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28 February 2014

U l t e o O p e n V ir t u a l D e s k t o p v4 . 0

Section 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 4
Section 2 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Section 3 Preparation ................................................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Enter Maintenance Mode ................................................................................................................ 6
3.2 Backup The OVD Session Manager Data ...................................................................................... 7
Section 4 Installing OVD V4 ....................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Upgrade The Session Manager ...................................................................................................... 8
4.1.1 Install OVD 4 ............................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.2 Session Manager Database Migration.................................................................................. 11
4.2 OVD Web Portal .............................................................................................................................. 12
4.2.1 Install OVD 4 ............................................................................................................................. 12
4.2.2 Modify The Web Portal Configuration .................................................................................. 14
4.3 OVD Windows Application Server ................................................................................................ 16
4.4 OVD Linux Application Server ....................................................................................................... 17
4.4.1 Update OVD 4 Subsystem ...................................................................................................... 17
4.4.2 Install OVD 4 Application Server Package ............................................................................ 18
4.4.3 Restarting the Linux Application Server ............................................................................... 20
4.5 OVD File Server ............................................................................................................................... 21
4.5.1 Update OVD 4 Subsystem ...................................................................................................... 21
4.5.2 Install OVD 4 File Server Package .......................................................................................... 24
4.5.3 Restarting the File Server ....................................................................................................... 26
4.6 OVD Gateway .................................................................................................................................. 27
4.6.1 Update OVD 4 Gateway .......................................................................................................... 27

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U l t e o O p e n V ir t u a l D e s k t o p v4 . 0

4.7 Production Mode ............................................................................................................................ 28

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U l t e o O p e n V ir t u a l D e s k t o p v4 . 0

Section 1 Introduction

This document describes the process to migrate an existing OVD v3.x farm to the latest major
version of OVD, v4.0

If your OVD installation contains swat patches, you need first to list them and contact us
to define how to proceed.

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U l t e o O p e n V ir t u a l D e s k t o p v4 . 0

Section 2 Overview
The migration is a manual process that consists of the multiple steps. Each step is explained in
greater detail below.
Preparation: The system must be offline and should be backed up before migrating.
Installation: Each system component is updated in turn.
Completion: Run a test to make sure the migration worked.

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Section 3 Preparation
3.1 Enter Maintenance Mode
In order to migrate to OVD V4, you will need to take the current system offline. First of all, stop
the services on each of the servers you have in your OVD farm and then switch the system to
maintenance mode.
root@server:~# /etc/init.d/ulteo-ovd-subsystem stop


Stop the Windows Service called Ulteo Open Virtual Desktop agent


root@server:~# /etc/init.d/ulteo-ovd-subsystem stop

root@server:~# /etc/init.d/ulteo-ovd-slaveserver stop


Go to the OVD Administration console
1. Click on Status tab then Session and close all user sessions
2. Go to the Index tab and click switch the system to maintenance mode
The Web Portal will be in maintenance mode once the OVD system has been set to maintenance
mode through the Admin Console.

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3.2 Backup The OVD Session Manager Data

Before upgrading the OVD 3.x system, it is highly recommended that you make backups of the
OVD Session Manager data in case there are any migration issues. The steps below explain how
to backup the database and configuration file on the Session Manager.
Backup the Session Manager database using the following command using your own username
and password:

root@server:~# mysqldump --user=[admin_user] --password=[password] ovd |

gzip > backup_database_ovd.sql.gz
Backup the Session Manager configuration file using the following command:

root@server:~# tar cvzf backup_config.tar.gz

Make sure these files are stored in a secure location.

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Section 4 Installing OVD V4

4.1 Upgrade The Session Manager
Once you have completed the preparation and backup steps, you can proceed to install OVD V4
starting with the Session Manager.

