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BIE THE ESSENTIAL THE SPACE- NTA Rn ret) a TO ail ehetel ss A a Se THE ESSENTIAL DOCTOR WHO ALIEN \ Enel rcs el ERI GODBOLD EDITORS FOR DWM aaa ONATHAN RIGBY 1 1968 the fist Doctor Who story back in ime rather than to a diferent planet. But before the TARDIS doors ‘opened the Doctor (William Hartnell) asked the sceptical schoolreacher lan Chesterton. (William Russell) a tantalising question: "Ifyou could touch the alien sind and hear tf strange birds and watch them wheel in another shy, wood that satisfy you?” down some perimeters for our intergalactic handbook The Doctor tas mentioned many unseen planets during the course ofhis long journey, and to include themall would not only be unenlightening bucalo rather dificult pf toilustrate. So weve excluded Dari, where the Singing Towers reportedly made the Doctor cry and we've ‘Alien worlds are an essential part of Doctor visited by the programme, which in Who's unique format, so the latest in our the vast majority of eases means series of special publications places also visited by celebrates what's surely che the Doctor. Planets that strangest travel programme went unnamed on screen ontelevision. Inthe are either listed by names spirit ofall such surveys, subsequently given in however, we've laid authorised books (Chumeria ORLDS Jefe out the planet apparently made of shrubs There is also no entry on Mondas, the original planet ofthe Cybermen, where, in the television, Series atleast, the Doctor has never set foot, And we've excluded places that have no physical reality, so you wort find Omega's domain or the ‘Time Lords' Matrix here Instead we've compiled a comprehensive guide toall the remarkable worlds acually and Ember) or profiled chronologically under their ial respective story titles, | _ Aswellas providing useful | information for the potential J space ours, she entries add Lupo an often disturbing record of adventures, Running with the Doctor is clearly never less than, ‘awe-inspiring, and often highly dangerous. Maras ssenwons Op okey bats hick ee = G 8 rn rT 16 8 1” 20 ca Pa 2B yy 26 7 28 Fy eo EA Fs u rr rr ry ry 45 46 48 eee ee Deer nena Posey ee eee rete ee ee Noe ee Cee os rent) ens oe ee Crd The Asylum eer rey re a) a) The Third Moon of ery ees ee Deva Loka ee Bee orn ed bikotog ihe eg cerry Designs for Alien Life eed Pence een) eet or postions Karfel pony Kastria Penn Krop Tor Lakertya Sd eee) a eeciey eared ey a a pre aL) 50 cy 55 ca EI Ey ey CI ey 6S 64 ra CF 6 co 7 rs ” a 7 78 oo ca oo Co oy oy UNNAMED PLANETS 2 93 94 reer eer een eee eet ee ee een Nise iy ood Necros Raa bikers ind Pr ud fa) tod canes eee ci anid Sarn rd cid id Skaro ed Solos a ares cn Ley ari Lee ieee rd Tiaanamaat un uo ue son ic ered Meee rs ee ete ars Cs raed ee ae cio Lec The Krotons 95 a 7 oy 9 107 ry 109 ay m ir . om Matthew Kilburn oo . Alister MeGown a 2 Pee ? David Miller The Face of Evil i . Justin Richards, The Robots of Death 3 e . “ Sed tee 4 omer) eT Pre ks ae LOL bier! ry a ye EN LC ec Ln ee cee) Dee The Caretaker. Trane, oes ad Varos eet \ Vegas 12 “ "| oo = i Doctor's final speech from the 1989 story Survival underlines POE eo Ce on R LRU SRST Co CN alld Se ee ee eed 74 aera ae re arenes seamen tune Cont ee tae een) ern es the inal jeopardy stems from Sar’ radiation soaked Peter eben ss ae eaten er eer a ee een Win, Theserisis often asvocated with do the same thing over andor again ~meant tat deadly Ere ener ee ea Pet eer vernon Pe eae ee eee eerie ee gee eee en See eee ee te oe ee ce et ear EO eer eae oT eet res pair ce Serre rere ere 1 Preeenenariobieresberceeey er ertuene or edie Ec esatnce amet ety ewe crt eed eee Sea noe ere eee cee heed ea eee Ren eco pe ae ee Rope ect ne seeteseeeeans On sromeives AEST eer Ec rN Sr eer ee eee omen eee ea ert ae ern en er ee Dee een Cn et ae ene ee pieabier we caper mere A Fear eens eet eee Lee eyo rt peetibenesanee ber MuAere si aT parent etnered iertterentrens'y Spent chat mod ime in rly alien woes? Earner epirtn met int nar Parente ak Seis an ser Pre en ener ere verter Lees ere en etree eee eens cement. Cte arene tenes Eocene raters siete erent co e See Lar) FLOWER POWER r eat all ad ro make The Web. may le out visually but indeed, seems a ifn0-0 thrall the Krotons Hol seems more ingeesed in planets han anyth Tot TheDonotor 868). Rig Thema Metre ft ert rtarhnegtVoriin Themed Pane) ‘THE ESSENTIAL DOCTOR WHO = 2 e ; Rrestieas) ete Sle@ping Seas, Dreaming Rivers... : fy uly found bi inche lt for sativa fet - with ernment.” These se poop ih the Doctor finds ims 1s im plce, sing issues Petinent othe ewig public at SOCIAL CO rere +) ON THE-DOCTOR'S PRESENTATION ‘TAMORPHOSED. Wuhan ft L { ile | G2) We essenTat pocToR WH jams in Gr all hose years late he ro was making, a deper point (about how we spend an awl lot oF ou ives ‘tying to get somewhere we may neve each). Midigh (2008, ‘onthe other band, was ore inthe Nation mode of the Planet. (oF Teror only the modern take was to strand the Doctor the wath the editorial department ofthe Daly Mi der curren showrunner Steven Mofft the show bas largely preferred ro go forwards and trckwards in time (sometimes within the same story and, inded, the sae scene) chan create alien cultures, That's not osay ts taken away the Doctors sport, although i’ ineresting to note that intergalactic the indigenous Aplans wee dead and gone by the time the Byaantom case in The Time of gel (2010) the deadly cargo threatened tot them but a good old human colony. a Chritmas Carol 2010) may well have been set ona plane of computer bans and fying shark bt seing ate tile didnt bother to disguise sts Dickensian origin and hus sts el imtent to tll story of npton), either should we Dactr Who is now arguably more about its censtal characters ‘han i's ever been = they arn bout themselves thanks ro their encounters on other words, For ‘ewes, instead of learning about ‘ourselves through nods, parallel and aly references, we do soby soing through an emotional journey withthe ead character in whom, weave invested. tn The Git Who Wed (2011 dhe planet was less taken co defeat plague Ie was these measures that propelled the sory snd fciaed the emotional journey undertaken by Amy Pond (Karen Gillan “Though mare vey thoughts of es characes, owe reent episodes sell wed ‘methodology found in ater stories, The Rngsof Alten (2015) had an alien with its roots sn Greck mythology, demanding A scr like the Minotaur before ‘it And the orginal Minotaur myth leads MIRROR IMAGE nena ee eer peneyare een eee ee eee a Heer eee a eet er eee ne lca ere Per serene ne arrears eee eee ee ee eet eee Pay of ie Bree ter nets peer et a ar ete ee ee a eee eed in The Green Death (1973) The cores permenant eer ‘us straight back int the Mate Smith ea and The Gad Complex (2011. ide (2013) posed an enrateretial explanation for ghostly ons fom 1971 “ap Me Andy lhe fod rl) sear is er Dn eas and Image of the Rendahi, 1977). There are ee ia testament to successive production | ‘oteathenernbay ofthe = ee Deo) iat Ssetecoegeeagefe Feand coe Spe) exible format. Diferene writers concorteem reducers and showrunners can seule new and interesting worlds inany way theysee fi Dacor Who _ is appealing because of where and > whan ican rake ws, and because ic can change the cone of ts story telling, meeimorphosing fom action-adventure co horror sory 0 innaginacve satire in a wed There are no rules on an planes bar those created by the writer but Dator Who eee the preoccupations, ends and hoe topics ofthat time Ben its om entirely alien guest cass of a planet populated only by men wth beards ‘or berpok milnry, when Docr ‘Whe boldly goes where no-one has gone before often reminds us of comesshere weve already buen. ® ‘ALIEN WORLDS 2 ® ALFAVAMETRAXIS Perera ens Remran arr poy srr eee ete ae Toner Te) eee eer panier bins peter penpnine the rerraforming process, notably Benet yt Frere PenererT ery elas ee Peper Pete nea} en ees Ponce ameter ros PCN eee ey ees pares na Pe ere) Cane) eee poser aye Fony thousand seival the ers a unique cyle, The p by the indigeno Marshmen, highlighting th Patterns of he plant rr period of millennia, he Marshmen evolved nt humanoide who belived themsches to be descendants Terradoni The abundant RESTS OF WN OST THE LUSH, F A (al hin Leeson) Perr pt meen peer ee an eee a pear ee enc errepennoet Serer eet ee ere eed Pyne ete ee er eee eerie ere ee ee ee anaes rmant colony of Weeping Angels hidden in the morearim below. The Doctor deduced hat the Angels had caused the Aplans’ ees) “Oh, good. Catacombs. Probably dark oe i Ss Dark catacombs. Great.” The Doctol oN nee etd eee aac Tras tleia cal} ey oy ipaeg vicar elt Fal Leseeeeeer seed Pron eevlet crate wid widen ae Ee saaeteari stare nyt eee eer eee Cra Ree et) ens peer tency the ruling Deciders- sper eges present in inks between the ANDROZANI MINOR ANDROZANI MAJOR “There's some kind of creature down there. Probably lives in the magma and comes up to the surface to hunt. It's a carnivore.” Salatcen eect ‘ nae seguir words (ap a Pee Alea ene ere Pees ary eet ea reed by Lovet Biord Q we essen vacrowwne Rae aa Sere Pears Loree toner ernie eset era rear eee Perens ener nee poe ec erate x planet wide quarantine remains in place es: Ree eete rte eet See ee ence ee cee ts penvrn FenAPaPE © Kindness Facly, where 40 eon ees) oe re Preeti) TR eT rT Pally automated and attended by ee re ee ee ee at Pee) Planets, Argos offers tourists an unforgetable experience within the Leisure Hive recreation centre There, pioneering advance intachyonis have led tothe development ofthe Experiential Grid = celle of diferent alien envionment designed FS predic pista yeh aed nllecnnl regeneration, promoting understanding berween Ifeforms of al cultural and genetic types, The ee oreton Comesseleae ng tive as non gravity quash a wll as clllar them into conic withthe repeian Foamasi inthe Earth year 2250, The war led 20 minus an saw the planet devastated by 2000 fimeeplanetary missiles, laving the surface a barten wasteland andthe atmosphere led with adioutive Radon? 2 and hear metal dust The [| Argolin were rendered sterile an subject to the sudden onset of advanced decrepitude When the Doctor (Tom Baler nd Romana (Lalla Ward) vised 40 years later their arrival coincided with acts of sabotage commited by the | West Lodge of the Foamasi. CB ESPITE HAVING TWO SUNS, THE DAYS ad nighs.on Arius ae very short. The fin sins have moved loser to Aridi over the pas illensur, increasing the plane's temperature. Asa esl, the surface elargely parched and dry. The TARDIS landed in an area called the te eee ection ‘The Aridians are itligert, humanoid amphibians. They bave gl for ears, spines on their backs, and aly bodies. They used to occupy an underovater iy but asthe ocean ‘ried up all the sea creatures died, forcing the Avigians to inetd ive in the city's ‘underground ruins. The Mire Beasts which ved Paes et the crm, are the only other creatures to have survived. At the time the Doctor (liam Harel visied the planer these sh-eating ervanices were multiplying, The Mie Beasts apparently hhunt at nigh and have lage body, glowing eyes and many tentacles. The ony way the Aidians can control Ee Me Bese’ urbe aby destroying stn oF their ity char the Beasts have overrun. JR HE CENTRE FOR ALIEN Biomorphology, also known asthe BA Foundation was bul into Asterobd K4067 inthe aseroid belt close to Tian, one of the moons of Satur. It was a vast hospital complex ‘om several lvls Each level was numbered with an X’ prefix the Reception Centre, for example, was conlewel X2 ‘Sig within the Foundation wee in English bue pulled phonetically. So the Isolation Wd on level X4 where the Doctor (Tom Baker) wae reated was labelled ts eolayahun Vad. Ocherspeilioe departments See ene eee cae eee fepe disorders, Incernal communication berwen the ‘ots was by visiphone preter omer paranrt saersestt: eer) erred creer janis ee eed ot tee) ace ieee Tees a He ew 1 ' Aang Red Cross logo was emblazoned on the asceroid, wich also had an antenna, presumably for comnicatons. Windows cat int th "trace suggested thar the Foundation was largely housed within he hollowed out core, The Doctor was admitted othe Foundation to be eetted fran infection by an alien virus in approwimately the year SOD0. He was ated by Professor Marius (Frederick Jager, the Foundation's pecan eneaterearial pathological steroids eet eel eee (oy Herrick, a nurse Elizabeth Norman) and KS eta eects eer auenwortos (2) Treen) erence Perrone mnpernenrrnrtrt ora tre Pe ere e Ee et eee tea) one eS a ees ere Voloown, : esa Laan eee ened TAs ee eed Ce aa ONSCREEN © : ery ed 5 Siu : “According to legend, you have a dumping ground. A planet where you lock up all the Daleks that go wrong. Dats eee ed s Ce UCR ee aa Cee Minister (Nicholas cohen Leer omen es eee eee eens Pray me esepey ea ene AT) i ee ree) | Aes SSS pepe et arenes eee ote teeter tan! cre merrier iran eae, pair fd amare eet eee ee ee ree uo oes ern reene peer (Rae. Sepa ET TT. even deadlier barierThe air in the snowy, eee eee ta hovever, ‘nanocloud’ teeming with molecule- sized robots that gradually transformed any JG ey er rea re ee es a | a ae ery rena See en Perera ere) Ce ee ee te poet eee eee eer peas mer ey veneer | eee eee) SS e es Se eee er ree et tee ee ins Bashar eterno near aera ey Se een pre smeery maa Tor pres rma transported Dales on long-distance journeys Ceeveeeernen erent ren ‘Although the Dalek authorities on Sar e) ‘considered the Asylum tobe entirely automated, ee ee ed functions appeared ro be filing. Healthy Daleks remained too frightened of the Asylum ro ever ee en eee ee pean Titer Ceeeorcnn eeentns pany ener rhea piacere Coenen Pe Peeter Rn NRE et eae Na ee (Coane perenne seer ns etree ee eee eee cena eee rember ty ee eee nee een ST eT ae Peery ney oan es {do this once the forced was deactivated. No Dalek was prepared to vst the planet o switch Soe ee nee ee eee eee ers ee ena peeeret ser sneer eee pee see eee eed ee ees CS See ee Cee Ee eee rer a See! eaten ets arene neers Eigse eet Seinen | ee pono os Pacer er Momynpoareepey he eel Sree Sst ae ey eee er een Heep eS eee ee Cefetaere e Deeey aie case een eee cee ee re Peieoeees eerie emia Nes) nee eeetierna | Nal) emer saree | cocneery cman i Ro Sale seerrie Pca meena tice eee Bagh. em re rine nines pesncerrennenetie SIN Teds elo ee ees aio Perec trace cy peer ren Pre: eee eer ey eros peperergicreiersy ee ns ee ead Foc 20 Jnr “Fabry 7) CLs heaves) cele s Poorer ear ee eae pee a ees ere ny eer ty SEE oS eae eee eer en Ceres Ce er een reer Coo ee ere erie lisplaced from its orbit bya hidden tied plane Renee ener eet per ie oe reer nee ey Guardian (Valentine Dyal, eee een Pesca ery es emer ry See erated oa eee ey Ree ee erate eevee determined to win mary victory ata Teleision propaganda sustained pubic support Ria ear ees el surface, ubstandal civil lost of ie and Peon pov renee see nec ereCr peer eer rer nro and divided into lettered blocks K Block had ey ee areal nner ty Allowing the Shadows agents to move fom nena eeeer ry er 4 Pee eee | rekindle Persad an implacable wrath, crushing the hated Zeon beneath the heel of Atrios.” The Marshal th sul and heatening, The Doctor (Matt Smith) exablished his pe teat re rials with the barman (Sean Buckley oy Doctor me the shape leading him Te Sete the Doctor late ound way travel to Vegas 12 Doctors shape, enabling him codecs thinking he would be led ‘Utah. Perinat ror) ee Loaaay eoetet any at Lak HE DOCTOR (TOM BAKER), Romana (alla Ward) ane KS (David Beetle) arived on Choris roa dsres signal emanating from what appeared tobe a gant broken sell inthe mide ofa dence forest. Facet target wes cd rr Huranoids ard Wold Peers ey as a oem Cree en ETT The Doar phe he verge of extinction, having been sand down bythe Bannermen. 