The Lessons of Operation Protective Edge - Anat Kurz & Shlomo Brom - INSS PDF

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The Lessons of

Operation Protective Edge

Anat Kurz and Shlomo Brom, Editors


The Lessons of
Operation Protective Edge
Anat Kurz and Shlomo Brom, Editors

Institute for National Security Studies



The Institute
for National Security Studies (INSS), incorporating the Jaffee
Center for Strategic Studies, was founded in 2006.
The purpose of the Institute for National Security Studies is first, to conduct
basic research that meets the highest academic standards on matters related
to Israels national security as well as Middle East regional and international
security affairs. Second, the Institute aims to contribute to the public debate
and governmental deliberation of issues that are or should be at the top
of Israels national security agenda.
INSS seeks to address Israeli decision makers and policymakers, the
defense establishment, public opinion makers, the academic community in
Israel and abroad, and the general public.
INSS publishes research that it deems worthy of public attention, while it
maintains a strict policy of non-partisanship. The opinions expressed in this
publication are the authors alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views
of the Institute, its trustees, boards, research staff, or the organizations and
individuals that support its research.

The Lessons of
Operation Protective Edge

Anat Kurz and Shlomo Brom, Editors




This volume was published

with the generous assistance of
Ms. Marcia Riklis.

Graphic design: Michal Semo-Kovetz, Yael Bieber

Cover design: Yael Kfir
Printing: Elinir
Photo: Iron Dome fires at a rocket over Ashdod, July 16, 2014
Image Bank/Getty Images
Institute for National Security Studies (a public benefit company)
40 Haim Levanon Street
POB 39950
Ramat Aviv
Tel Aviv 6997556
Tel. +972-3-640-0400
Fax. +972-3-744-7590
All rights reserved.
November 2014
ISBN: 978-965-7425-73-2

Table of Contents

Part I: The Strategic-Military Perspective

Operation Protective Edge: Strategic and Tactical
Asymmetry / Udi Dekel


Defining the Victor in the Fight against an Army

of Terrorilla / Y
 oram Schweitzer


Operations Cast Lead, Pillar of Defense, and Protective Edge:

A Comparative Review / G
 abi Siboni


Iron Dome Protection: Missile Defense in Israels Security

Concept / E
 mily B. Landau and Azriel Bermant


Rocket Warfare in Operation Protective Edge / Y

 iftah S. Shapir


Subterranean Warfare: A New-Old Challenge / Y

 iftah S. Shapir
and Gal Perel


Operation Protective Edge: The Cyber Defense

Perspective / D
 aniel Cohen and Danielle Levin


Operation Protective Edge: The Legal

Angle / Pnina Sharvit Baruch


Demilitarization of the Gaza Strip: Realistic Goal or

Pipe Dream? / K
 obi Michael


Israeli Deterrence in the Aftermath of Protective

Edge / Mark A. Heller


Rethinking the Deterrence of Hamas / A

 vner Golov


Part II: Israel and the Palestinian Arena

Operation Protective Edge: Leverage for Returning the
PA to the Gaza Strip / S hlomo Brom


Changing Course and Discourse: The Intra-Palestinian

Balance of Power and the Political Process / A
 nat Kurz


Organizational Change within Hamas: What Lies

Ahead? / Benedetta Berti


The Final Countdown for Hamas? Palestinian and Arab

Discourse on the Social Networks / O
 rit Perlov


Part III: The Israeli Arena

The Civilian Front in Operation Protective Edge / M
 eir Elran
and Alex Altshuler


Operation Protective Edge: A Public Opinion Roller

Coaster / Yehuda Ben Meir


Operation Protective Edge: Implications for Jewish-Arab

Relations in Israel / N
 adia Hilou, Itamar Radai, and
Manal Hreib


Operation Protective Edge: Economic Summary / E

 ran Yashiv


Civilian Settlement: Not Designed to be a Fortress of

Power / David Tal


Part IV: The Regional and International Arenas

Reviving a Regional Approach / G
 ilead Sher and Liran Ofek


The Gaza Campaign: An Arena for Inter-Arab

Confrontation / Y
 oel Guzansky


Operation Protective Edge: Deepening the Rift between Israel

and Turkey / G
 allia Lindenstrauss


Egypt: The Non-Neutral Broker / E

 phraim Kam


The United States and Israel in Crossfire / O

 ded Eran


A New Opportunity to Confront the Delegitimization of

Israel / Gilead Sher and Einav Yogev


The Strategic Balance of Operation Protective Edge:
Achieving the Strategic Goal Better, Faster, and at a Lower
Cost / A
 mos Yadlin





