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test cove 01238020 FORM TP 2010098 MAYJUNE 2010 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION PHYSICS Paper 02 — General Proficiency 2 24 hours READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY 1, This paper consists of SIX questions. Section A consists of THREE questions. Candidates must answer ALL, questions in this section. Answers for this section must be written inthis, answer booklet. Section B consists of THREE questions. Candidates must answer ALL, questions in this section. Answers for this section must be written in the space provided after EACH question in this answer booklet. 4, All working MUST be CLEARLY shown. 5. The use of non-programmable calculators is permitted, but candidates should note that the use of an inappropriate number of figures in answers will be penalised. 6. Mathematical tables may be used. ! DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. SECTION A Answer ALL questions. You MUST write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. 1, Testing of a new material to be used as an anti-reflective coating for eye glasses has yielded the results shown in Table 1 TABLE L Angle of incidence, t/" 30.0_| 40.0 | 50.0 | 60.0 70.0 Angle of refraction, t /* 23.5 | 30.5 | 380 | 43.7 48.5 eat 0-50|6-Y| 0-7#16-% F O-1F sin F o-Y¥o |o-s)| ofe | Oo | o- FF (2) Complete Table 1 by calculating the values for sin i and sin & (4 marks) {b) Use the readings from the completed Table | to plot a graph of sin 7 against sin f on the graph paper on page 2. (7 marks) (© Calculate the gradient of the graph. see aagh pepe — wri Gdulded A Vos. (4 marks) (d)___ State the TWO laws of refraction. fs Pe cay fe oh ey We a sn hs Seat pla F @ “he Sine Le eral iw iat s ech ee (4 marks) ; n= Sm) Sn) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01238020/F 2010 8 . a jz ql “ay He iS cea ‘in ae Sh. Sie POR Ey (©) Calculate the angle of refraction if the angle of incidence is 90° for this new material. “Ter eughe of sefmelion ~ 40" santas) = L — Capt) , Te SR A eyes SAFE 2 os) is 0.796 Lome =O. Hence T= Sm (O48) = S2 a (3marks) (© The anti-reflective coating works best if its refractive index is the square root of the re- fractive index of the lens in the eye glasses. Determine the refractive index of the lens that gives the best result. bed ny = refrachwe wdax Souk refkclee cee} “4 Or = Rhachve wee & leas & pe ght Sys) N= VA <\w2s = le (3marks) * Total 25 marks 2. (@)_ Define EACH of the following terms. @ ( 2 marks) (ii) Acceleration seeeeaee ee eae : ge eve fase «2 marks) iii) Linear momentum Toe pial aa Sie ale car le vhs wy? De oe = ee 2marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01238020/F 2010 (b) In 2008, at the Beijing Olympics, Usain Bolt of Jamaica reclaimed his title as the world’s fastest man. He completed the 100 m final ina world record time of 9.69 s. He accelerated uniformly from rest for the first 6.5 seconds, covering 60 m before coasting at maximum speed to the finish. (i) Calculate his average speed for the first 6.5 8. (marks) a d= bom ee t- &Ss € Be CO « FIsame” b&S (ii) What was his maximum. A? Ai a eA eR, ade Lok f thew ad Ala vepmred Can gtte A: Wepse L~cedm tb bas sxe = ASS. 1p Ae! & “4 : (marks) Gil) What was his acceleration during the first 6.5 s? (2 marks) (iv) a) What MAJOR form of energy did BOLT possess when le crossed the finish line? ; Keaibi dau aa ea (i mark) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01238020/F 2010 b) Calculate the value of this energy if