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O.P. Verma

Ranian Publications
16, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj,
New Delhi-l10002 (India)

This book seeks to present a systematic study of the tenth
house. In the preparation of this book, a great number of
ancient and modern bookshave been consulted.The intention
is to study the subject of Astrolory scientifically. The study of
any scienceis based on experiments, observationsand inferences. Every science grows on the basis of the work of the
predecessors,who devotedtheir lives to study, research,practice and teaching. We grve the material from the works of the
ancient seers.
But the rules given by them have some limitations. In
thoee days, there were not so many professions as we have
these-dap. Therefore, it calls for fresh study, research,analysis and conclusions.In addition we have given the opinions of
western authors that are basedon research studiee. We harrc
cpllected material fiom a large number of bmks by great
authorities and best writers both oriental and western on the
subject. Good number of exampleshave been added to illus.
trate the principlee. And in each, we do find the tnrth of
Astrological principles becomingprominent. We hopethat thirs
will arouse interest in the etudents for further study and
There can be differencesof opinion among echolarson the
subject. If they are pointed out, we shall be happy to record
new opinions if found convincing.

Chapter I
Chakra-Bhara Chakra
Planetary aspects-Stellar Positions-Vargas
The significanceof the houses
Friends, enemiesand neutrals of each planet


Chapter II
Planets and pnofession
(i) The Sun
(ii) The Moon
(iii) Mars
(iv) Mercury
(v) Jupiter
(vi) Venus
(vii) Saturn
(viii) Rahu
(ix) Kethu


Chapter fII
1. The tenth house and its significane
Its indicators according to classical authors
Varahamihira, Kalyana Varma etc.


2. Judgement of the tenth house

3. Karakas of the tenth house
Significance of the tenth house in
relation to other houses


4. Indications

of the tenth house-Vaidynatha

Dikshita's view
5. Uttara Kalamrita's View


6. Significance of the Bhavas of 2, 6,10 and 11 in

relation to profession


Chapter fV
l. Methods to determineone'sprofessionald
sourceof income-Mihira's view
2. Source of income-Gargi's view


Chapter V


Imdrrtant nrles regarding the lfth houee

from Satya Samhita
Dip in holy rivers
Performance of great sacrifrcesmeritorious deeds
Proficiency in many shastras
Good deeds
Rules from Sarvartha Chintamani


Chapter VI
l. Planetary combinations and professions


Chapter VII
1. Influence of the signs
2. Professionsdenotedby the twelrre signs


Chapter VIII

Planets in the tenth house

Relation between two planets (Parasara'gview)
Effects of planets while placedin the 10th house
Planets in the tenth house
The Sun


Prcfes eion Thrc ugh Aetrclogt

The Moon




5. Somecombinations and their indications
6. Combinations told in Brihat Jataka
7. Effects of planets in the tenth house from
Chandra lagna
8. Cochara results
9. Eflbcts of the lords of different houseeplaed
in the tenth house
10. Professionsand significators



Chapter XK
1. Dasha-Bhukti Principles
2. Yogas Proclaimed by Parasara


Chapter X
1. Wealth : Time of gains and its amoutns
2. Planets connectedwith the 2nd house
g. Dasas of planete placed in the tenth house
from Lagna of Moon


Chapter I(
1. Importance of Lagna in the Judgement of Wealtb
2. SudarshanaPaddhati
3. Examples:
Airfore Officer



Hidt Court Judge
4. Finane
6. DhanaYogas
6. Other Yogas producrng mtich wealth
?. Positions of the benefics : Merctrry,
Jupiter& Venus


Chapter XII
Sone tmportant Yogas
1. Sunapha,AnaphaandDurudharayogas
2, Vasumadyoga
3. Gajakesariyoga



4. Karakakhyyoga
6. PanchamahapunrshaYogas
6. Kahala yoga
?. Lakshmi yoga


8. Sreenatha Yoga



9. Adhiyoga
10. Lagnadhi yoga
11. Chandradhiyoga
12. Mahabhagra yoga
13. NeechaBhangaRajaYoga
14. Akhanda Samrqiya Yoga
16. Vipareetha Raja yoga
16. Bad yogas leading to poverty: KemadrumaYoga


1?. Sakatayoga
18. Bad yogas which make a man poor
19. C'eneralPriniPlee
20. Horoecopeof a millionaire
21. An e:rampleof Adhi yoga




Prcfession Thrcugh Asbologr

Chapter XIIf
1. Dasha Phala of the lord of the lfth Bhava
from Satya Samhita


Chapter XfV


1. Stellar Principles
Chapter XV
1. Horoscopesof Businesrmen
2. Horoscopesof Ministers
9. Horoscopesof Scientists
4. Horoscopesof Poets
5. Horoscopesof Great Writers
6. Horoscopesof Lawyers
7. HoroscopesofJudges
8. Horoscopesof Dewans
9. Horoscopesof Kings
10. Horoscopesof Film Actors
11. Horoscopesof Political Leader cum Scholar
12. Horoscopesof Doctors, Professores
13. Horoscopesof Astrologers
14. Horoscopesof QueenVictoria
15. Horoscopesof Politicians
16. Horoscopesof Great Men
17. Horoscopesof C'enerals


Chapter 7

;rrq-c< mi{qrqfr qkd: |
tl t ll
sqreqrrrcqrFrqtr{r& FM
In this book,we intend to presenta study of the tenth

house, the determination of one's professionand financial

position. Before entering into the suhject,we reproducehere
some of the basic principles of Astrolory for convenienceof
ready reference.
In every horoscope,there are twelve houses' The ascendant is the sign rising at the time of birth. The tenth house
representsthJzenith. The fourth houserepresentsnadir. The
seventh is the sign setting at the time of brith.
Horoscopes are cast and represented differently in
different parts of the country. The north Indian and South
Indian patterns ar as follows:

South Indian


Mo o n

Ma r s
R a h u4


Ju p i t e r




Prcfessionlhrcugh Astrclogt


In the north Indian method, the sigrrs are indicated by

numbers. The lagna, here, is the sigr indicated by 2 i.e.,
Taurus. The counting is done in the anticlockwise direction.
Thus, the fourth house falls in the sign 5 i.e., Leo. In the
seventh house, i.e., the sign Vrischika (Scorpio), Saturn is
posited. The tenth house falls in the sign of Aquarius.
The south Indian pattern is given on the rigth side.
Here the signs are fixed. In this book, we follow this as this
is widely used now-a-days in all parts of India. Readensshould
familiarise with both methods.


Western nome







Rasi lord

The twenty-seven stars and their lords are as follows:Stars

1. Aswini


11. Poorvaphalguni


2. Bharani
3. Krittika


12. Uttaraphalguni
13. Hasta


4. Rohini
5. Mrigasira


14. Chitra
15. Swati


6. Ardra


16. Visakha


7. Punarvasu


17. Anuradha


8. Pushya


18. Jyeshtha


9. Aslesha


19, Moola



20. Punashadha


10. Magha









25. Pun'abhadra


26. Uttarabhadra


27. Revathi


Theee27 stars are governd by the 9 planets. Each planet

rules over three stars at an interval of 120. Kethu over Aswini
Magha and Moola. Venus over Bharani, Poorva Phalguni and
Purvashadha etc. Each star denotesa division of the zodiac of
length 19"20'.ThusAswini denotesa distanceof 13"20' of the
zodiac fnom 0 of Aries. These divisions are extremely important in prodictive astrolory. Each star extends over fpur
Navamshas. Each NaVamsha denotes a portion of zodiac of
length 3'20'. The true longitudesof the planets, can be easi\
obtained from standard panchangasor ephemerislike those of
Lahiri. They should be enteredin the form of a table, denoting
the star and star lord for each planet.



arrd Debilitaion


signs of planets
Debilitation Sign










Pisces ,



The Navamsha chakra is very important for arriving at

correct ctnclusions. One cannot arive at the results Qerely
following the Rasi chart. Planets in Vargoththama become
auspicious. Lagna in Vargoththama navamsha makes one fortunate. QIq qtffi Erq - Mihira). A planet though weak in
nasi, if farrcurably poeited in the Navamshadiagram, derives



strenth. A planet may be debilitated in Rasi but may be exalted

in Navamsha. Then we cannot treat it as a bad planet. Moreover, with a little practice, by looking af the Navamshd {iagram, one can know the star-lord of the planet. For these
resons the rasi chart should be always accompanied by the
Navamsha chart.
Each Navamsha measures 3o20'. The first Navamsna of
Aries is named Aries. The second is called Taurus etc, in the
order of Rasis. In this wa$, the first Navamsha of Taurus,
Virgo and Capricorn will be Qapricorn.
The first Navamshaof C'emrnr,Libra, and Aquarius w-in be
first Navamsha of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces will be
The first Navamsha of Leo, Sagittarius and Aries will be
Now, frorn the true longitudes of the planets the
Navamshas in which they are loacated can be easily calculated
and the Navamsha Chakra can be drawn.


The Bhava Chakra should be ca-staccurately. The cusp of

the houses can be calculated very accurately using standard
ephemeris like those of Lahiri, Raphael etc. The Rasi chart
sometimes misleads. It is not enough. When the lagna is at the
beginning ofa sign or at the end ofa sign, one cannot arrive at
correct conclusions regarding the position ofplanets in houses,
without the aid of the Bhava Chakra.
A planet placed in the exact cusp of any Bhava will produce the effects of the house to the full extent. When it is at the
ends, it gives very little eflbcts. For other positions, we have to
guess the results by the method of proportion.
The method of prepartion of the Bhava Chaka should be
understood carefully from standard manuals of Astrologr.



Raphael's table of houses is considered to be very accurate'

OnL rnay use Lahiri's table of houses or Fliaman's table of

c5qf:d qqd qd tfi@ffi:



q{qFntrEqrffirtrrqg{wr1 tt

All the planets aspect the ?th house from the house where
they are posited. Saturn, Jupiter and Mars hare special aspects in addition. Saturn aspects the houses and 10; Jupiter
aspects the houses 5 and 9; Mars aspects the houses 4 and 8'
These special aspects are full aspects and are very important
According to Varaha Mihira and other ancient writers, all
the planets have 1/4 aspect over the houses 3 and 10' They
have Il2 aspect over the houses 5 and 9. Arrd they have 3/4
aspect over the 4th and the 10th houses.Saturn has full aspect
over the 3rd and 10+h houses. Rest of the planets have Ll4
aspect over these houses. Similarly, Jupiter has full aspect
over the 5th and 9th houses. Rest of the planets tiave Ll2
aspect over these houses.
Mars has full aspect over the 4th and 8th houses. Other
planets have 3/4 aspect over these houses.
The aspect of benefic planets Jttpiter, Venus,:Moon and
benefic Mercury over any house is good.
Full aspect betweenbenefics is also considered io be good'
Palnets aspecting their own houses greatly promote the
significance of the house. That house flourishes under such
circumstances. In the words of Prithuysas:

d d .nq: Er@ gfr at I

6s 6s1i5 gra rr
If a planet is placed in its own house, or aspects its own
house, the matters signified by the house, flourish.


Prcfe ssion T hrcugh Actrclog

Let us ondsider the following horoscope. Here 3

planets Venus, Mercury and
Mars aspect the ?th house.
Jupiter aspects the ascendant, l1th house, (Leo rasi)
and the 3rd house (Sagittarius). Mars aspectsthe ?th Kethu
house, 8th house (Taurus
sign) and the 4th house(Capricorn)-


S a t u r n lrercury


llaG 27.

Saturn also aspects the

8th house (Taurus sign), the 4th house (Capricorn sign)
and the llth house (Leo sign). Moon aspects the 4th
house. Sun aspects the 6th house. Moon aspects the fourth
In this way the aspects are considered. Here the aspect
betweenthe friendly planets Mars and Jupiter is good.Similarly, the aspectbetweenMercury and Jupiter is also considered to be good.
Weetern Aspects:- Westerners consider the aspect between the planets in a di{ferent manner. It is useful to be
familiar with their methodsalso.Here the angle betweenthe
aspecting planets is censidered.
1. Conjunction. Conjuction of benefic planets is extremely good.When maleficsand beneficscombinethe benefic
losesits beneficial nature and the malefic ite cruel nature.
2. Parallel. This occurswhen the aspectingplanets have
the same degree of declination, above, below or on opposite
sides of the equator
3. Oppoeition (180").This is denoted by the symbol 0.
Oppositionbetweenmaleficsis condideredto be evil.
4. Trlne (120). This is denoted by the symbol A. and
is considered to be a powerful aspect, re4l auepicious in


5. Sextile (60). This is denotedby the symbol *. This is
also auspiciousin nature.
6. Square (90). This is denotedby the symbolE. This irs
onsidbredl to be an evil aspect.
?. Sesqutquadrate (136").This is denotedby the symbol
Et and is consideredto be evil.
8. Biqulntile (144").This is denotedby the symbolt. This
aspeet is good in nature.
9. Semlsquare (45"). This is denoted by the L and is
consideredas bad.
Multiples of pTfi!,ile consideredto be bad.
Multiples of 18' are oonsidered to be good, except the
square aspect.
Multiples of 30 are also consideredto be beneficial.


The true longitudeeof eachplanet, at birth time, should be

aeurately calculated with the help of somestandard ephemeris or good Panchanga. The Ayanamsha used should be reoordedin the form of a table. Then, it should be found out in
which gtar is each planet plaed. Then the lord of the star
should be recorded. There is close aonnection between the
planets and their star lords. During the Dasha periods also,
one experiencesthe results of the star lords. If we ignore the
star lords and only dependupon the rasi chart, it will be moet
incnmplete.Very many facts cannot be explained adequately
unlessthe nature of the star lord is included.In stellar AstroloS/, even the star-lords of the various cusps of houses are
calculated and recorded.


Pro fession Th ro ugh Astrology


True longitude















Star lord











Ju p i t e r


Mo o n

Ma r s

B a h u Sun 4o
Venus Mercury


of Planets:



1. Rasi: This irs a division of 80,, arc length. (e.g.) Aries,

Taurus etc.
2. Hora: When a sign is divided into two equal
halves, each part is called a Hora. It is of 1b,'arc length. In
odd signs the first Hora is ruled b.y the Sun and the
second Hora is ruled by the Moon. Reverse is the case with
the even sign.



3. Drekkana: (Decanate) When a sign is divided into 3

equal parts, each is clled a decanate. Each drekkana is of 10"
The Ist, IInd, IIIrd drekkanas are ruled by the lords of
the sign, the lord of the 5th and the lord of the 9th therefrom.
4. Navamsha: This has been already explnined.
5. Dwadashamsha: When a sign is divided into 12
equal parts, each is called a Dwadashamsha. The lords of
the 12 signs, from the sign concerned, rule the 12
6. Thrimshamsha:
come strong.

Planets placed in berrefic varga,s, be-

Our ancients have recommended the prepnration of Varga

charts also.


of the horrses

L*gna denotes self, form, body, Iiame, health, environment, character, complexion, qualities, happiness and
unhappiness, strength or weakness, inclinqtions and one's

The second house denotes accumulated wealth, family,

fiace,mouth, preliminary education, right eye, food, self-atquisition, speech, meals, marakasthana, bank balance, bonds,
securities, negotiable assets etc.
The thid house denotes younger brotherlsistere, mental
inclinations, in a way profession too, @urage, short travels,
hands, ears, shoulders, neighbours, right ear, utriting, means
of communication, printing, editing etc.
The fourth house denotes mother, convey{rnces,early environment, inheritance from mother's house, lnnds, happiness,
property, mind, chest, lungs, education, relatives, friendship,
places below the earth, agriculture, etc.



The fifth house denotes children, learning,'couselling,

arnusements, lottery, merlt, charitable deeds, intelligence,
lordship, filial revereece, speculati on, education, discrim inating capacity etc.
The sixth house denotes enemies, thieves, diseases, debts,
cuts, wounds, uneasiness of mind, worries, maternal uncle,
legal cn'rft, servants, native'sown work, labour, hygiene, sanitation, doctoring etc.
The seventh house denotes partner, wife, husband,
trad.e, ttauel, death, maniage, litigation, recovery of lost
property, vital powers, etc., sucoessor failun: in partnerships
The eighth house denotes longevity; deal.h, legacies, disgrace, degradation, murder, defeat, insult, snrrow and imBediments, etc.
The ninth house denotes meritorious deecls,luck, fortune,
higher education, father, grace of God, wife's broLher,
brother's wife, sister's husband, charity, preceptor, ieligion.
devotion, long journeys, ttwuels, inventions, discoveries, publishing, law etc.
The tenth house denotes profession, occupations, rank,
honour, government, position in life, suc@ss, respect, dignity,
pilgrimage, reputation, authority, eontrol, caste, ctrstoms, tradition, caste occupations, trade, wearing apparel, environmental inheritance from father etc.
The eleventh house denotes gains from profession, income,
'elder brothers, friends, ornaments, profit from trade,
acquistion of money, etc.
The twellth house denotes expenditure, nrisnry, feet, separation, piety, worship, temples.





and nerrtrals

of each plnnet

This is shown in the following table'





The Sun

Jupiter, Mars,

Rahu, Venus,


The Moon


Rahu and

Saturn, Venus'
'JuPiter & Mars


Moon, Jupiter

Mercury, Rahu Saturn' Venus


Rahu, Venus,


'lupiter, Mars'


Sun, Mars,


Rahu, Saturn


Saturn, Rahu

Sun and Moorr

llahu, Mars


Sun, Moon,
MercurY, Rahu Mars
Saturn, Venus, Sun, Moon,


Saturn, Venus, Sun, Moon,






When a planet is situated in friendly signs, it @ones

strong and girres benefic results.
On the other hand, if it is situated irr inirnical signs, it
becomes weak. It gives bad results itt respet:l' of the house in
which it is placed.

Chapter II

Planets and Profession

Plannets in 10th house, lord of the 10th house, those influencing Lagna, lord of lagna, the Sun and the Moon, are all
significators of profession.
The signs oaupied by the significators of profession also
influence the nature of the profession.
Consideration of all the three lagnas - Janma lagna,
Chandra lagna and the Surya lagna is necessary. So the great
writers have recommended. Varaha Mihira says: t{*d: I q
mears Janma lsgna, F{ means the Moon and ef* the Sun.
Planets having the greatest influence over these do indicate
the professions.
Thus it is necessary to know the professions indicated
by the different planets and by the signs first of all. Then
these have to synthesised together. For this, one has to study
a good number of horoscopes. Also, the same person will
follow different occupations at different periods. For this,
it would be necessarlr to examine the dasha periods he will
be running. The nature of the planets vary according to
the aspects, conjuction, placement, the signs and houses
of occupation, the Navamshas they occupy, the stars
they occupy and so on.
Firstly we will broadly outline the jobs ascribed to each

Plan.ets an.d.Prot'bssion


and. professiotts



by thern

The Sun
.F-d"Sf=iqhs ilEqrl qgr$' mtqmffi: r
vgqd-ffirTi t (Saravali)
3r+fi ElrT+TdFri
tt (Mihira)
The Sun indicates government service, trees, timber,
chanting of hymns, gambling, wool, medicine, metalwork,
gold, father, kings, fire arms, fire, poisons,and forests.
The Sun denotesemployment in the State Service, administration or management. It indicates people having much
authoriy and power.
The Sun denotesgovernment offrcials,kings and administrators. One may be in a government service,or in the senrice
of a noble man or king.
The Sun indicates one's father. When the Sun is connected
with the 10th house. One may have income through his father.
Or he may use his father's property as capital and thereby
prosper. This can be so when the influence ofthe lords 9 or 5
falls on the Sun.
The Sun indicates medicines, and medical profession too.
If it is a significator of profession, by being connected with the
10th house, and other signifrcantors (like Mars) also denote
the same, one may take to medical profession.
Influence of Mars, Kethu etc. would indicate professione
connected with frre and frre arms.
Influence ofJupiter, as lord of 9th house would point out to
chantig of hymns and the profession of a priest. Or he may be
emplbyed in a mutt or a religious institution. The reason for
this is, that the Sun is a satvic planet. Influence of the 12th
house is also to be considered here. For the twelfth house is
said to have close connection with temples because the Sun
indicates timber. When it is connected with the lord of the 4th
houe, one may be supplier of timber for house construction.

ProfessionThrough Astrologt


Or he may be a furniture merchant as the fourth house signi'

fies such matters.
Satyacharye says in his work that the Sun ruIes over
business in grass or straw, medical profession, embasey, trade
in pearl and gold.
Western astrologers attribute the following profeesione to
the Sun. All positions of trust and authority, prominent posi'
tions in government, commanders, bankere, noblemen, kings,
emperors, goldsrniths etc.
quffqqrrc ffiqeTq65drR+W
The Sun indicates medicine, medicd profession, trading in
wool, grass, corn, gold, pearls, and the profession of a messen'
ger. The Sun indicates profession of father also. The Sun is a
frery planet. If it is connected with Mars, or Kethu, the profeesion may be related to frre arm6, electricity, radio etc.
Note: Each profeesion is signifred by one or mone planets.
It is also signifred by one or monehouses. Thus the two indications (i.e., of the planets and the houses) have to be blended
together. Consideration should be done w.r.t. Lagna and
Chandra lagna. In tfre present section, the aignifrcance of the
planets is being given. It should be properly synthesised with
the indications of houses and alter careful judgment, find
conclusion should be a:rived at.



xqffiur Tiw l6uffihmiqr

{r-qrF.{t$ryqfqffiqrf*sr6..{ti qw[fial'61:| |

The Moon ie a watery planet. The native may deal in

corals, pearls, liquids, milk etc. He may earn through agricul'
ture, water, gatrnents, cows, sugar and other articles nrled by
the Moon.
The person may be employed in shipping, Navy and water
eupply departments dso.

Plarcts ord. Profession




gcrii frqrn'
{qfrTtur ilt fdfrflrR er{Fr<: ll
Flowers, food, corals, Eilver, conch, garments, ornamenta'
femdee, ghee, oil etc., are ruled by the Moon.
When it is connected with Venus, the person may be
engaged in perfi.rmes, milk products, scents etc'
The Moon is a feminine planet' It indicates earning
through women also. This includes the cinema line where
actors have to move with women. This is particularly so, when
it has connections with other female planets like venus. combinatione with Mercury also has the eame effect'
Cooks, nursee' Launderere are also ruled by the Moon'
The Moon gives softness and adaptability of temparament'
It makes one disposed to travel and fond of changes'
When the Moon ip a signiftcator of profession and on. this
the influence of Rahiis present, one may be dealing in poison'
ous liquids, liquor etc., for Rahu represents poisonl
Jataka Parijata says that one may be a musician playing
on inst nments, or one may be an agriculturist' One may be a
cloth merchant, or he may be in the selvice of a queen'
The Moon is a watery planet. It nrles over all kinds of
liquids, fresh water, milk and things produced from water'
The Moon is called'a queen. It is also connected with
administration next only to the Sun. If, on this, there is the
influence'of Jupiter, or the Sun, one is very likely to be in
Since the Moon is also a significator for flowers and per'
fumes, connection with Venus would point out to preparation
of scents and perfumee' or business connected with these'
The Moon represents rice and other food stuffs' Connected
with the lord of the 2nd house, one may be earning through


Pr ofes sion Thr ough As tr ol ogy

selling rice and food stuffs, for the second house rules over
Since the Moon shows food stuffs, connection with Jupiter
and the lord of the secondhouse, one may be in the preparation
of sweets. (This is because of the influence of Jupiter).
Satyacharya says that the Moon rules over agriculture,
things produced in water, women, and interest on money.
The Moon rules over public commodities such as groceries,
frsh, drinks etc. It denotes such occupations where one meets
the general public.
- The Moon denotes changes and travels also. If afflicted,
and connected with the 10th house, it may denote change in
business, occupation and employment.
The Moon represents one'smother and mind. If strong and
favourably situated, one will be devoted to one's mother and
there will be gains through mother.
Its metal is silver. It rules the sign of Cancer.

dtry,*r,u qnrrTdtl
Mars rules over brothers, courage, police department,
theft, burglary, sin, crime, injury, etc. It indicates fires, frremen, warriors, military operations, blood, gold, copper, surgeons, gages, dentists, fire places, engineers, butchers, engines, iron and steel, chemists, dentists, druggists etc.
People dealing in iron and stel or working in the kitchen
are also ruled by Mars.
Sun and Mars may denote employment in Military hospitals.
Mars is a fiery planet. When it is connected with other
fiery planets or in fi.ery signs, the person concerned may be
engaged in professions connected with fire. The electrical

Planets and.Profession


work, jobs in bakeries and factories are also governed by Mars.

Mars is the son of the earth. It is closely associated with
land and house. Thus, it can give income through landed
property, houses and buildings. Mars denotes courage and is
connected with stripeg and violence. So it denotes police and
military..One may be an officer in police or military departments.
If the evil effect of Mars falls on mind, lagna, fourth house
or their lords and there is severe affliction, and Mars is connected with the house of profession too, one earns through
theft and robbery. If the house of income is also connected, the
person is more likely to take after such professions. This may
happen also when there is adverse aspects between Mercury
uenotes courage,valour, prowes',
h".oi"-. It is
"rrd authoritative
very active. A person becomes very able and
under its influence. He commands and rules over others and
extracts work from them.
Mars denotes logic and sciences based on logic. When it is
strongly placed in good houses it gives ability in logic, and
sciences based on logic. This will be more so when it receives
benelic aspects from Jupiter or Venus. See

qFEEqcd *t Tq-rf{frsrtl
c{rd-dffi arfi a.+$orrr+rr:
il (qrtrfiqfrqkr:)
If Mars is not afflicted and if it gets aspects from benefics,
it makes one confident, heroic, strong and courageous.It gives
organising ability. But if Mars is afflicted, one will be rash and
quarrelsome. He may become aggressive and violent.
Mars and Mercury can denote mechanical engineering.
Mars and Sun can denote military hospitals. (Reason: Mars for
military, Sun for medicines and hospitals).
MaXufacture of engines, automobiles, and tools is qleo
ruled by Mars. Mars is a significator of landed properties, and
buildings also.

Professionthrotgh AstrologY


Construction of houses and buildings is governed by Mars'

Satyacharya says that .buildings made of bricke,
masonary, oral discussions, argumentations, disputalions,
bold ventures; ftre, administration of government, and mur'
derous deeds are ruled by Mars'

q{?i +{qq-{-qqrq
t5'{cfud 51r{41aql
!: *4: tl

Mercury represents learning, writing, arts, sculpture,

medical profession, expertise, ministership' message,wit, cleverness, duality, fame, astrology, wisdom, chanting Vedas,
priesthood, birds, fame, Iiterature, poetry, scriptures etc.
Mercury indicates mathematicians, travelling agents, po'
ets, advocates, printers, publishers, orators, ambassadors,
clerks, astrologers, travellers, secretaries, interpreters etc. In
Mythology, Mercury is regarded as the god of eloquence and
commerce. Mercury strong and favourably placed, makes one
an orator.
Mercury is a quick moving planet. He thus represents
speed. It is also called as the winged messenger.Therefore, it
represents travelling, carrying messages,Ietters, mailing etc.
Mercury is the planet of wisdom. Favourably posited it
makes a person very intelligent, wise and studious'
Mercury is changefuI. It denotes changes, and lack of
concentration. It makes a person unsteady and fond of

Mercury representsplurality. It is dualistic. It givesinter'

est in many eubjects.
Mercury is convertible.This is why, in Hindu Astrology,it
is regardedas a beneficwhen it is combinedwith benefics.And

Plnncts and Profession


it isregar{ed as a malefic, when it is combined with malefics.

firug ita nature vafes as the quality of the planet with which
it is conjoined. Ttrue it doeg not act independently but in a
subordinate position.
Mercury renders its subjecte active, vcrsatile (ftgw) and
dispoeed to bueiness and commerce. It nakee one well-informed and eager in the parsuit of knowledge.
Literary men, accountants, school teachers, secretaries,
book-sellers, clerke, postmen, messengers, engineers, radio,
wireleas, telegraph, post, letters, typing, press, paper, cotton,
representative, secretary, agent, clerk, astrologer, trade of
forergn goods, import-export, thread, mercury, tin, accounts,
auditing, able lawyer, expert, commissioners, ambassadors
etc., are dl ruled by Mercury
Mercury represents Mathematics. It indicates lecturing
too. As Mars nlso is connected with Mathematics, when these
are combined or connected one may be aMathematics lecturer.
Mercury denotee Astrology too. Mercury in angles confers
ability in Astrology, Combination of Sun and Mercury can
denote Astrological Profession. [Sun is a karaka of profession.
Connection of Mercury with 4th, 10th, and 9th houseg also can
indicate this professionJ.
Satyacharya says that Sculpture, astrology, recitation and
composition of poetry, research work, dealing in cloths, and
catching birds and animals 619 nlso ruled by Mercury.
il (qrilfi qfrcrd:)

qpge wC{fuo qtcagR{rRqFrgfter

?n-{rs{q-ql; g*s+yryy$a;rr (Saravali)
Jupiter governs religion, duties, legal affairs, devotion,
g<iodfortune, wealth, worship of deities; brahmins, teaching,
puranas, ecriptures, Vedas and correct conduct.


Profession Through Astrologlr

Jupiter rules over law and justice. It produces, lawyers

and advocates, when connected with the house of profesaion
and ifother factors agree.
It produces preceptors and those well-versed in religioue
lore, Vedas and Sastras.
If Jupiter is connected with profeesion and the lords of the
ninth, fifth etc., the person may be a priest in a temple
[Reason: 9th house denotes Dharma or virtuous deeds. Sthl
denotes worship of deitiesl.
Jupiter is the Karaka for wealth. When'this is well-placed
and receives good aspectsand extends its influence over the
ascendant or the ascendant lord the person gets much wealth
through assets, interest, rent banking etr.
Jupiter produces noble, magnanimous people who are reliable and truthful. They are honest in their dealings. They are
helpfuI to others. They are of an optimistic nature. They are
ambitious and hopefuI. They are charitable and kind. They ane
rather orthodox and stick to tradition.
Jupiter indicates advocates, professors, priests, judges,
ministers, administrators, divines, banketrs, those working in
revenue departments, palaces, law-courts, treasury, wealth,
court, temples, religion, place of justice, treasures, banke,
writers, mathematics, economics, religioue lore, sastras,
preaching, religious education, donation, choultry, physician,
grammarian, turmeric, gold, valuable things etc.
[Some western authors say that Jupiter indicates clofh
merchants, woollen merchants and provision dealers also].
Jupiter is the karalra for law. Judges and lawyers are
signified by Jupiter.
Jupiter is a karaka for religion. It can denote bishops,
priests, and cardinals.
Jupiter is for knowledge. It denotes professors, philosophers preceptors, gurus etc. It can denote great thinkere,
saints, and who are devoted to the pursuit of knowledge.