The process of compiling The Lessons of Operation Protective Edge began at
the Institute for National Security Studies in the early days of fighting. Several
weeks before an end to the campaign was in sight and the conditions for a
full official ceasefire came into being, it was clear that what was underway
was a multifaceted event that portended much for Israel, the Palestinians, the
greater region, and the international community. This understanding dictated
the list of subjects covered in the 27 essays below, which together present a
complex picture of the campaign and its ramifications. The starting point of
the essays is analytical; they do not deal with the detailed development of
the confrontation between Israel and Hamas, but rather focus on different
aspects military, civilian, political, and strategic as manifested during
the fighting, in the immediate aftermath, and in the foreseeable future, while
attempting to elicit the lessons that could be of relevance in future similar
The conclusions drawn by the various essays indicate that the campaign
in the Gaza arena in the summer of 2014 reflected changes in the Middle
East and elsewhere related to military confrontations, their management, and
the possibilities of ending them. A particularly important development is the
fact that current confrontations in the region, as well as in the international
arena, are for the most part asymmetrical conflicts between regular state
armies and forces of non-state organizations having both military capabilities
and some territorial control. Hamas has established a military infrastructure
in the Gaza Strip representing a security threat to Israel. In addition, its
control of the area has added another layer of complexity to the already
difficult road toward a comprehensive political settlement between Israel
and the Palestinians.
Operation Protective Edge was the third round of fighting between
Israel and Hamas since 2008. Manifesting the prominent characteristics of
asymmetrical confrontations, the 2014 campaign demonstrated the difficulty

I Preface

inherent in the effort to foil the attempts of a non-state organization to

translate its relative military weakness and the vulnerability of the civilian
population in its sphere of control into political gain. Similarly, the need
for recasting notions such as deterrence and victory and adapting them to
asymmetrical confrontations was made amply clear. Thus one key lesson to
emerge from the essays is the importance of the need to reexamine and revise
security concepts and basic assumptions that inform situation assessments
and political recommendations. In addition to an improved ability to foil
security threats in general and asymmetrical security threats in particular,
reexaminations should allow the identification of political opportunities
that can help reduce the chances that these threats will be realized and
improve the ability to contain them should they nonetheless materialize. In
this context, it is necessary to examine the assumption that guided Israels
decision makers and media, namely that the confrontation in the Gaza arena
was inevitable. In other words, it is important to question if there was a way
to have avoided it or at least defer it to a more convenient time for Israel in
terms of the countrys political and strategic environment.
The first section of the volume, The Strategic-Military Perspective, is
devoted to subjects relating directly to the military campaign as reflected during
the combat, and the lessons one can elicit from the campaign with relevance
for future engagements. Assessed here are the challenge of confronting
non-state entities; the blurring of the identity of the winner in asymmetrical
confrontations; the differences mainly military in the three rounds of
fighting between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip between 2008 and 2014;
the implications of Israels Iron Dome anti-rocket/missile defense system;
the dilemma posed by the tunnels along the Gaza-Israel border; cyberwar
during the confrontation; the legal aspect of Israels military action; and
the question of Gazas demilitarization. The section concludes with articles
questioning the balance of deterrence between Israel and Hamas and the
need to re-conceptualize the notion of deterrence.
The second section, Israel and the Palestinian Arena, includes essays
dealing with the campaign as background to the changed relations between
Israel and the Palestinians and the balance of power in the Palestinian arena
itself; Hamas likely development following the campaign; and public
opinion in the Gaza Strip and Arab world in light of the campaign and as
reflected in the social media.



The third section, The Israeli Arena, includes discussions of the civilian
front in wartime; Israeli public opinion; the implications for Jewish-Arab
relations in Israel; economic ramifications; and the performance and social
resilience of civilian settlements in the region adjacent to the Gaza Strip.
The fourth section, The Regional and International Arenas, explores a
regional outlook as the key to an Israeli-Palestinian settlement; the involvement
of Arab nations in the campaign; the campaign as background for the further
deterioration in Israeli-Turkish relations; the confrontation as a successful
test of Israeli-Egyptian relations; the role of the United States in the effort
to end the fighting; and the enhanced efforts to delegitimize Israel in light
of the fighting.
The collection concludes with an essay by Maj. Gen. (ret.) Amos Yadlin,
Director of the Institute for National Security Studies, analyzing the strategic
balance of the campaign and proposing policy recommendations designed
to provide a better response to the security challenges Israel can be expected
to face in the short and long terms, with their accompanying political and
diplomatic dilemmas.
The range of topics in the volume demonstrates the complexity of the
issues that Operation Protective Edge placed on Israels political and security
agenda, and the discussion of these issues underway in Israels public sphere
and among its decision makers is far from over. In addition, new relevant
developments have arisen since many of the articles were written, which
was soon after the end of the fighting. These developments, in addition to
further occurrences, will continue to influence the decision making process
and the decisions taken. The military, political, and strategic insights of
this volume should enrich the discussion and contribute to the process of
extracting relevant lessons for the future.
We wish to thank the authors for their contributions to this collection.
Heartfelt thanks to Moshe Grundman, the Director of Publications at INSS,
and to Judith Rosen, editor of INSS English publications, for their significant
contribution to the completion of the project. Special gratitude goes to Ms.
Marcia Riklis for her generous assistance in the publication of this volume.
Anat Kurz and Shlomo Brom
October 2014

