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Various types of pavement bitumen were used in the construction of roads and highways
in the developed countries and in countries that are developing as our country, Malaysia. Now,
pavement bitumen widely use because it has a long design life span in addition to be able to play
a role as expected at a high quality pavement. As a result of the increased traffic load from time
to time, road structure designed should have durability and can provide high service. Durability
and guarantee good service road structure to bear the burden of the high traffic that much
depends on the strength and stability of a road pavement.
One of the important factors that can guarantee a fully functional pavement well is
depends on the mixture of the pavement itself in the construction of roads. A mix of pavement
materials in accordance with the specifications prescribed very plays an important role in
providing a flat surface and give comfort to its users while maintaining the features and attributes
that must be present on the pavement.
Mixture of bitumen is a mixture that contains aggregate, bitumen and filler fastened into
a mixture of strong and usually used in the construction of flexible. Aggregate played an
important role in determining the nature and characteristics of pavement in preparing the
structure of mutual-lock. Bitumen binders are materials that have properties of visco-elastic are
very influenced by the temperature factor and also a high traffic load. Binder acts as glue
between aggregate particles with layer below the surface of the road. While the filler material
will fill the hollow-cavity found between a mixture of aggregates and binders in providing
additional strength in the design of bituminous pavement.
Common materials used in the production of mixture asphalt concrete are bitumen which
is a binder to bind the aggregate to produce stable mixture and strong, the aggregate is provides
mutually lock structure, bear the burden of traffic and by channeling them to the layer below. On
the other hand function as filler material is to fill the cavity-cavities in the mixtures and fixes a
bitumen pavement more durable as well as reduces discharge.
The research problem is bituminous mixture which is not designed properly can cause
structural failure premature road due to lack of capacity bitumen adhesion quality. Among the
common failures found is disintegration fracture failure and instability. In addition, damage to

the flexible pavement that often occur as cracks, surface deformation and surface defects. These
problems can cause discomfort as well as endangering the safety of road users themselves.
The objectives on this research is to designing and preparing the typical samples of mix
bituminous and conduct tests on samples such as resilience modulus, static creep test and
dynamic creep test.
Over the years, contents of bitumen in asphalt has been reviewed and perceived
differently from various research. Studies in this topic have been researches focusing on the
various aspect and approaches towards an improvement of asphalt pavements quality. Based on
studies that have been done by Wan Rohaya (2010) modify the asphalt using the waste HDPE is
one of the effort to produce durable and long service life of asphalt pavement. On this research,
the modification of asphalt mixture was proposed to evaluate the effect of using HDPE in pallet
form as coarse aggregate replacement on 80/100 grade penetration bitumen and also to develop
optimum quality of modified asphalt mixture content HDPE as aggregate replacement. As a
result, HDPE was found can manage the ability of asphalt mix to resist permanent if the
appropriate percent of HDPE content use. In the construction and rehabilitation of asphalt
pavement, warm mix recycled asphalt with bitumen emulsion is one of the technique that can be
used. Other than that, this technology allows to reduce energy cost in the manufacture of the new
mixture ( Marisa, et. al, 2012)
YLVA Edwards (2011) in her research called Influence of waxes on bitumen and asphalt
concreate mixture performance indicated that the magnitude and type of effect on bitumen
rheology depends on the bitumen itself, type of crystallizing fraction in the bitumen and/ or type
and amount of addictive used. Bitumen composition was found to be if decisive importance.
Differ to the research by Xiaohu Lu (2007) stated that the effect of wax on bitumen quality and
asphalt mixture performance depends on many factors and may include the chemical
composition of the bitumen and particularly the nature wax. The rheological effect of bitumen
waxes and the impact of waxy bitumens on asphalt mixture performance is rutting, low
temperature cracking and water sensitivity.
Saeed G.J, et. al, (2012) indicated that the interfacial adhersion between polymer
modified bitumen and filler particles increase fatigue life. While thermal stress restrained

specimen test on bitumen mastics indicate that particles size has not influence on the failure
stress or failure temperature. In addition, Kemas A.Zamhari, et. al, (2009) on their research
called Characteristic of rejuvenated bitumen with used lubricating oil as rejuvenating agent
indicated used lubricating oil can be used as rejuvenating agent in reclaiming asphalt pavement.
However, for a safe handling during asphalt mixing operation, the flash point of the used oil
should be increased. According to Didier Lesuer (2008), the use of bitumen as a construction
material dates back to antiquity. The materials in use then were mostly naturally occurring in
contrast to modern bitumens which have become highly technical artificial materials.
S.Binet et. al, (2002) indicated that the sulfur analogues of PAH (SPAH) in bitumen
fumes have a higher concentration than the PAH of similar molecular weight, whereas the SPAH
in coal-tar fumes have a much lower concentration than the corresponding PAH. This may
explain why the more polar adducts have been detected only in animals exposed to bitumen
fume. In a skin carcinogenicity study of condensed asphalt roofing fumes, it has been
demonstrated that the most active fractions were those containing a variety of aromatic SPAH.

Didier Lesueur. 2008. The colloidal structure of bitumen: Consequences on the rheology and on
the mechanisms of bitumen modification. Madrid : Spain.
Kemas A Zamhari, Madi Hermadi, Choy Wai Fun. 2009. Characteristics of Rejuvenated
Bitumen with Used Lubricating Oil as Rejuvenating Agent. Faculty of Civil and
Environmental Engineering: University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.
Marisa Dinis-Almeid, Joo Castro-Gomes, Maria de Lurdes Antunes. 2012. Mix design
considerations for warm mix recycled asphalt with bitumen emulsion. University of
Beira: Portugal.
Saeed Ghaffarpour Jahromi, Shahram Vossough, Behrooz Andalibizade, Benjamin James Smith.
2011. Fracture mechanism in bitumen, modified bitumen and asphalt mixes. Department
of Civil Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran: Iran,
Department of Chemistry, Queens University: Kingston Ontario: Canada.
S. Bineta, A. Pfohl-Leszkowiczb, H. Brandtc, M. Lafontainea, M. Castegnarod. 2002. Bitumen
fumes: review of work on the potential risk to workers and the present knowledge on its
origin. Institute National de Recherche et de Securite (INRS) : France
Wan Rohaya Bt Wan Idris. 2010. Influence Of Recycled Hdpe As Partial Coarse Aggregate
Replacement On Permanent Deformation Of Modified Asphalt Mixture. Thesis. Faculty
of Civil Engineering & Earth Resources: Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Xiaohu Lu. 2007. Effect of bitumen wax on asphalt mixture performance. Nynashamn : Sweden.
Ylva Edwards. 2011. Influence of Waxes on Bitumen and Asphalt Concrete Mixture
Performance. KTH Architecture and the Built Environment.

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