the ball
and the track?
[00:16:34] Guest (Customer): ok
[00:17:19] Guest (Customer): yes
[00:17:43] Guest (Customer): and so some of the energy was lost due to friction
[00:18:13] Daniel K (Tutor): Yes, and how much of the energy was lost due to friction?
[00:18:23] Guest (Customer): 200J
[00:19:16] Daniel K (Tutor): That is correct, you did it. Way to go!
[00:19:24] Daniel K (Tutor): Do you have any questions about this first question?
[00:19:41] Guest (Customer): nope, but is that the word done by the friction force?
[00:19:44] Guest (Customer): work done
[00:19:46] Guest (Customer): *
[00:19:56] Guest (Customer): the energy that's lost = work done?
[00:21:08] Daniel K (Tutor): Yes, work is measured in Joules.
[00:21:52] Daniel K (Tutor): 200 J are lost from the bead.
[00:21:57] Daniel K (Tutor): What does this work?
[00:22:01] Daniel K (Tutor): The frictional force.
[00:22:09] Guest (Customer): ok i see
[00:22:15] Guest (Customer): and the sign would be positive
[00:22:39] Guest (Customer): ?
[00:23:15] Daniel K (Tutor): The equation for work is W = F*d
[00:23:47] Daniel K (Tutor): The frictional force vector points in the opposite direction of motion. That
is, the frictional force vector and displacement are in opposite directions.
[00:24:22] Daniel K (Tutor): This is from a purely mathematical standpoint.
[00:24:45] Daniel K (Tutor): The work of friction is negative (it is lost from the bead).
[00:24:53] Guest (Customer): oh i see
[00:25:05] Guest (Customer): and so it would be -200 J?
[00:25:56] Daniel K (Tutor): If someone where to ask you "How much work did friction do on the bead?"
Yes, you would say -200J. It took 200 J away from the bead.
[00:26:32] Guest (Customer): oh isee
[00:26:46] Daniel K (Tutor): However, if someone where to ask you "How much work did friction do on
the track?" You would say 200J. Friction added 200 J of heat to the track.
[00:26:45] Guest (Customer): and exactly what is the friction force here
[00:26:54] Daniel K (Tutor): Thanks for being an active participant in the session, it makes a huge
difference towards improving your learning session.
[00:26:59] Guest (Customer): :)
[00:27:28] Daniel K (Tutor): Without getting "too" exact, it is the heat produced by the microscopic

pumps on the bead, with the microscopic bumps on the track.

[00:28:19] Daniel K (Tutor): It is like when you rub your hands together. The bumps on the skin of your
hands cause your skin to warm up.
[00:28:35] Daniel K (Tutor): Hence, when you are cold your rub real fast, the part of your body that is
[00:28:53] Daniel K (Tutor): But becareful, if you rub too much there will not be any skin left.
[00:28:59] Guest (Customer): ok, what information could be given in the questiion to clarify
that? becuase wht u're saying is an assumption
[00:29:07] Daniel K (Tutor): This is, why people where coats ;)
[00:29:16] Guest (Customer): :)
[00:29:27] Daniel K (Tutor): That is a great question!
[00:30:09] Daniel K (Tutor): The question is not very clear.
[00:30:20] Daniel K (Tutor): However, it is talking about the potential energy of the "bead".
[00:30:29] Daniel K (Tutor): and the kinetic energy "of the bead".
[00:31:01] Daniel K (Tutor): So i think it is safe to assume that the question is asking, "What is the work
done by friction "on the bead"?"
[00:31:36] Guest (Customer): ok i see thanks so much for your help today
[00:31:43] Guest (Customer): it was highly appreciated
[00:32:16] Daniel K (Tutor): I am so glad to hear you are understanding these concepts and have found
your session today on to be beneficial to your learning.
[00:32:21] Daniel K (Tutor): You are most welcome.
[00:32:28] Daniel K (Tutor): Do you have any last questions regarding these concepts?
[00:33:04] Guest (Customer): no, i dont.. you've been an awesome tutor today :) thanks for
conducting this session with the utmost professionalism
[00:33:14] Guest (Customer): ill fill out ur survey
[00:33:19] Guest (Customer): u take care
[00:33:28] Daniel K (Tutor): Thanks so much for the compliment
[00:33:31] Daniel K (Tutor): It means a lot.
[00:33:29] Guest (Customer): and have a great night :)
[00:33:36] Daniel K (Tutor): You did a great job during this session. Keep up the excellent work.
[00:33:30] Guest (Customer): :)
[00:33:33] Guest (Customer): u're welcomee
[00:33:37] Guest (Customer): thanks alot
[00:33:40] Guest (Customer): u take care now
[00:34:07] Daniel K (Tutor): You too. Thanks for using Best of luck with your studies and I
hope to see you again in the future. I will be ending the session now.

