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System-Level Thermal Modeling and Co-simulation with Hybrid Power System for

Future All Electric Ship

Ruixian Fang1, Wei Jiang1, Jamil Khan1, Roger Dougal2
Department of Mechanical Engineering1 and Department of Electrical Engineering2
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA
thermal coupled power systems to study the transient
interactions between the electrical and the thermal systems
[2]. The approach utilizes real-time simulation of a
synchronous gas turbine generator powered electrical
system established at Florida State University on the Real
Time Digital Simulator platform in conjunction with realtime simulation models of a simplified thermal subsystem
from University of South Carolina implemented on the VTB
platform. The initial simplified application scenario did
reveal some insights into the co-simulation.
This paper presents an integrated approach to performing
system level thermal-electrical coupled co-simulation of a
hybrid power system and thermal system on VTB platform.
The integrated system simulation approach merges the
electrical modeling capacity with the thermal modeling
capacity on the same platform.
In order to allow such studies on the overall system, a few
challenges have been overcome based on the previous
simulation work at University of South Carolina. First, a
hybrid power system simulation model has been created by
Jiang et al [3]. In that model, a dynamic SOFC / GT hybrid
engine system combined with propulsion plant is developed
and simulated. The model feature sufficient detail to study
power system transients and dynamics. Important model
components, such as compressor, gas turbine, SOFC,
propeller and ship, were modeled and verified at different
detail levels individually. Detailed model development and
system configuration will be presented in the following
A detailed level thermal system simulation model of a ship
cooling system has been developed on VTB platform by
Fang et al [4]. Dynamic simulations for two most essential
cooling schemes used in the ship thermal management were
investigated. One configuration is freshwater cooling subsystem using seawater as the secondary coolant. The other
configuration is chilled water cooling sub-system from the
ships air conditioning plants. The Pilot Ship, an Arleigh
Burke class destroyer (DDG-51) with an integrated electric
propulsion system, was chosen as the basis for the thermal
management simulation work. Recently, the system level
thermal management of the DDG-51 class chilled water
system[5], which has four 200-ton A/C plants on board and
is designed to supply 440F chilled water throughout the ship,
was modeled and simulated by combining the above two
cooling schemes.

This paper presents an approach to performing thermalelectrical coupled co-simulation of hybrid power system and
cooling system of future all-electric Navy ships. The goal is
to study the transient interactions between the electrical and
the thermal sub-systems. The approach utilizes an existing
Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) / Gas Turbine (GT) hybrid
electrical power model and the ship cooling system model
developed on the Virtual Test Bed (VTB) platform at
University of South Carolina. The integrated system
simulation approach merges the thermal modeling capacity
with the electrical modeling capacity in the same platform.
The paper first briefly discusses the dynamic SOFC / GT
hybrid engine system combined with propulsion plant
model. It then describes ship cooling system model and the
interactions between the electrical and the thermal subsystems. A simple application scenario has been
implemented and analyzed to illustrate the simulation.
Dynamic responses of coupled thermal-electrical systems
are explored under a step change of the service load to
reveal important system interactions.
Keywords: thermal-electrical co-simulation, SOFC, hybrid
power system, ship cooling system, thermal modeling


For future all electric Navy ships, which will rely on

increasing amount of power electronic components, high
power sensors and advanced weapons systems, thermal
issues become more important due to the large amount of
additional heat load generated. To evaluate the impact of the
transient load (e.g. high power, rapid transients and harsh
environment) expected to be experienced on both the ships
electrical systems and thermal systems, it will be necessary
to better co-design the electrical and thermal systems, in
particular with respect to transient responses during
dynamic events due to electrical-thermal system
interactions. Such a simulation approach will permit ship
designers to address thermal management earlier in the
design process to produce more efficient, less costly ship
power systems.
Coupled thermal-electrical transient studies have
traditionally only been carried out on the apparatus or, at
best, at the sub-system level [1]. Recently, Chiocchio and
Steurer et al performed a real-time co-simulation of electro-

978-1-4244-3439-8/09/$25.00 2009 IEEE


power conversion module (PCM) cooling or electronic

device cooling. The seawater cooling approach uses direct
cooling with a centralized seawater cooling system. The
devices using this approach include the power generation
module (PGM), the power distribution module (PMM), air
conditioning plants, and steam condensers. The chilled
water cooling system is mainly used for compartment heat
and cooling. The chilled water comes from the ships air
conditioning plants, and the rejected heat from the air
conditioning plants is transferred to the centralized seawater
cooling system.
Figure 2 shows a freshwater cooling approach with
seawater as the secondary coolant. In this configuration,
cooling of PCM is achieved by passing cold freshwater
through a liquid heat sink (LHS) attached directly onto the
high heat flux electronic components (the PCMs) in a
cabinet. Heat absorbed by the freshwater is pumped out of
each PCM cabinet. The mixed hot freshwater releases the
waste heat to the centralized seawater system via the
freshwater-seawater heat exchanger. This completes the
freshwater loop.