Ploncts and. Profession


Jupiter is called Guru. It denotes teacherc, professors and

preachers of all kinds. In determining the profeleion, we
to see the houses in which it is situatd, the houee it nrlee and
the aspects it receives.
Jupiter rules morals. one will be upright and truthful in
his dealings. If it is strong and influen."" t"!rr. or lord of lagna
favourably it makes one generous and kind and therefore rures
It rules over the power of reasoning, clear thinking, law
and sciences. westerners say that it mles over financiidealing, shipping business and foreign affrtirs.
Satyacharya says that Jupiter nrlee over teaching, chanting ofhyms and Vedas, practisingpuranas, performinl'puja ae
a priest and religious instructor.

f+fi sfrr<fimlq kj-qr;rdt{ Td, ..-u (vr"tn")
qilqtrrcfrTqrridett rr*}ecrc{Sqfr{r{l
tqrTf{qrfffi ngcr r*ary: {fi.: | (vltr*fi)
Venus nrleg over diamonds, gems,jewels, ornamentsr l[Eflage, perfirmes, friends, garlands, young women, cowdung,
learning, cohabitation, and eilver.
"latau-rari;ata' adds trad.
ing in cows, jaggery, milk and curdg.
Venus is the Karaka for music. Strong Venug as
eignificator ofprofession, produces musicians, olh"r, the appropriate houses are active. Influence of other pranets
like Mercury etc., would denote playing on musical instrumente.
Venus denotes painters, eingers and artists of all kinds.
Benefic influence of Mercury is required, as -------r'
Mercury gi""rlfr"
Inecessary intellectual abiliiy.
venus ie called'Kavi'or poet. Inflrrence over the 2nd
and Moon can give poetical ability. Venus indicates cowg.
one may be trading in cows, milk, curd etc.

hofession Throuqh AstrologY


Venus is the karaha for vehiclee. (vahana karaka)' It can

give employment connected with vehicles, transport, railway'
and shipping. One may be driver or a pilot when
there is influence of.any sign and planets in addition'
Venus is the karaka for all fine arte, such as patnting'
music dance, etc.
Venus denotes employments in dress making ornanenta'
perfumery and flo,wers.
Venug is a karaka for cOoking. It indicates cooks, butlers,
maid-servants sweet-makers, confectioners and male-ger'
vants. Sale of jaggery, food iteme, milk, curds etc' are al"o
nrled by Venus.
Venus indicates conveyances, vehicles of all sorts, bu8,
lorries, railway, planee, music, paints, petrol, colour, singers,
cinema, drama, silk, perfumes, agriculture, silver, white
things, diamond, diseases of women, aesessment, careful
judgement bl weighing pros and cons, panchayat, jury,
women's schoril, X-ray, glass, draughtsmen, etc.
for drese. So it rules clothiers,
Venus i" t f.r"ka
emobroiders, silk menser6' malrcrs of gloves, bonnets and
women'g dress.
When Venus is connected with the second and the frfth
house and ie a significator of profession one may become a
mueician. If Mercury is connected he may take to instrumentd
Venus is a karaka for beauty and enjoyments' Thus it can
represent cosrnetics, perfirmes, scents and professions con'
nected with these. It is a eignificator of trade and commerce
like Mercury.
Venus is a feminine planet. Thue it indicates earning
through the association of women. Professions like film industry, cinema, acting, directing are closely connected with
Venus is a watery planet. So, if it is connected with the

Planets ond.Profession


Moon or water signs, one's profession may be connected with

water and liquids such as sale of sharbats, drinks, soda rvater,
paints, navy, water supply etc.
Venus connected with the Moon can indicate fruits.
Satyacharya says that Venus i.rt", ou"" gold, precious
stones, vehiclee, women, cheating, curd, ghee, cow and per-


fTq<qrrqr fqrdrr{K+{renc qrrtFqn (q" qL)
agfrrd dr* qqrrqffilr<Tfidnqr
frvtfqq+-<r ffiwg: dft: rr (Saravali)
Saturn indicates lead, iron, grains, dead things (hides and .
lazy people, senrants, lowly people, poor men, renunciation etc.
Saturn denotes miners, merchante of coal and other com.
moditiee nrled by it, plumbers, watchmen, etc.
Saturn indicates hard labour.
Saturn denotee stone. If its inlluence falls on lagna, lord of
lagna etc. one may be engaged in mnking roads, supply of
It rules over cement alsc.
Saturn is a karaka for agriculture. For example, if it rules
the'fourth house and i:s a signifrcator of profeesion, one may
earn through agriculture.
Saturn is a eignificator of lands and estates. When it rules
the fourth houee or ig a yogakaraka it givea landed property or
business connected with the same.
Saturn ie an adhomukha planet. So it denotes all mattere
kept hidden and in secret, such as mine ores, petrol, oil, coal,
iron etc. phen Saturn rules the fourth house and is a
eignifrcator of profession, one may earn through these things.

il I


professionThrough Astrology

Saturn denotes leather and hides. For example, when it

rules the 3rd or 8th house, and is a significator of profession,
one may earn through'leather goods and shoes.
Saturn denotesjob in P.W.D. too. Some of the occupations
by Saturn are those of agriculturists, farmers, miner, mason,
sweeper,sexton, tanner, estate agent, dyer, plumber, cobbler,
acavenger,potter, coal merchants, dealing in commodities ascribed to Saturn, jailers, watchmen, those who work at night,
those who work underground etc.
IfSaturn as a significator ofprofession rules the 3rd or 4th
house, one may be employgd in railways
If Saturn rules the 7th house, influenced by Venus, and is
a signifrcator of profession, one may be a sculptor.
Satyacharya says that Saturn rules over splitting of wood,
cutting of stones, carrying fuel, dealing in hides and skins,
tanning, jugglery, magistracy, village-headman's post and
witchcraft are ruled by Saturn.
According to others Saturn indicates serrric, positions of
responsibility, things within the earth, ores, oil, wells, coal,
tin, lead, blue things, iron factory, eocial sendce, poor homes,
pensioi, bone, orth5paedics, chronic ailments and hospitale for
their treatment and so on.
Vaidyanatha Dikshita says in Jataka Parijata that Saturn
indicates all types of low and despisable professions. One may
be a worker on stone or wood. Killing animals, carrying heavy
loads, cheating other people, fighting etc, are professions
indicated by Saturn.
Rahu and Kethu ar shadowy planets (i.e., chhayagratras).
Their nature depends very much upon planets aseociated and
aspecting them. They qlso represent the lordg of the signs in
which they are placed. Rahy is called Dragon's Head. Mathematically, Rahu and Kethu are the points of intersection of
the paths of the Sun and the Moon. Rahu is roferred to aa ttre

Pl.anetsand. Professi.on


ascending node while Kethu is spoken of as the descending

node. Westerners consider Rahu as a benefrc but Kethu as a
Much depends on the house and sign in which Rahu is
placed. Rahu is good in the 10th house. Rahu is said to
resemble Saturn in certain respects.
Imprisonment, drowning, diseases,are denoted by Rahu.
Kethu can also cause imprisonment.
Rahu denotes hunting, Iow jobs, seruice, degraded acts,
exile, theft, mag"ic,sorcery, humorous acts, inventions, litigations, science, aerial navigation, psychology, metaphysical
studies, violence, accidents etc., also.
Rahu is a cruel planet, so it representscruel acts and cruel
nature. Like Saturn it indicates lazinessand slow performance
of duties. It is consideredto be strong in the tenth house.
It is closely connected with inventions, politics, science,
magic, and bad habits like drinking, gambling, treachery, etc.
Some say that it has connection with machinery photography
printing etc.
Rahu represents one's paternal grand father.
Rahu denotes$ack gram.
Both the nodes represent people of low caste, evil people,
butcastes and wicked people. Snake catchers, ram, wolf, poisonous insects are also ruled by the nodes.
Satyacharya says that Rahu rules over professions attributed to Saturn.
Some great Astrologers say that the professions are indicated by the Navamsha in which Rahu is placed or the planets
associated or aspecting Rahu.
Rahu indicates one's paternal grand father, and money
from him. He indicates submanius, poisonousdrugs, sorcery,
witchcraft mountains, caves, buffaloes, jails, etc.
It is very important to consider the sign in which Rahu is

.rr.v 'Y' ffi,ri;?sit,r


ProlbssionThrough Astrologr

placed, for it will represent the Iord of the sign in which it is

placed. Also it is essential to find out the planets with which it
is combined and by which it is aspectd. As the Jataka
Chandrika says:

s-c-dsRt-drnffi rr
Kethu is also known as the descending node and as
Dragon's tail. Kethu resemblesMars in many respects.
Kethu is regarded as Jnanakaraka--producer of wisdom. It
thus represents religious knowledge, spiritual studies, spiritual initiation and even knowledge leading to final emancipation or mohshq. Kethu is an evil planet. Kethu can represent
fraudulent means, treachery and deceptioa. It can represent
sinful acts and professions.
It can denote strifes and intrigues, as it resembles Mars.
Kethu denotes occult scicences,philosphy also. Fride, religious show, bad tendencies secret quarrels and tale bearing
are also attributed to Kethu,
Kethu denotes tamoguna.It is a very cruel planet. Badly
posited, it makes one ill-mannered and sinful.
Kethu represents plotting, intriguing and quarrels.
Kethu shows one's maternal grand father.
Kethu denotes horse-gram
Satyacharya says that Kethu rules over the professions
ruled over by the Mars.
The effects are to be guessedby the lord of the Navamasa
<,rr'theplanets associated or aspecting Kethu.
To rise properly in life and to follow the proper profeeeion
for which one has come in this world a few factors demand
special attention.

Plonets an.d.Prolbssion


Initially Ist house should be normal or strong enough, the

Sun should be well placed and have adequate strength to keep
the human engine in order to follow the right path. Secondly
the 10th house should be fairly strong so that one may not
waste his time in trying different professions. Thirdly house of
gains should'be strong enough so that one may be able to enjoy
the fruits of one's efforts. Fourthly'to keep one's mind and
discriminating faculty intact the Moon and Mercury should be
well placed. Lastly to have God's grace Jupiter should be
strong enough.

.tu v, E.,r#'+.r

Chapter III

The Tenth House And Its

The tenth house is a very important house in the horoscope
of a person. It is the house which determines one's rank, social
status, and profession ofa person. In thisbook, we have given
plenty of examples, a study of which will clearly point out to
the importance of this house. In the horoscopes of great men,
we generally find the tenth house and the ascendant rendered
strong by the association and aspectsofbenefic planets.
The general gignficators in any.horoscgpe ?re phq Asqen=,
dant, the tenth house, the Sun and the Moon. These signs are
respectively known as the lagna, the dashama lagna, the
Surya lagna and the Chandra lagna. They exercise propound
influence on one's life. But eastern as well as western authorities recommend their consideration and careful judgement for
arriving at correct conclusions.
The tenth house has to be invariably judged not only from
the lagna but also from the Chandra lagna. This is considered
the opinion of ancient sages and scholars like Varahamihira.
Saravali devotes a separate chapter to discuss the effects
of the planets placed in the lOth house from the Chandra




(Its names

and indications)

<w+eeq q,,Cfusr{r Varahamihira.

The tenth hous is called sdldl(command, authority).

Planets and,Profession


It is also called as Meshurana. From this one should know

the profession.
qrqRrFK cr{ 6dqq {d1fd xd stfi'r
q tgruqrr (phaladeepika)
The terms to indicate the 10th house are Vyapara (eommerce), Aspada (rank or position), Karma (acts, occupation,
profession), Jaya (success), Kirti (fame) Kratu (sacrifice),
Jeevana (livelihood, profession)vyoma (sky or zenith) Achara
(good conduct), Guna (good qualities), Pravritti (inclination)
Gamana (going), Ajna (command) and Meshurana. It is also
called as {rrs These factors are indicated by the tenth house.



sflclEr-{f{lril qiffi gftz e-4rq5t+tl

cH 6qfdd qrgprrq frRftqrsqrr
From the tenth house, the astrologer should indicate one's
occupation, cqmmqnd, authopity, fame, rpn4, rlife, in foreigrr
lands, performance of sacrific6, istbein,'rbspect, means of liveIihood, profession, the knees and the servants.
Prithuyasas also says in Shatpanchasika: 't{t4q Fqr:" l.e.
from the tenth house, Iife in foreign countries, is to be seen.
The complete sloka is:

qfrtreriTkg+.r.q gkCqq sffi5qqqTFr{fr:-r

fq*nq, qffi Tqrtl-{ q sqigq 1s
And also'?TU !furmq" -- rains by the Xth house.
Indi.cations of the tenth house.
Vaidyanatha Dikshita says in Jataka parijata-sTrdrqi{hpffi
FnEfu r
g?relrlrq 4d $-qr q{il ffi{qr:
Authority, esteem, respeet, ornaments, dress, trade, sleep,
agriculture, renunciation, occupation, livelihood, fame knowl-


PrcfessionThrcugh Astrclogr


edge, and learning are to be ascertained from the lOth houee.

Parasara says in Brihatparasara Hora

wd qmnr.qfr-sqqrrc+q f.rg<wr
Tsrsq xvrsrfu d{s{r;Irfrtslqlil (8.P. Hora)
All thinp about the state, sky, profession, esteem, respect,
matters concerning one's father, life in another country, debts
ane to be seen from the tenth house.
The author of the Prashnamarga says
t{6q ;Fgqqr qni-dq <Rr vffftq
fu+i fd Evr+1tt (Prashnamargar

Temples, towns, assemblies, choultries, inns on the way,

servants, all acts, occupation prbfession, pommand, authority,
rank and status are tb be ascertained by the tenth house.
qrqn 5fl TtIclT{Qi rffi


q5sqfi1; rrE sdir1 {cqrFTqrirr{i ffi{ll

Tlade, money, kings, esteem, state, matters regarding

one's father, attainment of high position - all these are to be
judged from the tenth house which is called the Rajyasthana.



of.the lOth house

Our sastras say: qqrE vteq+rq 6lwq{n( dffEi ffiq1
the judgement of any house three factors are to be mainly
considered: 1. the house itself,2. the lord of the house and 3.
the Karaka planet of the house. Firstly note which planets are
placed in the house and then the planets are aspecting it. Then
we should see the placement of its lord, in rasi and Navamsha
and its stellar position, lts association and aspects with other
planets. Lastly, the Karaka for profe*sion is the Sun. But if we
ane interested in the income from the profession, we must
study Jupiter. The reader should refer to standard works like
Phaladeepika, Jataka Parijata and Prashna Marga for understandlng the rules regarding the judgement of Bhavas in
gendral. Here we gtve a brief outline of the most important

TheTenthHouseand itc Signifrcorw


1. AU Bhavasprduee beneficresultswhen they atreoccupied or aspectedby beneflceor their own lords, planets owning
9 or 5, or 1, and are ftee ftom malefic aspecte.But the planets
should not be debilltated, or set qr plaed in inimical signs.
Errenunafllicted maleflceaspecting their own housespromote
the goodeffectsofthe hous.
2. Wlien thrikonas, and the 2nd house are occupied by
benefics, the house gets strengthened.
8. The lord of the housoshould not be placed in 6, 8 or lZ.
It should not be in hellacal setting. Nor should it be in depression or in inimical signs.
4. Malefice in 6, 8 or 12 fnrm a housecause its destruc.
tion. Nor should the lords of 6, 8, or 12 housesbe placed iri the
5. When a houeeis associatedwith the lord of the lagna,
is assured.
6. Placementof beneficson both sides of a house, or in
thrikonas (1, 5 & 9) from the house,prornotesthe strength and
goodresults of the house.In the sameway, the karnka planet
ehould be judged.
The kar:akas of the tenth hqrse: In Jataka parijata we
find the Karnkas as'tfrq qrj ifq<I" i.e.,Jupiter, Sun, Mercury
and Saturn are the karakas for the tenth house.While dealing
with the indications of the Xth house,also, the author of the
Jataka PariJata, says:

One should cpngiderthe lord of the Xth house, the Sun,
Mercury, Jupiter and Saturo all matters associatedwith the
tenth house
This tenth horrs le known in the western books, by the
narnes,mid-heaven,medlum.coeli,and angleof the South. It is
deotd as M.C. or medium.coeli.The Sun torchesthe cusp of
lhe tcnttr houseat mid-day. This housedenoteshonour, credit,
es told before. nvit planets placed here produce l



dishonour, and bring discredit. Mars afflicted here will pro'

duce slander and illrepute, Sun unafflicted here gives power,
honour, fame, nobility and happiness. Jupiter, Venus herein
make one an eminent person. Westerners say that Saturn,
here, brings disgrace and ruin. The bad result takes place if
Saturn is afllicted. In the horoscope of Napoleon, Saturn is
placed in the tenth house. It gave him a sudden-rise but then
a downfall too.
In state Astrology, it shows kings, emperors, nobles, empires and kingdoms. (This is why in sanskrit, it is termed as
of the tenth
other houses
The 9th
second from
second form


in relation


hosue represents the father. 10th house is the

the 9th. So it denotes father's wealth and one's
It is a marakasthana of the parents, being the
the 9th and the 7th from the 4th.

As it is the 8th counted from the 3rd hosue, it is the house

of danger, and dfficulties to one's brother.
. Being the 7th from the house of happiness, this house also
denotes one's happiness.
Being the 6th from the 5th house, it shows illness and
diseases ofchildren, or their debts.
This is the 5th from the 6th house. So, it denotes children
and amusement of the servants, uncles etc.
As it is the 4th house from the 7th house, that tenth house,
it denotes mother-in-Iaw. It shows the property of the wife
Also, it is the 12th counted from the llth
denotes loss to elder brother.

house. So, it

It is the 9th house counted from the wedth. Thus if the

tenth house is strong by the occupation ofbenefic planets, etc.
tt is good for wealth. This is but natural. The person will be


The Tenth.Housean.dits Signilicance

having a good profession and thereby good income.

The tenth house represents occupation, rank, honours,

success,respect, means of livelihood, and religious knowledge.
In Jataka Parijata, Vaidyanatha

Dikshita Says:

gcFztrlc *C *-* q'{i ffid-sl:
5dc{i mfl fa+54 o'd1,'
Authority, esteem,respect, ornaments, dress, occupation,
sleep, agriculture, renunciation, religious knowledge, profes'
sion, fame, knowledge, and Iearning are to be determined from
the tenth house, its lord and the planets Sun, Mercury, Jtipiter
and Saturn. If malefic planets are placed in the tenth house,
they affect the respect and credit ofthe person.
The author of Uttarakalamritha


qTtrrq-Tqqrqdr.x-qrrfi {qqFRrfr {frtcrl

ru-' Ffr *s affifftTf{frqqdKq: I
frffi5udqfi-*e-e Ut {a+Tfifl
{TqT{Tq{q-afukfq1r4r:Rr(Ti: e5: ll

cFil qngfrqf q $rtz.{s{rfdfuqT-<d,

qql el,{sFudts ({lcr(T-flqfr: rqRftt
Trade, honours from the king (government), horse'riding,
athletics, professions connected with the state, service, agriculture, doctor, fame, treasure, money in custody, sacrifice,
superiority preceptor, yantra, charms, mantras, mother, area,
merit, medicines, thigh, deity, mantra siddhi (proficiency in
hymns), means, property, adopted son' a noble man way,
respectability, honour, Iivelihood, kings, fame, learning, au'
thority, seal,lordship, control, authority, command, and intellect are to be judged from the tenth house.
In horary charts, this house denotes some additional



In queries regarding crops, 10th denotes the production

and the crop. (Lagna signifies the agriculturist, the fourth
house, the land, the 7th house agriculture and the 10th house
the crop).
In queries regarding diseases,the fbth house denotes the
patient according to Tajika. (Lagna denotes physician, the
seventh house the disease,the tenth house the patient and the
fourth house the medicine.)
It is said to indicate the judges, and the substance taken
away by the thief.
Some judge matters regarding one's father from the 10th
house. (The ancient Hindu texts, however, associate the 9th
house as the house ruling one'sfather.
The tenth house is connected with Iearning as it is the 7th
from the 4th house.
The tenth house is intimately connected with honour
moral qualities and good conduct.
The tenth house is connectedwith travels, and life in other
lands (w[rq).
The 9th house denotes long journey, 10th house is said to
indicate pilgrimages.
In political or mundane astrology, the 10th house indicates
the king, the head of the state, the administrators, external
trade, import-export, the honours and reputation of the country, the government, party in power, the leaders, political
situation etc.
Some Authorities on this subject say that it is not enough
to consider the 10th house alone for determining one's profession. They consider the three houses72, 6 and 10. Added to
these, the 1lth house is also to be con5idered to see the gain of

2, LO and 6 and ll

These houses denote the material welfare of a person. The

Znd bous denotes wealth. The 10th house denotes profession

The Tenth Houseond its Signift,cance


and occupation. The llth hosue denotes gains. Connection

between these houses, their lords, good aspects and his financial prosperity. It promises good bank balance and gains
through one's profession and business. Some include the 6th
house as the 6th house is Bhagyasthana of the 10th house'
The tenth house denotes the position of job. The sixth
house is the actual work and the conditione contacted during
the work. Saturn in the sixth hosue may indicate laborioug
work and unpleasant surroundings.
The second house denotes money and self'acquisition. It
denotes bank balance also. Evil planets and their aspects to
the second hosue produce Ioss of wealth.
Thus, many eminent authors are of the opinion that these
three house - 2,6 and 10 are to be considered together in the
judgement about profession.
The indications of the houees are to be mastered very
thoroughly, 3rd house indicates normal work, 4th house de'
notes education, 5th hosue counselling, worship of deities, 6th
house indicates profession.
7th house indicates trade, trovel, partnership, 8th house
indicates legacy,
9th house indicates insurance,
10th house denotes profession, administration, rank, status etc.
1lth house denotes gains
12th house denotee expenditure,

w\ e.4n1g q{is-dRitrsifr{ilqfrRrqr{qfrcq{tl
When malefics are placed in the 10th house, and are weak,
or afflicted, gvil results happen. There may be breaks in the
profession. One may lose the job, or may change it. He will
have bad reputation. His commande will not be obeyed. Hb


Through Astrology

servants may suffer or may leavehim. He will losehis support.

There may be disease affecting his knees. He may tea"" fris
country and go elsewhere.

drd q-ft
e;mqc artia_

ErTTrk+;1-qTdI r (prashnamarga)
When strong beneficsare placed in the 10th house, he will
work like building roads, rest house or temples. His
jobs will succeed.His commands will be
obeyed.He will get
servants and fame.

Chapter IV

Methods to Deterrnine
One's Profession and
Source of Income

says ln Brltrat


erqiFa:fr{fir{qffi1 frr rlrEEfrrFm-wrftfn*<r*:
t<6ts( qftrivrilrl{f,i I 1
a person'
In this sloka, he discussesthe sourceof income of
T}t" pi"i"t placed in the tenth
*"il as the Moon,
then congider
-r".r".*t in the tenth hoqse,
in which the tenthhouse falls' (For this purposethe
" tenth houseM.C' has to be accuratelycalculated)'
will be one indicated by that planet. Mihira says
and the
f6$ i.e., counting has to be done from l'agna' Moon
Sun. The most important of these is the Ascendant
Lagna. Next in importance is Chandra lagna and thenlagna. ti the planet is the Sun, it indicates income
ift"o"gh fathEr; Mmn inhicates income.through mother;
brothers; Mercury through
UJftJo; Venus through i"Oi"s or wife; Sa[urn through
If two different planets are placed in t'he 1fth
counted from the dg"
subperiodJincome can be e:<pectedthrough the
different means indicated by the two planets'



Here Bhattotpala the celebratedcommentator rightly ob_

serves that since a person can have income by different ''i"r,",
it is essential that the tenth house should bL consideredfrom
I-agna and the Moon and not merely the stronger of the two.
I{e quotes Gargi in support of his view
qTdT:rffq'- gqal@ffi qrfq i
mr..lrqftq6r: r
t e-ds?ir.Ttq1: FqaE qfrFdT:tl
R-rTd ilhTil*
qfo':TiTe) ilcqrd {fr ilR {: Hfr: tl
srdR, qd* zl-(lr
Cgfl'r g-qqfd-d*
,r-qk ffifi
F-{qTE frfqR!-fl{rr
Bhagwan Gotq is a great Acharya of Hindu Astrology
whose views are held highly authoritative.
He says that all the planets placed in the tenth house
counted from Lagna or the Moon are to be understood
bestowers of income in their respective periods according
their karakatva or significance.
Also income can be told according to the occupation indicated by the planets which rule the Navamashas in which
tenth house cusps from Lagna, the Moon, and the Sun fall.
This very view is repeated in phaladeepika by
Mantreswara also.
Thus it is very importq,nt to consider the three Lagnas:
Janma lagna, Chandra lagna and Surya lagna and the plinets
in the 10th house from these lagnas. Then the lord
of the
Navamsha in which the lord of the 10th house counted
these lagnas is to be considered.
The results according as the planet placed in the 10th
h_ous9from these lagnas is briefly
fouo*"r (These results can
also happen when the Sun etc. happen
to be the Navamsha
The Sun: property or wealth from father, wealth
through one's own exertion.




2. The Moon: property from mother.

3. Mars: wealth through conquering enemies,.
4. Mercury.' wealth through friends.
5. Jupi.ter: wealth through brothers.
6. Venus: wealth through some rich iadies.
7. Saturn: wealth through one's seryants.
Here, of course the significance of the planets has to be
extended. Each planet indicates several professions. AII that
has to be considere$.here depending upon the signs in which
they are situated.
Here below we quote the relevant slokas from Biihat
Jataka of Varahamihira:
- {l (lulft1ft
+ l . h l l "---*ui

qrfa s-frqre$:tcr*,
If the lord of the Navamasha (in which the cusp of the
tenth house counted from the Lagna, Moon or the Sun falls) is
the Sun, it indicates occupation connected with grass, gold,
medicine etc. (It also denotes occupations connected with tim'
ber, government, etc). Moon indicates agricultur, things produced or connected with water and ladies. Mars denotes met'
als, frre, war, strife, and courage. Mercury ruIes writing,
mathematics, poetry and arts.

frqifr ffiTgqr4ilrRqil:
Criti ryc-qqqlcmr
ail{n%fri r4rfl;Fd ftTk:u
Jupiter indicates professions of brahmins, pundits, worship of deities, mines, and religious rites. Venus indicates
income through jewels, silver, cows, and buffaloes. Saturn


The Ten.thHouseand.its

2. The Moon.:property from mother.
3. Mars: wealth through conquering enemies,.
4. Mercury.' wealth through friends.
5. Jupiter: wealth through brothers.
6. Venus: wealth through some rich ladies.
7. Saturn: wealth through one's seryants.

Here, of course the significance of the planets has to be

extended. Each pianet indicates several professions. All that
has to be considere$,heredepending upon'the signs in which
they are situated.
Here below we quote the relevant slokas from Biihat
Jataka of Varahamihira:
qqTti !'Tn-{drlf MYq-qriTfs-sf,q-f,atmrcql
qFr rflqsrtr$: tq's\,

dqni frffi(

*'raf{rd: I

If the lord of the Navamasha (in which the cusp of the

tenth house counted from the Lagna, Moon or the Sun falls) is
the Sun, it indicates occupation connected with grass, gold,
medicine etc. (It also denotes occupationsconnected with tim'
ber, government, etc). Moon indicates agricultur, things pro'
duced or connected with water and ladies. Mars denotes met'
als, fire, war, strife, and courage. Mercury nrles writing,
mathematics, poetry and arts.

q;rqri qft'Kqf,rftFm: r


Jupiter indicates professions of brahmine, pundits, wor'

ship of deities, mines, and religious rites. Venus indicates
income through jewels, silver, cows, and buffaloes. Saturn


ProfessionThrough Astrologr

denotes income through hard exertion, labour, killing, carryrng heavy loads, low jobe, and sculpture. The occupations
denoted by the lord of the Navamsha in which the lorJ of the
tenth houee is placed by transit, aleo take pLace.

S-fe}sfrfr q qrst wfrqfqr

qfisftfrq}sq1 6.{tl

In thie verse, the Acharya says that strong benefics placed

in the llth house, 2nd house and the lagna give wealth to the
native by the various professions indicated by them. He will
get wealth by these means without much effort. So says
Bhagwan Gargi too:

drripiilrt dd{r }fq qtrnr

Thus, in addition to considering the planets placed in the
10th house from Lagna and Chandra, it is necessary to consider benefic planets placed in the Lagna, second house and
eleventh house for determining one,s source of income.

Chapter V

Important Rules Regarding

the 10th I{ouse From
Satya Samhita
1. If the lords of the second and the tenth houses are
conjunction with each other, the native wiLl live by banking.
(Will live on interest got from lending
2' If the lords of the 4th and the tenth-bhavas are
conjunction, the native will live on the income from
3' If the lords of the bth and the tenth bhavas are
conjunction, the native will be employed under a king
or in a
temple or mutt.
4. If the lords of the 6th and the 10th houses be in conjunction, the person will live by being a thief, a doctor, Uy.*[mg
out punishment imprisonment, by quarrels or litigation. '
5. If the lords of the Zth and the l0th houses
are in
conjunction, the profession might involve travel.
He may be
employed in Railway orpostal service or mightca""y
dise from place to place.
6. If the lords of the 9th and the 10th houses
are in
conjunction, the native prusues a relig.ious or Charitable
profession, or engaged in tapae or in a n-obleprofe""i;;
much income.
Z. If the lords of the 10th and the gth houses
are in
conjunction, the native's profession dctsriorater
or is ruined.


ProfessionThrough AstrologY

8. If the lords ofthe tenth and the eleventh housee are in

conjunction, the native puraueB a trade or a bueineee.
9. ff the lords of the tenth and the twelfth house are in
conjunction, the native's profeesion will detoriorate or is

Dip in holy rivers like Gangaes

qqrerrv.cisiR <{rl vd f<*frsqerrr
One gets the fortune of having a dip in Ganges if there is
Pahu or the Sun in the Xth houee.

T+ q.CfrIqt6mqfud(r {ft td ffirl

When the Moon is situated in the Xth houee one gets
purified by having a dip in the waters of the Ganges.

q sftr+r
sr+i Tgr{dftKgtTqrt<'iltumqr

slT{fr sR ddq' {TF|-gilsrfir5qsfrds(I1

gt g mn*o-tftffi fqlqlsqqrr
If Mars, and the lord of the 4th house are strong and are
placed in kepdra, kona or the llth houee and the lord of the
10th house is aspected or conjoined with Venue and Moon, one
is engaged in agriculture.He has cows and money' If Mercury
is related to the tenth houee, one is engaged in trade. Sleep is
dso to be decided by the lfth houee. If there is much malefic
influence on the tenth hous, sleep may be disturbed.

Er1a{ffi qrfi qlffirqrrqqrt
If the lord of the tcnth house is strong, or ie between two
benefics or in the A:nsa of benefic planets, one becomee famous
und is full of elf-eetsem.

qrtfrni6{FTqrqS* .rnrfi{i {aqffi1

*65r+r{ ffiryqn; tr+'frdrdrffh1mfi{:


Important Rules Regarding the lOth House


If the tenth house is aspected by malefrcs, or conjoined

with malefics, and the lord of the tenth house is weak. one is
a victim of slander. He is without respect, and is bereft of
profession, power, strength and fame.

of great



'fhis is also to be determined by the

Xth house.
- X,,

. .r-{
"6q{T-ig{lq-A:{gs-qqt (wr+ qRqrd:)

1. By the lord of the Xth house, Mercury and Jupiter

performance of sacrifices is to be guessed (i.e., if they are
strong and conjoin or aspect the Xth house, one gets the
opportunity to perform meritorious rites, sacrifices etc). '
2. One gets the'fortune of performance of meritorious
deeds and sacrifices if the lords of lagna and the Xth house are
together or they rule same signs.
3. When there are many auspicious planets in the Xth
house, one is able to perform great sacrifices.

