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Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:

"In the American education system, more often than not any conflict involving the United States is our
fault to one degree or another, and therefore the behavior of the bad guys is justifiably explained by
virtue of our overreach or whatever we're blamed for."
"The United States government is kowtowing to regimes who are either dictator thugs or who hold
America to blame, responsible for their plight and the plight of poor people the world over. This is
"We are clearly a nation in decline and we're being told our best days are behind us. Obama's telling us
this. It's being taught. Ninty-two million Americans are not working 'cause they don't think there's any
reason to."
"Obama wants to have normal relations with Cuba, a country famous for its torture chambers and
political prisons, its violations of international law and human rights. That's being applauded and that's
wonderful. But the Norks? 'Well, their days better be numbered!'"
"It is clear, is it not, that in these six years of Barack Obama the entire country has shifted to the left,
including the Republican Party."
"Even though most people live their lives as conservatives, it's a phenomenon they don't vote that way."
"It's just obviously not healthy for a growing percentage of the population to think its own country is the
problem in the world, and I'm not talking about being nationalistic to the point of forgiving and ignoring
occasions when America makes mistakes."
"With liberalism you don't even have to think. All you have to do is feel the right things."
"The Cuban people are suffering because their leaders oppress them with communism, socialism,
political tyranny, and torture chambers. Nothing to do with the United States of America."
"There's a reason actors are relegated to make-believe, and too many of them make the jump from
make-believe to the real world simply because they portrayed a role or a person in a movie and they
end up thinking they're now qualified when they're not."
"Obama has relaxed and lifted all of these economic sanctions so he can legally import the secrets of the
Cuban health care system and implement them into Obamacare and finally fix it. Now, nobody else will
have the guts to tell you that."
"I never doubt my instincts."
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Unafraid"
On November 4, New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez was reelected in a landslide, crushing her
Democrat opponent by 14 points. The state Senate, controlled by Democrats since the 1920s, rode the
Republican midterm wave, flipping to Republican control. Sadly, Democrats still run the Assembly.
One of the first orders of business for newly elected Republican state senators in New Mexico will be to
repeal a law enacted by Democrats allowing illegal immigrants to obtain drivers licenses.
Republicans say this law has made New Mexico a magnet for criminals, many involved in human
trafficking and elaborate fraud schemes. Earlier this year, a federal jury in Las Cruces convicted a
Chinese national of running a ring that funneled fraudulent licenses to illegals.
But Democrats, are still Democrats. Even after getting trounced in the midterms, they wont admit the
law is harmful. Instead, they claim efforts to repeal it are anti-family. They say the children of illegals
will be hurt, because the parents wont be able to put food on the table.

Since Democrats still run the lower body, the outcome is uncertain. But at least state Republicans in
New Mexico are willing to fight to do the right thing for their constituents. They arent afraid of being
called names, or accused of harming kids, or having the drive-by media distort their intent, to make their
state safe again.
Certain establishment Republicans in Washington could take lessons. Will they? Ha.
Albuquerque Journal: Lawmakers Gear Up Again for Driver's License Repeal.
Quick Hits Page ... On the Rushwire:
"In the American education system, more often than not any conflict involving the United States is our
fault to one degree or another, and therefore the behavior of the bad guys is justifiably explained by
virtue of our overreach or whatever we're blamed for."
"The United States government is kowtowing to regimes who are either dictator thugs or who hold
America to blame, responsible for their plight and the plight of poor people the world over. This is
"We are clearly a nation in decline and we're being told our best days are behind us. Obama's telling us
this. It's being taught. Ninty-two million Americans are not working 'cause they don't think there's any
reason to."
"Obama wants to have normal relations with Cuba, a country famous for its torture chambers and
political prisons, its violations of international law and human rights. That's being applauded and that's
wonderful. But the Norks? 'Well, their days better be numbered!'"
"It is clear, is it not, that in these six years of Barack Obama the entire country has shifted to the left,
including the Republican Party."
"Even though most people live their lives as conservatives,
it's a phenomenon they don't vote that way."
"It's just obviously not healthy for a growing percentage of the population to think its own country is the
problem in the world, and I'm not talking about being nationalistic to the point of forgiving and ignoring
occasions when America makes mistakes."
"With liberalism you don't even have to think.
All you have to do is feel the right things."
"The Cuban people are suffering because their leaders oppress them with communism, socialism,
political tyranny, and torture chambers. Nothing to do with the United States of America."
"There's a reason actors are relegated to make-believe, and too many of them make the jump from
make-believe to the real world simply because they portrayed a role or a person in a movie and they
end up thinking they're now qualified when they're not."
"Obama has relaxed and lifted all of these economic sanctions so he can legally import the secrets of the
Cuban health care system and implement them into Obamacare and finally fix it. Now, nobody else will
have the guts to tell you that."
"I never doubt my instincts."
Most Popular Segments

A Tectonic Shift in Journalism

Establishment Looks to Jeb to Stop Tea Party

Third Party Rumblings After GOP Squanders Election Landslide with Budget Deal

Quick Hits Page

Millennials Shocked to Learn Hillary's Age

Obama Compares Troops to Santa Claus

You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

Monday, 12/22/14

Opening: Obama unequivocally condemns violence .!.