Darren L.
Session Date: 10/05/2008 6:07PM
Length: 63.2 minute(s)
Subject: Math - Calculus
[00:00:00] Automated System Message: *** Please note: All sessions are recorded for quality

control. ***

[00:00:09] Darren L (Tutor): Welcome to! I'm Darren. Do you have a Calculus question that I

can help you with?


can help?

Guest (Customer): hi
Darren L (Tutor): Hi!
Guest (Customer): do you know how to do vector valued functions for three space
Guest (Customer): its a word problem
Darren L (Tutor): Somewhat
Darren L (Tutor): Can you tell me the basic type of problem so I will have a better idea if I

[00:02:50] Guest (Customer): i have a position fcn

[00:03:02] Guest (Customer): and the coordinates of a space station
[00:03:17] Guest (Customer): i need to know when the engines should be shut off so taht the

captain can coast to the space station

[00:03:58] Darren L (Tutor): I think I can help with that
[00:04:01] Guest (Customer): cool
[00:04:54] Guest (Customer): that is the position fcn of a spaceship


Darren L (Tutor): Are these in Rectangular form?

Guest (Customer): yeah
Darren L (Tutor): OK
Guest (Customer): and the coordinates of a space station are (6,4,9)
Guest (Customer): the captain wants to coast into the space station
Guest (Customer): and i need to know when the engines should be turned off for

that to happen

[00:07:25] Darren L (Tutor): What can you tell me about the motion of the ship after the rockets are


Guest (Customer): there is no acceleration?

Guest (Customer): velocity is constant
Darren L (Tutor): Good! and in a straight line
Darren L (Tutor): so the velocity vector has to be directed toward the space station when

the rockets are cut


Guest (Customer): yes

Darren L (Tutor): Can you tell me what the velocity vector is?
Guest (Customer): ?
Darren L (Tutor): Oh! is that 7 - ... or t - for the z-component?
Darren L (Tutor): of the position vector
Guest (Customer): 7
Darren L (Tutor): OK, so it vanishes
Guest (Customer): yup
Darren L (Tutor): what rule do we need for the -4/(t^2 + 1)?
Guest (Customer): does that make it right?
Darren L (Tutor): you have an extra t
Guest (Customer): thats a -1
Darren L (Tutor): OK. Yes, that makes it right
Guest (Customer): so
Guest (Customer): whats next
Darren L (Tutor): Good!
Darren L (Tutor): We need v(t) to point from r(t) toward (6, 4, 9)...
Darren L (Tutor): how can we find that vector?
Guest (Customer): not sure
Darren L (Tutor): Can you give me a moment please?
Guest (Customer): yes
Darren L (Tutor): I have a website, but the Classroom browser will not let me open it
Guest (Customer): can you send me the website
Guest (Customer): as a link
Guest (Customer): through here
Darren L (Tutor): URL >
Darren L (Tutor): It's a great site, but I can't get it to open. I'm not sure if it has what we

need though


Guest (Customer): ok
Guest (Customer): im there
Guest (Customer): do you know how to do the second part of the problem
Guest (Customer): i mean make the vector point at the space station
Guest (Customer): ok
Darren L (Tutor): We need to find the time t_0 such that v(t_0) points from r(t_0) to (6, 4,

[00:33:30] Darren L (Tutor): In general, can you tel me how to find a vector that points from one point

to another?

Guest (Customer): ok
Guest (Customer): so do we substrac the two vectors
Darren L (Tutor): Good!
Guest (Customer): subtract one vector from the other


Guest (Customer): to illustrate the directional vector.