Part I
The Strategic-Military Perspective
Operation Protective Edge: Strategic and Tactical Asymmetry
Udi Dekel / 13
Defining the Victor in the Fight against an Army of Terrorilla
Yoram Schweitzer / 21
Operations Cast Lead, Pillar of Defense, and Protective Edge:
A Comparative Review
Gabi Siboni / 27
Iron Dome Protection: Missile Defense in Israels Security Concept
Emily B. Landau and Azriel Bermant / 37
Rocket Warfare in Operation Protective Edge
Yiftah S. Shapir / 43
Subterranean Warfare: A New-Old Challenge
Yiftah S. Shapir and Gal Perel / 51
Operation Protective Edge: The Cyber Defense Perspective
Daniel Cohen and Danielle Levin / 59
Operation Protective Edge: The Legal Angle
Pnina Sharvit Baruch / 65
Demilitarization of the Gaza Strip: Realistic Goal or Pipe
Kobi Michael / 73
Israeli Deterrence in the Aftermath of Protective Edge
Mark A. Heller / 81
Rethinking the Deterrence of Hamas
Avner Golov / 87

Operation Protective Edge:

Strategic and Tactical Asymmetry
Udi Dekel
The war in numbers: 50 days of fighting; 4,258 rockets fired at Israel; 735
Iron Dome interceptions; 5,226 air strikes; 32 tunnels destroyed; 74 dead
on the Israeli side; and some 2,200 dead on the Palestinian side.

Asymmetry in the Strategic Purpose

Operation Protective Edge is yet another example of an asymmetrical

confrontation, not only in terms of the use of power but also in terms of the
respective strategic purposes of both sides in the campaign. For Israel, it
was another round of fighting in a series of rounds of fighting with terrorist
organizations, and the main goal was to ensure a long period of calm and
defer the next round for as long as possible, primarily by deterring Hamas
through demonstration of the steep price it would have to pay for attacking
Israel and also by weakening it militarily. Israels overall strategy vis--vis
Hamas has not changed since Hamas took over Gaza, which focused on
weakening Hamas to the point where the Palestinian Authority would be
able to regain control of the Gaza Strip. In the short term, Israels policy was
to avoid collapsing the Hamas government, while concurrently continuing
to hold Hamas responsible for events in the Gaza Strip without recognizing
the legitimacy of its government. The Israeli government, which preferred in
its strategic objective to preserve the status quo of calm for calm, lacked
a political goal or an attempt to create new political options or horizons.
Unlike Israel, Hamas was fighting for its very survival. Before the operation,
it was substantially weakened, besieged on every side, on its way to total
isolation and bankruptcy, and rightly fearing the potential loss of its ability
to govern the Gaza Strip. With nothing to lose, Hamas chose escalation and


I Udi Dekel

rocket launches at Israel, as the only option left to it was to upset the situation
in the effort to restore its relevance and ensure its future hold on the Gaza
Strip, as well as create a platform for a future takeover of the West Bank.
One feature of asymmetrical confrontations is the need to change the
strategic objective in light of the change in the conditions that brought about
the fighting in the first place and in light of information emerging before and
during the fighting. In this case, Israel was called on to change its operational
rationale during Protective Edge, namely, a campaign to deter Hamas. The
second stage was marked by focused action to remove the threat posed by
the tunnels penetrating Israel (resulting from the surprise that was caused
by not appreciating the tunnels significance as a strategic threat). The third
phase, which focused on strengthening long term protection, prompted Israel
to exhibit the willingness to transition to a campaign of attrition in order to
enforce the conditions for the end state. At the beginning of the operation
it seems that Israel went into the conflict using the rationale of Operation
Pillar of Defense that of a time-limited operation to restore deterrence
and failed to understand the rationale of Hamas, an organization fighting for
its survival, prepared for an extended confrontation until attainment of an
achievement that it could present as justification for its continued rule, and
betting it could impose its conditions for a ceasefire on Israel and Egypt. It
was only after it became clear to Hamas that Israel, with Egypts backing, was
determined to engage in an extended war of attrition without making any
concession on the policy of first-ceasefire-then-discussion-of-terms principle
and while demonstrating power, improved defensive capabilities, stamina,
and both domestic and international legitimacy, that Hamas understood that
continuing the fighting was contrary to its own vital interests.
The long period of fighting was also the result of the Israeli governments
message that it was not interested in toppling Hamas rule of the Gaza Strip,
as it was concerned about the ramifications of being mired in long term
control of the Gaza Strip, the chaos that would ensue, and the possibility that
even more extremist jihadists would fill the vacuum left by Hamas. Israel
accepted the ceasefire proposal while communicating that it was looking
for a rapid end to the fighting. This led Hamas to conclude that Israel was
not prepared to fight over the long haul or make a drastic change in the
strategic reality, and therefore it had the tools to manage the campaign on
its own terms.

Operation Protective Edge: Strategic and Tactical Asymmetry

I 15

Did Israel Win?