Segment#1: The president calls for patient dialog, police shooting
Are both sides legitimate? Cops are supposed to sit down with whom, cop shooters? Everybody who
has encouraged this kind of behavior has blood on his or her hands. Where is the Hope in this Change?
They bring a knifewe bring a gun; Chicago way; they put one of our in the hospital, we put two of
theirs in the morgue. That requires dialog?
Two were killed in NYC, one in Florida, another planned in the Bronx. How many voted for Barack
Hussein Obama to end unjust race prejudice? I would say, enough to get him elected. Things have
gotten worse. For the NYPD, it isnt over, anarchy accelerates.
The primary agents are militant Muslims, Leftist Democrats, universities, and the media. Pop culture
community organizers are making their voters insane with ragethere is no other conclusion. People
are not born with hate, they need to be conditioned.
To counterbalance hate you have people like you and me.
We live within the guidelines of the Constitution and the law.
>>> As they said on the Titanic, Thats just the tip of the iceberg.
Rush says this to indicate that he has a lot of analysis for today.
Seg#13: Media shakeup
There are things coming that will shake up political media. Talk Radio destroyed the monopoly of
ABC,CBS,NBC; it is going to happen again with technology.
Caller-NYC policeman: Your eBooks, books, and audio-books are great.
You see the belly-of-the-beast as a police officer. At least Pravda lied about the crops to build up
Russiaour Regime tries to tear America down.
Mainstream Media people are angry about anyone being able to broadcast and post. I dont know when
but in the long run America will survive. The last two elections were encouraging.
Ive been thinking of how the Republican leadership throws in with Democrats. We elect them in
landslide victories, and callers feel stabbed in the back. They see a pool of Hispanic voters, and do not
oppose Obamacare. Either they dont want the fight or they go along with it. Same with Big Spending. I
think it goes to the Washington DC ruling class devoted to having power. It is a lust for power to be
in control of spending the money.

Compare the beltway GOP with a state GOP.

The Tea Party threatens the Washington Establishment.
It is said that any group that is not actively Conservative, will become Liberal over time.
There is something else to do with a [worldview Progressive Attitude] :
People at the UN and the US State Dpt., they think they have evolved beyond American exceptionalism.
We are citizens of the world, and the U.S. Constitution is a relic.
>>> They are progressive and have moved beyond patriotic hicks.
Seg#14: NFL talk w/ one caller who calls his sons wusses
Caller-Dad: Kids just want peace and are upset w/ criticism. Wusses!
I saw that NFL game and the coaching was horrible! What would anyone be expected to say? My
Dad was also critical.
>>> [ED: That was a very short segment, close to the end.]
Learned from Sean Hannity (TV/radio) Take America back!
Inspired solutions for America. Can you even imagine what the families of these policemen (killed)
are going through. I have never been so livid, angry. It was to avenge Michael Brown and Eric Garner;
where did they get that idea?
Well have Mayor Giuliani, others, and Ann Coulter on the show today. ((Clip: What do we want? Dead
cops. When do we want em? Right Now!)) They have blood on their hands. Nobody could give an
answering how race had anything to do with Michael Brown or Eric Garner.
((Clip-Mayor De Blazio: We will support the families.)) He ran a campaign as anti-police-force. ((More
clips: Ive talked to my son about dangers he will face from police who are supposed to protect them.
From history, there is a fear. Many families feel that each and every night.)) There are political agendas.
President Obama is zero for three in reacting, speaking before evidence is in.
With some, it has been non-stop cop-bashing. The police have been assumed guilty until proven
innocent. This was an opportunity for all politicians to bring us together. Instead, the mayor of NYC
turned his back on them and so they turn their on him: they tell the mayor to not come to any of their

Tuesday, 12/23/14


Seg#1: Torture, pursued by The New York Times

The congressional staffers that wrote about the use of torture to support DiFi didnt recommend
pursuing war crimes against anyone, but The New York Times (which is picked up by others in DbM)
wants Dick Cheney prosecuted for war crimes.
De Blazio has no idea of how to be mayor of NYC. So much to day is invested in a lie. There are big lies
and little lies, from the current American Democrat Left. The radicalized Left is affecting this country:
they are tearing the fabric of America apart at the seams.
Community organizer/agitators from Chicago have moved into the Oval Office. As they move into
positions of real power, their stupid, cockamamie views have their destructive effect on our country.
They claim to be the tolerant ones.
>>> They are taking the rivet out of our society, happily.
This, right before Christmas.
Segment#2: Maybe the moaning dominated over her saying no.
Quarterback of Florida State, Heisman Trophy 2013 recipient, Jamous Winston was called into a studentcode-of-conduct hearing. He was picked up for shop-lifting in 2012 and also sexual abuse/rape.
While the Florida State U. was holding the hearing, others listened in. ((Reading: Did she resist you?
How did you know? Ans: She gave her consent both verbally and physically, moaning. Q: during or
before? Ans: both. That was her consent.)) Snerdley, dont you think moaning is consent?
>>> Maybe she was saying, NO! and moaning at the same time.
> > > What will feminists say of this? Are they bent out of shape?

