Tugas Bahasa Inggris Andri Nawangga

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Name : Andri Nawangga

NPW : 14032054
Jurusan : Agrisbisnis


Assalam mu'alaikum wr.wb

Without length, here I will describe about myself uniqueness and personality I will be
completely peeled directly here.
My name is Andri Nawangga, commonly called Andri, and I used to be called twin or upinipin because I have a twin brother. I am the third of three brothers. Born in Langsa, July 4,
1995, is still relatively young age of 19 years. I had a beautiful sister named Sri Nopita Sari. I
call it beautiful because it's the only girl in the family . I also have a brother who face similar
to me. Andra Novangga name. But, although we twin our character much different although
we always compact in every respect just like soulmate.
In this section I want to explain my education from the beginning until now. The first school
in kindergarten at Bayeun area, but it did not pass because of the unrest. Advanced SD in SD
N 1 New Garden. Once graduated find junior, entered in SMP 2 Langa to pass 3 years. Junior
high school graduation directly to the next level, high school in SMAS Cut Nyak Dien
Langsa. After graduating high school, I was stopped out of education because of confusion
must majored apan. I had a twin brother and I wanted to get in the police / army. but, since
the money is never an intention quite forced us to cancel it. After a year off from the world of
education finally I continued my education by taking agriculture department. The reason is
simple because the same department with the field work that is currently being my field.
other than that I hope 10 years from now I can be the most successful entrepreneurs in
Indonesia with a lot of jobs for people in need, especially in agriculture. Amin Ya Rabbal
The next part is more likely to Hobbies and character. I have a simple hobby, it was cool and
relaxed origin yes it is my hobby. I would tend to prefer the name search new things, which
people have not be able to. My humorous person, at least according to my own my good man
and not arrogant at anyone, suave what else to older people to me, like respect for others
because before we respect ourselves first then cherish others if we appreciate others then

others will respect us, other than that I also like making people laugh because really one of
happiness in this world that I feel is when we are surrounded by people who are happy.
The parts of life are important in my journey for 19 years. The first is already clear've
definitely family. The family was like a foundation, now my home. Ya can deh imagine what
if we do not have a family to me. I can say the same person close to the family and the second
best among my brothers. Family was the most comfortable place in the world. Take for
example, how well would convenient when we vacation, eventually we will also keep the
family home meeting. The second was a friend. Friends can help continue sometimes can
make us upset, but that art had a friend, if it's not there they can be sure we'll be mediocre
life. Friends of the family at important thing in my life's journey over the past 19 years.
Vision and mission of my life. I will discuss my vision first. My first vision of the success of
the world and the hereafter. Both wanted a happy family with my own way. Third try be a
good person to everyone I know. The mission was the first of my life always obey Allah and
obey their parents, always maintain honesty, capable beinovasi, creative, hard work, and
principled to be successful. Both graduated with a target as expected. By completing my
education in accordance targets have wills become a pride for my family. In addition to being
the pride, finish college is a starting point we are in the process of awakening our future in
Thing I would do in building our beloved country is certainly at the start of ourselves which
we did gradually fix dri us each by way of love ourselves as we love people - the people
around us and our environment because it will have an impact on our country if we do not
maintain and care for our country then be prepared our country destroyed or taken by a
foreign country most of the wealth of our country claim they belong next socialized to the
community or the government how important it is for our country in guard, treated and
prospered and for all let's keep Indonesian nation, we preserve our wealth, stop the rebellion
because of the particular provocation to destroy our country, stop corruption because it is
VERY detrimental to the nation, let's make our country a smile on ourselves ' as well as we
see our Mother Earth with smile happy that our children and grandchildren can live happier
later ..
so if there is a description of my writing mistakes I apologize. Wasalam

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