By: Mark Joseph Chamberlin. Story Inspired by Robert Leon Klish

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By: Mark Joseph Chamberlin. Story inspired by Robert Leon Klish.

As Jack Samuels died, they all hoped they had seen the last of Jack Samuels and

his chemical. The story began on a cold October 1 morning, as tall elderly blue-eyed man

in black pants and a white lab coat with the name “Jack Samuels” on the grey nametag

approached the door with the words “Authorized Personal Only” on the door. As the door

opened, the interior of the lab’s walls and ceiling were white as fresh coat of snow with

tons of lab equipment scattered all over the room. He walked to a table near the lab door

and retrieved a white container with a biohazard sign on the side. When he had retrieved

the container, he heard footsteps down the hallway. “After years of research and

development, I will not let the Super Gene Therapy Corporation take my life’s research

away. Not now, not ever!” Unfortunately, the footsteps that he had heard earlier got

closer to the lab door. “Crap, the raiding party is already here. I refuse to let those a-holes

get my research that I have spent eighty-four years of my life! I have spent too much time

on this just to lose it all to them now! Jared, I’m sorry that we have been so distant, but it

has been for good reasons.” As Jack Samuels moves toward the lab door, he muttered

something not audible as three men dressed in black military uniforms armed with sub-

machine guns burst through the door and yelled “Hands behind your head and get on

floor now!” When he refused to hand over the container on the table, the three soldiers
opened fired on Jack Samuels and accidently hit the container. As the soldiers finished

firing, the bullet hole ridden container began to pour out a thick orange gas from the

container. Within minutes of exposure to the gas, Jack Samuels’s upper torso became

more muscular due to a sudden increase of muscle mass and grew a third eye on his

shoulder. Jack hollered out, “Ooh, so this is what power feels like. I wished I had this

kind of power years ago!” When the soldiers saw he was mutating, one of soldiers said to

the others “Oh shit, this is bad. What is going on here?” Then another soldier said, “We

better call for reinforcements before this gets out of hand.” “It already is out hand you

moron,” said another. Within seconds, one of the soldiers pulled out a radio from his

pocket and said “Echo 1, we he have a situation.” “Alpha 1, I hear you loud and clear.

What is your situation?” replied the voice from the radio. “We’ve got a confirmed hostile.

Requesting for backup Echo 1!” said the solider. “Roger that Alpha 1. I am sending

backup to your location now. ETA is about ten minutes.”

Within ten minutes of the three soldiers infiltrated Jack’s Samuel’s private

laboratory, fifty additional men dressed in black military uniforms armed with medium

machine guns arrived in a black helicopter as Jack fled deeper within the laboratory. An

elderly man with brown eyes wearing a green military uniform with the name “General

Maize” said “what’s the situation here soldier?” Then one of the soldiers answered “bad

sir.” “What were your orders?” ask General Maize. “We had received orders from HQ to

infiltrate the private laboratory of Dr. Jack Samuels and retrieve all samples of his latest

bio-weapon. Unfortunately he decided to be stubborn pain in the ass so we had no choice

but kill him and tried retrieve the chemical.” Then General Maize replied “Well

obviously you dumb***es screw it up. Jesus Christ, do I have to hold your hand. *sighs*
Jesus Christ, kill this SOB and make sure to bring that “thing” dead or alive back to HQ

for analysis. Make sure there is something left for the undertaker squad to bring back this

time when they arrive.” After he was finished, the fifty-three soldiers open fired on Jack

Samuels with their Squad automatic weapons. After the soldiers finished unloading

several clips of ammo on their SAWs, some of the soldiers stood there in horror as Jack

Samuels’s face and skull descended into front of his chest while his fingers of his right

hand sprout into massive talons comprised of bone. Two extra limbs also develop lateral

to his abdomen underneath his original arms and a new exposed skull grows to take the

place of his former. Jack Samuels screamed out at the top of his lungs “HAHAHA, the

power. I feel the power! It is wonderful! I AM INVICIBLE!” He looked among the

crowd and stopped a familiar face. “Oh, there is a familiar face. General Maize, I am so

glad that you could join us. Now you shall witness the ultimate bio-weapon at work!”