In asymmetrical conflicts against non-state entities it is virtually impossible

to attain a decisive outcome that denies the enemy the desire and ability to
continue fighting. In confrontations of this type, the strategic objective is a
victory determined by three parameters:
a. Meeting the objectives defined by the political echelon: The IDF did
in fact achieve the objectives determined by the political echelon. It
inflicted severe damage on Hamas, weakened it, deterred it, reined it
in, and used it to contain other terrorist organizations active in the Gaza
Strip. However, these are limited objectives that do nothing to change
the strategic situation. Furthermore, it is still not clear if deterrence for
the long term has been achieved.
b. Forcing a ceasefire and a negotiated settlement on ones own terms: This
objective was also attained. The ceasefire conditions do not allow Hamas
to attain any strategic goal for which it fought; Hamas failed to force
Israel to agree to widespread opening of the border crossings before the
start of the ceasefire and the construction of a naval port and airport later
on. In addition, it was made clear that any future arrangement would be
contingent on returning the PA to the Gaza Strip.
c. A decision in tactical-operational encounters: The IDF met this objective
as well.
On the other hand, Hamas also claims to have won the campaign. Its
greatest achievement is having proven that there is no military resolution
to the Palestinian problem. It fought the strongest army in the Middle East,
which failed to destroy it; it fired rockets continuously deep into Israels
populated center; it inflicted heavy losses on the IDF; it prompted the
evacuation of the civilians of the Gaza vicinity communities; and finally,
in practice, it established mutual deterrence. For now, that is the dominant
narrative among the Palestinians, both in Gaza and the West Bank.

Aspects of Asymmetry

In an era of rapid, significant changes in asymmetrical confrontations, it

is doubtful there are fixed principles of warfare. Success in asymmetrical
confrontations is to a large extent a contest of the ability to learn and adapt
rapidly and creatively to developing circumstances. It seems that Hamas
did a better job than Israel in learning the lessons of the previous rounds of


I Udi Dekel

fighting and also proved capable in the course of the fighting of adaptation
in the following areas:
a. Seizing the initiative and being proactive, thereby snatching the surprise
factor away from Israel (in contrast to the Israeli surprise during Operation
Cast Lead, which caused heavy damage to Hamas forces and long range
rockets, and during Operation Pillar of Defense, which opened with the
targeted assassination of Hamas Chief of Staff Ahmad Jabari and the
neutralization of the threat of long range rockets). In Operation Protective
Edge, Hamas found itself in the midst of a campaign after a series of
escalating events, whereupon the military wing decided to surprise Israel
and preemptively use its strategic abilities and fire long range rockets into
Israels center and stage attacks within Israel via the tunnels and from
the sea. At the same time, the military wing prepared itself for extended
fighting with Israel on the basis of redundant capabilities and defensive
and logistical systems in fortified underground bunkers and tunnels.
Hamas political and military leaders went underground but managed to
maintain continuity of command and control of their forces.
b. Thanks to smuggling and local manufacturing, Hamas constructed a large
ORBAT of well hidden rockets with various ranges, with emphasis on
extended operative ranges to inflict damage on Israels large population
centers, albeit at the expense of accuracy and power of impact. This
allowed Hamas to fire rockets continuously throughout the fighting with
very few bottlenecks. Launch sites were set up in the heart of urban
areas, usually next to sites that Hamas presumed Israel would view as
off limits, with launchers hidden and camouflaged. The rocket salvos on
different Israeli targets though met with noted lack of success were
meant to penetrate the air defense protective layer provided by the Iron
Dome system and disrupt the routine of the Israeli population throughout
the fighting.
c. Hamas prepared the infrastructure of attack tunnels reaching into Israeli
territory for the sake of carrying out acts of mass murder and abductions
of civilians and soldiers, and setting up ambushes for Israels security
forces. In addition, tunnels were used to protect and transport fighters
and arms within the Gaza Strip in a way that left them impervious to
identification and attack from the air. Tunnels were also a way to surprise
the IDFs ground forces should they enter the Gaza Strip by setting off

