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No: 1
A drilled shaft is installed in the conditions shown below. Using FS = 2.5 determine the design axial load
that can be applied. Assume the ground water table (GWT) is deep.
Qdesign = QU / FS
QU = QS + Q b

---------------- (1)

QS = (2r L)(c) = (2 2 30)(1


) = 125.60 kips

Qb = Ab qult

Ab = (1/2 x1x1.73) + (4x1.73) + (1/2 x 1x1.73) =

So Qb = 8.65x CNc
For pure clay CNc = 9c
= 8.65x (0.5/1.5)x9= 25.95 kips
QU = 125.60+25.95 = 134.25kips
So QALL = 134.25/1.5 =
QALL = 89.50 kips

Q no. 2.
A rectangular shallow foundation that is 4- feet 6-feet in plan is proposed to support a column. The
preliminary design conditions are shown below. Determine the allowable column load (QDesign) that the
foundation could support with a FS = 2.5. Assume the backfill is not well compacted and a general shear
type failure (rigidity factors = 1).

Solution:C = 0 and = 124 psf

From Terzaghi equation of shallow
Qu = CNc + DfNq + 0.5BN
For = 36 Nq = 37.75 and N = 44.43
Qu = 0+ 124x4x37.75 + 0.5x124x6
Qu = 19096 psf
QDesign = Qu/FS = 19096/2.5
QDesign = 7634.40 psf

Q.No: 3
For the soil conditions shown below your boss has asked you to determine the length of a 12 inch
diameter wooden pile that would be suitable to support an allowable column load of 247 kips. Use alpha
method to where applicable and a F.S = 1.5. Note that Qdesign and QALL are the same.
= 1 for very loose to loose sand and v. soft to soft clay.
QU = QS + Q b

---------------- (1)

QS = shaft Resistance
Qb = Bearing Resistance

QU = Qa F.S
QU = 247 1.5 = 370.5 kips

QS = (2rxL)x(c)
QS = {2x3.14x0.5xL(1x1.250/1.5) = 2.62 L

Qb = Ab qult
Qb =

x CNc

For pure clay CNc = 9c


x9 = 5.88

Equ.(1) becomes:
QU = QS + Q b
247x1.5 = 2.62L + 5.88
L = 139

Q No. 04
Given the infinite slope shown below, and considering a translational failure (sliding along the soil-rock
a. Calculate the FS when the height of the soil mass (H) is 2.4m; and
b. Determine the height (H) and will yield a FS = 2.0
a. Calculate the FS when the height of the soil mass (H) is 2.4m
= 15
C = 9.6 kN/
= 15.7 kN/
= 25
= H

= c + tan
Putting value of in above equation
= c + H


= 9.6 + 15.7x2.4x

___________________ (1)
x tan15

= 17.89 kN/
= Hsincos

___________________ (2)

= 15.7x2.4sin25xcos25
= 14.43 kN/
FS =

= 18.89/14.43
FS = 1.24
b. Determine the height (H) and will yield a FS = 2.0
As FS = /
Putting values in equation 1 and 2

So H = 0.70m

Q No. 5
For the conditions and information presented below estimate the amount of consolidation settlement
(SPC) that the foundation will experience.
Cc = 0.40
= 1.15
= 500 psf
For Settlement Analysis
SPC = (
= 925.93 psf
H = height of the layer
= initial overburden pressure
= additional pressure at that level
H = 12 ft
Putting values in above equation
SPC = (
SPC = 1.02 ft

a. When writing to a standard geotechnical report what is the importance of writing an effective
Scope of Service Section.
Project teams rely heavily on geotechnical information for designing building foundations and
substructure elements. Geotechnical knowledge is also used to resolve issues involving seismic design,
protect adjacent structures during construction, and identify potential construction problems. These
and other representative services are listed here;
Preliminary evaluations to assist in site selection and to define the bearing capacities for
proposed building locations
Studies for ground modification/improvement/stabilization to facilitate construction or reduce
Detailed analysis to determine site seismic class
Evaluations for excavation support and underpinning
Assessment of corrosive effects of soils on building elements
Studies to evaluate excessive settlement due to subsoil conditions
Forensic or expert witness services
Assessment of foundations in existing buildings that are being renovated with a planned
increase in building loads.
Need For Quality Services
The importance of having geotechnical information of the highest quality cannot be overstated,and it is
prudent for clients to realize the importance of engaging qualified geotechnical engineers. Given the
risks associated with using inaccurate or incomplete geotechnical data, basing the selection of a
geotechnical firm on its qualifications is critical. Qualifications-based selection (QBS) approaches
encourage innovation, result in facilities that perform more effectively, and can result in facilities that
are less costly to build, operate, and maintain. Selecting a geotechnical engineering firm based on
reputation and experience (rather than price alone) is likely to bring greater value to a project. It is
therefore generally preferable to use a QBS process in which the firm selection is made before fees are
determined or negotiated. If a building owner or client has a tendency to select consultants on the basis
of price alone, the architect can advise the owner of the pitfalls of this approach to choosing a
geotechnical consultant.
b. What might be some Limitations to a typical geotechnical report
As a result of the limited number of sub-surface excavations or boreholes there is a possibility that the
variation may occur between tests locations. The investigation undertaken is an estimate of the general
profile of the subsurface conditions. The data drived from the investigation and laboratory testing are
extrapolated across the site to form a geotechnical model. This geological model refers the sub-surface
conditions and their likely behaviour with regard to the development.

The actual conditions at the site might differ from these inferred to exist.
No sub-surface expolaration program, no matter how comprehensive, can reveal all sub-surface details
and anomalies.

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