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Does bilingual uency moderate the disruption

effect of cultural cues on second-language
Zhang et al. (1) argue that cultural priming disrupts bilinguals second-language (L2)
processing because of interference from rstlanguage (L1) structures that are activated by
heritage-culture images. Although these ndings are compelling, we have some concerns
about the study.
First, Zhang et al. (1) measured English
uency by words spoken per minute after
extraneous words (e.g., repetitions and selfcorrections) were pruned. Despite the assumed effectiveness of this technique,
speech-rate analysis that focuses solely
on temporal qualities cannot adequately
capture the multifaceted nature of uency
(2), which entails not only speed uency
(i.e., speech rate) but also breakdown uency (e.g., mean length of pauses) and repair uency (e.g., repetitions). Without
considering pause times and other aspects
of speech, slowed speech alone may not necessarily reect other notable disruptions in
language processing. This aspect is especially
true given that the researchers method overlooked the quality of speech produced with
regard to participants lexical diversity or
grammatical accuracy.
Second, Zhang et al. (1) argue in study 3
that faster recognition for literal-translation
trials occurred because of the heightened accessibility of Chinese lexical structures. It
should be noted, however, that there are alternative interpretations of this phenomenon.
In general, faster recognition occurs because
of various metamemorial factors, including
but not limited to enhanced familiarity,
greater condence, and ease of recognition.

Moreover, given that the literal-translation

recognition task required, at its core, searching for Chinese compound names, reliance
on L1 was not only necessary but also logical. Thus, fast response can be attributed
to more adaptive and strategic responses
that better meet the context of a specic
speech act.
Third, Zhang et al. (1) failed to consider that their Chinese-English bilingual
participants L2 prociency could have
potentially skewed the studys outcome.
Because insufcient exposure to L2 increases
L1 dependence (3), the recent immigrants
who participated in the study with relatively
low L2 prociency should have been subjected to greater L1 interference, especially
when L1 representations were activated by
cultural cues. In contrast, the literature suggests that high L2 prociency increases interference control (4), and that highly procient
bilinguals should be subject to less disruption
in their L2 processing despite L1 interference.
Lastly, Zhang et al. (1) contend in study 4
that the increased use of literal translations
throughout the object-naming task reected
a heightened accessibility to Chinese lexical
structures, which affected their selection during English production. Their argument is
based on the assumption that structures from
L1 and L2 compete for selection, regardless of
bilingual prociency. The literature, however,
suggests that highly procient bilinguals are
quite competent at selecting and producing
words from only one of their lexicons, despite
the parallel activation of both languages (5).
Therefore, it is possible that the intrusion of

L1 lexical structures in the production of L2

could be specic to bilinguals with low prociency, but not to those with high prociency. Given the aforementioned concerns,
it is warranted that the moderating role of
language prociency should be examined to
elucidate the scope of this phenomenon and
the true signicance of Zhang et al.s ndings.
Sujin Yanga,1,2 and Hwajin Yangb,1,2

Department of Psychiatry, College of

Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea,
St. Marys Hospital, Seoul 150713, South
Korea; and bSchool of Social Sciences,
Singapore Management University, Singapore
1 Zhang S, Morris MW, Cheng C-Y, Yap AJ (2013) Heritage-culture
images disrupt immigrants second-language processing through
triggering rst-language interference. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
2 Tavakoli P, Skehan P (2005) Strategic planning, task structure, and
performance testing. Planning and Task Performance in a Second
Language, ed Ellis R (John Benjamin, Amsterdam), pp 239273.
3 Chen HC, Ho C (1986) Development of Stroop interference in ChineseEnglish bilinguals. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn 12(3):397401.
4 Singh N, Mishra RK (2013) Second language prociency
modulates conict-monitoring in an oculomotor Stroop task:
Evidence from Hindi-English bilinguals. Front Psychol 4:322.
5 Costa A, Santesteban M (2004) Lexical access in bilingual speech
production: Evidence from language switching in highly procient
bilinguals and L2 learners. J Mem Lang 50(4):491511.

Author contributions: S.Y. and H.Y. wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conict of interest.

To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail: sy98@ or

S.Y. and H.Y. contributed equally to this work.

PNAS | November 19, 2013 | vol. 110 | no. 47 | E4403

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