2 (Bon Henderson). The Chimeron queen, Deka (Gelinda Mayne, was the last Chimeron let ele tae rch nog gren to her her dying aide Chima (Tim Scott) hatched ous, cotrnatve warrior force led by Gaveck (oces of Lady Adeats (Myra Frances oe ruled Choris ia her monopoly ona scarce commodiy metal ‘Underneath the saface sted mine workings inca which those who pleased Adrasta were casi expectation of certain death ~ including the Doctor. twas ‘othe prison of Erato an atnbassador fom the plane Tythonus, Erato was alarge mass of {green matte who eame to Chloris to negoiate eee eg creat N “I came here to neta for chbroptyl, Adenia pesos Ee shell in he forest was Erato’ spaceship, pun rece eel ee era Erato was teleased too late to stp Tythons rom sending.a neutron star 10 destroy Choris and its solar system in revenge, bur the Doctor persuaded Erato ro pia shel of aluminii around the star to diversi from Chloris’ sun and allow Chloris to take up Erato's enter offer. MK bed Uo acest Ee Oy Lele eo lee eee) pit'and starved me for 15years.” Erato Mal Bonnie Langford) assisted in Deka’ atrempe otesist the Bannerien, who had followed Dela to Earth. Delta also found a human lover, ily (David Kinder), ho consumed tutrenesiaended forthe Chimeson child nd became aChimeror-human hybrid. Following the death of ok andthe arexof the remaining Bannermen, Delta, Billy and he child eeturned to CChumeria to repopulate the planet. MK S Me , ete ee need nee Re peer ee tet Cee RANSPORTED IN A NIMON TRAVEL capes, Romana (Lalla Ward found herself on Crinoth- the plane chat fl vc tothe NNimons immeditsly before Skonnos ‘The level of technology and whan development seemed simular co tha of Stones, suggzst ‘argeed plants aca similar level of development The only survivor ofthe Ninn imasion of Crnoth was Sezom John ily), the man they St contacted He word with the Nitnons in return, Iebeived, for technology, peace ‘and propery us like Soldeed ‘on Stonnos,Sezomn was tricked Se20m, however, found a way to ight back, using Jasonie (rok. ‘contin 3 pour electromagnetic ) 33) 2 irony ore eran eee as ey Pre) ren) cy oad Q ress: D0cr0N V0 nino iin tain di ee eines Neeven sy eee ee ee peel Sant eek eee oe] ae Waterhouse), Nya (Sarah Suton) and [) Tegan Janet Fielding a ‘san inerplanetary survey team from a human ‘teisation that wa assesing the planet's suitability for colonisation, The team designated te planet S14 the abbreviation representing the Mh ex and ee! ‘undertaken by the expeditions commander, Sanders (chard Tod), The expedition established itselfin a protect dome, alchough intially this hardly seemed There ae no predatory animals on Deva Lola aimed scent Todd (Nerys Hughes), No diseases, to adverse environmerval factors. The climate is ise, isn Cite ETA Chin Cae known asthe Devils Plane wea planet forte despairing, ln the year ‘4000 sewne the penal planet of Eartht solar system, though not located int There were no guards or warders~ the only raf which stopped there were prison ships bringing other criminals [As exception ws the Sper, carey Beet Wor (Nicholas Couriney, che Dostor (Wiliam Haren Steven (Peter Pures) and Karina (Adrienne Hil), ierted onto Despera by the Dole, The eriminal populaion led nasty and brutish lives whete newcomers were expected to have an advantage, pethaps because they were better ‘outshed. For Bors (Dallas Cavel), Gage (Geotrey Cheshire) and Kirksen (Douglas Sheldon) the arrival ofthe Spr offered a choice betwen escape or death. Of the three convicts ony Kirksen entered the Spor before wa able to take off and evade an inwended Dalek attack Attempting to blacail the fochers nt taking the ship ro Kembel gy) rather than Earth, Kirsen pulled Katarina into the atlock and threatened oll er, bur Kararina, opening the futer door, jected both of them into space. MK constant within five-degre range andthe tees ei rnsequence al year round: The plane's inkabiants, the Kinds enjoyed fo abundance and had no need for shel. Most Kinda, iccing al males, id not speak commemsicating telepathically The communal purpose of the Kinda was articulated by tei wise woman, who a ines of woman (Mary Morrie and Sarah Prince), ‘further presence on Deva Loka was the Mara, This could emerge from the mind of now telepath who dreamed using the amplijing effet of the wind rstion was embodied in one old and one young chimes ~ inthis case, Tegan, I was a destructive force from "the dark places ofthe ide” wh had previously ended and begun the eye of history. Te def Mara restored harmony to both the Kinda and che expdicon members, who oka wae suiable for recommended that De ‘colonisation. MK eee Basa home to friendly and ps 4 je. With ato senctiy of ie wes paramount vile the Dido people. Tis way of life was el ieee eee ree herbivorous Sand Beasts aly, the Dido peopl out in the ate 25h when a Earth colony hip by their and inviting chem toa grand meeting, chey fel victim ‘oan explosion engincered by che Fath man Bennett Ray Bate) a mutderer who planned to conceal his ame by llling his fellow crew members and bmi their deaths on the Dido peopl sting the planet wih hiscompanions an (Wiliam Russell) and Barbara Jacqueline Hill, ehe Doctor (Willian Hartnell) uncovered eee eee ened survivor of the colony (Maureen O Brien). discovered tata eat Dido sped the rotary Pane aren near sted, but hey soon severed all wih toe easly < hie Bay planet. CB ey renee eeT ass PO Doe eed eo CN eee) es Cee ed ae, =e eee reer Lie coment tan OEY the Loop eer tan ee ee ee ea ned clieaions would find puzzling oe eee are WET dee L diy time Women’s Lib was brought to [Teo RL eects Por ere eee ae semen eee} eer a orsneair en eee eed rei eet) eee ieoent OU eapaiey eae) Pee eerie ee eee aoe ert Sener try Poe ete ese er Eoceeteremercr eee anne assisted by the Master (Roger Delgado) were attempting to foment war between che Earth Sree POU ey ee caesarean Cire ed ee} ce eal auienwortos (32) Se ee ee roa) eee Manus Lake (site OfetOmic test detonation) e & ¢ * OLLEY ISLAND Seno Re cies (island of Death) ~ Peseta : 1 hap hivitena] »taRDIS Posremenpewrent terse soroeny | 4 a estore Ga , >» ee y CC eee ees Pree cnet Raa . 4 Tr ey - >». prorat i : : poeta - Torn) Cros SOCIETY Dt ea) ery preteen 2 soem Ea " Come =) c the space liner Empress and pifoc Dymond!’ P errno seers ace ee) fae ey ks [ores teers eis eaten eer Cee eee Sere cae kang stench io ater ato oe ere er a mene tT ers nee era ee ees ace ea es ea ee cea 016 Ta Cot ps Anions gh eer eS eee ae Brea eee Prom er eran erat) er ent erie -c enemas tT Deena ony pone | Paes Co een Crees st eas the CET would decay to pile of Vrssain conten eee) ferent i ee eee eerie tr te renee ee paeeiory Merce a eg 5 Mrereer contre Ps dna wet) a com Pee ita aed ye at rest of my life.” Sto ™ ; . “— , Fe Cre ee eC ee) ees poeta century, this plane was shrouded ‘ising’ in therm. Beneath 3s ctyof lose packed bling og carrying a ny electrical charge ned both sh and sharks to descend frm the before 4378, Eloe Sack (Mich ren ee [eatee reper seg Sear aera Ceres rasta sa} cree PCN ee etd poten Me Po mmmren (ey eer) es preston ALiEN WoRLDS: @B ANY THOUSANDS OF YEARS ker ts lar ret cv ll thi planec assumed strategic significance to Earths Marine Space Corp and the Dall: The Doctor (Jon Pertwee) was caught {in heir skirmish, butsoon found that his most, Formidable opponent was part ofthe plane elt “The Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith Elisabeth Sladen) stumbled across Bosion when the TARDIS. ‘wae debated by amysteriots power drain, They icovesed a geet-hued, craggy landscape wth Tilowing fog thar cep into the TARDIS control oom when the doots erect ne ‘TI tok formations Elon didnt soem to depe ete was later attacked b "pp arrows tha appeated to be made of wood He aleo suggested that if on on phot caches, EXXILON - must be one of the 700 wonders of the universe.” The Doctor Desi foots of partiniun Ge Satai| bya satellite sere fom Earth. The chemical was highly sought after asa cure and vaccination for a disease nvaging the human colonies on the outer woud. Geologist Jil Taran (Joy Haron) tbr that parrinim, though sly unheard of on Eat, wis as common as sak on Enilon. Tarrant and her colleagues foen the MSC sought to gather as much parrnium as possible ‘order wo hal the spread ofthe disease. The ses erset ec pera oS space powers to ransom. Boch sides fll victim to en re eel er ‘An undeniable characteris of Enon its | | | | | | | | with Eoalon’s savage nacives, Before life had even begun on many planets, the even tookehem o Eat, where they shared their know hcerare ithe Peruvian Incas. Ther ultiate touc-senstised wal, an eaborae system of Oe ea reseeroar saree | eae eee eee eerie veer Dorey o wate by Tery Nat es ene Se) ‘computer ‘brain. This control centre was 80 clbcen at repairing and maintaining the cy that eer eee eed eet tee Realising they had created a monster, che Bexlons ee eRe resEal ere divided iar primitives that worshipped the ci and thoce who believed its destruction wae key hei survival, re sl chro acon that pars snake oe MSC ans a wast des it ADalek explosive rppled the bacon. liveprate Peeters Gay > Pie eee eee eee cy pedal significance forthe Doct ene eee ete ety ma Rene neon erence tree] eer eee ere} pee een mere ere a | env [meni Reer verte ecoreeeerar ic et Serre rt mene ee eee pear ornare stent NTT Petenererr eremerrerere < 5) thunderstorm’, feeling the Doctor aseibe he high b Feaeseeneprininer ene w Prenat peoeeereeet tf i a , Py . ae etaet ha pce nthe planet, over the nest decade they began to grow their Plas crablih astableand succesful colony. Peer Davison) was reloctant ieldng) and Tarlo ero nd the limits of Time Lord eee erie the TARDIS was draged eo Frontic TRE gciationa force When the Doctor discovered SNe ISRREM eoacthe humans were on the hep. ‘A the time ofthe Doctor’ vis the husnans Pee bombardments which pummeled che ground wich tern hrouding che colony in a thick fog a ail. There wore furthe when colonists started disappearing b {ground Those loyal tothe colony cent primitive lving conditions. "Retro lived in thew sinction he a ee) eee rts subjected ro almose daly asteroid The Doctor discovered that gravity-manipulsing forboth the aseroid seg They bad erie fore the humans, nd were Thacators were responsi rn the body n roms ent Loc re Teas eet al} Laem neeries a Py: oe alsin ns) rary ry (TheFe ree Co cere eee tes praang an elaborate plan co wan ‘esos giant spacecraft The Doctor took thet lade, 1 Gill, co the uninhabited planet soca the planet harmless co-habtants, colonists MH Peace eros eee) See trae poets ae re en) ee ry ae See cere Pee Terres Dee eee eee er) ppererey Serine peeee trees eT) peered eee iroet Dea) eee ea peer) es peeee teas eer eer) To mittee) er Peete Leet comer ret ee eee ey cent So eeN Tene HE PLANET GALLIFREY, ALSO Iknown asthe Shining World of the ven Systnts, ithe home ofthe ancient race of Time Lords Wath its bbumt orange a and two sn, he landscape of Galley varied from elds of ed gras and sber leafed resto shining snow-capped mout TARDIS instruments as being no place in no time, I could, however be accessed bytransmat edminisatve buildings, such as the Pa tnd the communication tower. tassilon (Richard Mathews) the founder of modern Time Lord eilisation, The Time Lords are governed according to ion, the adminstening body being the wc ofthe Time Lor, headed by the presidente whos deputised by the chancellor “Meeting place ofthe High Council as the ssremeraiaed Pape the Od Tine ~ he was seen rsily aan engineer and architec. Iwas his colleague and porary Omega (Stephen Thorne) who Feed etree (ore Lords co develop time travel, But Omega was ost, in the supernova created when he used a remote between the mountains 0 “The Unrempered Schism, a tea inthe wry fabric ‘of realy, was located outside the cade. Looking chm formed an essen potently devastating - part Land's education and ina the Capitol -somesimes refered eo a the Wastes of Outer Gallifey bad at ties been home toa group of Gallifeyans who chose ro dropout of fo eaaee ee Corset AI Time Lor bio-data is preserved in daca Seta ete! typ aco-ordinatot. On death, a Time Lords mind sade tothe Amplifed Panaropic Computer Net, apart ofthe Mati. The Matrix ial conta the sm toa fall Time Lord the information tat has ever that can ever be stored. The i could sine eo ee Raa when necessary, by means of acct worn on the ied each eee nee matack by transduction reel, Galiey was ne the Eye of Haemony source af al the Time Lords poet othe OL Tine was the Death Zone This barren wilderness was where the ancient Time Lords w bring rogether ser specie 0 sete ‘the Daleks and Cybermen, were deemed too cast be brought 9 the Zone itself was where the man educational ‘stablshiment, the Academy, was ‘situated along with the Tine rd Archives and the mia waste Dark Tower, This was R barriers and quantum vere his essence was stored. Now inactive and Torn Baler) ~ wh allowed the Sonrarane ned the Death Zone egeered on the To bade Sonar sic itcigees Bad previously asesed the Time Lords as“arice of gat technical achievement, but lacking the ee Security within the Capitol and presumably other urban areas) was handled bythe Chancellery Guards. They reported ro a commander who in turn answered tothe CCastllan, Of world security matters were fandled by the shadowy and clandestine Celestial Intervention Agency (CL Te was possibly the 1A tha sent the Doctor to prevect the eration ofthe Dole on Slr Gr a Scrat some consider may have rggered the Time War The conflict enge for ove 400 years, and (cae aes bys trenches, Galley’ second city A felltothe Daleks towards the end ofthe war “They used to call it Ti war ented with ts appar deetetion of Galifey and the near annihilation ofthe Dalek force. But the Dortor had engineered situation eee eel lock around Galley prevented the Doctor from ag back n time to save it~ although a restored resident Rassilon (Timhy Dalton broke the Planet out of che time lo ‘ose ro Eatth in an effort o save the Time Lord Ducat the expense of humanity The presen whereabouts, and condition of Galley i no known, But Clara Oswald nd materilizedie in ie elf sina fresh oye of regenerations feast Clenin) coge the Time Lorde shrovgh a in order to forthe De somehow, Galifey and che Time Lords have been preserved J the Shining World of the Seven Systems.” The Doctor . THEGATEWAY Goliad Peto eet) eS eerie eee reer ye restr ieee Per Renirirnetenr ner] arene that emb ae mene Nv Oye? SMT ST ePaper Cy ers rere eratssnae PEt ero) is Pree ey @ recesewra vocrorwno thar ruled al own spe, he imposing Gateway symbolised the power ofthe time-sensitive Thal. The bing toolkits ‘ame foes the mirror like device in the bangueting bal Such mirrors allowed tne sensitive such as Thar and Time Lord to pass between E-Space and N-Space, and ‘fered the Doctor (Tom Bales) the opportunity held been looking for to return to his own universe ‘Alo stranded in the void outside he a group ofslavers who ued eaptre Tha the ime winds. The savers decided ro ue force ro cose the Gateway when they raised that both space and time were contracting inthe domain outside An attempt to wse their MZ weapon onthe mirror only damaged the inside ofthe Gateway. Thee increasingly desperate commander, Rorik(Cliford Rose), then ordered thei hip to be manoewved ins peiion right ouside the Gateway and back blasted the structure with ts engines. he reflected energy largely destroyed the