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It is not to be seized: It is not to seize began before twenty years haven-guessed/advised over Stefan a

Wewerka in the FAZ magazine. There it described as always volatile, which finds its home place in the
railway, behind Grimassen, setting and strong words hides itself. Its furniture and articles of clothing were
located to center of the 80's in the center of international perception, radiated the pavilion on documenta
VIII., designated after it. In the meantime it is more calmly become around that soon 78-Jhrigen, only it
works still impetuously like a small boy.
Still regard its flat steel bars inken, awake eyes the environment, flow that seeing into the brain turns and
echot as some sharp comment. , He says all rubbish, if for instance the speech comes on the center of
Berlin, and it entfhrt: The whole Friedrichstrasse, that Paris place, so a bad province shit - to place such
a thing inconsequential there! Really badly!
In innumerable fields of work Wewerka was active in the past sixty years: as Performer, furniture designer,
sculptor, Grafi more ker, mode creator, poet, actor. Studied it certainly architecture, from 1946 to 1951 at
the university of the arts in Berlin. Already at that time trusting unorthodox resolutions, he did without the
academic conclusion. I stopped. My teacher max thaws said to me: Congratulate! That was the most
correct, which you want with a diploma? They know, how it goes. `
We sit before Wewerkas master restaurant Stella di Mare in the citizens of Berlin UHL and road, where
he lives for over forty years. It smokes briskly cigarettes, schkert told with the Wirtin, by its conditions for
the Danish company Montana on the last furniture fair in Copenhagen, whom it wants to again realize in
Tokyo. He notices everyone, which passes: The Russian wife of the neighbour, the Galeristen, which sits
down spontaneously to us. Occasionally Mrs. Wewerka - genuine Kl - turns her purchases off and
disappears again. It makes the impression, it is grown up, so daily works the gestures here and views,
which it exchanges with the Passanten. Actually however Wewerka in its life usually elsewhere was, and
still he seems at any time ready to pack its bag and go to the next place, to explore to assume whose
characteristics, the dialect - its large talent -, to look for each other a dwelling - and briefly before it
threatens to become one from the native ones to to go again.
Unrest into an initiative lay Stefan Wewerka umzumnzen already early. Already in the second academic
year at the academy it started the first project with its fellow student Werner intoxication: Student
dwellings. Personally they removal two part-destroyed school building on the area today's citizens of Berlin
of the student village Eichkamp. The walls stood, the substance were okay , describe Wewerka. Out
pride halls `, that were concrete elements, drew in them covers into the high classrooms, established
cabinet walls from cheap wooden plates, inserted clothes and wash basins, installed a sill plate at the
window and a ladder highly to the Schlafkoje. The stools had geklaut it from the school. We built 28
dwellings. That was mad.
(falta un prrafo aqu)
The favour at the rheinischen temper let Wewerka pull 1954 to Cologne. On the search for work he
knocked on the office of William Riphahn. Where you come, my boy? Wewerka reflects konversation in
broad Klsch: from Berlin. `ah, from Berlin. How is the Scharoun? `Riphahn showed it then the model of
the opera house. Impudent as I was, said I Mr. professor Riphahn, whom you nevertheless thus do not
want to build. That is not Egypt in Cologne, fits. `Word by word! Its wife stepped to it and said to her man:
Haste you belongs, what the boy said? I believe, that am right. `
Instead of to a father figure, which was Riphahn at that time for many young architects, it struck Wewerka
into the office of the only little older Rudolf Schilling.It sketched there two houses for the Cologne city
center, helped together with Ludwig Leo in the meantime to the colleague Oswald Mathias Ungers with a
competition. We were always hungry , remember it.
To it it did not concern to radiate in the gloss of famous architects and have themselves their authority to
add. In the opposite: In its personal identification of architecture it participated since 1953 in the

