Radishes Offer A Lot of Health Benefits

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Radishes offer a lot of health benefits. They are rich in vitamins, folic acid and anthocyanins.

Radish is considered an effective cancer-fighting agent. Vitamins present in radish can treat skin
disorders too. It helps in improving liver and gall bladder functioning. It makes an excellent
component to salads dishes. Let us go through the top 10 benefits of radishes.

Top Health Benefits of Radish:

1. Dietary fiber:
Radishes are rich in dietary fiber content which improves the bodys ability to digest food and
also keep the metabolism at a right pace.

2. Antioxidants:
Humans need antioxidants because certain oxidation reactions can produce unnecessary results
and by products which may be cancerous or make the body prone to diseases. Radishes contain
such antioxidants which are usually found in citrus fruits and vegetables.

3. Vitamin benefits:
The vitamins A, C and K that are present in radishes help to prevent skin disorders to a great
extent. The consumption of radishes results in better cell production and cell repair.

4. Iron benefits:
Iron available in radishes have positive effects on blood and hence on the overall function of
heart. Iron helps to maintain healthy cells, skin, hair and nails. Consumption of iron rich food on
a daily basis gives improves general appearances.

5. Metabolism:
Radish consumption boosts the metabolism process in the body which in turn helps the internal
functions to perform better.

6. Weight loss:
The high water content of radish and the presence of non-digestible carbohydrates make them
beneficial. Consumption of radish helps to avoid excess calories and fat accumulation in the

7. Muscle building and repair:

A lot many nutrients are needed in order to build up muscles. However, proteins are the building
blocks of muscles. Radishes are a very rich source of proteins, hence; it should be included in
your diet.
8. Cholesterol and heart diseases:
Radishes, like many other vegetables, reduce the absorption of cholesterol by signaling the blood
and heart help preventing any cardio diseases.

9. Skin diseases:
Radish is beneficial owing to the Vitamin C and antioxidant content. It is quite effective in
preventing skin diseases and inflammation. Regular inclusion of radish in diet results in healthy
and radiant skin.

10. Minerals:
Many minerals like potassium, iron, sodium and calcium found in radishes play an important role
in bodys metabolism. They act as oxygen carriers, pregnancy nutrients and even blood sugar
controllers. Also, they help in controlling blood pressure.

Radish: Skin Benefits

Radishes can prove to be a boon for your skin.
11. Hydration:

Radishes have good water content. This helps in keeping your body well hydrated all the time. It
results in a healthy and well-hydrated skin. It fights dry and flaky skin too.
12. Freshness:
Vitamin C, phosphorus and zinc found in radishes, along with its water content, help keep your
skin fresh for longer.

13. Clear skin:

The high fiber content found in radishes help you get rid of all harmful toxins present in your
body. This in turn results in a clear skin.
14. Good cleanser:
Smashed raw radish can be used topically on your skin. It serves as a great natural cleanser and
an effective face pack too.
15. Fights skin disorders:
Radishes have great disinfectant properties. These help fight skin disorders. It can heal insect
bites and stings. It can also cure pimple and acne.

Radish: Hair Benefits

16. Fights hair fall:
Regular consumption of radish is believed to fight hair fall problems. In fact, the juice of black
radish, when applied topically, is believed to stimulate hair growth. It strengthens your roots
from within and prevents hair loss.

17. Dandruff:
Radish can also fight dandruff problems. Make sure you include lots of radishes in your daily
diet whether in the form of salads or main dishes. Rub your scalp with radish juice and cover
with the help of a towel. After an hour, wash it thoroughly.
18. Shine:
Radish juice is proven to impart shine to your hair. Always use a fresh radish juice for best
19. Healthy hair:

Iron, found in radish, is essential for maintaining healthy hair. It helps improve the overall
texture and health of your hair.
20. Stronger roots and scalp:
The water content in radish keeps your body well hydrated. It also has cooling effects on your
body. Regular consumption of radish is believed to make your roots stronger and your scalp
How to select Radishes?
Radishes add a different crunchiness and taste to any dish. Here are a few tips to help you buy
good quality radishes.