ship nd mich cof the Gateway. The miror remained intact, however fering freedom tothe Thar kept in the ship hol “The Doctor and Adtic (Matthew Waterhouse) recurmed the TARDIS to N-Space, while Romana (Lalla Ward) and K9 Jon Leeson stayed behind to hep eee the remaining Thar fom slavery. MH “We are in the theoretical medium between the striations of the continuum. a8 eer co Peelers ete Peper rer reenter ‘steroid severed the sy See er rr on eee er anes NO ie ' MES a OLD ssc. FIER THE GREAT SPACE PLAGUE, the arid planet of Inter Minor shut ‘self of rom all other races fr millenia and defended self with a poweefl amy. Despite thei olaton, the people became technologically advanced. They wet, eee tesielas cates oe appr clasts (eeentilly human in appearance, with grey skin and bald domed head) exploiting hisasistant Shirma (Chery Hall be sgh with them a Miniscope, a pepe ‘contained minaturised lie forms, Zatb’sjeslous brother, C ounmissioner Kali Jo depose his brother leasing carnivorous Drashigs fom Vorg's rachise and leting them run amokin the ety ‘With Zarb dlscredived, Kal intended to take the planet co war with is neighbours. His plans were foiled by the arrival of the Doctor Jon Percuce sl Washer, tem —_ reer epee eerataree ee ae ree cage ere a es Fees eng celle ae peer tear al : Niece anda ppsed ne eee era Tendon planwe Though setae ‘who was nally caught inside the Miniscope, and by Vorg’s unexpected bravery. OM ccemeppraaep Cd) ae re ee eed “For thousands of years, ever since the Great Space Plague, our world has stood alone and been the stronger fe it.” Kali” OR MUCH OF ITS HISTORY, JACONDA Perera eae was. paradise wth densely wooded forest andan advanced, peace-loving ciation Prt The humanoid Jocandane resembled bic, rere me wich beaked noses and feathered plumage in place nae) {hac The planets benevolent ruler, the Master nda, wa an alen, an unconventional Time Lord called Azmael (Maurice Denar) Then the planet a overrun bya rae of gan ropods fended the Sun God. The vengeful God ent 2 ‘entre half humanoid, half hg whose numberess ‘fring ravaged the plane, leaving the population ‘saring When he saw th devactation the Sun God relented and caused a drought, which destroyed the eer rene c pee Tes onding.o ancient legend, the Queen o lugs and saved che Jocondans. Time passed bere somehow, the Gastropods returned in hordes, ‘alering the Feder wih ie cal powers, devouring the vegetation and learing ere with ther ime ras les Mesto (avin nf bin and ge telepathic power, devised a plan toexplode Jconda’ sun and disperse his genesily odie eggs othe farthest reaches ofthe cosmos. But it was ths gambie that aerated the atention ofthe ney regenerated Doctor (Cabin Baker and brought abou Mestor' downfall DM The Doctor and his companions have stepped out onto many planets, all of them realised by production - ee: et 5 s designers more reliant on their own imaginations than - the show's often limited budgets. l ae FEATURE BY MARK WRIGHT EI Sa ; i orn Seeetaioetr Soro See Te oe hese auienwortos (3) DESIGNS - the confines ofthe suo to create an alien planet ey os a fe ee Ea a onthe smi surface of Aris wee ed ina ingle day at Camber Sands in Eat Sussex. In the 1960s hi alien excursion into the ral world wns the exception, nor the rl ask ds rte selfs final work om Doctor Who involved his most Famous ereations ‘once agin. The L2-pare epi The Dales Master Plan (1965-66) required ervices of two designers, Cusick and Barry ry supplying designs for dierent episodes. Normally handed the shows historical ries, Harel) and te time Butterworth), was achieved once agin through Sh “Tewasnt very big. that st. | a.combination of studio sts and Shawerafe ime Grove Stadio D, which model work. The model, Newbery told The Frame realy tiny - sort oflong and narron: We {i 1991, "measured abour eight fre ‘couldn afford to make petrified fers, so just here was a model police box spe rete known as fibreglass roving, scale For the studio set created a formation Dactr Who fanzine The Frame i 1992. of solide alls’ début, Cusick created a rich, polyurethane foam, which had to be mixed in a testured alien enisonmene with very isle ‘wotichop in advance I marked out an area ofthe ‘money and even les pace. Combining model ce Ee droge crn lia FOR THE DALEKS’ Gal ls wold cosine to bet eo pt heed chs CREATED A ee ia, aoe Cie ai ta Sinead ony mse ENVIRONMENT == Other pansscrated yack werethesense AMUN "espa! thepanes rcnscna schon MANOA Le The Chase (1965) Ie was during production of The LESS SPACE. Chasen April 1965 that the Dar Who tex ee oor, showing exactly pe that was needed, suo tehtician nade for me. took pet this great expan of ava, which was then cu ino manageable Sections and reassembled in the stub Although The Dale’ Master ln mathe Casi ial work on the sere, Newbery emai ated nth Dacor Who fo the nex 20 years ‘ned of contributing Father alien worlds eo The The Tenth Plant (1966) television histor was made when William Hartnells Doctor transformed into an rsona pay by Patrick Troughton, Asthe series moved sa fom hetrial adventures, Dacor Who developed a mix of contemporary and futuristic Earthbound adventures, with the occasional st talon worlds, As before these were crested trough armixof mode work and audio sts created by BBC designers, with the gradual introduction of more location work Jon Perce took ver the lead role, Between 1970 ind 1972, there would be just three vss to aien (Colwyn Space, 1971), Peladon ahd Sols (The Mutants ame down to Earth in 1970 when Xs - Una 1972). The Mean’ featured one ofthe mast ‘eensive location shoots for an alien world the ies had een, ming ashi som plane based adventures when the Doctor’ exe to Earth was lifted. Notable words vised by the Third Doe jangle word of Spiidon he Daleks, 1973), Enalon (Death he Dades, 1974) and two vststo Metebels 3 (The Green Drath, 1973; Plant ofthe Spiders, 1974) The arial of producer Philip Hinchele to ‘verse the early years of the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker in 1974 uthered in a diferent approach production proces. "T spent alco ie thinking shout how we could crete a cvincing weekd 1 eakesplaei”he recalled ina interview for the BVD release of wold have checked ovt often ith visual ets people ~ Can we do this? This approach led to one of the most succesful swalsation of an alien word yet son in Dator Wing. onder Fyne But teents 75 ary Netra ee, ‘orto Sea a ef tie The Dc Tom Bae nS ie Sth Sle) ‘st So Pip de) Put On oi if Ms 96) (nko Guiten ate voce BEAR NECESSITIES SS Ses pete: eee pe se nae TT) fquurry-basederterior | thanks toadesign element PVC. Iwas based ona design eres ee en ee eet ae aed Ser aed een oneal SAR PRTC yy nie Fa Ra eee wr FOO eres ar eee eee ete eee ae en ae ee ene een qr ermrenns ee Lomeeps eerie ‘embelishment tothe location, peney oeeeote) rs eens Cental eee prey ee prin uen a ernie pie ene ey reclecner oo pant eee Coe en re SSsecce Serene per err eer) — ting allen preter nervy rere down there” Besrrcilled in re Pee G) THe essenatpocroRwHo Tomah Dac nth Sn (sue St one resi get ae Rage Mer ea oes, fe Patt) Patt Pat Fenrir sont Teon Grae 5 44 Who - era Minor, designed by Roger Murray Leach (Pane of rl, 1975). According to ‘he Hinehlife incervew inlet in the ory’ DVD release, Muray-Leach “suid you cant relly do cin he ries was before the seipes ‘were written his washow we worked, But he did Tcan do yous marvellous jungle i Ealing” Ealing Sti had frequently been wed by the BBC to shoct finn sequences, augmeneing che videotaped material that made up the bulk of ‘piso, so Hinchelife ssigned extra tes {eluting an addtional £300, around £3,600 in today’s mone) to allow Murray-Leach to construra jungle st for Planet of Er Asthe deer remembers, I went fora seally swampy jungle and we used reds and some ‘cocasonalbeiliat blues and peacock Bh ‘Wie ered to make ielook as much as posible ike something that everybody woul hate to be stuce dn We mare the trees ou of basically every sock column che BBC had, covered in two-part foam ‘AMter we'd ished, afer about two weeks they save up crying tog this foam off the columns Twas very popular! With four days’ fling at Ealing the planet sc was gven extra depth, allowing director David Maloney to shoot fom many diferent angles with single film camera, an option be woulda Aad Pd a a TREES OUT OF BASICALLY EVERY STOCK COLUMN Mo COVERED IN BAC ease) Me Perea) eo cameras, “That the inside oF ny own Ihave ad with mukiple jungle set reminded ne ‘mind reals Tom Bake, “Ie was hot and sticky snd chere were all sons of izes going on and {was creping through hoping that V woulda ll cover [was terily at home in the jungle "The final broadcast rule of Murray Leach a Minor et prompted Hinchelfe to recommend the designe for an award nomination ‘Although this didnt happen, Murry-Leach moved co other worn television and feature Bis, ‘eoeiving a BAFTA nomination in 1982 - no Winston Crh sadly for an alien planet, but The Wildemes Yar DDoctorscame an went, and the BBC's in-house Design Group continued to provide impressive tlie plane as for Detr Whe througout the 1970sand 1980s As video effects became more scivanced aed use of computer generated imagery {Ca was becoming an affordable ely, Door Who ended its orginal run in 1989. In 1996, as ‘he Eighth Dacor (al McGann) wae sting ot es, shorted adventure in America the Design Group was closed in response to a changing elevsion industry Time andthe television industry moved 1s 2005 Doctor Who returned to tke us on the trip of alifeime ~ but notin the frst instance to alien planets, Writer and executive producer Ruseall Tavis vision forthe revived eres wat rooted much more on contemporary Earth, with family relationships pushed to the for. "Deder ‘Who is ery much about Rose's relationship with the Doctor sal production designer Edvard Thomas in 2008, "We do keep coming back to Earth, Bur we dont recur forthe reason they Td oi the clase series ~ it for an artiste reason rather than budget ated “Thoma role on Dacor Who was an indication oF how television production bad changed in the Shows 16-year absence. Rather than in-house BRC designers being esigaed of stores, Thomas wasn cag ofthe entre series, overseeing a dedicated design deparment comprising illstrators, ae director, ‘et designers and construction cams, The CGl that was largely beyond the reach of Dar Who in 1989 was now aninepal pur of ee sere, provided by FX house The Mil Ithough the new Doctor (Christopher cceston) and Rose Tle (Ble Piper never visited an alin world together on een it wa all change withthe arrival of Eelestons successor, David Tennant. Following the ime travellers ad their work cut ou in The Ips Planet The Satan Pa (2006), in which the unnamed tsar planet, orbiting a black ole, pushed Thomas and hie eam othe anit too The script called fr ths planes tobe rally uninhabitable, with this ermporary base serucure tom it? Thoena told cor Who Confidential ea of all co be flapping andthe noise andthe wind running through there. The Geers ery important you eatabish the Colour ofthe Blackhole ~ we decided that would eared colour ~ and that affects the lighting gthrough che walls andthe windows, Like Philip Hinchlife 30 years before, Davi was thre with che esl, teling Confident, Tie Imps triumph ls where you see The Mil and Ed ‘Thomas andall the design teams co-ordinating. Ie ike the costumes match the walleays which matches the location. Is ely gota fs 0, the whole thing i knitted together Thome continied at Dacor Whos production designer until 2010, overseeing Mate Smith's frst series the Doctor before handing ver to Michal Piclovoad whose frst tack on Dacor Who was to realise the alien sting oF ‘A Crista Carel (2010). Ie was al chee in ‘hos first few paragraphs ofthe scrip” he told the mngazine Dacor Who Insider in 2011. "Here you have a Scrooge ike character lording i over 2 Dickensian cy in another ime and plac. immediatly started to come together Karan Sandick played by Michael Gambon] wasn just Scrooge on another plant. He was Citizen Kane Planet. Everything came fom that From this fis spar, Piclwoad introduced an industrial aesthetic ino the alien world, From Karan Sark tudy to the fog-shroude, Ayingfah-nfested streets of Sandiclzown, "When creating a place like this there neds to be vista logie” he reasoned "Why i everything made frm toetal? Wel the towns ounders were shipwright “That's what they knew that's how they bul things with everything riveted together” “To devel ths alma ‘steampone-inspired world, Pickvoud turned to the industrial of Wales, With Dacor Whe now abe to undertaken seas posible during the series orginal run, perfec location presented itslfin Newport's Mir ec DESIGNS facing The Ings inn Tha nach 2006 Conta ‘Sn We tng Seton tow A Gir Goat. Wan ot at ferdmcyone ton da ented steelworks “From the outside, Mirloked like ‘wonderful location, all vnlators and eavy real" the designer tld Ins. "But when we swentinside we were completely blown away veryhere you looked there were extraordinary Das furnaces, giving you the most obscure shapes imaginable, Even before we Buk mnything, theplace already looked weird” Pidevoad, 1 for alien planet cig vay fag right or te are aE Raymond Cusick had done decades eater. Prom Alfva Metra to Zolfa-Thura, Dacor Who as his personal featured some of che most conning alien planets rer seen on clevision, Whether woeling with ‘a petrifed forest and alien cy created na tiny studio, hor and sticky jungle constructed as flo sor the bos rd rod I seehworks on location, the designers ‘working on the series ave all pons above andl beyond! the call of dur, There as never enough money and there sme never enoigh time" rerlled Css 2006, That may stillbe true, bcc has never stopped Dor Wh desenes from creating worl that ‘oninge riven the ener imagination, auienwortos (>) N INHOSPITABLE ha smal inkcrockand da purple ower welling and dominated by ptor Jon Fete i sid =the Citadel ~ which Karfl wih his companion Jo Grane ns andthe ruling coun Janning), then was drawn back nhs seth The planet sufered under ation (Colin Baker) with Pert the oppressive rue of th (Nicola Bryan) when the TARDE inthe cadel via Doctor wi th to the Morioxes, huge lo called Megelen Robert Ashby necked repels that habs who had been experimenting ith the Mori creatures and ben transformed into a powerfal nybrid, bal Karelon, hale Moo The Boras revulsion at his mutated appearance ed hin to ban all itrors and reflective surfaces from the Citadel. He ryt teclology and pushed the plane int war with the segtbouring planet Bande destroy the hurnanoidKarfloes. Doctor defeated the Borad by turing his own eeu Pastas} Ce ae PrN ee ered eras Nea) pan) eee) Sd , THE ESSENTIAL DOCTOR WHO. oe ee ee os planet now i almost uninhabited, the surface barren with outcrops of peculiar Peres ea eer ov earn et So ee pores pee ee ers SaaS ‘only the Time Lords are their equals in mind-power. The Sisters guard a sacred flame from which they corse ena by gases from deep inthe mole heart ofthe planet. eee a ne restore damaged tissue and bring the dying ba Sse ee See Ca ec dag eee Fe Poteet) oS eee) etmen — Be epee Pree eee ° eet eons Poet peeer eet Sore Poe eee ee ee eet ee ee sentenced to extention for leading the rebellion, eT eee eters eras pliced in a dispersal chamber and stomised inechames hee een enter rey parpeeerer en pipen ices py re Coe eneeenenn eee tea Peete cement iets eri ee eee ot eee a ‘Smith isabeth Sladen) landed on Karn, the Doctor pee ee ren ee eee ee etsy deal with some dirty work” Whether this was true See ce eae dl Peet eer ree ter dmieogy ee Sate see peer