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This Tarim Basin is surrounded by three lines of mountains from three sides.

In Nothern Side Tien Shan mountain. From the south Kunlun mountains.

From the West Pamir Valley will join with Tien Shan mountain and Hindu
Kush mountain. From the East the line of mountains (Mongolian mountains)
separates the Central Asia from China.

The Tarim river, which has a lot of river branches is the main water supplier
fo.r the entire area.

Central Asia is a large desert with some safe lands

There is no sign of a sea and the people lived in the past were various tribes
who fought with each other.

It is not possible to show the Eastern and western parts

Of the Central Asia clearly.

Because of the Chinese great wall from the East it has separated from
China. The Steps grassland of Ukrainia which is spread to Rumania and
Hungary can be shown as the western boundary.

In ancient times the caravan roads through Central Asia were largely used
for the East and West

Communications. Those caravan roads had joined China on one side and
Iran and the North west of India on the other side and those were identified
as Silk Road. This name as Silk Route was used to transport the silk
production in China to the Western countries. This road was named as silk
road because of the silk transportation, but for the cultural relations of
China, India and Iran also this same route has been used.

Now Central Asia can be divided as Rusian Part, Chinese part and
Mongoliyan part
Rusian Part can be identified as Western Turkistan,
Turkimeniya is and Kirgis republican and part of Kaskastan also included.

In the past Central Asia was been the motherland of two nations. The first
part is the one who have been used Indu-Europen languages and they were

They were white in their colour. The other part is Hunas. By their features
they are similar to Mongolian race. They used Thurenian such as Yurel
Altayin language.

Hunas race was spread in the lands related to Mongolia. The spread of Huna
empire was challeged to China therefore Chinese had to build up the Great
Wall. But Hunas have been setelled down in the Northern part of China,
therefore with the great wall they could controlle only until the end of 3

Hunas aimed the attack towards the Western parts and as a results of those
attacks the peoples belonged to Scythians race, U-A-Chi s fled to
Afganistan, Iran and India.

Greek writes have identified one Scythian race as U-A-Chi and named as
sini. The Kusanas derived from Scythians.

Kusanas were able to develop a large empire and from the Southern parts,
(from Afganistan) of the Central Asia, to the Bihar of India, and from Kashmir
to the Sindh of Modern Pakistan managed to spread power. Kusanas had
the credit of originating a large political unite including various races and

Another two races of Central Asia, which are very important in the History of
Buddhism, Parthians and Thokarians have played a leading roll to spread
Buddhism not only in the provinces of Central Asia but also outside
countries. Even though during the time of B.C. Parthians power was spread
to North Western parts of India , their connection with Buddhism comes
much later time.

It is seen that Thokarians handed over the message of Buddhism to

Parthians first.

Greek invasion

In 327 B.C. King Alxendar with very large forces crossed Hindukush and
reached Indus Valley. After he has taken into his hand Kabul, Kapia and
Peavor and crossed the Indu river and subdued Taxila in the North-western
India. At that time Taxila was the centre of education, culture and
commercial. He could have taken Taxila without much resistance. Then King
could not go into the country.

Because he heard the war capability of Magadha. At that time Uggasena

Nanda (Mahapadma pati) was the ruler of the Magadha. Then he decided to
go back because at that time his forces were very weak, sick and
malnutrition. Because of so long was fighting and invasions. He went to
Babylonia only and with the grave sickness in June of 323 B.C. King
Alexander died.

After Alexanders death Maurya candragupta defeated all Greek rulers in

various places and build up very large territory. He joined Afganistan and
Balukistan also into his Kingdom. Maurya Candragupta died

In 300 B.C. his son Bindusara became the King and After him his son Asoka
became the King in the name of Dharmasoka.

When the Maurya rulers became weak Bactrian Greeks attacked the Northwestern India and they took the power in Indus Valley. Minander took the
power in Sgala. (This is the King Millinda).

After that aka Ksatrapas came into power and chased out all Mauryas.

In the mean time Kunas came into power in the North-Western part. Then
King Kaniska given the honor to Kusana Kingdom and helped to spread
Buddhism in Central Asia.

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