Darren L (Tutor): One position from the other (component wise)
Guest (Customer): yes
Darren L (Tutor): so v(t) has to point in the direction of...
Darren L (Tutor): <3-t, 2 - ln(t), 2 + 4/(t^2 + 1)>
Darren L (Tutor): Does that seem right?
Guest (Customer): yes
Darren L (Tutor): what can you tell me about two vectors that point in the same direction?
Guest (Customer): scalar multiples
Darren L (Tutor): Right, but I was looking for something that we can calculate
Darren L (Tutor): If the angle between the vectors is 0, what else is 0?
Guest (Customer): cross product
Darren L (Tutor): Great!
Darren L (Tutor): so we need the cross product of <3-t, 2 - ln(t), 2 + 4/(t^2 + 1)> and <1,

1/t, 8t/(t^2 + 1)^2>


Darren L (Tutor): Can you set that up?

Guest (Customer): a new board is worth it
Darren L (Tutor): I definitely agree! ;-)
Darren L (Tutor): Whoa doggie!
Darren L (Tutor): This is getting ugly
Guest (Customer): you solve...i solve
Guest (Customer): and then lets reconvene
Darren L (Tutor): OK
Guest (Customer): its easy to make a mistake here
Darren L (Tutor): SO true!
Darren L (Tutor): I found t to make the k component 0
Guest (Customer): did you try if that t works for another component
Darren L (Tutor): If we are on the right track, the same t will make all 3 components vanish
Darren L (Tutor): Working on that
Darren L (Tutor): i goes!
Guest (Customer): i got t=1
Darren L (Tutor): Me too! Didn't check the j component yet though
Darren L (Tutor): Woohoo!
Darren L (Tutor): It wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be!
Guest (Customer): j works
Guest (Customer): yeah
Guest (Customer): its still filled up my paper
Darren L (Tutor): That was the "Woohoo!" ;-)
Darren L (Tutor): Wow, great problem!
Darren L (Tutor): Give yourself a pat on the back!
Guest (Customer): thanks a lot
Guest (Customer): i appreciate your help...
Darren L (Tutor): You're very welcome!
Guest (Customer): you were awesome
Darren L (Tutor): I really enjoyed this session, and thanks! You too!
Darren L (Tutor): Thank you for working with me today! Please fill out the survey and come

back and use our service whenever you need some help!
[01:01:18] Darren L (Tutor): I should ask...
[01:01:35] Darren L (Tutor): Do you have any questions on anything before I go?
[01:02:43] Darren L (Tutor): I guess not. Have a great evening!

Jaimie H.
Session Date: 11/12/2008 11:00PM
Length: 23.4 minute(s)
Subject: Science - Chemistry
[00:00:00] Automated System Message: *** Please note: All sessions are recorded for quality

control. ***

[00:00:11] Guest (Customer): URL >

[00:00:22] Jaimie H (Tutor): Welcome to! My name is Jaimie, do you have a chemistry

question I can assist you with?

[00:00:35] Guest (Customer): Hi
[00:00:38] Guest (Customer): yes i do
[00:00:52] Guest (Customer): Methane, ethyne, and hydrogen form the following equilibrium


[00:01:53] Guest (Customer): Can you help me with this problem

[00:02:27] Jaimie H (Tutor): Sure! So we need to find Kc for this mixture. :) Do you remember what Kc

stands for or means?

[00:02:44] Guest (Customer): equlibruim constant?


Jaimie H (Tutor): great! That is part of it. :) Kc is definitely an equilibrium constant.

Jaimie H (Tutor): The c means that it is expressed in moles per liter
Guest (Customer): rate of equlibruim constant
Guest (Customer): oh
Jaimie H (Tutor): So that's why the problem gives us the size of the flask :)
Guest (Customer): oh
Guest (Customer): ok
Jaimie H (Tutor): Do you remember how to set up the equilibrium expression using the

equation given?

Guest (Customer): yes

Guest (Customer): I do may i do that?
Jaimie H (Tutor): great :)
Jaimie H (Tutor): that would be awesome :)
Guest (Customer): is this correct?
Jaimie H (Tutor): yes! great :)
Jaimie H (Tutor): Okay now we need to fill in the values so we can solve for Kc :)
Jaimie H (Tutor): Do you have an idea on how to do that?
Jaimie H (Tutor): (If not that is okay :) )
Guest (Customer): substitue?
Guest (Customer): with the values given?
Jaimie H (Tutor): close!
Jaimie H (Tutor): remember that Kc means that the values in the equilibrium expression are

moles per liter


Jaimie H (Tutor): we are given moles, but not for 1 L

Guest (Customer): yes
Guest (Customer): oh yea
Jaimie H (Tutor): Can we change the values from moles per 4.0 L to moles per L?
Guest (Customer): yes
Jaimie H (Tutor): great!
Jaimie H (Tutor): Let's do that and then we can fill them into the expression :)
Jaimie H (Tutor): do you want to do that on the whiteboard or are you solving them on

paper yourself?

