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2 Print Media
Newspapers: conquest, settlement, and establishment of Canada, recording and, in some

instances, contributing to its emergence as an independent nation and a dominant political force
internationally. They also represent an invasive force, however, through the imposition of print
culture, and literacy as a mark of civilization, on First Nations and their oral cultures.
(Pierre 15)
Pierre, Paul S. Mediate! Digital Perspectives on Canadian Media History. Kendall Hunt
Publishing, Co., 08/2013. VitalBook file.
1750-1800: used by gov for official policy & ppropoganda
1800-1850: partisan journalism, subjective commentary, editorials on events and issues
1850-1900: spread ideas on Canadian Confederation (1876) and nationalism

Through it all, resisting government control and interference

EX. John Bushell who was fired bc he put the subscribers needs above the governments
EX. Fleury Mesplet + Valentin Joutard launched first French newspaper, but gov. IMPRISONED
them for 3 YEARS bc of alleged pro-American radical views
EX. William Lyon Mackenzie used the Colonial Advocate, the FIRST INDEPENDENT
NEWSPAPER in upper Canada (Ontario), to attack the colonial government after a failed
rebellion in 1837-1838 and consequently was sent into exile in the united states.

Print culture, esp the bible, was superimposed on oral cultures as a means of colonizing FN in
Canada and indigenous peoples around the world.
Documented colonization and imposed a Eurocentric perspective on the land


Mass produced texxts of social media and concomitant digital media

New meda platforms are co-existing alongside the old as the old are gradually phased out (ie.
Television and social media like twitter)
Some old media has been forgotten but not really but w.e(ex. Telegraphs swapped out for
texting; faxes swapped out by scanning and e-mailing attachments; print editions of newspapers
can instead be found online)

CONNECTION: pupils were taught in elementary school the details of how to turn pages in a book, to
always wash their hands before touching a book, etc. (P. 18) infer that they had a greater sense of

respect for books, books held a greater importance, much like how in the Sikh religion, books are
revered. Mom would always say to treat books with respect, keep them clean. Books are gifts from god.

Today, when people do something as basic as flicking a smart device to change the orientation

of the screen between portrait and landscape, they are in effect determining, as their earliest
ancestors did, the appropriateness of a pebble for tool making or tool operation.
(Pierre 18)
Pierre, Paul S. Mediate! Digital Perspectives on Canadian Media History. Kendall Hunt
Publishing, Co., 08/2013. VitalBook file.

Points out that the vibrating phone when a message arrives is much like someone tapping on you
to get your attention.

Speaking figuratively, I might propose that Siri can recognize my voice and my smart device
can register my touch precisely because I have evolved as a self-aware organism: Siris voice, its
Natural Language User Interface (LUI), sounds like it could be one of the voices of my interior
monologue; my touch registers on my smart device because its interface is a touchscreen but also
because I understand the feel of my own skin. The sixth sense, propriocep- tion, by which human
beings maintain equilibrium and an awareness of the location of all their members and organs, is
analogous to the Find iPhone app that, unless you happen to be using the app on another device,
can inform you of your iPhone location only when you are in possession of your iPhone and are
using the app. Therefore, I might propose, albeit fancifully, that my smart device is self-aware
like me. The scientific explanation for this self-awareness is that it is an extension of my own
self-consciousness as a human being, because the smart device is an extension of me. My device
is smart because I am smart; Siri is a person because I am a person; the Find iPhone app can
locate my phone because I have the sense of proprioception; and my touchscreen can work
because I know how I feel.
(Pierre 19)
Pierre, Paul S. Mediate! Digital Perspectives on Canadian Media History. Kendall Hunt
Publishing, Co., 08/2013. VitalBook file.

Life is much easier with technology, we can carry thousand-paged books in our phones,
accessible everywhere we go, any time we want it, while taking up no extra mass or backpack
space. We can speak to people miles away through instant messaging and

Like having the remote for a tv in your hand, you dont have to get up to change the channel or
the volume. A lot of the time, if I cant find the remote, I wont even bother turning on the tv. I
will look everywhere around the house but refuse to take two steps to just turn it on by hand.
We get used to this ease of access and refuse to revert back to the older techniques. Going back
to our previous tutorials discussion on shorter attention spans.

Constantly stressed that our devices are extensors of our hands and therefore our selves
The point of the blog essay is to use blogs as digital forums for essay writing *** blogging is
powerful because it is unregulated
The content of your message may be less important than your social medium itself

POINT 2: idea of anonminity allowing people to post how they really feel, with no concern for
being shut down bc someone is bound to agree with you among the billions of people who have
access to the internet Blogging is egalitarian because it is open to everyone without
restrictions of class, ethnicity, gender, and production and circulation quotas, without
adjudication, censorship, contractual obligations such as distribution arrange- ments, royalties,
and media rights, sales and reviews.
(Pierre 24)
Pierre, Paul S. Mediate! Digital Perspectives on Canadian Media History. Kendall Hunt
Publishing, Co., 08/2013. VitalBook file.
However, with great power comes great responsibility and the freedom associated with
communication over the internet can be misused by bullies, predators, etc.

Actuality will always yield more feedback data than virtuality:

BUT remember, a silent member in an irl group will not respond to questions posed or engage in
discussion if she isnt prepared with the prior reading. This is the same way a reader online may
not comment or like. But can still be assumed to be listening to the conversation/reading
the blog. They are just not participating. The only difference is in an actuality group, you can see
the person there and you know that they are listening. HOWEVER, there is the page visit
counter that I think our prof overlooked, as you actually can see how many people read the
article, but didnt comment. HOWEVER AGAIN, maybe they didnt read the whole thing,maybe
they just looked at the title and left.

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