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Anumakonda Jagadeesh Facebook 25 December 2014


It is pity that a great Scientist,Humanist like Dr.Yellapragada Subba
Rao was never honoured in his home country in a fitting way.
Rarely, extremely rarely, a person comes on the world scene and transforms
science and our lives by making a large number of major discoveries in and
otherwise makes important contributions to more than one basic field and does not
only not get a Nobel Prize but does not get to be known by name to most people,
including scientists around the world. I am referring to Yellapragada SubbaRow.
Such an individual is perhaps born once in a thousand years or more. I do not
believe there is any other person in the documented history of biology and medicine
over the last 5,000 years who made such a large number of basic discoveries that are
applied so widelyDr.P.M.Bhargava.

It is never too late to correct a mistake.

Narendra Modiji,you have respect for Scientists

and human values. Will you please consider
awarding BHARAT RATNA to Dr.Yellapragada
Subba Rao.
Dr. Yellapragada Subbarao - The Forgotten Hero
Posted by Doctors Hangout on April 3, 2013 at 9:08pm
By - Dr. Sushruth Athreya
Those were the dark days when people used to die of fever. A simple
bacterial infection used to be fatal. Under such circumstances was
discovered the first successful commercially marketable antibiotic of the
modern era which revolutionized the field of medicine (I have carefully used
the words here as I am aware that turmeric was used over centuries in
India as an effective antibiotic)

To this day, Penicillin, the archetype of antibiotics remains a popular drug

of choice for many infections and the fact that Alexander Fleming
discovered penicillin is known even by school going children.
Now even as we celebrate the contributions of Dr Fleming to modern
medicine here is a glaring paradox.
This is the dark age of cancer. Various cancers kill millions of people
across the globe. There is on going research to develop various anticancer
drugs. There are super-rich pharmaceutical companies claiming patent
over various anticancer drugs that has resulted in sky-rocketing prices of
these drugs keeping them beyond the reach of the common man.
However did you know that the scientist who developed one of the first
anticancer drugs did not claim patent to his discovery? He didn't even gain
popularity like other scientists (or should I say western scientists?) He
never tried to acquire fame which is so sought after by one and all. He was
not even accorded due recognition for his phenomenal discoveries. He
quietly remained in the background unnoticed and unacknowledged.
It fills with pride to note that such a magnanimous scientist was an Indian. I
am certain most people including doctors wouldn't have heard of
Yellapragada Subbarao, the developer of Methotrexate a wonderful
chemotherapeutic agent that is found to be useful not only against cancer
but also against many debilitating auto-immune diseases like Rheumatoid
Arthritis, Lupus, Psoriasis etc.
He discovered a drug for Filariasis as well and discovered the role of
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) in muscular activity. Yet no Nobel prize was
awarded !
His name doesn't find a mention even in our medical books though most
doctors are very familiar with and use routinely the drugs he invented.
What is striking to note is the unostentatiousness of this great scientist who
gave to humanity two wonderful drugs. In spite of being a man of high
caliber, like those typical Indians of a bygone era, he remained hidden from
the public eye, untouched by any fanfare.
Years later someone rightly said You've probably never heard of Dr.
Yellapragada Subbarao. Yet because he lived you may be alive and are

well today. Because he lived you may live longer."

Hats off to this great Indian scientist !
Read more about this inspiring doctor whose life was full of strifehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellapragada_Subbarao
Dr. Yellapragada Subba Rao - A Medical Reasearcher, Inventor of Life
Saving Medicines, A Noble Doctor
Name Dr. Yella Paragada Subba Rao
Father Name Y. Jagannatham
Mother Name Y.Venkamma
Date of Birth 12-01-1895
Born BHIMAVARAM , West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
Hetragen A remedy medicine for filaria (Elephantiasis) and Isnophelia
Inonex A remedy medicine to T.B ( Tuber culosis)
Methotrexate, Aureomycin A remedy medicine to prevent blood cancer in
Tetracycline A Remedy medicine to cure Cholera, Typhoid, plague &
Folic Acid vitamin A remedy medicine to cure "Sprue", a spreading disease
that spread in tropical regions
About : Dr. Yella Pragada Subbarao was born on 12th JAN 1895 at
BHIMAVARAM (West Godavari District) Andhra Pradesh State, South
India. His father Jagannatham worked as Revenue Inspector. He blessed
with Seven children. Subba Rao is the fourth one among the seven. Inspite
of many hardships he continued his education. Though facing acute
poverty he got succeeded to get a seat at Madras Medical College (It is
now in Chennai -Tamilnadu state, INDIA) ( Chennai is the new name to
MADRAS). He wanted to be a doctor, and he wish to be a saint too, in
order to serve the society through "Ramakrishna Mission" ( Ramakrishna
mission is founded by Swami Vivekananda, a Great saint who made an
inspiring speech on Universal Brotherhood and Religious Harmony at
CHICAGO in world religious conference). But by the mounting pressure
from his parents he got married with "Seshagiri" a distant relative to Yella
Pragada's family. Who hailed from "Anaparthi" village ( A village in East
Godavari District, A P, INDIA) on 10th may in 1919.