Guest (Customer): lets do it on the whiteboard

Jaimie H (Tutor): okay great :)
Jaimie H (Tutor): let's start with C2H2 :)
Jaimie H (Tutor): we have 0.64 mol of C2H2 in 4.0 L
Guest (Customer): yes
Jaimie H (Tutor): Do you think you can solve for how many moles we have in 1 L?
Guest (Customer): ok i will try
Jaimie H (Tutor): great :)
Guest (Customer): .16
Jaimie H (Tutor): Excellent! You did that step perfectly.
Jaimie H (Tutor): now we just have to do it for the other two values and then we can

subsitute them into our equilibrium expression :)

[00:14:52] Guest (Customer): oh ok :-)
[00:15:10] Jaimie H (Tutor): :)
[00:16:28] Guest (Customer): can you start a newwhiteboard please
[00:16:38] Jaimie H (Tutor): sure!
[00:16:37] Guest (Customer): no wait maybe i can do it on this one
[00:16:41] Guest (Customer): oh thanks
[00:16:53] Jaimie H (Tutor): okay :) there is a new one if you need it too :)
[00:18:14] Jaimie H (Tutor): Excellent :) I see you have the Kc expression set up :)
[00:18:30] Guest (Customer): i got .64mole per litre is that correct?
[00:18:57] Guest (Customer): .147 moles per litre
[00:18:59] Guest (Customer): sorry


Jaimie H (Tutor): well, Kc doesn't have units :)

Guest (Customer): oh but i thought we are find Kc
Jaimie H (Tutor): right we are finding Kc :)
Guest (Customer): and you said c is in moles per litre
Jaimie H (Tutor): it is just a dimensionless quanity, which means we don't call it mol/L or

something like that

[00:19:51] Jaimie H (Tutor): just the number :)
[00:20:12] Jaimie H (Tutor): the values we fill into the equation for the concentrations of the reactants

and products are mol/L


Guest (Customer): oh i see

Jaimie H (Tutor): but Kc itself is expressed just as a number :)
Jaimie H (Tutor): 0.147 is great :)
Jaimie H (Tutor): do you need to put it into significant figures?
Guest (Customer): no
Jaimie H (Tutor): okay great :) then 0.147 it is :)
Jaimie H (Tutor): Do you have any questions about the problem or how we solved it?
Guest (Customer): thanks all for your support you are an excellent teacher
Guest (Customer): your one of the best tutor that i have worked with it was great

working with you today

[00:22:27] Guest (Customer): thanks alot for your excellent help and explanation and very

encourage and friendly

[00:22:31] Jaimie H (Tutor): Thanks and thanks for using :) Please fill out the survey as you

leave and have a nice night :)


Guest (Customer): the least i can do for you

Jaimie H (Tutor): Please come back again if you need more help :)
Guest (Customer): thank you so much
Jaimie H (Tutor): You are welcome and have a nice night!
Guest (Customer): Have a great night nope you explained it crystal clear
Guest (Customer): thank you for your help

Lauren B.
Session Date: 09/30/2008 9:22PM
Length: 31.9 minute(s)
Subject: Math - Algebra II
[00:00:00] Automated System Message:

*** Please note: All sessions are recorded for quality control. ***

Guest (Customer): URL >

[00:00:12] Lauren B (Tutor): Welcome to! My name is Lauren. Do you have a
Math question I can help you with today?
[00:00:18] Guest (Customer): o__o
[00:00:28] Guest (Customer): hi
[00:00:34] Guest (Customer): how are u
[00:00:39] Lauren B (Tutor): Great!
[00:00:48] Lauren B (Tutor): Do you have a question I can help ou with?


