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Part-time, single
or double degree

Tissue Engineering
and Regenerative Medicine
Tissue Engineering und Regenerative Medizin

> Technology is constructive.



Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

Brings New Life
Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine are new interdisciplinary fields in biomedical sciences that aim to restore,
maintain or improve damaged tissues or functional disorders in the human body. The possibility to construct functional
human tissues such as skin, muscle or bone in the laboratory at the one hand and the development of methods to
induce endogenous self-healing processes on the other, are great medical challenges. The increasing demand of this
kind of artificial tissues and regenerative therapies shows great potential for research and development in this field.
In the masters degree program Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine students acquire the skills to develop
methods to replace injured or diseased human tissue. They receive a technical-scientific education which provides
them with a solid background in natural sciences. The study program is embedded in the strategic research focus
Tissue Engineering which facilitates the transfer of state of the art methods into teaching. Together with ongoing
collaboration with international research groups at other academic institutions and with the business community
this ensures cutting-edge knowledge and practical hands-on experience. Additionally, students improve their practical
skills in industrial companies or academic institutions while working on their masters thesis.
The degree program is also offered as a double degree program in cooperation with the Linkping University (LiU),
Sweden. Students of the masters degree program Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine who apply and
are admitted to the double degree program complete their first year at UAS Technikum Wien and change to LiU
for the second year to acquire two academic degrees.

Facts & Figures

Organizational structure: part-time degree program

(three days per week, course times: Mon Thu 5.50 9.00 pm; Fri 4.10 9.00 pm)

Academic degree: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)

Academic degrees double degree program: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)

& Master of Medical Sciences in Medical Biology (MMSc)

Annual intake: 20

Language: English

Program duration: four semesters

Start: winter semester (September)

Number of semester periods per week: 17

Previously acquired expertise is recognized if evidence is provided

Admission Requirements


Subject-specific bachelors degree and/or other

You can apply any time online on our

recognized academic degree from a university of

website For

applied sciences or university amounting to at least

further information concerning admission

180 ECTS credits in biomedicine, medicine, natural

procedures and deadlines please contact

sciences, engineering or health studies (BMA).

our administrative assistant.

Course Contents

Cell and tissue engineering

Regenerative medicine

Biochemistry and cell biology



Team-oriented project work

Quality management and quality assurance

Business and law

Advanced English

Job & Career

Graduates of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine masters
degree program have in-depth expertise in the fields of tissue engineering
and regenerative medicine. Combined with the practical experience gained
during their studies, this gives them a wide range of career opportunities
in both the public and private sector. For examples, graduates

work in research and development in medical laboratories,

develop bioreactors for mechanical stimulation of cells in

are responsible for quality managment, quality control,

medical research centers,

downstream processing or process control during the
design and characterize nanotechnological products
in biotechnology companies,

design biomaterials and cell culture equipment,

use their know-how in marketing departments

go into academic research.

of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, or


production of pharmaceutical products,


(1st year at UAS Technikum Wien)

Courses in the 1st semester


ECTS credits

Project Laboratory 1

Molecular Biochemistry and Cell Biology


Tissue Engineering for Regenerative Medicine

Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering

Protein Chemistry

Team Management

Advanced English

Corporate Management

Pharmaceutical Law




Courses in the 2nd semester


ECTS credits

Project Laboratory 2

Methods in Cell Biology (incl. lab)

Gene Regulation and Signal Transduction

Bioreactors in Tissue Engineering

Study Design and Biostatistics

Project Management and Leadership

Ethics in Engineering and Medicine

Writing Scientific English


Project Management for (Bio)Pharmaceutical Products




Technical (& natural sciences) courses

ECTS credits

Non-technical courses

Practical training & Masters Thesis

Credits according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System

(student workload required for each course for one semester)
Semester periods per week


(2nd year at UAS Technikum Wien)

Courses in the 3rd semester


ECTS credits

Project Laboratory 3


Methods of Scientific Research


Current Problems in Regenerative Medicine

Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine

Advanced Immunology and Vascular Tissue Engineering


Biochemical Research Papers

Management for Quality in Biomedicine

Economics and Marketing

Case Studies in Pharmaceutical Industries





ECTS credits

Courses in the 4th semester

Seminar for Degree Candidates

Masters Thesis





ECTS credits


(2nd year at Linkping University)

Elective Courses (two to choose each semester):
Courses in the winter semester (3rd semester):
Medical Genetics
Tumour Biology
Molecular and Medical Pharmacology
Laboratory Animal Sciences
Stem Cells and Applied Regenerative Medicine
Advanced Immunology
Laboratory Techniques in Experimental Biosciences
Analytical techniques in Experimental Biosciences

Courses in the summer semester (4th semester):

Infection Biology clinical perspectives
Cardiovascular Biology
Molecular Imaging

Degree Project (Masters Thesis)



* It is possible to start with the degree project (masters thesis) during the 3rd semester.



University of Applied Sciences

Technikum Wien


Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

With some 8,000 graduates thus far and roughly 3,800

students, the University of Applied Sciences Technikum

UAS Technikum Wien

Wien is Austrias largest purely technical university of

Hoechstaedtplatz 6, 1200 Wien, Austria

applied sciences. The educational offerings consist of

12 bachelors and 17 masters degree programs, which

Program Director

are offered as full-time, part-time and/or distance study

DI Dr. Carina Huber-Gries

programs. Eight degree programs are taught in English.

T: +43 1 333 40 77-906

The educational offerings are based on a solid scientific


foundation and are also practice-oriented. At UAS Technikum Wien, emphasis is not only placed on providing

Deputy Program Director

a high-quality technical education, but also on subjects

Mag. Dr. Dominik Rnzler

with a focus on business and personal development.

T: +43 1 333 40 77-481

Close ties and collaborations with business and industry


give students and graduates excellent career opportunities. The combination of theory and practice is of

Administrative Assistant and

central importance in both research and instruction.

Double Degree Coordinator

The research and development activities at UAS Tech-

Rita Leitner, BA

nikum Wien have grown significantly in recent years

T: +43 1 333 40 77-482

and are currently concentrated on four research focuses:


eHealth, Embedded Systems, Renewable Energy and

Tissue Engineering. UAS Technikum Wien was founded
in 1994 and in 2000 it became the first institution in
Vienna to receive the status of a university of applied
sciences. It became a member of the European University
Association (EUA) in 2012 and is also a network partner
of FEEI Association of the Electrical and Electronics

Linkping University
With a student population of over 27,000 and 3,900 employees Linkping University is one of the major universities
in Sweden. Founded in the 1960s, it is renowned for its
innovative educational spirit and its long-standing tradition
of cross-disciplinary studies and research. Innovation has
become a tradition and world-class research is conducted
within cutting-edge domains such as new materials, IT and
disability research. Students come from all across the globe,
with over 70 nationalities represented at LiU.

A Network Partner of the FEEI
Association of the Austrian
Electrical and Electronics Industries

Media owner: UAS Technikum Wien, Graphic design: Linie B, Print: Seyss, Wien, as of 2014/15


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