Operation Protective Edge: Strategic and Tactical Asymmetry

I 17

explosives, ambushing tanks with anti-tank missiles, and abducting

soldiers within Gaza.
d. Hamas constructed hidden command and control capabilities, allowing it
continuous function throughout the fighting and adherence to its original
operational plans.
e. In addition to its rocket capabilities, Hamas also constructed short range
mortar shell capabilities. Once it understood that the long range rockets
were being successfully intercepted, it concentrated efforts on its well
calibrated mortar shells fired at the settlements adjacent to the Gaza
Strip and the IDF deployment areas. Hamas used the fact that families
evacuated these settlements to shape an image of victory and claim it
had caused mass flight from the region.
f. With the understanding that it was not able to cause significant damage
at long ranges, Hamas tried to focus its efforts on strategic targets, such
as Ben Gurion International Airport and, to a lesser extent, the Nuclear
Research Reactor in Dimona, but with limited achievements.
Unlike Hamas, the IDF focused on constructing improved active defenses
early warning and interceptions and performed well with the Iron Dome
system, incorporating enhanced defenses for civilians and forces operating in
the Gaza Strip. In terms of intelligence gathering, a multilayered intelligence
infrastructure was in place, allowing ongoing efforts to attack Hamas targets
and those of other terrorist organizations while reducing collateral damage
and improving warnings to non-combatants and removing them from the
areas under fire. In terms of tactics, the IDF lagged behind Hamas in learning
and creativity. Although the IDF is a technological army, it did not create
operational surprises and, careful to avoid harming non-combatants, took
too much time to implement its targeted killing operations against the
Hamas supreme commanders to attain a crushing effect. It seems that Israeli
intelligence sources had not focused on building an accurate genetic profile
of Hamas in fighting and understanding its essential makeup social, ethical,
anthropological, and traditional in order to identify and destabilize Hamas
centers of gravity, for the sake of both waging a successful campaign and
subsequently conducting negotiations. An example of confronting centers
of gravity was the damage inflicted on the high rise buildings in Gaza City
during the last week of the confrontation, an action that had a significant
effect because of the damage to the Gazan elites supporting Hamas.


I Udi Dekel

When entering violent asymmetrical conflicts it is very important to

gain legitimacy for the use of force in three circles: domestic, regional, and
international. This legitimacy is based on the understanding that there is
no choice but to employ military force by virtue of the right to self-defense
against repeated terrorist attacks. Israel succeeded in persuading all three
circles that the confrontation was forced on it by Hamas. Still, the longer
the campaign lasted, the more pictures of wounded and dead civilians in
the Gaza Strip accumulated, thus eroding international legitimacy even
though no international resolutions to stop the fighting were forced on Israel.
In terms of public consciousness, Hamas acted with duality. On the one
hand, it invested much in the ability to fire rockets continuously and in
propaganda designed to create the image of victory and battlefield successes.
On the other hand, Hamas also stressed the heavy damage Israel was inflicting
on Palestinian civilians in order to strengthen their image as victims, undermine
Israels international legitimacy, and prompt escalation in other arenas, such
as the West Bank and among Israels Arab citizens. Hamas failed in triggering
escalation in other arenas and creating international pressure on Israel. In
an asymmetrical war, the weaker side i.e., Hamas must also convince
its public of the justness of its objectives and be able to present successes.
Therefore Hamas conditioned its consent to a ceasefire on determining the
principles of post-war arrangements, in order to present concrete gains to
Gazas residents. In these senses, Hamas success is debatable.
One of the goals of a state fighting a non-state player is to drive a wedge
between the organization and the population among which it hides and from
which it operates. Gazan public opinion toward Hamas before the fighting
was negative. The public was impatient with the dire straits created by
Hamas in its more than eight years at the helm, a rule that was characterized
by brutality, failures, and corruption. Even so, Israel could not create the
necessary rupture because of the inevitable widespread harm to non-combatants
and civilian and private infrastructures; in fact, it increased the Palestinian
publics support for Hamas path of resistance. This familiar pattern, which
was bolstered by the notion that Israel only understands the language of
force, should be reexamined. Israel used public opinion operations against
Hamas to a limited extent and tried to maximize Hamas status as a semistate player responsible for any hostile activity from Gaza with which it
is possible to conduct a dialogue of messages and firepower, unlike other

Operation Protective Edge: Strategic and Tactical Asymmetry

I 19

radical jihadist organizations looking only for means of self-sacrifice in

order to kill as many heretics as possible.
To a certain extent, one can classify a confrontation of this type as a
war by proxies. Despite the political divide between Iran and Hamas, the
conduct of Hamas and global jihad in the confrontation in Gaza still bore
the recognizable fingerprints of Iran in the supply of weapons, the transfer
of know-how in rocket manufacturing capabilities and the underground
sphere of warfare, and the training of operatives. Furthermore, Turkey and
Qatar supported Hamas with money and political backing.

Conclusion and Future Implications

After almost four years in which Israel adopted a sit and wait policy without
taking part in the battle to shape the future Middle East, and contrary to its
desire to move away from the negative regional trends, events have spilled
over into Israel. The events in Gaza and the Golan Heights are proof that
center stage has been grabbed by elements with one shared characteristic:
they are not states but rather intentionally undefined entities that have found
terrorism and asymmetrical fighting to be readily available and immensely
effective tools of warfare capable of if not toppling states in the region
at least shattering the regional order and spreading instability through the
regional and international systems.
Hamas constructed its force over the course of many years. It learned
from the experience accrued in previous rounds of fighting and thoroughly
prepared itself for this campaign, succeeding in surprising Israel with its
ORBAT and the range of its rockets, the scope of the threat of the attack
tunnels, and the penetrating moves of forces. It is clear that Hamas as well
as other rogue elements, especially Hizbollah, will study Israels capabilities
and the IDFs strengths and weaknesses, and will try to prepare operational
surprises for the next campaign.
The conventional wars Israel waged against the Arab armies earned
Israel two major achievements: first, acceptance of the existence of the
State of Israel in the heart of the Arab Muslim world of the Middle East,
and second, peace accords with Egypt and Jordan and a political process
with the Palestinians. In asymmetrical confrontations, in which a regular
army in this case, the IDF fights terrorist cells using guerrilla tactics,
is it even possible to achieve a military victory that in turn will effect a
strategic paradigm shift with long term ramifications? Given that the Israeli