Guest (Customer): do u liketutur from ur home

Guest (Customer): yeah i have some
Lauren B (Tutor): Ok, what is your first question?
Guest (Customer): ok i have to graph this
Guest (Customer): and get y on the other side\
Lauren B (Tutor): Well, we want the y to stay where it is.
Lauren B (Tutor): But we want that -4 to go to the other side.
Guest (Customer): yeah
Guest (Customer): yeah
Lauren B (Tutor): Ok, great!
Guest (Customer): :P
Lauren B (Tutor): Now, do you have any ideas on how we can graph this?
Guest (Customer): yep
Guest (Customer): um
Lauren B (Tutor): Um, perfect start!
Guest (Customer): :D:D:D:D
Guest (Customer): :)
Lauren B (Tutor): You even did the dashed line!!
Lauren B (Tutor): Wow.
Lauren B (Tutor): I'm impressed.
Lauren B (Tutor): What is the last thing we have to do now?
Guest (Customer): =]
Guest (Customer): :)
Lauren B (Tutor): So perfect!
Guest (Customer): ::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Lauren B (Tutor): I'm glad I could watch you do this all by yourself. =P
Lauren B (Tutor): *does a happy dance*
Guest (Customer): can i do a another hard one
Lauren B (Tutor): Sure!
Guest (Customer): )()()(
Guest (Customer): hehe
Guest (Customer): ok the ultimate test >:)
Guest (Customer): booo :O
Lauren B (Tutor): I believe in you!
Guest (Customer): hehe
Guest (Customer): that was not to bad eyy
Lauren B (Tutor): Not at all!!
Lauren B (Tutor): Oops! check the sign on the 6y!!!
Lauren B (Tutor): Oh, you got it.
Guest (Customer): O__O
Lauren B (Tutor): You saved it! way to go!
Guest (Customer): oh :P
Guest (Customer): :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Lauren B (Tutor): Ok, keep going!
Guest (Customer): its a steal
Guest (Customer): :)
Lauren B (Tutor): You're almost there!
Lauren B (Tutor): You flipped that inequality like a pro.
Guest (Customer): O__O
Guest (Customer): lots of redusing
Lauren B (Tutor): So, what is your final inequality?
Guest (Customer): O_O
Guest (Customer): O_________________O
Guest (Customer): waht happen
Lauren B (Tutor): Sorry, I put up a new whiteboard

[00:12:41] Guest (Customer): LOL

[00:12:37] Lauren B (Tutor): Your work is still there
[00:12:44] Guest (Customer): LOL
[00:12:49] Guest (Customer): :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
[00:12:55] Guest (Customer): oh cool
[00:12:56] Lauren B (Tutor): So you have more room.
[00:13:06] Guest (Customer): all i need is the last step
[00:13:13] Lauren B (Tutor): You can click there on your tabs.
[00:13:25] Lauren B (Tutor): Your work is on Whiteboard 2.
[00:13:44] Guest (Customer): oh isee
[00:14:13] Guest (Customer): :)
[00:14:13] Lauren B (Tutor): Where is the x?
[00:14:25] Guest (Customer): :D:D:D
[00:14:27] Guest (Customer): O_O
[00:14:29] Lauren B (Tutor): And 30/6 isn't 1/5......
[00:14:35] Guest (Customer): :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
[00:14:50] Guest (Customer): o_______O
[00:14:49] Lauren B (Tutor): It's just 5. =)
[00:15:16] Guest (Customer): u mean 5 over one
[00:15:18] Guest (Customer): :)
[00:15:14] Lauren B (Tutor): Right.
[00:15:24] Guest (Customer): +}
[00:16:11] Lauren B (Tutor): Lookin great so far!
[00:16:23] Guest (Customer): opps i forgot the greatersign
[00:16:48] Guest (Customer): it was that
[00:16:43] Lauren B (Tutor): Nice catch.
[00:16:57] Guest (Customer): hehe
[00:16:52] Lauren B (Tutor): So, less than or equal to?
[00:17:05] Guest (Customer): i allways catch my mistakes
[00:17:15] Guest (Customer): sometimes 8___8
[00:17:14] Lauren B (Tutor): =)
[00:17:27] Lauren B (Tutor): So where do we shade?
[00:17:35] Lauren B (Tutor): Perfect!!
[00:17:44] Guest (Customer): :)
[00:17:48] Guest (Customer): lower
[00:17:41] Lauren B (Tutor): And..... Mickey Mouse?
[00:17:52] Guest (Customer): :)
[00:18:03] Guest (Customer): thats the part of the anwer
[00:18:06] Guest (Customer): :)
[00:18:18] Guest (Customer): :D:D:D:D:D
[00:18:29] Guest (Customer): thats a artist
[00:18:34] Lauren B (Tutor): Oh, you better put that Mickey in there. We want to make
sure you get full credit!
[00:18:49] Guest (Customer): yeah
[00:18:58] Guest (Customer): extra credit on the test
[00:18:52] Lauren B (Tutor): No answer is complete without a Mickey. It's a good rule to
live by. =)
[00:19:00] Guest (Customer): :)
[00:19:04] Guest (Customer): thats important
[00:19:01] Lauren B (Tutor): =D
[00:19:23] Guest (Customer): i always put smile faces on the aners that im not sure on
[00:19:36] Guest (Customer): =)
[00:19:43] Guest (Customer): can i do one last one
[00:19:40] Lauren B (Tutor): Well, do you have any other questions today?
[00:19:42] Lauren B (Tutor): Sure!

