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Lecture 1: processing wood for export

1. Because of ill management and protection in recent years, forest resources

are damaged/ destroyed seriously.
2. The exploited wood production for domestic /inland / interior / internal use
and export in 1992, 1993 decreased significantly
3. To carry out / implement strictly/ severely/ sternly the law on protecting and
developing forests promulgated on august 8th 1991 specially the instruction/
direction 462 dated on march 11st 1993 of the state minister about keeping
tight control on exploiting, protecting forest resources, ecosystem, at the
same time stabling and developing wood material for processing for
industry, of which there is processing for export.
4. The production of exploiting wood in 1998 according to the targeted/
estimated/ calculated plan of the ministry of forestry will increase to 10
against 11.
5. Also according to this plan, in 1998 there is 12 m3 of wood from group 1 to
group 8 for processing for export (except some rare and precious kinds
which were prohibited/ banned/ forbidden by the state for exploitation and
use under the instruction 18 dated January 1st 1992
6. Just a few years ago, rubber wood was considered/ regarded/ seen as low
quality wood, which was used burning fuel.
7. Presently, this is valuable material used in producing and exporting wood
items which are favorable in the markets of developed capitalist countries (
Asia, Australia, Europe, north America)
8. Rubber branch destroys annually 7000-8000 sometimes 10000ha of old trees
to replant.
9. The average estimation/ calculation can get 200m3 of destroyed rubber
wood that is high quality wood for processing for export.
10.Besides, in addition, moreover, furthermore, it should notice/ call the
attention/ attract the attention researchers, producers/ manufactures,
exporters of wood products to an abandon material that has not exploited
yet: coconut wood.
11.Some countries such as Indonesia, the Philippine, Malaysia are successful in
processing coconut wood for building material, producing wood items, of
which there are wood products for export bringing encouraged efficiency/
results/ effects.

The car market in Vietnam

1. According to/ on the authority of statistic figures/ statistics of ministry of
transportation, within 4 years, the total of cars imported to Vietnam was
200000 automobiles annually.
2. Vietnam has totally about 2800000 cars.
3. With the population of 70million, the ratio is 0.04 per capital
4. In fact/ reality, over half of automobiles using in Vietnam are too old,
dont meet/guarantee the standards/ criteria of techniques/ technical
standards and environmental hygiene, therefore the requirement of
replacing the new ones is self-evident.
5. In the domain/field/area of commerce, Toyota is successful at the
beginning / has made a rather successful start.
6. This firm within 4months from April to July of 2000 sold 2500 new
automobiles to Vietnam with such marks as
7. The expert in car-selling circles said: in recent years, nearly half of cars
imported to Vietnam bearing Toyota marks. The following kinds are
highly appreciated by VietnaQmese such as . Benz are easily
consumed in Vietnam.
8. Besides, Hyundai and Kia of Korea are best sellers in Vietnam.
9. The reason why Japanese cars are consumed in Vietnam is that
Vietnamese appreciate/ favor small economical cars of different forms
with reasonable price/ which the price is within their reach.
10. Mer-bens, BWN are bought by business circles having high income.
11.Looking at the surface, automobile market in Vietnam is not busy like
other markets, but inside it is a silent and severe/ harsh/ stern race among
world car companies.

Liquefied gas on Vietnamese market

1. Liquefied petroleum gas is a combination/ mixture mainly including: CH4,
and C3H4 which is collected from the gas when exploiting raw oil/ the
exploitation of crude oil, from natural gas after it has been processed in gas
separating plant, or from the process of refining in refinery.
2. LPG was used firstly in 1930 then was rapidly and widely developed
throughout the world with 1500 different applications such as: gas stove, gas
lamp, sterilization, drying, cutting, fuel for automobiles.

3. In Vietnam, LPG was first introduced first to the South with the initial
consumption level of 400 ton, increasing to..
4. The import of LPG has stopped since 1994 and no longer supplied for
household appliance after since 1975.
5. In fact, the use of LPG for household purposes or industry is more
convenient and economical than other energy kinds.
6. This both restricts/ limits/ reduces/prevents forest destruction and
contributes to expand production activity, secondary service such as:
producing whole or a part of container, LPG instruments such as gas lamp,
heating, egg warming, burning grass
7. In 1993, JHCC initially introduced LPG into Vietnamese market again.
8. The initial business value was 12000 at present this decreased to under12
9. There are signs showing that the LPG market will go up quickly in following
10.In near future, when the project of collecting gas from the shore totally/
absolutely/ fully completes, the import of LPG will stop.
11.LPG made in Vietnam not only meets/ responses to/ answers/ satisfies/
fulfils the requirement/ demand/ need of domestic use but also can export to
the neighboring countries.




