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Quotes for Raymond 'Red' Reddington (Character) from "The Blacklist" (2013)

Harold Cooper: Absolutely not. I'm not give you access to the FBI's ViCAP system
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Then you'll just have to find another criminal to talk
to Elizabeth Keen and make fun of Agent Ressler.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I have no interest in cases that I have no interest in
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I find it so reassuring. The movie stars, the pop sing
ers, they really are just like the rest of us.
Elizabeth Keen: You have a suburban housewife printing fake money out of her gar
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Mary is an artist. She has a tremendous gift.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: [chuckling] I never tire of being correct.
Elizabeth Keen: You want me to protect some plastic surgeon who may be linked to
a terrorist organization.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Yes.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Abraham! I refer important clients to you, people who
are vital to my business. People whose livelihood depends on your confidentialit
y, and you roll over like a cockapoo wanting his belly scratched?
Elizabeth Keen: You said this guy was sold!
Abraham Maltz: Wait a minute.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Some woman who claims to be an FBI agent makes a few h
am-fisted threats, and you hand over one of your own clients? That's dirty pool.
God forbid, this little incident ever gets back to poor Nathaniel Wolff.
Abraham Maltz: Red, I don't know what's going on here...
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: What other secrets have you just given away?
Abraham Maltz: Nothing!
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Who knows about the work I've had done?
Abraham Maltz: Nobody, truthfully. You know me.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I brought Christina to you specifically for your discr
etion and expertise. I assured her you were trustworthy.
[to Keen]
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I'm sorry I was wrong.
[to Abraham]
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Shame on you, Abraham!
[to Keen]
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I know another doctor. Let's go.
Abraham Maltz: No! Ray! We can make this right. You know me. I would never give
out a name of any client.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I finally had a chance to see her, Sam. There's a fire
inside she got from you. She's volatile, unpredictable, soft, and hard, and...
soft again. Stronger than she knows. You gave her an incredible gift, Sam. Takin
g her in and loving her as your own.
Sam: They've given me six weeks. For what? So I can lay here and watch them take
me apart. I wish they'd said six hours. And I told them, I said, "You can get r
id of those damn machines. Go monitor somebody who's actually got vital signs."
I need to tell Lizzy.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: No
Sam: I know what we agreed, but before I go I have to tell her.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I can't let you do that.
Sam: She deserves the truth.

Raymond 'Red' Reddington: You will always be her father, Sam. I can only hope to
... love her and protect her as you have.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: It's hard to... not say goodbye. I have lost so many p
eople. Never seems to get any easier.
Tom Keen: I don't know what I'm gonna say... to my wife. I've been sitting here
for I don't know how long, trying to... figure out how to tell her. My wife and
her dad, they had something... He took her in when she was four-years-old. Adopt
ed her. And raised her as a single parent. She's gonna be heartbroken.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Yes. It'll undoubtedly take some time. But I'm sure sh
e'll be fine. He'll always be there with her. Standing in the shadows to keep he
r safe. Laughing with her in the light. Watching through her eyes, all those who
get close. He'll always be there. She will be fine.
Tom Keen: I hope your right.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I know I am.
"The Blacklist: Frederick Barnes (#1.7)" (2013)
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Agent Keen, I have a tip. You're a winter, not an autu
mn. Stop wearing olive.
Elizabeth Keen: You know, I don't have time for this.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: You're not the one who had to listen to that god-awful
hold music for seven minutes, which wouldn't have been necessary if you'd take
my calls.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: The man you're looking for is named Frederick Barnes,
a former defense research scientist out of Arpax Systems in Annapolis. You may n
ot be familiar with his name, but you're likely familiar with his work - biochem
ical agents such as cytochlorin, black phosphorous, paratoxin. Barnes headed the
project team that developed all of them. But he was more than just a research s
cientist. He was gifted. A savant of government-sanctioned mass killing.
Donald Ressler: What do you mean "was"?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Five years ago, the man quit his job, sold his house,
and entered the free market. Started selling his creations to the highest bidder
- autocrats, terrorists, me.
Elizabeth Keen: Betraying your country and auctioning off its secrets. Where hav
e I heard that before?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: [laughs] You wanna compare him to me? Be my guest. I'm
perfectly comfortable with what I am. But please, make no mistake - Frederick B
arnes is a very special animal. One with the tools and know-how to kill thousand
s and thousands of people all at once. What he's lacked until now has been the d
Donald Ressler: So what's changed?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Well, that's the question. Barnes has always operated
with a certain level of... detachment - always the designer, the seller. Never t
he delivery agent of his own weapons. But if Barnes is now willing to use his wo
rk to kill indiscriminately, then he is, quite literally, the most dangerous man
in the world.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Strontium 90 isn't something you can just pick up at y
our local piggly wiggly. It's a waste by-product of nuclear reactors - toxic, hi
ghly regulated. There's only a handful of people in the world who can procure it
in sizable quantities.
Donald Ressler: And let me guess, you happen to know one of them.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Actually, I happen to know three of them. The first of
whom was apprehended by Russian authorities last month, the second vaporized by
a drone in Quetta, courtesy of your colleagues in the five-sided foxhole.
Agent Meera Malik: And the third?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Is likely Barnes' supplier.
Harold Cooper: Cut to it. I want a name.

Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I'm afraid it wouldn't do you any good. The FBI has no
jurisdiction where he operates. In any case, I've already set a meeting with hi
m for this afternoon.
Elizabeth Keen: And what makes you think he knows how to find Barnes?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: He knows how to get paid by him. That should be suffic
Donald Ressler: And he's just willingly hand over this information?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: We'll cross that bridge when we get to there, Donald.
Look, we're wasting precious time. You want to catch a mass murderer before he s
trikes again, and for that to happen, I need to catch a plane.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I'm not a gumball machine, Lizzy. You don't get to jus
t twist the handle whenever you want a treat.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: You know the problem with drawing lines in the sand? W
ith a breath of air, they disappear.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I can identify the man you're looking for, Lizzy.
Elizabeth Keen: Okay. Who is he?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Phones are so impersonal. Why don't we meet for show a
nd tell in thirty minutes? Dembe will forward you a location. If you care to hea
r me out, wonderful. Otherwise, good luck with your case.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Every cause has more than one effect.
"The Blacklist: Berlin (#1.21)" (2014)
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I have an urgent case.
Elizabeth Keen: [to Cooper] He'll have to tell it to someone else.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: That's not going to work.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: This is a copy of Tom's code-book. It was used to pass
information between Tom and his superiors. I had my associate, Borakove, decode
it. There's surprisingly little about myself and my organization, but it contai
ns speculation about our cases and a great deal about you. I suggest you use som
e discretion as to how you disclose any of it.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: [Keen ignores Reddington] It's an olive branch, Lizzy.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I met Dr. Sanders here through a mutual friend to disc
uss a very delicate and underfunded research project. As I recall, the science w
as awesome, but financially precarious. We did, however, spend a glorious weeken
d in God's Country with two snow bunnies who were dead ringers for the Swiss Mis
s Girl.
Dr. Bruce Sanders: [Both laugh] And we watched Space Ranger.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Yes. Space Ranger! What a memory.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: What are they gonna do to me that hasn't been done bef
ore? Kill me? None of it is worse than loosing you. Please excuse the gun. I'd h
ate for them to think we were in cahoots.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I was once on the island of Ko Ri, free diving in the
Andaman Sea. I fell terribly ill, stung by a lionfish. I was dehydrated and in e
xcruciating pain. I had lost all sense of time and place, completely disoriented
. But I knew I was dying. So I readied myself for it. And in that moment at deat
h' door, I looked up... And standing over me in the brightness was this landless
Moken Sea Gypsy. Just standing there. Smiling. She and her tribe nursed me back
to health. Good as new. When I left the island, she kissed me, it was like a bu
rst of sunlight on my cheek. It was... It made nearly dying welling worth it. Th
at's how I feel now.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: [after surrendering to the FBI and watching Belin's fl

y overhead in flames] Now it begins.

