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2009-2010 Dundee-Crown High School Course Syllabus

An Inclusive Community Dedicated to the Transformative Power of Learning

Course Title and Number: Advanced Accounting I (6324/6325)
Instructor: Mrs. Burnett
Instructor Office Phone: (224) 484-5144
Instructor Email:
Conference Block: 2nd Block

Textbook Title for Course: Century 21 Accounting: Multicolumn Journal, 8th Edition

Course Description: Students will develop skills beginning with an understanding of the basic elements and
concepts of double-entry accounting systems. Skills will include a knowledge of the
accounting cycle, entering transactions in journals, posting to ledgers, compiling end-of-
period worksheets, adjusting and payroll systems, and writing communication examples.

Course Objectives:
Term 1: Term 2:
Accounting for a Business Organized as a Proprietorship Accounting for a Merchandising Business
• Accounting Equation • Special Journals
• Debits and Credits • Posting to General and Subsidiary Ledgers
• Journalizing • Preparing Payroll Records
• Posting to the General Ledger • Payroll Accounting, Taxes, and Reports
• Cash Control Systems • Worksheet for a Merchandising Business
• Worksheet for a Service Business • Financial Statements for a Corporation
• Financial Statements for a Proprietorship • Adjusting and Closing Entries for a Proprietorship
• Adjusting and Closing Entries for a Proprietorship

Be Respectful * Be Responsible * Be Positive

Classroom Expectations: Students must follow the rules and expectations laid out in the student handbook. A
few have been highlighted and additional classroom expectations are given below.
• Electronic entertainment and communication devices (i.e. cell phones and
mp3 players) are not allowed in the classroom.
• No food is allowed in the classroom. Drinks are allowed if they are in
closable containers and kept on the floor.
• Profanity and explicit language is strictly prohibited.

Our Eight Keys of Excellence: The Eight Keys of Excellence are the principles by which we act, think, and speak in our
classroom. All students, in addition to the teacher, are expected to model these keys. (The
Eight Keys of Excellence are a product of Quantum Learning)
1. Integrity—To align our actions with our values.
2. Failure Leads to Success—To see failures as feedback.
3. Speak with Good Purpose—To be positive with our language.
4. This Is It!—To focus our attention on the present moment.
5. Commitment—To do what we set out to do.
6. Ownership—To take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, words, and
7. Flexibility—To change our actions to get the desired outcome.
8. Balance—To make the choices in our life that provide lasting fulfillment.

Student Evaluation: Students’ grades will be determined by classwork, homework, quizzes, and tests. Students
will also earn points by contributing to the class wiki (if you have any questions about our
class wiki, please contact me) and through a simulation project. The grading categories for
this course are below.
Classwork/Homework 30% Projects/Wiki 20%
Quizzes/Tests 40% Final Exam 10%
**Percentages may be adjusted at teachers’ discretion only for the benefit of the students.**

The grading scale for this course is as follows:

A 90%-100% D 60%-69%
B 80%-89% F 50%-59%
C 70%-79%

Learning Materials Needed: Students are asked to have the following materials on a daily basis: notebook/binder for
notes, workbook, textbook, pencil, and homework.

(See the next page for ‘sign and return’ portion of this syllabus.)

Be Respectful * Be Responsible * Be Positive

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please read through the course syllabus with your son or daughter and sign below. Your collective signatures acknowledge
that you understand the objectives and requirements for this course. You have also been asked to provide your contact
information; this will allow me to get in touch with you as needed throughout the semester. Please note that email is the
easiest way for me to contact you, so providing an active email address is very helpful.

This completed page is due on Friday, January 29th and will count for points towards your student’s homework grade. If you
have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you and I look forward to working with you throughout this course.

Thank you,

Mrs. Sara Burnett

Student Name: __________________________________

Student Signature: __________________________________

Parent(s) Name: __________________________________ __________________________________

Parent(s) Signature(s): __________________________________ __________________________________

Phone Number(s): __________________________________ __________________________________

Email Address(es): __________________________________ __________________________________

Be Respectful * Be Responsible * Be Positive

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