I Udi Dekel

government did not define any strategic political objective for the campaign
in Gaza, it also failed to reap the most from the conditions that came into
being for formulating a better strategic reality for Israels regional future.
For years, Israel has tried to decouple the link between the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict and the greater issues in the Middle East. The confrontation in the
Gaza Strip made manifest a new situation in which the leading Arab nations
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan did not embrace Hamas side, and even
expected Israel to strike a serious blow against it, further weakening Hamas
and the Muslim Brotherhood, its parent body. Because of the narrowness of
its strategic vision, the Israeli government failed to take full advantage of a
golden opportunity to establish broad regional cooperation against terrorists
and non-state jihadist players, simply out of both fear that this would lead it
back to the negotiating table with PA President Abbas and unwillingness to
provide the Arab world with some recompense in the form of a declaration
that Israel views the Arab Peace Initiative as a basis for talks and cooperation
between Israel and the Arab world.

Defining the Victor in the Fight against

an Army of Terrorilla
Yoram Schweitzer
At the conclusion of the 50-day military campaign that Israel fought against
Hamas and other organizations in Gaza in July-August 2014, the Israeli public
was left with a sour taste. This was reflected in criticism of the conduct of the
war by some members of the government and politicians from both the right
and left of the political spectrum, as well as commentaries by leading Israeli
pundits. In the public discourse in Israel, there were differences of opinion
about the desirable objectives of the war. Some argued that Israel should
have acted with greater determination to overpower Hamas and topple its
rule over Gaza. Others believed that Israel should be satisfied with striking
a severe military blow against Hamas and its allies that would postpone the
next round of hostilities and ensure quiet and security for communities on
Israels southern border for as long as possible. Either way, the dominant
theme during and at the close of the operation was that a clear and decisive
victory against a terrorist organization that is smaller and has fewer resources
than Israel was not achieved. From here, it was a short path to the conclusion
that Israel had failed in achieving its objectives.
In general, the attempt to examine the results of a campaign at the end of
the first half, even before the military strike has been completed with a de
facto or de jure security/political agreement, is not possible. Therefore, it is
also impossible to determine whether the goal of the entire campaign was
achieved. In addition, perspective can be provided only by the distance of
time, and a lack of perspective almost necessarily leads to unfounded and
sometimes even mistaken conclusions as to the results.
Nonetheless, today it is already possible as it was even before the outbreak
of Operation Protective Edge to define and describe the characteristics of


I Yoram Schweitzer

the adversary and the campaign that are responsible for the lack of clarity
and lead to blurring in the effort to identify the victor.1 Given these
characteristics, the results must be described in terms of achievement and
failure rather than victory and defeat. More specifically, victory and defeat
in the situations under discussion are not attainable for Western democracies,
which fight in battles that are not zero-sum wars according to norms and
restraints derived from the nature of their regimes.
It appears that some of the ongoing frustration with Israels military
campaigns against Hizbollah and against Hamas and its affiliates in Gaza
is a result of the imprecise and shallow definition of Israels adversaries as
merely terrorist organizations, along with the failure to internalize the type
of battle conducted against them. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hizbollah are
not merely terrorist organizations, but rather armies of terrorilla, which
combine terrorist and guerrilla modes of warfare, operate within a civilian
population, and shield themselves by means of this population.
Armies of terrorilla and their combat strategy are marked by several
a. From an organizational point of view, armies of terrorilla are built as
a regular army in every respect. They have a hierarchical command
structure and are divided into brigades, battalions, and companies; they
are instructed and trained according to an orderly program, sometimes
by state armies that support them (in this case, Iran and Syria); and they
even develop autonomous training and instruction systems.
b. They have advanced weaponry and equipment supplied by the supporting
states, and some even have the ability to manufacture weapons
c. They generally fight using hit and run and sting guerrilla attacks,3
and prepare combat positions and a network of tunnels for fighting within
the homes of civilians, in burrows, or in nature reserves.
d. They operate according to the logic of terror, launching deliberate,
indiscriminate attacks on the adversarys civilian population in specifically
civilian areas. As such, they launch thousands of rockets, missiles, and
mortars at civilian towns and cities in order to kill as many civilians as
e. They make the party fighting them responsible for any harm to their own
civilians, whom they use as human shields. To this end, they display
photographs showing harm to their civilians, particularly women and

