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English is considered to be a lingua franca because, throughout history, England has had by
far the most dispersed colonies. In addition, it's an easy language to learn. Due to that fact,
English is the most spreaded, known and spoken language in the world.
2. Good English = good opportunities is a phrase which means that people who are fluent
English speakers have a better chance to be employed in a company. It's even an often
requirement nowadays.
3. The unwritten rule says that English is the universal language of the Internet. It's not official
nor will it ever be. Reasons behind this are the imperialism and economical and political
importance of English-speaking countries.
4. Localization of IT terminology implies the process of adapting software for a particular
country or region. E.g. the software must support the character set of the local language and
must be configured to present numbers and other values in the local format.
5. The Faroese language has a sparse scientific vocabulary based on the language itself. Many
Faroese scientific words are borrowed or modified versions of Nordic and English
6. The syntax of most programming languages uses English keywords, and some knowledge of
English is required in order to use them.
7. The biggest problem is that of the existing non-equivalence between English and Croatian
terms. The second biggest problem is the one which is always present in such a matter. It's
often impossible to, with these two languages, translate a word or a sentence with both
grammatical and meaningful discipline.
8. The Croatian IT terminology is standardised at the Croatian Standards Institute in Zagreb.
9. IT jargon means words to do with computers and surrounding topics. Such words are upload,
hardware and email.
10. Such a principle would be the inability to regulate matters if key concepts are not defined if
they are open to different interpretations or misunderstanding.
11. Machine translation is a sub-field of computational linguistics that studies the use of
software to translate text or speech from one language to another.
12. The originator of machine translation is considered to be Rene Descartes with a proposition
for a universal language. After that, through many different institutes such as MIT and with
the increase of computational power, machine translation became more and more
13. To decode the meaning of the source text in its entirety, the translator must interpret and
analyse all the features of the text, a process that requires in-depth knowledge of the
grammar, semantics, syntax, etc., of the source language, as well as the culture of its
14. Approaches to machine translation are generally uses of methods based on linguistic rules,
which means that words are translated in the most suitable way for oral speech.
15. Issues of machine translation are, for example, translation across domains of different data,
translation of informal text and translation of speech, because even when ignoring speech
recognition errors, the quality of oral communication differs greatly from that found in most
parallel texts.
16. A quality English learning website is a website which offers the newest and daily services.
Such are practicing with a native speaker, 24/7 availability, 1-on-1 tutoring, video chatting
and more.

17. The reasons for the dominance of English on the Internet are: the invention of the Internet
itself happened in USA, the two largest and most popular computer companies in the age of
the biggest computer breakthroughs were IBM and Apple, therefore the basic language of
the first operating systems was English.
18. The term Grammar Nazi suggests that of an individual who has a high degree of sensitivity
for English grammar errors. I approve such actions, but only in a reasonable sense.
19. English still is the official language of the Internet. The Web itself, alongside with the most
software and people was originally formed in English. Today it still is. The most famous
websites use English as their primary language. And many international forums use English
for communication.
20. A dictionary is a collection of words in one or more languages, often listed alphabetically with
usage of definitions, pronunciations, translation and other information.
21. A dictionary of synonyms, homonyms, antonyms, abbreviations and collocations is a
22. The advantages of a software dictionary are time saving, its comparative cheapness and
23. The features of a quality English dictionary are the number and quality of example sentences,
definitions, accuracy and completeness of phonetic transcriptions, coverage of American
English, etc.
24. Pidgin English is a simplified version of English that develops as a means of communication
between two or more groups that do not share a common language.
25. Engrish is a slang term for the misuse of the English language by Asian speakers. The term
relates to the Japanese speakers tendency to substitute the phonemes R and L for one
another, because in their language there's one consonant in place for both.

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