his mass was 86 kg. m= 3G x n Eye amv" a u £,- 4(s6) (10-3) el be Ss 4561 FET ‘Total 15 marks 3 () A student connects the circuit in Figure 1 below to investigate rectification using a single diode. Figure 1 GSkeich the. —t graph when switch Sis open. ‘ (mark) (i) Sketch the V,,—t graph across diode D when switch S is closed, (mark) . GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01238020/F 2010 Me laste nae aT Gi) Sketch the V—t graph across a battery power source, W (1 mark) (iv) What is the similarity in the voltage between (ii) and (iii)? 0 “Sal oe Dc walleye s acc neee eee (Cimark) (¥) How can youuse the circuit in Figure 1 to determine whether or not a semiconduc- tor diode is defective? sa thd dergrem Arrest coll silos penal digde, ts i Greed Ks tit He diale Mot ob Se tls plat ve veverse bod yeabit Cumenl Flaws in Hor stele, Hn Ma ded dctehve. ( 2 marks) (®) — @_—_ The truth table of a logic gate is shown below for inputs A and B and output C. c A 0 1 1 oom eles 1 I l 0 State the type of logic gate. and — Ci mark ) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01238020/F 2010 (iy 01238020/F 2010 ‘Complete the truth table for the following logic circuit ——> 3% > A B c D E 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 t ® plaid 1 1 | 0 Oo (8marks) Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE SECTION B Answer ALL questions. ‘You MUST write your answers in the space provided after each question. 4. (a) _ Withreference to the diagram of a simple d.c. motor shown in Figure 2 (explain how this motor works (5 marks) (ii) give the purpose of the commutator. (mark) Figure 2. D.C. Motor (6) A 24-V dc, motor was used to lift a small appliance of mass 25 kg from the ground to the second floor of a multi-storey carpark. The floor is 30 m above the ground. The motor, operating at 100% efficiency, works at a steady rate and takes 5 s to complete the activity. (i) Calculate the power provided by the motor. (4 marks) (ii) Caleulate the current drawn from the d.c. supply. (4 marks) Ifthe power required to lif the appliance was greater, what effect would this have on the value of the current? (mark) ‘Assume the voltage rating remains constant. a [e=10N Ke} Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01238020/F 2010 io, = Cx Ww essed hy i. oppake Bl Ped, oe me ekghere Coed & supplved 4. A cllceinhoil ax we Peter ih doce, £ fe vache bel iv yoluud i" S, Carcect vr Ping, Pe Qers uber e ge ave re ie date ce ent Passa Q Pte. la Eeasaalel <. degen ly Used eae dcesbon § corre Flo ‘ick Be Arwelare ond hentas canted the fe b spe we Comaglile Cuda chet QE Ws teka py pose wis tmabe elebial Codecl oh the Commuter ot ib tehfes WW The Coins hey supplies seidenall tone if Pabeily of if, cent avery 0" Spee LB ab « 8 mas d AL ee 24 yd neler ee 35 be small applivare ie ‘§ igi pw = Alen wad 0, éfhuwsy 55 4 coqhle fuk ier Dreier: lw eo fo PL but we det knew fo. Hens E- Fa. wv w)=Fd (me {éuaall ay Werk = Bugg] Be wes F= mg = 26K(D=7USOR + DP 98pe25 = 75007 Pole E- be °. Eg > ATID € 7s~ ~ Seow ‘lw Cue geal dia oe Dt supply? ys Hy R ISoOW oa PeIV i = 1S6% = (.64 Y\ aat WC) Fee grader gruer FE Hh. epelttnre, prov deny the Weihege rengas fe, HH Gained Halu uasulh Lene’ he wmerenged. 