4.1.1 Install OVD 4

The next step is to install Ulteo OVD 4 on the Session Manager using the OVD 4 repositories.
For the Linux distro you have installed, use the following commands to add the new source
and install OVD 4.0 Debian/Ubuntu

Edit the sources file.

root@server:~# vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ulteo-ovd.list

Add the OVD source and save the file

deb [dists] main

* replace dists with either lucid or precise depending on your distribution

Install OVD 4.0

root@server:~# apt-get update && apt-get install ulteo-ovd-sessionmanager ulteo-ovd-l10n

Verify that you have now have a v4.0.0 version installed

root@server:~# dpkg -l | grep ulteo

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You should see lines that have the value as in the example below.

ulteo-ovd-administration-console Ulteo

ulteo-ovd-l10n Ulteo
ulteo-ovd-session-manager Ulteo Centos/Redhat 6.0

Edit the repository file

root@server:~# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/ovd.repo

Add the new repository

name=Ulteo OVD 4.0.0

Install OVD 4.0

root@server:~# yum install ulteo-ovd-session-manager ulteo-ovd-l10n

Verify that you have now have a v4.0.0 version installed

root@server:~# rpm -qa | grep ulteo

You should see lines that have the value as in the example below.


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U l t e o O p e n V ir t u a l D e s k t o p v4 . 0 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11

Add the OVD 4 repository file

zypper ar ovd

Install OVD 4.0

root@server:~# zypper refresh && zypper install ulteo-ovd-sessionmanager ulteo-ovd-l10n

Verify that you have now have a v4.0.0 version installed

root@server:~# rpm -qa | grep ulteo

You should see lines that have the value as in the example below.

ulteo-ovd-session-manager- openSUSE 11.3

Add the OVD 4 repository file

zypper ar ovd

Install OVD 4.0

root@server:~# zypper refresh && zypper install ulteo-ovd-sessionmanager ulteo-ovd-l10n

Verify that you have now have a v4.0.0 version installed

root@server:~# rpm -qa | grep ulteo

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You should see lines that have the value as in the example below.


4.1.2 Session Manager Database Migration

The next step is to migrate the OVD 3.x MySQL database on the Session Manager to the
format required by OVD 4. This will be done by creating and then running a script.

First, create a script for the SQL migration

root@server:~# vi migration_database.sql

Copy the following lines into the script and save it.

ALTER TABLE `ulteo_servers` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD `id` varchar(255), ADD
UNIQUE U_FQDN (`fqdn`);
UPDATE `ulteo_servers` SET `id` = `fqdn`;
ALTER TABLE `ulteo_servers` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);
ALTER TABLE `ulteo_servers_properties` DROP PRIMARY KEY, CHANGE `fqdn`
`server` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT
NULL DEFAULT '', ADD PRIMARY KEY (`server`, `property`);

Execute the script using your own username and password

root@server:~# mysql --user=[username] --password=[password] -database=ovd < migration_database.sql

Validate the modifications by saving the database settings. On the OVD

Administration Console, go to Configuration, Database settings and click on
Save. Check the Servers to make sure everything looks good.

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4.2 OVD Web Portal

After completing the Session Manager upgrade, move onto to the Web Portal. Note: this server
was previously called the Web Client in OVD 3.

4.2.1 Install OVD 4

Install Ulteo OVD 4 on the Web Portal using the OVD 4 repositories. For the Linux distro you
have installed, use the following commands to add the new source and install OVD 4.0 Debian/Ubuntu

Edit the sources file.

root@server:~# vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ulteo-ovd.list

Add the OVD source and save the file

deb [dists] main

* replace dists with either lucid or precise depending on your distribution

Install OVD 4.0 keeping your configuration file

root@server:~# apt-get update && apt-get install ulteo-ovd-web-client

ulteo-ovd-web-client-ajaxplorer ulteo-ovd-applets ulteo-ovd-l10n Centos/Redhat 6.0

Edit the repository file

root@server:~# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/ovd.repo

Add the new repository and save the file

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name=Ulteo OVD 4.0.0

Install OVD 4.0

root@server:~# yum install ulteo-ovd-web-client ulteo-ovd-web-clientajaxplorer ulteo-ovd-applets ulteo-ovd-l10n SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11