Since these models are available, comprehensive thermalelectrical coupled transient simulations of electric ship
systems will be possible. The object of this paper is to
combine the hybrid power system model with the ship
cooling system model and perform co-simulation to study
their interactions behavior during transient events. In
addition to the details on how to connect the different
system models, an illustrative example simulation is given
which demonstrates the transient behavior of the large scale
combined system.

2.1. The SOFC/GT Hybrid Power System Layout

The conceptual system layout is shown in Figure 1. Two
sets of SOFC/GT hybrid engine systems are used for power
generation. The high quality heat source exhaust from the
SOFC stack is channeled to the gas turbine to produce extra
power. After power conversion, the electrical power
generated by the SOFC stack is fed to the DC distribution
bus. The synchronous gas turbine generator provides extra
power to the same DC bus after power generation and
conversion. The power is consumed by the ship propulsion
system and other ship services, like combat systems and
electric auxiliaries, through further power conversion. The
ship is propelled by two propellers, which are driven by two




The work presented here utilizes this cooling module for

the co-simulation. There are other ways to model the PCM
cabinet, such as a chilled-air closed loop inside the cabinet,
with an air-freshwater heat exchanger bringing the heat out.
This type of cabinet model had been developed by Georgia
Institute of Technology [7], and was inserted into VTB
simulation directly by replacing the above type of LHSPCM cabinet. It shows the ability of implementation of
alternative cooling technologies into VTB system-level

Ship Service
Combat Systems
SOFC Stack

HEX Unit


Figure 2: Conceptual layout of freshwater cooling model


GT Set


Hot Freshwater


SOFC Stack

GT Set



Cold Freshwater




2.3. Layout of Co-simulation

Figure 3 below illustrates the connection between the
hybrid power system and the simplified zonal thermal
system for a ship. The interaction between the electrical
system and the thermal system is implemented through a
thermal port on each power consumption component. The
power consumption component includes PCM, PGM,
PMM, and high power sensors, etc. The losses resulting
from the efficiency calculation in each electrical component
serve as the forcing function for the thermal system. The

Figure 1: Conceptual layout of electric ship hybrid

power system
2.2. Ship Cooling System Description
The conventional thermal management system of a
combatant ship consists of three main types of cooling
approaches [6] : freshwater cooling, seawater cooling and
chilled water cooling. The freshwater cooling approach uses
seawater as the secondary coolant; it is mainly used for


assumed adiabatic condition, the heat generated from the

SOFC electrochemical reaction and SOFC internal
resistance is partly used to reform the fuel and partly used to
heat up the gases. For further energy extraction, un-reacted
hightemperature gases are channeled to the combustor for
a complete combustion. In this system, part of the methane
is directly channeled to the combustor and mixed with the
exit gas from SOFC stack to control the combustion
The detailed configuration of the Gas Turbine Power plant
is also illustrated in Figure 4. To obtain 1-15 bar air
pressure, a two-stage compressor design is chosen to satisfy
the operating condition. To achieve higher compression
efficiency, an intercooler is applied to cool the inlet air
temperature of the second compressor. The compressed air
is then channeled to the cathode of the fuel cell. The high
temperature exhaust gas from SOFC stack expands through
the two shafts gas turbines whereby mechanical power is
generated. The power generated by the first gas turbine is
fully consumed by the compressors. Subsequent gas
expansion through the power turbine produces additional
mechanical power for electrical power generation. The
exhaust gas from the power turbine passes through two heat
exchangers to preheat fuel mixture and compressed air for
maximum utilization of the residual heat. A motor is applied
for system start-up, which will be cut off automatically after
reaching a specific rotational speed.

waste heat from the electrical components such as the

converters is transferred to the heat sink module in the
thermal system. Heatsink temperature is considered to be
the same as the electrical component being cooled. At
present, the temperature effects are not modeled in the
electrical components used in this simulation. Hereby the
heat losses from those components are temperature


Heat Sink



Heat Sink
Heat Sink


Heat Sink



Thermal Port

Figure 3: Power system and thermal management cosimulation layout



A simple simulation scenario has been fully implemented

and partially tested using the layout described above as
shown in Figure 4Error! Reference source not found.
below. This section first briefly describes the hybrid ship
power system model and ship cooling system model
separately and then discusses how the two systems are
linked in this VTB co-simulation approach.

