Notice Period

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The Economic Times

Title : 8 things to do during your notice period
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Article Date : 06/02/2014
Whether you have decided to leave or have been asked to, here's a list of things to do and avoid when
you are serving the notice period.
Boss first, others next If you have decided to leave, be graceful and speak to your boss first. It is both
professional and wise to put your resignation down in writing only after your boss has given the go ahead. This
gives him time and space to process the information, plan the next steps and even make a counter offer. Ask
how your exit should be communicated to others and let him or her decide what works best. If the firm has down
sized you, your boss is already in the picture. Seek his in puts and views on what hap pened and what could
have been done. It's about work not play Once your de parture from the company and last working day is
confirmed, you can make your plans. Act with dignity as you are still in employment.
Your reputation will depend on how you behave now. Be pro fessional and avoid the folly of men tally checking
out of your office during your notice period. Maintain your professional routine. Discuss and negotiate work
expectations with your boss and team and then exceed expectations in both scope and deadlines. If you need
time off during this period, reassure the firm on your commitments.
Knowledge transfer Your employer may want you to complete all existing projects before you leave. However,
given the limited duration of your notice period vis--vis the length of the project, that may not be practical. A
more reasonable expectation is a full knowledge transfer to the person or team that will take over your role and
responsibilities. Start off with meeting your replacement and setting an agenda for handing over information.
Introduce your replacement to your team, clients and vendors and formally inform them of the change in role.
Share details of your weekly progress with your boss and make sure other stake holders, including accounts and
HR, are also in the loop. A great knowledge transfer will continue to burnish your reputation after you leave.
Thank yous and byes Apart from official requirements, take time out for the professional relationships you have
built. Make a list of people you need to thank personally or writing an email. Spread out your communication
over the last two weeks so that you do not miss out in the final days. Prepare a nice farewell speech in case your
team gives you a formal send-off party.
Leave out the unpleasant memories while you share achievements, contributions by others and stories of your
personal growth. People won't remember what you said but they will remember how you made them feel. So be
gracious and exit on a high because your future employers will speak to former colleagues when they run a
verification check on you for senior roles.
References Towards the beginning of your notice period, speak to your supervisors, HR and senior colleagues
and sound them out to write reference letters. HR managers are generally permitted to give standard experience
letters. Make sure they include details of joining, relieving, last designation and, where possible, whether the firm
is open to re-hiring you. Even if you have your next job tied up, seek references as long-term investments.
Documentation and finances Obtain a clearance certificate from all concerned stakeholders. Retain a soft copy of
the no-dues certificate. Transfer all personal data and contacts from your office computer to your own devices.
Obtain fresh insurance covers as your employer-sponsored insurance covers will lapse once you leave. Discuss
your gratuity if you have completed 5 years.
Transfer your PF account or withdraw it if you are unemployed for over two months. Calculate your


commissions, pending salaries, applicable bonuses, reimbursement bills and encashment of leaves with your HR
before you leave so that your final settlement is error free.
Garden leave If you are a banker or working at a strategic level then you might be asked to go on garden leave.
Here you are expected to stay at home and not join another firm for a couple of months. This ensures the
strategic value of the information that you hold degrades with the passage of time and is of lesser use to
competitors who may employ you. When you are on garden leave, remember that you are on contract with your
present employer and thus legally bound not to work or share your information or skills with any other firm.
Plan the future You may have a job offer in hand and can choose to use your spare time to try and get something
better. If you do not have an offer and need a job, then invest most of your time in your job search. If you have
an interview that clashes with work hours, your present employer is likely to grant leave and support you in your
job search. Finally, you may choose to upgrade your skills or study further. Use this time to explore your options
and plan your finances for the study break. The writer is Director, Executive Search, at Quetzal.




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