When General Maize saw that the soldier’s guns had no effect on the mutated Jack

Samuels, he screamed, “Notify Homeland Security to elevate it DEFCON 4. I want you

to kill this “thing.” Bring in the portable missile launchers in.” Then the general motioned

at a nearby soldier to call in the portable missile launchers. The soldier replied, “Yes sir,

right away.” Within minutes of him that he had called in the order, a personal transport

vehicle with several men armed with Man-portable air-defense systems. When General

Maize motioned to the soldiers, the soldiers fired their missiles at Jack Samuels. The

soldiers from the personal transport vehicle fired their missile launchers at Jack.

Unfortunately, when the fireball and dust cleared, Jack Samuels revealed that he had shed

all of his skin and was eight feet tall, while hundreds of spike-like projections rise

prominently into a top from a point in his upper left part of his chest; the face of Jack
Samuels began to merge and fade into his belly. Out fear, the soldiers opened fire with

their again on Jack Samuels hoping they could kill him. Unfortunately, yet again they

failed, as Jack Samuels’s extra arms became fully functional limbs with sharp talons and

horn grew from his head. One of the soldiers then said “What **** is this god damn

thing?” General Maize replied, “It is the ultimate biological weapon known to man. That

is what the **** he is.”

After five minutes of the soldiers were firing at Jack Samuels, General Maize

screamed at the top of his lungs “God damn it, why is not dead! I want this SOB dead

now! Someone contact Home Land Security to elevate it to DEFCON 3.” One of the

soldiers replied, “Please settle down general, you are just overreacting. We do not have to

elevate it DEFCON 3. We’ll kill it.” Then General Maize screamed, “Overreacting! You

are a slimy piece of shit. Drop and give me a 100 NOW soldier and get the hell out my

sight! Now does anyone else want to piss me off? Good. I want a B-2 bomber armed a b-

83 nuke dropped on this god damn mother****er ASAP!” Then one of soldiers pulled

out a radio and requested the airstrike. Within minutes of soldier calling in the airstrike,

USAF B-2 appeared in the horizon in the drop zone and dropped a B-83 nuke on Jack

Samuels. As the B-83 nuke bomb fell on Jack Samuels, he yelled at the top of his lungs

“Ha, you think a measly nuke will kill me? You are all pathetic! You are all bunch of

pathetic bastards! I will never die!” When the B-83 nuke exploded, a massive fireball

consumed Jack Samuels. As the fireball disappeared and the dust cleared, General Maize

in absolute shock saw that he had survived the bomb. As Jack Samuels stood up, dark

tendrils emerge from his back to form webbed-claw-shaped wings. Then he yelled out to

General Maize “Is that all you have Maize? You are so pathetic! You are no challenge at
all!” As General Maize stood there in horror, he screamed at the top of his lungs toward a

nearby soldier, “I want everyone to evacuate the area immediately! I want all available B-

2s armed with B-83 nukes NOW!” He then motioned to a nearby solider to call in the

order. The Soldier replied, “Not possible sir. Headquarters is not allowing you to utilize

all available bombers. They can only spare two more bombers armed with B-83 nukes.”

General Maize retorted, “God damnit, fine! Tell those idiots to send those two bombers

now! I want the whole area evacuated now.” Within three minutes, two B-2s arrived in

the horizon. Jack Samuels bellowed at General Maize who was escaping on the personal

transport vehicle, “Ooh, I am not afraid of your stupid nukes general. I am only fighting

back, because you and your damn cronies had to interfere in my precious research. If you

had not interfered with my research, this would not have to happen. I would have made

millions of dollars off this chemical!” General Maize argued, “Yah right Samuel. You

cannot be trusted. If we had not interfered, you would have been able to continue your

research and eventually use this bio-weapon to kill us all! Anyways, your precious

research belongs to the Super Gene Therapy Corporation. As General Maize finished, the

B-2s dropped several B-83 nukes on Jack Samuels. “YOU REALLY THINK THESE


BUNCH OF PATHETIC ***!” Just as Samuel almost finished, the B-83 nukes collided

with thousand feet away from their target. When the dust finally cleared, the only thing

left of Jack Samuels was a large mutilated mutated corpse. As General Maize finished, a

white truck with the words “CDC” arrived at the crater where Samuel’s lifeless body laid.