3.2. Power conversion / distribution / consumption

The configurations of power conversion and the power
consumption are illustrated in the middle part of Figure 4.
In this simulation scenario, power conversion and
distribution is highly simplified. The power produced by gas
turbines and SOFC stacks, passing through the cables and
converters for voltage conversion are supplied to a DC
distribution bus. From there the power is further converted
by several DC/DC converters and distributed to power
consumption devices. Part of them is supplied to the two
motors, which are used to derive the two propellers.
Technically, the motors should be AC motors with inverters
driving them. In the present work, the motor is represented
as power load that hides some of the waveform detail. The
rest of the power will be consumed by ship service load. In
this paper the ship service load is represented by several
resistors for simplification. Component connection can be
controlled by opening or closing of switches.

3.1. SOFC/GT hybrid power model

The mathematical description and model development of
main component models for the SOFC/GT hybrid power
system such as the propeller, ship, compressor and gas
turbine are described in [3]. A one-dimensional dynamic
model of a tubular SOFC with internal reforming, capable
of system integration, is presented [8]. This model, based on
the electrical quantities, chemical reaction equilibrium and
energy balance, can predict the SOFC characteristics at the
steady states and also at transient operating states. All the
component models are independent entities. The system is
built by connecting the component needed on the VTB
The left part in Figure 4 illustrates the detailed
configurations of the SOFC/GT hybrid power subsystem.
The methane-steam mixture is supplied to the external
reformer before being delivered to the anode of the SOFC
stack. In the SOFC stack, electrical energy is produced
along with the generation of heat during the electrochemical reactions at the electrodes. The produced electrical
energy is then supplied to the switchboard. Under the

3.3. The zonal thermal subsystem model

The right portion of Figure 4 illustrates the
configuration of the freshwater cooling subsystem
implemented in the co-simulation. The components
presented in the subsystem include the freshwater-seawater
heat exchanger, plate/fin heat exchangers, heat sinks,








Gas turbine set


SOFC stack

Power generation conversion and distribution

Zonal thermal plant

Figure 4: VTB schematic of the co-simulation

system, the DC/DC converter, and the thermal plant were
The main control strategies applied in hybrid power
system are listed below:
The mass flow rates of methane, water and air are
controlled by adjusting the openings of three associated
Specific percentage of methane, which is directly
channeled to the combustor, is controlled by the methane
In the external reformer, methane partly takes part in
the reforming reaction to produce hydrogen and carbon
The connection between different electrical components
is controlled by opening or closing of several switches.
For the thermal plant, a simple control approach is
implemented by adding a valve controller model as can be
seen in Figure 4. The goal of this controller is to maintain
each individual PCM temperature at a desired value when
its disturbed from the steady state. The valve controller
model checks the PCM temperature every time step. When
the temperature is greater than the desired value, the valve
controller model will change the opening of the
corresponding valve model. As the result, the mass flow rate
of freshwater through that cabinet will change accordingly.

pumps, valves, pipes, valve controllers, and two seawater

models (one as source and the other one as a sink). The
mathematical descriptions, model development for the
major thermal components, and the cooling system steady
state performance validation are described in detail in [4].
The pumps supply the circulation flow through the
freshwater loop and the seawater loop. For the freshwater
loop, system will distribute the flow into each of the eight
cabinets internally based on the fluid system characteristic,
which is determined by each individual fluid mechanical
model included in the fluid system. The seawater loop is
configured as an open-loop in this simulation. It will be a
closed centralized loop in the ships whole cooling system.
The heat load received by each heat sink comes from each
individual electrical component. In this simplified example,
only the heat losses from those power converters are
dissipated into the thermal plant. Similar to the approach
used in [2], these losses are computed from their
multiplication with loss coefficients between 1% and 5%.
3.4. The control strategies for the co-simulation
In order for this simulation to perform well under transient
conditions simple control systems for the hybrid power


