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East Jamaica Conference



74 Constant Spring Road P.O. Box 181 Kingston 10 Jamaica W.I.

Tel:(876) 924-1061-3, (876) 924-0263. E-Mail:

December 26,2014
To: All Pastors, Elders, Leaders and Church Members
Sincere Christian greetings!
Please see important dates, events and communication from the East Jamaica Conference of Seventhday Adventists below.
(1) Notice From the Sabbath School & Personal Ministries Department
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We greet you in the spirit of the season of giving and wish for you a
prosperous New Year!
In full support of the Church Leaderships call for Revival and Reformation and the
Day of Solemn Assembly, January 3, 2015, we embrace this opportunity to invite each
member to join us in the following revival exercises:

1. Congress for Renewal and Revival of the Role of the Laity

The Renewal and Revival Congress organized by the Jamaica Union, is to be
held on Sabbath, January 10, 2015 (all day) at the Hagley Park SDA Church.
(Please see attached letter from the Union Director).

2. EJC Lay Evangelistic Preaching Symposium

The Lay Evangelistic Preaching Symposium is called by the Sabbath School and Personal
Ministries Department, together with the EJC Lay Evangelistic Association to convene at
the Half-way Tree SDA Church, January 25 to 29, 2015.
3. Partnership Effort with Amazing Facts Centre of Evangelism
The Evangelistic Preaching Symposium mentioned above will find a fitting climax in our
convergence with the Amazing Facts Centre of Evangelisms (AFCOE) three-part Edge of
Eternity National Rally which will convene at Sabina Park, South Camp Road, Kingston,
beginning Friday, January 30th at 7:00 p.m.

4. Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department Annual Comprehensive

Workshop January 25 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
All leaders of the Sabbath School, Personal Ministries and Community Services
Department, to include the following listed below, are invited to attend and participate in
our annual, critical, comprehensive training workshop to be held at the V. H. Percy
multipurpose centre, 10 12 Osbourne Road, Kingston, January 25 9:00 a.m. to 1:00

Elders assigned to this department

Sabbath School Superintendents
Personal Ministries Leaders
Community Services Leaders
Senior Citizens Leaders
Prison Ministries Leaders
Special Needs Leaders
Bible School Coordinators
Membership Conservation Leaders
Sabbath School Secretaries
Personal Ministries Secretaries
Interest Coordinators
Bible Instructors
Graduates of EJC School of Evangelism
All other relevant persons and interested parties

May the Lord bless you richly as we work together in the Cause of Christ.
Yours in Christ

Carl Cunningham
Carl M. Cunningham
Sabbath School, Personal Ministries &
Community Services Director

(2) Notice from the Ministerial Department

Dear Brethren:
Christian greetings!
As we contemplate the soon return of Christ, we sense the need for a deep spiritual revival in the
entire church. Consequently the leadership of the Conference is calling the church to a day (24
hour) of solemn assembly, on Sabbath, January 3, 2015. This is a call to repentance and revival, a
recommitment and re-affirmation of our faith and a pledge to the mission of Christ.

Later that evening, beginning at 7:30 through to 10:00 p.m. we will climax with a grand prayer
session at the Half-Way Tree SDA Church.
A similar grand prayer service for the brethren in St. Thomas will take place from 7:30 pm through
to 10:00 pm at the Morant Bay SDA Church. We invite all our church leaders and members to
attend this special service where possible.
May Gods richest blessings attend you in this season of peace and good will as we look forward to
your full participation in this programme.
Yours in the Masters service
Linton Williams

Prayer Ministries Coordinator

(3) Notice from the Education Department

East Jamaica Conference Education Department thanks the brethren for your sacrificial
giving towards Kingsway High & Prep School. We do appreciate your generosity and are
using this medium to encourage you to continue with the financial support as the Lord blesses
you. Envelopes are available and can be obtained from your Pastor, First Elder or Education
" In the word of God the mind finds subjects for the deepest thought, the loftiest aspirations."
Counsels to Parents, Teachers and Students. pg. 41.

(4) Notice from the Stewardship, Wills and Trust Dpt.