"The Blacklist: Milton Bobbit (#1.18)" (2014)
[Christopher Maly jumps through the window, killing himself. Dembe runs over to
look, then walks away]
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: [Nonchalantly] Okay then.
[Walks over to window and looks down]
Elizabeth Keen: What now?
[Red grabs his coat]
Elizabeth Keen: What are you doing?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Putting on my coat.
Elizabeth Keen: A man just jumped through the window, there's a body on the side
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Yes, and your husband, the police and all the king's m
en will be here soon. If you care to stick around and explain, feel free. I for
one will not be in attendance.
[Keen grabs coat and heads for the door]
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Dembe, I'll get her downstairs. After you're finished,
grab the pretzels.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Several years ago, it came to my attention that somebo
dy was meddling in my business. To protect myself and my interests I inventoried
my vulnerabilities.
Elizabeth Keen: Me.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Among other. Lizzy, I've been monitoring Tom since he
entered your life. About a year ago I discovered that he had purchased three pas
sports from a trusted forger I use in Warsaw.
Elizabeth Keen: That's it? He bought passports. My husband chose me, he inserted
himself into my life because of you.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I can only assume that's the case.
Elizabeth Keen: Why? How are we connected?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: That is just a distraction.
Elizabeth Keen: No! That is all that matters! This is my life! Tell me!
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Right now the only thing that matters is the immediate
threat, your husband, finding out who he is and who he works for. The rest will
come. I promise you.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: And if it doesn't work out with Fadila, I know a ravis
hing Dane who would adore you. She's slightly cross-eyed, and there's something
very hypnotic about her gaze.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Terrifying. You know this artist got his start with
ppets? What is it about puppets? It's the same with clowns. I'll never forget
puppet show I saw when I was five, maybe six. Hansel and Grettle.
Christopher Maly/Craig Keen: Why are we here?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Scared me to death. But it wasn't the witch, it was
e oven. Imagine, an oven puppet. Ooh. I don't think I set foot in our kitchen
r a month.


Raymond 'Red' Reddington: [Christopher Maly leaps out the window to his death] O
kay then.
Elizabeth Keen: What now? What are you doing?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Putting on my coat.
Elizabeth Keen: A man just jumped through the window. There's a body on the side
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Yes. And your husband, the police and all the king's m
en will be here soon. If you care to stick around and explain, feel free, but I
for one will not be in attendance. Dembe, I'll get her downstairs. After you're
finished, grab the pretzels.

Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Looks like we're a little late to the party. You must
be the brother-in-law.
Elizabeth Keen: Ressler called. I have to step out. He isn't cooperating.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Oh hell, Dembe, get the hacksaw. We're gonna have to t
ake him out of here in pieces.
"The Blacklist: Madeline Pratt (#1.14)" (2014)
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: She's breathtakingly unattractive but she's worth over
$40 million. The only Vermeer in private hands.
Elizabeth Keen: That's considered a masterpiece?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Last night, I got up for a scoop of orange sherbet and
she caught my eye. I just stood here in the dark squinting at her. Poor thing r
uined my appetite. Even after I went back to bed, all I could hear was the hideo
us music she must be playing. Didn't sleep a wink.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I'm flattered you think I'm up to it, but thieving is
not my strongest suit. Luckily, we have an ace of spades among us. Isn't that ri
ght, Agent Keen?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: [while waltzing] Lizzy, I know this must be very diffi
cult for you, but we both can't lead.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: [to Lizzy] There you are. What the hell happened to yo
u? You just leave me stranded with awful Algerian. He's been hitting on me for 2
0 minutes.
Embassy Guard: Sir, this is a secure area.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: [to security guard] Well, not secure enough if you ask
me, sister. You know what? Why don't ask Rasil? We wouldn't even be here if it
weren't for that troublemaker. Always an agenda with him. Cultural attache. Cult
ure, my ass.
[Points at Lizzy]
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: The things I do for this one.
[to Lizzy]
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Gallivanting around the globe for you little assignati
ons with you know, hmm-hmm.
[to security guard]
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Carrying her furs and bikinis as if I wouldn't rather
be back in Dutchess County my shelties.
[to Lizzy]
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Hey, don't take anything for granted. Everything you h
ave was bought and paid for by your boyfriend.
[to security guard]
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Do you have any idea who's horn this tramp is blowing?
Let's just say it starts with Bashiar, and ends with Assad, gassing you faster
than a Sunni. So let's get her out of the hot seat and into a limo. Good God, cr
umbs up!
Embassy Guard: What?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Your cummerbund. Pleats up. You look like Bob Yashimur
a in eighth grade swing choir. It's upside down.
[Red punches out the security guard]
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Oh god, that hurts!
Elizabeth Keen: What the hell was that?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I don't know it just felt so right in the moment.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I ran out of gas.
Madeline Pratt: Huh?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I was so excited to get home I didn't even both to loo
k. My head was just... I ran out of gas.
Madeline Pratt: What are you talking about?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: It was Christmas Eve. I pulled off to the side of the