The full development of multi-sectioned economy

Few years ago, The state has allowed to fully develop the multi-sectored
economy as an experiment and this time was enough for the State realize
that development without management ( due to lack of proficient managing
staffs) causes serious/regrettable damages/faults and severe mistakes.
Fortunately, the State has realized soon and corrected strictly so today there
are favorable conditions today.
To have proficient managing staffs and implement successfully the new
policy in the market economy for the future, the State should urgently have
an overall training policy for humans.
Humans are decisive factors in all domains.
As far as law is concerned, to create trust/ belief and discipline for business
circles in the whole country, the State should urgently promulgate law on
internal investment, establish economic court (not the arbitrators) to manage
efficiently, understand all incorrect activities of businessmen, take
precautions, not to correct what had happened.

6. In state management, the illogical problem is tax. The policy of the state is
to use tax as a lever to develop production, but sometimes the State
implements this policy incorrectly.
7. According to the law, all unit producing exported goods are exempted from
turnover tax for encouragement/ promotion but in reality, tax agencies
disagree to give an exemption or reduce tax for textile plants thought this
cloth is used to make exported goods.
8. The state needs to create/ form conditions for private businesspeople to get
long-term loans with low interest from overseas nongovernmental
organizations to develop.
9. Hopefully, the state will listen up and solve expectations of
nongovernmental businesses if it is seen as a right and necessary thing.





The development of tea production in Vietnam

According to/ on the authority of Food and Agriculture organization of
United Nations, Vietnam is one of the top 20 countries producing the largest
quantity of tea throughout the world.
The tea cultivable area in Vietnam is 30000ha distributed to nearly 30
provinces. Of which the midlands and the north mountainous regions have
200000ha, the western highlands about . And the former forth zone
The tea cultivated area is 66000 up to the end of
The production/ capacity of fresh teas is in accordance with/ equivalent to
38908 ton dried ones
The capacity/ production of exported teas was
The capacity/ ability/potential/ possibility of tea development in Vietnam is
still great however has not exploited yet due to the lack/shortage of capital to
construct new tea garden, to take care of already existed ones, to build
routes/roads to tea planting areas and tea processing enterprises.
According to the plan of socioeconomic development, the tea planting area
was 38954 more to attain the total area of tea cultivating region of 769, of
which the area under exploitation is 934785 and the capacity of tea dried
buds is (with )

8. Tea cultivation not only creates more jobs, brings more foreign currencies
but also can cover bald hills with green trees, protect soil, keep balance
9. Therefore, this is an economic branch that the state of Vietnam encourages/
supports to develop.

Oil product of total in Vietnam

1. According to/ on the authority of the investigation figures of Vietnam petrol
chemical institute in combination with the united nation industry
development organization, Vietnam has oil but still imports oil products
such as:
2. The consumption level will certainly increase significantly in the future
3. With such the potential / ability/ possibility/ capacity of the market, Vietnam
is the hot spot/ point/ position in the race of dividing/ separating market of
nearly 10 world famous manufacturers of
4. However according to distributors in Vietnam, the advantages / superiority
will not depend on the time of beginning but on the competitive techniques.
5. At present, PI,OIU are at the level of introducing products through some
import-export units.
6. In long term/ultimately, the advantage belongs to Total because Total has
chosen to build/ set up/ construct the first refinery in Vietnam.
7. Total will adjust and distribute oil products in Vietnam
8. Mr. Bruno chief representative of marketing and distribution of Total in
Vietnam showed that Total has over 100000 modern gas stations in the
world serving various customers demands.
9. Total hopes that international standard gas station will be built in Vietnam
when the first refinery is completed.
10.In near future, oil products bearing total label made in Vietnam not only
appear/ exist in Vietnam but also in neighboring countries.
The return of Kodak / Kodak came back to Vietnam
1. On 20th April 1994 Eastman company grandly opened the representative
office in Vietnam.
2. According to Mr. Smith , vice president and general director of Asia Pacific
area, film department of Kodak said : Kodak would be please to do business
again in Vietnam after 20years.

3. Kodak hoped/ expected/ desired to meet new friends and has more new
customers/ patrons in Vietnam
4. Mr. Kim has appointed/ assigned as the general managing director of
representative office
5. Kodak is the first film production company establishing representative office
in Vietnam, which received the license/ a permit/ an approval of minister of
commerce dated 6th 1,1994 , just several weeks before the embargo of trade
against Vietnam has lifted. Occur/ happen/ take place
6. The products of Kodak as well as other American items have been absent/
not been present at from Vietnamese market for 20 years because of the
7. However the label Kodak and its high-quality/superior products have always
existed/ remained/ continued in Vietnamese customers mind
8. Kodak representative office will support other Kodak items exclude films
such as printing and publishing, office instrument/ equipment, medical
9. On the same day 20th April, MR. Smith went to HCMC people committee
and was welcomed/greeted by Mr. pham chanh truc vice
president/chairman of the committee.
10.Mr. Smith expressed/ showed the thankfulness/ gratitude to the local
government for creating favorable conditions for Kodak to do business in


