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How to Use FreeEach Jack as Resourceful MENTOR

To the GENIUS You Are
Genius is the ability to see with the eyes of the child and to reason and
write about what one sees with the mind and mastery of the adult.
Thomas Szasz

I am asking you to invite me into your calm and clear mind when
you are most at home and comfortable with who you are.
I begin with what I mean by Mentor-Tutor, the three key words that
describe what I intend to do with (note: not for or to) you who would
use me to become more you.
I begin with what I consider a MENTOR and a TUTOR is and does
so you can evaluate if what I offer as a RESOURCEmyself, who I
ammay interest you.
First, a few quotes that will point to what I think is most valuable in
human beings and the essential challenges of the Human Condition:
Wisdom begins in wonder. Socrates
This is what we can expect of a man, that he be useful to other menand
if he cannot be to others, then to himself. Seneca
For the infant, everything is part of the self. For the adult, self is a part of
everything. E. Chesser
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe
"It is the individual only who is timeless. If in some manner the voice of an
individual reaches us from the remotest distance of time, it is a timeless
voice speaking about ourselves." Eric Hoffer
While we are alive, therefore, what we have to give to each other is at
one and the same time the simplest yet most sublime gift--ourselves."
James J. Lynch
"Human beings are safe to have around only if their powers of execution
are balanced by their powers of understanding. H.A. Overstreet
"First of all we must be. Second we must not be abandoned. Only last
must we not be engulfed. All three fears often co-exist, although one or
another is usually dominant. Reuven Bar-Levav
Because it is easy, creating trouble for others is perhaps the most popular
way of avoiding boredom. Creating trouble for oneself is a close second.
Creating meaning in less dramatic and more constructive ways is more
difficult and hence less popular. Thomas Szasz
"He who is unaware of his ignorance, will only be misled by his
knowledge." Richard Whately
"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being
overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is a hard business. If you
try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too
high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." Rudyard Kipling

"Then what is freedom? It is the will to be responsible for ourselves."

Friedrich Nietzsche

Now, here is what I consider a MENTOR to be:

The etymology (historical study of the true sense of a word) of mentor reveals the
word shares the same language root as the word mind. Mentor first appeared in the
ancient Greek poem the Odyssey (800 BC) as the name of a wise advisor and meant
one who thinks. The etymology of mind includes the meanings of think,
remember, love. Thus, the historical meanings of the word mentor point to what it is
a person does for another as their mentor: he helps that person find and use their
mind, their Source, their Authority.
I call myself a Mentor (see footnote 1 below for the revealing etymology of this
very meaningful word, along with two others I use to describe what I do) rather than
a: psychotherapist/counsellor (too expertish, status laden), because I know there are
no professional experts when it comes to helping another person by talking with
them. The degree of maturity a person has achieved I think is the best assurance that a
person may be able to help you in better understanding and adapting to the inevitable
difficulties every human being must face. My definition of maturity is: the proven
ability to use reason, humor, knowledge and sympathy to cultivate Responsible
Personal Freedom as the open-ended answer to the continuous question of What
makes a good Human Being ?
Here are the things, in order, I need you to consider and think through to the point
where you can answer each numbered enquiry of mine relatively clearly and
I ask you to email your responses to me ( before we meet
for the first time online or physically for a brief, free, 15 to 30 minute introduction
where we can get to know each other a little and discover if we have sufficiently
mutality of feelings and thought processes, to take us to the next step of making a
verbal or written contract for me to become your mentor.
Here is what I need to know from you:
1. Tell me WHY you want to use meWHAT you want to use me for. That is, how do
you think I can help you BECOME the BEST that you think and feel you want to be.
By WHY, I mean WHAT is your main motivation, your most highly VALUED END
(goal or objective), that you want to achieve.
In this sense, the WHAT and WHY are the same: they are the central, focusing
VALUED END you want to use me to help you gain at this point in your life.
This VALUED END you want to obtain will be some event-experience in the future
that is (obviously!) different from the event you are experiencing NOW.
What you are experiencing NOW is, I presume, not satisfactory and you want to
change this in some way and to some degreeand this is what you will use me to
help you do.