+-ili qrMmyr

dqffqdrzrg*.qrq|< G" fu. No. 1).

4. If the lords of the Xth house,Mercuryand Jupiter are

strong, and are aspected by benefrc planets, one performs

meritorious deeds like renovation of temples, tanks, construction of parks, laying of gardens etc. Same is the result when
the Moon is in the Xth house, the lord of the Xth house strong
and free from malefic influences of Rahu and Kethu.
q,.d 6ct{Fn: $q1 qrds gu-{rd: F(rl
qrfr{. qrro'qiiqt T{16r qfq qrqirr
. 5. If benefics are placed in the tenth house, or its
Navamsha, one does meritorious acts always. If malefics are
placed in the tenth house or its Navamsha, one does sinful
acts. These results must be seen from Chandra and the Lagna.

rrnrrT: {S.sfiq{ft{rdr.l

vfrd rr}qrr



If three strong planets are placed it he Xth house in

$xaltation, own or benefrc vargas, and the lord of the tenth is
also strong, the person may become a saint or a person of
saintly nature.

in rnany



il{f,t<vFrermvt: sqdcTrftfi' I

nnqmfilqfd"'\fr{qrgtfcl r

If the lords of 2, 4, 6 happen to own 1, 9 and l-0 and are

endowed with six-fold strength, the person will be proficient in
all the six sastras. He will know all the Vedas. He gets spiritual
initiation also.


qqs qf<Mr
{ttpt[: q.fuqr {-trCFrftq*(rr (BhavarthaRatnakar)
If Jupiter is connected with the lord of the tenth house, the
native will be engaged in good deeds.

T{ln: offi<*ltt

qdn{q: qt{a: q-4d-i} gr}m: tl (Bhavartha Ratnakar)

If the lord of the 10th house is joined with Jupiter, one will
be religious and will do good deeds. But if the lord of 10th
house is placed in the 6th, or the 12th house, he may not do
good deeds, haX not be religious, or may be without any
6-r{dnlqd*q q-sq} fl furrt qRr

u (8.R.XII-6)
{Em"rE.frsl ffis qftrs+1FA:
Rahu in 10, 11,4, 5 is said to produce yoga.
Rahu in the tenth house is thus auspicious.
(There may be evil effects when Rahu is in the"5th as
malefics in Trikonas are not good).

Important Rules Regarding th.e loth. House

Rules ftom Sarwartha Chintamani

dQ ffiir
sefrffirrir qf(rr
If tlie lord of the tenth house is a benefrc and is in exaltation,
friendly or own vargas or in the shastyamsa of a
benefrc one acqulres good fame.
cTcndluflqEil*] qrfirE qaqrir

If there is the relation of evil planets and the lord of the
tenth house is weak or if it is placed in cruel shastyantsa,
gets bad reputation.

{qrBq @ aa6 a-ffir

EE-dq@ vE<rerfu1aq*qrr
If the tenth house is aspected by benefrc pranets and if
lord is aspected by Saturn, one has many senrants.

ffisfu qrfi Rrqrt fisv-erg,)r

rfri Weq*) {qcqqtsFqrrr
When Jnupiter is placed in the tenth house or a benefi.c
there, lorcltof tenth house has connection with benefics,
or is
placed between benefics, one understands and
acts according
to the intentions and wishes of another a3d is fu[ of prrde

mq*) qa mnq-ssfrqrr
rq'Ji srfr qrfrcrfi {.diit:tl
If the tenth house is related with benefic planets, and
lord is in own house or exaltation the per'on is
fuu of serfrespect and is firm in his resolve.

qv-{nffi$itqn; a.Crqq l* rr$r

crcffi vrrge vrrqryftsfril(1,


ProfessionThrough AstrologY

If Saturn or Suri aspected by evil planets, is in the tenth

house, one gets bad reputation. Same is the result when they
are in evil Amsas or between evil planets.

6fe +rgd ${-*f{tlsttt

soffiITffi tr+(rr
If the Moon is in Cancer aspectedby Jupiter or Venus and
in such Vargas as Paravata etc., one acquires good fame and

Frdt?rfi q+$r{a,Cildlgft qRr

If the lord of the secondhouse is united with the lord of the
tenth house, one becomeswealthY.

Chapter VI

Planetary Combinations and

This is given as stated by Varahamihira in Brihat Jataka

in Adhyaya XIV.


mechanic, sculptor.


clever, etpert,


cnrel, doing other's jobs.


dying, use ofweapons.


expert in metals, minerals

and the manufacture of vescls.



sale of drinks, pots etc.


eloquent in speech,expert in
interpretation, astrologer.


foremost in family, wealthy.


expert in cloth work.


merchant, an athlete.


a king, a person in charge of

a town.


cowherd, athlete, clever,


Profession Through Astrol ogY



sorrowful, liar, despised and



likes music, knows dance.


a cheat, disobedient.


clever in speech, a king,

Ieader of a group.


Iearned, having wealth,

wife, and virtues.


barber, potter, or a cook.

Some learned astrologers indicate the

professions for the planetary

police, military, factory, able


Sum-Mercury _

engineer, mathematician,
inspector, astrologer.


a teacher, judge, good phYsician.




magistrate, bank agent,



transport, women's hosPibal.


geology, coal, mines, dentist.


navy, employment in boiler

and eteam engines.


agent, engineering, cotton

trade, textiles (Moon rePre'
sents textiles, MercurY


auspicious Guru-Chandra

Planeta,ry Cotnbinations & Prolb s sions


yoga, minister, king, captain, etc.


petrol, scents, scented oil,

milk, music, paints.


kerosene, digger of wells.




mechanical engineer, paper

press, building construction,


(Jupiter indicates lawyer,

Mars criminal), criminal,
lawyer Judge, Bank agent,


music, musical instruments,

tailor,. leather
automobiles (Venus ie
Vahanakaraka and Mars


factory, chemist, operation,

hardware, steel, slaughter


mechanical engineer a great

officer, factory manager


government press, (Sungovernment, Mars--Machine, Mercury--printing)

government contractor.


: writer, mathematician, engineer, bank clerk, treasury


(Because Mercury indicates writing, mathematics; .IupiLer indicates bank, treasury).



good artiet, proficiency in literature, sanitary engineer,

drama-writing etc.


short hand writer, engineer,

stenographer, teacher.


employment in jail, here we

have to consider the lord of
the sign in which Rahu is
placed, and decide the occupation.


here also we have to consider the lord of the sign in

which Kethu is placed.


teacher, musician in religious line, cineactor'and a

poet too etc. etc. vary according to sign.


physician, broker, service in



tailor, leather workers.


police offrcer, or high ofEcer

in military.


mathematician, typewriter,
press, engineer, technician.


advocate, lawyer, accontant.


actor, dramatist,


engineer, photographer.


artist, poet, writer.


In the above cases it is not necessary that the planetc

should be combined together. what is intended is that

Chapter VII


of the Signs

_ The signs in which the lagnas (Janma lagna, Chandra

]agna or Surya lagna) fall or ih" horr""" of profession (10th
house from Lagna and the Moon) fall, do have
th"i, irrnu"r,""
profession. This influence of the signs
i" n Jt
modifred by positions, conjunctions,and aspectJof
th" pir""t"""
over these signs.
Therefore, it is very essential that one should
the significance of each sign as regards profession.
This information has been coilected from the books of great
(Western as well as Hindu) and
is presented here. In each case,
we give the significance of the sign mainly
regarding o"r,rpr_
tions and a few salient points regardingtnl
,riu"e oitf."
denoted by the twelve signs
L. Aries: Police, military service, land, place
where fire ie
used, hotels, soldiers, army office"r, .rr"g"orrs
etc. This sign
denotes persons who are ambitious, impulsive,
active aid
It is_a fiery sign, so it shows those occupations
where fire,
iron and metals are employed. Being a sign
of M""" m""h.rri"",
firemen, thieves, watch *1rcr, etc. are also
ruled by
2. Taurus: Farming gardening, flowere,
gl3l": milk, rice, cotton, ,ltt pUjis,
music, sugar, and

Influence of thz Signs


This is an earthy sign, so it can denote agricultural pur'

suits, corn dealers etc. As it is the second sign of the zodiac, it
indicates finance also.
This sign is said to represent house agents, brokers,
tresurers and company-managrs, also Venus ruling this sign
denotes, musicians, actors, dress makers etc. Taurus being a
feminine sign, indicates glrl schoolsalso.
3. Gemini: Writers, literary men, orators, inspectors,
salesmen, agents, contractors, engineering, transport, letters,
printing, postal service, journalism, school, electricity, ra{io,
wireless detectives, accountants, lecturers tutors, messengers'
etc. The distinguishing characteristic of this sign is intellect.
People under its influence are concerned with intellectual
This sign produces literary men, writers, detectives and
journalists as it is governed by Mercury.
It gives ability to follow more than one profession, as
Mercury gives plurality of interests, school teachers, profes'
sors, engineers, employeesin transport, secretaries, transla'
tors, editors, reporters, salesmen, guides, photographers, eta'
tionery dealers etc., are also indicated by this sign.
4. Cancer: Water supply, import-export, boats, navy, fisheries, tanks, wells, drainage etc., are said to be indicated by
this sign. Cancer makes one imaginative and inclined to public
life. As it is a watery sign it denotes sailors, and captains.
Cancer is a watery sign, so occupationsconnected with water
and other kinds of liquids are possible.Some other indications
are: Caterers, owners of restaurants, nurses, dealers in antiques, dealers in things obtained from water, teachers,
preachers, publisherq dealers in milk-products, orators, etc.
5. Leo: Government, mint, medicine, high positione in
government, stock exchange, gold mines, fire place, forests,
hills, palaces, castles etc., are denoted by this sign.
Being the 5th of the zodiac, it stands for amusements.
Thus it denotes actors and artists, places of amusement, gam-


profession'Ihrough A,sbolog

bling dens, race cource, dance hall, playgrounds are also eaid
to be governed by this sign.
6. Virgo: Mathematician, teacher, wnter, messenger, engineer, health department, books, letters, prints, journals,
hospitals, printers, engravers and education are some of the
indications of this sign.
Virgo gives artistic temperament. One becomesdexterous
in manual crafl"s. one has an inventive and curious nature. It
gives eloquence of speech also as it is ruled by Mercury. It
gives a taste for art anrr literaurrre. .rccording to some authorg
it denotes clothes, mercimnts of confectionery tnd bread also.
7. Libra: This sign is ruled by Venus. planes music, actor,
paints, cotton, jute, textiles, scents, soap, silver, sugar, salesman, liasion offrcer, legal profession, nursery, garden, furniture, sweets, judges, forest department etc., are indicated by
this sign.
Libra is most suited for buisness. It is a sign denoting
foresight and judgement.
Libra is an airy sign nled by Venue. When lagna or tenth
house falls in this sign, one may be a mueici"n, .i"lirr" offrcer
plyback etc.
Libra denotes valuers, money-changers and pawn-brokers
8. Scorpio: This sign is ruled by Mars. Chemicals, medical
department, insurance, medicines, drinks, boiler, dams, tea,
coffee, druggisr,s, doctors, chemists, boiler, water_supply,
butchers and druggists, are some of the items indicated uy irris
sign. Being a watery sign Scorpio denoteg naval sailors,
"h"m, istp, dealers in oils and spirits.
9. Sagittariue:
This sign is ruled by Jupiter. Banks,
schools, courts, temples. booksellers, treasury, church,
temples, lawyers, eSplorers_pne*sts,tmsties, advisers, those
who give lectures on scripturep#" .o-" of its indications. All
,these professions are related with Jupiter who is the ruler of

& t' .,t"

Planetary C.ornbinatiott:,

this sign.
'nithy, low jobs,
10. Capricorn: This sign indica'
service, walchmen, hard labour' mlrrci,'
ing, blue things, watchmen, jobs in
This sign gives authority and power' People born in this
sign think deeply errd are very practical and self-r'eliant in
They carfy out large undertakings.
Thfs signs is stated to denote political agents and ministers
1l.,Aquarius: Scientific pursuits, research work, inyentions, discoveries,limited companiesatomic theory, electricity,
etc. arb ruled by the sign of Aqriarius. The electricians,
company promorcrs and research workers are denoted by this
Electrical app[ances, dynamos, railway, bus, defence de'
partment, indusiry, dealings in metals are also governed by
this sign.
Ferries, bridges and aquatic products are also indicated by
Aquarius, as it ie a waterY sign.
12. Pisces: Pisces is a watery sign ruled by Jupiter' It
denotesfishery department, Iiquids, foreign trade, oils, rivers,
courts, priests, lawyers, diving operations, navigation, shipping, professors,bankers, etc.
Pisces indicates dealers in frsh, sea produce and those
connected with places of conlinement (becausePisces is the
12th sign of the Zodiac).

Chapter VIII

Planets in the 10th House

As told.earlier, planets pracedin the lOth houseexercise
strong influence on one'slife. They influencoone'sprofession,
moral qualities, sucoess,rank and status.
Mantreswara says:-

rqfu g'rr) qr nsdr+q qlit,

qfrf{ @d
qdi vrcEstr
when a beneficpranetis praoedin the tonth houseor
if the
lord of the tenth house is pLced in a Kendra or
a Thrikon"
house in own sign o1 e:raltation sign, or when the
lord of tln
!?Sr* ie posited in the tenth housione becomssvery famous.
He is engagedin meritoriousacts.He becomec
fortunate rike a
king and has a long leaseof life.

sdrafrwtrril nni q{ f,i qr crq

sr4 sFrcfdvtrrdg &rs-s g+tr vRr
*rqcqrcnrdfu frr5* drtg rrw3nffcf,
s{rMq< *gg q+ffs\.+rirrt: n
When the Sun or lWarsis placedin the 10th house,
one ig
very powerful and becomesa'faraourite of
the people. He
great things requiring much power. The lord
of the
tenth househas to be strong. when ueneno, aro plaed
he doeg
meritorioue deedsand is praisedby the virtuous. when

Planetein the 10th House


Saturn or Kethu is placed in the 10th houre, he Dmmits bad

betrvben two planets:Relation
i- rarars'riew)

{sil f{frffi?ildril fr: Adg P{rfil:I

ffiir qr fTe{ft:Tqrfirt tr*t tfrn:tt
Two planets get connected in five ways (i) When they
exchange signs, (ii) When they are placed together in a sign,
(iii) When they aspect tach other (iv) Whon t'hey are in Kendra
position with respect to each other (v).Whon they are in a
Thrikona position from one another.

Relatlon between two planets (Parasara's vierv)

TVo planetsget relatedin four ways(l) [he two may be
placed together in a particular houee (ii) they are placed
together in a sign (iii) the two planets might have interchanged their signs (iv) planet A may 5e situated in the sign of
B and be aspected by the planet B. These four kinds of relations are recognised in Parasara's system trnd require careful

of the planets while

ln the l0th horrse

In the following paiges, we glve the offcts of the nine

planets when placed in the 10th house frorn the lagna. But
thes results will definitely get modified actotding to the nature of the planet with reference to that ,*gna, (benefic,
malefic, yogakaraka, or neutral), the sign in which it is placed,
its strength, the star which it occupiee and so on. Coqjunctions, aspects, and exchange of sign with any other planet are
also to be noted for theee make the two plarrcta related to each

Planets ln the Tenth horrse

If the Sun ie plaed in the tenth houeoand ia strorg by



being in friendly sign, Moolathrikona or exaltation. It produces ho-:oursand successin life. One pts lratr,onageof highly
placed officials and noble men. It also denol,rx nruch successin
government circles and embassies.
The person enjoys good reputation and credit. He hris
steady success in his undertakinp. In nrlddle life, he may
expect honours and eminence.
Mantreswara says in Phaladeepika that if the Sun occupies the 10th house, the person will have sons, vehicles, intelligence wealth, strength and fame. He will be much praised
and will be powerful like a king.
Varahamihira says: 'guvtr4wq' d'
The person *ill r:ad a l^,irny life and will be very @urageous and powerful. Since the bun is Lho knraka for health, he
will enjoy good health and Iead life free frorn dieeases.

qnfr{ri ffi

ftff*wfra lffi


He will get wealth from hig liather and wlll be a per,sonof

good conduct. He will be learned in different branches of
studies, and will have a good reputation. Ho wlll be strongand
will be powerful like a king.
Saravali says:

sTffidfr rrqrdr.r+rrrcgg*erlEtr
fvgr+qrqt <vrisgq:lver{etl
When the Sun is plaed in the tenth house, one is very
intelligent, possessesall amenitiee and nratorial prosperity,
strength, w.ealth, conveyancee,relatives and sons. He succeeds
in his undertakinp. He is very courag@us, unaseailable and
Phaladeepika says:

One is blessed with sons, and conveyanceF,.He is praised

Plonets in the 10th House


by people. He has good intellect, wealth, strength and fame.

He will live like a king.
The Moon
The Moon in the tenth house shows auccess and completion of works undertaken. He will do good to others and will be
helpful to tbe virtuous. The good results mentioned are to be
understood as occrrrring when the Moon is etrong and free
from afflicted one's.
As the Moon is a female planet and indicates females,
women might be having some influence over him or his occupation. Or it may be that, as the Moon indicates mother, the
person may derive wealth from his mother.
As the Moon is a quick moving planet, it indicates many
changes in his occupation. The Moon is a watery planet. So it
may indicate voyages or wealth from travel to some foreign

q4q{: ffdrrnwq qrsTg{ql
gFftr<dtsc q{Ti An <tdrqMrfrn


lVhen the Moonis placedin the tenth house,one will be

free from grief, errcrdevotedto his dutiesand work, and will
have euccesain hig undertakings. He will be wealthy, purc,
strong, cruel and generous.



qd'r+fl{il*{il ffi I | - (BrihatJataka)

Jobe undertaken by him succeed.The person ie righteous,

and endowed with wealth, intellect and courage.
wA qqt qvnil

: tl
(Eil" gL)

When the Mmn is placed in the tenth house, one gets

wealth, ftrcd,dreee,ornaments,erfoys wines,luxury and arts.
In phaladeepika, Mantreswara says-

wl Rrcrr$qqfr {rf'mfuror: r

Prcfession Thrcugh Asbologr


The person meets with success in his undertakinp.

does good acts atrd is helpful to the virtuous.


The Moon givee a desire for public life. If the Moon is

strong and is a benefic, he pts fame and happiness.
As the Moon ie changeful, there can be many changes in
his life. Many yogas of travels are also shown. Change of
occupation is also said to be indicated. The Moon in the 10th
house gives popularity. One is engaged in publicbtrsiness or he
may be associated with women.
Or one may be a dealer in objects mled by the Moon. He is
much respected and esteemed. (e.9.: Mahatma Gandhi, Swami
Sivananda), provided the Moon is not afflicted.

{q srqatc. ui qtroqit
He gets happiness through his relatives. He will be a
righteous persnn, doing dharmic acts. (All the gmd results are
to be understood as occuringwhen the Mmn is strong). He will
be generous and kind. He may be a trustee of religious institu'
The person will be having many friends and succese will
come to him easily Grfr). He will be intelligent and active.
One may go on pilgrimages to holy places or rivers, Moon
represents water) or voyages.
As the Moon indieotes chonges, fluctuations inbusiness or
travellingare also indicated (particularly when the Moon may
be in a movable sign). As the Moon ig connected with ehipping,
travelling, public commoditiee, comlnon people, tvomen etc.'
the person may take to such profeesions.

q.ffgdt cvrf $q*:


ettn q+$*r

Vildtqldt $rt rilv-dgtri5qq rrefrrl

When Mars is placed in the tenth house,one is deroted to
hirs ocupation, very courageous,unassailable and gets sons


Planets in the 70th House

and happiness. He serves some important person. He is very

valourous and powerful.


I tq{il*Tr{dr

r Grihat Jataka)

The effects will be similar to thoeeof the Sun. One will be

very happy and courageous.
+Ttortq ar+i E nndt:gflrqrcrflrf,dcfufi:il fs6 q6;
People born with Mars ocupying the tenth house, are
renowned for their oourage,wealth, strength and power.
nqfr 1vfr: ait <m gtlFTsfi\ld:n (Mantreswara)
Mars in the 10th housemakes a personcruel, libera[ and
praised by impofiant people.
Mars in the lfth house,connectedfavourably with the 3rd
house, can give help and wealth through one's brothers or
matters ruled by Mars. Mars gives su@essin military life. If
Mars is strong here by being placed . in own sign,
moolathrikona or exaltation sign, Rucha.ha.malnyoga is produced. One becomeea great persnn.
Mars is Bhumikaraka. So it can give incpme through
lands, buildings etc.
Mars in the 10th houseshowssuccessin military life. One
may get money or favours thrcugh his brothers provided the
3rd house is favourable.
Westerners say that Mars in the 10th house shows dis'
credit. This is becausMars is an evil planet. The evil rceult ig
to be understood when it is afilictd.
Mars in the lfth house shows gtrifee and a quarrelsome
nature too. It gives desire for adrrenturesand conqueet. The
native will be lover of freedom.He likes to be independent.He
will take to someprofession indicated by Mars. Thus he can be
a soldier, surgeon, chemist, worher in iron and steel etc.
Mars is the Karaka for logic and sciene. One may exel in
these fields ifit is c'onnectedwith education.One book praises
Mars in the tenth housethus q<rdsfqq,r& : Errcn an ordinar;r



persron becomes powerful like a lion. So much power and

courage will be gven by Mars.
Mars indicates agriculture. So the person may be a farmer
or an agriculturist. Or he may be having employment in
factories. The jobs signified by Mars have already been discussed.
Mars is a fiery planet. One may be employed in a profession connected with fire (Bakery, factory) qr electricity or
electrical gpods.



vqrqfrffiCfu. qwrcril ffi
trr: vqs*& fRtlcg5fislilT glQll
.'' WhenMercuryis placedin the tenth house,onebecomes
in his
He succeeds
very inlelligent.He hasa lofty profession.
undertakinp. He is through and learned.He is courageous
and powerful.He gets variouskinds of decprations,(orna'
srfu(r gqsild"r{ drt (BrihatJatak)
The results are similar to thoseof the Sun. One gets
happinessand is courageous.
qrqnt s<gi srna frqr w?t ffio:|
WhenMercuryis placedin the tenth house,onebecomes
learned in many subjects.He becomesfamousand wealthy. He
has a jovial naturs.

firsnrq:gffur @:

dr r (n d.)

One meete with guctessln his undertakings. He is highly

learned.He is strongand lntellipnt. He is happy.He performs
gpoddeedsand is truthful.
One may be having many occupations as Mercury is for
plurality. It givesa taste for literature. Much su@essin trade,
agencieeand cpmmlssiottsis shown here.

Planets in the 10th Houee


One may follow a literar5r or a scholarly profession.

Mercury in own, moolathrikona, or exaltation signs produces Bhadra Mahayoga which makes the person a great
personality. This Yoga is found in the horoscopes of many
officers, intelligent men and learned people (e.g Ishwar
Chandra Vidyasagar).
A powerful Mercury makes one able, skilful,
smart, eloquent and clever.


If Mercury is afnicted it makes one artful, incompetent,

dull and even knavish.
Mercury is a planet of trade. When it is placed in the 10th
house, it is a good sign of guccessin business. (see Sri Dahnia's
As Mercury is a karaka for studies, proficienry in various
branches of learning is indicated. For instance one may be an
expert mathematician, eminent scientist, astrologer or an accountant. Example:
(i) Albert Einstein-eminent scientist.
(ii) Sri K.S. Krishnamurti-eminent


Mercury gives eloquence. One may be a powerful orator,

lawyer or a great professor. Mercury can give short journeys.
It can give mastery over several languages also.
Mercury produces literaqr and scientific tendencies. It
gives a taste for science, accounts, mathematics and law.
Mercury's professions are a@ountant, clerk, merchant,
lawyer, prlnter, teacher, traveller, sculptor, mathematician,
postman, messenger etc. One might take to any one of
such professions ruled by Mercury, when it signifies
Mercury rules over atnucements also. It makes one quick
and witty. It gives original talents.
Mercury rules writing. One may be a great writer also.

Prcfession Through Astrologt

fu{rr'an q-q; sq}qpq:ffi6T{l
{vrq{q frEIrJt !tr{$ffcrf,{qqtq{' | | (rsRqd)
One gets successin his undertakinp.He is highly respected.He has all amenities.He is clever.He is very prosperous.When Jupiter is placedin the tenth house,onegets much
happiness, wealth, relatives, coilreyanoesand fame.
eR:| (Brihat Jataka)
According to Varahamihira one becomesrrery wealthy,
when Jupiter is placedin the 10th house.
rTHnqdsqll (qlo slo)
fugnsq, TIIgd: q{ ffi
Onesucceedsin his undertakinp. His conductis noble.He
is dutiful and learned. He is very richFiltm: Uwn

ifta qffiq;

tt (Phaladeepika)

The person follows the right oourse of mnduct. He is

famousand very wealthy. He is a friend of the king.
Jupiter in the 10th house,showsa prosperousand happy
life. The personrises in his life and gains wealth. Honours,and
successcometo him.
Jupiter strong, in own house,moolathrikona,or exaltation
sign producesHannsam'ahayoga.The person becomesa great
personality. (e.g.Emperor Caesar.)
Strong Jupiter in the 10th houseensuressuc@ssin life.
He is honoured and held in high esteemby people.It gives
great prosperity provided it is not afflicted. The personholds a
high post. He attains eminene and glory in his profeseion.On
the whole, he has a happy and prosperous life. Many profeesors,judges,kings nobleshaveJupiter in the 10th house.Also
unafllicted Jupiter in the 10th house,makesthe personvirtu'
ous and of right conduct.He might be proficient in scriptures
too. He might do religious worships, sacrificial rites etc. As
Jupiter rules law one might be a successfullawyer, or a great
judge. The professionsruled by Jupiter are: minister, judge,


Planets in the 10th House

lawyer, priest, professor, banker, clothier, (provision dealer),

etc. He may be successful in any one of such profession.
Jupiter is Dhanakaraka. So one may be earning through
banking, interests, rents etc. This is more likely when it lus
connections with the 2nd or 1lth house as these houses also
denote money matters.

Jupiter in tenth houseindicatesthat the perstonis Brahmin. He worships gods,works as a teacher,preachesreligion
and follows the path of Puranas,Shastras,Vedas and logic.
Jupiter's placementin the 10th houseensuresmuch Successand prosperity. If Jupiter is strong and unafflicted, one
holds a prominent official position.

T5f,{+lrqfi sqr1rgrfr: @kl: ll
When Venue is placed in the tenth house, one is very
intelligent and famous. He has many friends, much happiness,
respect, wealth and fame. He possesses gardens, and all
I5,-d(. . . I ITIFI:| (Brihat Jataka)
ResulLs are similar to those of Jupiter. One becomes very

g* 64rqni o,dflEq r-iTdrdr @qfuft ft: er(rl (qL sL)

When Yenus is in the tenth house, one is a lord getting
wealth through agriculturist, or ladies.
Mantreswara says:
ltrysl6qvr3 Ve{Wtgfrn

{!tt I (Phaladeepika)

The person becomeswidely renowned. He has many

friends. He will be a lord and has a pleasantprofeesion.



Venus in the 10th housegives taste for arts. One will be

successfulin poetry,musicor drama.Much success,happiness
and honours are indicated.StrongVenus in the tenth house,
producesMalauya Mahayoga the results of which will be
exemplary. This Yoga occurs when Venus is in a Kendra
position identical with its own sign, Moolathrikona sign or
exaltation sign.
dqF,T{rqrfrir-dcn: etlir+'n4FFrilq{r6q: I

omrgdfrfrrfu fu $, gt {Fqrril:KsTtl
- When Venus is placedin the 10th house,the person is very
fortunate. Honourspour in. He is clean.He is particular about
bathing, worship and meditation. He is wealthy. He is very
affectionatetowards his wife and children.
Westernerssay that Venus in the 10th housegivesa power
of prophecy.Venus being the karaka for poetry, music, or
drama, onegets much succssl
in these.Venus is a beneficnext
only to Jupiter. So it gives a happy life, and honours to the
Venus beinga beneflc,denotessuc@asin liG when placed
in the 10th house. It promotesthe beneficial matters denoted
by the 1fth house. It gives promotionsin the profession.If
Venus is not afnided, he will be sincere.There may be gains
through his wife. One leads a merry life. As Venus denotes
ladies, one may have the patronageof ladies too.
When it is in the 10th houseone may take to the professions of Venus.One may be an artist, jeweller, maker olaress
or a perfumer.
Also one will be amiable, affectionate, charitable, scial
and fond of erfo;rmente as he will be under the influence of
jewellery and fine drees.It is the
Karaka for vehicles.sarwartha chintamani saysthat venus in
the-10th hopseduring its period,givesmuch wealth, learning,
luck and goodfame. It givesvehicles,dress,jewellery, wealtl
and all types of bappiness.


Plottcts in thc 10th Howe

Venus is a karaka for precious stones.

Venus is connecidwlth law also. One may be a sales tax
or incone tax practitioner, lawyer or judge. Venus is a watery
planet. So the profeeelon may be connected with watery
thingn, 1nrfumee, flowers etc. Venus can also indicate trade in
the items signified by lt euch as perfumes,jewels, conveyan@
dm etc.