renin meet wernt execution, Solon had secretly removed the Time ee crenent een eet tn ee eee eee Sener eer eer eens een en ete criminal genie fnally defeated, Paani cet eet Pear eT ener etree ee eter Eee eee eT OL COPY LI Ty ices me ees Pe eee et eee ess see iS preys nett san ctnet ithe aay Sere eee Pesan epee rs toner pean peices peecten ser retort Peres eee ne! Lemioee npr rp ere Poy eee ee ceng er) Seo ee (Epo anooeaat! Seoen Ghat rernr acer” om, pei teen a enn eer a mere ee eT) Te Rag ne once. Now look at it. And there are other planets like it, all destroyed by Morbius. Dre hoe ed tee eo Ne ee ees eae ee ee A & i Peaeer ran Py eee eee rod Mice aed Sen Chena esa rn) icing Peery Cee ee ee Reet or oa ‘who explained that the Elixir would enablehim endless war, the Doctor chose to bea warrior te Moreover the potion had now Karn, ence the domain of another warrior PTY ray Pettit} ioe rrr eee err eet ret Prony emcee) eee peewee eins Be ee ea) ee acaead Te ee Pee 1965-19 lamay 866) Cee ae eet ead pene eter] Q reese vocron wn Lo De ee Recs neta ces} : rere ry See seer ee eee HE HOSTILE PLANET KEMBEL HAD 2 fexsome reputation, and athe end a ers of operations forthe Dales daring the execution oftheir Master tan, Coveted with lense jungle and populate by various animal ieforms, Kembel was salar in many respects co the Daleks’ planet Skaro (For ade defence the Daleks immpored karo’ deadly Varga plans Pr animal, pare vegetable the cacti Varga kale by means of poisonous thors infusing the tins bain with an overhang sie to il oa aney be ec eee ac cr rae, the Daleks constructed a spaceport anda hy “This is the most hostile planet in the universe. People from other civilisations avoid it.” Marc Cory ‘man, acilstion ore and el on Kasra Aco, nhosptable plane, ravaged by slar minds ie found asavioue in Ekrad (Seep Thome), who bu spatial barter to repel the winds, ‘evised 3 exytline sco form for hs people ad created machines to eplenish che earth and the ‘senoypere. The Katians bu frtstically advanced cities with breathtaking srchiteerire bed on eryetalie foes Sees eeteem eth cee of lactic conquest. When thwarted by Rokon, King of Katia Roy Skelton), the doomed, Rokon sentenced Era vo oblceration, but the execution process wacneniely sucess Ahough the Kista had preserved themeelves in crystline race bas, with 100,000,000 crystal particles wating to he regenerated even the remot possibilty of Edrad’s ‘eturn wast rile content they opted fo oblivion rather than subjugation, As Rokon had feared, nti Elda did return, with the uniting help ofthe Doctor (Tern Bal) whee companion Sara Jae Smith (lsabeth Sladen found the Kastan fssed hand in 3 quay and provided the lueprin for che ale irs egenercion, DM ‘ity. This was the location forthe momentous conference of the Daleks and representatives ofthe Fee lees at becees ares Mrs Chc {Guardian ofthe Solar Sjszem (Kevin roney) ‘After an inergalacie chase the Doctor (Wiliam areal) gained contal ofthe Dale’ ering ‘weapon, the Tine Destructor. This destroyed che Dales, simultaneously ending al ie on Kembel by accelerating time and reducing the jungle to dt The machine’ erasim care burnt ou ‘ime was reversed, leaving the planeta aren wasteland, DM ® kropitor eens Nee concn ry Sarnneere) ea eee ee oe ed Perera ae re gravity ld, kepein constant balance against Eater Eee Beer ate ee ees Screen Tey eo alien servants called the Ood, The Doctor eer Lee eaeeearee eer ee eee ect ere orem Paneer ar (Chee ee eer me ay a eld, suspended in perpetual geostationary orbit around CE Ta era eeeteits rot rr Trae} es civilisation and a huge metal hatch in the Parry peyerrer rg See eer Pera senryoerarneiry reer ry ee ee ee er) eee) Teorey Donner ene ere era tes essay eis CCN ‘The plant sna uihbie eee oe pens rat The ine Pine The ed aed eee with an sandr PON: Deer err ened The plane’ pink sky and o pula characteristics - yellowish Pera ee © ten Pp ne Baker Manipulator on Laker But the benevolent climate and lack of obvious eee datos mi the Lakeryans easy prey for the aa) when she planned toc ssn the minds of Earth and other planets. The i bat ike Terps al pint for the beleaguered ui sp The Ran was Filed by the new (Sylvester Mec generaved D ‘and then abused by’ werran het TARDIS. The Laker Seen daughter Charlot Abigail Her living mind was placed inthe central database that comprised the (ad for ofthe plant - essentially the largest hard Arie ever created. The moon that orbit the planet was actully avirus-checker that supported and Iaincained the computer, which was named CAL afer the ite g's iniias. Wath the ‘doctor moon to watch er Charlot was surrounded bythe hooks he loved and ad ll of human bistory By the time the Doctor avived, The Library had been lose for 100 years, Doted around The Library were selected from thoes donated tothe central compu ‘lsh bake: One of the nodes provided valuable ues rene es vale eatin) creme esr) srinty Steven Nef eee sed River Song and Felmarsrandson Swackman Lux (Steve Pemberton) were part ofthe ist archaeological ‘expedition to breach che plane's quarantine. They and thei colleagues were there to ivesigate he infest that apparenly claimed the lives of he 4022 people who were in Th Libeary when it was silenced. The Doctor identified the threat a the most aggresive swarm of Vashea Nerada he had ever eee eee ee eee these flesh-eating shadows, but the Doctor used The Library to keep part of ier alive forever. MH “She loved books more than anything. He gave her them all.” Strackman Lux MESSAGE FROM CRYPTIC stranger Professor River Song (Alex Kingston) brought che Doctor (David Tennant) and Do Tate) to The Library in the Sst century The Doctor tel Donna that tis was the biggest Morar inthe universe ~a planet ste institution that conained pecially printed editions of every book eve writen The Libary was bul fn the Sh entry by Flan lance means of preserving the memory of his dying The Logopoitans’ unique mathematical skill were s0 powefal tbat their computations deetlyafected the physical world. Computers would LOGOPOLIS ay oe ed eirereveart ae peer eee pete se Prmnpesuguy ia Eee ee eeraan arora end es Cia et} er oer ree) cen Cary Q We essen vacronwne HE MASTER (ANTHONY AINLEY) eas talking Bguratiely racer han eographically when be described this plane as“a eo high place overlooking SE coer ‘crucial role Logopolis played as arguably ehe most {important planet that universe, The Fourth Decor (Tons Bake) was well acquainted wih Logopolis and its Monitor John Fraser) when he ‘sited the plane in an efor o rept his TARDIS. He hoped the Logopolita could recreate filly Fncioning version of a ap tang Emp eee eed have boen suscepble to his process, each Legepolcn mace his caleliions using nothing more elaborate chan mental arithmetic and an abacus “The repair of he TARDIS wa sabotaged by the Maser, ho murdered several ofthe Logopolians substtted their eode fr his on numbers The Doctor and the TARDIS recovered, but ‘he Master then tied co intereupe che entire planers calculations, This had devastating and ‘foreseen consequences, The Monitor revealed that he reas bad ong tice pase ch point of maura collapse, andthe only things ‘hari tests Chron ey weed Sere “acum emboimentstemporsiy ope Logopelians' mathematics. ‘Asthe Monicor, Logopois and large parts of ‘he universe began to disintegrate, he Doctor and ‘he Master formed an uneasy alliance, heang to ‘he Pharos Project radio telescope on Earth in a desperate fort stabilise CVE The entire universe was at stake and the Doctor would ie is life ro save i. MH. ® MALCASSAIRO 7 Marcha Jones (Freema Agyeman) and Captain Jack Harkness John Pere veneer ee Ts ee eee oe eet Feree er erernre ee ee ae See eee eee ee ee raeye am peerrines es eee eee) Faturekind, thought tobe the next evolutionary Dee Cerne ees INDIGE as] pincer 5 rr Cereal eee eee] cro ofthe Suna etches agriculture a Federation 3 “The Feder granted, ch on arn ss) oy 1985) een cd co creer Pani we Cone Freer re arene oar eee Cente eecnee tte The Doctor, Martha and Jack heiped Yana and Chancho solve their tech Peper er rey nen eee ee eee as eee enn yr] Sota to his forgotten true identity ~ the Master. The The Doctor, Martha and jack escaped OS ee Leone erence rd tole msc se di purpose o INUSSA HAD BEEN THE H: dof and the Sumaran. The D ‘Nea (Sarah Sutton) and! 4 here SOO years afte th an Empire and che defeat ofthe Mat ME Loker allen epi is fer burs asthe chi planet in the m with the tats of coli ation elt took thet ating the danger I the cya nthe exe Ls ATION Cee or een Pera sienna as Peas esa ae eee ee Lenses see ener yeinanennrnner tn es ae ere eee eed crreerrareey | Peel eer Ses rhe ed Peer Cegme) eens eed enn The snakedancers who practised th lisiplin missed a acloard call ofthe most valuable antiquity from th pie the great ey hich had her gai, plrsng this time to eles are orf fear of The former Federation srablich ® (Preston Lac ‘had become sakedancer and instructed the Doctor inthe Fasc UNO Ces eet eer eet] Eee ebenen omer] rere eee eects poreares eeener es) | eee rs ee ene SS eal eres Peer arieeeee nny overgrown by hostile vegetation as nr rr ee Cee ee Pertenece) ee ened See teen ne the remains of the city ofthe Morphoton, where reer een en eee en eee Freee pe mere represen eee eres ESP Seser ie ee pene pe mere ener} ee se eee ogee ts Pe merenemnrenrepires) My erre | aye orem et een se eee ees ule lesser offences are punishable by hard Prat eee ety rey peer eee ses eet rs Ss Se ace ee eer inhabited worlds Marinus isan | ago withthe developmen of the Conscenee of oeerreeny encores ey eerie || and Sabetha (Katharine Schofield), the Doctor ( Pee Serene ern ne ence Reena vet ee Preece ene Peeters ee erence Penne) ret irony eT ae Ye @ Ce eee eed ee ete ees perenne earner pene cee ene Ce a’ eases sa renamed ee cere ce the power t influence minds, thus eliminating | HABITAT acter eee rary Vaio vans om ingle wrod hs aritectaly pene Fae eee pre Plemy hy au | Ny Beene ilu ee ree AL) —* ee Bekele. “iia Rae Ey sy A SES ee ee GReTL eo eas Ut GATE CENT Cee erry t me | ep lewrerty ms PROTECTED BY Frozen armoured knights Pe ey eee ea Eaten er nr eros Cen) Pere rT Ror a ome eee Wes Say faa tad Pere soaen Eons emote! Pare ANTAL) Perea cee nent ity rics Ero ganas Cool Gi ae RCT) Roane Pron eee Cesk GER te] suenwonos @ ~ Cee Reece ono aca saly See ee a : Pcs Dee Ro ed peta eee as See Rea Satara ’ aoe) Se poet eee] Dee ea cee Se eed pees ond ey paponir epee nn Preemie ca eter renee Pere eererteeerntey Peeping ey rey . - Petaen senperrsee 4 mae ll Fore arenes es pee 6 eee rn jean papers 2 eee Rees ey a Pree ert Sri reseed eienereerniae fi “They tell legends of Mars from long ago - of a fine and noble race who built an empire out of snow. nape aS The Ice Warriors.” The Doctor enn eeerycns ry ye Beer secre Den RC ene eee eer armen i, | ee elas 1911, sending service robot and the possessed | from destroying the Eye of Horus. Although Fe Ofori Narn Teme y orn eT Ry ae RU Oneey ee] Sr rear erent | See Soa Erotsr pecisceres oes poeeenetieen fete Pev Cy Sa Ce Sep Bie = Rae near emg SSeS, PES pba a] eterna esti) eet Oe CRS ro a eerie Bie ies erie cere te em arent eet rotornne re mr inte oar co aye eee on Sete ee eee ed Peene rea ace Cee ear eee rp ereerr erate See een eee Peer ren) oe cere car een coer eee Peer ee es eee ee ers ‘Carrington John Abineri) was er ee eens Sasa deeain on, ee eee eee ey the subsequent mision Mars Profe 7, which eee eee pene ferene eet ere ey Se eee) See tect eee ee ey jee ee aes to fruition with Bowie Base One, set up by the ce sn ees Sees in Liverpool and constructed from kit form on Mars under the supervision of Capesin Adelaide Peace tenner seat ani See ts Perens eres Pane otras parasitic organism known Here cones Sooner Pe eenen ny Seen ee anced cee Ren ener Peer eee Caen cn See nt Re ere en Cee Peete eee ps See eared ora eae Feneaeeonerereg Scorer pe parent meres een eros oe Peston acy tke plot emer Ferceatene er ea ee ees eee eg Cerrar ts and his sub- delegate the Ice Warrior eons te erga et as e-colonised the planet. JR MISSIONS | O THE UNKNOWN Interplanetary travel has always been an essential part of Doctor Who, but how plausible are the programme's trips within and beyond our solar system? Sateen mas Bre E Ea Stanee aera Saari aaleediee rere sede lpn s Ee eee pe rg ee eee Sea eo ee Se pee eee eee eee fet See ee Larsen eomere erie ae peer een eee Peel ert pei rae ed Fetal oe eee ee eater 70s revealed the planet to bea Frozen desert, with a thi, fereirerrrpeereicienree pismo veOr rary act Whoit hasbeen identified as home tothe repiian ee eta es Pee ee i neers eee eee ee eee eee Perce re b eeey tee ee ey eer ener olen oe eet ete (oe ee eed eee a ener is ieee eee ee eee was Venus, whose cloudy atmosphere was originally thought to conceal a moist, tropical landscape. But by the 1970s data Parr ees epee may ee pry eet re Ey even more inhospitable than Mars, with searing temperatures 430°C, crushing atmospheric pressure and clouds made of concentrated sulphuric acid. Quite how the Third Doctor een eee such discouraging conditions has never been revealed. ey Tepe eerste arr rrr eet se) sre eet katie are Peete aey aera) ALIEN WoRLDS {51 NAY arent Loy See Peso ty etc wre Pace Teneenspeney rest eee a er eee eee pekinese ore fear ear eny Ps pari prei errr ant Bey smntrrea vor Teen ter Ere eet nee eneeentel ar ris 4 The giant planets Jupiter, Satur, Ura and Nepeune have been the focus of some ofthe most Who - perhaps b the Doct mixed iewith oxygen to ‘nd was tfe about the possiblity o X-even farther referenced in the story when the D hata more distant Tesch ena WIP) talaga np ruin hie Figs Mone a Eig Sider ey 7 wy, Casi, ha been di a couple of decades KO was proved iene ur led to the lea deen ente Monn ssifcation 0 197) he Found that the iy atmosphere. During the 1970s sp misions ofthe ls Four decades, bat they lack a solid surface on tel visi eT, Satur largest 0s revealed new information on ts thane-rich othe plot when the use an expos ge ofthe solar sytem, barely warmed or arrived therein ti had been lation overed Planet this wa 9 remarked ed, Within distant Pluto sized objects ~ though cis in ‘Sets 0. ‘Comets and asteroids have also tured out ro be fascinating Tit Samilyenwen, te words in et own sight, with turning data and nag Mapepdiycustronney being sent back by spacecraft such ae NASA Den mission Sct Sten 920, and the European Space Agency's Rseta craft. The Docior had em slows encounter with Halley's Com in Atack ofthe Cyermen Poems homies (1985) ard pid several visits o inhabited asteroids ~ the CileEunpenspetgwys | BAL Foundation in The nviahle Enemy (1977), he domain of Pedtipraedttcptnce the TARDIS-devouring House in The Doctor’ Wife (2011) and ©) wees. vocron wwe possi of planets around the billions of the Milky Way, bur deecing someting as small and faint as 4 exoplaets for short planet beside the glare ofits parent star was by 3 poweful telescopes, Tha all changed inh of the ist extrasolar plane around te pulsar PSR 1257 Thanks to planet-hunting missions lke NASA Kepler spac Uicled Super WASP consortium we now know telescope and th flterlly hundred of planets obi 8 o how do the fetional planets tap to the brave new words being reve telescopes? Lc forthe Doctor and his companions the TARDIS usualy sens to prefer landing on pl temperature, atmosphere ad gravitational pull ace roughly similar to those of Earth. Although astronomers have yet © lene ay teuly Harh-ke planets, the indications ae good ‘current estimates ggest there could be more than 17 ilion ‘of them in our galany alone = which surely ene for Dotr Who writers