Add the OVD 4 repository file

zypper ar ovd

Install OVD 4.0

root@server:~# zypper refresh && zypper install ulteo-ovd-web-client

ulteo-ovd-web-client-ajaxplorer ulteo-ovd-applets ulteo-ovd-l10n openSUSE 11.3

Add the OVD 4 repository file

zypper ar ovd

Install OVD 4.0

root@server:~# zypper refresh && zypper install ulteo-ovd-web-client

ulteo-ovd-web-client-ajaxplorer ulteo-ovd-applets ulteo-ovd-l10n

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4.2.2 Modify The Web Portal Configuration

The configuration file for the Web Portal must now be modified to support the new features
available in OVD 4. Open the file /etc/ulteo/webclient/ in an editor and add the
lines listed below. Set the values that match your environment. After completing the changes
save the file.

// Option force SSO: do not allow the user to enter a login and
password. The login is set to use REMOTE_USER if possible
// define('OPTION_FORCE_SSO', true);
// define('OPTION_FORCE_SSO', false);
// default
// define('DEBUG_MODE', true);
// define('DEBUG_MODE', false);

// default

// define('RDP_INPUT_METHOD', 'unicode'); // alternative method

// define('RDP_INPUT_METHOD', 'unicode_local_ime'); // alternative
method with client integration
// RDP input method: show option
// define('OPTION_SHOW_INPUT_METHOD', true);
// define('OPTION_SHOW_INPUT_METHOD', false);

// default


RDP input method: force option

Must be used in conjunction of RDP_INPUT_METHOD
// default


Perform desktop integration in portal sessions

publish destkop and start menu icons, mime type association, ...
// default


Confirm Logout Options

define('OPTION_CONFIRM_LOGOUT', 'always');
define('OPTION_CONFIRM_LOGOUT', 'apps_only');
define('OPTION_CONFIRM_LOGOUT', 'never');

// default


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// Option direct SM communication (with proxy.php)

// define('OPTION_USE_PROXY', true);
// define('OPTION_USE_PROXY', false);
// default
// HTML5 Client installed
// define('RDP_PROVIDER_HTML5_INSTALLED', false); // default
// Java web client installed
// define('RDP_PROVIDER_JAVA_INSTALLED', false);

// default

This completes the update of the Web Portal.

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4.3 OVD Windows Application Server

To upgrade a Windows Application Server, run the new installer on your Application Server. You
can download the installer at
The installation process will prompt the user to restart the server which should be done to
activate OVD 4.

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4.4 OVD Linux Application Server

Next upgrade the Linux Application Servers. The Linux Application server has an OVD Subsystem
installed as well as a standard software package. The migration first deals with the subsystem
and then updates the standard software package.

4.4.1 Update OVD 4 Subsystem

The subsystem should have already been stopped as part of the preparation. If not,
then issue the following command:

root@server:~# /etc/init.d/ulteo-ovd-subsystem stop

From inside the OVD Subsystem, remove the package ulteo-ovd-desktop-settings

and update the installation to OVD 4.

(OVD)root@srv:/#: apt-get remove ulteo-ovd-desktop-settings

Modify the software installation sources file to add the new source

(OVD)root@srv:/#: vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ulteo_ovd.list

Add the new source for OVD 4 and save the changes

deb lucid main

Update the software packages for the subsystem using the following command

(OVD)root@srv:/#: apt-get update && apt-get install ulteo-ovd-desktop

ulteo-ovd-slaveserver ulteo-ovd-slaveserver-role-aps uxda-server ulteoovd-externalapps-client ulteo-ovd-integrated-launcher ulteo-xfce4restricted-menu-plugin libovd-xclient-area

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NOTE: If you have installed the File Server on the same server, do not restart the slave
server now. The subsystem and slave server will be restarted once you have completed
the File Server migration.

Restart the slave server if the File Server is not installed on this server.