From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Hipster Apologists"
Following the unilateral decision by Obama to normalize relations with communist Cuba, idiots in this
country began worrying about the horrible prospect that Cuba is about to be Americanized. Michael
Moynihan of the Daily Beast chronicles the asinine fretting from those he calls Castros hipster
Moynihan begins with the condition of American Alan Gross, taken hostage by Havana. When Gross was
first imprisoned he was 100 pounds heavier, had good eyesight and dental health. Released from the
country we are told has the best healthcare system in the world, Gross was blind in one eye, had lost
half of his body weight, and his teeth were in dreadful shape.
But it didnt take long for Castros hipster apologists to start attacking America. Matt Bradley of the Wall
Street Journal said he hoped to make it to Cuba before McDonalds and Starbucks get there. Marcos
Breton of the Sacramento Bee warned the Cuban people to beware of Pizza Hut, McDonalds,
American Idol, and the Kardashians.

Even our old buddy, Shep Smith from Fox News, told Cubans the last thing they need is a Taco Bell or a
Lowes. Shep wondered if the United States is about to get up in there and ruin that place.
Of course, the Castros have let it be known they are not abandoning communism. So all these worries
are groundless, the place is going to remain a sewer. The Cuban people will remain as poverty stricken
and oppressed as they ever were, and all these Americans can stay satisfied and happy about it.
Castro's Hipster Apologists Want to Keep Cuba Authentically Poor - Michael Moynihan
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"If President Obama really cared about unity, you know what he would do? He'd get back here for those
police officers' funerals and he would take the mayor with him."
"Everybody who has encouraged this kind of behavior on the part of average citizens against the cops -and we can't deny that it's been happening in social media, it's been happening on television -- every
one of these people has blood on their hands."
"President Obama was on the golf course when he was told about the two New York City police officers
who were murdered, assassinated, gunned down in cold blood while sitting in their police cruiser. And
according to reports, the president went back to the golf course after calling the New York City police
commissioner and the mayor and whoever else to express his heartfelt condolences. I guess playing golf
is how Mr. Obama deals with heartbreak and distress. Other people just riot and loot, but Obama heads
back to the golf course."
"We're supposed to have dialogue with the cop killers? How are they legitimate? But that's what
Obama's saying."
"I'm watching the news here during the breaks. I know it really isn't the news. It's just the short way to
tell you what I'm watching. I mean, I could say I'm watching the daily Democrat agenda, which is really
what the news is."
"I really believe that college professors, these pop culture false idols, elected Democrats, the media, are
literally making their followers, i.e., base voters, insane with rage and anger. I don't think there is any
other conclusion."
"Hate takes a lot of effort. Love doesn't. You either love somebody or you don't. You can't go out and fall
in love just 'cause you want to, and you can't fall out of it because you want to. Otherwise there
wouldn't be any love songs. But hate, that's easy."
"Hate can be manipulated; love can't. Hate has to be taught. Hate has been nurtured, it has to be
manipulated, expanded, and it is happening."
"You know something? I'm watching the news here during the breaks. I know it really isn't the news. It's
just the short way to tell you what I'm watching. I mean, I could say I'm watching the daily Democrat
agenda, which is really what the news is."

"As long as I'm here, it doesn't matter where here is."

Most Popular Segments

Lib Tech Blogger on Cops and the Military

The Left Nurtures Hate

All the Stuff I'm Steaming About

Quick Hits Page

What Is Thomas Loopy Friedman Talking About?

My Response to Obama's Press Conference

Infobabe Reluctantly Quotes Your Host

Buck Sexton, former CIA and brilliant Blaze anchor.