But one ofthe biggest surprises of been jase ow alien some exoplanets really re with many 1 last ewo decades hae ooking noting ike nas ben quick off the mark. In The impossible Plonet (2006) the TARDIS landed on Krop To. ‘would in orbit around a black hole. Alchough we've yet to ‘dacover anything quite ready boon astonished to fnd planetary systems dense objects almo note eal ile, atroncenes have nnd black holes ethaps Door Who Impossible lance might ot beso impossible afterall? “Meanwhile planet made of diamond was far fetched but MISSIONS TO THE UNKNOWN HERE CARBON IS MORE ABUNDANT THAN OXYGEN PLANETARY.GEOLOGY MIGHT BE BASED ‘THICK MIST CLINGS T0 THE eee cig jungle ares ofthis plane dificult o traverse, The inhospitable narure of thisterrain did, however, make ithe deal place {or the Doctor (Wiliam Hartnell), lan Chesterton (Wiliam Resse), Barbara Wright Jacqueline Hilly and Viel (Maureen O'Brien) o stand thie ‘route gaint a cenacious squad of Daleks More than 50 yeas earlier Mechants had ben seleced as an Ears colony. Arocket was set in fare ey ergs peel tee ‘orders to clear landing sites for the humans. oe eee ale Pee eee intergaa was forgoten The rabor Mechonoids constructed an elegant cy with interconnecting Its and ramps. Sits embeded in the jungle floor lifted dhe main pare ofthe structure around at and the colonisation programme 1500 feet above the surface ofthe planet. The Mechonoids patrolled the city and monitored its surroundings with ruthless fen, waiting for ‘orders and migrants that never came. MECHANUS “Twa years before the Doctor's vst, space piloe Seven Taylor (Peter Purves) raced fon Mecham. His ship was desuoyed, but he survived and spene days wandering the jingle, He soon leaned avoid the gi fungoid predators tha slowly stalked their vets through the swamps The n were distinguished by thick, mushroon-le stalls singed with suckers When the Fungosds sot close enough to heir prey the umbrela-ike head’ descended, rapping and consuming the victim beneath ie The creatures hunted 3 nigh, recoling rom the glare of sunlight at dav Taylor escaped the Fangoids, only to be captured bythe Mechonoids. He was unable ro guess the code the human immigrants would have sed to signal thei friendly intentions, 20 was confined toa room at the tp ofthe city Shattered walls allowed the robots to observe their specimen, Taylor hadall but given up hope of meeting nother human, so was amazed when the Mechonoid herded the Doctor and his feends “This is the planet Mechanus. All forms of life are to be treated as hostile.” roa Ces INDIGEN SPECI fearon] Carts ree a ere) pervert sven ee See eet ae perry ra) Be pears eet into hi cll. The captive soon seared vo devise an plan, while the pursuing Daleks confronted ois they described as Mchons The Dall attack «firestorm chat obliterated the iy For ‘the Doctor and his frends had already descended tothe ground wsing acable they discovered con the citys windswept roof Lan and Barbara retumel o Earth the Dalek ime while Seven Taylor joined che Doctor and Vicki in the TARDIS. The vegetation then reclaimed Mecha from what was presumed tobe the ast ofits robor custodians. Mi oa Ce ed Ce ner ern en ee ene Seer’ SREP Sees, eee et tes (ape pepe Oy RENT Ty SOR on eee ea Oy ene wre ed eee eee deploying eobot drones to construct the initial ener rare ees ee Lees dled, leaving a power vacuum, The human and Prepare er ny erent eee Seiaba sie sola ree ee ry ‘machines were used to create more than 6680 eee ee oer aera) ‘on the wars seventh day with his companions Donna Noble (Catherine Tats) and Martha Jones ieee areca lateral ee! teleaedits cole of gases, aids Se ers poner een open Pesan tere rece ees ere ry ees Borer) Eo eens pear Teese ee PC ened eT ee eed Cn TR Cr Seg ‘oder Ace corey - MT gt en scl gia sake hogs rene ns HE FAMOUS BLUE PLANET OF (On his rerum over 40 years later, he and his the Rese pe sored cae || Sacer Sa Fc found the descendant of thrall toa matrianchal user of super intelligent sant spiders, the ental mused offspring Ty fondinary Earth spiders brought the planee Several ofthe plane's minerals exhibit unusval_| aboard the colony ship.The spiders Great One ECS sxrucates~a blackstone which absorbs leical_| required the Doctors blue erystal to complete a crystal with he ‘eystal eb which she belied would increase Ber eee) power to lear andex her powers o infinity Instead i destroyed her ere brs and led her sisters fecing the Metebelis on Pewee) acquired perfexe bie etal colonists CB “But there aren't any giant spiders on Metebelis 3, or at least there weren't any when I was there.” The Doctor space, Midnight isa plane of contrasts suf the rch and ngting rw galvanic radiation, Most vin Sather ea hydeogen-based,sicaes exposed tos ight fo ust a faction ofa second wit ill burn up snd vapors, omplex of large glass bubbles on the surfa Midnight. isa lunuty hotel and health resort bu from X-tonic resistant materiale chat were shipped to Midnighe in pre-consructed sections. The windows fete Bonn nto ‘hat is over four meres thick, I fat ring pols gy dpe bees and he moe ant gray sean (ibs proved) Four hous journey fom the Leisure Palace isthe spphire Waterfl (actually ompound icon with ror smaller sapphires wen teaches the Clif of Oblivion “Thesapphites then fll 10 Tn en mde tothe Sapphire Waterfall hat che include 00 fet into acyl ravine. “The only places that life can survive ae inside the Doctor (David sn orgaise | Se aa mete) cee eat Cerner are ive neseiet eee eee ee er eer ee eee Tern pee sea ea eee eee peetreTcy eee ee ety ee ese! Tes ee} re eee ee ee sooo nee ee Periner rinse sey sere t me prc ee V cee) ‘observations suggested to ther that dere was pepetneny eerie ae tN ec Ere nea re ©The Dos Maser Plan ee Cree Pacers ed rane ALY 5 paper ec eer eines pee eee eeeenoe poner fi eee pens ; BM | oisccetecvcnags tae eri q Bi Veet 3 a Epeorinrscr o- er eaeaneryy “I might have known it. Visians. The planet DT a ed rad ere ice Teese sy eer eres pape crc Ce themeinsng ea) os re Cre ee ees eee nee) ere eee erent ee ered would draw ff the atmosphere, destroying all Peet ee ets per ree Lene eernener i riety hn) Pree ee eee cee Se eh es Parone h ence es tee peeteeNeS pec ieee entered Pai eereceer eres ene cee teers ns Soe ee cas reer ren nny rca aris Seni! Peer t Tee eae erry Preteen tes every Fer aise eee! eo Rereirece renin ier reer ees Doctor (Patrick Troughton) later realised this Seer Pee ee reer ee ea eae arte Se eee ee Prenencrmiertenes tat Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman) was astonished Perec he ea EB vete ery Sea Pee eee Perea eery Se ice arnenre tens prereny nr ey Poems ets aes Peters cee eet ee ete eee ee eed ee ee eee Penner The newly regenerated Doctor (Matt Smith) eee ees Derren errr na nc peer otc nse Pees UT eee ees eee a Sere (eter Capaldi), Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) coe a eC een Becry eerie ea or hence oer een eee ene eee Loe eee reer ea Sen ener eeeeereret er eens a ee eee) Aeduction that explained all these strange Geese eee Se eee eee ees iM eb ees ose eee ne eas) oe ee ee es Lemna ent ete systems on Barth. A plan to destroy paper serr errr ‘bombs was narrowly averted by Clara Lerner) a oeN secreted oc beerrcee any threat tothe Earth. Moments reappear eee sy er eee rey meee end Se eee ‘on Earth extreme weather condivons es ed Pee resco Ben (Michael Craze), Poly (Anneke See eens vere erty Sener Gravitron, a device directed towards the Earth na effort vo contol its increasingly eee ee eee ee ee Ce eaten eee cineca reer Treen Face een epee eee cee eee! Sree reensetenneer ny ais Oe Seer Lge eens Doctor turned the Gravitron on the Cybermen, oe eet cee) ree eee Parner Tee neers er eee os discarded rocket technology in favour of ae ea ee tee ee eee eet es contro centre on the Moon Mankind had poner nen yer en Re ee as ‘commandeered the T-Mat moonbase. The lee Sa eet g Erte tr ee eet eee eer or period of relative stability By the S2nd century erent Earth was saved when the ce Warriors invasion [orennerrvae Tree rir Peroni) reported thatthe Moon was now inhabited by RUPE ees ee ee eet Pee een ere eee eet fae er neeere sere een eer tet ens [ome mee irreer eer er eer Perret essay ere een otc ass9 eres PCs eer ars OR Oe ee a) es Cd Oe ee eee) ee ee aed Ste ena) ees Cal See) Ley Cemeteries eras eo} ceed We ey ead that’s been tagging along beside you for a hundred million Tea ha ss ‘of falling to Tt ll ete Rees eetiacc Peet eee sees HABITAT ee ey peers tec ser vee Wea) Pree Eee pero) pee med Necros aquired a repuation forts cae and unusual ereatrent ofthe de where the copes of wealthy clients were kept in suspended animation until they could be cleansed fof the diseases that killed them, The staff at Trango Repose dresed in ble - the colour of mourning on Nectos - and referred to the process 4s perpenalinstatement” rather than burl. Outside the Fciliy wae che Garden of Fond Metores, where monumene wer exerted Jnonout clens no might spend decades in ‘yogenicsuspension The functional glass and Sei of Trangil Repade pve wy ch ao plush and eleganc reception roms, decorated in the ape othe Art Daca movement on Earth. A) (Alene Saye) also took his inspiration fom Each cure, proving a commentary on the lates technological and cultural developments tothe clients who had selected the most expensive sevice Inthis way twas hoped they would subconsciously absorb enough information ro enable a smooth rt sociey pon thei ‘Aside from their ole as extraordinary tsndereakarsthe people of Neeos worked in factories producing a high-protein concentrate hac was sold to developing planets for avery low price Although ful-astng this cheap foodstut Fad eliminated famine this fast-growing pare of the glam "There was, however, sinister link besweon the to nurs Teel pone was easereibly run bya benevolent sient called the Great Healer. In elty the Great Healer was Davo (ersy Molloy), the creator of he Daleks, ho conducted appalling experiments on the corpses ‘underground laboratories. Davos had already conquered many ofthe diseases that Ele hs cents bt rather than reviving them Ba be barvested the brains and cercain other tisue from those of ate and ambition. He used cis rateial as che genetic basi fora Dalek at ‘hat would be loyal to him, in opposition to Dalek of Skaro (gy). Bodies Belonging to ‘what Davros considered “leser intellects celed as concentrated prcein forthe Foodstlf factories un by Kaa (Eleanae Bron) Reser of Davros’ constant demands for money, Kara hited Orca (Wiliam Gaunt) and Bostock John Ogwen) to murder him. Shorey afer ther assassination actempe Fed and Bostock was killed, Davros was captured by Daleks from Skao.Asthey prepared eo take him back tec planet to put hin on trial, Orin detonated ‘bomb chat e hoped would catch Davros ints blast Davos escaped and Orcini did, but the Doctor (Colin Bakes) pointed out that his sacrifice | was noc in vain he ad succeeded in destroying Davros’ new generation of Daleks “angoil Repose was lef in ruins bus, falling some advice fom che Doctor, former employers Takis (Tkevor Cooper) and Lit (Cain Spl) decided co protein coneenarate, MH rma native plan to prodice a new Ue Ear EE ae ee No-one is interested in the PY ae Fe Nac N ABOUT 5,000 000 000 THE destuction of Each prompted eet eee human race ving across the stars oamans and ctkin settled on New Earth - a planet the sae size as old Earth with the sane ‘One of che most dazling cites ever ui, New New York was extablished besides lake os, ag Hall hope fre eel open Te ake or seas cial- pechape a result ofthe one large ee ieee ete where there are = talland constructed of material tac shines igh ‘nthe sun Ae the base ofthe cower isan undeci slum of brick, including Pharmacy Town. The aris cleaner in Brook than in Pharmacy Tow, in 5,000,000,025 the popalation ofthe cy was tenmilion. Thar year, the Doctor helped ree ra ge _ AGL ed Bs killed the entre population of ovecity Ayovets aved people in the undercigy fromthe agreed ofthe virus but they werent released une eet an! cnr rhe oy Ce ree! Pere none es eee) oer) rei eee erly “Strictly speaking, it’s the 15th New York since the original, so that makes it New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York.” The Doctor 00,054, New Earth was also placed in automatic planetary quarantine for 100 years. The New New keer Es eae ‘motorway with 15 new lanes. There ate SO levels of tai lnes in 12 rs Level $0 is some 1000 feet rom the ground where Macra lve feeding of the fume tenderety population was nally released fom ‘the moeorway ro take over the overcty,catkind Novice ace ea ree rd occasional cars When the auenworos by the benign, telepathic Ood, humanoid creatures bom with external ees ‘A rematkable discovery i the ie oftheir planet had huge implications for them, and mankind, in the ater parc ofthe Oth century A party fom Earth covered another Ood brain beneath the Ood: Spheres northern glacier. This gant Desi united ll the God in elepathi contac. ere eee eee ete ee and plaed ic atthe heart ofan inducer facility eee eee The giant bain was stored in Warehouse 15, whee an electrical perimeter ensured tas signal tothe Ood was blocked. With the Mind ofthe Ons trolen, che capeuted Ood had thee hind brains singly removed an replaces th spherical translator devices prafed oneo their beads Thi ‘barbaric proces was ag hidden rom the people ‘of arth bu became the core actity ‘ofthe company Ood Operations, rain eral eee. The fcity onthe Ood- Sphere was, {stone ofa number of Double-0 sing.” The Doctor “Stifled for 200 years, but not any more. The circle is broken. The Ood can isribtion centres that took the Ood from breeding farms converted them, anc pocleged eee ere a ‘ilised planets. Thiswas slavery marl as benevolenr servitude, and itheped eo exalish the Second Great and Bosntfl Human Empire, ‘od Operations had ben family company or generations In4125 the incumbent CEO, Kineman alpen (Tim Melnnery)vsted the distribution tere onthe Ood Sphere to intigus repre ‘of mysterio deaths amonget the sa Hs oincied with that ofa delegation of potential ere (David Tennans and Donna Noble (Catherine Ts) The Doctor had previous} vised the neighbouring. | oes Desaneen(s} arcane meet ney arr stae eee rer) reer Sr eee tes orice cere) cere ees peiea iors! Sen Spher(p) bot new tine cf the Oot and othing ofthe crag history Forrome inc Ood Operations | na bon he tage of the human pressure group Friend ofthe Oo, but it ok the Dorr eri prison. Two hundred ests afer it had ben captred the Ood brain wa able to une (Oc fiom all ove he alan in telepathic song | tringingto a pacefilend he evolton that had Pelee olor ered | trading and rockers brovght he aves back | theirtome planet | ape’ former ssitane Ood Sigma aul | Kasey) anh low Oot eter frot te Docer | and Donna. One hundred erste, Ood Sigma Summoned the Doctor back to the Ood Sphere. | TheDocor attend telepathic conference | wth the od Elders, and expressed surprise {hac the Oo ad bull such an impressive cy inter a short tie since hide MH i naturally curr ing teal the Kraale rea eee developed thiclesthery hid ‘Oscidon ra al ie and torefine che plan with ch asronaut (Miton Johns). The Doctor Ch inghe testing round and fora cme 1 Sarah Jane Sih Elisa Tkeving that chey ah tainatore, aed the Doctor ee nts that radiation; both were ches to thes tue location, The ivasion began, but Sy when the Do stack the Kral er perenne taal Pasay ro CG cores oe cos Trea Pee) eeu) ‘9 witenby Bab Baler& Dave Marin Peete aoe ecu t ean pe eneeeyeer rene nen strange secrete ht formed around Eanes a re Se rpeer emery cere ee a [rece eee ore igi ae