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What is GOAL is a statement of the intended general outcome of an instructional unit or

program. It provide starting point for specific learning outcome...

statement about What is to be learned..
more specific statement of what the learners must "do" are needed
EXAMPLES The student will be able to apply proper grammar to composition papers..
What is Learning Objectives?
Is a statement of what students will be able to do when they have completed
lead related activities and good assessment
are tools to ensure your students reach your goals.
learning objectives are written in terms of learning outcomes:
it guides for assessing the learning of the students
it involves as a guides for teaching and learning
For accountability of lesson objectives must set Objectives as SMART
R-Relevant/Result Oriented
THERE ARE 4 main components of Objectives:
The ABCD model
AUDIENCE describe the intended learner or end user of the instruction
-Who are expected to perform;demonstrate
BEHAVIOUR describe learner capability
-must be observable and measurable
-What do u expect them to be able to do
CONDITION under what circumstances will the learning occur
-the equipement or tools that may be utilized in completion of the behavior
state the standard for acceptable performance (time,accuracy,proportion,quality)
WHY Learning Objectives Important it guides to
Selection of Content
Devt of instructional startegy
Devt and selection of instructional materials
construction of tests and other instrument for assessing and then evaluating student
learning outcomes
Focus on student performance not a teacher performance
Focus on Product not process
Focus on terminal behavior not subject matter
Describe a learning outcome

What is Learning ?is goal of education and the product of experience.
learning is used to convey the targets emphasis on the importance how student will
Learning target must be stated in BEHAVIORAL TERM
-denote something that can be observed through the behavior of student.
LEARNING TARGET clear description of what students know and able to do
LEarning target composed of
Content - what student should know and able to do
Criteria-are dimensions of student performance used for judging attaintment
5 TYPES OF LEARNING TARGETS Identify by Manzano and Kendall
Knowledge/simple understanding-This includes mastery of facts and info typically
through recall as well as simple understanding
Reasoning/Deep Understanding this includes problem solving critical
thinking,synthesis and comparing
Skills this involves something that a students must demonstrate a way other than
answering questions
Products this includes a sample of student work that demonstrate the ability,knowledge
and understanding reasoning and skills
Affective includes attributrs values,interest,feelings and beliefs.
ONE of the source of L.T
Blooms Taxonomy

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