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Cutter Radius (Diameter) Compensation

Cutter radius compensation also called cutter diameter compensation is used on

machining centers and similar CNC machines. This code command allows the
programmer to ignore the cutting tools radius or diameter during programming. Like all
forms of compensation, it makes programming easier, since the programmer need not
be concerned with the exact cutter diameter while the program is being prepared.
Indeed in many shops the programmer may have the desire to use a particular cutter
size but will be constrained by what tools are readily available to the machine operator
on the day the job is processed. Additionally cutter radius compensation allows the
radius of the cutting tool to vary without modification to the program.
Cutter radius compensation is not applied to all forms of cutting tools. It is needed only
for cutting tools that have the ability to machine on the periphery of the cutter, and only
when actually machining on the periphery of the cutter. Tools like end mills, shell mills,
and some face mills have this ability. Drills reamers, taps, boring bars and other similar
cutting tools have absolutely no use for cutter radius compensation.
There are many times during milling operations when the programmer wishes to
machine the edge of a workpiece. This edge can be in the form of a straight surface or
in the form of a contoured surface. Like a woodworking router, a milling cutter is driven
along the edge of the workpiece. Unlike woodworking the cutter is precisely held and
its movement accurately guided by exact coordinate entries. These conditions dictate
that cutter size be taken into account for accurate machining to take place.

Commands related to cutter radius compensation

There are three-G codes used with cutter radius compensation. Two of these G codes
are used for instating or initializing cutter radius compensation. Note that either G41 or
G42 is used to instate cutter compensation. The third G code, G40 is used to cancel
the cutter compensation. In addition a programming word of address is used to specify
the offset number (dimension) to be used with radius compensation. Most often a D
word (sometimes an H word depending on the controller) is used to specify the offset
Rules (always rules)
There is a rigid procedure (rules) that must be followed to program cutter radius
compensation. Cutter comp. involves three simple steps. First it must be instated with
a G41 or G42 code. Second, the motion commands must be given such as linear G01
or circular G02 etc. Third it must be canceled with a G40 code.
Writing the Code
When cutting, the cutter will be on the left side or right side of the desired machining
line. To evaluate which left or which right is used, you must look in the direction of the

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tool movement during the projected cut. While looking in this direction, the programmer
must ask, What side of the workpiece is it desired to have the cutter on? If the cutter
is on the left side of the workpiece or line then a G41 code is used. If the cutter is on
the right side of the workpiece during machining, then a G42 is used in the block of
code. The G41 word represents a cutter-left condition and the G42 word represents the
cutter-right condition.
If basic machining practice is common to your understanding then it may be easier to
remember that climb milling will use a G41 code. If conventional milling is to be done, a
G42 code is used.
Prior to instating cutter compensation the tool must be positioned close to the surface to
be machined. A distance of slightly more than the cutter radius from the machined
surface is sufficient but more is not harmful. These pre compensation movements are
done relative to the tool centerline, as cutter comp is not active yet. Keep in mind that
cutter compensation allows the use of a range in cutter sizes that can be used to
machine the same part geometry and pre compensation movements should allow for
the largest cutter diameter contemplated.
Most controllers (ours is no exception) require one other procedure for successful
implementation of cutter compensation. The tool must come into the workpiece at the
start of the compensated cut at a right angle. In other words if the compensated
movement (the actual cut) is in the X-axis the prior movement into the cut must be in the
Y-axis. If on the other hand the compensated cut is in the Y-axis then the previous
movement before cutting must be in the X-axis. Holes and circular cuts follow the same
procedure they just require and extra moments contemplation to visualize the right
angle movement.

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