ne eee er eae eee eres ee ent peor Ter ce eer one pera YEE ee eee ee es paren rereereets See ee a ed Peace perenne ries Senet eetee eee ear eee een Doctor encountered the slaves, eee pene ayes eal pease ioe eres Pere] Peete beeen errr te) eee Peete ere Te cya ay rare Pre ee ee er CNet ee el ee peers aa Se Bey ed cosmos, the frontiers of creation, the boundary between what is and isn’t. Or isn’t yet, anyway.” ve - Srey es casera ccs sae eres come lead Cas bow ee) roars - Ca een eed Sean) ‘ ld eo Ser ean ao) See edie eee nn Me ies.) /' if een Cee ay Ey erep rey er etc) ee ee Geen Se eae Peete eee ant eee eee een tt a ‘eral deposits. For Peladoa' strata hare eto rir peer erss eee perrenens Lomein cetciard a eens pers Peery eee eee re] Sena ee ers Ce ener ers eee ee side oF canyon on Mount Megeshea There, the King rules from the royal throne room where Penner miner ere Seen tees ‘corridors provide concealed acess to a network Cees Cn corer ens Ere ears repay eT een yt ied dedicated wo the Royal Beast of Peladon isthe a ee fs absolte within its confine, Kis the high en eR eee aed erect ete Pee ea En ee cs eee eer ee re areca cee Ce Eee eed stranger will appear inthe land bringing pelo ere eee nd paere armor or young King Peladon (David Troughton) Hae pe pape oe nee ee ee eer ee Peeeneon na a ee CO Ce ere ene ener te terete a ee ea ee ee ee ere ee ee eee ee} eee eee Peer eners erat are Eat gn ee ee Gee enn Ee ey sy eniantnynnnerrns pene nn emesis erence ores eer ered perrene nry Poet foment war between the Federation members. penne eer rts Sores at cng pany Sr eens tey eerier oe Ceres ee een Fanart ieee pes runner reat) Pere een a Seen tea twas appointed Federation Ambassador to i ret a AE onPeladon: if Se PUES A of the mine.” Gebek cer eens ote ee ceria ee eee [einai acini ee ee et pene ees and the death of Nexos sparked armed rebellion | ee ee et eer a eT Dodpepa mammary years emi eet ety oe eee ener eee Peete ne eeeenet etd ee eee ea eee Poe eto een Peers erence etry ee Ls Pena 2 er aprpeenet ee cee eee try Eereeea eee ecnen open ce preeerrec mene cert meen] et ec eee ny eer erent ears Po eas Peet ene ey end porevenyperen teeing eco rs eee Heer Ya PLANET ONE WS Re: Ad shouldn't be like Tn ara erenarel Spree or eee rn Petey aed ed rc Pee ene ee rt] arn ncre Cre Oe eet) aed poe eee ‘THE ESSENTIAL DOCTOR WHO ering rock oer yrs dled the help of the TARDIS translation circuits, the Smith and Karen Gillan d essge read Hallo Perey erat eee ny ements oe rock for many millennia. Ie was terraformed eee tener n ee eee Peony ee eee ee eer el enero nt es eiresrseeer rere eT ear Sa Preeereerrs tevted Pesaran eerie SSS Sues eno Paper renews erepemynanroy eon Core a eT tse Se fear ofthe concept of darkness. The os emery PLANETIN HE OLDE the universe, Tash world of rch abundane plant ile with soaring pal eeoN Ta rae Tease re HABITAT Pas Oat Te Pd Ope ad reer eo Rmicis erence e ae emer rene eer res Soe ee ee eee eee pee etree ss erry See ee oe ee ee See eet) ae eee nee eee ee eee ee Sen eee eran =e Seer eae ea ee een ees ey Sree eee ete a) its computers, blowing che economy and forcing Seen eee ee ania mines N THE 7TH SEGMENT OF TIME, ten milion years in the funue, a dying Earth faced its nal destruction, The with animal fe ll re that Resi eric and temperature shared Barth atmos nothing could lane’ ifeform ‘The ship, later d (Chaplet Jackie Lane), re Hater 700) years, bu by this time the Guardians had roid hed Reis a revolt by tir alion servant the BM The E filam Hartnell and the Moni found an environment ration and a fotarstc sired cy. sors ce With Earths frm, In fact hi had been constructed this way by cheating Refuse to pu pomb plo the race bankand welcomed the ulation to their planet f humans ae he er toyed ee 7 a en ea ares Cereal ores Oc) peers ened oer rrr) Class Three Society it had experienced eye any ener ee eee ey Pepereer te eater teenies Sone ater Ribos was classed as par of the Cythe eee eee errs Picteersere gies cee Seer ne merrnerrtn pear eae eh mepeey oy ae vithian years, When the Doctor ee ee eee Pee ee eet re temperatures and snowy weather Pte aaa Pen eal eres frm Eth Retest oer etry en rc Coed er 4 cee) neat ey Sot ois GGarron (iin Cuthbertson was using the ethrik Sr ene hoe rer entree Graf ynda-K (Paul Seed). The swindle claimed Pee eee ee eas Patveerripere rene rrctrretrny nes pee Eee ren eee ere epee poate aa eer Serene en eT da carious mix of eletrcty Rep pete ee eee ee en “Pagan / Mee Seren ee Tes on ae 2 al separated from ei ; INTILTHE EARLY 21ST CENTURY, San Helios was a lush Earth ike planet supporting a chrving csisation ving in hare with are and ‘encouraging interplanetary trade. The highly ‘vanced people were the architect of San Helios | Cay, a stunning example of urban foresation where shining sggurats, mult stotey skyscrapers ‘lltayy and ar tai lanes were pte integrated with verdanc tree populations. Then the planet ws invaded bya swarm fale stingrays. These voracious ‘devourers with metal exoskeleton e ers aa = eer eer ret eerie oo} peer ern eee ey eee Panter aieeee oer ee! poe creer ens remia re) ere and seo eprer perry eon eet aN @ reeesewra vocror wn Ee Seated fom planet o planet. striping each bare before moving on. In ess than ea, the city, oceans, mountains, wife and one bilion people had all turned 0 sand, ‘Arsving in the helss desert by accident board a number 200 London bus the Doctor (David Tennane) and the Lady Christina de Souza (Michelle Ryan realise thar che stingrays ‘were preparing to travel co Barc next. With {he help of UNTT scientist Malcolm Taylor (Lee Evan), the Doctor engineered the cloeute ofthe stingrays’ wormhole trapping the creatures on San Helios, CB “Call it a hunch, but | think we've gone a little bit further than Brixton.” The Doctor DYING PLANET ON THE VERGE of destroying itselFin a volcanic tnfeeno, Sar was once a thei, prosperous word and arch source esgent with infin transforming and resrorative ove highly prized fers heding properties. ‘Despite he presence powered bya seismic energy converter in a contol cenete at the heat ofa volcano, After the colony was abandoned, che Trions began using Sarn asa prison plant, cling political dissidents here while tcempting ro contol che voleanic coptons with seismic inhibins, ‘Over the years, che Sars developed an laborate mythology to explain what they hl seen ofthe Trion presence on their plant, creating lagen of «god named Logat, his (Chen Onc ed the Outsider In Earth year 1984, the Master (Anthony fhe reed Snseaale seen etnies asin tbe planet’ core, destabilising the Tron ‘achinery and disrupting the inhibition sytem. ‘The Doctor (Peter Davison) and his companion Turlough (Mark Strickson) arranged fra Trion esciveship to evacuate the Sars before the plane exploded. CB locally is unclear Whether the inhabitants are colonists o evolved is also unclear, as isthe origin of huge rabot the Doctor {Syhester MeCoy) found buried inthe sane WASTED PLANET OF DESERT AND | _ Segonax was also ome tothe Gods of ee | eee famous Paychic Circus Access tothe | concurrently - the past of cei temple (the Dark planet is by polportale landing bays Cireus) al the Payehic Cites, whose payers etic ro eo ‘nd the himanoid popilationextea mlon-ike were allowed olive o long ae the fall their fui, though whether es mmported or grows funetion a encerainers Kingpin, Pychie ies rember who found the power ofthe Gods oF Ragnarok was unableto control (despicehavieg AMEN See enieaee Teeeeed The creatures’ power secrned 1 be represented byahugesyeatthe bottom ofanabys. 2 mt “So this is Segonax. Fanaa Not quite the green and pleasant land |Biieneetial we'd been led to omer mec expect. ” The Doctor arden LOSE TO THE OOD-SPHERE (QV), HOME ofthe Ood, the planet Sense-Sphere has two suns As ares telepathic, humanoid inhabitants, the Sensortes, hav fly dilated areca BBM build a sncond the Nim strived promising hin tech Skonnan Empire. Solded help their building 0 prongs rising tedetbling the Ninos’ yellow be anvennac chat th enabling fiom ont doomed werd To stain her bridge anew sacrifices fom the DHE —_ edn the Nim civ wae ravaged, |The Nimons also power their bac holes the Nimons on the ccs Barer er perenne renee) ets eee mee Eee eet rete eney etephare ace te attnke mo barat pate cr and chiefly resided on the orbiting Sybase On ent Foreenee eee pee ed ‘mutating Solonial into ineeraid aeons c=) i oven) eee arany paneer Reese reer bold SS ed See Nn] Peer eons rea © ites byAethon Rend eee tie manded by planet Aneth. The Tarde’ for later distillation of their binding energy The Doctor destroyed the complexand stranded ete eee Tey ae mye tee nT Onn er SOT ee eee bond prrperen emer erecnirr enn Paes meen) intended to alter the attmorphere of Sola so that eerste eee erent ee ee eer ee cee ee SE eee nd destroyed the Marshal AM green, the rivers ran clear, the air'was sweét to ‘ breathe. And then the Overlords came,.bringing Earth’s poisons with them, calling it progress.” Ky Bee OF TIME AND SPACE | EVERY FOUR WEEKS... Gi (Va iPHONE ano iPAD A EDITION A > AVAILABLE — ++VISURU UNA) ++ALERT--DALER ACTIVITES + +412 UNITS DETECTEDs+ ++BASE WITHIN VOLCANO++ PeNereano os AL E corm sapien Garon » bral ee Pesan cae ata CoSacai aches merry cere? oa ron Peco) eee ena reer eetel PTs eee eres aes CX Ra ta} er ey eee aces ad ee pee rote IE ORBIT OF SVARTOS KEEPS ONE | of the planet in perpetual rezing laraess and the other scored by ie sin, On the dak sie of he plane in the fr frure. the leworld trading colony wae (eeablished a sructue ike» vce ocean sltering spires ofc. For 300 years, the colony ‘was run by reclusive ditaror Kane Edward Pel. and hi hired army. The Doctor (jester McCoy) came to ‘Sarvs, inigued by legends of a dragon that ed the ice passages beneath the colony and guarded a fabulous ease. The Doct and Me (Bonne Langford) met thet old friend Sabalom (Tony Selby), who had a map deserbing ithe Ie Garden he Singing Tees and Sblvion and the The Doctor soon ound the dragon and ed that it wnea biomechano‘d (Lese Meadow) ybrid machine creacure witha bug ower eye inside ssl. The Singing Trees, remarkable the ship using the power erstal but chose suicide ‘when he learned that Proamon had long sie been destroyed. DM inthe Pliny System scems unremarkable abarren wasteland, incapable of supporting life because of solar radiation Beneath che surface, however, i a different tory. Its rock was rich source of pure argonite, a valuable mineral used widely in che manufacture ‘of spacecta. Space prospector Milo Clncey (Gordon Gostslow) and his partner Dom igri (Eamon Knight) ened the planet extensively, ‘turning ito a piece of graye cheese according to Clancy, The maze of mining ee eee tected ‘were several docking bays for spaceships Ta became the headquarters ofthe signi “There is no surface life on Ta, there's too much ultraviolet radiation.” Milo Clancey es pare a Mining Corporation, which was run by Dom Issgris daughter Madeleine (Lea Daniely aftr the disappearance and presumed death of her father Despite being surrounded by bare rock tunnel, the oes ofthe Issigei Corporation were eer ae estore cure the sil of andi balding is roganded asa peasant trade, nota suitable occupation for the upper classes The erates ofthe heir tothe throne, Prince yar (Neville Jason), so colloquial called Tura, were adjacent 0 those ofthe roguish Count Grendel of Gackt (eter Jey), who coveted the drone, CasleGracht is magnificent edifice with a moat rendering i almost escape-proof N MOST RESPECTS, THE PLANET “Tara coely resembles Each, wih dress snd manmers akin to thow of Middle Europe in the 18th 19¢hcenaries When 90 per ent of the population did i 2 devasaing plage, the surviving Taran created androids, almost indistingushable from living beings as anew workforce, They also developed sophisscated weapons such san electri rapier and a crossbow that fired energy bol. In Taran ts are ted in the woods Fox sper, with the naive willie including a bizare roll-aced primate The church plays large pare in Tan ule, with the Archimandet (Cyr Shape elegantly appointed, with Madeleine a her sta ttceed in the height of fashion with lse-fting tmetallic headgear The Doctor (Patrick Troughton), Zoe Heriot, (Wendy Padbury) and Jamie MeCrimmon (Frazee ince) wore brought 9 Taby Milo Clncey, who was accsed of involvement ina spate of raids byspace pirates. The Doctor discovered that the real leader ofthe pirates, a man called Caven (Dualey Foster), was secretly in league with Madeleine Issge an had a concealed base in thecunnelsof Ts, DM a its head. The religious leader ofciates at essuch as the coronation, which shed inthe Royal Palace of Tara ‘When the Doctor (Tom Bake) landed on ‘he planet he was pressed into the service of ‘he Prince while Romana (Mary Tm) was ‘captured by Grendel With plot and counter plot invoking andrond dupicates. became DM aceeingly difclt otell who was who. eee ere eed ine ee ee) thes ee ey See aay eee eee ey perenne hy pyc eeemph women Sapa Pte eee ery the Moon (x) in 2070 resulted in another ee aren ed Lerten errr sy remaining Cybermen decided ona tactical withdrawal, They retreated to Telos, a planet chosen because it indigenous poeeetceed Seser ests *) tefrigernted cities. Having Se eon nT them out, the Cybermen went inte hibernation eer ae archaeologists arived on Telos centuries later, eyes Seen eee ane) eae eee Ce eee te pr eee rene ent ers night. This would have been of no consequence Sere eee ae en ee ee dificult forthe archaeologists and their fllow eee eer eee ey acetate eke Seer eae Finan eet ors ee ee technology ~ including the remote-controlled eee re ees Pe reer ners ee eee ee eee eee eee as Sere er rer eye ee eee eee eres Sieg Reece nen CGybermen's scheme, the Dortor ukimately cern enh eee mechanisms to male it even harder for anyone Besser rotons eee ee Reet es the electrified outer doors ofthe tomb Se eres Honea Sale the tomb didnot remain sealed eet eet reactivated and the Controller sed Telos asthe base of Sey Persp ray “We are Cryons. We no longer have a planet.” Varne Using len cime rave technology they barely undestod, the Cybernen planned vo dvr the er Steals Coes ected Serpe tothe arial of Mona in 1986, Inthis way they eet eee eee ‘As the plan neared completion they used partially ‘converted human slaves to mine the surfce of “Tos with hgh explosives, Once he las remaining Cybernen had been reactivated they intended vo soy the planet, largely 0 they could observe the ‘fects ofthe bast on is atmosphere, ‘Even before the rear ofthe Docror (Colin Baker), the Cybermen were undermined by a small bur detemined group af Cayons that hae survived che orignal purge. The Cryons were unable olive onthe planets surface as eee el them. They instead hid in the ombs, conducting extensive sabotage ofthe hibernation technology When they learned ofthe Controller's pons ou Pree Pree a on Orr repel ea) Se eee Uy Det eee) ees ee plano evacuate and destroy Telos they decided to escalate thei campaign Flat (Faith Brown, Varne (Sarah Greene) and the other Cryons intended to destoy Cyber Conta. the command centre that rose high aove the tomb, using vasa. This eombusible mineral was comtan to the colder regions ofthe planet and exploded when exposed to warm ait “The Controller evenualy abandoned che eee ee eee was no longer possible to justi the high casuayy eee eee erect skerwatds the Doctor lle the Conroler and the plorco aler history was thwarted. The Cryons' stil destoyed Cyber onto, safeguarding the furure of Telos. MH if ae 445 irony ee ERRA ALPHA WAS A DYSTOPIAN society where the undedying misery the oppressed population wa eee ae in