Always look for medium-sized radishes.

The vegetable should be firm.
Look out for roots, they should be crisp. Soft roots mean they are old and well past their
prime time.
The leaves should be bright green in colour.
Leaves should be free of blemishes and be crisp.
The root should not be over-sized.
The skin should be smooth and not cracked.

How to store Radishes?

1. As soon as you get radishes from the market, make sure you separate it from all the
greens in your bag.
2. Use a firm brush to dust off sand or other dirt deposited on the skin.
3. Rinse it thoroughly under cold water.
4. Take a re-sealable bag and layer the bottom with few paper towels. Put few damp
radishes. Now put another layer of paper towels and more radishes on top. Squeeze out
excess air from the bag before closing.
5. The previous tip would help your radish stay fresh for more than a week.
Few ways of enjoying radish in your dishes
1. Wash and slice fresh radish. Now add a little bit of salt and eat it raw. You could even
add some butter.
2. Make a crisp toast for yourself and butter it generously. Now put thin slices of radish and
enjoy it with tea over snacks time.
3. Heat some olive oil and saut thick slices of radish. Sprinkle some sea salt and enjoy
eating them. You may also grill radish with olive oil and add sea salt.
4. If you can pickle cucumber and onions, why not radish? Pickle radish along with red
onions and use it as a spicy topping for tacos.
5. Use it as a filling in recipes like Zucchini blossoms.
6. Use it for chutney and serve as a dip for crackers and other veggies.

7. Enjoy it in soups
8. The greens of radish can be enjoyed in salads, stews, curries and soups as well.
So these were few of the fascinating benefits of radish. Radishes are much more versatile than
most of us think them to be. They can help fight health problems like jaundice, piles, cancer,
kidney diseases, liver and gall bladder problems, respiratory disorders and skin disorders as well.
Radishes were first cultivated in China years ago. The importance of radish can be understood by
the following fact: The broad spectrum of benefits that radishes offered were regarded very
highly by Egypt and Greece. They were so highly regarded that in Greece, gold replicas of
Radish were made.
Hope you liked reading this article and the information shared through it. Please share your
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Radish USDA Nutrition chart

Total Fat
Dietary Fiber

16 Kcal
3.40 g
0.68 g
0.10 g
0 mg
1.6 g

Percentage of

25 g
0.254 mg
0.071 mg
0.039 mg
7 IU
14.8 mg
0 mg
1.3 g


39 mg
233 mg


25 mg
0.050 mg
0.34 mg
10 mg
0.069 mg


Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin K


0.28 mg


4 g
0 g
10 g


A cup of radish contains 19 calories, 4 gram carbohydrate, 2 gram fiber and 1 gram protein.
Some other nutrients like 29mg of calcium, 0.4mg of iron, 11.6mg of magnesium, 23.2mg of
phosphorous and 270mg of potassium are also present. Since a good proportion of these nutrients
are available in radish, it must be included as a part of your diet every day.
Though sometimes pungent in taste, radish is full of nutrients. Daily consumption of radish tends
to keep us fit and healthy, especially in summers. Go and enjoy this root vegetable!

Radish, that common and beloved part of your salad, is a root crop, and it is pungent or sweet in
taste with a lot of juice. Radishes can be white, red, purple or black, and in terms of shape, it can
be long and cylindrical or round. They are eaten raw, cooked or pickled. The oil obtained from
the seeds of radish is also used in a number of products and beneficial health applications.

The parts of radishes that are commonly consumed are the leaves, flowers, pods and seeds. The
scientific name of radish is Raphanus Sativus which belongs to the Brassicaceae family. Radish
is also known as Daikon in some parts of the world, primarily in Asian markets.

Health Benefits of Radish

The benefits of radishes in the treatment or prevention of certain ailments and on certain body
parts are listed below:
Jaundice: Radishes are very good for the liver and stomach, and it acts as a powerful detoxifier
too. That means that it purifies the blood and eliminating toxins and waste. It is extremely useful
in treating jaundice because it removes bilirubin and also keeps its production at a stable level. It
also reduces the destruction of red blood cells that happens to people suffering from jaundice by
increasing the supply of fresh oxygen to the blood. Black radishes are more preferred in the
treatment of jaundice, and radish leaves are also very useful in the treatment.