{rdq mt v1! qql il w-qqrrdetfir
qvrq{t {ffi

qtt (Saravali)

When Saturn is placedin the tenth house,one is rich aud

learned.He is courageous.He may be a minister or a punishingauthority. Onemqy be a leaderof a group,city, or a village.
rrR rEt {vrqn qft q"sqilf cffi Trfi frsgfrer{Ts E(: r
When Saturn is placedin the tenth house,one is a punishing authority. He is wealthy, oourageousand important in his
Mantreswara sa5rs:

q?it qr 1qfrdfrgfrvt: {I{: cmsdrr

Ttre person is a mlnietr or a king. He is much wealthy. He
may be engagedin agriculture. He is very brave and famous.
Saturn in the 10th house,no doubt, is good and gives a
ridi. But as it is amalefic, it can createtrouble too.Westerners
say that it gives a rise followed by a downfall. It may ruin
businessmattenstoo. But, if it is strong there, in own house,
moolathrikona or exaltation, Sasa malznyogowiil be caused
and the person will occupya high position.Amicted Saturn
can bring dishonour,fallure, defeat etc., to the person.
B^ahu in the tenth houset
Mantreowara says:
eild, wgAr:r6r4ftm:


lbe person becomesfbmous. He has few issues. He en-



gageshimself in othere'buginess.He will not do gmd acts but

is fearless. Other works (like Bhavartha Ratnakara) say that
Rahu is gpod in the tenth house.Vaidyanathg Dikshita says:


ffidt uri rt qtFrdri! lfr{;a': wrilr

One becomesclever ln etealing. One is deroid of good

conduct.But one will have a liking for wansand strifes. d"t.rally, the sign in which Rahu is placed, its conjunction and
aspectsit receivesdeterminethe results.
Rahu in the 10th house,if strong, gives power. One is arr
administrator. He may be cruel.'He becomsfamous and successful particularly in the later part of life. one aspires for
promotion and rise in his car@r.
Kethu in the tenth house:
Mantreswara says:

He experiences obstacles in the performance of good acts.
He is impure. He does deplorable and lowly acts. H-e is energetic, bold and widely ronowned. Vaidyanatha Dikshita says:

iFrFFrrfi: y{sffl'I{u{:

s fsftqfr:r
IKI?FI: q{tft

q Ar&rr

When Kethu is placed In the tenth house, one is learned,

strong, proficient in sculpture and arts, has self realisation,
loves mankind, has inimlcal activity, ptrlegmatic in nature, a
leader among the brave, and travels always.
As in the case of Rahu, we harrc to consider the nature of
the sign, conjunction and aspects.
. .One might change one'sjob. If the tenth house is aspected
by its own lord or benefics, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, ,""*i"g
Moon, and its lord is also plaed in Kendras or-Konas it
becomes strong. Benefics o' either side of the tenth house
would cause Subhakarthari yoga and render it strong.
. Note which planets are placed in the lOth house, or aspect
it or its lord. This should be done from Lagna


Plancts in the 10th House

lagna. Similarly the planets onjoined with the lord of the 10th
house, should also be considered. They have definite influence
on the profession. This may be done with the house 2 & 6 also.
Then, we will know all about his income, wealth and profession.

Some combinations

and their indications

1. Mars & Jupiter

post in police.

2. Mars & Mercury


3. Mercury & Venus

engineer, photographer, artist.

4. Venus & Moon

actor, dramatist, cinema director.

5. Moon & Jupiter

a very favourable yoga for

much wealth. (This is called
GuruChandra yogp.)


told ln Brihat


$filqrd gtc W dqtffiffiqatr
7r ar+rftnr++rdFnd{Forcq'13{
d6qgi rffir qt$$fld qrrsr;rRg qr| | (xrV-D

Manufaeture of various instruments,

and machines,one working on stoneg.


Sinful, doing bad acts.


Nipuna yoga, intelligent, fiamousand





professionsconnectedwith stage, or


work connected with minerals,

metals,or manufactureof vessels,pots



dealtnp in strategies, liquor, women



pleasantspeech,goodfame, luck.


courageous, important in family,



trade in cloth.


trader, merchant.


an offtcer,an administrator etc.

Jupiter-Mercury -

an actor, musician, a dancer.


eloquent,expertin law and dealings,

land lord.


Effects of planets in l0th horrse

from Qfuandra lagna:
Saravali devotesa separatechapter 33rd for discussingthe
effectsproducedwhen different planets are placedin the tenth
housefrom Chandra lagna.This is summarisedbelow:(1) Szn: successful,wealthy, powerful, healthy.
(2) Mars: brave, passionate,cruel, bad conduct.
(3) Mercury.' learned, well-read, wealthy, Iiamous,artist,
(4) Jupiter: succeesful,virtuous, wealthy, nobleconduct,a
minister, famous.
(6) Venus: fortunate, handsome,wealthy, successful,re'
spectedby the king.
(6) Saturn: Sickly, poor,sorrowfull, issueless.
Thus the effects of Saturn and Mars in the tenth house
from the Moorrare told ag bad. But, placementof beneficsin
the tenth housefrom the Moonwill cause'Amala yoga."

Planets in the 10th House




When the planets cometo the tenth placefrom the Moon,

the following results are stated to happen:<flc'lE+rq,{fufa xtqr (Mihira)

(L)The Sun:_qqErr*qq

The Sun in the 10th place gives victory and accomplishment of all work.
(2) The Moon:-Rtqqqi

qilqniqfuf;fant{vwfr| r Mihira)

Accomplishmentof one'sundertakinp and fame.

\3) Mors:-qflqTfrrt

Tc qdir r

Mars causesneither goodnor bad.

(4) Mer-cury:- +,CrA frga tr+<wr
Mercury in thel0th, destroysenemiesand gives wealth.
(5) Jupiter:-

TI|FFFFIwr6l RI&l: I

Jupiter spoils position, health and wealth in the 10th

(6) Venus:- q$isfirl

o,'wq i{qqrsFrilefitufi

c<t llqir

A person suffers dishonour and is involved in quarrels

even though he keepsrestraint over his words.




The persongets a new job, losesrvealth,fame and learning.

Rahu: In phaladeepika, it is statdd dfrat Rahu produces
gains in the 10th house.
Effects of the lords
in the tenth house

of different



SageParasara, has given, in his Brihat Parashara Hora

Sastra the effectswhich will be producedwhen the lord of the
tenth house is placedin the various housesLagna etc. Sap



Satyacharya has given detalls regarding this, in his Satya

Samhita. These are given below for the sake of guidance. One
need not take them too very literally but they may take them
as guiding principles.

tT'+i q{ri qn. fq{drqsckd: I

Tcqrdtqi src: {qrreradtq r{rqrl
When the lord of the Lagna is placed in the tenth house,
one gets happiness through his fiather. He is respected by
kings and famous among people. He earns money through his
own effort. There is no doubt about this.
Notes: Satyacharya says that if the lord of lagna is placed
in the 10th house and has a beneficial yoga, the native will be
very famous, have his own kingdom and have the occupation
of the lord of the tenth house. Malefic yoga will spoil the


qrd: qT* rnfi q cFrsil: I

qg<Rq+ft:fqsq 5xg@a: tt
When the lord of the secondhouse is placed in the tenth
house, one is passionate,proud, and learned. He has many
wives and derives much wealth. He mav not derive much
happinesethrough hls children.
Notes: Satyacharya eayethat when the lord of the second
houseis placedin the tenth house,having a beneficyoga there
will be accrrmulationof wealththrough religiousrites, service,
and profession ruled by the planet.

q{r} vf,dr?fri rffi flq-aE q{1

Tz|gwffidf,te Suzr*q{i 13:rr

If the lord of the third houseis placedin the tenth house,

one has gains through trade. He earns money by his own
effort. He keepsa bad \ /oman.
Satyacharyasays that the native's brothers will be famous
and will o-operate with the native in his businessand trade.
When there ig a beneflc yoga.If there is a Misra yoga, inetead

Plonetein the 10th House


of Subhayoga, the effects will be of mixed nature.

gdi 64qrs'{ri{rqrrr$ li q*S.r

t$Tfri gufrcrfi q*q qd'gqrka: rr
If the lord of the 4th house is placed in the tenth house, the
person is respected even by kinp. He is dqvoted to gods,
virtuous and full of self-respect. He is endowed with happiness
of every kind.
Sage Satyacharya says that if there is a benefic yoga, the
native will be a lord, will have name and fame through lands,
and learning. Malefic yoga will make him sell his lands; reputation and honours will euffer.

gii {Fqqq{q {rqdFilfr qnilr

oTis'V*.fr q ercffi;ftt q*(rr
If the lord of the fifth houseis placedin the tenth house,
there arises aRajayoga. He has eqioymentsof many kinds. He
has a good reputation.
Satyacharya says that the persnn will possess vast extent
of lands, construct temples, and perform sacrifices. If associated with the Sun, the netlve will do clerical work.

s+fi syrt qd wtqq3giqt+5d:

srqiFTcftgdil trttr q gd t'dqrr
If the lord of the 6th houseis placedin the 10thhouse,the
personis prominentin his family.Hemaynot bedevotedto his
fiather. He gets happiness in a foreign land.
Satyacharya says that if there is a benefic yoga, the native
indulges in bad or cruel deeds. He will pretend to be orthodox.
If there be a Misra yoga, the occupa.tiondeclines. If there is a
malefic yoga the natirre will have a sinful avocation.

qfui q,.Arflq{+{rgnTrqr
wl t146
wgflR rT!f<t:
If the lord of the ?th houe ie placed in the 10th house, wife



may not be obedient. The person will be righteous and will be

engaged in meritorioue deeds. He is endowed with wealth and
Satyacharya says that lf the lord of the seventh house is
placed in the tenth houee, having a benefic yoga, the native's
wife will attend him well. He may be empolyed in a foreign
land. He may go from place to place for a living. If there irga
Misra yoga, the results will be mixed.

r*)i qCqr*d firgCffia:r

frgl; oCdnw qR +s $ftliu
lVhen the lord of the elghth house is placedin the tenth
house, he does not derlve happinessfrom his father. He is
miserly and jobless. This will be so, if there is no aspect of
benefici.n the lord of the 8th hcuse.
qr,riq'i r+,,q1rl qrfr rtq6e dTTrI:r
5;n r|qffi
1qqt;( q., alfti: li
When the lord of the 9th house is placed in the tenth
house,the person born ie a king or equal to a king. He may
becomea minister or a commander-in-chief.
He is virtuous and
respectedby the people.
Placementof the lord of the 9tf housein the 10th houe6
constitutes a Rajayoga.It will becomepowerful accordingto
the strength of the planet and aspect of other auspicious
planets. Satyacharya says that he will do charitable deeds,
yogEsetc. He may be a mlnlster or a wealthy peronof name
and farne.
q,{fr q,4qT-d{t}qffirrg: gdtl
f#Ffr rretttir q T$rfisrd ;R: tl
When the lord of the tenth house is placed in its own
house, the person is an expert in his accupation. He leads
a happy life. He is courageousand does brave deeds. He
is honest and always speaks truth. He is devoted to elderr
ond preceptors.

Pbrute in tle I@h Houe


Satyadraraya sa1'cthat when there is a benefic yoga, he

mldlt follow the profmion of the planet.
_Notee: Exoept Sun and Moon, other planets will give rise
mahapururha yogawhich will produce eiremely
beneficial results.


Wc-dr 1urkfl: I

lilhen the lord of the eleventh houseis placed in the tenth
Itor!", he is respectedeven by kinge. He has many virtues and
is devotd to his duty. He te intelligent, truthful and has
control orrcr his sences.
satyacharya says that rf the lord of the eleventh house is
plaoed in the tenth house has a beneficyoga, the native will
have some gain ftom trade or from retjoii
servics such as
performance of yogas.

qai rrqqqrE edr rrqnm*qr

@sfr grd aq srFTlsR qrqtrr
If the lord of the-lfth houseis placedin the tenth house,
he may incrr o<penditurcthrough ih" king (government.He
may harreto pay fineg or taxes to the government). He derives
very little happinee fbom hle father.
Now we will conslder ellbcts which arise when the lord of
the tenth house is placed rn dilferent house. The matters
signified by the two hotrre are to be combinedand the pred.iction is giuen. Westernem aleojudge in this way:
When the lord of the lOth houseis placedin the lagna, one
gets suces thrcugh one'gown merit and industrious-efiorts.
. _If it is plamd in the 2nd house, it denotesgains through
induetry, trade, and occupation.
In the third house,lt nray denotehonoursthrough writing,
respct nmoDgrelatives and neighbours.
ID tb forrth house, it denotes gains through lands and



In the 5th house,it indicateshonours to children and gains
through speculation,pleasureofsports or stage.
In the 6th house, it denotesgain through service,healing'
army navy etc.
In the 7th house,it denotesgains through lrawsuits, public
dealinp, marriage or partnershipo.
In the 8th house, it showsgains through estates, legacies
insurane, etc.
In the 9th house, it showegains through learning, writing
publishing, researchetc.
In the 10th house, lt denotesgains and ho:rours through
In the 11th house, it denotes mudr foftune and gains
through friends.

In the 12th house it denotes loes of offie, honour and

difliculties. In this way, onoshouldjudge.

Effects of the lord of the loth

in variorrs horrseg aE told tn
Brihat Parashara


qfrfi dr{n qr& fr6q srfr trfi qfr: r

End tt'fr gd wsr( trt{kRi Ritl

If th" lord of the 10th houseis placed in lagna, the native

will be learned, famous, and wealthy. He might have poetic
talent. He is sickly in early age.In later years gets happiness.
His wealth increasesevery day.
{qnr trflq}

$TqR tt;rd5d:r

{qqrs qEr;rr{rtfrnRgs$ga:rr
If the lord of the 10th houseis placedin the 2nd house,he
is wealthy and respectedby the king. He ie generousand gets
happineesthrough hle father.


Planets in the 10th House

o,fr\ {'6q qrdtur{rlergFail:

gqsqn qrrff *rstd n:rr
Ifthe lord ofthe 10th house be placed in the 3rd house, one
gets happiness throggh hls brother. He is valorous, and full of
virtues. He irseloquent and trutMul.

cffi Vqq{q gd rrqtri ra:r

Wcn r1aqnfr1l
If the lord of the 10th houeeis placedin the 4th houseone
is happy. He derives happlnessthrough his mother. He gets
conveyances,landed property, virtuous and wealthy.

o+it Vcqr++q
v+< ddgdt tr{qq g*er<fru


If the lord of the 10th house is placed in the 5th house, the
peftron is proficient in all branches of learning. He is ever
happy.He is wealthy and has sons.

e.+i ftgrrrq{q frfdrqtdqffid: I

TEisft qtdl: yrAFr:vR*kntl
If the lord of the tenth house is placedin the 6th house,he
does not derive much happiness from his father. Though
clever, he is not wealthy, and is troubled by enemies.

{rqi <Rrltq{i qnir qrcgqrkd: r

FTd gurq qrrfr qrqqCrd:rr

If the lord of the tenth house is in the 7th house he gets

happinessthrough his wlves.
He is virtuous, has good power of speechand devotes to
truth and dharma.
6di Tirqrd{q 6{'fr'+ q+fl: I
{qigturd qn: qrf+q y{rru: tl
When the lord of the 10th houseis in the 8th houee,one ie
without an occupation.He ls longlivedbut talks ill of others.

Prcfe s sion' Thtough Astrclogt

qrqtr qnit nil rtq!frilsq: I

q{5Tlffigd: rt
When the lord of thel0th houseis placedin the 9th house,
one born in royal family, surely becpmesa king. One born in
other family becomesequal to a king. He is endowed with
wealth and sons.
q,ft] {qqrq{P) v#q-g; gdil1
{rdFFFTs T{qfuTd ;R: tl
When the lord of the 10th house is placed in the lfth
house, the person is an expert in all actions. He is happy,
courageous,truthful and devotedto his elders.
TF+fi flrrqm{q ffi1 q-agqfaa: t

E{-cqWqirsrfr rrertriu,v<r Sdrt

When the lord of the 10th house is placed in the 11th
house, the person has much wealth and happiness.He is ever
cheerful, virtuous, truthful, and remains happy always.

qqqrde} traq nq$ qq;l

Yr{frfi rrq fid vgaqrft f"Ftnt:ll

If the lord of the lfth houeeis placed in the l2th house,he
incurs e:rpenditure through the king (government).There is
fear frcm his enemies.Even thouglr clever, he remains worried
by another benefic, say Mercury as the lord of another auspicious houseor by both.


ln SatSra Sarnfo1lat

Satya-Samhita is a very important work in Astrolory.

.It is consideredto be the basis of Dhruva Nadi. It gives
very many important rules.
Satyacharya.asks us to consider the strength of the tenth
house and its lord: The etrength is judged by the rasi and
Navamsha in which the lord of the tenth house is situated.

the strength

of the lord nf +ho qtor in whinh thc Inrl

Plnnetsin the 10thHouse


of the 10th houseis placed,alsoshouldbe considered.Then the

casteand age ofthe personghould be considered.
If the lord of the 10th houseis placedin beneficrasi, amsa
and star, and has subha karthari yoga, (i.e., placed between
benefics) or is aspected by benefics or is in own rasi,
Moolathrikona or exaltation signs the professionwill bring
good fortune to him. If it is moderately strong, moderate
fortune is indicated.If it is nery weak, incomefrom profession
will be small.
Then one has to ascrtain the yogakaraka for profession
i.e., significator for profession. (Planet placed in the tenth
house,its lord planets ruling the navamshain which the lord
of the tenth houseis placed).
If the Sun is the yogakarakafor profession,and is situated
in the 10th house,the pereonwill be employedin government
If such a Sun is aspectedby Jupiter the native will be in
If such a Sun is aspectedby or associatedwith Saturn, he
will be in a low service.
If it is associatedwith Rahu, he might be serving a low
caste (Mlechchha)ruler.
If this Sun is associatdwith Venus he will be serving
under a queen.
If this Sun is assoclatedwith Mars, he will be a chief of
If the Sun is associatedwith Moon, he will be working in
the salt department.(.' Salt is indicatedby the Moon).
If the Sun is conjoinedwith Merculy, he will be in judicial
The pay will be in proportion to the associationand aepect
of benefic planets.
Satyacharya further glves the following as the services

PrcfuesionThrcugh Astrclogt

indicated by the planets.


clerical work


work in treasury



Mercury -

president of private bodies and panchayats


private secretaryof king, guide, councillor,





Punishlng authoritY


punishment,imprisonment,killing etc.


and sl gnlficators

The following observationsare not only supportedby As'

trological principles, but are based on actual studies, and
statistical considerations.This will be of interest to the readers.
L. Artists: The signs Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius are
favourable. (Janmalagna,Chandralagna,Suryalagna fall in
these).Venus or Mercury is generally very prominent. Mer'
cury gives clear thinking power and manual dexterity. Mars
gives creative ability. Venus channelisesthis creative ability
into art. Venus gives the ability to feel beauty' Favourable
aspectsbetween the Moon & Venus, Moon & Mercury, Mars
.nd Moott, Mars and Mercury are present.
2. Architects.'Leo,Scorplo,Cancer,Virgo and Libra are the
signs favourablefor the three lagnas to fall in.
Saturn is most pomlnent,as it rules structures and plan'
ning. Mars and Mercury ehouldbe also favourable.
9. Athtete: The signe of Virgo and Sagittarius are found
most favourable.
Mars and jupiter are prominent.Next comesMercury too.
First houseand Fifth housereceivefavourableaspects.

Planetsin the 10th House


4. Dentist:Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn & Mars wenepnomi'

nent in L007oof the charts. 6th house was found active in a
large mqjority of the chartg. Saturn rules teeth. Mars is fbr
surgery. Mercury ruleg dexterity of hands & Jupiter for suc'
cessin profession.6th housdenotesailments.
5. Auioter: Neptune and Mars are prominent. The third
house and the 9th houewere active. Neptune is the planet
ruling this vocationaccordingto Westerners.
6. Astrologer.'WegternersconsiderUranus to be the planet
rulingAstrologr. Mercury should be prominent. Mars in close
aspect of Mercury givee mathematical ability.
7. Book keeper:The sign of Libra is favourable. The 8th
housewas found strong whlle the 3rd houserather weak. This
being a laborioug work and requires alertnessand preci3ion,
favourable Saturn and Mercury are also required. The reason
for the influenceof 8th housemay be that the book keeperhas
to deal with others' money.
8. Chemist:The signsLeo,Virgo and Libra are favourable'
Saturn should be prominent.Mars and Mercury shouldbe also
favourable.Sixth houeshould be active.
9. Dancer: The signs Leo and Virgo are favourable,Venus
should be prominent. Moon, Mars, Mercury should be also
favourable. First and fifth houses should be active. Venus
rules harmony and grace. Moon rules tune. Mars gives
strength and muscular power for dancing. Mercury girresthe
memorising capacity. The first houserules the personality'
The fifth house is for entertaining.
L0.Doctor: Mars ghouldbe prominent. Mars gives skill in
surgery and giving medicinos.FavourableJupiter would give
him patronage,6th & 12th houseswere found active as they
rule sicknessand sick roolnn.
LL.Draftsmen: In almoet all the horoscopps,Mercury and
Venus were prominent, Mars coming next. Third houee was
found active. Mercury giveelntellectual ability, Mars the necessary mechanicalski[ and Venus the ertistic ability. Draft'


ing, and writing are ruled by the Brd hous.

L2. Electri.cion..Mercury and Mars wer found prominent
in a large majority of the horoscopes.Merctrry grve the neo.
sary intellectual ability whlle Mars givee the neceea;y l\[echanical ability. Mars is the planet ruling energ/ and as such
rules electricity also.
18.Engincer The sign of Leo was found highly favourable.
Mars and Saturn were found prominent. Saturn gives foresight and the ability to plan. Mars rules creatirrcand cpnstructive work.
L4.Fanner: Saturn war found prominent. Saturn denotee
hard monotonous labour, Bnd it is rightly considered the
planet of farmers. In many, the Moon was aleo found prominent. The 4th houseshould be active. The Moon is the ruler of
nutritions. The 4th houserules land.
15. Lanayer:The signs of [.eo, Libra" and Sagittarius ar
found favourable.The nlnth house was found active. Saturn
and Mercury were found actlve,Jupiter comingnext. Saturn
rules hard laborious work. Mercury gives intellectual ability
and power of speech. Jupiter is the planet ruling law and
L6.Machinisr; Mars wag found prominent (gg%),Saturn
(:98E)ald Mercury (967')next in order. Scorpioand Leo were
found favourable signs. Saturn inclines to laborious gpe of
work. Merctrry gives intelligence and alertness required for
repair work etc.
17. Mouie Actor: Mars was found prominent. Then Mercury and Venus. Fifth houswas found activ. Next to this wag
the lst house.Energetic personality, which ie a requisite, irs
grven by Mars. Mercury gives the necessaryability. Venus is
the planet ofgrace, beauty and fine drese.
18.Musicians.. Moon war found prominent, then only Venus. 5th house was found acti'e. Virgo, dquarius, ana pieffi
were found favourable dgns. To becomea musician, one requires patiene, and yearr of hard practice. This is supplied by

Planets in the 10th Houae


a prominent Saturn. Tlme, tune, and a sense of rhythm are

provided by the Moon.
L9. Nurse: Here also Moon and Mars were found prominent. In most of them 6th house was found to be active. In
about 957oof the horoscopos, 12th house was also active. The
profession of nursing ls mainly ruled by the Moon. Mars
denotes active work, looking after the sick and treating them.
Sickness is ruled by 6th house. 12th house denotes confinement. So these are prominent in the horoscope of a nurse.
20. Policernan: It was observed that in almost 1007oof the
charts analysed, Saturn and Mars were prominent. Saturn
has the authority for irnposing punishments. Twelfth house
was found active in almost all of them. The job of a policer.nan
is a laborious one as he has to follow the criminal till he is
captured. Saturn is the planet of strict justice. Mars gives the
necessary @urage and darlng.
In fact, law-enforcement oflicers, policemen and soldiers
are ruled by Mars. 12th houee indicates criminals, who are the
secret enemies of the eoclety, and also their place of confinement.
2L, Politicians.'In the oharts analysed, Sun was prominent
in 100% of them, Mercury ln 86Vo and next Jupiter, tenth
house was active in all of them. Sun gives the necessary
authority to exereise authority. Sun rules leadership. Mercury
gives shrewdness and ablllty to befriend people. Jupiter gives
high positions, respectabillty and the ability to help people.
Tenth house relates to public life, administration and business. So it is right that these ghould be prominent.
22. Salesrnan: In almost all of the charts analysed Jupiter
was found prominent & Morcury next. Ability to entertain
people, securing their goodwill and winning their liavour is
grven by Jupiter. Abillty to express oneself clearly, glibness of
tongue and sharp intellect are provided by Mercury. Moreover
it should be noted that Juplter rules financial matters while
Mercury is the planet of trade. If the Moon ig well aspectd,
one takes to sellinggrocerlee, beverages,and things needed by



the commonpeople.If Venus is well aspected,one gets luck

through selling jewelley, artistic things, articles worn by
women,clothing etc.
23. Teacher:The Sun,the Moonor the Ascendantfalling in
Gemini,Virgo, or Sagittarius appearsto be favourablefor this
profession.The ninth housewas found active, and next to it,
the frfth house.
A rough


to determine

one's incorrre

The years allotted to the planets Sun on wards are:

L9,25, L5, L2, L5,2I,20 yearswhen they are at the highest
point of e:<altation1qlieu;
At their extrme debilitation pornts,theseare:
9uz, I2Uz,7u2,6,'l %,,L0l/2,,LO.
Find out the strongostplanet amongthe loro of the tenth
house,that omupyingthe tenth house,or near the tenth house
and the year it has to contribute.(This is to be worked out by
the rule of three, accordingto the true longitudeof the planet).
This number is to be rnultipliedby 10, 100, 1000,10000
accordingas the horoecopehas (i) dridra (poverty; yoga (ii)
ordinary Dhana yoga (iii ) powerfulDhanayogaor (iv) extreme
The resulting number indicatesthe income.
The influence

of the slgns

- The signs where the aecendant,tenth house,Surya l"gnq

Chandralagna haveto be noted.Also it is to be seenwhat kind
of signs the majority of the planets occupy.
The significations of the planets and signs have to be
harmoniously synthesieed.This art comestlrrough constant
practice, logical reasoningand intuition,
For example,if Mercury lg in the tenth house,or be in the
Surya lagna it denoteemuch writing work.

Plonetein the 10thHouse


The nature of the signs has to be given great consideration. Great writers on the subjectsay that airy signs (Gemini,
Libra, Aquarius) show much literary work. The fiery signs
(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) denotemachineryand occupationsin
which ftre, iron, and metals are used.
The earthy signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) show work
connectedwith earth, agriculture, trade of corn, labour, healy
work, gardening, building, carpentary and masonarSl.
The airy signs (Gemlni,LibraAquarius) are termed scientific signs. They only indicate literary work, mental occupa'
tions, interest in scientiflc studies, and shop-keepingetc. The
sign Scoropio produces doctors, physicians and chemists.
Wherea.sthe sign Ariee denotesconnectionwith Army.
The watery signs Caner, Piscesand Scorpioproduce those
connectedwith public work and water. It producespublicans,
sailors, merchants of wine and those who deal in liquids'
Also the signs Ariee, Leo and Sagittarius have connec'
tion with army and dangprous pursuits. Virgo and Sagittarius indicate messengers,dealers booksellersand printers
Westerners recommendanother method. Note in which
type of signs majority of the planets are situated: movable,
fixed or common.
(1) If the majority of the planets are found in movable
signe, it makes one very energeticand actirre,ambitious and
hard working. He may be a leader, inventor, pioneer, a good
organiser or a good buglness man.
(Examle: C'andhdl's horoecope:5 planeti.r are in Chara
(2) If the m4iority of the planets are in fixed sigrs, it
denoteeplain, rigid nature. Onebecomespatient and steadfast
and follows the rulee of descipline. They are successful in
government service, and other well established occupations
requirlng etrict disclpline (euchas thoseof physicians etc).

Chapter IX

Dasha-Bhukthi PrinciPles
A planet producresduring its dasha the effects of the house in
*,t i"tr it is placed, the houses it owns and the house which
aspects and the effects of combination with other planets"

qTq{qnrdrsq}ilfrsq rrtsd ns fu


The houses 2 and6 ere respectively 5th and 9th from the
10th house. So their lords, as also planets should also do good

o.{Tr*a qwr'tTra'cl qiflfffidi{s{l

The planets owning the 10th house, placed in the L0th

house, the karakas will produce favour of the king, promote
the indications of the tenth house, provided they are not
afllicted and are strong. In the dasha and Bhukthi of the lord
of the 10th house, one gets opportunity to do meritorious
The planets in the llth house, during their periods and
subperiods also will produce gains. So also the planets in the
2nd house and owningthe 2nd house.
The Dasha Bhukthi principles should be studied from
Phaladeepika, Laghu Parasari, Jataka Parijata and other
standard text books. We quote here only those relating to the

qT+ikfqqrqhfr q-d qrai qflrqrfq6l1


ProfessionThrough Astrologr

So, we have to consider planets placed in the tenth house,

the lord of the tenth house, planets associated with these
aspecting these and consider their Dasha-Bhtrkthi periods.

qffidcroqgHr il*s Rrtr E"-qtfiql

!frffi yffi T'wtc-{faqrffi sdc+ftnqr{rl
During the Da-shaof the lord of the 10th house the person
concerned will successfully complete any undertaking commenced by him. He will lead a happy life. He becpmesfamous
and gets a permanent position. He commands great respect.
All the good results are to be understood, when the planet is
strong and has benefic aspects, influence of benefics. Otherwise results will be different.
Example: A certain person gets employment in RahuKetu period. Rahu was aspected by the lord of 10th house
Jupiter. Moon was conjoined with the lord of the 10th house.
In the sign of the Moon, Kethu was placed. The nodes become
stronger than the planets when they are aspected or when
they are placed in the signs of a planet.
Thus, due care is to be given to the planets conjoined and
aspected by the lord ofthe tenth house.
In another horoscope, a person gets appointment during
Rahu Dasha, Jupiter Bhukthi. Rahu was placed in 6th house,
in the sign of Mercury which was in the 10th house. And
Jupiter was placed in the star of the tenth lord.
Thus we find that of the Dasha lord and Bhukthi lord are
connected with 10th lord, even at the time of getting employment.
Similarly the lord of 2nd house, the planets placed in the
second house, planets assoclated with the lord of second house
have to be considered. Also we should consider planets
aspecting these. AU theee, in their periods and suu-periods can
give wealth. See:

rrnqqrd.eqdsqq{trqd fffi wqqfrq: r

@ffrl errdrqifdx,+onffirc*,-driTf,rEl

Dosho-Bhukthi Principles


Also it is an established fact supported by ancient works

that planets during their dasha.sgive the effects of the planete
in whose stars they are placed. Thus Jupiter when placed in
the star ofthe lord ofthe 10th house, can give results relating
to the 10th house.

{rqdrqrfrrqi{Ivqqq*lr qR ffir
erlrftffiflnfira rtq4irftqffisr (8.R.)
If there is a relationbetweenthe tenth house,and the lord
of the eleventh house, in the period of the lord of the elerrcnth
house, there will occur R4jayoga.

rtqgrqrnrrflhq qq*} qR ffir

Tlaffi srytQ rrqirr sdfta:tr (8.R.)
If there is a relation betweenthe lords of the tenth house
and the eleventh house, moderate yoga (auspicious results),
will occur.



But in the sub-period of the lord of the eleventh house, one

will not get any yoga reeult. This is certain.

rrA .{rA sl cR sRerdn
qrfr dffiqr1tu
If the lords of the fth and the 10th housesare placedin the
10th or the 9th house;one gets Rajayoga,One gets extreme

I rrfil,cl qsqi$rflr

Ifthe lords ofthe tenth and bth housesare placed in the
10th house or in the 6th house, one gets yoga. One gets
extreme fame.
{EIRS qR qrt}n: 11m qrrqril qftt

crd qlffitl



If the lord of the 9th house is placed in the 10th house or

the lord of 10th house ls placed h gth house, one gets Rajayoga
and much fame.

ffiqlTrfqfd iqd Mt



Ifthe lords ofthe 10th and lst house exchangehouses, it

causes Rajayoga. One becomesfiamousand attains much success.