sharp contrast to superficial ray appearances, The city visite by the once densely populace, wich Sal arrow streets, lack of open @6Novenber 88), space and a general sense of a ey slaustrophobia. There were peer fone outside the cy and more than a thousand sugar factories Workers ftom the tlds were called drones and biden fons entering the ci "Nevani sugar best was grown in Sector Si ‘network of pipes through the city once The pipes became ple, the indigenous species fored into hiding by the Alphans. are humanoid with mouse-like heads spears, wear baceand-hite robes sth colouted sashes, and repeat words and parse they hear busnans we. SG LCSD rocky landmass purple. Thestyisgreen, a brain to large for his skull e's unclear if other Theewin planet” | Mentors are als hybrids. The Meators bring range bodyusth a humanoids from Thoros Alpha and elswhers to einthedy. ThorosBeta_ | betheirserants, SG “I can’t get over how weird this place is!” Peri Brown [AQ AUneruuetae eerie . °° A la eee eee etd becoming bie near d (of Thoree Ai ~ a Ting sytem = looms I permet ort {i ‘ Hsien) Poet ee Pea ee - es cand , ‘ G62), THe essenria. DocTOR WHO ® TIAANAMAAT orereeenmer iret ee ioed Pree Tete) eet a emcee aera een Se atmosphere, che market welcomes a wide varity re ee er enn ony eee ey Fv ernie sem mT TePyY 7 Ee a) Pear Le) Er eae en ie] Pe ee eee en ea cee eee ree een en rey ea eae, co eens Singers of Alhet, led by the Queen oF Years, peer ents peers oe errs ees pyramid temple on a nearby asteroid. The Doctor (Mate Smith) discovered that the Old Cone eee emer eed eee ea) pereenry et TOF THEPRION a Jose othe Planet wise direction. The surface is mainly dense jungle, covered with lsh but agaressve vegetation acon inlides che deadly Bel Pants that ana (Lalla Ward) and the rercentri eed nos Totes a say ee crea PC co ihe, Se corer) cee ey eee eee band cy by the Dodecahedon, a myatert ree thacnone of the Tigellans realy Understood. le descended ro the plane from olfa-Thua 10000 yeas before Romana and the Doctor (Tom Bale) vised, Tigallan society was pli into wo group Zastor (Edward Undercown) wasthe overall leader of Tila and tied to satay both factions el by Dect (Cenvfoed Lop) ey maintained he ety ate ead eroN ieee eer yee eae asec mes PCN eer carers Peete ira] eer heed een grown underground. By Deon saw the Dode their god Ti chat thonesaeds of years aga. They sel ing, and irgation oF crops rat, the rei Ie by Lexa Jsequstine Hil, who died saving Ar | Tigellans oftheir planet. JR Coed ee) caesar poesia Nemo “Remember SC Tra Tr I've marooned you on the planet U7 aa or HE LARGEST MOON OF SATURN, ‘and the largest moon in the solar system after Jupiter's moon Ganymede, Tan wat discovered in 1655 by the Byte year 5000 humanity was involved in che The Great Breakout; moving om from the Solar ‘System to explore and colonise the deeper reaches ‘of space, Established on the arg noon, Ti © weesexrat poeronvene HE DOCTOR (WILLIAM HARTNELL) Jha bre gained the upper hand in his attempts to preven the Daleks fom using the Tame Destructor wen be became aware that the TARDIS was being followed. Intending ce face this unidentified adversary be materialised the ship on the voleais landscape ofa plane that was sil cooling following its reene formation The planet was Tigus, and unknown to the Doctor, Steven Taylor (Peter Pures) and Sera Kingdom Jean Marsh), their purser had materialised nearby. The Monk (Peter Butterworth) meddleoene merabe of the prised some surface buildings and also erground shuttle bays. was use asa staging post providing refueling fries for spacecraft. eating the ele ofthe solar system. There was a regular Tia Shut and the base had a small ‘rou commanded by astation spervisoe The Nucleus ofthe Virus Swarm that infected the Doctor and the base crew intended Fe ele eee prepared tks arto Bue the Doctor was blero blow up che base and destroy the enlarged Swarm. I's unclear f all of Tian was destroyed in che explosion, just Titan Base. JR Doctor's on race, ha filly anctioning TARDIS that disguised self ae a boulder While the Doctor and his friends were exploring the ‘Mone sabotaged the lock ofthe Doctors TARDI. hordy afterwards, the Monk took great llghr in ling che Doctor what het done, ‘explaining chai as revenge for having been ‘standed afer ther previous adventure, The Doctor was able o epuin access ois ship by ‘using hiring to elt light rom the plane’ sun inte che lod A the Doctors TARDIS ‘ernateriaied the furious Monk vowed that their feud would continue. WH ONY eee ONG eee eee anda dene ivogenich tert ry Be eee) Sear ee a orn eran Cee Cerone ts Retail cy ro ro Ce Cree Be ae) © witenby Anton Steven eee ea ® TRAKEN. eta Pea set pemeereteriy or Ses Beer eee ft ee Po ere ee Sait “A whole empire held together by... people just being terribly nice to each CTT eel I PIrase nes, bt inthe and vegetation can be gimpeed. What there is oftm atmoaphere is beste, The asteroid has shor days the sky quickly changes dy) to dark with moonlight. DDenharn) was a large, pointed dome with der the plane's surface that only used natural yes ~ of blac, grey, dak blue ae eernen he fabric sugested ac The Keeper of Traken drew on ll the minds ee ee eee een eer peer | ‘ ero ere ee freee eens rennet aT cana ea eee eT Per Cer eee pee ee itera Ora en en) tas ea! CO oD Penn ring of asteroids, blanketed in che An as ce eer eee eater eras eee ee reeennustneneres irae ery Peete ere eter o cent traditional settlement centred ona clock tower, a ee ee Penne eer ‘During the S2nd century, myths about the me emery oy emrreer Tr ny ‘Kovarian Chapter ofthe Church of the Papal Mainframe. They foretold a time ‘at the fll eee ey ete ee ey eee eet eT eas pe Se erie nT ee ee eames Per errpmreren rie cones paren rPneiy crea Ce eee een Peenenepernn Erementar ony eee eer ee pee eeee to ee ea ee esd peer eent ey the Time Lords that twas erreenreere éross back into the prime et eet | Pesernpemrnyr rc es See renee mener ee ee ey ee eee ae erected a technology barrier around the planet Se ce eee teeta ener oper er rmtr ey ero ‘The Siege of Trenalore began The Dotior's Poeencinee sens Ten Daas tuneashed the Time Lords. n urn, che Doctor Sener ten eee tins Sey Smaye rapes Tae pony eet nee ter eine ee eee ee eee ee Berean enero ee eee perro eee Peer ser curd ores pameerngehe rrr ereeeetern Thiet [arpa eee Pet ears cee eerie eed Pee ees Tete ree ere atten ements Pema perros woreperermpenrtnn vy fields of Trenzalore and were repelled one by Pema oy repay | tera ee ery the Doctor was powerless to resist the might eee terre eeneteray Se plea to the Time Lords, romping them to send ee etd eee eee Peeeyen ey een ert Poe eee eerste ted rn ee finally bringing the war tan end co ce cee eet rt ae ent ee ety Puaee neon tere ‘Trenzalore and the planet was devastated, its moons and planetary sing destroyed the surface reduced toa desolate warsland riven eee ee eT _raveyard, lay the Doctor's tomb, the remains ee eee ea ee eee eee ene ‘Several documents allude to disembodied Peter eter Oe rest ton eee eens ett eee meer eee ey Melntosh) Jenny (Cate Stewart) pevreer weer aT ee treet ety the planet from an ealer point ener rs See eet eeu} roe Petey oo rs ere ey a Casa pee eer) SE penis ere Pe Boe Cen US TE ard somewhere that needs Pe et eel LT BU Talore St aE) ee eens pele arene iy Worlds Apar Doctor Who Magazine has featured original stories in the pages of its comic strip for over 30 years. The strip’s current editors and lead writer be comic strip hasbeen an essential part ‘of Dato Who Magazine ever since ic began life as a weekly publication in 1979. The magazines writers and arcs have crested ‘he most renowned rrp in the series’ history, continuing to dreams up new planets, aliens and adventures every four wesks Tew Zac ben Score Gray wrote his Bet strip foe Decor Who Magazine in 1992 and ha long been the strip’ lead writer: The strip i edited by Tom Spilsbury and Pater Ware, swe gathered ll hre atthe DWM offic in Tunbridge © wees ocron ve explain how they create new planets. INTERVIEW BY MARCUS HEARN ‘ou don’ se as many alien world in the television series as you used to says Scot.“ think former showeunner Russell T Davies introduced the idea that Decor Who's about humaniy IF you goto an alien planet, is generally place that's just been colonised by human beings think that's been er of Detor Who since the ety beginning,” says Peter. "There have been very few cles that have been completly alien. The Web Pane (1963) ‘one example veryone nods, but there’ no consensus about why The Wb Planet dda’ lead to moc, similarly outlandish adventures on alin worlde Could it be chat was Considered a aiue, even a the time? No I hinkie did work" insists Rete, “Texpect there werent snore because The Web Plne nt have been extremely ‘expensive co produce. Maybe jus easier to have human tharacters the audience can relate to, So even in tories like ‘The Sanapes (1966), where the planet is alien nd de characters reali, slla ecognsably exer ype cule Lksow you'e very fond of The Web Plane, but I think re in a minority in saying it worked” says Tom, ‘uous dink hae focusing the stories on humanity ‘was something that was happening for along ime, buc wen Rassll T Davies came along i formally became part ofthe programme’ mission statement. The reason alt of planets fe colonised by humans is that they dont want to spend forrune on malerup, Zabi costumes and 90 on Itonicaly che increased emphasis on Earchbound adentares occurred a time when advances in computer: _generated imagery Snaly placed the creation of convincing alien worlds within the programme's grasp. The use of CGl to eeate such planets has ben used relatively early since Destr Who returned in 2005, bu is always been impressive. "Arthe beginning of Ary of Ghosts (2006) we see the Doctor and Rose oan incredible alien planet" recalls Tor, "bu is only onscreen fora marter of seconds because 1 suppose any tore than thar would have been to expensive to animate. Russell T Davies was understandably careful hat ctr Whe dit jst goto quarries. They did go to quarries ‘bi rowarde che end of histime onthe show, bur they id ie very wel "The improved presentation of alien planes in che series hasalso raised the audience expectations ofthe aliens that liveon chem. "Nowadays, more than ever, people expect aliens to lok ike aliens” agrees Scot. "I's very rare now forthe TV series ro have alas played by actors without an special make-up Wage of the Damned (2007) was one ofthe rare exceptions The television series has been inconsiten in complying with its old Rad Times description as an adeenture in Space and time, ad when the TARDIS was grounded the comic strip toed the line. In 1969, then the Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton) was exiled to Earth by the Time Lords, the Dstor Wi strip in TV Gomi even filled inthe gaps it the television narrative by showing the Doctor dragged stay to begin his sentence. lathe nest ew years the strip moved from TV Comic to Countdown, but largely preserved continuity wit the elevsion series by keeping the Doctor on Earth, Late the Dic Wha strip retsoned 19 TV Comic before migrating ro Marvels Dacor ‘Who Wkly 1979, This early incamation of Dar Whe Magerine was «combination of features snd comic sips, corated by rivers and artis with a greater Inowledge of Decor Who than most of their predecenors. This dat Scop them wanting tai the sip initsoun dtection, ioe These Conon, fhe leet 2 The de Sinan fe ene Vem auienwontos (2) Worlds Apart p with anything in the television series continuity oF writers egypt bere Adiga sainzen (echt Dc ep Gee beDoom (798 fh Omwold Gaby ann Dor Whe ones, rf more than the TV Why strip that Tor remerabers story The Free al Waris, "loved @) THe essenmat pocroR WHO et Gere and eS ys 05309 Tom Spilsbury pains Set. "The big problern the eligon? I there a diferent political system? There ‘re amilion things you have to give some senate of, while remembering to tela story as well Bethe same ~ people sl drive ars and so 0” says Peer Ye ‘Seat. Inhat : nothing to explain Ist because the cori sri can present a mare leis sso,” says Ton. “Think your main coointnen sto ensinsinng the tone ofthe peo gett, ‘hanged from what you could always doin a comicstrp auienwortos (()) Worlds Apart Ischia ice The imagination and sil ofan artist dont seat chase sequence with huge explesions ExhinlliePrngede Gyre in the same way a the echnology When you wete the scripts Mss) iodo crete eerie Bb lance between even the Belo Dini art ehnk te srip has a responsibility t0 BRED sing the stories to places that tlevis GofitttoyTicCoutps Cow lect the series bu the scope ofthe sie fometimes struggle wth ppt ge top ea ee pl cirri dane | reacng a gs, Star War tle othe sips Tet lmer eieySne Guy eroding os eto the stip ebiasen yin Go ‘would have been a mistake, but in the series you now get armas of Dalek aces heading for Earth, base under siege se up” descent hich he series sil tolate 1960s. So that part oF scl seca cna top i bovrours abe ke Barn bea good place to put a base un ppt as aS oy, potion the sui Temp Pt Wor at tes eee ee ae eee rent eet a eee sees Eee eee Pee ee Eres, ee ny Se ee ee oe Cae amen at Pr eeenn) ore eer mae LE UL we unmet iaees met ee mak oe meet aed Penne ca trey eer ei vere oer oy een Parser enensen antsy wire td Bese teeter ee et el cee ed tae eee eens ‘THE ESSENTIAL DOCTOR WHO the kinds ofcars they drive eating DWM comic strips is leary painstaking busines, especially a hey Featune ‘lien words, Have Tom and Peter eve consicered writing one themselves? kes his bead, rofesionlly he sy Naf says Tm decisively Pete simi Bur surely you mre have cought abou 2 have thought abou” says Tom, and thought Fd be Despite its comple, and ch parc of the magazine co nagacines original a though DWM ist Se atrp ial an eset ne continuous element that’s sue since 1979, And i's till "ano of features to comic strip, has evolved over ime. Ifthe ow it would r “The sameistrue of ve ais conic strip. k's volved pecily hing Lays bear inde he lng ofthe eam Sin conelides smi the able. "Irs 1 said everthing else in Dot mime, whereas auienwortos (7) om LE TUNNAMED PLANETS ( ) GALAXY 4 THE DALEKS’ ce PLAN jg2os Unk, = HIS UNNAMED PLANET REMINDED THE INDIGENOUS SPECIES Doctor (Wiliam Hartnell of his recent vst ako to Xeros (gy), and fra while he we pred by the absence of life ont. The plane had HABITAT sn onygen-nich atmosphere anda temperate Earth ike Fern vit ‘limate: Upon leaving the TARDIS, Vick (Maureen (O’Brien even remarked onthe perfume of lowers in ONSCREEN the air Irscemod, however, that she ony things growing © The als Master Pin foe acre aya gietin Pay F eo {¥erenber 195-29 ory leafless trees, > 1966) (Ba Eee seem eae eet are artes ere \ tay Tr Hate eee eee e ciitia ool nce edd Lv “ \ Location foe teem bate SA varom The Dacor Vkfand teen Tir (eterPures) | ""Whlethe ravi fad een ploing teal oak. INDIGENOUS SPECIES | lew vin iad cr lnded on heplanc blowing | appied bemeiesto ging he poe they sede igs the tne meng Monk eer | now semble plc bo anon ang tis Nore i srl gece le cet fe eeape The wee contacto sated perry the Door ham | rest denen hs hp Bleed rth sew i em Mae it calcd enc fal oat Eye While the Monk | Surundings The Morcemered fern doeia wha HABITAT So a eee) | Seer, w= lotng rte Dorn bel ofthe Dales Sede mall cer A nd led ar eee eee TheDocentetede Mons TARDIS eres | the ze td erin an the Non ee Tile The mor tecnologia arene ‘huh Viel named Chambbes Sorand Aah suney ofc Sse ee eats ONSCREEN ing ig age when © Gala (September Drabwine tutsde the ship, Unforeunately the pase recovered angry Daleks. 