5. @ ) ACSEC Physics teacher gave two groups of students projects on Specific Heat Capacity ‘One group used an electrical method to calculate the specific heat capacity of a metal block. The circuit used in this method is shown in Figure 3. & ‘Metal block lea law! Heater Figure 3 Describe the method used by this group to determine the specific heat Capacity of the metal block. (6marks) ‘The second group of students determined the specific heat capacity ofa liquid. One set of results is described below: It took 300 s for the temperature of 0.1 kg of the liquid to be elevated from 25°C to 50°C. ‘The energy supplied was 13.6 KJ during this period. = @ Assuming that no heat was lost and ignoring the heat capacity of the container, detemine the value of the specific heat capacity of the liquid. (6 marks) (ii) If the liquid was heated twice as long, what impact, ifany, would this have on the specific heat capacity of the liquid? (i mark) Justify your response in part (ii). (2 marks) ‘Votal 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01238020/F 2010 fie weighs FA TE ladets sere a herdevinks amie Weck alg wll « Kecrmahers Thy retrcbd jhe raul Leagualne Tr). Toy 0 Consecled Hs Qaver supply and sorted $2 timer. They noled Ke Car rtd Tray Ike Great and abe mupsurd te Nelege aAlhrosS jhe heahew. Abe, Some hee, ye. Femnperefant fe Yea, Leb cheagzed Oh). Mt This gerd, Heedeahe cae shied and time re levded C4), “Freon He vabies 8 Garseat om LY ond Sollege dy) the shade cluded th poser mcppled by healer fee CTV en power sugeed fey wee able ddan He hl Eregy sugpled: £2 BE Hence E- mc a7) ae MG) 5, HY £2 Si50d ms on lks Tye 2s %. Tr = 50% B= wher Specie beat Cppuchy Fluid: E= me QT Sc. £ Re on ATR, ze AT= se-2e = Hence. C= NBb0O = 1BhvO L Suuo Siege ol x 25 gD TP Tigid hded doce 0 bony, His contd have wo mu pe on sfecrFe hed Gopnik, He (qu hg, gel fol cual) betel = a he mai f He lysd ok Wes ceslg fons gerefure cdha-pe - Heong fener % lana, ec Gb hoy wo Georg m ae mol. ‘You were asked to. present to your class, a comparison of alpha (a) with gamma (7) radiation. Compare these two types of radiation in terms of their @ range in air (i) behaviour in an electric field (ii) type of track in-a cloud chamber. == (b) _ Anuelear scientist proposed the following nuctear reaction based on an urtific tive decay process to produce energy. a + Boy ws Viggo ge 4 S6T ny + Remy 0 7] 34 38 0 Table 2 below gives the atomic mass for each nuclide. (u = 1,66 x 10°” Kg.) ; Table2 Nuclide ‘Atomic Mass /a In 1.00867 0 2a 235.08393 92 143 xe 142.93489 54 90 sr 9.90730 38 (Calculate the number of neutrons in Xenon (Xe). (2 marks) (ii) Detertnine the energy released in the proposed nuclear reaction. (4 marks) ii) I the energy released in an alternative, natural decay reaction is 9.98 x 10°°J, which would be the preferred method:for the production of a nuclear power —— station? Justify your choice. (2 marks) (iv) Give the reason for your decision in (iii). (imark) [e=3.0x 10' ms] ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01238020/F 2010 Write your answer to Question 6 here. ~~ Complete the table to answer 6 (a) @ Range in air ai) Behaviour in an electric field ii) ‘Track in acloud chamber ‘Alpha Shert rane 3-5 om Buds frvarel tj wt ES - hx ork sieve wofure Gamma fod rng due, Uneflehs S eheckeie Le Caso Uw 5 = 01238020/F 2010 END OF TEST bi): ‘ OF sed sans The # Neuhons> Als man — te orto akedhns® tgg-sy ~ 14 bi) Pasay relayed eichon F=mc Ms coat mast Gel® rteschen= abc meat afer veachen i | 28\ pie of} f \ 7 0086 1235. oy HB _ 2 296-0526 aay js) \ i ls paXeh astt) » | \ \ = | 1A2-43484\4 BY. FoF BOK, 3U1-cosbt)) * 239-SLEZ amy APs Fes. separe oN c. Dm-~ gob: oszbamu — 236: BBrLOnK sees m= (ons x 1-66 053992 xto-™?) = S00b2 x10" fy feat feme™ gs Seca (a. dx10%)” E- 8 t5%, 0" 7

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