Table 2: Thermal plant parameters and operating conditions

Value Unit
System initial temperature
Rated freshwater flow rate
11.8 kg/sec
Rated seawater flow rate
6.75 kg/sec
Specific heat for water
4186 J/kg.0K
P&F heat exchanger surface area
Each Heat sink mass
Each Heat sink specific heat
LHS surface area for PCM_1, 4
0.42 m2
LHS surface area for PCM_2, 3
0.36 m2
LHS surface area for PCM_5, 8
0.42 m2
LHS surface area for PCM_6,7
0.25 m2
PCM's temperature control point

3.5. Simulation start-up and time step

The system start-up is controlled by a voltage-driven DC
motor. The start-up motor drives the compressors and the
first gas turbine through a connector at the beginning of
system simulation. When the compressors rotational speed
reaches a specific value, the connector is switched off from
the compressor shaft and the compressors are driven by the
connected gas turbine thereafter.
An important computational aspect of any coupled
thermal-electrical transient system simulation is the vast
differences between the electrical and the thermal response
times [2]. The simulations of electrical systems typically
require from one to hundred microsecond time steps, those
of thermal system simulations range from 100 milliseconds
to several tens of seconds. Unfortunately, at this time the
simulation on VTB platform has to be run at the same time
step. Multi-time-rate step simulation capability is under
development. In this example co-simulation, a one
millisecond time step is adopted for the whole system.

4.2. Steady state operation results

Based on the above specific design point, the steady state
operation results are summarized in Table 3 below.
Table 3: Steady operation results
Value Unit
Total Power Output
1.658 MW
Total Power Efficiency
SOFC Stacks Power Output
Gas Turbines Power Output
Cell Voltage
Mean Current Density
Turbine Inlet Temperature
System exhaust Gas Temperature
Outlet Pressure of Second Compressor 11.6
Outlet Pressure of First Turbine
Air Flow Rate
0.664 kg/s
Fuel Flow Rate
0.0243 kg/s
Main Swichboard Voltage
Mechanical Power Deliveried to Propell1645
Propeller Efficiency
Ship velocity


4.1. Steady state operating point and parameters

This section provides illustrative examples of typical
system responses of the co-simulation. The hybrid power
system is developed for a 50-ton electric ship in this
demonstration. In this example, a rated 580 kW power is
generated by one SOFC stack while 250 kW power is
produced by one gas turbine set. The cycle steady state
operating point conditions are listed in Table 1.
Table 1: Cycle operation conditions
Turbine Adiabatic Efficiency
CH4 Flow Rate
H2O Flow Rate
Inlet Temperature of Fluids
Steam Carbon Ratio (S/C)
Pressure Drop of SOFC Stack
External Reforming Degree
By Pass Percent of CH4
Speed Control for Start Up
Fuel Pressure Ratio
Ship Weight
Propeller Diameter
The thermal plant is designed to have a rated cooling
capability of 200 kW. Seawater is assumed to enter the
plate-frame heat exchanger at temperature of 35C. Also the
thermal system startup temperature is set at 35C. The
physical parameters of each LHS heat exchanger, which
locate inside of each PCM cabinet, are designed differently
according to their maximum heat load capacity. Some of the
parameters of the thermal plant are summarized in Table 2.

The cycle simulation achieves an electrical power output

of 1.658MW, around 30% of which is produced by the
power turbines. The mass flow rate of pressurized air
supplied to the SOFC stack is 0.664 kg/s. The fuel mixture
consists of 0.024 kg/s methane and 0.054 kg/s steam. The
single SOFC stack yields a 580 kW electrical output power
at the conditions of 1106 C mean temperature, 0.541V cell
voltage and 90.7% fuel utilization. 306 kW thrust power is
produced by the propeller, which moves the ship at the
steady velocity of 4.67 knots.
The steady state heat load and temperatures of each PCM
are shown in Table 4. Because of the symmetric
arrangement of components in both power generation
system and propulsion system as shown in Figure 4 above,


Figure 5 shows the responses of PCM heat losses to the

step change. While the service load increases, the power
supplied to drive the propeller decrease as a result of power
redistribution. The ship moves at a velocity 4.65 knots,
which is 0.02 knots lower than the speed at steady state. The
total electrical power feed to the DC bus slightly lowered,
since the power from SOFC stack reduced about 8 kW and
the power from the GT/Generator set increase about 1 kW.
Heat losses from PCM 6 / PCM 7 together with the heat loss
from the service load increase from 6 kW to 12 kW,
whereas the heat losses from PCM 1, PCM 4, PCM 5, and
PCM 8 decrease about 200 W respectively. Heat load from
PCM 2 and PCM 3, which are the converters for
GT/Generator sets, keeps almost unchanged. The total heat
loads for the thermal plant rise about 11kW as shown in the
bottom curve in Figure 5. The gray lines in the figure show
the heat dissipation history of each heatsink attached onto
the PCMs. At steady state, the heat dissipated from each
heatsink is equal to the instantaneous PCM heat load.
During transient process, because of the heat capacitance of
the heatsink material and the charged water inside the
heatsink, its always delayed to keep up with the PCM heat