Ifthe lords ofthe 9th and 10th house have exchanged their
houses, it causes Rajayoga. One becomes fiamousand successful.

wflrni fuAqvq=+f$3ffi; gq11

f<Ef(trfi nut
In the dasha ofthe lord ofa kendra, the sub-period ofthe
lord ofa thrikona produces good results. Ifthe kendra lord is
not a malefic, the sub-period of the kendra lord in the dasba of
a thrikona lord produces pod results.
ErTFIrt Y{li6FI qvnql +rFFrfl:|

Rgt*,g v{Fd gnffi'M


When the dasha of a benefic is in prcg?ese, the yoga

karakas in their sub-periods produce good results and some
times even exemplary yoga results.

qCqrdt{ng qrl

erfraErq *oT oral@ffi:rr

In the dasha ofthe lord ofthe Sth house, the sub-period of
the lord of the 9th house has been proclaimed to be extremely
good by the sages proficient in Astrolory. (Both planets are




Dasha-Bhukthi Principles

rrqEHrqFcdifsfiTqs wngqr {qgdrqt sr(l

s*1ffrners gd{e{s <qrl Rrn qrg{Et{tiftTl:lt
The period of the 9th house associated with the lord of 5th
hous gives status, profession, (kingdom), and children. So
does the period of the lord of the 4th house associatd with the
lord of the 10th house. Thus the noble sages say.

gffis n6R qr{ri{nl

d?r rdCqgffis q{tl q{q{ilrl{t11

The dasha of the lord of the 5th house will produce good
results. Similarly, the period of the planet associated with the
lord of the 9th house will be extremely good.

Dasha Bhukthi


FIGI{I ({II {fq9-{I-{fll


nt'-{rrFl *


The dasha of the lord of the lagna associated with the lord
of the 5th house gives kingdom (good profession etc.). Similarly, the period of the lord of ascendanJ combined s'ith the
lord of the 9th house is good.

gffiR crhrq

<{n Ewl

gdasffirmtrqilvrs <YlT(
{qr | |
The dasha of the lord of tenth house, associated with the
lord of the 5th house is good. The period of the lord of the 9th
house associated with the lord of the 4th house, will be very
ilfl {q{srflrcFTcF| <{fl R cFrd gqe-{ Rr(r
s{q gdt -.]qffiR qFiltFIll
SVnTun *effi
Similarly, the period of the lord of the 10th house placed in
the 9th house will give honours, wealth and happiness. The
dasha of the lord of the 10th house associatedwith tht' lord of
the 4th produces happiness to people.


Prcfession Thrc ugh AstroI ogr

g&il cfiil{tqfi qrivt: UruRrI:r

Tdrfu fllTrcrgvdfffit


If the lord of the 4th houeeis placed in the 10th house or

if the lord of the 10th hous is placed in the 4th house, their
periods will be good--eo the peoplelearned in Astrolory say.
qrfT{qFrs5ffFtrIedqm wl
gctrRrcTsftE$r $qs<t|Tfi11
The dasha of the lord of the bth house placed in the 4th
house will be gmd. The dashaof the lord of the 10th house
placed in the 4th house will give a kingdom (goodprofession)
and income.

arrqtgmrq +{s EFfffs fff:t

The dasha of the planet associated with the lord of the 5th
house and the 10th house or aspected by these can also grve a
kingdom (good profession), so say the learned astrologers.

Yogas proclaimed

by Parasara

Sage Parasara is coneidered to be the father of Hindu

Astrolory. Principlee propounded by him are mostly infallible
and have stood the teet of time.
q{ ffiqffit

T6t: {rFFFn: T{fl: I

l. All the lordg of the thrikonas, whether malefics or

benefics, do good as regards wealth.

ari nffiftq


2. Legnacan be treated as a Kendra as well as a thrikona.

Lord of the lagna is therefor very auspicious.
3. Iords of 3, 6 and 11 give evil results.
4. Inrd of 8 is alsoevil as the 8th houseis lfth from the 9th
housedenoting one'sfortunes.

D osho-Bhukthi Principle s


6. Planets owning a kendra and a thrikona become

yogakarakas. Their periods and sub-periodgare very auepicious.
Tfiqfr r**r: rl
6. The thrikona is a house of lakshmi (wealth). The
kendra is a houseof Vishnu (lordship).A connectionbetween
lords of Thrikonas and Kendras gives rise to Rqjayoga.The
connectionmay be due to combination,mutual aspect,mutual
exchangeof housesetc. Such a Rajayogabestows position,
rank, fame and wealth upon the person.
When there is sucha Rqjayoga,the planetsproducingsuch
yogas give their auspiciousresults in their periods, sub-periods and conjoinedperiods.
7. If the lord of lagna is strong in its period, it gives much

scffi'g1<rFr{f{: cm}fr qr+qh qR:I

This is becanrse,the ascendant lord is very auspicious the
ascendant can be reckoned as a Thrikona and a Kendra.
8. Iords of Kbndrae loee their natural benefic or malefic
nature. For example,Jupiter is consideredevil for Mithuna
lagna. It loses its benefic nature as it owns the Kendra houses
7 and 10.
The Sun lossmuch of its cruel nature in respectof Taurus
lagna, as the Sun owns the quadranHth houee.
9. The lords of 2nd and lfth housesare consideredneutral.
When a planet mles these two houses,the rulership of the
house other than thege two housespre\ails. For Aries ascendant, Jupiter owns gth and 12th houses.Rulership of gth will
dominate, and Jupiter ls oonsiderda benefic for this asoendant.
Let us apply these rulee for the ascendantArieg.
Arles. Sun and Jupiter are auspiciotrs.Th planets own

Chapter X

lVealth: fime of Gains and Its

Now we will discuss the time at which good income'
wealth can be expected and secondly certain rules
of which the approximate amount of earnings can
1. The periods of Yogakarakas' The periods of benefics'
The auspicious planets for each lagna are as follows:
1. Aries

JuPiter, Mars

2. Taurus

Saturn, Mercury

9. Gemini

Mercury, Venus

4. Cancer

Mars, Moon

6' Leo

Mars' Sun

6. Virgo

Venus, MercurY

?. Libra

Saturn, Mercury

8. Scorpio

JuPiter, Moon

9. Sagittarius

JuPiter, Sun

10. Capricorn

Venus, Saturn

11. Aquarius

Venus, Saturn

12. Pisces

Mars, JuPiter


Prcfesaion Thrcugh Astrologr

The periods of yogakarakas generally prove very

auspicious.One should apply the rules of "Jataka Chandrika"
for studying the nature of periods and sub-periods.Promotions and gains of wealth are possibleduring the sub-periods
of benefics having connectionwith 1,2,5,10& gth houses
during the course of the dasha of a yogakaraka. This will
be more so, when the lords of the major period and the
sub-periods are friends of each other and are favourably


\nrlth ttre 2nd flouse

sqfrsq<vtrrdi frdd enr .wfrq:
s*q ncrnmq.fqsr(r
Considerthe following planets: 1. The planet placedin the
2nd house;2.The planet which rules the 2nd house; 3. The
planet a^spectingthe 2nd house. In their periods and subperiods one ha.sgains of wealth. Income will be through the
indications of such a planet.
Loss of vzealth
fiRam: crrf{nsrrd; qqtrffirsq;
ufir{rrn(: s id gq{fffut


Planet placed in the second house, with malefic

aspect, posited in inimical signs, signs of debilitation, in
heliacal setting brinp about loss of wealth in its periods
and sub-periods. Same is the result when if becomesuseak
in Gochara.
When a planet is favourably placed in the secondhouse,
it gives wealth. But if it is heavily afllicted, it will bring loes
of wealth. For example, Jupiter in the second house gives
good amount of wealth provided it has the strength to do
so. This will be so when it is in exaltation, friendly sign,
own house etc.

Wealth: Time of Gains & Itc Arnount


Dasas of planete placed in the loth horrse

frorr Lagna or Moon
r<qwffit qlfi i qrt qrTqftq-fls
t q{srmr iun e<vng qtftFo:rr
Planetsplacedin the tenth housefiom the Lagna& Moon
can give wealth in their periods.Theygrre emploSrment

Chapter XI

Importance of Lagna in the

of Wealth

rr (Gargr)
Mifrira X-A)
Thus great Acharyaslike Gargi and Varahamihira harre
clearly stated that benefics placed in lst, 2nd and llth
give wealth without much effort.


Though Janmalagna is of primary importance, in this

respect, consideration of Chandralagna is also required. Very
often planets placed in lagna or Chandra lagna signiff the
profession. In Phaladeepika it is mentioned that in the dasha
of the strong lord of lagna, one's prosperity continuously increases. From these considerations, it is clear that ascndants
and planets plaeed therein have a great influence over one's
Strong planets placed in the lagna signiff the profession. If
Mercury is there, the person may earn his livelihood through
writing or teaching.
When three or more auspicious planets occupy the ascendant, people born are happy, prosperous and wealthy like
kings. On the other hand if three or more evil planets occupy
the ascendant people born are ovencomewith grief, diseases,
fear and rejected by others. So oys Saravali (a classical text on


Importance of I-a,gna in the Judgement of Weolth

Hindu Astrologr).
Sunapha, Anapha, Durudhura
have reference to Chandralagna.

and Chandradhiyogas,

Gajakesari yoga arises when Jupiter is in a Kendra position from the Moon. (Even here it is with reference to Chandra
In Sakata yoga, Moon does not get the benef,rcinfluence of
Jupiter since they are in 6,8 houses mutually.

In Brihat Jataka, Mihira says:


dri Te q qq-qffii:t

Td{r*f*r{QTqrsrtusrft:qer: u (XI-3)
When Lagna or Moon falls in Vargothama Navarnsha and
is aspected by four or more planets, the person born is a king
and twenty two different typee of Rajayogas ariee.
In Saravali, it is told that when the lord of the lagna is
placed in the Navamsha of 6th, 8th and 12th lords one becomes
From this discussion, it will be clear that Lagna and
Chandra lagna deserve close scrutiny in matters concerning
wealth. Westerners too, attach great importance to the aspects
received by the Sun and Moon in considering money matters.
According to Pgrashara's
rules too, if malefics have conneetion with lagna in their
conjoined periods loss of
wealth has been told.



This lady lost heavily during Rahu-Saturn period.

Rahu acts perhaps as an
agent of Mars placed in lagna.
Saturn is aspecting the lagna.
Here, a malefic Mars is
placed in lagna. As it aspects

Mo o n

V c nu s


Prcfession Thrc ugh Achtl ogr

Rahu, the latter prpdued the reeults in the sub-period of

another malefic Saturn.
TtiB is supported by the verse of Jataka Parijata-

r=q+tt qR irE{nqt


V e nu c


1vsrflrq ilqi...
We will quote another example. Here loseof wealth occunrd in Rahu-Rahu period.
Here also Rahu is affecting
the lagna being placed in inimical sign. It is in the ninth
house from the Moon.

Ju p i t o f




Sudarehana Paddhatl:
The details of this procedure is explained in Brihat
Parashara Hora and other standard works. With the same
entre three oncentric circlee are drawn. They ane divided
into 12 houses.The innermogt circle representsine fZ houses
fum Ingna etc. The next representi the 12 houses from
Chandra lagna. And the outennost circle represents the 12
housesftom Surya lagna. Parashara sa5rs:

q*Arfu rq frl&1 Ttr{c Eq!

iliqk qaH g(Yfr{tl
?firuqnarqm qrat*Gqr:rnd?{:I
r{rff qaq q-fl: teqqFril:tl
qsfw 5r.qqqrfl: n6rFdr:I
in E $ri qfi 6|gFFr{a: r

d y+,s qj dri $q1qqrq;11

?trd?r[ftqiqr*4 rqd g{: rr
(ffi: lltr qqT*Asrflgqeq, 11
qrQtfi elqqRrcdt i q+eq{lqn:I

W WrU.iRn mr$rqwiq+(rr

Importonce of Wno

.in the Judgemcnt of Weolth








L a g na
Saturn M6rcury


Here the first houseis occupiedby the Sun, the Moon and
lagna. Keeping this as the ascendant,the other houss are to
be understood.
Accordingto the planetary occupations,the results are to
be understood. In.the lst house Sun may be treated as a
benefic but in other places, it is to be taken as giving bad
Even a malefic planet, poeitd in own sign or exaltation
sign, doesnot producebad results.In this way, seeingthe good
and evil results, one should interpret the results of the houses.
Thus it is a method of divining the result taking
into consideration all the three lagnas-Janmalagna,
Chandralagna and Suryalagna. It is said in Parashara llora
that results of the houseecan be known very clearly from this
Sudarshana Chakra.
T#, E-({fi arc rdflrsEz kTll
-.+n ilqrR qmci ild vtfi\fd tsfu(rr
The results of the housesare understoodaccording to the
planets placedin thesehouses.If no planets are plaed in these
houses,results dependupon the aspects.


Prcfession Thrcugh AstrcIogr

ft ,nqr wFrfunqr T+}5dsqlqtl

-\. \
\ .
vtqdq grt A qt itFI 6fir yffi11

The house conjoined or aspected by the lord and the

benefics flourishes. The house occupied or aspected by
malefics, decays. The hous which ie subjected to the evil
influence of a very large number of evil planets, naturally
becomesweak and its significance becomesfeeble.
In ancient times, the practice of judging the horoscope
with respectto all the three lagnaswas very much in vogue.
This becomes clear from many verrof Varahamihira in
Brihat Jataka such as 3qg{ffitffi
Even in the matter of guessing one's profession,
SudarshanaPaddhati can be employedand results bejudged.
It is no novel method, but only an old method taught by our
ancient sages.
A planet which is a yogakaraka with respect to all the
three lagnas,gets threefold power to produe beneficreeults.
And one malefic with respectto all the three lagnas,naturally
becomesextremely weak to producesignificant results.
The planets may be divided into two sets.
1. The Sun, the Moon,Mars and Jupiter.
2. Mercury, Venus, Saturn.
If all the three lagnae fall
into either of these two sets,
the results ofthe benefics and
the Yogakarakas will be very
much pronounced and of a
high order.
Now we shall apply this
Sudarshana Paddhati to the
horoscopes of a few persons
and show the advantages of
this procedure.
1. This is the horoscopeof
Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru.


L a gn a
Mo o n


K e t h u S a t u r n V e n u s Ma r s
Ju p i t e r

Impofiotw of Ww

in the Judeement of Wealth


The lagna, Chandra lagna and Surya lagna all are ruled by
Moon and Mars, i.e., they are ruled by planets of the same set.
Mars is a benefic with respect to all the three. Mars is a
yogakaraka with respect to his Janma lagna and Chandra
lagna. It is the lord of the Surya lagna also. In Mars dasha,
Nehru became the vice-president of the Indian interim govern'
ment and later in the Mare dasha he became the Prime Minister of India. The tenth house receives the aspect of its own
lord Mars; Venus and Mercury and the tenth house form the
Surya lagna" aspect of Jupiter. The role of Mars as also the
strength of the tenth house becomes more clear from considerations of Sudarshana Paddhati.
For want of space, and other considerations of difficulties
of preparing diagrams we do not give them. The student can
easily draw thern and veriff for himself.
If there is no planet in a house, the aspecting planets
determine the effect. If no planet aspects the house, the lords
of the house will determine the eflbcts. Parashara recommends
the consideration of varga,sof the planets also. If a planet is in
benefic varga,its strength increases.
Mahatma Gandhi's horosc-opeis given as e:rample. At a
glance, we are able to see the influence of the benefic planets
on the tenth house. It is aspected by the benefics-Venus and
Mercury. It is occupied by Moon and Jupiter. All are in
friendly signs. Mahatma Gandhi was a lawyer (influence of
Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury over the lOth house). He was a
great leader. (MoonJupiter influence).
Now we will describe a rough method for judging the
profession without drawing this diagram. Firstly, write down
lagna, lord of lagrra, Chandra lagna, lord of Chandra lagna,
Surya lagna, lord of Surya lagna, and against these enter the
names of the d i fferent planets in fl uencing these by oeupation,
conjunction, and aspects. The profession is determined by the
planets having the maximum influence. Or sometimes, the
profession will be one indicated by the group of planets influencing these lagnas to the maximum extent.


PrcfessionThrcugh Astrclogr

l. Defene Aeountantr
Lagna-Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Sun, Mercury.
Lagna lord-Moon,
nug, Sun, Mercury.
Chandra lagna ter, Venus, Sun.


V e nu s




Chandra lagna.,lordMercury, Sun, Kethu.

Surya lagna-Mercury,
Mare, Moon Jupiter.




Surya lagna-lord-Meranry, Sun.

Mare-2, Mercury-G,Jupiter-3, Sun-5, Moon-2,Venus-8.
Thue Sun and Mercury are having ma:rimum influence.
Together they denote accounts.As further Mercury and Mars
have e:rchangedsigns, so the profession in defenceaccounts
gets fully juetified.
2. Airfonce officonThe influences of the
planets over the three lagnas S c t u r n
and their lorde are as below:Lagna-Saturn.



Chandra lagna-Mercury, Saturn.


Chandra lagna lordMars, Saturn.

V e nu s
Mercury R a hu
Moon Sun

Surya lagna-Venus,
Rahu, Mars.



of L,

rc Judgement

of Wealth

Surya lag

Jupiter, Saturn.



Mars ou
owns the tw
these point
the tenth L




louse. Jupiter owns llth house. Saturn

e lagna falls in Aquarius an airy sign. All
r said profession. The same ie confirmed by



Saturn, .t

s, Venus,
L a g na


Ma r s


(by asp






Ju p i t e r


Venus Sun
S a t ur n M e r cu r y

2, Mercury-3, Jupiter-3, Venus-l
'is closelyconnectedwith the fth houseby ownerulership.This points to judiciary.


rlly this is only a rough method.Considerationof the

se is very essential.Nerrerthelesrs
we see the role of
ets connectdwith the three lagnas in determining



fuq[{:Wealthis very importantfor a person.Oneresorts

fessionfor earningwealth. Sowe give rules regarding its
ment from ancient texts,

wqr++q3 lrfrtnrrrdfi



tr+z++d }rt6ri{SEtl


Prcfession Thtough AstrcIogt

If the lord of the secondhouse is placed in the 2nd house or

Kendras or Konas (and ig strong) it inereases one's wealth. If
it is placed in 6, 8 or 12 it cause loss of wealth.
T;rffq qi Crq: qTfi w{F*Trq5-(l
A benefic placed in the second hon
malefic causes loee of wealth.

gives wealth. A

5-cnc tFFilEndt rler(t

If the lord of the 2nd house or Jupiter ie placed in 2nd

house, it is good for wealth.

qtil HHqqEarti cr tr{ rrtr

rrrrt Ir qt q+(rr
If the lold of the 2nd houeeis placed in the llth houeand
the lord of the llth houseie plared in secud houseor both are
placed in Kendra or Thrikona, one becomeawealthy.

Tg-drriil< 3;qf5dqqfur'itfiqlrr
If the lord of the 1lth houseis placedin llth houseor is in
a Kendra or a Thrikona, or when he is exalted, he produceo
much wealth.
l. Ifthe lord ofthe 2nd houseis in the 6th houseand the
lord of the latter is placed in the 2nd house much wealth ie
2. Similarly exchanp betweenlords of 2nd and 6th houe
is indicative of much wealth.
3. Also if the lord of the 5th house is plaed in the 6th
housewith the lord of the 9th housein the fth houeemuch
wealth can be earned.
' and

4. Much wealth cannot be earned if the lo'rdsof the 2nd

the llth are cpmbinedwith the lord of the 12th house.

Importonce of lagna in the Judgement of Weolth


5. If Jupiter is coqjoind with the lord of the 2nd and

Mercury, Dhanayoga is caused.

6. il$fr rrt{rFmqqful i;<r{frqtr

gwn qf6t wn 1ttn i frFRvttrr
7. If the lord of the llth houseis placedin the Znd house
and the lord of the 2nd houseisplacedin aKendra, alongwith
Jupiter one gets much wealth.

qlfrif E sryFeq6qtfgfiqrnq.rr
8. If the lord of the llth houseis plaed in a Kendra or a
Thrikona along with a benefic planet, in ttre 4eth year, he gets
500 gold nishkas, Oecomesmuctr nealthy).

arqrvti gtgt qi wrsqF+lr

Vb s{flrernri q+(rr
- 9. If Jupiteris in 11,Mmn in 2, andVenusin g, hegets

6000 nishkas i.e., he become extremely wealthy.



f*flRr+} qrqilr

10. If the houeea2nd, llth and the lagna are oeupied by

their own lords, a perron haring much wealth irgborn.

an++dqrdrqd f.rqgrgqlRd+dqrr
11. If the lordg of the 2nd and the rlth housesare praced
in the elerrenth house in own sign, friendly sign or in exattation, same is the reeult.
nFfltlTrnfirdf q@r
12. If the lords of the 2nd and the rlth horrsesare praced
in the lagna they are friendg of eachother.

v'+i fi{rRrv3i sfi qg++qrr

13. If the lord of the lagna is conjoinedwith the lord of the
ee@ndhouse and is placed in the lagna, the person will harrc

Prcfession Thrcugh Astrclogt

much wealth.


qR vriif'fftTqR qenigilt

14. If strong asendant lord is placed in the secondhouse,

he has much wealth.
fd{rtfrtf drdt drftIq fffrsrtis{irdl ffiqr
15. If the lord of the 2nd houseis plaed in lagna and the
lord of lagna is placed in the 2nd house one gets much wealth
uti erwfg* 6\fi qaqq|1
ilg$ +a,it qrsfr qrqr{ eqrfcrnt q+(tt
16. If the lord of the 2nd houseis placedin the elerrenth
houseand the lord of the 1lth houseis placedin the Znd or
llth house,or if both theseplanets are in lGndra houses,one
beomes wealthy and famous.
qrtfi tr+rIRR} tr}i qnrrrm1
artir qr f{d'T$ faffiqnqgzrqsg
17. If the lord of the ascendantis placed in the second
houseand the lord of the 2nd houseis in the 11th houseor if
the lord of the llth houseis placed in the ascndantone gets
qr{rq tlfl{rrtvfi: crftst{Riw:

+frtr{i{Fnqrfrc< drffi


18. Ifthe lords oflagna, llth houseand 9th houseare in

extreme exaltation (Paramochcha)or in Vaisheshikameae,one
becomega millionaire.
EFRqTfuqId:TItsEffiIiI: tiri

fril(: RKII

19. A planet placed in the 1lth house,endouredwith all

strength gives wealth.
fedr{'rfir( iaffiqRrtr
Erq vrqqfqe g rralr1 EgrR{rr{ifltn
20. If the lord of the llth houseis plaed in a Kendra or a


of Lagnn in the Judgetnent of Wealth


Thrikona and the llth house is occupiedby a malefic in

exaltation rasi, arnsaetc., one becomesrich
Other Yogas capabl
wealth are

of pnoduclng


1. Placementof Venus in the lfth housewith respectto

one or more of the three lagnas-Janma lagna, Chandra lagna,
and Surya lagna.
2. Connectionbetweenthe lordsof the auspicioushouses
1,2,9, and 11 by conjunctionand aspect.The lords shouldbe
3. If four or more planets are placedin their own signs.

qng$ilFrJqr: etfi.r<tqil

I xxl

Somesay, if four or more planetsaspecttheir own houses,

the person is rich.
4. Lord of an auspicious house becomingretrograde.
5. Placementof an exaltedplanet in an auspicioushouse
and exaltation of the lord of that sign in addition. Suppose
Venus is exalted in the 7th houseand again the lord of lhat
sign Jupiter getting exalted. Tho Venus will produce its
auspiciousresults to a greater extent.
6. Occurenceof Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga.
7. Occurenceof NeechaBhanga tb the Sun or the Moon.
8. Presenceof Ad,hiyogain the horoscopewith respect to
Lagna or the Moon.
9. Presenceof Kotzkokhyo yogo in the horoscope.Emergen@ of a planet as a benefic with respect to all the three
lagnas, in the procedure of 'Su.darslwnapaddhati.,
10. Placement of a natural bene{icin an auspicious house
along with IGthu.
11. A planet beomingmore and moreauspicious.Suppose
there is a benefic planet and it is aspectedby Jupiter as lora of


Prcfeeeion Thrc ugh AstrcIog

2 or 11, and being further aepected.

In every horoscopethe secud house denoteewealth accumulated. 4th houeedenoteslanded property. 6th denotesconveyanoes.'8thhouse denoteir'wealthof pa.rtner.It indicates
insurance money also. llth houeedenotes gAine.
1. If the lord of the ascnndant ie placed in the ee@nd
trouse, one can earn well. Connection with 12th house is not
good.But onnection with llth houseor gth houseis told to be
2. If the lord of the ascsndantis associatdwith a malefic
and placed in the secondhouse, it indicates loesof wealth.
3. If the lord of the 2nd houseis connectedwith the lord
of the 3rd house and placed in the lagna, one gets wealth
through his brothers. If the lord of the ascendantis onnected
with the lord of the 4th houseand placed in lagna, it may
indicate gains through mother. But if both are placed in the 12
house,it will indicate lossof wealth.
4. If the lord of the 2nd houeeis connectedwith the Zth
house and placed in lagna it indicates wealth through wife.
5. If the lord of the ascendantis onnected with lords of
9th and 10th housesand placed in Kendras or good signs, it
may indicate garn of wealth through father, if malefic influencesare there he may lose the wealth.
Ifthe lord of the ascendantand the 2nd househave exchangedhouses,one accumulateswealth.
If the lord of the 2nd house is associatedwith Jupiter or
Venus, that also indicates wealth.
Ifthere are beneficsin the secondhousecountedfrom the
Sun, one earns goodamount of wealth.
If i\rIarsand Jupiter ombine together Guru-Mongala yoga
is caused.One earns goodamount of wealth provided they are
strong. One becomeswealthy.
1. If the lord of the l1th house is placed in Kendras or


of la.gno in the Judgement of Weolth


2. If there are beneficson either side of ihe llth house.
8. If lord oflagna and the 2nd houseare placed together
in the 2nd house.
4. If Jupiter aspectsMerrury.
6. Ifthe scondhouee ie aspectedby benefice or united
with benefics.
6. If Jupiter is placedin the 2nd houee.
7. If the lords of 2nd and llth housesare e:ralted.
8. If the lords of 1, 2 and 11 are related together.and
strong or if Jupiter and Moon are together in soie benefic
The ficllowing ombinations arc statd to be evil for wealth.
l. If there ane no planets on either eide of the Moon.
(Kemadruma Yoga. This is discussedseparately.
This is a bad
yoga and reduces the merits of horoecope).
2. If the Moon is rrery weak and is neither associatednor
aspectedby benefics.
8. Ifthe lord ofthe 2nd houseig eituated in 6th or rzth
4. If the lorde of 2nd and l2th houss e:rchange each
5. If the lord of the 2nd houee is debilitatd and set.
6. IfSaturn and the Sun are ptaoedtogether in the 2nd
[All these crmbinations ha\E been tord herr for guidance.
One should note the_pegninS and spirit of the rul-es. They
ngt be ap_pliedindiscriminatefy.n" horoeope sfro"fa
II :hg"l.d
bejudgd as a whole. There may be lry powerful yogas. Then
the eflixts of these ruresmay be much reduced.onelhould ue
extremely careful in judging the results which depend upon
se\Eral considerations.In addition, one should notignoreihe


ton Thrcugh Ashologt

Navamsha chart. Planets may appa

but may be in goodnavamshas'Ther
Jupiter is Dhanakaraka.If it is ir
It is strong in sagittarius and Pisces'\
placed, it L an indication of goodamo

be weak in the rasi

'evil results will be

Benefic Planets in the 4th house a

They grve house, land, conveyance and l^

', it gets oralte{'

riter is strongly
oor propertY.

One is said to earn well if both lords o

houses are in Kendras or in Thrikonas and

and 2nd

If the lord of the 2nd is placed strongly I

and b" aspectedby benefics,it is said to be indit
through trade or partnersirip and shares in L
business,trade, partnership etc)'
If the lord of the ?th houseis strongly situateo
house,it may indicate wealth through wife'

' houry

Sameis the result when the lord of the 2nd houseI

in 7th and further aspectedby Venus'

of the beneflcs



Placementof Venus in the 12th houseproducesyoga' It

said to confer wealth, and enjoyments upon the native' Tht
author of Bhavartha Ratnakara says:
qqt+qCgrfq \ffiRl neTlqrtl TE|-i i tl
The author of Phaladeepikaalso says:

When Venus occupiesthe 12 house, the person will have
enjoyments, much t"ealth and splendour' Most of the planets
are L"il in the 12th hous.But Venus is a$ exceptionhere'
Venus is a planet of eqjoyment (Bhoga)' 12th houseis a house
of enjoymentGhoga). Placementof Venus in the 12th house
thus givee rise to a yoga for much wmlth and enJoyment'

Importonce of Lagna in the Judgement of Wealth


As we have mentioned earlier, in the opinion of the great

writers, all the three lagnas i.e., Janrma lagna, Chandra lagna
and surya lagna are to be considerqd. out of these the first two
lagnas have to be invariably considbred. IfVenus is only in the
lfth house from Janma Lagna there will be no poverty' The
persnn will be rich. But if it is placed in the 12th house with
bf""ett"" to the Chandra lagna and the Surya lagna, one can
imagine the extent of good results and wealth it can produce.
An e.-xampleof this is the horoscopeof Queenvictoria, in which
Venus happens to be in the 12th house from all the three
lagnas since the sun and the Moon are situated in vrishabha
Varahamihira also says trrils*'
house makes a Person wealthY.

i.e-, Venus in the lfth

Venrrs in the 6th house

Placementof Venusin the 6th housealsoproducesyoga'
This is certain--says the author of Bhar"artha Ratnakara:

qsdTqn ft'<t

lTqft gq{tl XII-4 ll

Jupiter dtrong in own sign, exaltation, friendly sign in the

2nd, 4th, ?th, 10th and llth is good.When it irsin a Kendra
identical with own sign, exaltation, Moolathrikona it produces
Hamsa Mahayoga.Jupiter in the l1th houseor 2nd houeealso
is very favourable for wealth.
Mercury in 1st, 4th, ?th, 10th identical with its own sign,
exaltation sign or Moolathrikona sign causes Bhadra
Mahayoga. The person becomesrich, occupiesa high poeition
and erfoye a happy life.