road, seemed like it'd been snowing for days. No traffic. No cars to come help.
Just me and a car full of gifts. It was more than 20 year ago. I must have walke
d four miles. Five, maybe. It was so still. Just cold and white. The whole time
all I could think about was them in our house. The warm light in the windows. Th
e smoke from the chimney. The sound of my daughter at the piano. The smell of th
e tree, and the fire, oyster stew on the stove. I was so upset to think that I'd
ruined Christmas for them, being late, leaving the gifts in the car. But the cl
oser I got, the more I realized how funny the whole thing was. How much they'd l
ove the story. Daddy running out of gas. How every Christmas they'd get such joy
from telling that story at my expense. And then finally, I got there, I walked.
.. I walked through the door. And there was just blood. All I saw was blood. All
there was was blood. I can... I can still smell the nape of her neck. Feel her
little... fingers on my cheek. Her whisper in my ear. That's why I didn't show u
p in Florence. It's why I haven't shown up in a lot of places over the years.
"The Blacklist: The Courier (#1.5)" (2013)
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Have you ever wondered how criminals who know they can
't trust one another are still able to conduct business with each other?
Elizabeth Keen: They replace trust with fear and the threat of violence.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: The next target on the Blacklist is the physical embod
iment of both. He's known as the Courier, and his involvement in a transaction v
irtually guarantees its success. Once he's hired to make a delivery, he can't be
bribed, he can't be stopped. If either party attempts to double cross the other
, he kills them both. The perfect middleman for an imperfect world.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Thank you.
Elizabeth Keen: For what?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: For being honest with me. In my life, I don't encounte
r that frequently.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: [about the seller the FBI is tracking] If you really w
ant her to talk, I should meet with her.
Donald Ressler: Every time you "meet", someone ends up dead.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: We've gotten off to a rocky start.
Harold Cooper: You've killed three people.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I'm not perfect.
Elizabeth Keen: You're not telling us everything.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Let me put your mind at ease. I'm never telling you ev
"The Blacklist: The Freelancer (#1.2)" (2013)
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Hey Donald, how about that cheese cart ?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Where is that woman with the mushroom puffs ?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: This is going to be a gas!
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: We never really know anyone, do we?
"The Blacklist: The Kingmaker (#1.20)" (2014)
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I was a life guard my junior year in high school. Had
to give mouth-to-mouth to Mrs. Beerman. She belched up a lung full of corned bee
f and chlorine. I haven't been in a pool since.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: These friends you mentioned, the ones whispering in th
e shadows, tell them from me, shut the hell up!
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Ah, smells like decadence and vice.

"The Blacklist: Gina Zanetakos (#1.6)" (2013)