VINAGEN joint venture

The first beer plant/ factory/ mill San Miguel was founded /established/ set
up/ built in southeast Asia in 1980
Long time ago, San was recognized/ acknowledged/ seen as one of the
leading names the world, consumption market covered everywhere.
Presently, San has 9 factories in
On Vietnamese market within 2 years/ in the 2 recent years , the
consumption level of San has been decreased
There are many reasons, of which partly because of illegally imported beer
and high price/cost due to beer made in Philippine
Meanwhile the beer market is busy, excited which leads San to
combine/come in to co-operation with VINAGEN.

7. VINAGEN is a joint venture between Khanh Hoa brewery and Mrs. TRAN
with the initial invested capital of 14 million USD, which has officially came
in to operation since Sep 1993
8. Founded/ established at this time and situation, VINAGEN faced/ met with
many difficulties. The competition with the type of favored North American
beer is harsh/ severe/ hard/ difficult.
9. Recently, VINAGEN and San has become a joint venture to produce 2 labels
simultaneously, followed 2 different technological lines at the factory in

VMPE has become successful in Vietnamese market/ VPMP has succeeded in

1. If there is a complimentary please bring/give it to the customer this was
the statement of VMPE leading board/leaders in Quang Trung fair last April.
2. hundred year lover and lucky angel 2 products bearing the same trademark
seem to show that the luckiest things in life will never leave you- VPOIs
patrons/ familiar customers/ regular clients
3. Up to now, VPOI is no longer unfamiliar to Hanois consumers, HCMC in
particular and Vietnam in general
4. Recently VPOI has even regarded/ seen/ considered as the most successful
phenomenon in marketing when among business units of selling automobiles
VPOI has attracted/ appealed such many patrons in a short time.
5. It isnt easy/simple to obtain /gain a rather strong position/standing in the
trade market.
6. Because there are various types of motorbikes . So that the competition
would be very harsh/ severe/ stern
7. winning crown will lean toward / belong to the products which are trusted by
the consumers
8. VPOI starts racing in Vietnamese market rather late in comparison with
other firms
9. However, VPOI has proved the willingness for the race with a long-term/
lasting strategy including marketing methods, product quality and reasonable

The return of CPOI to Vietnam/ CPOI has come back to Vietnam

1. CPOI is a joint venture between two petroleum companies LKJ and KJH,
has return to Vietnam in the beginning of 1994 after an absence from
19years/ a 19 year absence
2. POO located in / based in/ situated/ placed Sing has established a
representative office
3. The branch of HCMC representative office has moved to its new quarter in
the city center
4. Born in 1994, at present CPOI has operated in
5. The main activities include: refining, distributing, trading and marketing
petroleum products
6. The company has/possesses/ owns shares at 14 refineries with the capacity
of over barrels
7. CPOI occupied/ accounted 64% equities of a 1.7 b project
8. The company also possesses joint venture or 100% equity in 567 ocean
ports/ harbors/ terminals and warehouses throughout
9. The company sells/markets their products throughout the network of 78394
retail outlets
10.Previously, CPOI operated in
11.After the embargo of US against Vietnam has lifted, CPOI was the first
company buying/ purchasing BH crude oil of VN on
12. This oil was refined / processed/ made pure at a refinery in Sing
13.Representative office in Vietnam has responsibility to evaluate and develop
projects investing in the petroleum sector
14.They also undertake the product promotion of the company, the first period
focuses on/ concentrates on
15. As the second largest company in the area in term of refining, distribution
and marketing of petroleum, CPOI wants to take part in the booming
development/ growth in Vietnam.

Vietnam and the problem/ issue of mobilizing capital for development

Vietnam and the mobilization of capital for its growth

1. According to statistical figure from now to 2006 Vietnam needs an

investment of about 40 billion USD to keep/ maintain/ continue the rate
of development at 7-8 % per year, of which domestic invented capital
occupies more than 20 billion dollars, government budget takes charge of
10 billion and the source of citizen investment will not be less than 10b
2. Such is the requirement of capital for economy, but how to mobilize and
control/handle/deal with all capital sources has been Vietnams burning
3. Firstly, 4 types of market in need of being organized and improved
operational effectiveness to implement the strategy of creating capital for
multi-economy. They are
- Interbank market
- Currency exchange market
- Bond treasury market
- Stock market
4. For interbank market, firstly domestic currency interbank needs improve
operation effectiveness to establish reasonable interest rate as the
foundation of other rate and r

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