Chapter XII

Some Important Yogas

Hinfy Astrologr gives great importane to pgas or special
combinations or configuration of planets in ttre horoecope.
Presence of benefic yog" greatlf enhancee the merit and
status of the persronwhile badyogasbringdiscredit, obstacles
topmgress,and thus keepthe personin a humbleposition. So
!t is very essential to study theyogas present in the horosope.
In the following pages,we set forth someof the most important
yogas which should be studied.
l. Srrnapha,


and Dunrdhrrra


ffi\Fw{'ilS{g{; sq}r1q*ft;
Vffiqil: q'Fra:tr (Brihat Jataka)
_ If a planet otlui tlnn the Szz occupiesthe 2nd housefrom
the Moon, Sunapha yoga results
_ If a planet other than the Sun ooctrpieethe 12th house
from the Moon, Anapha yoga results.
If planets other than the Sun occupiesthe 2nd and the
lfth houssfrom the Moon, Durudhurayoga is caused.

of Sunapha,


l. Sunapha Yoga
sqqrr[Tdifr: qtit{Rdsri q[
trcfd fd VffiTi rfirnqrfuvqr



Some hnportont



A person earns wealth through self-aoquistion. He beoomes a king or a wealthy person equal to a king. He is,
intelligent, wealthy and famous.
2. Anapha Yoga

sgrrwrft: {iffif{Grv+ge+Et
The person is a lord, healthy, virtuous and ig blessedwith
all sorts of happiness.He leads a happy and comfortable life.
3. Durundhura


In the case of Durudhura yoga, the person eqjoys mgch

happinees. He is wealthy and commandemany eervants and
If Mars be one of the planets producing such a yoga, the
percon is courageous and wealthy; Mercury gives power of
speechand exellence in arts; Jupiter wealth, righteousnees,
happinese and respect from nrlers; Venus much wealth, passion and enjoyments.
Vaeumad Yoga (Vasu means wealth. Yoga for being a
wealthy percon).


f f i : q c d :r
gFqi Tfrwdgqt{q nqrdrcr{
cdFKT6)r | | (Varahamihira)
If all the beneficsare plaoedin Upachayasthanas
8, 6, 10
and 11 houses, one becomegvery wealthy. If all the beneficg
are placed in 8, 6, 10 and 11 houses from the Moon's ph@,
then also one becomegwealthy. When two benefic planete are
so placed, in Upachayasthanas, one will be moderately
wealthy. If from the Moon or the lagnqone planet ie plaed in
Upachayasthana one becomesordinarily wealthy.
Even'if there are bad yogas present,they are cancelled
and the effect of this yoga takes place in a prominent manner.

prcfession Thrcugh Actrclog


Note: In the @Fmentariee,it is statd that if there is no

planet in Upachayiasthanas rneckonedfrom Lagna, or the
Moon, one rnay beome very poor.
- The houses8, 6, 10and 11are calledUpachayasthanasi.e.,
plae producinggrowth and increase.Ofihese;the role of l0
and 11 is clear as they slgniry profession and gains. 6th house
denoteseervic. It is the Bhagrasthana ftom-the lOth house.
Jupiter or any planet placedthere will aspectthe 10th house
!V -t\" 5th aspect-In the caseof Jupiter, th-easpectwill be full.
3rd house is rcferred to as tI{fT{ second from the second
Gqfa Kesart YoEa

rtq*qRsqtn<lqefl rr;Hr{rqFll

+,il* Turgq+ rrqffit



^ When Jupiter is placed in a Kendra from the Moon,

ciajakesari yoga results. It is formed also when the Moon is
asegctedby strong Venus, Jupiter or Mencurywhich should
not be debilitated or set.
_A person born under Gat'akesariyoga will be powerful,
endowed with wealth and gair*, intelligent, virtuous and
pleasingto the rulers.
- fgtroloeerc say that for Kesari ),oga to be really effective
the Moon and Jupiter should
be strong and should rule
auspicious. More over the
dashas of the planets should
operate in one'g life time.
Otherwise, mene pneeenceof
Kesari yogas of ordinary nature may not producethe aus.
picious results mentioned.
J upiter
In the adjoining horosop, powerful Gajakeeari
yoga is prmnt. Lord of the

L a g nr


Some Inrportant



10th house Mercury is placed in lagna, along with the lord of

the 5th house. Lord of 10th house is aspected by Saturn and
Jupiter. Thus powerful Rajayoga is caused. In the period of
Mercury, he became the president of India.


The Pqncha Maha Punrsha Yogag

Varahamihira, in hig celebrated work, Brihat Jataka says
that a person is fortunate when his birth is in Vargoththama
(same sigu in Rasi and Navamsha), when there is a benefic
planet in the Vesisthana (2nd house from the Sun), when the
angles are not empty and when there are Karaka planets.
Mihira's verses are full of vast meaning and Brihat Jataha is
no ordinary work. It is supposed to contain very many secret
principles of Astrologr.
Planets placed in the Kendras, occupying their own signs,
exaltation signs or Moola thrikona signs are called Karakas
with respect to each other. Out of these the one placed in the
tenth house merits special consideration'
The Pancha mahapurusha yogas are respectively
Ruchaka, Bhadra, Hamsa, Malavya and Sasa Mahayogas.
They are caused respectively by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn when these planets happen to occupy Kendra
houses, identical with their own signs, exaltation signs, or
Moolathrikona signs. To illustrate, Ruchaka yoga is caused
when Mars ocanpies a Kendra house identical with its own
sign, exaltation sign, or Moolathrikona sign. These five yogas
have been grven great importance by almost all classical writ'
ers and have been included under Karakakhya yogas by
Varaha Mihira. In the horoscopes of great men, their presence
is frequently noticed. And unless there are rrcry bad yogas'
maning the horoscope, the effect of these Pancha
mahapurusha yogas seldom fails.
Mantreswara says that these five yogas can be considered
from Moon's position also:





It is sure to confer high posts and if one or more

Mahapurusha yogas are present, the beneficial results will
also increase proportionately. For further details regarding
these 5 yogas, one should refer to Saravali.
Exanple: The horoecopeof C D. Desh Mukh ig an example of Karakakhya yoga. With referene to Chandra lagna,
Jupiter is in the ?th producing Hamsa Yoga.
Kahala Yoge
l. Ifthe lord ofthe rasi occupiedby the lord ofthe lagna be
in his exaltation or own sign identical with a Kona or l(endra,
the yoga is called Kahala. The person who is born in Kahala
yoga will thrive well, intelligent, cheerful,and helpful to others. He will be respectedby people.
The book'Deva Keralam'howevergivesan alternate definition for l(ahala yoga:

dri rqkn effirr


+trt 6r6fiSilfi: ll

rftnE qreaqnrnrffi q1qqvfr:I

2. If Marg as the lord of the 10th houseis in its exaltation,
VargoththamaAmshaandbeconjoinedwith the lord of the fth
house, there arises Kahala yoga. One born in the yoga of
Ibhala becomesa minister or a ommander-in-chief earning
10,000nishkas (gold coin) as inome.It suggestsgoodincume
or pay. The yoga is causedby Mars as lord of the tenth house,
gaining strength and ausplciousnessdue to combination with
Bhagradhipati (lord of fth house).
Lakshmt Yoga:
If the lord of the gth houseand Venus be poeited in their
I own or exltation house identlcal with a Kendra or a Thrikona,
the resultingyoga is called L,akshmiyoga.

A perEnn born in Lakshmi yoga will be wealthy and will

lead a happy life.


Somc ImpoftontYogos

Shreenatha Yogr
6ffi g* qqffrt qrqtgill
qrdl rR: Tr5snr 1qfr:tl
When the lord of the ?th house is placed in the tenth
house, with the lord of the tenth house in exaltation and
coqjoined with the lord of the 9th house, Shreenatha yoga
sults and the Inreon born will be a king equal to Indra.
In Phaladeepika, another onbination is giwn. If Venus,
lord of the fth and Mercury are placed in Kendras and Konas
in exaltation, own eign or ftiendly signs, Shreenatba pga
The person born in this Shreenatha yoga will be weal.thy
and humorous in speechand will be worshipper of Vishnu.
Adht yoga: Thie iBa very important yop and found in the
horoecopeaof many eminent per$ns. There are two types of
Adhi yogas (i) Lagnadhi yoga and (ii) Chandradhi yoga.
Lagnadhf yoga

qR {1rr, qrt{gafrRril.I

Td qrscfd:ftrtrffi: dqqr({rqfr:tI
ftilg+<sffiArqiilrit ernnr*tr q*qr
Ftd ?ffiE{Filefira}sa: Sqrtrilqqrl
If beneflcs are plaed in the 6th, ?th and the 8th houge
without aseociation,or aspectof nalefics, one beomee a ninister, commander-in-chief, a king, long-lived, virtuous, and
happy. This pga has been told by Yavaneehwaraaleo thus.


CId: ItRfiffiqffiFI



{qtgdt ffiFnrqlrq


When benefic planets occupy_lrouee 6,7,8 cotrnted from


Prof.ssion Thrcugh Aettologr

the Moon, (one or more of the houses) a commander-in-chief, a

minister or a king is born. They are blessed with every kind of
happiness and nrnenities. They vanquish their enemies. They
are long-lived. They are free from diseases and fear.
This is statd in Saravali also.
Notes: It is pointed out by commentators that these
benefics need not occupy all the houses 6,?,8. They may occupy
one or more of the houses. That wou.ld be suflicient for production of this yoga.
Some astrologersoonsiderAdhiyoga when even two or one
of the benefics are occupyingsome of these houses 6, 7, and 8.
Maha Bhagra


In the case of a male born during day time, if the Sun,

Moon and lagna are in odd signs, Maha Bhagra yoga is
In the case of females, thisyoga arises when the birth is at
night and the Sun, the Moon and the Lagna are in even signs.
The person born in Malw Bhqta
generous famous and long-lirrcd.

yoga will be a king,

of Adht Yoga:

When all the three benefics cause Adhi yoga it will be

strong. lf ottc or two benefics ca,useit, it will b less strpng.

Neecha Bhanga RaJayoga Cfturry rrdr*tT:)

ffiqd) T:fi + 76. gtqqrffifi
q q-qdr{rqft aiqTd rrfl q+grffi1


If a planet is in debilitation, if the lord of the sign in which

it is situatd or the lord of its e:oltation sign be in a Kendra
ftom Chandra lagna or the Janma lagna, the person born will
be a king and will be just and meritorious.

Some Impoftant



fi zrcre ++qtvtr ar*o qq qr

Am{wqE{*'rd Je: Frq1wfiq6;;I
If a phnet is debilitated and if the lord of the depression
sign as well as that of the exaltation sign or one of them be in
a Kendra, the person will be an empenor,esluted by other

ctun{il qfr Mft

eMrqddffi'q-dt*<qr( lerrr{qfu gl: vffi}<: rr
If a planet in debilitation is aspectedby the lord of that
sign, it will make the native a king and famous.

?ttq E Trrd nrrkTr{ertrarF:
When a planet is debilitated, if the lord of the depreseion
sign and its exaltation sign are in lGndras from one another,
the person will be an emperor whoeefeet will be worstrippedby
all other kingr.
The yoga thus makes a pffronpowerful, wealthy, virtuoug
and famous. Thig is a very important yoga. One should not
undenate a horoecopesimply becauseplanets are in depres.
Such Authors say that such a debilitated planet and the
lord of the sign will offer good
results in their confoinedperiods.
Saturn M a r r
Example: Here is the
horoscopeofa person who has
three planets in debilitation.
Sun, is debilitated in Iagna
Venus is debilitated in the
lfth house Jupiter ig debili- Jupiter
tated in the 4th house.Yet he
was a leading laryer who R r h u
McrcuryS u n
rose to the position of a



dewan. He was a very rich person, learned and virtuous. All

the planetsget NeechaBhangaand havecaused very powerful
Rajayoga due to which he could rise to the position of dewan,
having much wealth and authority. For the lord of exaltation
of Sun, i.e., Mars is placed in Kendra with respect to the Lagna
and the Moon. The lord ofexaltation sign ofVenus, i.e., Jupiter
is in 4th house which is a Kendra with respect to Lagna and
the Moon. The lord of exaltation of Jupiter i.e., the Moon ig
placed in the lagna itself. Thus all the three planets have
Neecha Bhanga.

er|uit TTrgrar*rr: (Akhanda sa'nraJya Yoga)


\r$fi vfrcgft*r*dt


Even if one emong the lords of the gth, llth and 2nd
housee,be placed in a lGndra with repect to the Moon, and
Jupiter owns the znd, 5th or the llth house, one becomeoa
ruler whoseposition never getsdisturbed.and whoekingdon
is also quite secure.
We need not take the effects mentioned tm literally. It ig
cdstomar5rwith the poets to enlogise the effects to abeurd
heights, just to point out the importance of the yogae. The
yogasmentionedmay not makeapersonan emperoror a king;
but certainly make him wealthy and powerful. He may be an
oflicer wielding considerableauthority.
Errcn thisyoga isonly a hint at the importance of the tenth
house. It puts down two conditions. The tenth house from the
Moon.shouldbe occupiedby the lorde of the gth, 1lth and 2nd
houses which are auspicious,producing fortune, gain and
wealth. Secondly,Jupiter ehouldown the 2nd, 5th or the llth.
Thus Jupiter's beneflcial lnfluence is securedat least upon one
of theee throe auspicloughouss.

Some Irnportant Yogos



Raja.Yoga ffid


Thie is also a very important yoga, which frequently escapes our notice. It produces unexpected gain of wealth and
the native becomes suddenly wealthy. The defrnition of thie
yoga is as follows:

r.}qi| qqqs'il RSd ri qi ql ftqt,

ft:ffisR n+qrafigi qqrfafiwqtqr
qrftsdTlvfc: wwt*r* rrqrfifiriw{:rr
If the lord of the 8th house is placed in the 12th or the 6th
house, the lord of the 6th house is placed in the 6th houee or
the 12th house and the lord of the 12th houee is in the 8th or
the 6th house, this yoga aries.
The lords of these houses may be connected with each
other by exchange of houses, mutual aspects etc., but should
not be combined or aspected by other planets.
A person born in this yoga will be a king or an emperor of
nuch wealth and rneans of happiness.
This is because under such a combination, the bad houses
6,8 and 12 in the horoscopehave been rendered weak. Consequently, the horoscope gains strength and benefic nature, and
the native ie raised to a high status.
1. Kemadruma



To Poverty


fr-+q Vt'flffir$g{r: eR:q}rn,

ftqtffisf{qtRil{rir g *,qqt 1

trqftqftsgFi rrgisq *rgfr



When q planet other than the Sun occupiesthe 2nd, l2th

or both housesreckonedfrom the Moonthe neeultingyogasers
calledSunapha,Anaphaand Dumdhura. In thr rbren of tb.


Ptpftccion Thrcugh Asaologr

abotl 8 yogas deflned, there ariees a bad yoga called

Ksmtdruma Jrogp.
If the Moon occtrpleaa l(endra or there are planets in
the lbndrae of the Moon, Kemadruma yoga does not
Varahanihira has dissusd this yoga in hig grcat work
Brihat Jatala Tbero hs says:

lqr: tteflvil 1qilft q{rsrfl:rl
When Kemadruma yogB ie present, the person is dirty,
errcrrgtriclen with grief, in a low paition and bereft of wealtir.
He mey be e srnant or wicked persn. The effectstake plae
even if the person is born in royal familie.
firue the effect of Kemadnrma yoga ie to pull down the
horaope as regards wealth. Sageparasara has said:
qilrqlFnd tFil Ttglrn fr{'lrtt:r

srmqqr<dft gdf qafiffiqrr

Chandrayogascancel the effectsofotheryogas and produce their own effecte. A wige man is to consider them carefully with special attention.
2. Srlrte

Yogp Definition


det yrftfr !t ytzfi'z:I

+{lt nfr lmr(tl

Whsn theMoon ieplaed in 6, 8or 12 ft,omJupiter,Sakata

'o!i aris6. But if the Moon is in a Kendra house from the
fag.a, thsrc is no Sa}atayoga.
Tbe peraonborn in Sakatayoga will often becomeunfortunate and may again get back what he had lat. He will be an
odinary person ftequently gtricken with grief
Thue this ie another pga, which redue

the merit of the

SomeImportont Yogos


Some other bad yogac which are said to

make a man 1rcor
- 1, Ifthe lagnadhipati is very weak, aepected by the gth lord
and Jupiter and the Sun are set.
2. If the lord of the gth houee is with the Sun, and
eet with
!h9 Jord of the lagna and the lord of the 2nd hous is also in
3. Lord of the lagna being weak, and the lord of the 2nd
house is placed in the l2th house with the Sun.
4. Mars, in the secondhouse, ib said to cause loss of wealth
by ever spending.
5. If the second and the llth
indicate poverty.

houses are very weak, it may

ffi eF*fr-qllrrrsBiqrdtmr
Tq}gttrrr$sfr tcrmjgfirffi: n fqb qL)
6. If the Sun is in paramaneechabhaga, (10 in
Jatakaparijata says that even a person Uorn-in
is reduced to poverty.
" "oyJf.roify
_ [Actually, one should consider g, 10, ll,


2, and the


Here we describe some methods which will be

of aid to
gues' matters relating to wealth. The principres
given u"to*
are for the sake of guidance only and ane not
to be taken
literally as they are. In every
th" individuJ h;;";;
needs scrutiny from different angles.
1. For Aries ascendant, the tenth house fells in Capricorn
and the eleventh house falrs in Aquarius. Both are
same planet Saturn. Satur4.becomes good fo" p"of"""iori
bad for health. If Saturn is strong, *1
it is under
!\ough profeesion. This will be e;'when "*p."t
influences like Venus. etc.
2. For Taurrrs ascendant, Venug becomeethe owner
of lst



and 6th houss. If Venug is favourable, and strong, income

through 6th house (i.e., uncle,aunt) irspoesible.Saturn rules
the 9th and the 10th houses i.e., Bhagrasthana and
I(armasthana. Saturn becpmesa Yogakaraka. Saturn gener'
ally girrcsgoodreeults in its own periods and sub periods. And
if Saturn ie strong, good profeeeion and high poeition are
3. For Ciemini ascendamt,Mercury nrle the 1st and the
4th houses.Soit becomesaYogakaraka- Tbere ig mueh clrane
of getting wealth of mother provided Mencury is etrong and
farourably situated.
Jupiter becomesowner of 7th and 10th hotrses.Though it
is said to be bad for health, hr profeseionit is not so. Jupiter
ig a natural benefic. Venueis also a benefic for this ascendant.
4, For Cancer ascendant, Mare becomesthe nrler of the
6th and the loth houses.It becomesa Yogalaraka. It raiss
one to a high position and girrcsgoodincome. (seeSri Nehru's
horoscope.He becamePrime Minister in Mars'period).
6. For Leo ascendant,Mercury rules 2nd and llth hous6
which shows gain of wealth. Mercury may be bad for hedth.
But it rules the 2nd and llth houses.Its periods may not be
good as it is told that lord of llth hous is evil. Venus gets
Kendradhipatya by owning the 3rd and 10th houses. Here
agian More becomesthe Yogakaraka by owning the 4th and
the 9th houss.
6. For Virgo ascendant,Merctrry rules the 1st and the 10th
houseg.As 10th house denoteefather'g wealth, and it ie con'
nected with the lagna, there arises chancs of getting father's
wealth. Similarly, Venue owng 2nd and 9th houge. So, if
Venug is farmurably situated and strong, one gets wealth
through father.
7. For Libra ascendant,Venus owns 8th and the lagna. 8th
house denoteswealth of wife. So,one may get wealth through
wife. Saturn beomes a Yogakarakaby owning the 4th and 6th
housee.Mmn rules the 10th house.When Moon is strong, one
deals in public work and gets fame. (SeeMalatna C'andhi's

SomeImportont Yogas


horoecope).Mare rules the ?th houseand the 2nd house. This

also suggeststhe possibility of gstting wealth thnough partner,
provided it is etrong.
8. For Sqorpioasendant, Sun rule the lOth houee.If Sun
is etrong, one doee glorioue acts ard achieve great thingr.
Jupiter owns the Znd and 6th hous. Ttrus there is likelihood
of getting wealth through one'e eons, provided Jupiter ie
strong and situatd farmurably in gpodhouses.
9. For Sagittarius ascendant,Jupiter nrles the ascrendant
and the 4th house. Jupiter is a benefic and beoomes a
Yogakaraka too. (* lagna can be treated as a thrikonasthana).
Saturn owns the Znd and 3rd houss.3rd houeedenotesbnothers and sisters. So, if Saturn is favourably eituated and ie
strong, one gets wealth through hie brothere.
10. For Capricorn ascendant, Saturn rules the ascendant
and the 2nd houees.If Saturn is strong, one earns wealth by
self-acquisition. hi 6th and 10th housee,Vnus beoomes
Yogakaraka. One gets a decentjob. InVenus dasha"he gets
promotions and lives happily.
11. For acquarius ascendant, aleo, Venus be@mee the
Yogakaraka. In its period, it gi\rsgoodinome and happinees.
Mars becomeeneutral by ownrng the 4th and lfth houses.
Ownership of lGndras nsmovesevil nature
12. For Piscee asendant, Jupiter owns the lst and t[e
10th houses. If Jupiter ie etrong, there is chance of getting
wealth ftom fathdr, as Jupiter owns the se@ndhouse.
The above principlee. ghould not be taken as final and
applied indiscriminstely. It is glen only as an aid to guesing
results. For the neeultsdepend upon many other factors, i.e.,
placement with regard to lagna, strength of the planet, its
aspect, cnqiunction and influence of other planets.
1. If the lords of two houss exchange signq tbey gBt
connected. For e:ranple if the lords of 2nd and 6th housgo
exchange eigns, it would mean wealth and children ars oonnected. If further the lord of Znd houe is placed in the 6th



house and the lord of the 6th hors is plamd in the 2nd house,
this is a stronger corurection.There is poseibility of getting
wealth through children.
. [We eay possibility for the reasonthat eachhouseconnotes
several thinp. 2nd housecan denotelearning, family etc., 6th
house can denote intelligence, children, smusemente,
favourite deity etc. Soconnectionmay be betweensomeindica'
tions other than children too. Unlees,we e:tanine the karakas
and study the horoscopeas a whole, we cannot be too definite.
Readersshould underetand this everywherel.
Similarly, e:rchangeof 2nd houselord with the lord of any
other house can indicate gain of wealth througlt that eource.
Also it was told earlier, lords of 1, 2, 11 houss,Jupiter, the
lords of the signs containing Sun and the Moon, all denote
wealth. If some or more of these get related we orpect good
amount of wealth.
Here Dhanakaraka Jupiter is aspecting the 2nd Maru
house. He is aspecting the
lord of lagna also by his ben. S u n
eficial aspect.Jupiter the lord M c r c u r y
of the 2nd house aspects the
2nd house. Lord of lagna Saturn
Saturn ie connected with V
e nu c
Bhagradhipati Venus. Venus
is not only a benefic here, but
also Yogakaraka as he rules a
quadrant (4th house) and a
trine house (9th house).The
planet ruling Surya lagna and Janma lagn4 i.e., Saturn,
happens to be associratedwith the lord of the Chandra lagna.
Thus Janma lagna, Chandra lagna and Surya lagna get on.
nected.Jupiter is not only the lord of the 2nd housebut also of
the llth house.(Jupiter'e B/4aspectfalls upon the Uth house).
Venus is placed in the 12th house with reference to Surya
lagna and Janma lagna. With refernce to Chandra lagna
tbslo L Saea I\faha yoga in addition), There ie Parashara's


Somehnportant Yogos

Rajayogaalso becauseof the combinationof the lords of the gth

and lst house. Each factor mentioned aboveadds one point of
value as regards wealth. Since so many of them are found, we
e:rpect the person to be extremely wealthy. He is a person
gaining much wealth. Jupiter as Lord of gains aspects 2nd
housei.e., houseof wealth.
2. Similarly now consider the horoscopeof Dalmia. There
also we frnd that Jupiter is the lord of Chandra lagna and
Surya lagna. It aspectsthe Moon, the lord of the Znd house
from the llth houswherein it iestrongly plad in a friendly
sign. Jupiter ig Dhanakaraka. So he becamea very rich man.
3. This is also the horoFlahu
scope of a mllllonalr.
Firstly mark the two powerful
Mahayogas, Ruchaka and
Sasa caused by Mars in the
l0th and exalted Saturn in
the 4th. Sun the lord of the
2nd hous ie with the lord of
the 1lth and both are
aspected by Jupiter the Sun
Bhasradhipati. Becauseof so Vcnur
many benefic influences he is
a man of crores













4. An e:anple of Adht
yoga. Here Lagnadhiyoga is
preeent. Venus in 6th house
is good.Lord of Znd houee is
combined with lord of 9th
house. Subhavesi yoga and
Vasumadyogais present. Becaurn of the beneficial yogas
he is very rich.

Chapter nII

Dasha Phala of the Lord of

the 10th Bhava
(From Satya Sarnhita)
1. If the lord of the lfth houseis placed in the lst house in
cpmbination with the lord of the ascendant and has a benefic
yoga"the natirrc will have muctr name and fane. He will wield
much power, and influenoe. He may becomea minister or a
great official or even a minister.
[Some timee the Dashas of other planets situatd in the
star of zuch planets or aseociatedwith euch planets may also
give such resultsl.
The reason b clear. 10th houeeindicates power and fame.
Erlen its situation in the lagna is sufncient. But association
with the lord of lagna and benefic yoga enlunee that euch
results will be certain to happen.
2. If the lord of the 10th hotrseis placed in the 2nd house
in cpmbinationwith the lordofthe 2nd houseandhasabenefic
yoga the pereon will acquire much wealth and will attain
reputation as a rich man.
f,lhe reasonis this: 10th houserepreeentshme and profes.
sion.Its combinationwith the 2nd lord should producemuch
wealth and famel.
The person will be an important member of his family.
[2nd houee repments h'nily; 10th houee status. So such a
conbination ie etated to grve prominence in the famitvl.

DashaPhalo of the Latd of the 70thBhoua


Mostly he will be holding a governmentjob. 10th houee

represents government, 2nd house acquisition of money'
He will support many pemorxtand fbed them. He will be
very helpful to otherg.
Combinations with malefic planets will bring troublee,
poverty and ill repute. He may becomea notorious liar' [Znd
house represents speech. Combination of 10th lord with
malefics there indicates ill'reputation by lieingl.
3. If the lord of the 10th house is plaed in the 3rd house
with its lord, and benefice,the natirrc will achievefame for his
deeds. He will rise in his occupation,or pat. He will becpme
famous for bravery.
Hiebrother will be famoue.[Reason:The third house rep'
reeents brothers, brarrery etcl.
If the lord of the 10th hotreeis weak, the reults may be
4. If the lord of the 10th house ie placed in the 4th house,
alongwith its lord, the native will be happy and may achiew
famethrough his lands. He may get goodinone through his
landed property.
[4th houe representslands and happinese.Poeition of lord
of 10th in the 4th hous,can therefore bestowlanded property'
houseand happinessprovided the planent is strong and deviod
of malefic influencegl.
If there will be malefic yogas, it may bring troubles.
5. If the lord of the 10th house ie plaed in he bth house,
along with its lord, and hae a benefic yoga, the penson is
with ministership or a kingdom.He becomesfamousas
a wealthy pe$Dn. If the planets are ininical towards each
other, or badly placedin Navamshachakra (eighth plae) ftom
each other, the results wlll beome poor.
fithe lifth houee indicatee ministershiP also. See pbala
deepika:'{rqrg qfffo{Rqtfi' ...enumerata qfr+=niritrr.



Ministanhtp ls thus consldercdfrom the 6th houseJ.

6. If the lord of the tenth houseis placed in the 6th house,
in otbination with its lord, the person may be oaupying a
good pet in the ourt of law.
Satyaclrarya includes law court &s an indication of the
eixth house.
lOth house rules profeseion.Placement of the lord of the
10th houeein the 6th house thus indicates profession in the
His maternal uncle will be famoug and influential
[6th houeeindicateg maternal uncle]. If there is malefic loga,
the native purues a low job. He may suffer losssin trade.
[6th house ls generally consideredto be a bad hotrse. It can
denotelas in trade becaueeit is the l2th countedfrom the Zth
house. And, 7th house is statd to be the house denoting
If the lord of the 10th houseis placed in the Zth house in
combination with the lord of the Zth house, the natirrc,g wife
may oomeftom good family.
[10th house indicateg rank and honour. Zth house indicate wife. Connection betweenthe two houees.nay therefore
indicate that wife oomesftom a reepectableh-ityl.
He will get fame in foreign land.
[7th houeedenoteetravel. l0th house denotesfame, Both
houses harrc onnection with life in foreign lande. Hence, he
may go to some foreign land and beome famousl.
Or he may earn hie living with the help of his wife.
flfth houre indicate livelihood. Zth indicates wife. Theiefore, one rnay earn one'eliving thusl.
Or he may go on pilgrimages.
[7th housedenotes travel. lfth house pilgrimagBs]. Or he
may b emplryed in traneport department-t7lh housedenotes


Dasln Plnlo of the Lord of the 10th Bhovo


If there is a bad yoga, he will earn his living with great

difliculty in a foreign place. Or he may marty in a bad family,
or his wife may be separatedfrom him.
[The bad results statd will be in accordanoewith the
intensity of the bad yogal.
If the lord of the 10th be placed in the 8th along with its
lord the person may be intemted in bad deedg.Hirsocupation
may be endangeredor lost. (If a beneficyogais there, it will not
be lost). There may be internrptions to agriculture. His lands
may be affected. There may be breaks in his education. Or his
conveyancesmay be spoiled. Benefic yoga will alleviate the
[The 10th house denoteeprofession, it indicates conveyances and education tm as it lg the ?th counted from the 4th.
8th house signifies for obetaclesand internrptions. Therefore,
results have been mentioned like thisl.
If the lord of the 10th house is placed in the 9th house,
along with its lord, it is a R4iayoga.If Jupiter is also strong,
the person does gooddeeds,will be rich and famous. He will
get royal patronage and goodappointment. His father will also
be an illustrious person.
The reasons are obvious. 10th housedenotes good deeds,
fame, profession etc. 9th house denotesfortune. Combination
brings extreme luck. 9th house denoteefather. 10th denotee
wealth and fame. Combination therefore, mak6 the father an
illusrtrious personl.
If Venus is powerful, the personswill have preciousjewele
and onveyances.
[Venus is the l(arnka forJewels and oonrnyanceeJ.
If Mercury is powerful, the persongpts gpodeducation and
adrantages thereby.
Mercury is the Ibraka for educationl.
If Mmn is strong, the person will be a treasurer or a
crrltivator of fielde and gardens.

PrcfessionThrcugh Astrclogr


Moon denotes treasury. Moon is the loid of the herbs

If the Sun is strong, the person gets employment in the
government or ie a phpician. [Sun denotes gpvernment and
If the lord of the lfth houseis situatd in the 12th house,
nmbined with the lord of the 12th house,and is also subjected
to malefic yoga"the pereonsuffers disgrace and dishonour. He
may lose his job or he may be demoted. If he ie in businese,
there may be set backs.
If there be benelic yogast,he may do religious rites. If the
lord of the tenth house is a malefic, the native may wander a
long distance.
f,Ihe reasonsare theee. lfth house is bad. It denotesloss,
diffrculties, troubles etc. So when the lord of the 10th house
goesto the 12th house,indicationsofthe 10th houseget spoilt.
This is why it ie told that he suffers diggrae and there may be
set back in his bugineesl.
Mantreswara sale in Phala deepikaffirdcpqgffi
d*c Rcfd Eq-frT{ sl
*lfiqftrsi $Ir-dtrTfr qrffi
During the Dasha of the lord of the 10th house, if it is
strong, undertakinp afe crowned with succe$E.One leads a
happy liie. One becomesfamous. He gets established in a
permanent poeition. He will be engaged in good profeesions.
He will be tactful. He commandsgood respect.
csi+,4qlmd T{qFFdgrqmrf,

qlif r

rri Sj*oi vsTsry{ Sdtffiq:ril{u


When the lord of the tenth house is weak, during the

progrcss of its period, undertakinp fail. One guffere disgrace.
He becumeebad in hirgbehaviour.He goesto foreign placee.He
leads a bad life and sulfer fiom troubles.