[00:19:55] Guest (Customer): i hope i dont make anymore silly mistakes

[00:19:58] Guest (Customer): :):):):):)
[00:20:26] Guest (Customer): ok
[00:21:00] Lauren B (Tutor): Alright, work your magic!
[00:21:26] Guest (Customer): u know that windows 7 will have tuoch screens so it will be
easy to draw
[00:22:18] Lauren B (Tutor): Yep, keep going!
[00:22:25] Lauren B (Tutor): Nice flip. I give it a 10!
[00:22:41] Guest (Customer): yeah this is like the finals
[00:22:58] Lauren B (Tutor): Uh, how did our 5 transform into a
[00:23:00] Lauren B (Tutor): 15?
[00:23:27] Guest (Customer): oh it was a 15 from the start
[00:23:25] Lauren B (Tutor): Ah, got it.
[00:23:29] Lauren B (Tutor): Continue.
[00:23:52] Guest (Customer): :):):):) sorry for a bad drawing
[00:24:01] Lauren B (Tutor): No problem! Just checking as you go. =)
[00:24:12] Guest (Customer): :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
[00:24:10] Lauren B (Tutor): Yep!!
[00:24:27] Guest (Customer): ooooo
[00:26:09] Guest (Customer): >:)
[00:26:08] Lauren B (Tutor): You're doing great!
[00:26:54] Guest (Customer): :D:D:D:D:D:D
[00:27:05] Guest (Customer): :D:D:D:D
[00:26:59] Lauren B (Tutor): "And the crowd goes wild!!!"
[00:27:17] Guest (Customer): :D
[00:27:20] Guest (Customer): he did it
[00:27:16] Lauren B (Tutor): "And they wave their Mickey hats in the air"
[00:27:32] Guest (Customer): (roar )
[00:27:49] Guest (Customer): the greater way
[00:27:52] Guest (Customer): :D
[00:27:47] Lauren B (Tutor): "Announcer: Never has this been attempted and executed
with such style, such finesse, such precision!"
[00:27:57] Lauren B (Tutor): All to say: good job.
[00:28:14] Guest (Customer): TY
[00:28:17] Lauren B (Tutor): As you younger folk say: YW
[00:28:38] Guest (Customer): lol i dont know how u make such a good face on mickey
[00:28:44] Lauren B (Tutor): Practice practice practice
[00:29:00] Guest (Customer): exatly
[00:29:11] Guest (Customer): yeah i just learned that today
[00:29:22] Guest (Customer): but i have a test tommarrow :(
[00:29:17] Lauren B (Tutor): Well, it has been extraordinarily fun working with you today.
Thanks for being such a hard worker!
[00:29:52] Guest (Customer): >:) now since we practice now i wil able to own the test
[00:29:52] Lauren B (Tutor): Woot woot!
[00:30:13] Guest (Customer): meaw
[00:30:17] Guest (Customer): :P
[00:30:17] Lauren B (Tutor): Thanks so much for using! If you would fill out the
quick survey that pops up when you leave, I would appreciate it greatly! =)
[00:30:29] Lauren B (Tutor): Have a great night, and have fun owning the test tomorrow!
[00:30:45] Guest (Customer): that alway the funnest thing to do
[00:30:51] Guest (Customer): do they treally read that
[00:31:05] Guest (Customer): yeah ill own that test tommarow
[00:31:09] Guest (Customer): paow
[00:31:18] Guest (Customer): bang
[00:31:13] Lauren B (Tutor): Oh goodness. Have a great night!!


Guest (Customer): utoo

Guest (Customer): :)
Lauren B (Tutor): Bye!
Guest (Customer): God bless ya

Kia M

Session Date: 08/31/2008 10:11PM

Length: 44 minute(s)
Subject: English
[00:00:00] *** Automated System Message: All sessions are recorded for quality control. ***
[00:00:08] Kia M (Tutor): Hi! Welcome to!