the values of temperature and heat load of those symmetric

components, such as PCM 1 and PCM 4, are always the
Table 4: PCMs heat load and temperature
Value Unit
28.9 kw
Heat load from PCM_1, 4
12.6 kw
Heat load from PCM_2, 3
24.7 kw
Heat load from PCM_5, 8
6.29 kw
Heat load from PCM_6,7
Temperature of PCM_1, 4
50.4 oC
Temperature of PCM_2, 3
43.8 oC
Temperature of PCM_5, 8
48.7 oC
Temperature of PCM_6,7
41.3 oC
Seawater exits the plate-frame heat exchanger at a
temperature of 40.1C. The freshwater enters this heat
exchanger at 41.7C and exit at 38.8C. The total heat
dissipated from the thermal plant is about 144.7 kW.
4.3. Dynamic simulation
After the system reaches its steady state, a step change
was imposed on the system by increasing the service load
up to 100% (double the load). The transient system
responses are shown in Figure 5 trough Figure 7.

T [oC]
PCM 6 / PCM 7

Service load [W]

Step change electrical load
T [oC]
Losses [W]

PCM 1 / PCM 4

PCM 6 / PCM 7 + Pload

Losses [W]

T [oC]

PCM 1 / PCM 4

PCM 2 / PCM 3
Losses [W]

PCM 2 / PCM 3
T [oC]
PCM 5 / PCM 8
Time [s]

PCM 5 / PCM 8
Losses [W]

Figure 6: PCM temperature variation

The temperature variations of each PCM are shown in
Figure 6 above. Its obvious that PCM 6 and PCM 7 have a
larger temperature change due to the load doubled. Its
interesting that other PCMs temperature rises about 0.2 oC
respectively, though their heat losses slightly dropped or
keep unchanged. Thats because of the temperature of the
freshwater entering into each PCM cabinet is increased
through out the system. Figure 7 shows the freshwater and

Losses [W]
Total thermal loss of system

Figure 5: System response to electrical transient


systems. More work need to done on power conversion,

distribution and thermal systems before we can eventually
integrate those systems to perform system-level cosimulation and get fidelity results.

seawater temperature variation while they are flowing

through the plate-frame heat exchanger. They are increasing
since the total heat load for the whole thermal plant is
T [oC]

Freshwater inlet temperature


Seawater outlet temperature

The authors acknowledge support for this research from

the Office of Naval Research under ESRDC consortium and
also from contract number N00014-06-1-0052, program
managed by Dr. Mark Spector.

Freshwater outlet temperature

Seawater inlet temperature at 35 oC

Figure 7: Freshwater and seawater temperature

In addition, the co-simulation will respond to other
parameter changes during simulation, such as change of fuel
supply, or ships drag coefficient, etc, to investigate their
dynamic variation for both hybrid power system and
thermal system.



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Training Aid Manual Chilled Water System Training DDG-51 Class.
Philadelphia, PA: Naval Surface Warefare Center, Carderock
Mark Zerby, Thermal Management Analysis for Electrically
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CADIVNSWC-TR-82-1999/19, Technical Report
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As next stage for such a co-simulation, its necessary to

enhance the level of detail represented in the thermal plant,
the power distribution system, and the power conversion
system. In detail,
Develop a heat generation model of electronic power
converter leg at the switching-averaged detail level,
with temperature dependent parameters and averaged
heat loss calculations.
Incorporate more sophisticated control system onto
simulation model for hybrid power generation including
solid oxide fuel cell power plant.
Incorporate more sophisticated control system onto the
thermal plant.



Time [s]




This paper presented an integrated approach for electrothermal simulation. A simple simulation scenario by
combining the hybrid power generation and ships
propulsion model with a zonal cooling model on VTB
platform has been implemented and partially tested. While
the simplified example simulation did reveal some insights
into the system interactions as a step change of the service
load. The main goal of this research is to assess dynamic
issues in a complex system such as an All Electric Ship on
VTB platform. Though it is simplified, this paper outlined a
typical portion of such a configuration for the whole ship



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