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Department of Defense

The United States Army Corps of

Engineers is a U.S. federal agency under
the Department of Defense made up of
38,000 civilian and military personnel
who engineer, design, and manages
construction of domestic and foreign
public sites to help increase U.S.
national security.

The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

is a part of the U.S. Intelligence
Community, and is the main source of
production and management of military
intelligence for the United States
Department of Defense.

The Defense Finance and Accounting

Service (DFAS) is an agency of the
United States Department of Defense
which provides finance and accounting
services for the civil and military
members of the Department.

The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) is

the section of the United States
government's Department of Defense
responsible for creating a layered
defense against ballistic missiles in case
of an attack by a hostile country.

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency

(DTRA) is an agency within the United
States Department of Defense that is
the official Combat Support Agency for
countering weapons of mass
destruction through threat reduction,
threat control, combat support, and
technology development.

United States Department of Education

Federal Student Aid (FSA) is an office of

the U.S. Department of Education,
which is the largest provider of student
financial aid in the United States who
provides grants, loans, and work-study
funds. Federal Student Aid also
develops, distributes and processes the
Free Application for Federal Student Aid

The National Center for Education

Statistics (NCES) a part of the United
States Department of Education's
Institute of Education Sciences (IES)
which collects, analyzes, and publishes
statistics on education and public
school district monetary information in
the United States and compares
statistics to other leading countries to
alter national standards.

The Education Resources Information

Center (ERIC) is an online database of
educational research and information,
which is sponsored by the Institute of
Education Sciences of the United States
Department of Education that provides
research and information for educators,
researchers, and the general public to
improve teaching, learning, and
educational decision-making.

The Office of Safe and Healthy

Students (OSHS) is a subdivision within
the United States Department of
Education that assists in the fight
against drugs and violence within the
nation's schools.

The National Assessment of

Educational Progress (NAEP), a
congressionally mandated project
administered by the National Center for
Education Statistics (NCES), within the
Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of
the U.S. Department of Education, is
the largest on going and nationally
representative assessment of what
American students capabilities are in
the core subjects.

United States Department of Energy

The U.S. Energy Information

Administration (EIA) is integral agency
apart of U.S. Federal Statistical System
that is responsible for collecting,
analyzing, and disseminating energy (of
all types) information to promote stable
policymaking, efficient markets, and
public understanding of energy and its
role in the economy and environment.

The Federal Energy Regulatory

Commission (FERC) is the United States
federal agency that has jurisdiction over
interstate electricity sales, wholesale
electric rates, hydroelectric licensing,
natural gas pricing, and oil pipeline
rates, and also reviews and authorizes
liquefied natural gas terminals,
interstate natural gas pipelines and
non-federal hydropower projects.

The United States National Nuclear

Security Administration (NNSA) is part
of the United States Department of
Energy which works to improve national
security through the military use of
nuclear energy and also improves the
safety, reliability, and performance of
the United States nuclear weapons
stockpile through the use of science,
technology, and engineering.

The Western Area Power

Administration (WAPA) regulates
hydroelectric power and related
services within a 15-state region of the
central and western U.S. which is one of
four power marketing administrations
within the U.S. Department of Energy.

The Southeastern Power

Administration is a United States Power
Marketing Administration responsible
for regulating hydroelectric power from
23 water projects in the states of West
Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South
Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama,
Mississippi, Tennessee and Kentucky.

United States Department of Health

and Human Services

The Administration for Children and

Families (ACF) is a division of the United
States Department of Health and
Human Services which assists families
with welfare, regulates child support
enforcement, guides adoption
assistance and foster care, regulates
child care, and helps to stop child

The National Institute for Occupational

Safety and Health (NIOSH) is the U.S.
federal agency responsible for doing
research and recommendations to help
prevent work-related injuries and

The National Institutes of Health (NIH)

is an agency of the United States
Department of Health and Human
Services responsible for biomedical and
health-related research.

The United States Public Health Service

(PHS) is the primary division of the
United States Department of Health
and Human Services which
compromises all Agency Divisions of
Health and Human Services and the
Commissioned Corps. to protect,
promote, and advance the health and
safety of the United States.

The Substance Abuse and Mental

Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA) is a branch of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human
Services which is responsible for
improving the quality and availability of
prevention, treatment, and
rehabilitative services to reduce illness,
death, disability, and cost to society
resulting from substance abuse and
mental illnesses.

United States Department of

Homeland Security

The Federal Emergency Management

Agency (FEMA) is an agency of the
United States Department of Homeland
Security that coordinates responses to
disasters that occur in the United States
and that overwhelm the resources of
local and state authorities.

The Transportation Security

Administration (TSA) is an agency of
the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security that has authority over the
security of the traveling public in the
United States.

