Case Study Analysis Guidelines

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Case Study Analysis guidelines

A case study is a story of a business organization. Normally it provides the student with the
1. background of the company,
2. current strategy,
3. performance,
4. opportunities and threats.

You are expected to analyze the firms strategy and problems and opportunities and come out with
better strategic alternatives.
An effective case analysis process involves the following steps
(a) Understand the case: While preparing a case study read the case carefully and make a note
of important issues relating to strategic management (underlining with pencil may be a
good idea). The aim of this phase is to develop familiarity with the case.
(b) Problem/opportunity Identification: Identify the problems the firm is facing and
opportunities available as given in the case, along with the supporting information. This can
be gathered from the narrative or statements attributed to different sources regarding the firm
(c) Analysis: Analyze various issues that are leading to the problem (s) or opportunity (ies) as
give in the case. The analysis can be based on financial performance or some qualitative
factors mentioned in the case. Students can use different models for analysis like Ratio
Analysis, or qualitative models like balanced score card, triple bottom line etc. The
analysis must lead to the clear findings regarding various issues.
(d) Developing alternate strategies: Using the knowledge you gained during the course you are
expected to suggest three alternative strategies (solutions). Then compare strengths
and weaknesses of each of these three recommended strategies and select the most
suitable strategy.
(e) Develop an action plan for implementation: The final step in the process is developing a
viable action plan to effectively implement the recommended strategy.

Suggested Format

You can use the following suggested report for your case study analysis Report.

1. Introduction: Brief Introduction to the case.

2. Company Background:
Introduce the company, its background, important people etc.
If not much information is given in the case; this part could be included in the introduction. But it is
preferable and recommended that you have a separate section like this.
3. External Environment analysis: Your analysis must cover all three sub-environments of external
environments. At the end of this analysis you will identify the opportunities and Threats to
the firm.
(a) General Environment: Here you have to discuss the effect of the applicable factors of seven
factors (not all) of the general environment on the firm and its strategy ( present and
(b) Industry Environment: In this part you may like to analyze the firm using Michael Porters
5 Forces model. You will also discuss the entry barriers in this industry.
(c) Competitor Environment: In this part you will identify the competitors, analyze their
strategies, capabilities, competitive advantage, market share etc.
4. Internal Environment Analysis: Internal environment analysis leads to identification of
Strengths and Weaknesses. Your analysis must identify

Core Competencies
Weather the firm has sustainable competitive advantage or not?
Analyzing the firm using value Chain.

5. SWOT Analysis: Summarize the outcomes from 4 and 5 above.

6. Business level Strategy:

(a) Identify their Business level strategy from the five generic business level strategies
(b) Discuss the effectiveness or otherwise
(c) Measures to improve the effectiveness

7. Corporate Level strategy:

(a) Identify their Corporate level strategy basing on the level of diversification
(d) Discuss the effectiveness or otherwise of Corporate Level strategy
(e) What can be done to improve the effectiveness

8. Acquisition and Restructuring strategies:

(a) Discuss all the acquisitions and comment on whether their acquisition strategies area
(b) Discuss the factors behind the success or failures
(c) Discuss the restructuring if there is any
9. International strategies:

Discuss the International corporate strategies

Discuss determinants of international entry using porters diamond model
Effectiveness of International Entry strategy
International risk the firm is facing

10. Findings
A summary of your findings about the case in a logical sequence and referring to supporting
11. Recommendations
(a) Suggest 3 alternatives strategies to improve the firm performance
(b) Recommend the best strategy
12. Conclusion

References: If any ( If you add latest information from other sources not given in case but related
to the case , it would be considered as value addition and will get you better marks).

Other Recommended sources about case studies

1. Please also read case study analysis guidelines given in your text book

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