conferences of the CIAM, the combination of the oldfront of modern architecture under the auspice of Le
Corbusier. Together with young colleagues from other countries - they educated the team X in the
consequence - it analyzed critically the principles of the fathers. A student, who wants to leave the
school, it wrote later, should rather humans with a conception be, rather a search than someone, which
is safe of its thing.
Wewerka did not present any restrictions to the search. In the following years it removed from practice in
the architect's office and dedicated themselves in designs and models for the earth architectures , how it
called the things developed from the topography. They were located in the center of its first exhibition
1958 in Vienna and work like visionary an escape toward center of the globe. It in addition, megalomane
aboveground structures outlined simultaneous - and painted. , He, the son of the sculptor Rudolf
Wewerka, explains the art is my origin. I make these things without to think.
Its drafts and artistic work veschrnkten themselves increasingly, also the places: Cologne, Berlin, Vienna,
only knappe the money did not increase. 1961 it pulled with its wife to Paris and worked one year long in
the office of Georges Candilis and Shadrach Woods, which it could do from the team X. The director of
building of senates at that time Werner Dttmann was it, which lured him from there back to Berlin.
Humans, Wewerka , copy Wewerka the intonation of the charismatischen colleague, come to Berlin, I
need each man. Wewerka broke the tents off in the French capital and returned to Berlin. Today it
regrets, without return ticket to have driven. Only once nothing ran there, and my family and me was
completely dirty. In Berlin nobody waited for it, on the contrary the colleagues stichelten: That built still
Possibly Wewerkas further life, he lets which happen before the Stella di Mare in Berlin Wilmersdorf in
such a way to maintenance SAM revue, would have gone into another direction, it it not in one winter
evening into the carcass of the Philharmonic Concert Halls would not have driven. While it throughmeasured the raw concrete structure in dawning light and Schneetreiben, a Volkswagen schepperte past,
continued and a man with Basque cap stepped out. Scharoun! That was the saving angel! I am hangdriven on the next morning into its studio and equal to Trade Union of German Employees-remained.
Well three years worked he at Scharoun in the Charlottenburger draft office, a kind father son relationship
, although or perhaps straight because their views differed clearly from architecture. Scharoun granted
sufficient free space to Wewerka. He took part in competitions, analyzed for the senate the citizen of Berlin
building of settlements, sketched the Reinickendorfer settlement earlyon : strict, parallel lines, between
which it platziert sent the necessary urban infrastructure and public areas.
Wewerka was nearly 37 years old, as it on switching of Woods to the Washington University in pc. Louis
was invited. He, that had defamed the academic consecrations, taught now as a guest professor
Architektur. After one year, he tells, offered the university to him a ten-annual contract. I thought of my
projects in Berlin and hesitated. Today Wewerka would accept the offer. We would have had thirteen
hundreds dollar each month. That was a heap money! To the parting Wewerka formulated its position in a
letter addressed to the students:A school of architecture cannot be a form factory, it must a place be,
where humans fight for the truth identification. The truth does not permit compromises, it demands
Its personal self-sufficiency retained itself Wewerka by the unbekmmerten change between architecture
and art. Back from the USA, he sketched housing developments for competitions and dedicated
themselves to chair sculptures again, with which he had already begun 1961. I destroyed boring chairs
and laugh the individual parts to new ones built up, he, however her was i.e. not possessionable wrongly.
Like the chairs also its designs bring the Sehgewohnheiten into an inclination. With the shifted relief of a
Ledoux front, to a distorted shop front or dancing appearing furniture brings Wewerka, the artist, the used
from the equilibrium and provides its own sphere.

The things eigensinnig to operate, thus he had to offend in the everyday life. Its last job as an architect
was in Aachen, where it was active as a guest lecturer. On the presentation of a planned extension of the
TH Aachen a Ministerialdirigent said of the government , here purges to Wewerka there in the
Dsseldorfer tongue impact, can I nothing at all with begin, which you frittered away there. Wewerka
erbot itself as saving advisors, was engaged and worked for one year within a planning team at the draft.
The office manager meant nevertheless sometime: You come always too late. `And: You remain already
times three days away. `knowledge you `, I answered, I must also still which for me make. `Nevertheless
nothing at all did not understand. In the meantime Wewerkas had made pictures and sculptures
sensation. Single exhibitions in Duesseldorf, Munich and elsewhere narrowed its architectural vein, it even
as the professor to the professional school for art and Design in Cologne were appointed - for painting.
Increasingly the listener in the restaurant dizzy before told life abundance became. Alone the
characteristic abilities of Wewerka offer a stop in telling rank: Observing, acquiring and provoking.Exactly it
used these talents also, when it began in the middle of the seventies to convert with the furniture
manufacturer TECTA of drafts for usable pieces. Some see in its M1 one democratic table , other pure
art, Wewerka however mean to me say the people: Your M 1 is a sculpture. That is a completely normal
table, which looks only differently, which gives another grouping. With the table and the chair B 1 the
break-through succeeded to it as a furniture designer. Straight one or to the sides turned, on arm
teachings rested or against the broad back ajar, the chair energizes to various seating positions. And - like
its creator - elegantly over standards, about those jumps over itself that Dreibeiner are not.
As insignificant are however the plastic chairs liked in the catering trade, on which we sit before the
restaurant. Wewerka wanted to set yardsticks in updating of the modern shaping with its furniture - also in
architecture, with as Hommage the documenta pavilion sketched at bad van the raw one, which stands
today in Mnster at the Aasee. Even in the mode left it with articles of clothing traces - a further elbow in
its mandrierenden personal record, which it does not implement more broadly. Because the present
pushes - the conditions in Copenhagen, its new conception for Tokyo are no more topic, but the Russian
neighbour is to support it with an imminent lecture before Russians. Which it will speak them? It gets
deeply to air, but then it laughs only and is again the young architect, who admires the clear and beautiful
one and whom a Schelmennase shows many colleagues, who hold themselves for star. Wewerka does
not know borders. They would be also only hinderlich, in order to redeem the demand of the modern trend
to transfer the art in the life.

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