Then several men in full hazardous suits emerged from the truck with a large black body

bag. One of men declared in a loud voice, “Alright boys, lets get this thing back to
Victoria Public Morgue ASAP!” Afterward, a couple of the men placed his mutated body

into the body bag and zipped it up. Then they placed the body bag into the truck and

droved off into the horizon.

One hour later, the white truck arrived at the Victoria Public Morgue and a group

of men with a black body bag entered the morgue. “Well doc, we got a big one for you

examine today,” said Jared. “Oh joy. How big are we talking about?” replied the doctor?

“Just take a look for your self doc,” retorted Jared. “No, No, I take your word that.

Thanks, I’m probably not going to enjoy this one damn bit.” mumbling to himself. Soon

after, Doctor Adams placed the body bag on a gurney and wheeled it into the examination

room. “We leave it to you doctor,” said Jared. Moments later, he pulled out a voice

recorder from the pocket of his lab coat and pressed record. “The body arrived in a black

body bag. When my examination began, subject was not wearing any clothes. Subject’s

upper torso has an increase in muscle mass. Two large tumors like eyeballs are on the

upper right arm and the upper left leg. The fingers of subject’s hands are massive talons.

Massive webbed-claw-shaped wings have grown from his back. Subject also apparently

has four faces. Name of subject is Jack Carter Samuel. The Patient is a white fifty two

year old male weighing at about 500 pounds. The subject is barely recognizable due to

the extensive damage from the B-83 nukes. ” Then Doctor Adams stopped the voice

recorder and placed Jack Samuels’s body on a cadaver dissection table. Then he took a

scalpel from table full of various tools and made a large and deep Y-shaped incision

starting at the top of each shoulder and running down the front of the chest, meeting at

the lower point of the sternum. Doctor Adams then made a T-shaped incision made from

the tips of both shoulder, in a horizontal line across the region of the collarbones to meet
at the sternum in the middle and a single vertical cut in the middle of the neck and pulled

away the flaps of skin to reveal the ribcage. *sighs* “Oh ****it Jesus Christ this smells

bad. Oh well. A job is a job I guess.” Afterward he took an electric saw from the table of

tools and cut open the chest cavity. Then he removed all of internal organs from the chest

cavity and weighed on a scale near the table of tools. After Doctor Adams had removed

the internal organs, he took another scalpel from the table of tools and cut into scalp.

Once he was finished cutting into scalp, Doctor Adams pulled away the flaps of skin to

reveal the skull. “God, this is disgusting. What the hell happen to this guy” Doctor

Adams said to himself. “I’m going take a short ten minute break before I puke!”

Ten minutes later, Doctor Adams returned from his break and used an electric saw

to cut open the skull. After a few seconds, he was able lift the piece of skull away to

reveal Jack Samuels’s mutated brain. “Oh shit! Is this his brain? Damn it this is so nasty.”

Afterward he pulled out the brain and placed it on a scale. Then he pulled out his voice

recorder and pressed record. “Weight of the subject’s brain is three thousand three

hundred and three grams and two thousand grams over normal limits. I will preserve the

brain for father inspection. The weight of the subject’s heart is about four hundred grams.

Next, the weight of subject’s right lung is about six hundred and thirty grams and the left

lung is about seven hundred and ten grams. The esophagus and stomach are normal in

appearance without any evidence of ulcers or varices. The stomach contains eight

hundred milliliters, but without any evidence of any pills or other non-foodstuff material.

The liver weighs two thousand eight hundred and fifty grams. The spleen is large

weighing three hundred forty grams, but I have not found any abnormally large lymph

nodes in this autopsy. The adrenal glands are in the normal position and weigh eight
grams on the right and eleven point six grams on the left.” Afterward Doctor Adams

pressed stop on his voice recorder and placed it in the pocket of his lab coat. At that

moment, he mumbled to himself “God I’m glad that’s over with now. I hope I don’t have

to examine him again.” Then he placed Jack’s body on a gurney and wheeled it off into

the corner.