[00:00:14] Guest (Customer): hi

[00:00:31] Kia M (Tutor): Do you have a homework question I can help you with? = )
[00:00:52] Guest (Customer): yea, actually I need help with writing a speech
[00:01:18] Kia M (Tutor): Okay. Can you tell me more about your speech?
[00:02:13] Guest (Customer): yea, it's a speech about my favorite t.v shopw, and it has to include a title,
characters, setting, what type of show it is, my favorite chasracter and why they're my favorite, why I liike
the show
[00:02:32] Guest (Customer): and I'm not really sure where to start
[00:03:44] Kia M (Tutor): That sounds like an interesting assignment! Are you trying to persuade your
audience to watch your show, or are you simply informing them about your show?
[00:04:03] Guest (Customer): i'm informing them about it
[00:04:37] Kia M (Tutor): All right. Well, let's begin with identifying a TV show that you like.
[00:04:44] Kia M (Tutor): Do you have a favorite? = )
[00:04:52] Guest (Customer): yea, my favorite show is Family Guy
[00:05:10] Kia M (Tutor): Okay. That's the cartoon, right?
[00:05:17] Guest (Customer): yea
[00:05:39] Kia M (Tutor): Okay. What is it about this show that you like? Give some specific things that
you like.
[00:06:21] Guest (Customer): I like how they make fun of real people on the show and about current
events and stuff
[00:06:42] Guest (Customer): it's really funny the way they do it
[00:06:53] Kia M (Tutor): Okay. Let me post that on the board. = )
[00:06:57] Guest (Customer): ok
[00:07:46] Kia M (Tutor): That's a very good start!
[00:07:50] Kia M (Tutor): What about the characters?
[00:08:00] Kia M (Tutor): Can you tell me a little about the main ones?
[00:08:54] Guest (Customer): the show is centered around the Griffin family, Peter, Lois, their kids Meg,
Chris and Stewie and their talking dog
[00:10:01] Kia M (Tutor): Good! Does the dog have a name?
[00:10:12] Guest (Customer): oh yea his name is Brian
[00:10:26] Kia M (Tutor): Got it!
[00:10:59] Kia M (Tutor): What type of show would you say that it is? How would you describe it to
someone who knows nothing about it? (Like me....) = )
[00:12:31] Guest (Customer): it's a comedy and what usually happens in the show is Peter usually gets
himself in some kind of trouble andhe and his family and friends try to fix it. and also the show is really
random and there's lots of really funny flashbacks in every show
[00:13:15] Kia M (Tutor): Very good description! I'll post it for you. ( You can print the screen later.)
[00:13:23] Guest (Customer): ok
[00:13:38] Guest (Customer): oops i was trying to copy and past it into word...
[00:13:45] Guest (Customer): is there a way to get rid of the line?
[00:13:59] Kia M (Tutor): That's okay. Don't try to erase it, though. It won't work. = )
[00:14:06] Guest (Customer): o ok
[00:14:39] Kia M (Tutor): Does the audience know where the Griffins live?
[00:14:54] Guest (Customer): yea they live in Quahog, Rhode Island
[00:15:42] Kia M (Tutor): Okay.
[00:16:08] Kia M (Tutor): And to finish off our list, tell me who your favorite character is and why.
[00:17:24] Guest (Customer): my favorite character is Stewie, becuase he's only a baby and he's smarter
than anyone else in his family, and the way he talks with a kind of british accent is funny, his football
shaped head is funny...
[00:17:37] Guest (Customer): oh and he's always trying to kill his mother with some crazy plan
[00:18:20] Kia M (Tutor): He wants to kill his mother?! That's crazy.... I'll post if for you anyway. = )
[00:18:54] Guest (Customer): lol
[00:19:10] Guest (Customer): it's really funny though
[00:19:53] Kia M (Tutor): That's a great description! You have a great outline all ready. = )
[00:20:09] Kia M (Tutor): What you want to do now is organize your ideas.
[00:20:37] Kia M (Tutor): You want to figure out the order of the speech. Any ideas how you want to