Daeho Phola of thc Lod of the 10th Bhavo


Soin the prviouspages,wehave givenenoughmaterial to

study the 10th house.Firetly the indications of the housesand
the planets have to be clearly masterd.Then one ehould know
the indications of the various signs. Also we hane girrcn the
professions which dre probable for different planetary combi'
nations. We have aslo given the traditional nrleg for determin'
ing the profession. One should not think that profession is
solely determined by the tenth housealone. It is here that the
difliculty arises. lOth house has se\ral indications. It indi'
cates performancsof religious rites also. The 10th house tus
to be consideredfrom the lagna and the Chandra lagna. For in
many cases, the Chandra lagna may be mor\e powerful in
exerting its influence. Apart from this, we gave the rules for
detemining the aptitudee. The horoecopehas to be judged as
a whole. Then we should not ignore the influences of Chandra
lagna, Janma lagna and Surya lagna in guessing the profession. For, the lagnqs glrc a gooddeal of information about the
person. His aptitudes, nature, and profeseionare some times
indicated by the influence of planets on the lagnas. For this,
Sudarshana Paddhati may be adopted. Lastly, the yogas
present in the horoscopeare to be carefully noted. For, it is
theseyogas which rais a man to a high status in life. Infomation regardingimportant yogashasbeen given. With the aid of
these principles, we may now study some illustrative horoscops and ee how the profesions are indicated in theee.
Readersmay collect more and morehoroecpesandstudy them.
It will be a rewarding experlenceand surely they will notice
the role played by planets in regard to the choiceof profession.
Also, as we said earlier, the Navamshachart, and Bhava chart
shoud be prepared and then only the horwcope can be studied
properly. The distinction between Rasi and Bhava has to be
borne in mind. Also the Naramsha Chakra ie of great importane. A planet may appear rrery weak in the r.asi but may be
strong in the Navamsha chart. Then we cannot think that the
planet is weak. Similarly, readers would have notied that
Mihira, Satya, Farasara etc., attach great importance to
Navamsha. In fact, they want us to dcidethe profession by a
eonsideration of the lord of the Navamehain which the lord of


Chopter XN

Stellar PrinciPles
Now we will study the tenth house using the principles of
Stellar Astrolory. This branch of Astrolory is anancient one
and is contained in many works like Nadis, satya samhita etc.
Here we cronsiderthe nature of the planet owning the star in
which the lord of the 10th Bhava is situated'
Definition of Jeeva:The lord of the star in which the lord
of the tenth house is situated is called the Jeeva of the 10th
The Jeeva of the 10th house has influence oner one's
Eranple l. This Peron
is employed in an oil com'
pany. lord of l0th house is
Saturn. He is gituated in
Sravana--a star ruled bY the
Moon. Moon represents liq'
uids as told before. Moon be'
comes the Jeeva of the 10th
house. And Saturn is gitu'
ated in a watery sign. So
dealing in oil, agreeswith the
principles of stellar Astrol'


P to fession Through As tro t ogy

J y e s ht h a

c ry

Example 2. This person

is employed in Police. The
lord of the tenth house is
placed in Jyeshtha, a star of
Mercury.And it is in the sign
of Mars. Saturn aspectsMercury from the Lagna. He was
employed for sometimes in
Police department and later
in Accountsdepartment. [BeS a t u r n causeMercury representsaccountsl.

Example 3. A person
not having any permanent
jobHere the lord of the tenth
house Moon is placed in
Aslesha,a star ruled by Mercury. Mercury and Moon are
inimical. Mercury rules over
12th housein addition. Mercury is changeful. For all
these reasons,the person was
changing his job frequently.



Ju p i t e r


Example 4.Ahigh-eouft
judge. Lagna falls in Leo. Venus, the lord of the 10th
house is placedin Gemini in
the star of Punarvasu, ruled
by jupiter which aspectsVenus by the trine aspect.Jupiter owns the 5th house. Venus is in the 1lth house.Note
that Venus is for taking balaned decisions.The profession of a judge and law is
ruled by Jupiter. Venus be-

SteIIar Principles


comes strong by being placed

in the sign of Gemini ruledbv
Example 6. A professor
in a law college-Here Venus.
the lord of the 10th house is
placed in Poorvabhadra, a
star ruled by Jupiter, exalted
in the 12th house.Jupiter de_
notes teaching profession and

S a tur n

J upiter

V e nu s
Pt Bhadra

Example 6. A business

In the 10th house two

auspicious planets
Mercury Venus and Jupiter are
placed. Venus is in
P. Phalguni
V 6 n u g poorvaphalguni, its own
J u p i t e r star. The native deals
jewellery. (ruled by Venus).
Seelord of llth is in associaL
tion with the lord of lfth in
the 9th house.
Similarly, in the dashaperiodsof planets
also,one may be
experiencingthe effectsor the star lord
acording to its-pcnition a1{-ownership. For exampte,iibaturn
is placed in the
star of Bharani, it can give the effects
of Venus a"iin!1i"
period.Also, l,rg1e,
Saturn fr"pp"n" to be plaed in a star
of friendly planet. If it is in the
inimical planet, the
results may not be very good.-Inthis
"t* *r1,, tt
are also to be applied to study troroecof,es." "t"U;;;;;ipi;

Chopter XV


L. Brninessmen: Romakrishna Dalmia







Here the lord of wealth, the Moon is placed in the 7th

houe aspectedby Mars the lord of 11, and Jupiter the lord of
In the tenth house are plaed three planets: Sun, Venus
and Mercury. Mercury ie the lord of the ascendant.His place'
ment in the 10th houeeis auspiciotrs.He gets Neechabhanga.
Venus a,alted in the 10th lnuse ptoduees uery powerful
Malatyoyoga Added to this is the placement of the Sun in the
10th house. Not only this! The Bharyadhipati Saturn is
aspectiqg the 10th house.
Addedto this, there isJupiter in the eleranth housedenot'
ing rich gains through business.
In Moon dashq he statred sugar mills. Mmn represents



sugar). Moon is in the ?th house, the house dcttoting tmdz.

Rstru dasha was gd. It is aseociatd with Jupiter. He startd
a bank, and many more ooncerns. (For Jupiter denotes (bank'
ing). We eee that the houses 7, 10 and 11 are all strong and
associated with planets favoumble to them.

f,lxanple 2 (F-ample of
A neutspoper tnagnateLord of 10th houseis the Sun.
He is placed in the 9th house,
in association with Mercury
and Saturn.
reference to
Chandralagna, there is


Ma r s
B ah u



V e nu r

Bharyadhipati aspects
lord of 7th house,Lord of 10th houseand lord of llth house
have combined in the Bharya Sthana. Mercrrry rules trade,
printing and Journalism. From Lagna"Venus itsoccupying the
elerrenthhouse.From Chandra Lagna,Jupiter aspectsthe 2nd
house.From lagna, lord oflagnaaspects the Znd house.Pres.
enceof Venus in the llth sign is very auspicious.
Example 3. This is the
horoscopeofone ofthe richegt
persons,a great industrialist
and manufacturer of automoSun
The Lagna falls in
M a r c Scorpio.Lord of the logno
Mo o n
7o-35' More ie plaaed, in tlw 10th
houee, 2nd houge falls in
B a hu
J upitct
Jupiter's Rasi. I.ord of the
t o-ttl
10.-32' se@nd houee is in the llth
house.And lord of the llth
house is placed in Bhagrasthana along with the lord of l0th
house. Lords of 9 and 10 aspecteachother fully producing full


prcfessionThtough Astrclogr

Rajayoga. Jupiter is placed in the gth house from the Moon.

The connection between 2, 10, 11 and g houses is fully clear.
Venus gets Neecha Bhanga.
There are 3 planets in the eleventh house.
Here also the lord of Labha (gains) and Karma (profession)
are associated and placed in the Bhagnsthana. Bhagrasthana
is aspected by its own lord. Further Jupiter, OtraLtarala,
aspects the lord of Bhagra from the eleventh. The tenth is
occupied by Mars. It is in Magha Star ruled by Kethu occupy_
ing a sign of Venus. Thus Mars does indicate machinery and
factories. venus is a l(araka for automobiles. Moron"t,-f"oC_handralagna, the tenth house falls in Tula, a sign, ruied by
Venus, joined with Chandralagnadhipati Saturn,
in Kanya, a friendly sign. Rajayogas of parasara "g.i" ir, u.b.rn"r"
dance. Vasumadyoga is also present.

Example 4. A dealer in
electrical goods. The Lagna
and Chandra lagna fall in
Gemini, a sign ownedby Mercury. Moon and Mercury
have exchangedsigns.

Mo o n



The tenth lord Jupiter is

associatedwith Mars and Ve- Saturn
nus. Mars is a fiery planet. So
connection of his profession
Ju p i t e r
with electricity (a kind of fire)
is indicated. Sun is associated
with the fiery planet Kethu. Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Venus
aspect the 10th house. [ord of llth Mars aspectsthe 10th
house.Mercury is in the 2nd house.
Mercury is a Karaka for trade. Lagna is very closely onMercury (indicating trade). Moon is a luminary
lagna Lord of 10th is connectedwith fiery ptanet
with the fiery planet Kethu. Thusiis proYtT,
fesion as o deoler in electrieal g*d,"- gets suggested.



E:arnple d. An ind.ustriolistMercury,
significator of trade is placed
in the ?th house, (house of
trade), along with Venus the
lord of 1lth (gains). The lord
of the 10th house Mars is connectd with Saturn which is
exalted. Both together aspect
the 10th house. Thus, the profession of an industrialist is
indicated. He is a financer
too. He does money lending.



c ry



J upiter

Ma r a

This is confirmed, for both Surya lagna and Chandra lagna

have connection with Jupiter, which represents financing.
Lord of the ascendant Moon is associatedwith Jupiter. so tlie
professions of banking, financing etc. do get sugested.
J u p i t e r Mo o n
B a h u V e nu s

A persondialing in motor
sparcparts. In the 7th house
Mercury, lord of the 9th
house is placed. The 7th
S u n houserepresentstrade. In his
c ry
house,Mercury is placed.

Mercury is a planet of
trade. Lord of 10th Venus is
strong by being in own sign
it denotes vehicles.
Chandra lagna is associated
with Venus. The lord of the
tenth house from the Moon is Saturn and it denotdb iron.
Kethu is in the 10th house.And this can indicate machinery
and as it is in Venus sign, it can denote motor.partd.,Thus
trade in motor spare parts is surely indicated..
_ Example 6. Ministere (Sri Chapan) Aquarius-traFa,
Rahu, Mercury and Sun; pisces.Venus, G;ini-Mars, IoKethu, Virgo-Mmn, CapricornJupiter. We note that the lord
of the lfth house.Mars is olacdin the bth house.From the



Prcfes sionThrcuih Astrclogr

Moon the tenth house is

occupied bY Mars. Venus
Saturn Marl
is exalted iq the second
house causing MaluYo
Ingxra lras Subha
Karthari Yoga, as it is
hemmed between JuPiter
and Venus. Saturn, the lord
J upiter
of lagna and Surya lagna as'
pects them ftom the fourth
M o o n ho.t*. Lord of the 6th and
?th are combined in the
lagna. The Chandra lagta issryectd by exaltnd Venus'
ali the S lagnas ate rendeled @g'
Venug the,yogahan'ha, 0o'rd of 4th and 9th) ig e:ralt'edin
the secondhouse.
reVenus is Bhasradhipati (lod of the 9th houee) with
spectto att the th; t@
pct of a great minister'
Eranple 7. (Sri V.K.
8un M6rcury
Krishna Menon)JuPiter, Sat'
urn and the Sun are e:(altd.
Adhiyoga is Present w.r.t'
lagna and Chandra laglta.
Iord of the 10th houge
Mercrrry is asPectcdbY Mar" M o o n
the lord of th 6th house.
In the fifth houge Venue
0ord of llth house)lrasjoined Ltgnt
the BhagradhiPati.
C'ajakeeariand Hanea Mahayoga,are present with refer'
enc to Chandra lagna.
So he was \tery rich, highly rearned, and was an e:cpert irr
law. He held many eminent pcitions as defence minister'
etc. (Ttris is an enmple of Mithira's Karaka graha


yogas and adhiyogas).
8. This is the
horoscoPe of a great flewan'
This is a clear examPle of
Lagna AdhiYoga. Three
benefic planets Moon, Venus
and Mercury are occuPYing
the 6th, 7th and the 8th
houses from Lagna. So
words have

vgfn+nrnrsmw+) I i.e.' In



Ma r s

V o nu !



Adhiyoga' a commander-in


-j#"t* or a king is born).Nowlet us considerthe 10th

It fallE in Virgo. Its lord Merorry is with the Sun'

fth and
Thus Parasam's Sqiayoga ariesbecauselords of
10th harn combined togih-r' Also, acording to oy gncient
is occutexte, the 9th house requires careful o<amination' It
piJLy tft" lord of the iagna;
F;"dly sign. From there,lupiter aspectsthe bth house'
10th houeefrom the Moon' Algo Mercury is the
oithe 5th house from the Moon. The 6th house indicates
ninistership. sun repreeents the king. Thus minirstership
of powerful Rajayoga'
Tit" p*"o""
Eranple 0: (CosYgin) Mrrr
This is the horoscoPeof eret- Jupitcr
while premier of Rusia. kt
ue analyse thig chart. In the M c r c u r Y
oase of ministere, the ftfth
house invariablY needsatten'
tion. Ttrat is the houe of Srturn
end tra' ffiq'-ninister
counselling. Here the flfth
houge faUs in the sign of Pi'
ea. JuPiter, (tbe atrsPicion



Pl.alet_for Scorpio)is.placedstrongly in its own housealong

with the lord of the lagna causin6fiowerful parasaras
No* look at the 10th house.Iord of ninth house,the Moon
is situated strongly in a friendly house.Also, the roin rrouse
aspectedby its own lord, the sun. The influence of the
over the 10th houseis to be noted.Not only is the 10th
fatting_r_nthe sign owned by the Sun, it is being aspectedalso
by it, Th9 aspectbetweenSun and t'he Moon iI gi.ii"gii*-L
?3othel Rqjayoga.Rahu in the tenth houseis auspicious.All
these planets have added strength to the horoscope.
n"t irr.
most-important point to be notedis that there is'crr"rra""at
yoga'from the Moon, p thg beneficplanets Venus,
funiter are placed in the houd 6,,1, g from ihe M;;
This is responsiblefor his great eminence.
ll. Gneat Sclentlete

t The lord of the lagna is

placed in the l0th house.
Mercury gets Neechabhnga.
Jupiter and Saturn
have exchanged their
houses producing powerful
Mars is exalted in the gth
house.It fully aspectsthe second house. Seeing the positions of Mars, Jupiter and
Mercrrry, his outstanditrg
ematician is fully clear. ".i'

AIho* Einstein
M e r c uyf
S a tu r n


J upiter




If_ye oompare this homecopewith the lst, one thing

clear. Here the rord of the uth housrfiars has gone
to trre"ath
house. The eleventh hous bes beenrendered Jegu
placed in the 10th house.IrfiorpoverKethu
is in the Znd house.
.this cherty shows that $ris is not tfr" fror*-p"
of L

Business Men


Example 12: This is also

the horosoopeof a great scientist. The lord of the lagna
occupiesthe tenth house and
the tenth house is aspected
by its own lord Mars. The exchange of houses between
M o o n Mercury and
Jupiter prducveV
His professionas a scientist is
Ju p i l e r
due to the presene of Mercury in the Xth house.Lagna
falls in C'emini sign owned by Mercury. His profession
as a
scientist is thus fully justi- ,
M e r cu r y


V e nu e





Mo o n

Exanple lB: A chernist

(A dealer in medicines):In the
tenth house Sun is placed. M e r c u r y
Sun represents medicines.
Saturn is the lord of the sign.
Saturn is connectea with
V e nu e
Rahu representing drugs and
poisons. Saturn represents
diseases.Lord of T, Venus in
the l0th house represents |
| nalu
trade. This is further confirmed by Mercury, the
l(araka for
trade placed in the llth
house. So, he is a trader in
Mo o n
medicines. See the lord of'
lagna. It is Mars. Marg is
Jupltcr strongly situated in the sign
of Scorpio,the sign nepresentM e r c u r y ing medicines. Thus, there
S u n ane clear astrological indicaV e nu r tions
for a chemist.


B-cnple 14.Adcoter in
point* fire ruler of the l0th
houseis Mercury. It b rrei-



atod with Venus. Venus repreeents paints' Also these very

planete aspectthe tenth hotrsfrom the Moon' Merctrry repreLnts trade. Lagna falle in a watery sign, I(anya 9wn{ !f
ft4"*ry. Thus Fom a cpnsiderationof the tenth lord and the
tenth hluee from the Chandra lagna, which are subject to the
influence of Venus. Even applying sudarshana paddhati' the
lords of lagna, Chandra lagna and Sutya lagna hale connection with and Mercury. Thus there is indication for
traae in paints. venug is in a lGndrapoeitiol fron the Mmn.
Moon's itl u.-y,, falle on Venus.Venug' tenth U4 a'pect fa1s
on Moon. Aoih Ueing placed in Kendras ane oonnected' So'
sine Moon is a watery planet, and Moon is in Venus sign
dealing in paints is clearlYin'

Eranple 16. Mars is ex'

alted in CaPriorn, in the 9th
hous. As Mars indicates R a h u
Pbfeice, it was in this sPhere
that he attained acknowl' M r r r
odged distirtion. It is tullY 210-52'
aelctd by JuPiter ftom the
lagna. Jupiter in the lagra' in f,rrcury
tbe gth boueo ftom Moon V c n u !
caugg GqiafBeari
thet h mu.t bs a
and a bighly leand pennn'
goat promr
Thc sad hotrp falle in Gemini which is fully aspectedby
ite orn lord Merctrry which is with the lord of the lagrra. Hig
Vidyartbana is thug e*romely strcrg. Tbere ie thus no won'
dc tha0 he wag matchle in learning.
fire lfth horee is ocupied by Rahu. This is also auspi'
cio'r. Actudry, in the Bhavi chahra, Mars wiU be in the 10th
Uo.r*. Sahrr; ig itt Moon eign and aspcts the Moon. Ttre lord
of the l0th houso is aapectedby exalted Mars. venus and
Jupiten haw enchangFdhouso. The lOth hotrse from the
M;rn is aepectedby two beneflcsMeranry and lord
of the fgti house is Melcury whidr is combinedwith Venus
which is further connected with Jupiter. All this is



reeponsibleifor the sucsr'glory and honour, he was cnowned

is in the i"grr" and it aspectsthe fth horrse.In saturn Dasha
Uis rputa;on increased.Saturn is the lord of the lfth houee
rsearctr) and is aspecting the 9tlt house
studies). So the gtory was co''''cted with his dis@\,r.InMercuryDasha,hisfameinsreasedand
the pak. Meranry ie lord of chandra @1ttre
*itU t"gn" lord
tn"tOttt tto.t*, ftom the Moon, aspectinghis own sign emini'
.lupiter i" r"-urr"artip"ti 0ord of llth house)plaaedin the lagna.
tras joined Dtranadhipati gord of 2nd house).
goIU ale
Dhanasthana (2nd house).Jupiter and
venus hane exctrangpasigrn. Thus ther ie oonnction be'
gatn of
tween lst, 2nd andlhe tittr houss. Tllis indicate
wealth. He was rich. And he got the hbulous
Sqqnrple 18. Grcat poets:Omar lfitoyyatrt
The second house from
t grtr
I,lgpr and the Srrn is occtl' l(ltilr
pied by Venus (Kavi).
occupied bY Venus. Venus
and Meiurry hane exchanged
places. Thus Venus and Juplbr
Mercury are connected with
all tbe three lagnas. This SaUm
wao responsible for his
potical eminence). MerotrY
is in the lagna along
the lord of 4 (education). He
waa a great mathenatician, and aetttnomer of his age' fite
lord oflhe 10th houseSaturn ie pl.acedin tlu'9th along with


Prcfeesion Thrcugh Astrctogt

17. Lord
Jupiter L a g n a
Tennyson. Lagna is occupied
K eh
t u Mo o n
by exalted Moon giving him
great power of imagination.
The Surya lagna is occupied
by Mercury. Venus occupies
the 2nd house, in a friendly
house in the sign of Mercury.
Saturn is the Yogakaraka for
Vrishabha lagna. He became
poet-laureate in Saturn
Saturn Rahu
Dasha. Saturn as the totd. of
the lwh offered him fame. His profession,as poet is indicated
by the 2nd house as houses2,6, LOdenote profeseion.The
planet placed in the 2nd house can indicate.the sour@
Example 18. Rabind.ra
V e nu c
Mo o n
Noth Tagore. Moon in the L a g na
lagna gives fertile imagina6o
tion. Consider the tenth
houee.It is occupiedby Ratru.
Rahu in the tenth house is
generally grcd. The lord of
the tenth lnuse is Jupiter and.
it is eralted in tlu fifth twuse.
And such a Jupiter aspec,ts
the lagna. The lord of the R a h u
lagna and the 5th house lord
have exchanged housee. Thus uery powerful Rqjoyoga
Venus and Mercury are plaed in the Znd house.Venus
very close to the Sun. These garrc him gmd learninj
excellencein literature and poetry. venus in ttt"
is rry etrong here.It has exchanged,houseswith
tlu rord of
the 2nd lnuse Mars.lMare is Bhagradhipati. It
tenth house. The tenth houseis strong being -rrrr*t"a
""pd *ilt
benefics.Further, the Sun is exaltedii tfre Z-nAfro"*, gi;;;
him great glory. Moon is strongly onnected with Jupi6i.



the m.oonDasln he got tIE N&l hizaIn Rahu Dasha" he

!9rt"d Eurype.And he established the great university of
viswabharati. Jupiter represents educational institutions.
Rahu ig a node in his sign. Therefore,he eouldeetabtisha great
institution for studies. In this horoecope,we find the prindples
enunciated by our ancient sagescoming out true, ina glaring
manner' His inteuectual eminence, and poetical ability were
due to the presenceof a great yoga called Saraswati yoga.
Example 19. Great writM o o n Mcrcury
ers. Lagna-Taurus-Moon; R a h u
L a g n r Saturn
Ciemini-Mercuryand Saturn;
Cancer-Sun and Venus;
Virgo-Kethu; Libra-Mars; p!
c nu s
sces-Rahuand Jupiter.
Here, in the se@ndhouse
from the Lagna, Mercury is
situated in its own sign. Saturn is the lord of the lfth
Mrrr K e t h u
house. It is crnjoined with
stropg Mercrrry in the sign of
_cremini,Jupiter is placedin the llth houein itt own house.
Merorry indicatee writing work. It ie associatdwith the lord
of the tenth house. The aspect between Moon ana Venus
tion and ability in literature
20. Sonrual Johnson (Sep.
I 8-I 7Og) Lagna-Capricorn;
Aquarius.Rahu ; Pisces.Mmn;
Leo-Kethu; Virgo-Sun, Venue, Saturn and Mercrrry,Libra-I\fiarc and Jupiter.
The lord of the lagna is
placed in l(anya rasi. Here it
is associated with Mercurv
which is exalted. The Surya
lagna falls in Kanya rasi.
Chandra lagna falls in lGnya








Prcfeseion Thrcugh Asfiologt

rasi. chandia lagna falls in Pisces. chandra lagnadhipati

Jupiter is also placed in Virp. Iord of the tenth houseis venus
it is placed in the ninth house, in the eign of Virgo.
the tremendous influence of Mercuty and
Readers *iu
Venus and the sign of Virgo. All this made him a literary lion.
He was held in high esteem.He compiled a dictionary of the
English language and published many essaysand looks' {ll
thi; is due to the influJnce of Mercury, venus and Jupiter in
the Bhagrasthana. Thesemadehim highty educated'Venue is
lord of dlh ho,r*. Merc'ry ig lord of the 9th house in exalta'
tion. Jupiter is also a l(araka for education and knowledge.
ExamPle 21. LousYers:
Lagna-Sagittarius; CaPri'
corn-Moon, Rahu;
Marg; Cancer-Kethu;koJu'
piter; Virgo-Sun and Mer'
cury; Libra-Saturn and Ve'
Lagna is sagittarius. L'
gal professionie one of the inSaturn S u n
dicationsof this elgn.Lod of
V c nu r M e r c u r y
the tenth house is in e:calta'
tion in the sign ofVirgo, along
with the SunI Inrd of the tenth house fnomthe Surya lagna is
Gemini. Its lord is also Mercury. surya lagra falls in the sign
of Virgo and its lord is aleo Mercury. Jupiter aspects the
ascendant bY the beneficial
trine aspect.Thus the influMarc
enoe of Merctrry and JuPiter
are clear. It irstherefore right
that he followed the legal ProKethu
fession.As the Sun was in the
10th house,he got a govern'
ment job also.
Example 22. Lagna'Aries; Gemini-Mars; Cancer'
Kethu; Leo-JuPiter Virgo' Mo o n
V e nu g Mercury
Sun and Mercury; Libra-Sat'


Business Men

urn and Venus; Sagittarius-Moon; Capricorn-Rahu' The 6th

house from lagna is occupied by Mercury. Jupiter aspects the
lagna. The Sun is combined with Mertu4y. The Suryalagna
fa-Us in the sign of Virgo' The tenth house from the
chandralagna falls invirgo. Mercury is occupying thishouse.
The lord ofine 10th house has joinedVenus the lord of the 2nd
house. Jupiter aspects the l1th house' Mercury is a
significator of the legal profession. Its influence is clear. venus
M"t.r.try have exchanged houses and Mercury is exalted
in the 6th house.
Example 23.Great I'awMoon
yers. The lord of 10, Sun is
conjoind with MercurY the
lord of 11. Jupiter has joined
Rahu who in turn rePresents
Mercury. Jupiter fullY as'
pects the Vak sthana, i.e., the
2nd house and Mercury.I'ord
of the Lagno occuPies the
70th house ensuring suc@ss, Satum
fame and good income. JuPi'
r' Venus
ter fully aspects the 10th l
house from Chandra lagna, and the Janma lagna'

Ashutosh Muhcrjee. Mercury
is in lagna, Surya lagna falls
in Mercury's sign. JuPiter aspects the 10th house and the
Surya lagna by his Tfin'e as'
pect. Jupiter asPects the
Moon. So, he was in the legbl
profession.IVIarsis placed in
own sign in Chandralagna.
caused Ruchaka
Mahayoga and he became a
great personality.









Mercury and Venus hare exchangedsigns. t agna is occu'


Professi on Through Ash:cI ogr

pied by Mercury. Lagna lord is connected with Mercury. Mercury is placed in second house from Chandra lagna. As Mercury rules the legal profession, and the lagnas - Janmalagna
and Suryalagna are connected with it. He was a great lawyer.
In Rahu dasha, he became a great Judge. Rahu is associated
with Jupiter aspecting the 10th house.

Example 26. A Judge.

Moon is placedin Sagittarius.
Jupiter is the lord of Chandra
lagna. Lagna lord is associated with Jupiter. Jupiter aspects the lagna. Jupiterraspects the lord of Surya lagna
The lord of the tenth
house is aspectedby Jupiter.
For thesereasons,the profession of Judgeis fully justified.

Ju p i t e r

Ma r s





V e nu s


Now, in the tenth house from Lagna, lord of 9th house, i.e.,
Mercury is placed along with the Sun. Placement of the lord of
the 9th house in the 10th house constitutes a Rajayoga. Sun in
the 10th house, shows a good government job. Not only this,
lord of 10th, Venus is receiving the aspect of Jupiter and it is
in the llth house suggesting good income. Venus is planet
which considers the pros and cons of a subject cooly and takes
a decision. The sign of Libra,
represented by a balance,
does indicate justice too. S a t ur n
Ma r s
Combiningthe effectsof Jupiter (law and judge), Venus
(taking a decision), Mercury
(intelligence, law, thinking)
Sun (honour, position), the
professionofajudge, does get J u p i t e r
Example 28. Deusans,
1. Sri C.P. Ramaswamv

Rahu Mercury sin

Mo o n


Business Men


Iyer. He was_a leading lawer, a great speaker and a great

dewan. Mercury the Bharyadhipati is piaced in the second
house.The lord of the secondhouse is in its own sign. And 10th
house is aspected by Mars and Jupiter.
Mars has causcd strong Ruchaha yoga and,he rose to the
position of a great dewan. Iord of the 10th house is placed in
the lagna and has conjoined the Sun, the labhadhipati.
Venus gets Neecha Bhanga and thus Neecha Bhanga
Rajayoga is present.
Saturn and Jupiter have exchanged houses.
Lagna has subhakarthari yoga.
The lord of 10th house is the Moon. It is placed in the
lagna, associatedwith the lord of the llth house,the Sun. Su'
gets neecha Bhanga (cancellation of debility) because, the lord
of its exaltation sign Mars is in a Kendra (7th house) with
reference to Chandra lagna and the lagna. Aspect between
Moon and Mars is good. (Chandramangala yoga).
27. Kings
(GeorgeVI): The lagna lialls in
the sign of Libra. Here the
Yogakaraka Saturn is placed
in exaltation. Causing Soso
Mahayoga. Venus is placed
in the lagna in own sign
and is producing Malauya


J u,titer


Now let us consider the
M e r c u r y S a tur n
10th house.}Jerc Jupiter is in
Ma r s
exaltation. Lord of the 10th
house is placed in the 2nd house, in association with lord of
1lth house, the sun, Lord of the 10th house is associatedwith
Mercury, lord of the 9th house, causing, pouerful Rajayoga.
Mars is placed in own sign in chandra lagna causing8l inin"
Mahayoga. So, because of the presence of so many
Mahapurusha yogas, he became an emperor. Jupiter is in



c.roltation in the loth house, causing powerful Hamsa

Mahayoga. His tenth house is extremely strc 3 by the presence of Jupiter and by the association so many planets with the
lord of the 10th house.In Kethu Maha dasha, he ascendedthe
throne. Kethu represents the Sun, lord of 11, in association
with the Moon, lord of l"0th house.Kethu is placed in the 10th
house from thc Moon.
Example 28. King: T}:is
is the horoscope of a great
king. Two benefics are placed
in lagna. Jupiter is exalted
Ju p i t e r
Mahayoga. Moon and Venus
have exchanged signs. Thus
Sa t u r n
, there arises connection between 1st, 4th, 9th and llth
houses. Iords of lst and 4th
houses have exchanged R a h u Ma r s Mo o n
houses. Rajayoga is caused
thereby. Lord of 10, Mars is strcngly placed in his own sign.
Iord of 10 is aspected by a friendly planet Sun lord of 2. It is
aspected by Jupiter, by his trine aspect. Thus lord of 10 is
extremely strong. Lagnadhipati Moon aspects the 10th house.
From the I'agna, there is Vasumadyoga. From Chandra lagna
too in the 10th house, Venus and Jupiter are placed. So,
Vasumadyoga is present. There is Hamsa mahayoga of a very
superior kind becauseJupiter
is exalted and that too in the
Ma r s
lagna. The presence of such S a tur n
powerful yogas does justify
his position as a king.
Example 29. FiIm o.ctors:
Lord of 11 Venus is placed in
the lagna. Lord of lagna, Jupiter is placed in the 10th
house. In the llth house, the
lord of the 10th house is L a g n a K e t h u S u n J upiter
placed.Placement ofVenus in


Business Men

Lagna, 10th lord in Venus sign, falling.of Surya lagna and

Chandra lagna in the Venus sign, fully justifu his career as a
film actor. It will be noted that lords of 10th house from all the
three lagnas, are placed in Venus sign.
Example 30. This is the
horoscope of a person who
was in Military service but
later became an actor. Mars is
placed in the 10th house. But
Chandra lagna is aspected by
Venus There is Guru
Chandra yoga in the second
house assuring accumulation
of wealth. Venus the
Bharyadhipati aspects its
own house, i.e., the second

V e nu s M e r cu r y



Ju p i t e r L a ! n a
Mo o n S a t u r n

house. Mercury the lord of the 10th houseis in Venus sign

along with the Sun. Moonis the Labhadhipatiand it hasjoined
Jupiter inVenus sign.
Ju p i t e r


Ma r s



S a tur n V e nu s
Kethu Mercury Sun

31. (Shiuoji
Gancshan): This is the horcscope ofa great film actor of
South India.
From Chandra lagna, in
the 10th house, Venus and
Mercury are placed together
in the sign of Venus. From
the lagna they are in the 9th
Bhagrasthana. Venus is
placed in its own sign T\rla.