(OVD)root@srv:/#: /etc/init.d/ulteo-ovd-slaveserver stop

(OVD)root@srv:/#: /etc/init.d/ulteo-ovd-slaveserver start

4.4.2 Install OVD 4 Application Server Package

Now working outside the subsystem again, update the OVD software package. For the Linux
distro you have installed, use the following commands to add the new source and install OVD
4.0 Debian/Ubuntu

Edit the sources file.

root@server:~# vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ulteo-ovd.list

Add the OVD source and save the file

deb [dists] main

* replace dists with either lucid or precise depending on your distribution

Install the OVD 4 subsystem software

root@server:~# apt-get update && apt-get install ulteo-ovd-subsystem

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U l t e o O p e n V ir t u a l D e s k t o p v4 . 0 Centos/Redhat 6.0

Edit the repository file

root@server:~# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/ovd.repo

Add the new repository and save the file

name=Ulteo OVD 4.0.0

Install the OVD 4 subsystem software

root@server:~# yum install ulteo-ovd-subsystem SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11

Add the OVD 4 repository file

zypper ar ovd

Install OVD 4.0

root@server:~# zypper refresh && zypper install ulteo-ovd-subsystem

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U l t e o O p e n V ir t u a l D e s k t o p v4 . 0 openSUSE 11.3

Add the OVD 4 repository file

zypper ar ovd

Install OVD 4

root@server:~# zypper refresh && zypper install ulteo-ovd-subsystem

4.4.3 Restarting the Linux Application Server

To restart the Application Server, issue the following command to restart the
subsystem from outside the chroot

NOTE: If you have installed the File Server on the same server, do not restart the slave
server now. The subsystem and slave server will be restarted once you have completed
the File Server migration.

root@server:~# /etc/init.d/ulteo-ovd-subsystem start

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4.5 OVD File Server

Next upgrade the Linux Application Servers if any are in your OVD farm. The Application server
has an OVD Subsystem installed as well as a standard software package. The migration first
deals with the subsystem and then updates the standard software package.

4.5.1 Update OVD 4 Subsystem

The subsystem should have already been stopped as part of the preparation. If not, then issue
the following command:

root@server:~# /etc/init.d/ulteo-ovd-subsystem stop

Inside the OVD Subsystem create a file in /root

(OVD)root@server:/#: vi /root/

Add the following lines to the file and save it

DATETIME="[$(date '+%Y/%m/%d') - $(date '+%H:%M:%S')]"
echo "${DATETIME} Move fs directory to fs.real directory " >> $LOG 2>&1
mv /var/lib/ulteo/ovd/slaveserver/fs
/var/lib/ulteo/ovd/slaveserver/fs.real >> $LOG 2>&1
echo "${DATETIME} Create new fs directory " >> $LOG 2>&1
mkdir -p /var/lib/ulteo/ovd/slaveserver/fs >> $LOG 2>&1
for p in /var/lib/ulteo/ovd/slaveserver/fs.real/p_*
echo "${DATETIME} Start copying data from directory ${p}" >> $LOG
continued ..

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if [ -e ${p}/conf.Windows ]; then
echo "${DATETIME} Create conf directories in ${p}" >> $LOG 2>&1
mkdir ${p}/conf.Windows.2008R2 ${p}/conf.Windows.2008
${p}/conf.Windows.2003 >> $LOG 2>&1
echo "${DATETIME} Rename AppData and LocalAppData in ${p}" >> $LOG
mv ${p}/conf.Windows/AppData ${p}/conf.Windows/CSIDL_APPDATA >>
$LOG 2>&1
mv ${p}/conf.Windows/LocalAppData
${p}/conf.Windows/CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA >> $LOG 2>&1
echo "${DATETIME} Copy data from directory in ${p}" >> $LOG 2>&1
cp -R ${p}/conf.Windows/* ${p}/conf.Windows.2003 >> $LOG 2>&1
cp -R ${p}/conf.Windows/* ${p}/conf.Windows.2008 >> $LOG 2>&1
cp -R ${p}/conf.Windows/* ${p}/conf.Windows.2008R2 >> $LOG 2>&1
rm -rf ${p}/conf.Windows/ >> $LOG 2>&1
echo "${DATETIME} Move Desktop and Documents to Data directory in
${p} " >> $LOG 2>&1
mkdir ${p}/Data >> $LOG 2>&1
mv ${p}/Desktop ${p}/Documents ${p}/Data >> $LOG 2>&1
echo "${DATETIME} Chown on /var/lib/ulteo/ovd/slaveserver/fs ">> $LOG
chown ovd-fs:ovd-fs /var/lib/ulteo/ovd/slaveserver/fs >> $LOG 2>&1