Seg#1: Ill rely on you, the callers, 800-282-2882, so call in
I was born and raised in NYC. When will there be some basic understandings of reality, such as police
support? What do we want? [whatever] if not, shut it down. They want to shut down part of the
Chris Christy did not shut down a bridgefalse reporting. But if an ambulance didnt get through, he
would have blood on his hands they said. Do they say this about shutting down a police dpt?
NYPD is the largest in the country, but the chaos sweeps across America. The mayor of NYC told them to
not protest violently, but they do anyway. I dont want to be told I have to respect their violent
We havent even had the funerals yet; they cant wait even a day for that. Where is the integrity and
decency? Last night, over 1,000 tried to shut down Fifth Avenue.
We would rather get on to celebrating Christmas with friends and family.
In Ferguson, reporters said the protestors were mostly peaceful, pay no attention to the buildings on
fire behind them. The anti-cop movement is not promoting violence? They just want reform? Calling
people racist and murderers is not the way to bring reform.
>>> This is Occupy Wall Street all over again;
>>>> Ill get into the differences in a moment.
Seg#2: Some are protesting to show displeasure with Mayor De Blasio

Before the actual funerals, there was a makeshift memorial for the two murdered officers, and police
attending were disrespected by protestors. They try to bully and do they get special treatment?
> Mayor of NYC, President Obama, and Eric Holder have not been helpful.

From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "We Saw"

Slate magazine, police departments shouldnt feel under siege. Slate asserts that police dont have a
motive for the shootings that took the lives of two New York City policemen. That despite the killers
own words, bragging he would give two pigs their wings and that he was motivated by revenge.
Slate says: When criminals kill cops, theyre punished. But when cops kill citizens, the system breaks
down and no one is held accountable.
Predictably, Slate attacks Rudy Giuliani for saying Weve had four months of propaganda, starting with
the President, that everybody should hate the police. Also attacked, a Fraternal Order of Police lodge
president who called out Obama, Eric Holder, Mayor de Blasio, and Al Sharpton for creating an
atmosphere of unnecessary hostility and peril for police.
Nowhere do you find mention of the threats and violence that came from the protesters, or the chants
and social media posts that advocated killing cops.
The entire country witnessed who fanned the flames. We saw Sharpton, Holder, de Blasio, and Obama.
We saw the protests and the protesters. And the endless interviews with liberal activists spewing
hostility toward the cops and the judicial system. The problem the left has this time, is we heard exactly
what they said. And all the articles from apologists, like Slate, cant take their words or their actions
back. You can try, but you can't do it.
Battered and Blue. Police Departments Shouldnt Feel Under Siege. The Public Just Wants Better Policing
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"I owe you all a debt of gratitude and thanks I'll never be able to repay. You've made so much possible
for me and my family. A number of you have often told us what the show means to you, and that's
great, but what you've meant to all of us means even more. Hope you have a great, Merry Christmas."
"The Tea Party is never going to go away because it's not a thing. The Tea Party is an attitude. The Tea
Party is a mind-set. And it is held by millions and millions of Americans."
"So much of everything that is attacking our basic civilization is the result of lies. Some big, some little,
but people believing them and acting on them. And people are getting killed because of it, and the
country is being torn apart because of it."
"Oberlin College has denied the request to suspend failing grades to give relief to black students and
demonstrators. So they denied the petition, denied the request. I guess at Oberlin College black grades
do matter."

"I hope you have a great remainder of the year and that whatever you hope and dream for next year
and the years beyond come true. Merry Christmas, everybody, and see you next year on January 5th".
"So much of everything that is attacking our basic civilization is the result of lies. Some big, some little,
but people believing them and acting on them, and people are getting killed because of it, and the
country is being torn apart because of it."
"We're dealing with facts right in front of our faces that tell us of a crumbling civilization. Not just a
crumbling culture, and not just a crumbling society, but a crumbling civilization. And, believe me, that's
what's at stake with all of this anti-cop stuff."
"I'm just wondering, how did Americans get poorer if gross domestic product grew 5%? How does this
"Here we are two days before Christmas, and we're still dealing with chaos, and we're dealing with crisis
one after another. We're dealing with facts right in front of our faces that tell us of a crumbling
civilization, actually. Not just a crumbling culture, and not just a crumbling society, but a crumbling
"When the incident happened in St. Louis, in Ferguson, Missouri, with the Gentle Giant, one of the
reasons that made legitimate news at the time is because it's rare anymore that this kind of thing
happens. It's rare, and it's why it made news."
"The incidence of police officers targeting and going hunting on black people, it's a falsehood. It is a big
"The Drive-By Media is blowing up because Sony has just announced they're going to show the movie. It
is going to play officially, not just in independent theaters, but Sony is going to release the movie, The
Interview, on Christmas Day, despite the threats from the hackers that they would blow up the theaters,
blow up Sony. This is a stark turnaround."
Quick Hits Page ... On the Rushwire:
GDP Grew 5% and Americans Got Poorer?... AP's Top Sports Stories Aren't About Sports...
Most Popular Segments

Lib Tech Blogger on Cops and the Military

The Left Nurtures Hate

All the Stuff I'm Steaming About

Quick Hits Page

What Is Thomas Loopy Friedman Talking About?

My Response to Obama's Press Conference

Infobabe Reluctantly Quotes Your Host

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