I. All Health Directors, Stewardship Directors, Will and Trust Services Directors, and
Education Promoters who have been nominated to serve the church for 2015, who were not
ar Leaders' Summit (Officers' Council) on Sunday, December 6, 2014 are encouraged to
submit your personal information (i.e. name, telephone number, email address, position(s)
to be served in and your occupation, especially for Health Directors) to the Departments
mentioned via email to: and/or
We would like to be able to make contact with you and to keep in touch with you from
time to time.
II. For 2015 tithes and offering reading please. Click here

(5) Notices from the Childrens and Adolescents Ministries Department

Theme: Giants for Jesus
1. You are asked to use this period to get your team members ready for an energetic,
evangelistic, adventurous 2015. Try to engage/train all our children in discipleship ministry.
Call the office if you need assistance.
2. The Bible Spell-a-thon is entering its 5th year. Get your children involved even at the
church level.
3. Kindly assign every child in your church to an aunt or uncle. This is one of the methods
to create a culture of care for our children and adolescents and to nurture them for the
4. Get ready the polo pink and blue tops or create your own for our 2015 Jewels anniversary.
5. Jewels anniversary Step 2: Get children to memorize the Jewels Promise and these 2
passages of scripture Matthew 19:13-15; Jeremiah 1:4-9
Tip # 1 & 2
Happy Childrens Ministries leaders
Are affectionate They write loving notes to their students.
They get the children out of the building for fun and service.

(6) Notices from the Family Life Department

THEME: Making Home a Place of Peace and Healing
1. The Journey Toward Intimacy session will be held on February 7, 2015. Having received the
couples list with the names and date of marriage from your church the next step is to invite at
least one visitor to this special session. Kindly register your visitor by January 20, so we can
make adequate provision for them. Females we suggest that you add extra intimacy to the
journey by selecting matching colors as a couple to be worn on that day. To all other directors
this information is still needed. Next week we will update you on how many couples we have
in each church.
2. A package and name tags will be prepared for each couple as well as a sumptuous meal. We
ask that you encourage all couples to be in attendance. Send us the names of the persons who
will be in attendance as well as an idea of how many vegans we should prepare for. Indicate on
your list who is the visitor as we expect all churches to take at least one visitor. All couples are
expected to be a part of this journey. Couples with non SDA spouses please provide the
telephone numbers so that we can personally invite them to this special session.
3. Are you willing to be a member of the EJC Mens Executive core team? We invite you to

call/email 9241061-3 or 7811565. Our first mens ministries 2015 group
activity will be held in February.

4. Do you want to help make a difference? Are you single and Living it Large for Christ. Come

join the team of active singles led by Dr. Desiree Tulloch Reid, Anthia Muirhead and Geoffrey
Marshall who have been commissioned to impact EJC for Christ. We are now putting together
a separate team for each zone and invite you to call/email or 7811565
immediately to be a part of the group to make 2015 an exciting year. Watch the website for
weekly updates.
5. Calling all married couples 5 years and underCome be a part of the Couples In Action (CIA)
group that will have its genesis as of January 2015 and keep your spousal journey aflame.

Coming together is a beginning,

Keeping together is a progress. Working together is success.

Henry Ford

(7) Notices from the Womens Ministries Department


Kindly use the month of January to launch /activate your Moms in Touch in the churches.
The EJC Moms in Touch launch will be in March.


There will be a meeting for all directors and their team members on January 11, 2015.


One of the GC vision 2020 objectives is to have established mentoring programs.

Remember that all our young females 12 and over should be assigned a mentor. All Womens
Ministries Directors are asked to send the names of the team member who is coordinating
your GEMS mentorship program. Sis. E.G. White and the story of Ruth reinforce the
benefits of mentorship.


Christian Home & Marriage The Journey Towards Intimacy session will be held on
February 7, 2015. All couples are expected to be a part of this journey. Couples with non
SDA spouses please provide the telephone numbers so that we can personally invite them to
this special session.
Encourage the participation of your spouse by recruiting and enlisting his or her expertise in some aspect of
church life. Remember: There is no growth without challenge, and there is no challenge without


(8) Notice from the Publishing and Spirit of Prophecy Department

1. Publishing and Sprit of Prophecy counsels meeting
January 15, 2015 Executive counsel
January 25, 2015 Zone 4
February 1, 2015 Zones 1 & 2
February 8, 2015 Zones 3
(Venues to be announced soon)


Literature Evangelist Recruitment training January 28, 2015 (venue to be announced

Spirit Of Prophecy Quote
God might have chosen unfallen angels as His representatives on earth. Instead life chose us.
Every true disciple is born in the Kingdom of God as a missionary. (Desire of Ages,195)
(9) Notices From Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department

The month of January will be significant for Religious Liberty in 2015. Begin to make plans
for your attendance to the biggest Religious Liberty Festival ever to take place in Jamaica. We
invite and expect all Religious Liberty Leaders in our churches to be in attendance at the
National Arena on January 24, 2015. This will be an all day event from 9:00 am to 8:30pm.
See poster below for further details.