Make the file executable and run the script. The script will create a log file in the
same folder.

(OVD)root@srv:/#: chmod u+x /root/

(OVD)root@srv:/#: /root/

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Now update the OVD software. Working inside the OVD Subsystem, remove the
package ulteo-ovd-desktop-settings.

(OVD)root@srv:/#: apt-get remove ulteo-ovd-desktop-settings

Modify the software installation sources file to add the new source

(OVD)root@srv:/#: vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ulteo_ovd.list

Add the new source for OVD 4 and save the changes

deb lucid main

Update the software packages for the subsystem

(OVD)root@srv:/#: apt-get update && apt-get install ulteo-ovdslaveserver ulteo-ovd-slaveserver-role-fs

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4.5.2 Install OVD 4 File Server Package

Now working outside the subsystem again, update the OVD software package. For the Linux
distro you have installed, use the following commands to add the new source and install OVD
NOTE: If you have installed the File Server on the same server as the Application
Server, the software would have been already been installed when updating the
Application Server. Debian/Ubuntu

Edit the sources file.

root@server:~# vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ulteo-ovd.list

Add the OVD source and save the file

deb [dists] main

* replace dists with either lucid or precise depending on your distribution

Install the OVD 4 subsystem software

root@server:~# apt-get update && apt-get install ulteo-ovd-subsystem

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U l t e o O p e n V ir t u a l D e s k t o p v4 . 0 Centos/Redhat 6.0

Edit the repository file

root@server:~# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/ovd.repo

Add the new repository and save the file

name=Ulteo OVD 4.0.0

Install the OVD 4 subsystem software

root@server:~# yum install ulteo-ovd-subsystem SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11

Add the OVD 4 repository file

zypper ar ovd

Install OVD 4.0

root@server:~# zypper refresh && zypper install ulteo-ovd-subsystem

Migration Guide ULTEO SAS 2014 - 25

U l t e o O p e n V ir t u a l D e s k t o p v4 . 0 openSUSE 11.3

Add the OVD 4 repository file

zypper ar ovd

Install OVD 4.0

root@server:~# zypper refresh && zypper install ulteo-ovd-subsystem

4.5.3 Restarting the File Server

To restart the File Server, issue the following command to restart the subsystem
from outside the chroot

NOTE: If you have installed the File Server on the same server as the Application
Server, this command will start both the File Server and the Application Server.

root@server:~# /etc/init.d/ulteo-ovd-subsystem start

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4.6 OVD Gateway

Finally, upgrade the OVD Gateway. The Gateway does not have an OVD Subsystem, so it is only
necessary to upgrade the OVD software package. The migration instructions are written for an
OVD Gateway running Ubuntu Lucid.

4.6.1 Update OVD 4 Gateway

The OVD Gateway should have already been stopped as part of the preparation. If not, then
issue the following command on the server:

root@server:~# /etc/init.d ulteo-ovd-slaveserver stop

Edit the sources file.

root@server:~# vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ulteo-ovd.list

Add the OVD source for Debian/Ubuntu and save the file

deb lucid main

deb precise main

Install OVD 4

root@server:~# apt-get update && apt-get install ulteo-ovd-slaveserver


Restart the Gateway service.

root@server:~# /etc/init.d ulteo-ovd-slaveserver start

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4.7 Production Mode

The migration is complete. Switch the system to production mode.
If you meet issues, please send us an email at and add in subject

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