Defining the Victor in the Fight against an Army of Terrorilla

I 23

children, to arouse world public opinion. This method is a cornerstone in

the combat strategy of armies of terrorilla. It is derived from an accurate
reading of the sensitivity of world public opinion and in this case, also
Israeli public opinion, to large scale harm to those who are not involved in
the fighting. It is intended to make the fighting difficult for the adversary,
disrupt its momentum, and give their own fighters a respite so that they
can evade the strong arm of the adversary.
f. They use uninvolved civilians, who under threat or in exchange for
financial compensation that is paid in advance protect them with their
lives and their property. Either way, voluntarily or by force, the homes of
civilians become military posts, with rockets, missiles, and mortars fired
from inside the home or from its immediate vicinity. Alternatively, they
are used as weapons repositories, and many of them are booby-trapped.4
When embarking on Operation Protective Edge, Israel decided on limited
objectives. From the outset Prime Minister Netanyahu defined the main
goal of the operation as ensuring quiet and security for residents of the
south.5 Following attempted attacks by a number of relatively large and
well-armed Hamas cells, which crossed the fence and emerged on the
outskirts of kibbutzim and were stopped before they were able to carry out
a massacre and once the extent of the danger became clear, the objective
of destroying the offensive tunnels was added.
Hamas, which began the war in an inferior position and with severe
problems in Gaza and in the Palestinian arena in general,6 can boast of
several achievements: waging a prolonged and intensive military campaign,
mainly by firing rockets and mortars at numerous cities around Israel and
harassing Israeli citizens, especially in communities in southern Israel;
killing 74 Israelis, 67 of them soldiers, including officers; and disrupting
civil air traffic to and from Israel for two days. Israel, for its part, struck
a blow against the Hamas infrastructure and Hamas fighters, and near the
end of the war, killed four high ranking Hamas commanders and forced the
organization and its partners to accept the ceasefire on the same terms it had
refused to accept several weeks prior.
It was clear from the outset that boastful declarations by Hamas leaders
about their victory had no connection to the true results of the military
campaign or the massive destruction caused to Gaza and its population. The
true reckoning regarding the campaigns consequences and the actual damage
inflicted was relegated to deliberations behind closed doors, and at least


I Yoram Schweitzer

according to Israeli officials and Israeli intelligence, there is a considerable

gap between the authentic insights of Hamas leaders about the true results
of the operation and their public statements.7 In Israel, the Prime Minister
and Defense Minister played down victory declarations, and made do with
a clear and decisive statement that the military objectives of the operation
had been fully achieved. Given that, they asserted, preparations should be
made for the political battle in the talks to be held in Cairo to complement
the military activity through an effective security arrangement, so as to
ensure quiet and stability for Israels southern population.
Accordingly, it is incumbent on the government of Israel to strive to
formulate an arrangement that will focus on ensuring that Hamas and its
affiliates in the Gaza Strip have less ability to rearm. It must insist that
Hamas not be the party responsible for Gazas reconstruction and that it
not control the enormous amounts of money expected to be sent to Gaza or
the allocation of the aid. It must ensure that control over the entry of goods,
equipment, and people to the Gaza Strip, as well as monitoring at the Rafah
border crossing, be under Egyptian control. It must also ensure that on the
Palestinian side, there is a presence by Palestinian Authority (PA) officials
and an international monitoring mechanism to inspect the goods, building
materials, iron, and other metals entering Gaza; verify that these materials
reach their destinations; and establish that they be used for civilian use only.
If Israel indeed succeeds in preventing massive rearmament by Hamas
and its partners in Gaza; achieves quiet on the security front; prevents rocket
fire at southern Israel and other hostile actions on its territory for an extended
period; and succeeds in preventing a deterioration that leads to another
military campaign in Gaza, then the Gaza campaign can be said to have led
to achievements that are the equivalent of the concept of strategic victory.
As of the writing of this article, there is an intermediate state of a temporary
ceasefire between the parties involved in Operation Protective Edge, achieved
with Egyptian mediation and the participation of PA officials. This was
intended to allow time, without pressure, to conduct negotiations between the
sides for a long term arrangement. There is a huge gap between the starting
positions of Hamas, which wants a seaport, an airport, and free opening of
the border crossings, and the position of Israel, which demands the complete
demilitarization of the Gaza Strip, the disarming of the armed groups, and
prevention of terrorist operations from Gaza. Therefore, it is likely that
the parties will need to compromise and be flexible in their positions to