January 31, 2015 will be Religious Liberty Day. We expect church leadership to allow
Religious Liberty Leaders to bring to the consciousness of the local church, the importance of
Religious Liberty in the advancement of the gospel commission and the advancement of the
work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church around the world. Sermon material will be
provided via the website in the coming weeks.


Important Articles to read.

I share with you this week, two articles which were taken from the Jamaica Union Conference
website. Both make good reading especially as we prepare for our Religious Liberty Festival on
January 24, 2014.

Our right ... Our freedom ... Let's celebrate

Published: Monday, December 22, 2014 9:07:20 AM

Nigel Coke, Contributor

That headline captures the theme for Jamaica's first-ever Festival of Religious
Freedom, an event centred around thanking God and country for the religious
freedom we currently enjoy.
The celebration will take place against the backdrop of several reports which show an
increased level of religious intolerance and restrictions globally.

To read more on this article follow this link.

Seventh-day Adventists and the Ecumenical Movement

Published: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 9:16:38 AM

The General Conference Executive Committee has never voted an official statement regarding the

Seventh-day Adventist relationship to the ecumenical movement as such. A book has been

written dealing at length with the subject and a number of articles have appeared over the years
in Adventist publications, including the Adventist Review. Thus, while there is not exactly an
official position, there are plenty of clear indications regarding the Seventh-day Adventist


(10) Notice From The Communication Department

Visit our Picasa Photo Gallery
Be sure to visit our Photo Gallery which is updated every week as we travel across the EJC
Constituency. Feel free to share and download photos with your friends and family members.
Click here :- >
Camp Meeting Ends on a High December 17, 2014 with a bang. For Photo highlights,

Click on photo below :-

Follow us on Twitter
Did you know that the East Jamaica Conference uses social media including twitter to
share the gospel with the world ? See for yourself. Follow us on twitter at,

Check out our Latest News this week.

Good Samaritan Inn is 7 Years Old

Patrons of the Good Samaritan Inn (GSI) along with Sponsors and GSI
Volunteers, wave to say thanks to God and members of the World
Church of Seventh-day Adventists on December 23, 2014 as the y
celebrated the 7th Anniversary since the opening of the GSI on
December 23, 2017.
From its humble beginnings serving 50 lunches to the homeless and needy on Sunday
December 23, 2017, the Good Samaritan Inn (GSI) has grown to be an internationally
recognized institution.
Over the 7 years, the GSI has served in excess of 50,000 lunches, and provided
sanitary and laundry facilities for the homeless, administered health care to hundreds
and a home to many.
For more on this news item Click Here.

(11) Notices from the Constituency


When: This Sunday, December 28, 2014 between 10.00am and 2.00pm
Services: FREE medical and legal services, counselling on employment, healthy lifestyle, cooking
demonstration, spiritual counselling etc.
Where: Kencot SDA, 10 - 14 Osbourne Road, Kingston 10
The Rollington Town Seventh-day Adventist Church will be have its Home Coming (Visitors' Day)
and Thanksgiving Service under the Theme "How Far From Home" on Sabbath December 27
beginning at 9:00 a.m. It promises to be inspiring and Spirit filled.

(12) Schedule of Upcoming Conference Dates and Events



Jan. 3

Day of Solemn Assembly

Jan. 3
Jan. 10
Jan. 11
Jan. 18
Jan. 24
Jan 25 - 31
Jan. 31
Feb. 7

All night Prayer

Renewal & Revival
Convention - St. Thomas
Convention - Kingston & St. Andrew
Religious Liberty Festival
Lay Evangelistic Explosion
Religious Liberty Day / BEAMS Convention
Couples Journey to Intimacy

Phillip E. L. Castell
Communication Director

In every church
Half Way Tree & Morant Bay
Hagley Park SDA Church
National Arena
Half Way Tree SDA Church
VH Percy Center

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