This thing you want to change can be a person (you or another), a thing, or an event.
Whether this is an issue-obstacle-problem you want to deal better with or solve (or
dissolve); or, it is an ongoing state or condition you wish to enhance or get rid of
whateverI will work (and play) with you to help you achieve a change in yourself
that will, I hope, give you more capability of recognizing, acknowledging, and
adapting to Realitythe physical environment outside ourselves that we must deal
2. Tell me WHERE you want to meet me, that is, do you want to meet me physically
face to face, and if so at my apartment, or at your home, or??? Or do you want to meet
me online, via QQ (my number: or Skype or???
3. Tell me WHEN you want to meet me, the days, the time (my time in Beijing,
China, please)and how often each week you want to meetand if you want to meet
on a regular, set, basisor just when you feel like it.
Now about the cost to you in money and the billing procedure in exchange for my
Our first two one-hour sessions whether online or physically meeting are at the rate of
125RMB an hour; after those, if you wish to continue, my standard fee of 175RMB an
hour online and 200rmb to meet physically at my apartment, begins. (Note: if you
want me to go to your home or office in Beijing, the rate will be 225RMB an hour
with a two hour minimum for any single visit.)
1. When with you, I strive to provide the greatest possible undivided and unlimited
access to my embodied mind of 67 years of loving to learn and learning to love.
Simply put, I am capable of conscious, dependable, care (which is also called love).
I have matured into my Source such that I can be a useful Resource to your Source.
2. For the hourly fee, you receive FREE access to download any of my over 10,000!!!
(yes! 1000s of FREE books and 1000s of FREE articles) documents (in English), each
of which would cost you $10 to $100USD to buy. Also, you can download any of my
thousands of soft jazz and serene classical mp3s as well as any mp4 videos on a huge
range of topics.
3. For the hourly fee, you receive FREE access to download any of my 37 business
courses that you can do on your own or we, together, can incorporate into our
Note: immediately below are the etymologies (study of the true sense of a word) of
the two main words pertaining to this particular use of FreeEach Jack: MENTOR and




How to Use FreeEach Jack as Mentor

Note: immediately below are the etymologies (study of the true sense of a word) of
the two main words pertaining to this particular use of FreeEach Jack

Here are the things, in order, I need you to consider and think through to the point
where you can answer each numbered enquiry of mine relatively clearly and
confidently. I will ask you to email your responses to me (
before we meet for the first time online or physically for a brief, free, 15 to 30 minute
introduction where we can get to know each other a little and discover if we have

sufficiently mutality of feelings and thought processes, to take us to the next step of
making a verbal or written contract for me to become your mentor.
Here is what I need to know from you:
1. Tell me WHY you want to use meWHAT you want to use me for. That is, how do
you think I can help you BECOME the BEST that you think and feel you can be.
By WHY, I mean WHAT is your main motivation, your most highly VALUED END
(goal or objective), that you want to achieve.
In this sense, the WHAT and WHY are the same: they are the central, focusing
VALUED END you want to use me to help you gain at this point in your life.
This VALUED END you want to obtain will be some event-experience in the future
that is (obviously!) different from the event you are experiencing NOW.
What you are experiencing NOW is, I presume, not satisfactory and you want to
change this in some way and to some degreeand this is what you will use me to
help you do.
This thing you want to change can be a person (you or another), a thing, or an event.
Whether this is an issue-obstacle-problem you want to deal better with or solve (or
dissolve); or, it is an ongoing state or condition you wish to enhance or get rid of
whateverI will work (and play) with you to help you achieve a change in yourself
that will, I hope, give you more capability of recognizing, acknowledging, and
adapting to Realitythe physical environment outside ourselves that we must deal
2. Tell me WHERE you want to meet me, that is, do you want to meet me physically
face to face, and if so at my apartment, or at your home, or??? Or do you want to meet
me online, via QQ or Skype or???
3. Tell me WHEN you want to meet me, the days, the time (my time in Beijing,
China, please)and how often each week you want to meetand if you want to meet
on a regular, set, basisor just when you feel like it.

The cost in money and the billing procedure:

Our first two one-hour sessions whether online or physically meeting are for 150rmb
an hour; after those, if you wish to continue, my standard fee of 200rmb an hour
You will FREE access to over 10,000!!! (yes! 1000s of FREE books and 1000s of
FREE articles) documents (in English), each of which would cost you $10 to
$100USD to buy.

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