USCIS is responsible for processing

immigrant visa petitions, naturalization
petitions, and asylum and refugee
applications, as well as making
adjudicative decisions at service
centers, and managing all other
immigration benefits functions.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

(CBP) is a federal law enforcement
agency of the United States
Department of Homeland Security that
regulate and facilitates international
trade, collects import duties, and
enforces U.S. regulations, such as:
trade, customs, and immigration.

The United States Secret Service is a

United States federal law enforcement
agency that is part of the United States
Department of Homeland Security,
which all members are sworn in and are
divided among the Special Agents and
the Uniformed Division to protect
current and former national leaders and
to regulate financial crimes.

Department of Agriculture

The Agricultural research center is the

primary research center for the
Department of Agriculture which
conducts scientific research to ensure
food safety and agriculture safety.

The Center for Nutrition Policy and

Promotion was created in 1994 to help
improve health and well-being of
Americans by providing dietary
guidelines for a healthy lifestyle.

The Food safety and Inspection Service

is a public health regulatory agency
responsible for the inspection of the
nation's commercial supply of meat,
poultry, and egg products, and that
they are safe, wholesome, and correctly
labeled and packaged and ready for

The Foreign Agricultural Service is the

foreign affairs agency with primary
responsibility for the United States
Department of Agriculture's overseas
programs which deals with market
development, international trade
agreements and negotiations, and the
collection of statistics and market
information for overseas agriculture.

The Risk Management Agency is an

agency that promotes, supports, and
regulates sound risk management
solutions to preserve and solidify the
economic stability of America's farmers.

Department of Commerce

The United States Census Bureau is

responsible for composing data on the
American people and economy by
conducting a census every decade.

The Economics and Statistics

Administration is an agency within the
United States Department of
Commerce that analyzes, disseminates,
and reports on national economic and
demographic data.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration is a scientific agency
within the United States Department of
Commerce that focuses on the state of
the oceans and the atmosphere by
recording dangerous weather, charting
seas and skies, by guiding the use and
preservations of oceanic and coastal
resources, and conducting research to
improve the understanding of the

The National Telecommunications and

Information Administration is an
agency that serves as the President's
main adviser on telecommunications
policies relevant to the United States'
economic and technological
advancement as well as the regulation
of the telecommunications industry.

The United States Patent and

Trademark Office is an agency that
issues patents to inventors and
businesses for their inventions, and also
trademarks registrations for product
and intellectual property identification.

United States Department of Housing

and Urban Development

The Federal Housing Administration

improves housing standards and
conditions by providing an adequate
home financing system through
insurance of mortgage loans, as well as
stabilizing the mortgage mark, insuring
loans by banks and other private
lenders for home building and home

The Community Planning and

Development administers grant
programs that allow communities to
plan and finance their growth and
development, which in turn increases
their capacity to govern, and provide
shelter and services for the homeless
and misfortunate.

The Office of Fair Housing and Equal

Opportunity administers and enforces
federal laws, as well as establishing
policies that ensure all Americans
having the equal access to the housing
of their choice.

The Office of Public and Indian Housing

is an agency that ensures safe, decent,
and affordable housing, which creates
opportunities for residents' to be more
self-sufficient and economically
independent, along with the
responsibility in assuring the fiscal
integrity of all program participants.

The Center for Faith-Based and

Neighborhood Partnerships serves as a
resource center for secular and faithbased non-profit organizations seeking
to partner with the Department of
Housing and Urban Development to
address the housing and community
developments needed for their

United States Department of the


The Bureau of Indian Affairs is an

agency that is held responsible for the
administration and management of
55,700,000 acres of land in the U.S. for
Native American Tribes and Alaska

The Bureau of Land Management is an

agency that administers America's
public lands, totaling approximately 253
million acres and also manages 700
million acres of subsurface mineral
estate underlying federal, state, and
private lands.

The United States Bureau of

Reclamation is a federal agency which
oversees water resource management,
specifically as it applies to the oversight
and operation of the diversion, delivery,
and storage projects that it has built
throughout the western United States
for irrigation, water supply, and
attendant hydroelectric power

The United States Fish and Wildlife

Service is a federal agency responsible
for the management of fish, wildlife,
and natural habitats and to work with
others to conserve, protect, and
enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their
habitats for the benefit of the American

The National Park Service is the U.S.

federal agency that manages all
national parks, national monuments,
and the conservation of other historical

United States Department of Justice

The Antitrust Division is an agency that

is responsible for enforcing the antitrust
laws of the United States.