Piles: Radishes are considered roughage, which means that it is composed of indigestible
carbohydrates. This facilitates digestion, water retention, and it fixes constipation, which is one
of the major causes of piles. As such a good detoxifier, it helps heal the symptoms of piles very

quickly. Its juice also soothes the digestive and excretory system, further relieving the symptoms
of piles.
Urinary Disorders: Radishes are diurectic in nature, which means that they increase the
production of urine. Juice from radishes also cures inflammation and a burning feeling during
urination. It also cleans out the kidneys and inhibits infections in the kidneys and urinary system,
thus helping the treatment of various urinary conditions that are exacerbated by excess toxins in
the system.
Weight Loss: Radishes are very filling, which mean that they satisfy your hunger without
running up your calorie count. They are also low in digestible carbohydrates, high in roughage
and contain a lot of water, making radishes a very good dietary option for those who are
determined to lose weight. Furthermore, they are high in fiber and low on the glycemic index,
which means that they increase regular bowel movements, which helps in weight loss, and
increases the efficiency of the metabolism for all bodily processes.
Cardiovascular Conditions: Radishes are a great source of anthocyanins, which are a type of
flavonoids, which not only give color to radishes, but also provide numerous health benefits.
Anthocyanins have been the subject of numerous medical studies, and have been positively
linked to reducing the occurrence of cardiovascular disease, and they have also displayed anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties.
Cancer: Since radishes are detoxifiers and are rich in vitamin-C, folic and anthocyanins, they
have been connected to treating many types of cancer, particularly colon, kidney, intestinal,
stomach and oral cancer. Radishes are part of the Brassica family, and like the other members of
that taxonomic classification, these cruciferous vegetables are packed with antioxidants.
Furthermore, the isthiocyanates found in radishes have a major impact on the genetic pathways
of cancerous cells. They alter the pathways so much, in fact, that they can cause apoptosis, cell
death, thereby eliminating cancerous cells from reproducing.
Leucoderma: The detoxifying and anti-carcinogenic properties of radishes make them useful in
the treatment of Leucoderma. The radish seeds are used in this treatment method. They should be
powdered and soaked in vinegar, ginger juice, or cows urine and then applied on the white
patches. You can eat radishes as well to aid the treatment of Leucoderma.
Constipation: Radishes are very high in fiber, which means that they add considerable bulk to
bowel movements, which promotes regular excretory patterns and relieve symptoms of
constipation. They can also help to firm up loose bowels and get rid of loose stool or diarrhea.
Furthermore, radishes are known to promote the production of bile. Bile is one of the most
important parts of good digestion, and also helps to protect both the liver and the gallbladder.
Respiratory Disorders, Bronchitis and Asthma: Radishes are an anti-congestive, meaning that
it decreases congestion of the respiratory system including irritation of the nose, throat, windpipe and lungs that can come from colds, infections, allergies and other causes. They are a great
disinfectant and rich in vitamins, which further protects the respiratory system from infections.