Jupiter the lord of 2 and 11 is aspectingVenusand Mercury.

And Mercury is the lord of the 5th house.
Lord of the lagna, Saturn is placedin the tenth house.He
becameprominent in Rahu dasha and during Jupiter Dasha
his fiameand income insreasedvery much.


Profession Through Astrclogr

Example 32. This is also

the horoscope of a very successful film actor. In the tenth
houseJupiter is placed,along
with Kethu who represents
Venus also. The tenth house
falls in the sign of Libra, a
sign owned by Venus. Lord of
the 10th house Venus aspects
the 2nd house. Mercury is exalted in the gth house. The
lord of Chandra lagna and the


Sa tu r n


Mo o n

V e nu s

J upiter
K e th u Mercury

{Iercurr.Fromthe Chandralagnaalso,the

house, Jupiter is placed in Venus

tSig. ;f
Venus indicatescinemaand oiher amusements).
Ma r s

L a g na


J upiter

S a t ur n

Example 33. This is the

horoscopeof a famous film
actor. Venusaspectsthe lOth
house. Exalted Saturn aspects the 10th house.Jupiter
aspectsthe 10th house.Lord
ofthe 10th houseaspectsVezzs. ?he 10th housefrom the
Sun falls in Leo a sign of

Saturn which is in association with Venus, aspects

the lagna and the lord of the lagna.
Venus is strong- in Kendra causing Ma)atrya Mahayoga.
sasa mahayoga is also present. In the 6th hou"" Jupiteiis"in
its own sign with Mercury.
_ The lagna and Chandra lagna consider. Moon, a faminine
planet, is in Lagna.
All these are favourabre indications for his beinga suc""ssful actor. Venus is a prominent planet here by beini
in its outn
sign and in a Kendra.



Example 34. Eminent

Scholars. Here is the horoscope of a highly educated
person who was knighted
with the title of 'Sir'.
Here, the
occupied by
Moon. Lord
house, Venus
9th house.

tenth house is
Mars and the
rf the tenth
is placed in the

education and

Ju p i t e r


L a gn r


Ma r g

V e nu s

great titles are to be jundged fnomthe 9th house.In the gth

}ol= Mercury is eralted. Venus gets NeechaBhanga. powerful Jupiter aspects the gth house. since the eflbct of the
auspiciousplanets liallson the 9th house,it is no wonder that
l: tu"" highly educatedand was honoured with the titre of
Example #.Anemincnt
philosopher. This is the
horscope of an eminent philosopher Look at the tenth
house. Jupiter is placed
there. Jupiter is the lord of
the 9th house and thus rules
over higher education and
philosophy. Added to this, exalted Satrun is as,psgling the
Ma r s
M er cu r y Sa t u r n K e t h u 10th house. baturn is known
Jupiter by itself would have made the native L la*y",
o, u.

Ju p i t e r

Judge but the influenceof saturn over it has made thl

a renownedphilosopher.Added to this, the Lagna is falling
Pushya, a star ruled by Saturn. Therefore his professioi
Philosopheris fully justified.
Example 38, A potitical lea.dercurn Scholar. Here,
Jupiter is placed in the bth house from the Lagna and
ths ninitr


K e th u


housefrom the Moon.JuPiter

is placed in its own sign. All
the three lagnas receive its
full aspects. Jupiter's PlaceMcrcury
in the bth house has
V e nu a ment
rnade him a scholar. JuPiter
is combinedwith the lord of
L a g n a the ?th house. And it
fully aspectsthe Moon in the
9th house. AII these have
R a h u M r r c made him a great Political

Example 37. Doctore.

The lagna falls in Leo sign. Its M o o n M a r c
lord Sun is placed in the
lagna. As the lagna and the
planets placed therein is alo
a detetrrinant of Profeseion,
medical line is fully jttstified
as the Sun denotes medical Juplter
profession.Venus is weak bY
being placed in the 12th
housein the sign of Moon' So,
the profession here is deter'
mined by the Sun and not Vnus. But Venus in 12 along with
the lord of 11 ensures good incomeof wealth.
E-nrnple 38. This is also
the horoecopeofa doctor.The
lord of the tenth hous Mercury has joined the Sun and
M o o n the two are placedtogether in
the Ingrla. The Sun is an indicator of Medical profeesion,
Lagna contains the Sun.
From the Mmn sign, the lord
of 10 Mars (indicates
Lrgna M a r r
Jupltcr doctor) is placed in the eign
V c nu r
of Scorpio (doctor). So hir

Business Men


prfession as doctor is fully justified'

Bsarnple 39. Here also, S u n

Vcnug Kothu M o o n
the lord of the 10th house MSaturn
e r cu r y
Mercury which is the lord
of the Ascendant has joined
the Sun in the 7th house.
They aspect the lagna. From
the Moon again the Sun is
on the exact cudP of the
tenth house. Mars also
aspects the tenth house. Jupiter R a h u
Ma r a
Mars is strongly Placed in
its own sign.
From the Chandra lagna, in the tenth house, the Sirn
is plac'ed. Its lord Jupiter aspects the tenth house'. The
tentrr house cusp falls in Mars star, and Moon is also placed
in Mars star. Thus there is connection of the tenth houge
with Mars. It is right that, the pereonis working asta surgeon.
ExamPle 4O. Prcfessors.
of 10is placedin the rasi
K e th u S a t u r n Jupiter
of Mercury. MercurY is
placedin lagna. Iord of lagna
is in Vaksthana. Sun is asso'
ciated with Mercury. In the
lagna, MeranrY brd of 9 is
placed. Lord of Chandra
lagna is also Mercury. JuPi'
ter is placedin the 9th house
Ma r s M e r i u r y
aspects lagna. Mars is
placedin the secondhouse,in
itsown sign. The influenceof MercuryandJupiter over profession is clear, and he is a teacher.
Example 41. hofessor in a mcdicol oll'ege' Aries-Lagna;
Tauru+Mars and Saturn; Gemini-Venus;Cancer-Sun,Mercury; Virgo-Kethu; Libra'Moon; SagittariusJupiter; PiscesRahu.



The lagna falls in Mars

sign. ?he lord of the ten'i,ii
house Saturn is conjonied
with Mars placed in the
of education.Aries is
the tenth house from the
Surya lagna. AU this clearly
suggests that profession is
connected with surgery,
medicineand education.MerJu p i t e r
K e t h u cury aspectsthe tenth house
from lagna. From the Surya
lagna Mercury is placed in the tenth house. Mercrrry denotes
teaching and lecturing. Added to this Jupiter is strongly
placedin the 9th house.9th housedenoteshigher education.
As the Bharyasthana is occupiedby strong Jupiter, he must
be a respectablepersonteachingthe subjectto others.Thus it
is right that he is a professorof surgery in a medicalcollege.

L a g na

Ma r s

V e nu e

Example 42. Ishwara

Chandra Vidyasagar. In the R a h u
tenth are placedthree planets
Sun, Mercury and Kethu.
Mercury is exaltedin the 10th Jupiter
houseindicating his profound



From Chandra lagna,

10th houseis occupiedby JuSun
piter. Sun in the 10th house L a g na
Marr Mercury
made him noble and famous.
He was highly respected not
only by his own countrymen but even by the Britishers. He
was kind hearted and helpedmany gtudents. He was a profes.
sor of Sanskrit and later became the Principal of Sanskrit
collegeat Calcutta.
Mercury in the 10th house has caused Bhadra Maha.
yogo and he was a Mahapurusha, very much learned in


Business Men

Bxample 43. This is the

horoscope of a very great
scholar of Sanskrit who was
held in high esteem in
Varanasi. His knowledge of
Shastras knew no bounds.
See the sthanparivartan
between Mercury and Jupiter. Jupiter is the lord of the
tenth house and the ascendant. It has exchanged signs
with Mercury placed in lagna.

L a gn a


B u dh a



Eranple 44. Astrologers.Hete, from the lagna as

also the Chandra Merrury is
placed in the 10th house
along with Sun. This clearly
juetifies his fame and profe+
sion as an e:eert Astrologer.
L a g na
J u p i t c r Mercury and Venus have exMo o n
changedtheir houses.Jupiter
M e t c u r y Ma r c aspectsthe eecondhouse, the
S u n V e nu r hous of leerning. Ae Mercury is for publiehing and
writing, he wrote many books on Astrologr and published
them. Thus he was doing
business of book-publishing
Lrgna Ssturn
S a t ur n


Example 45. Adjoining is

the horoecope of Bangalore Mcrcury
SuryaNarain Rao,who was a Jupitcr
reputed astrologer and
scholar.The tenth housefalls
in Kumbha Rasi and is occupied by Mercury, Jupiter and
Sun. Mercury the lord of 2nd Vcnuo
and 5th houes is placed in




the tenth and i8 very strong. There is oombination of 2nd and

llth houeelords in the tenth house indlcating much income.
He wrote many books on Astrolory and other subjects and
earned name and fame through his books.
There is orchangBof housesbetween Saturn and Merctrry
producing very powerful Rdayoga, and it is no wonder that he
had goodincome and a haPPYlife.
Erample 40. LagnaSrturn
Kumbha;. Meena'Rahu. R a h u
Vrishabha-Saturn; Kataka'
Sun; Smiha-Mars; MercurY L . 0 n a
and Venus. Kanya-Kethu.
Vrischika-Jupiter. This is
aleo the horoscopeof an Ag'
trologer of great reputation,
V c nu r
Prof. BV. Raman.JuPiterthe
lord of 2nd and 11 is placedin
the tenth house, etronglY in
friendly sign..It is aspectedby t-L
the lord of-lagna saturn. Thus there is connectionbetween 1,
2, 10and U houses.Lagna is aspectedby lord ofthe 5th house'
M".*ry. Lord of 10 is associated with Mercury indicating
Astrologr and publication of books. Lords of 9 and 10 bave
combined producing powerful Rajayoga. 10th house is
which ig also exalted, in
aspected Uy tvtoon itt
tenth house has given him a happ.y
Vrishabha. Jupiter in the
life, wealth, reputation' nalne, fame, learning and suc@sain
his undertakings. He is respectedby all. Jupiter as Dhana
labhadhipati inthe tenth housegives him steady incomeof a
high order. Mercury in angle aspecting Lagrra has given him
gr""t ast-logical abitity. Another point to be noted is aU the
benefic planets are in anglee.
Gajakesari yoga and Amala yoga are preeen! -in the
Veeisthana. There are two benefics, Mercury and Venus'
I{araka plaqets are Present.
Jupiter in the tenth house also points to Astrologl' Mer'
,ggry ii Vargoththama. His work started in Jupiter



steadily grew up and in his Mercury dashait wasoutstanding'

tte orent-or,*o"ld tours and gBvemany lecturee.His name and
fame spread far and wide. He received many titles and won
many distinctions.
Example 47. This is the
horoscopeof Sayaji Rao III, V 6 nu 8
the Gaekwar of Baroda. Ve'
nus is exalted in the 4th
house causing very Powerful M e r c u r y
Malavya IMahayoga.Lord of
lagna Jupiter is Placedin the
eleventh house exchanging
signs with Venus. Thus there
is lnwerful cpnbination be' L a g n a M o o n Jupitor Saturn
tween lords of 1, 4 and 11.
Saturn,'inlord of 2 and 3 ig
the 10th house aspectedby venus the lord of the
itth. Noo'let us analysethe lfth houeeof this horoecope.Itis
occupiedby Saturn and is aspectedby exalted Venus' Mercury
the iord oi fOtt house has exchagedsigns with Saturn. Further Mercury is combined with the Sun, the lord of the !t-h
house causing very powerful Rajayoga' Mercury is fully
aspectedby the auspicioueJupiter too.
Example 48. Queen R a h u M e r c u r y S u n
Victoria. Here is the horo- M a r s V e n u s M o o n
scope of a great Queen. All Saturn
the three lagnas-Lagna,
Chandra lagna and SurYa
tagna fall in the sign of Venus. Venus is Placed in the
12th house (And this is good
according to Bhavartha
Ratnakara and nanY other
books as stated earlier). The


tenth house falls in the sign of
Saturn is placed in the
Kumbha and its lord

Labhasthana (llth house). Saturn is Yogakaraka for

Vrishabha Lagna. Saturn has e:ahanged signs with Jupiter'


PrcfessionThrcugh Aetrctogr

Thus lord of 9, 10 and 11 are getting closely connectd. Mercury and Venus have conjoined together. A Raja yoga due to
the combination of 5th and lst lords is also present. Moon is
exalted in lagna and Jupiter aspects it. Saturn also aspects it.
Sun is combined with it. Moon is Vargoththama.
Actually, the Bhava chart should be studied here. As the
latitude of birth is 51' variation between sigrrs and houses is
very much. According to the Bhava chart, Jupiter is placed in
the 10th house itself. In jupiter Dasha, Saturn Dasha and
Mercury Dasha she was the nrling queen.

Example 49. Ministere:

Kumbha-Lagna; MithunaKehtu; Kataka-Mars; TulaJupiter; Vrischika-M@n, Venus Saturn; Dhanus-Sun,
Mercury, Rahu. The lord of
the lagna is placedclqseto the
cusp of the tenth house.




Venus, the lord of the 4th

and gth houses is the R a hu V e nu r Jupitor
Yogakaraka and is placed in aMercury r Saturn l rlc

the l0th house, producing
Rajayoga. venus and saturn are conjoined. This is corf unction

of the lords of the lst and the fth houses.Jupiter ttre t ora or
the 2nd and the llth houseisplaed in the gth trouse.Sun, the
Iord of 7 is placedin the llth
in a friendly eign. In
S u n Venus Dasha, he
prime minister of ceylon,
Mercury which is in complete agreeV c nu e ment with astrclogicol pri*
J upiter


F:xnnrple 6O.An Indion

Maharani. See first of all
how many Maha yogas are
R a h u present.
Mars is placed in the
4th house causing Ruchaka



Maha yoga. In the tenth house, lord of the lagna, Saturn is

placed. Saturn is exalted there causing powerful Sasa
. Mahayoga. Lagna receivesthe beneficial aspectof Venus and
Mercury. Note Mercury is the lord of the 9th house while
Venus is the lord of the 10th house. fireir onbination gduee
rise tn another powerful Rajayoga.
Example 6L Politicione: Morurji Desai

Leo-Kethu and Moon


Capricorn-Mars, VenuB, Maro





Aquarius-Rahu and Sun

The lord of the tenth
house is exalted in the Znd
house. The tenth house receivee the full benefic aspect of
Jupiter. Saturn th.eBhagyadhipoti is ealtd in tlv Ai houce.
The lord of llth house is exalted in the 8th houee.Iord of ll
is aspectedby lord of 7 and 10. The lord of ll aspectsfully the
llth house.

The lord of tln tenth lrcrce is salted in tln eeotd lwue

teceiuesfull aspectof tltc brcfoe Venueond Mercury. Venug
and Mercury are benefics not only by nature but also subha
grahas for Gemini ascndant.Venus ie the lord of 6th house.
Its aspect ouer the lotd of th.e tenth lause eousesR4ioyga"
Mercury is lold of lagna. Its aspect over Jupiter aleo Caus6
Rqiayoga. Saturn and Venus, the lords of g and 6 haw
exchagedsigne. Thus the lords of hous g, 6, 10 and ll arre
Jupiter's placement in the eecondhoue@upld wttb the
aspectsof Mercury and Venus over tbe s@ndhous indicate
tbat he must be o uery rich percon.

Prcfeccion fhrcugh Ashol ogr

Exarnple 6ll.


StenograPher'Here the
lord of 10th house is Mars. It
is joined with MercurY Lotd R a h u
L r g na
of the 3rd house. The Moon
falls in Mercrrryb sign. The
10th lord from the Sun sign is Saturn
the Moon and it falls in
Mercury's sign combining
Ju p i t e r
and V e nu l
these indications
signiftcanceaof MercurY, Ste'
nography is clearlY euggeetd. (Also Mars indicates machinery, MercrrrY Printing,
therefore StenograPhY.
Example 6:1.This ig the
R a h u horacope of Pt. Jawaharlal
Nehru. The tenth houee falls
in Mesha rasi and its lord
Mars aspects Mesha bY its
8th aspect.The tenth house is
also aspected bY JuPiter
Srturn which is placed in its own
Jupiter which is Placedin
its own house.JuPiter's trine
aspect fallg on Mesha and
thie is highly beneficial. Mencrrry and Venus too aspect the
tenth houp.
Thuc the rcfue will ee ttnt ttrc tenth houseie ertrcmely
aspated by thrce bencftcplarcte: Jupiter, Mercury ond
venue ord furtlur by ite own lord Mone. Mars not only aspects
the tenth hougebut also the lord of the fth house' ,4nd Mars
is tlv yogalnnha for Concerlagna
Jupiter's powerful aapectouer the tenth howe and place'
ment in sagittarins indicate towards legal profmsion'
Venus's piacemenL in the 4th hous.l uiausesMolouyo





Business Men

He entered politics in Venus Mahatlasha.In Sun's dasha
his fame steadily increased.In the dasha of Mars, the lord of
the 10th house,Jawaharlal becantePrime Minister during the
sub-periodof Rahu which representsMercury (Rahu is placed
in Mercury's rasi) and Jupiter (Rahu is fully aspected by
Jupiter). Parasarab principles arc totally true here. The subperiod of Jupiter (Bharyadhipati) in the major period of
Yogakaraka has to be good.But as the nodeRahu is aspected
by Jupiter, in Mars-Rahu period,his elevationto the high post
is in agreementwith Astrological principles'
He was very rich. His secondhousereceivesthe beneficial
aspect of Jupiter (trine aspect). Dhanakaraka Jupiter is
strongly placedin his own sign. Lord of 11is placedin own sign
in the 4th house.It is combinedwith Mercury. Mercury rules
the 3rd house.It is strongly placed in the 4th house.He was
highly learned and wrote many books.
He was the Prime Minister in Rahu Dasha also. Rahu
represents Mercury which is combinedwith Venus and as'
pects the 10th house. Rahu is powerfully aspected by
Bharyadhipati Jupiter. So, Ilahu is connectedwith 9, 10 and
11.There is another way of analysis.Venus is the Karaka of a
very powerful Yoga-MalavyaMahayoga,which is mainly responsible for giving Pt. Nehru the Prime Ministership. That
Venus is combinedwith Mercury, and Mercury is a friend of
Venus. So, Mercury should
give auspicious results of Venus. Rahu represents Venus,
because Rahu is placed in the
sign of Mercury, and Mercury
and Venus both aspect the
10th house.
64. Indira
Gand.hi: By the exchanges of
signs by Moon and Saturn
there arises a Rajayoga. By
the exchange ofsigns by Jupi-






R a h u Sun4o
V e nu s Morcury




ter (lord of 9) and Venus (lord of 4) there arises another

The tenth house falls in ,Aries. The lord of the 10th house
Mars has exchanged houses with the Sun. These two are
closely connected and therefore Mars derives much strength
and authority. From the Sun Mars in is 10th house. There is
connection between lords of 2nd and 10th houses. As Mars
denotes leadership and Sun is for C'overnment, she headed the
Government of a great country.
There is Clear Ingna.dhi yogo.
Also Sun which is strongly connected with Mars is related
to Jupiter by aspect.Thus lords of 2,9,6, and 10 are connected
together. Not only this, Venus and Jupiter are closely related
because they have exchanged signs. Venus is the lord of 4 and
11. Thus the tenth house lord is oonnected with lords of 2, 9, 10
and 11. Readerg can now understand the strength of this great
Now we will study the tenth house in pa.rticular. It fialls in
the sign of Aries. It is not subjected to any malefic influence.
Its lord is Mars. Mars is situated in the 2nd house. It is strong
'becauseit is in the sign of Sun. Not only this, it hae exchanged
signs with the Sun. Sun indicates royal power. It represents
Government. Thus Mars gets inmense power. Thus there is
close relation between the lords of 5, 10 and 2nd houses. 6th
house represents ministership. Since the 10th house is 8o
powerfully connected with the 5th house, ministership was
bestowed. Readere will further note that Mars is the
Yogakaraka for Cancer ascendant. There is much mone rea'
son. The Sun has combined with benefic planet Mercury.
Jupiter is Bharyadhipati. Ordinarily it may be regarded weak
in the sign of Taurus. Here it is not so. Jupiter has exchanged
signs with Venus. Venus is Labhadhipati Jupiter is
Bhagradhipati. Thus Bhagadhipati and Labhadhipati are
very strongly related. And such a Bhagiadhipati Jupiter is
aspecting the Sun. Jupiter is by nature a benefic. Herc it is the
Jord ofthe 9th house further. Such ajupiter aspects the lord of
th lagns by its powerful, benefic, trine aspect. Mars is


Business Men

aspecting the Sun and Mercury. Readers will notice, that a

number of benefic yogas are present . Powerful Vasumad' yoga
is also present. Jupiter is in 11 and has exchanged signs with
Venus lord of 11. In the 6th house Venus is present. In addition
to this, therg is Lagnadhi yoga. All theseyogas, have given the
high status of prime ministership.
Example 55. Great ManSaint Tyagaraja: In the tenth
house, Sun irs exalted. Mercury is Vargoththama in the
tenth sign. In the Bhava
Chart he is placed in the 9th

v e n us
Sun 23o
M e r cu r y S a l u r n
00.21' 29"-3'

Merculy represents the

incarnations of Vishnu. 9th
house for devotion. He was a
great devotee of Sri Rama,
whose vision he achieved


L a g na


through intense austerities and penane.

He was a \rery learned man. Mercury is combined with the
Sun in the 10th house.His literary output was profuee. He
composed hundreds of songs which are vety popular even
His eminenoewas in music. He is one of the trinity of
Caranatic Music and occupiesthe foremostrank in that field.
Lord of the 1lth house,Venus is placedstrong in its own sign.
It aspects the 5th house in full. In ttu second lnuse, the
extreme benefic Jupiter is situated. It throws tts fuU aspecton
the lord of the secondhouse,the Sun and Mercrrry.
He lead a saintly life of austerities and penane. He did not
uee music to earn money. He compoeedsonp in praise of all
Hindu gods and in particular of Sri Rama.
Exanple 60. Horoscopes of groat menMahatma Gandhi
From the lagna, in the tenth hotrseMoon is placed in its

own sign. Rahu is also placed
in the tenth house.From the
Moon's place, in the tenth
house, Jupiter is placed pro'
ducing powerful Gajakesari
yoga. T}re tenth house from
the Moon is aspected bY
benefics:Venus,Mercury and
its own lord. Thus readers
will notice that the 10th
house from Chandra lagna is
rendered. extremely strong.

P rc fession T hrc.ugh As trc I ogr

Ju p i t e r

R a lu
Mo o n

La!n! l3'
S a t u r nMorcuryl3
lllrs 27'

Out of these, Mercury is the Bhagadhipati. It is joined with

the lord of the lagna producing very powerful Raiayoga. From
Chandra lagna, Bhagradhipati Jupiter is placed in the 10th
house aspected by Mars. Thus lords of fth and 10th houses
aspect each other thereby producing another powerful
yogo. firis is responsible
Rojayoga called Dharmakamndhi
for his virtuous nature. Also the aspect between lords of 4th
house and the 9th house aspect each other causing another
Rajayoga. Again there is combination of the 5th and 4th lords
from the Chondra lagon.
Apart from this, powerful Malatya Mahayoga is present
and it is no wonder therefore that he was really a great
Mahapursusha. Three kendras are occupied by benefics and
Mihira's Karakakhya yoga is prsent. Powerful Vesi yoga is
present as the second house from the Sun is occupied by two
very auspicious planets-Mercury and Venus' (See how the
rules of Varaha Mihira are proving true here).
The Moon rules public life. It is placed in the tenth house
in own house. So he was a great leader of the masses, the
father of the nation. There wer several changes in his life and
in his early years, he had many voyages too' (This is only to
indicate that Astrological principles are coming true perfectly).
In Rahu dasha, he was arrested probably due to MoonRahu combination. In Chandra lagna, Rahu is placed. He
struggled hard. He suffered hardships; but his fame spread. In


Business Men

Jupiter Dasha, he achierred indpendence for India. Jupiter is

placed in the 10th Inuse ftvnt the Moon
Prahash Narayan: LagnaCancer, Virgo-Sun and
Venus, Libra-Rahu and
Mercury. Sagittarius-Saturn.
Capricorn-Jupiter and Moon.



Lord of the lagna Moon in

?th house shows his engageSun
ment in public work. The lord Saturn
Mercury VeDus
of 10 is placed in the lagna. It
is aspected by the lord of
lagna the Bhagradhipati. Venus and Mercury have exchanged
houses. And Mercury aspects the 10th house. The tenth house
is connected with all the benefics. The aspect between the lords
of 9 and 10 gives Rajayoga. Combination of the lords of lagna
with Bhagradhipati Jupiter also produces a powerful
Rajayoga. Jupiter and Saturn have exchanged houses. The
exchange of lords of 6th, and 8th houses has produced
Vipareetha Rajayoga also.
The lord of the lagna Moon is placed in the 7th house with
Jupiter indicating public life. But three planets are debilitated-Mars, Jupiter and Venus. The tenth house is occupied by
Kethu and its lord is debilitated in the lagna. Perhaps,
this was the reason, why he
did not occupy any offrce of
high power, in the Gorrernment.




68. Sordar
Vallabh Bhai Patel- Lagna
falls in Aries a sign of Mars.
Moon falls in Scorpio, another sign of Scorpio. Tenth
hotrse is occupied b.y Mars in

Prcfession Thrcugh AshPlog


exaltation. so, sardar Patel was a Martian. He had an indomitable will, an undaunted spirit. i{e was known for his courage
and trnwer. Very many Mahayogas are present' Mars exalted
in the 10th house is causing R uchaha.Mahayoga. saturn in the
10th house, in its own sign is causing Sosa Mahayoga'

Example 69. Raiendra

M o o n Saturn
Pra"sad-Lord of 10 is Placed Kethu
in Lagna in JuPiter sign. Jupitqr aspectsit. [.ord of 10 is
associated with lord of 5 in
the lagna. Rahu is very ausPi'
cious in KanYa. The tenth
ho-use has subhakarthari
yoga. Jupiter
L a gn a
Mercury S u n Venus Rahu
Moon is exalted. Venus is
in the l1th house, in own
sign. There is GajakesariYoga.All these combinationsenabled
trim to becomethe president of India. Jupiter is in the
house aspecting the 10th house.There is sambandha (connec'
tion) betweenJupiter and Mercury. Jupiter rules law' Mercury also indicates legal profession.Surya lagnadhipati is also
with Mercury. tn Jupiter dasha,he was practising
as a lawyer.In Budha dasha,the lord of the 10 in 1st house,he
became the hesid.ent of India.
S a t ur n


J upiter
M e r cu r y V e nu s


RojagopalachonLord of the 10th house, the
Sun is placed in the lagna.
Kcthu Mars and Venus have exchanged signs. Thus it is an
excbage of lgt and 7th houses
which produces Raja Yoga
Mars rules over Lagna,
Chandra lagna, Surya lagna,
and the lord of Chandra
lagna. BhagiadhiPati is ex-

Business Men


alted in the ?th house. The lord of 11, Mercury is placed in the
second house, falling in the sign of Sagittarius. He Practised
politics, was the chief Minister of Madras and later he wrote
many books connected with religion and philosophy. He was a
grfted speaker. All this is due to Mercury being placed in the
2nd house and the placement of the lord of the 10th house in
the lagna ensuring successand glory. Saturn and Jupiter have
exchanged houses. Jupiter gets neecha bhanga, as the lord of
its exaltation sign, the Moon is occupying the 7th house'
Because of these yogas, he was a great leader, held in high
esteem by all people.
81. Generals- Lgna-Scorpio-Jupiter
Sun; Sagittarius-Mercury;
rus-Moon and Mars. Here the lord of the 10th house is Sun.
It is situated in Scorpio a Rasi ruled by Mars. It is further
aspected by the lord of the lagna Mars. The influence of Mars
over Chandra lagna, Janma lagna, Surya lagna and 10th
house is thus clear. Aspect between Jupiter and Moon, con'
junction of Moon and Mars, placement of lord of 2nd house in
the lagna, placement of Venus in the 12th house rightly point
out that he is a very wealthy person.
Example 62. Lagna-Leo; Leo-Kethu; Capricorn-Jupiand Rahu; Pisces-Sun; Aries-Veter; Aquarius-Mercury
Gemini-Moon and Mars. This is also
nus; Taurus-saturn;
the horoscope of a great general who retired as chief of the
army staff. Mars is in the llth house. Its influence is clear on
the Chandra lagna. From the lagna, the tenth house is occu'
pied by Saturn placed in friendly sign. Jupiter aspects the
tenth house by the beneficial trine aspect. The influence of
Mars over the Chandra lagna and lord of the tenth house from
Surya lagna is clear. Mars aspects Jupiter, Mars aspects the
tenth house from the Sun. Sun is placed in the tenth house
from the Moon. All this has rnade him a great general.
Example 63. Great officer C.D. Desh Muhh- He was an
I.C.S. oflicer, governor of reserve bank, a vice-chancellor, a
reputed scholar and a great educationist.

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