Raymond 'Red' Reddington: [outside the White House with Elizabeth] People think
it matters who occupies that house. It doesn't. Multinational corporations and c
riminals run the world.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Gina Zanetakos is a corporate terrorist. And frankly,
she's the best of the bunch.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: You've obviously heard of corporate espionage - compan
ies trying to beat other companies to be the first hand on the dollar. But what
if it were taken... a few steps further? In 1982, seven people in Chicago were k
illed by an over-the-counter drug laced with potassium cyanide. The company's ma
rket share went from 35 to 8. It was never determined how the drug was poisoned,
but I will tell you someone was hired to do that. Remember those tire recalls?
Chernobyl? Deliberate and malevolent actions taken by corporations to protect th
eir vital interests. Nothing happens by chance.
"The Blacklist: Anslo Garrick (#1.9)" (2013)
Donald Ressler: [bleeding out from a gunshot wound] Why save me?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Because that's what you do when someone's dying in fro
nt of you.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: You can't judge a book by its cover. But you can by it
s first few chapters, and certainly by its last.
Donald Ressler: We are not going to live through this...
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: I think we will.
Donald Ressler: How?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Have you ever sailed across an ocean, Donald...
Donald Ressler: No.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: ...on a sailboat, surrounded by sea with no land in si
ght, without even the possibility of sighting land for days to come? To stand at
the helm of your destiny. I want that, one more time. I want to be in the Piazz
a del Campo in Siena. To feel the surge as 10 racehorses go thundering by. I wan
t another meal in Paris, at L'Ambroisie, at the Place des Vosges. I want another
bottle of wine. And then another. I want the warmth of a woman and a cool set o
f sheets. One more night of jazz at the Vanguard. I want to stand on the summits
and smoke Cubans and feel the sun on my face for as long as I can. Walk on the
Wall again. Climb the Tower. Ride the River. Stare at the Frescos. I want to sit
in the garden and read one more good book. Most of all I want to sleep. I want
to sleep like I slept when I was a boy. Give me that, just one time. That's why
I won't allow that punk out there to get the best of me, let alone the last of m
"The Blacklist: The Stewmaker (#1.4)" (2013)
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: The Stewmaker is in town. You're gonna need a plumber.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: A farmer comes home one day to find that everything th
at gives meaning to his life is gone. Crops are burned, animals slaughtered, bod
ies and broken pieces of his life strewn about. Everything that he loved taken f
rom him - his children. One can only imagine the pit of despair, the hours of Jo
b-like lamentations, the burden of existence. He makes a promise to himself in t
hose dark hours. A life's work erupts from his knotted mind. Years go by. His su
ffering becomes complicated. One day he stops - the farmer who is no longer a fa
rmer - sees the wreckage he's left in his wake. It is now he who burns, he who s
laughters, and he knows in his heart he must pay.
Elizabeth Keen: You're a monster.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Yes.
Elizabeth Keen: How can you live with yourself?

Raymond 'Red' Reddington: By saving your life.

"The Blacklist: The Cyprus Agency (#1.13)" (2014)
[Red shoots Diane]
Diane Fowler: You can't shoot me!
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Why not?... I have an arrangement with Harold Cooper:
he goes about his business and I go about mine. I don't have an agreement with y
ou on anything.
Diane Fowler: I know the truth, Red... about what happened that night... what ha
ppened to your family. Do you want to know that truth?
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: More than anything in the whole world... But the thing
is, if you know that truth, Diane, then somebody else does too.
[shoots her again]
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Our business is done, Agent Malik.
"The Blacklist: The Good Samaritan (#1.11)" (2014)
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: This is a Colt .45 1911. I can strip and reassemble th
is weapon in well under two minutes.
Aram Mojtabai: Mr. Reddington, please.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Once I have it reassembled, I'm gonna reload the mag a
nd if, at that time, your task remains incomplete, I'm gonna empty that mag into
your head.
Aram Mojtabai: That's really messed up.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Don't look so stricken. The first shot will kill you.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: [to the wife of a business acquaintance he has just sh
ot] Janice, if you don't stop your yammering, I'm gonna have to shoot through th
is door. Which will be a shame, because I won't have any idea what I'm shooting
"The Blacklist: Berlin: Conclusion (#1.22)" (2014)
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Meera was a casualty in a war that she didn't even kno
w she was fighting.
"The Blacklist: The Alchemist (#1.12)" (2014)
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: [answering a call from Elizabeth] Just out of curiosit
y, what number am I on your speed dial?
Elizabeth Keen: Seven.
Raymond 'Red' Reddington: Who's six?
Elizabeth Keen: Chinese takeout. Can we come back to this later? I need your hel

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