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The Sidhe King

by Fiona
Chapter one
"Come on Mickae! Were going to be late for dinner!" The small Sidhe boy shouted
to his younger brother. The two children had spent the day in the forests preten
ding to search for buried treasure and had wandered quite far from the Sidhen; e
vening was fast approaching.
Mickae, two years his brother Quinn's junior, hurried along the forested path. I
n his hurry the smaller boy tripped and sprawled on the ground beside a large tr
ee. "OW! That hurt." The boy lisped as he sat up brushing pine needles from the
front of his white tunic.
As Quinn helped his brother to stand, his eyes widened in surprise and he pulled
Mickae away from the path with a small hand clutched over his brother's mouth.
As Mickae protested the elder boy pointed to a small figure curled up near where
he had fallen.
Mickae fell silent and Quinn released him. Tentatively the children crept forwar
d to get a closer look at the thing that lay in the pine needles, motionless.
As Mickae hung back, Quinn leaned over and peered closely at what he found to be
something he had never seen before alive anyway a human.
Mickae moved forward staring in wonder. Neither boy had ever seen anything like
the human female that lay sleeping, dressed in a pale green kirtle, who was tres
passing in their forest. She had pale blond hair, the color of the sun as it dip
ped into the ocean that lay to the west of their forest home. Her face was pale
save for a slight sunburn that colored her high cheekbones.
The children looked at one another apprehensively for a moment. Something had to
be done about her. They couldn't just let anyone wander about the realm unheede
d. Not even this beautiful creature besides she was human and the Sidhe had very s
trict rules about such infractions.
Quinn once again grabbed his brother's hand. "Come on we'll get Jenaie. He'll kno
w what to do "
The two boys crept away slowly at first, so as not to rouse the human, and then
ran for home as quickly as their small legs could allow

"Jenaieiiiiii!!!" Jenaie, the young Sage of Youth, stood from where he crouched
by a stream near the wall of the Sidhen. Drying his hands on his robe and wiping
his mouth he smiled as Quinn and Mickae Ameka came running toward him at top sp
The two boys skidded to a stop on the rocky shore and the Sage waited while they
caught their breath. Quinn doubled over for a moment resting his hands on his
knees and breathing hard. Mickae promptly plopped down on the grass at the edge
of where forest path met the pebbled beach and then dramatically fell backwards
as if too tired to move.
Laughing, Jenaie raised one eyebrow and put his hands on his hips, in an imitati
on of the king of the Sidhe, Caulin. "What's goin' on he're?" He said; his smil
e faded as he noticed the boys' serious expressions.
Quinn gulped and began to tell his story. Halfway through the tale Mickae jumped
up announcing that he swore he could hear their mother calling.
"Well then, go 'an tell you mother tha' your brother and I have something to do
for a moment' and Quinn'll be h'ome in a moment. Alright?"
The boy nodded and struck off for home.
"Lead on" Said Jenaie with a kind smile as he nudged Quinn toward the path.
Jenaie walked behind Quinn, his robes dragging on the ground leaving an obvious
trail in their wake. He listened patiently as the boy went on about the human he

had found. The young sage was very glad that the boy had fetched him instead of
Caulin or one of the other sages. Any other self respecting Sidhe would probab
ly have killed her immediately, but this was not Jenaie's way.
"So anyways, wha' are we goin' to du with it?" Asked a breathless Quinn.
Jenaie reached up a hand and pushed a lock of purple/black hair from his forehea
d. "'we' are not goin to du anything. You are goin' to take me to the human, and
then you are goin' home." He silenced the boy's protest with a lofty glare.
Muttering the boy complied and continued into the ever darkening woods. He fell
quiet as they neared the tree where the human girl still lay.
Glimpsing the dark shadow resting against the tall pines roots, Jenaie motioned
for the boy to return home. "Your parents are prob'ly worried about ya Quinn, be
sides, if you don' hurry, Mickae will eat your dessert." He smiled as the small
figure raced home, disappearing down the path.
Carefully Jenaie knelt in the grass beside the human girl and touched her cheek
lightly with his fingers. He almost hadn't believed Quinn when he had raved over
her beauty, the only humans he himself had ever seen were battle hardened soldi
ers that often tried to expand their territories into the Sidhe forest, or poor
woodcutters that stumbled into the area by accident. None of them had seemed par
ticularly attractive, much less as beautiful as this one.
"Wake up girl, ya' shouldn't be he're." The sage murmured softly.
The girl whimpered and opened her eyes. She blinked them a few times trying to f
ocus on the face above her. As realization dawned on her she scrambled back a bi
t, her shoulders hitting the huge tree behind her. "Auch! Who a' you?" She said
her eyes wide, as she stared, half afraid half curious at the strange young man
beside her.
"My name is Jenaie, miss, and I'm afeared tha' you 'ave stumbled into the Sidhe
lands." Jenaie smiled. She didn't seem as afraid as she might have. She was a br
ave one this human girl. Curiosity overcame him. "Wha's your name?"
The girl smiled back at him. "My name's Fiona Sorshalen. I guess I fell asleep e
h? I been walkin' all day'"
"Well ya' betta' get goin' fast because I dunno if I could hide ya for long Fion
a. I dunna want ta hurt ye but the others would so twould be best if ya got out
of these woods real quick." Jenaie stood and helped Fiona to her feet.
Fiona gave a wry grin, "I s'pose your right, I should be getting on my way. It's
gettin' dark. Me brothers'll be worried sick for me if don't get home soon."
The young Sage of Youth watched her as she faded into the woods waving to him as
she went. Jenaie shook his head and grinned wryly, for he had noticed something
the boys had not. Fiona wasn't human. She had some Elvin blood in her that girl
. It showed in her pale moonlight hair and slightly pointed delicate ears. Not t
hings that anyone would notice if one wasn't looking for them, but plain to him
nevertheless. He waited until the last hint of her white blond mane disappeared
into the night. Shifting his robe Jenaie headed back down the path toward home.
He was late for his own dinner and the others would definitely have questions ab
out his whereabouts this late in the evening

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