He was very much influenced by Mahatma Gandhi during freedom struggle

( Mahatma Means great soul), (Mahatma Gandhi is the father of Indian
Nation). In non co-operation movement, He wore Khadi clad (Hand spun
clothes) and went to college. In medicine, though he passed all subjects
with good marks. But he was given lesser marks in Surgery awarded, by an
Anglican partial racist professor. So he was awarded L.M.S instead of
M.B.B.S Degree.
His elder brother Purushottam and another brother Krishna murthy both
were dead of "spru" decease. He was deeply effected and moved by these
untimely deaths. He decided to invent a medicine to prevent and cure
"Spru" decease, with the help of a non governmental charitable trust of
Kakinada ( A costal town in East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh,
India) in 1923 September he set sail for U.S.A. After his arrival to U S A, his
wife gave birth to a male child in a couple of months. His nine months child
was dead of a dreadful decease "Sappi" (Herpes). In liveried poverty he
continued his studies at "Boston", by doing petty jobs. He got professors
appreciation and won many scholarships.
For the first time in the history of medicine Dr. Yella pragada Subba Rao's
name came to lime light in 1924, with the association of professor Pesco .
He invented " Rapid calorie metric method " to estimate "phosphorous
element" in human cells in easy and accurate. This method is named after
the two researchers "Pesco-Subba Rao method ". Later he identified with "
Adenosis tri phosphate" which is the root matter to the power of muscles in
body. He proved this is the root cause for physical movements of life. With
this innovative research he proved Noble Awardees researchers research
in 1922 was went wrong. He proved this with clear-cut research and
analysis. Though he made a great research of worth, he was not awarded
Noble Prize.
In 1930 he got his doctorate (PhD) from Harvard University, U S A..
Though he was great researcher in medicine, he never run after awards. In
recognizing his great dedicated research thence "LEDRLE" Pharmaceutical
Company appointed him their director. Even some of his invented anti
biotic medicines named after him as "Subbo Mycin", "Subburo Mycin" by
ledrle to honour Yella Pragada with love and affection. He continued
"Ledrle's director" till his last breath.

In the year 1948, on Aug 9th Yella Pragada died of a massive heart attack.
On his death the American Press praised him as 21st century's forerunner
medical researcher, life saver, and a doctor to remember to the future
He is the heart of millions of people. Though the countries not recognized
his services in a deemed fit manner, People did and do. Millions recall him
as their life saver. The invented medicines are gifts of God in the human
form. As a great doctor, As a life saver, Medicinist,Researcher, he reached
the heights and the peaks of the mighty Himalayas.
Most of the famous scientists around the world are known only for one
major discovery that has had a lasting impact on our lives : Wilhelm
Roentgen for x-rays, Marie Curie for radium, C V Raman for the scattering
of light by liquids, P M S Blackett for cosmic rays, Ronald Ross for the life
cycle of the malarial parasite, Alexander Fleming for penicillin all awarded
the Nobel Prize for their one major discovery. There have been a few
scientists known for two discoveries : Albert Einstein for the photoelectric
effect and the theory of relativity, John Bardeen for transistors and superconductivity, Hargobind Khurana for the genetic code and synthesis of
gene. Occasionally a scientist makes a large number of discoveries albeit
in only one field like Robert Woodward in organic chemistry. Then there are
persons who have made important contributions but have not received the
Nobel Prize or equivalent honours like Jonas Salk who made the first polio
vaccine, Michael Heidelberger the father of modern immunology, G N
Ramachandran who discovered the structure of collagen, the most
abundant protein in our body and also laid the foundations for CT scan and
NMR technologies. Rarely, extremely rarely, a person comes on the world
scene and transforms science and our lives by making a large number of
major discoveries in and otherwise makes important contributions to
more than one basic field and does not only not get a Nobel Prize but does
not get to be known by name to most people, including scientists around
the world. I am referring to Yellapragada SubbaRow. Such an individual is
perhaps born once in a thousand years or more. I do not believe there is
any other person in the documented history of biology and medicine over
the last 5,000 years who made such a large number of basic discoveries
that are applied so widely. SubbaRow was born in India in 1895 and he
died in USA in 1948 at the young age of 53. He went to the United States in

1923 after graduating from the Madras Medical College and worked at
Harvard Medical School until 1940 when he went to Lederle Laboratories to
direct its medical research.
The search he directed at Lederle Laboratories for antibiotics with wider
range of cures than the then available penicillin and streptomycin led to the
discovery of polymyxin widely used even today in cattle-feed and
aureomycin the first of tetracycline antibiotics which all of us have had
some time or the other in our lives. Tetracyclines have saved millions of
lives over the last 50 years. Aureomycin was presented to medicine in
1948, the year SubbaRow died. It was the first broadspectrum
antibiotic, that is, one effective against both gram-positive and gramnegative germs. It was thus more powerful than either Flemings
penicillin or Waksmans streptomycin. When SubbaRows centenary year
began in 1994, tetracyclines especially doxycycline helped
confine and then eradicate the plague epidemic that broke out in Gujarat
and Maharashtra. It was a debt SubbaRow paid to his motherland almost
half a century after death which claimed him soon after the unveiling of
Aureomycin before a medical gathering at the New York Academy of
Sciences. oxycycline, the third generation tetracycline, has recently been
cleared as a malaria preventive. The international staff of the United
Nations Assistance Mission in East Timor (UNMET) packed it in their
survival kits when ordered last year into the region wrested from
Dr. Yellapragada SubbaRow (1895-1948) He Transformed Science;
Changed Lives, Pushpa Mitra Bhargava, Journal, Indian Academy of
Clinical Medicine Vol. 2, No. 1 and 2 January-June 2001.

Dr.A.Jagadeesh Nellore(AP),India
Dr.Yellapragada Subba Rao Foundation
Nayudamma Centre for Development Alternatives

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