[00:20:56] Guest (Customer): with an introduction...but I couldn't really think of a good one
[00:21:47] Kia M (Tutor): You may want to use a popular quote from the show or an interesting fact about
the show. That will grab your audience's attention.
[00:22:12] Guest (Customer): i don't think there's a really popular quote
[00:22:38] Kia M (Tutor): Okay.
[00:22:40] Guest (Customer): what kind of interesting facts should i look for?
[00:23:39] Kia M (Tutor): Maybe something about the popularity of the show, how many people watch it
each week. Or you could mention the buzz about the show, what the critics think about it.
[00:23:45] Kia M (Tutor): These are just ideas, though...
[00:23:55] Guest (Customer): ok
[00:24:04] Guest (Customer): maybe i'll search for a fact right now
[00:24:22] Kia M (Tutor): That's a good idea!
[00:24:58] Guest (Customer): well what i found right now is that family guy is a controversial show or
[00:25:39] Kia M (Tutor): Yes. It is described as controversial among other things.
[00:25:56] Guest (Customer): should i mention that in the introduction?
[00:26:45] Kia M (Tutor): You could. That would be interesting. It may be even better if you could find a
direct quote from a source that describes the show.
[00:26:55] Kia M (Tutor): You can find reviews of the show online.
[00:27:13] Guest (Customer): and then quote someone who doens't like it
[00:27:24] Guest (Customer): that would be a good introduction
[00:28:08] Kia M (Tutor): That would definitely be good. Then , you could give your opinion and talk about
why you like the show.
[00:28:13] Guest (Customer): yea
[00:28:15] Guest (Customer): ok
[00:29:10] Kia M (Tutor): Very good. Do you have any other questions?
[00:29:41] Guest (Customer): how should i roganize the rest of the speech? sometimes when i write a
speech it ends up sounding kinda random...
[00:30:36] Kia M (Tutor): Okay. I think that if you start with something negative about the show, you may
want to follow that up with reasons that you like the show.
[00:30:56] Kia M (Tutor): Then, you could go into the characters, setting, and basic idea of the show.
[00:31:03] Kia M (Tutor): What do you think?
[00:31:21] Guest (Customer): ok. also, when i start out with a bad review, do I have to mention who it's
[00:31:32] Guest (Customer): i found a bad review but it doesn't say who it's by
[00:31:58] Kia M (Tutor): Maybe not the actual critic's name, but you should give a general source.
[00:32:11] Guest (Customer): like the website?
[00:32:58] Kia M (Tutor): You can give the website. Is it a newspaper's site?
[00:33:09] Guest (Customer): it's
[00:34:10] Kia M (Tutor): Okay. You could just keep it general with a few reviews and just call them
[00:34:25] Kia M (Tutor): We hear that often - "Critics say...."
[00:34:34] Kia M (Tutor): Have you heard that before?
[00:34:42] Guest (Customer): yea
[00:35:12] Kia M (Tutor): Me too.
[00:35:21] Kia M (Tutor): Do you have any other ideas?
[00:36:23] Guest (Customer): well for the introduction I'm going to say that critics say it's a horrible show,
it's controversial, parents don't want their kids watching it, and then I'm going to say why I love it
[00:36:47] Kia M (Tutor): That will get your audience's attention. Good!
[00:37:04] Guest (Customer): what about for the conclusion?
[00:37:38] Kia M (Tutor): Let's see...
[00:37:47] Kia M (Tutor): First, do you have any ideas for it?
[00:38:12] Guest (Customer): not really. i'm not good with introductions and conclusions
[00:39:11] Kia M (Tutor): Those are the most challenging parts of speeches and essays. Maybe you could
encourage the audience to do something. It's good to end with a suggestion or idea for the listeners.

[00:39:32] Guest (Customer): so should i maybe tell them to watch the show?
[00:40:06] Kia M (Tutor): You could. Or to watch a show that they like, regardless of its reviews. = )
[00:40:23] Guest (Customer): oh that's a good idea
[00:40:52] Kia M (Tutor): I'm glad you like it. = )
[00:40:56] Kia M (Tutor): Do you have any other questions?
[00:41:05] Guest (Customer): nope i'm good
[00:41:09] Guest (Customer): thanks :)
[00:41:33] Kia M (Tutor): You're welcome!
[00:41:38] Kia M (Tutor): Thanks for using! Please fill out the survey, and come back to use the
service again!
[00:41:47] Guest (Customer): k
[00:41:53] Kia M (Tutor): Enjoy your evening! Bye!
[00:42:00] Guest (Customer): you too! bye!

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