After Doctor Adams was finished wheeling the gurney into the corner he said

“How long have you been standing there Jared? You know your not suppose to be in here

while I am performing an autopsy. You know that!” Jared replied, “You are not

performing autopsy. It looks like you’re done with my brother.” Dr. Adams interjected,

“Hold it, did you say this was your brother?” Jared responded, “Yah, he is my older

brother. I thought you saw the resemblance.” “Not really. Dude what the hell happened to

your brother?” replied Dr. Adams. “By the looks of things, he must have been mutated by

his latest project, Project GENE. If he is mutated like this, then it looks like the Super

Gene Therapy Corporation must have infiltrated his private lab to retrieve this bio-

weapon.” Dr. Adams interrupted, “What **** are you talking about? What is Project

GENE? Why are you telling this? Why me? Why?” “Dr. Adams, please settle down. If

you want to understand what is going on, please listen to my story.”

“It was about eighty some years ago. The United States government wanted to

create ultimate specimen through biological means. Therefore, they created the Super

Gene Therapy Corporation months after World War 2. The Super Gene Therapy

Corporation gathered up the world’s brightest scientists from all round the United States.

Most of these scientists had extensive knowledge on the working on the human body.

The team for Project GENE consisted of me, Jack, Richard Dogma, Sterrock
Hammerson, Adea Dogma, Yale Dogma, and some other scientists. Project GENE

created a special chemical that when injected into the host, the host would gain incredible

strength, perception, endurance, intelligence, speed, and size. It changed the host from the

inside out into a superior specimen. After many years, they realized that one chemical

could accomplish this task. They found out that they could enhance their subjects through

a single chemical to exceptional levels. Over the years we had multiple setbacks such as

the board deciding cut our funding to Project GENE in 1960 from $15,000,000 to

$1,000,000 a year. To make things worse, Richard ended up hospitalized due to his

cancer in 1960. Over the course of the next five years, Richard’s cancer got worse and

worse until he died in 1965 due to complications. Yale and Adea were completely

devastated, so devastated that they could not help continue Project GENE. The worse

blow to Project GENE was in 69 when the board decided to shut down our project. When

the board notified us about the future of Project GENE, we were all devastated.

Apparently, the board thought our project was costing them too much money to fund.

They told us to clear out within a week or they would get arrest warrants for all of us.

Honestly, I think that this devastated my brother the most, because his life’s work was

shutdown. A couple days before we were going be evicted, Jack tried to convince us stay

and finish Project GENE before we were evicted. Unfortunately, we decided leave

without telling Jack. Oh, my god was he pissed when he found out that we left without

telling. Even after Sterrock, me, and the other scientists left, Jack continued his research

even though the board threaten to arrest and fine him.”

“A couple days after the eviction, I received an e-mail from Jack stating that he

was still in Area 51 only that he moved his lab deeper underground below his original lab
without the board knowing. Apparently, from what he told me, he knew this was going

happen eventually, so Jack built another laboratory 35 kilometers below the original lab.

Over the course of the next sixty years, Jack continued his research but decreased

communication over the years so they would not find out that he remained on the

premises. About a couple days ago, I received an urgent e-mail from Jack stating that he

had hacked into the mainframe of the Super Gene Therapy Corporation and found out

they found the entrance to his new lab while they were scavenging his old lab. They were

planning to send a raiding party to retrieve his latest bio-weapon and arrest him.”

Dr Adams interrupted, “Look Jared, as much as I would like the history lesson, I

need to interrupt.” Then he pulled out a small cassette tape with the word “To my brother

Jared.” Jared retorted, “Well play tape it already.” Dr. Adams took out his tape recorder

from his pocket, and placed the new cassette tape in. When he pressed play, voice stated,

“Jared, if you’re listening to this message then I am long gone from this pathetic world. I

am sorry if I am rushing, but I do not have much time left. Remember that damn raiding

party that I told you about in my last e-mail is going be here any minute now. Look Jared,

I hate to do this but I have a favor for you and Dr. Adams. You two are the only ones

who can continue Project GENE. I need you two to enter Area 51, and break into my old

lab and get my notes on Project GENE. You and Adams must go to McCarran

International Airport in Las Vegas. There you must take one of them unmarked Boeing

737s or 727s. Once you arrive at Area 51, go west from the runway until you see small

bunker door that leads into my old lab. Once inside, take an immediate left until you see a

door with the sign Lab. Once inside, go to the back of the room. Once you are there, lift

off the tile floor closest to the wall. After years of research and development, I will not let
the Super Gene Therapy Corporation take my life’s research away. Not now, not ever!