Blood Pressure: Radishes are a very good source of potassium, which contributes to a large list
of health benefits. Potassium has been positively connected to reducing blood pressure, because
when it interacts with the arterial supply of vascular beds, it can relax the blood vessels, and
therefore increase blood flow. It reduces the blood pressure by widening the flow of the blood,
instead of forcing it through narrow, constricted channels.
Diabetes: Radishes have long been known to have a low glycemic index, which means that
eating it does not impact blood sugar levels. It also helps regulate the absorption of sugars into
the bloodstream, meaning that diabetics dont have to worry as much about sudden spikes or
drops when eating, or being away from food for a certain amount of time.
Skin Disorders: Vitamin-C, phosphorus, zinc and some members of vitamin-B complex that are
present in radishes are good for the skin. The water in radishes also helps to maintain healthy
moisture levels in the skin. Smashed raw radish is a good cleanser and serves as an efficient face
pack. Due to its disinfectant properties, radishes also help clear up skin disorders like dry skin,
rashes, and cracks.
Fever: Radishes lower body temperature and relieve inflammation from fevers. A good method
of intake is drinking radish juice mixed with black salt, and since they act as good disinfectants,
radishes also fight infections that can cause fever.
Kidney Disorders: As a diurectic, cleanser, and disinfectant, radishes help in the treatment of
many kidney disorders. Its diurectic properties help wash away the toxins accumulated in the
kidneys and they decrease the accumulation of toxins in the blood, thereby decreasing their
concentration in the kidneys. Its disinfectant properties protect the kidneys from any infections as
Insect Bites: Radishes have anti-pruritic properties and can be used as an effective treatment for
insect bites and bee stings. Radish juice also reduces pain and swelling and soothes the affected
Dehydration: Radishes are mostly composed of water, and they are a great way to keep your
body hydrated, which is beneficial to many different parts of health. One of the most important
parts of staying hydrated is the impact of water on the digestive system. Staying hydrated
relieves constipation, improves the efficiency of digestion, and ensures proper uptake of nutrients
from the food we eat.

Radish or mooli has long been used in Indian households to add flavour to curries or
to make mouth-watering mooli paratha. Grown underground, this white tuber is
packed with nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants that can not only add years to your
life but can help you fight diseases like cancer and diabetes. Here are nine reasons
why you should include this edible root into your diet.
Reduces your risk of cancer

Cancer is a highly feared disease, but unfortunately it is not very uncommon these
days. Radish contains phytochemicals that have anti-carcinogenic properties.
Additionally, they have vitamin C which helps keep your body and cells healthy, thus
keeping cancer at bay. (Read: Top 10 food habits to prevent cancer)
Keeps your blood pressure in check

Radish has anti-hypertensive properties that help control hypertension or high blood
pressure. Containing potassium, radish helps in countering the ill-effects of a diet high
in sodium thus keeping your blood pressure in check. (Read: Eat radish to beat high
Good for diabetics

Insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas is responsible in the absorption of

glucose. Diabetics are either unable to absorb the insulin their body produces or
unable to produce insulin at all. Because of this, they cannot eat sugary or starchy
foods. High in fibre, and with a low glycaemic index, diabetics can enjoy radish as it
doesnt cause blood sugar levels to rise.
Beats cold and cough

If youre prone to constant cough and cold, it might be a good idea to include radish in
your diet. The vegetable has anti-congestive properties which helps in clearing the
mucus formed in your throat. Additionally, radish also improves your immunity
which keeps infections that lead to cold and cough at bay!
Helps you recover from jaundice

Radish is powerful when it comes to eliminating toxins. This helps keep your liver
and stomach in mint condition. What makes radish effective in controlling jaundice is
that it helps regulate the amount of bilirubin in the blood and increases the oxygen
supply within the body. This helps keep a check on the destruction of red blood cells
caused by jaundice.

Fights constipation

Most people will have battled constipation in their life and it is definitely not a
pleasant condition to be in. Radish has a high fibre content which helps clear the food
stuck in your colon. Additionally, it helps facilitate the secretion of bile which again is
good for your digestive system. (Read: Home remedies for constipation)
Helps with weight loss

Radish is extremely low in calories, and the fibre content in them leaves you feeling
fuller. With a single 100g serving containing just 16 calories, radish can be a part of
any weight loss diet.
Relieves the sting of an insect bite

Insect bites can be very irritating and if not treated, they can lead to further
complications. Radish has anti-priuritic properties which makes it an effective cure for
such bites. Radish juice can also be used to bring down inflammation, reduce pain and
soothe the bitten area. (Read: No stings attached! Home remedies for insect bites)
Keeps you looking younger

Containing vitamin C and antioxidants, radish can be eaten to prevent your skin from
free-radical damage. You can even apply crushed, raw radish on your skin as it has
cleansing properties.
All these properties make radish a must-buy next time you go grocery shopping.

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