The Drug Enforcement Administration

is a federal law enforcement agency
that combats against drug smuggling
and drug use within the United States.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation

(FBI) serves both as a federal criminal
investigative body and an internal
intelligence agency, which is also
responsible for investigating crimes on
Indian reservations in the United States
under the Major Crimes Act.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,

Firearms and Explosives is an agency
that investigates and prevents of
federal offenses involving the unlawful
use, manufacture, possession of
firearms and explosives, acts of arson
and bombings, and illegal trafficking of
alcohol and tobacco products in the

The Tax Division is a division that began

operation in 1934, which is responsible
for the prosecution of both civil and
criminal cases under the Internal
Revenue Code and other tax laws of the
United States.

United States Department of Labor

The Bureau of Labor Statistics is

responsible for the research of the
broad field of labor economics and they
create statistics based on this

The Employee Benefits Security

Administration is an agency of the
United States Department of Labor held
responsible for administering,
regulating and enforcing the provisions
of Title I of the Employee Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974.

The Employment and Training

Administration contributes to the make
more efficient and effective use of the
U.S. labor market by supplying high
quality job training, employment, labor
market information, and income
maintenance services through State and
local workforce development systems.

The Job Corps is a program

administered by the United States
Department of Labor that offers freeof-charge education and vocational
training to youth ages 16 to 24 in the

The Mine Safety and Health

Administration is an agency that
enforces compliance with mandatory
safety and health standards to
eliminate fatal accidents, reduce the
frequency and severity of nonfatal
accidents, minimize health hazards, and
to promote improved conditions in the
nation's mines.

United States Department of State

The National Council for the

Traditional Arts is a private, non-profit
arts organization in the United States
that promotes traditional arts.

The Bureau of Intelligence and

Research provides value-added
independent analysis of events to U.S.
State Department policymakers
ensuring that intelligence activities
support foreign policy and national
security purposes and serves as a focal
point in the State Department for
ensuring policy review of crucial
counterintelligence and law
enforcement activities around the

The Bureau of Legislative Affairs is the

office of the United States Department
of State that coordinates legislative
activity for the Department of State and
communications between the State
Department and Congress.

The Office of Foreign Missions is an

office that provides the legal foundation
to facilitate secure and efficient
operations of U.S. missions abroad and
of foreign missions and international
organizations in the United States.

The Bureau of Overseas Buildings

Operations is an agency of the United
States Department of State responsible
to construct, purchase, and maintain
buildings and real estate in other
countries, as wells as the responsibility
of building and maintaining U.S.
diplomatic mission facilities, such as
embassies and consulate buildings.

United States Department of


The Bureau of Transportation Statistics

allows information on the nation's
transportation systems to be accessible,
collects information on intermodal
transportation, and improves the
quality and effectiveness of the
Department of Transportation's
statistical programs through research,
development of guidelines, and the
promotion of improvements in data
acquisition and use.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety

Administration is an agency that was
established January 1, 2000 and
regulates the trucking industry in the
United States.

The Federal Railroad Administration

enforces rail safety regulations,
administers railroad assistance
programs, conducts research and
development in support of improved
railroad safety and national rail
transportation policy, provides for the
rehabilitation of Northeast Corridor rail
passenger service, and consolidates
government support of rail
transportation activities.

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials

Safety Administration is a United States
Department of Transportation agency
that is responsible for developing and
enforcing regulations for the safe,
reliable, and environmentally sound
operation of the United States' 2.6
million mile pipeline transportation.

The Saint Lawrence Seaway

Development Corporation is an agency
held responsible for the safe and
efficient movement of marine traffic
through the U.S.-owned and operated
facilities of the Saint Lawrence Seaway.

United States Department of the


The Bureau of Engraving and Printing is

the government agency that designs
and produces a variety of security
products for the United States

The Bureau of the Public Debt is

responsible for borrowing the money
needed to operate the federal
government and accepts donations to
help the national debt.

The Community Development Financial

Institutions Fund is an agency that
promotes economic revitalization in
distressed communities throughout the
United States by providing financial
assistance and information to
community development financial

The Financial Crimes Enforcement

Network is a bureau of the United
States Department of the Treasury that
collects and analyzes information about
financial transactions in order to fight
money laundering, terrorist financiers,
and other financial crimes.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS)is

responsible for the collection of taxes
and the interpretation and enforcement
of the Internal Revenue Code.

United States Department of Veterans


The National Cemetery Administration

is an office of the United States
Department of Veterans Affairs that
maintains and finances 130 of the 146
national cemeteries.

The Veterans Benefits Administration

is responsible for the administration of
the Departments programs that
provide compensation to Veterans,
their dependents, and survivors.

The Veterans Health Administration is

an agency that implements the medical
assistance program of the VA through
the administration and operation of
numerous VA outpatient clinics,
hospitals, medical centers and longterm healthcare facilities.

The Center for Minority Veterans is a

part of the Office of the Secretary that
assists eligible veterans in their efforts
to receive benefits and services from

The Center for Women Veterans is the

office that monitors and coordinates
the VA's administration of health care
and benefits services and programs for
women Veterans.

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