(Sounds of yelling and footsteps heard in the background) Crap, the raiding party is

already here. I refuse to let those a-holes get my research that I have spent eighty-four

years of my life! I have spent too much time on this just to lose it all to them now. Jared,

I am sorry that we have been so distant, but it has been for good reasons. While you are

using my

computer, please

check file_13-a.

It is of the utmost importance…”

Meanwhile back at Area 51 a day later, General Maize entered the morgue to

receive a status report on the autopsy of Jack Samuels. “What is the status of that autopsy

Dr. Klaus?” Dr. Klaus replied, “I never received his body yesterday afternoon General

Maize.” General Maize countered, “What the hell do you mean you never received his

body?” Dr. Klaus answered back, “As I said before, The Undertaker squad never came to

the morgue and delivered his body yesterday. But…” General Maize interrupted,

“Damnit! I am going to serve their heads on silver when I am done with them. Wait, you

said but. What do you mean by but?” Dr. Klaus replied, “Even though the Undertaker

squad did not deliver his body, I got something a lot better.” Then General Maize

sarcastically replied, “What the hell could possible be better that bastard’s dead body?”

Dr. Klaus countered, “This!” Then Dr. Klaus walked over to the cadaver dissection table

and opened the body bag to reveal a large mutated body. General Maize shouted, “What
the hell is that?” Dr. Klaus answered back, “This was one of the soldiers that was

exposed to Samuel’s bio-weapon formula…”

Meanwhile back at the Victoria Public Morgue, it is eight o’clock the day after

Jack’s autopsy as Jared and Dr. Adams wake up. “Good morning Jared. So what are we

going to do now?” asked Dr. Adams. Jared replied, “What the heck do you think we’re

going to do. We are going Area and finish what my brother started. I am not letting his

life’s work go to waste. As for General Maize, he is going to pay for murdering Jack.”

Dr. Adams counter, “I don’t think it wise to let your emotions get the best of you. I am

sure that he will get what he deserves in the end.” Dr. Adams counter, “I don’t think it

wise to let your emotions get the best of you. The path of revenge will not help the

situation. It will not bring back your brother. I am sure that he will get what he deserves

in the end.” Jared answered back, “Right. Well Dr. Adams, let pack up and head to

McCarran International Airport.”

In the meantime, back at Area 51 inside the morgue, General Maize is trying to

make sense of what he was seeing front of him. “General Maize. From what I gather from

this autopsy on this solider, it has to be some type of mutagenic chemical that modifies

the host’s strength, perception, endurance, intelligence, speed, and size on a molecular

level. This person’s cells undergo cellular division at a greatly increased rate. Mitosis

occurs at a rate 15% quicker than that found in pure strain humans. His DNA strand is

nearly flawless. Most of the recessive genes that produce many of the most common

ailments like diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease are non-existent in the genome.

The RNA looks like the chemical altered it to produce more of a rapid transcription,

resulting in enhanced regenerative abilities. With these regenerative abilities, the host
becomes biologically immortal.” General Maize replied, “He must have infected himself

with a primitive version of the chemical. That would explain why he has lived for so


Meanwhile, back at Las Vegas, it is officially 10 o’clock. “Adams, are you

ready?” yelled Jared from the front door. “Yah, I coming, I coming.” Replied Dr. Adams

as he ran toward the front door. “Alright, let gets to McCarran International Airport and

take that plane to Area 51. Taxi!” declared Jared. When Dr. Adams and Jared arrived at

the airport, they immediately boarded an unmarked Boeing-737 and headed toward Area

51. About one hour later, they finally arrived at Area 51. “Jared, I don’t feel so good. I

think am going puke.” Jared countered, “Well do your business over by that bush and

make fast. I rather not have these military stiffs start asking questions.” After a few

minutes, Dr. Adams and Jared headed west from the runway until they saw a small

locked bunker door. “Oh great, now what do we do now Jared?” asked Dr. Adams. Jared

replied, “Look it’s a biometric lock. Leave to Jack to protect his lab.” Then Jared placed

his hand on the hand scanner. After a few seconds, a voice chimed, “Access confirmed.

Welcome to the lab Jared. I have been expecting you. Please follow me to the main lab.”

As they continued following the computer toward the main lab, they saw that

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