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Birthday Number 8

The farther from Number 1, the more complex are becoming the characteristics of Numbers. In most
numerological guides Number 8 is often associated with business skills and with the ability to handle money.
Perhaps, in the business world the representatives of Number 8 are showing themselves exactly this way, but the
true potential of this Number lies a lot deeper, and it is clearly shown by the list of famous people that were born
on this day. If one will take a closer look, he will find out, that there are a lot of artists and actors born under the
Number 8. For many of them the world of business is not really interesting. How the Birthday Number 8 can
manifest itself in their case? Let's try to find it out in the interpretation below.
If a person is born on the 8th of any month, he will definitely be ambitious, he has a lot of energy and he is
capable of a great deeds. This people are able to show a great intellectual and emotional efforts, often bringing
them to a leading positions in everything they do. They are usually a hard workers, but instead of the physical
work they will prefer to work intellectually or emotionally, knowing that the effectiveness of efforts at these levels
is much higher. Sometimes those born with Number 8 are experiencing some certain difficulties building a close
relationships with the others because of the magnetic force of their personality, which can sometimes be

Emotional characteristics

People of Number 8 usually have a very strong characters, they are capable of deep emotional attachment, but in
the same time they are often misunderstood, because it is not so easy to love them. They may seem cold
sometimes, while deeply inside they are very emotional, but they just do not like to show their feelings much.
Number 8 is expressing feelings through actions - doing something instead of saying it - and that's where the
misunderstanding comes from. They are capable of a great sacrifices, and they can be misused if they are getting
too attached to the wrong person. Being in love, most people of Number 8 would like to do just anything for
their loved ones, so it is better for them to choose their object really carefully. Those born with the number 8
have a magnetic personality and they are very attractive to the opposite sex. They have great strength and they
are sexually active, but they also have a spiritual inclinations, they are looking for a spiritual connection with their
partner, otherwise the relationship will not be long. The partner of number 8 should be the same strong, because
if he does not give satisfaction, people of this number may look for it somewhere else. Maybe it is not always
easy for Number 8 to find a suitable partner, but as long as this finally happens, they are eternally happy and they
will never think to cheat or find someone else.
Harmonious relationship with number 8 are something people are looking for. But in the same time it is not so
easy to achieve. The perfect partner of number 8 must possess a deep understanding and the ability to respect
the very specific nature of his spouse. People of Number 8 need a complete freedom, independence is one of the
most important things for them. Living next to them one has to maintain the spiritual fellowship, not to mention the
physical side. It can be said that probably there is not much people who are really able to fully satisfy those born
under Number 8. But if the efforts are enough - there is no better person for any kind of partnership, than
Number 8. Often they find a perfect partners in the people born with the same Birthday Number.
People born with Number 8 are really great, but they should remember that sometimes it is difficult for the others
to understand them. For their own sake they should not wait for the others to give them some approval, they
should avoid falling into the extremes. They should do their best to control themselves not to let the pendulum of
their emotions swing from one side to another. They should send their abilities toward a single goal, rather than
wasting them on the useless emotions. If they will learn to accept what comes to them, without fighting with the
whole world, they will be much happier and they will be able to achieve their goals much faster. They need to
develop patience and put their determination and perseverance in a strict balance. In this case they will be able to
raise up really high, because they already have everything, that is needed for success. They are smart,
hardworking, they have a great spiritual and mental strength, and in the same time they are artistic and very


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