20cber1965), ro acepe any o proved impossble to convert othe ‘sunray’ energy the “owetenby Wan Enns ship. Breaking this sealer Rill needed. The Doctor offered co transfer power rom 0 directed bye Marius became especially urgent the TARDIS tothe Ril’ ship, allowing them to ge back hen the Doctor int pace Pron ey hey Enero Further ohare eg “Soon it will be night: The last night | swwsnivcbiwricttncttotie 01503 ee ect this planet will ever know.” Maaca Bete paee eros baiciotentne planet dsieagrated. MH THE SAVAGES and Dodo Chap future age ofp The interior ofthe walled energy continued wnt Jan LOCATION. Uninawn INDIGENOUS sme a ee € ee onivene, but he had plan HABITAT shold The Eder, Hower ad ben Ene 7 sedan ith ‘Our people must actor brs inte, learn to build a world that ‘ON SCREEN they can both uve in,” Jano © Teint Ct 2M 66) ten Doon © deed Reet From Be The Seago (28 May sya 18a 1968) he society’ achievements His instinets proved corec 6 witeny in Sart Bick his accelerated growth and development had al 2 deed by Chistphe Bary : Ce auerworos nlite hes using when eto LOCATION Spann ha thy ha are in he dese Facute on "a planet he planet had certainly been c from Earth many centuties before the Doctor's vse \ he founders believed in healthy happines" and thei descendants had tried to keep thie ideas lve. sonteast with the baren, ain of clay. mud and ‘water posts, the Clony was technologically vanced setlement that promised un forall abe an 7a “Everything in the Colony is Imoicenous sci good and beautiful. You must — sbaedraarsinen. accept it without question.” Refreshing Department conditioning address The realty beneath che banal, enforced lity of public acldres jingles wa a populace conditioned by Guestion while being worked hard. The Colony wae ‘stensibly run by the Plt (Pete Jee) and fom HABITAT behind the scenes by che unseen Controle (Graham The Colon. setlement on Lesa). The Controller was, incur, a puppet ofthe aan Eaten. colony eal masters the huge, cable Micra, The Maca relied ona gas gathered by slaves digging ON SCREEN inthe pts Long term labour in these underground The Mrs Terar(1Mrch pits was ftl ro human workers, Mach ofthe Calny’s Tho 367) Infrastructure was given over toa network of refiner writenby lan Star Bick and pipework orage the system dred by Jb Dae barren, rocky planet which Panes INDIGENOUS SPECIES General Willams (Michael . Ogeneandthe'meste heer Hawi) claimed was ina complete aE oninhab Controle of Earth Sector One ector of the galany. The HABITAT (ibrey Woods) new bets, Barren and ck. The pointing ourthat Ogrons Maser conde orn sattered commie “wintering on this unnamed word oN Iftar on this planer ‘SCREEN lange orange-skianed ‘¢ Foner Soca eFetnary ~31Maxch 1979) than the the Master “owen Males Hal Roger Delgado). They maintained 3 ema tel by Pol Berard shrine to what they called “the monster ‘nclidingawall- painting of the beast JR auenwonos LOCATION. Unknow. INDIGENOUS SPECIES Arn HABITAT Heol opted coy cies. abl hemetay Seed ops thedeset noo ONSCREEN 0 The Rbusof Death (Janay 19 Fabry 97) wt by Ci Boucher 9 ecedbyMebaelE Beant tReet ae Ll es STATE OF DECAY THE FACE OF EVIL ¢ id, their survey team discovered. LOCATION Uncen INDIGENOUS SPECIES bandon wildtinding cence i sme ain dors spe at god Koanon and is servanes che Tesh, ofidessnn worm. he was helping the smmed the broken compuser HABITAT etusningcentries ater he Gadel coated wenden iveased —_fominga tile ‘ON SCREEN Incenton bre ten by Chis Bacher sanipulated the survey team and technicians inca 1 dred by Penman Roberts forming opposing ribs and incited conti bet hem to speed che genetic select ‘With the help ofthe Sevatern warrior Lecl (Louise James eariting the to peer n ee peer Rey per serene WW MUS Ue miles of uncharted desei \ ei Wes id = ge a eo 0 TheFoeof Fl(.22Jauury 977) decry generator which powered ancient co and hand-held communicators, the Three Who Rule (Wii Li them with guards as well ic raster che Grea Vampire, sho had fe he Thee all schnce and learning even ret losing a war with the Tc caing war banned The fe fom be ley Kalmar (Arthur Hewlett) mainains sd inthe onde Following the Great Vampire a LOCATION uman inhabitants were opeimisic about Sue, INDIGENOUS SPECIES. Valeo. HABITAT Avllag ef wodandstne dens seta poet ol apn nd surended by dese foes. ONSCREEN © Sate of Decay (2 Novenbar 15Decembe 1980) © witenby TeranceDids © deed by Pete Moat en by the Lords: Mel: EET LOCATION. Alege inte Pyoccrs othe ‘Andromeda gy HABITAT Wosdland hk wth buses, fens sewers may end INDIGENOUS SPECIES Union the Carola beng etn of the Master. ON SCREEN 6 Convorah (-12 Jan 1982) ‘9 witeaby Crista HBdnesd © racy Fons Ciwig plane via informacion included in ale Aatabnk created by the Master (Antho Ainley) Ie was the ste oF complicated erp forthe newly regenerated Doctor (Peter Ds srovalva, the ‘Dellngs ofS surrounded by crenelated ery mene te anatural “aro envionment where the Doctor onnectons could hea afer his eg fre appearing walk, were only ol ning raditions and were actually benevolent, with clesly Z| have.” The Doctor LOCATION Unto INDIGENOUS SPECIES Untao, HABITAT High devopdand desl np thie eee te ‘lant tial it ONSCREEN 0 Tie Heist (@0Septenbes204) “ewitenhy Steve Tampon 2Steven Mots decd by Doug Madkoaon Sow Tree o:} LOCATION Unto, INDIGENOUS SPECIES Sind pions. HABITAT. De dstyand evenly rl at deer nel Anderson, This tran n exhanating, Rowers ON SCREEN peste ner being © The Caetaer remonal plats on (2 Speer 2014) cin suns A magifcent A © witenby Gareth Raters lym Steven ofa. rected Paul Mur Me LOCATION Unknow MH INDIGENOUS SPECIES Unk HABITAT Indie ao tcc sane ithacronded ty aig. ONSCREEN 0 Mure othe Oxi Epes (MOctabe 204) 2 wtenby amie Maton © deed by Pal Wirshust Fo. aD Cate tk Ta st “This planet of yours could be the centre Pee eerie ay rere] ee ey steneialy engineered super race who builea weapon ofeataclysmic pmer ~ the Time Perinat err rer penrepee) ae Pe ey eee eee ee eT Pere errr er ree nT ‘over-populated Earth. They erected habitation domes and attempted to grow subsistence crops ee eed See eer ted Peer errr pee eee ero rs Oe ee ees ond Cat er er errs the Interplanetary Mining Corporation wanted to Breen rene er very ery ‘of uralnium cha were present inthe rocks Inthe primitives’ underground city, che Doctor Se ee the super ace. They met the alien priest, who tended the weapon ikea deity, and the Guardian ‘ofthe machine, a wizened and ancient being, See ay eet eee rr eters hoping to control the Doomsday Weapon ims ‘But with the help ofthe Guardian, the Doctor was Rese eee pry) a a mighty empire - the greatest that Te cd aed ee ph eee ony Tote sa od res pee ced Crs eee ee eee) es rea) see Rees oe ea paras d ee ee tect Ria: eno) ed poet asia rarer nee ee Recents See eee eons) en on See pease Pee emer yy. ray G22), THE ESSENTIAL DOCTOR WHO niet Uso oe ea ees ee ery eas tee) a Pore ene pee eo ea ai Ce ered ‘ops because its pod had been used by Pe ee ere) Petree ek eee ere ee et Ce paeaieninneer ry Sarah Jane Smith (Bisabeth Sladen) and Peer en tenement any Prem war reynniesiisery ss Pee eneerte eet) ree eerernen rnin ons eer een eee ee ea ea tone tamination Eocene seer ener ny eet Cee ete eet acts Aare eer Pearce reer ater Vorus (David Collings) wanted once more Pee eee ere ery ee ete et cree esas Serre ce eens Cea eae eterno irate near Vog's core apd then ona Nerva Pee eters Pee a ree ea oes pom tont 4 ET rl eared eens Severe valid Perens > PA eee ee) pea ea Pee ee ara) Se er Preeti “While no-one suspects that MERI) eT the famous planet o eer ee eerie cry Se ee ee ‘Oprera ost their wings and ved underground, eee eee tern ae) :2ie) poo ra Mieebiicirnic @ g Ea iets a planets magnetic poe. The tanner ea ‘ Peet eer eer nad ‘offand were enslaved, forced to heap Me aL ed As eo RZD Tr eae ‘vegetation onto the underground acid steams Breton pve er ee ease eC ee Bente ayer peer er eens Stee aor a emia ry pen eee eee! ee etn een Se eee eermeenn yh orc red coer See een! pean ve wn perenne ee ye cee eens ence eee re err ere eee etter eee ees Er ener petrescor meet eee] cement eee Eoaperner a Tr carer ements es Sets Lenina rer rees on Voris and the malign prea rere oy ers oer 2 eee erent Carsinome. Daring his final confrontation Se eyeirer reer rrr ‘emtend its reach way beyond Vari tothe Pancreat ee ee ened eres eee eee Meese 9 eee teres PrN Ce eee terete tata tin ccd eee Cire Pa ec) hed preety cere eee eee es Pa ete erent nes coer eer eo ee ae ee rd ] inhospitable, but when i was visited by the ney revitalized Dacor Fst Tiger) i restore to well-established human colony administered by Governor Hensel (Peter Bathan}The colony was situated in an area covered with mercury pools and geysers. The area was described bythe olnists25 the mercury swamp” suggesting that uber areas may be more inhabicable- but So ee eep gaat Glee situaed where ie was The TARDIS materialised in the swamp, clos othe colony The planes atmosphere was breathable, but renvdered Ben Jackson (Michael Craze) and Polly (Anneke Wills) unconscious when they inhaled tetcury fumes. When venturing outside the eS tones were Qosgics eo pressctre cothing Teas also hoe nthe samp - che TARDIS. read oute gave the temperature a 86 degrees (Grectmsbly caro in Fubreei). The ‘TARDIS instruments also gave an oxygen reading (172, with nil radiation, ‘The colony supported i rnin, probably for expor other worlds. ‘one poi, chief cenit Lestrson (Raber James) suggested puting the Dalek he had reactivated ee eee eae production onernight eee eee seorms approaching the colonys weather satellites, so as ro cut down on satelite losses acleascin pa, by land damage. He aimed it was about 70 per cent ‘ficient, The Deeside could make such a sevice 100 perce fice “The colony perimeter mainly housed miners ‘who were loyal to Governor Hensll The interior Ce Re er ie} swamp: and a Ok UTA D Coury rea ent cree PONG vent | perce Chey een ry eer) ed eet emmer iy was Largely loyal wo Bragen (Bernard Archaed), the colony's ambitious and ruthless head of security. Daleks to help usurp Herel The colony was answerable to Earth authorities, although an Earth examiner wasnt due for another to years nuggenting that vant were regular and scheduled), When an examiner di arrive, the ‘oni assumed he had been sent erly because finterestin the space capil recent discovered inthe mercury swamp. ln fact, Hensellsdepury (Quinn (Wicholis Hawes), worried about th possibiliy of rebellion, had sent for an examiner Specially. As the examiner was expected, hs rocket ssn guided in nd oversiot the landing area as, parent, most ship from Earth di Fosse thnt as Dalek cops cat are been buried in the mercury swamp far centuries egestas give no clue ast how longthe colony has been on Valea, He was worried may contain bacteria, The Doctor later confirmed thatthe capsule was buried for a least 200 years when he went inside JR Bragen used auienwortos (Ip anny ens eno eee eo) pares peer eet ey Pe ore eee Tore) ees eet G2 THe essenat pocroR WHO HE PLANET XEROS WAS conquered bythe Moroks and absorbed inuoits empite Originally, Xero wae aplae of peace and lola ‘when the Moroks invaded the unprepared Xerons ‘were massacre, only the chikren being spared and put to work, esently, a slaves, When old enough the children were tle sway to wode ‘on other planets. The authorities on Morale talive thatthe govemor Lobos (Richard Shaw) eel eed Dabo (Peer Craz) Sita (ster Sandes) and Tor (Jeremy Bulloch. “The Moroks chose Xeros as the home for thee huge Space Museu, celebrating the an prosperous planer until the reign of Queen Xanvia, who staged salactc wars Lagend says shel for bundeds of jeas, ad that towards che end ot her reign the Captain arrived ~ fling rom ‘he sy in mighty ship. When the Doctor Tom Baker encountered the Captain (Brace Purchase) dhe ruled fom che Bridge a futuristic building constructed party fom material salaged from Bete iy Vittire Ue was accere ‘only by air ear, o by climbing the cis into priate ae Zanales himanod ibabicans lived in white stone or stuceo-rendered buildings ‘constructed int the landscape. They didnt Seem to worry thatthe automated mines filled whenever the Capain announced a ew golden ae, o thatthe stars, which they Televed were spl ihe inthe sy, changed as Zanak moved. The people were so prosperous that jewel Lay discarded inthe street using technology recovered from the Capai’s hip, jumped through space to materiale around Slightly stale planes, As the ransacked planes achievements and vcroris oftheir empite. Lobos, however, exposed disappointment that his ivlisation was now resting on ts laurels and hat facie conquest was thing ofthe past “The Space Museum was alow rectangular bouillng witha smaller retangular area on op There wae large roof antenna and at least Be rockets on display outside, The interior Liheing ‘ame from a fluorescent substance in the walls The Doctor (Willam Hartnell suggested the Saletan oteeaiaioaera ‘here was something in the planes atmosphere ‘that would damage the exhibit overtime. Among these wasa Dales although how the Moroks ‘eaprued this specimen was never explained. JR i Biel é een oatnrs Dhled, cehtet see | ied, the telepathically aware people on Zanak | the Mentiads~ absorbed the released life force and grew in meneal srengsh. After the death of | the Capea, che Doctor filled the hollow planet | th the expanded remains ofits victim word See Revie scaeneea ioabenarelt taveet Pusomimerpr serie or) areata remem st ae Cae ‘gr ae pyesenesncte ne ceerns So aes, Rees eee er rereten EM aS ee crest | ducteafbonon nun Mi | RATES LYS | | eee caer ee Pomaby Zachara presen, ber See eee ores IBLE FROM ITS oa roan tases soy eee a PCN Se eel pes Crea eee ee Cees \ . ee 5 “tilled ore itto respond ro the fina anack om Aros with the Dyall) unt served his pup fhe Key to Time crt tranamat. Romana, K9 (John Leeson) and the Doctor found che planet uninhabited. oN ear errors Taras Terese asa} cra CNG asin pam heer era) rea cease eee ed Ln Mts di Pree) Pree rene Seeley merce elf, Zoos and Ate, the atack using five sats ofthe Key to Tine, until Da Barry Jackson, che engineer no bounce-back, nothin just wasn’t there.” Princess Astra The Doctor delayed installed Meals on Ci ri owt _ paneer NOR eee A 6 ree, e Epprrneenaaerrerern cao renee So av: Senet rue Es epee eee err erento B59 Sereriey ater 1 Rear yereremreareay a es Laan reali aD rir Deer reer aan ee Rea asc hanging colour nd gag * Noe pen gS i a eC ery corer on Cansesont ter ae WC er eres ~ NN need tat brads ee) Soca ees “eeeienaae Pert er ee Sate Ea enya meencrey eee ee Eee oer eee pean eres oeereemeeenres Serene ele NCE THE HOME OF AN ADVANCED ened 5 xer0ph Ce techniques in conporel transference mass coneersion and hi rates cg Tura was rendered flese,featucees see nee ser plane afer global wa some tine in cereal the nth century By th allehae ‘emained of the Zalfa-Tharancvsation we HABITAT Screens of Zlli-Thura, sing of fie giant ey hexagonal metal: focuse plates and terns ahedron a ul feed an erie gay re en Melos, the ast surviving a od jcThuran, reactivated the screens eecren ry in conjuntion with the Dodecshedron, ne v houring emis « a (a) the Doctor (Tom ees | Baker inverted the directional cna preter cxting and the sreens biased Zofa-Thura “A great civilisation blown away to sand and ashes. Now all that’s left is the screens.” ‘THE ESSENTIAL DOCTOR WHO. for the array of alien worlds and cultures it has depicted since ERE ee ve Rea RM 2 ae aT STE ee keer ces es TO eee cane ce lease eae head Ree ote cam ete ate ec eee ed

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