"If Anyone Is in Christ, He Is

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“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.

2 Corinthians 5:17

Hey Parents!

Ever get the feeling that what you just asked your teenager to do went in one ear and
out the other. It takes ever fiber within our being sometimes to continue to shepherd
patiently. As parents and shepherds we know what it is to see victory, see defeat, and
often in between experience immense frustration. Paul knew this all too well thanks to
the Corinthians.

The City of Corinth was like a modern-day New Orleans during Mardi Gras, a popular port
city full of fantasy infested deckhands falling constant prey to a city of gleaming idol
temple’s and the lure of prostitutes (ex. at the temple of Aphrodite near 1,000 female
prostitutes). The city was booming with business and thanks to Paul the testimony of
Christ. After laboring 18 months in Corinth, Paul left to continue work elsewhere only to
hear a few short years later of the Church’s fall into numerous sins- division, immorality,
pride, and etc. It was in response to these issues and more that Paul wrote what we call
1 Corinthians, bummer is, it had little to no effect.

Adding to Paul’s heartache for them they were now under attack from a common enemy
of Paul’s- false teachers. These traveling “teachers” would just as regularly defame Paul
as they would speak lies about the Kingdom of God. Paul’s only idea to right the
misguided ship was to make a personal visit to them to plead for them to return to their
senses- to repent of sin and ignore such lying teachers. His visit ended in ultimate
heartache. Again they did not heed his words and when the false teachers mocked him
in their presence no one stood to defend him. Close friends were now shadows of what
they once were and regardless of what Paul tried to do- no one listened. Paul left them
in tears.

God, however, would not allow this door to close and darkness to win the day. After
writing a tear-filled letter (now lost) many past disciples of Christ in Corinth turned back
to God and 2 Corinthians then comes as an overflow letter of Paul’s joy in seeing many
return. This is a beautiful letter full of encouragement to those who would choose Christ
to grow in Christ, reflect His glory, commit to His mission, and live changed lives in the
midst of temptation, trials, and lies.

Our goal this semester is to call the wandering hearts to Christ, encourage the eager to
press harder, and weekly commit to pursue eternal things and not the things this world
offers. Please encourage your student to not miss out, to not grow apathetic, but pray
with them for God to use this semester to change them, strengthen them, and establish
them in a life devoted to Jesus.

Thanks for joining us on the journey,

The Escape22 Staff Team

Escape22 Ministries in Summary

Escape22 is multifaceted ministry comprised of Large Group Celebration, Small Groups, Core
Group, and Parenting Teens, all of which serve to equip our students and parents for a lifetime of
loving Christ and spreading His grace to the world that needs His love so badly.

Our Small Groups take place throughout the week in Ames, and weekly in Huxley, Gilbert, and
Nevada. These Small Groups are focused on connecting students together for the purpose of
authenticity and permanent life change.

Our Large Group Celebration takes place every Wednesday night at 7:45 pm in the
Cornerstone Gym and focuses on worship through music and a relevant message that uses God's
inspired Word to shape lives toward Christ-likeness.

Our Core Group meets Sundays at 10:30 am (except when noted on the calendar) in room A102
for the purpose of vision casting, prayer, equipping, and student ownership. It is in this time that
students can voluntarily come and take part in the work that really makes Escape22 go.

Our Parenting Teens group meets with the purpose of equipping parents to shepherd their
families well. This group will meet Wednesdays at 6:30p in room D101 (Weekend Hospitality
Room). If you have an opportunity to come please do so as we know what happens in the home
is more important than what happens in the church.
Some BIG Events for the Year:
Spring Kickoff- January 13 -Escape22 large group gathering at 7:45p!

Freshman Ski Trip- February 20-21st- It’s all about fun and time together. Just a weekend of
relational fun between the freshman and our staff team.

Girl’s Formal- 6:30p to 8:00p March 27th in the South Auditorium- A night of chivalry and fun.
The gals get dolled up and enjoyed a night of great food and entertainment, while the guys
serve. This is a can’t miss event.

Guys Overnighter- 9:00p to 9:00a March 27th-28th - This is a night of fun and straight guy talk.
No talking out the side of the mouth on this night- we will take the gloves off and go deep- all
while having a great time.

Next Year Night- April 28th at Escape- A night set aside to get a glimpse at what next school
year will be like. We ask all incoming freshman (current 8th graders) to come check us out and
be a part of a night of Escape. Don’t worry parents, we haven’t forgotten about you- jump in and
see what we do on a Wednesday Night. Everything will start with a parents information meeting
at 7:00p. Location of the meeting TBA.

Staying informed about E22 Events has never been more up to date and easier to
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1. Go to www.escape22.posterous.com
2. You choose your method of receiving information from that point
Bookmark the website, Twitter, Email, Facebook, RSS, event Text!
Every Monday I will send out an email with the coming weeks announcements, but also
expect Blogs and Alerts sporadically to keep you as up-to date as possible.

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