Defining the Victor in the Fight against an Army of Terrorilla

I 25

allow an agreement to be reached or at least an arrangement and de facto

understandings. If this happens, quiet on the security front between Israel
and Gaza for a period of unknown duration could follow.
Aside from the southern front, Israel cannot rule out the possibility that
it will face another battle against an army of terrorilla that protects itself
using civilians, this time on its northern border, i.e., Hizbollah. At the present
time, Hizbollah is enmeshed in the conflict in Syria and paying the price
in Lebanon as well. However, its extremist positions toward Israel and its
subordination of Lebanese interests to the interests of its patron Iran could
ultimately drag it into fighting with Israel. Hizbollahs army of terrorilla
greatly exceeds that of its counterparts in the south. It is better trained and
armed, equipped with tens of thousands of rockets that are more accurate and
have a longer range and carry stronger weapons. Consequently, a Hizbollah
clash with Israel would be much more lethal than the most recent round
with Hamas. In such a situation, Israel would again find itself coping with
a military campaign that has similar characteristics but of different scope
and anticipated destruction.
In case Israel becomes involved in another conflict with the armies of
terrorilla of Hamas and Islamic Jihad on its southern front or Hizbollah on
its northern front, it must learn the military and operational lessons from the
current campaign and strengthen both its defensive and offensive capabilities.
However, at the same time, it must also undertake an initiative in the political
realm with the Palestinians as soon as possible. Israels image has suffered
in world public opinion because of the large number of civilian casualties
caused by the type of military campaign that Hamas and its partners forced on
it. To restore its dwindling reserves of legitimacy, Israel can strive to restart
the political process with the Palestinians. The turmoil in the region, the
increasing hostility to the Muslim Brotherhood movement in Arab countries,
particularly most of the Persian Gulf states, and the wild growth of radical
Salafist jihad create a favorable environment for Israel to form strategic
partnerships with pragmatic Arab states. These are likely to support the PA
or even a Palestinian unity government if it survives, and to provide it with a
safety net to make critical decisions that will allow progress toward achieving
gradual or permanent political settlements with Israel. It is possible that
in spite of the aggressive and militant stance demonstrated by Hamas, the
results of Operation Protective Edge will underscore to the organization that
another military adventure in Gaza will push the government of Israel into a


I Yoram Schweitzer

policy different from the restraint it adopted during the summer of 2014, and
that next time this could lead to the loss of Hamas rule in the Gaza Strip.
Along with the lessons that Israel must learn from the type of combat
conducted in Operation Protective Edge, there is also a lesson for Western
countries. The prevailing assessment around the world that the challenge
of fighting armies of terrorilla that shield themselves using civilians is the
private problem of Israel, which was harshly criticized for collateral damage
to numerous civilians, could prove mistaken, or at least uninformed. In the
not-too-distant future, Western leaders could also be faced with conflicts
of this type. Their armies could be called upon to fight against the Islamic
State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which operates as an army of terrorilla in Iraq
and Syria. In light of the brutal nature of ISIS (and potential affiliates) and
the need for Western forces to attack it from the air and from the ground,
its expected self-defense using a civilian population in places where it
operates will greatly limit the ability of the attackers to avoid massive harm
to civilians. In such a situation, they will also face the military/moral test
that resulted in Israels being accused of disproportionate fighting and of
being trigger happy, while exactly a high humanitarian price.


1 See Yoram Schweitzer, Divine Victory and Earthly Failures: Was the War Really
a Victory for Hizbollah? in The Second Lebanon War: Strategic Perspectives, eds.
Shlomo Brom and Meir Elran (Tel Aviv: Institute for National Security Studies,
2 Yoram Schweitzer, The Limitations on Fighting a Terrorilla Army: Lebanon and
Gaza as Test Cases, Military and Strategic Affairs 1, no. 1 (2009): 35-42, http://
3 Amir Buhbut, I Have a Brigade of Heroes: The Brigade Commander Speaks,
Walla News, August 8, 2014,
4 In Operation Protective Edge, Hamas again Used Civilians as Human Shields to
Prevent the Israel Air Force from Attacking the Home of a Terrorist Operative,
Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, July 10, 2014, http//:
5 Netanyahu: Operation Protective Edge Continuing; IDF Continues to Operate
with Full Force; Destruction of Tunnels to be Completed within a Day, Globes,
August 2, 2014,
6 Yoram Schweitzer, How Hamas Sees Its Achievements in Operation Protective
Edge, and How Israel Should Respond, INSS Insight No. 586, August 7, 2014,
7 Netanyahu: Hamas Hit Hard; Hasnt Achieved Any of Its Demands, Israel
Hayom, August 27, 2014,

Operations Cast Lead, Pillar of Defense, and

Protective Edge: A Comparative Review
Gabi Siboni
In 2001, armed groups operating within the Gaza Strip began firing high
trajectory weapons at the settlements of the western Negev. At first, they
used improvised low power and relatively inaccurate Qassam rockets and
mortars. However, as time passed they were able to increase the types
of weapons at their disposal, a result of more sophisticated independent
production efforts and the smuggling of weapons into the Gaza Strip. Today
the Gaza Strip boasts a wide variety of high trajectory firing capabilities,
including mortar shells and powerful long range rockets. In addition, efforts
by terrorist groups to breach the Gaza Strips isolation have produced a
widespread tunnel industry, which was initially concentrated in the Rafah
region and fueled by both economic motivations and the need to smuggle
weapons into the Gaza Strip. After recognizing the potential of these tunnels,
terrorist elements began digging offensive tunnels toward Israel with the
aim of facilitating abductions and terrorist attacks in the settlements near
the border fence.
The terrorist organizations pace of armament with rocket launching
weaponry increased substantially in the Gaza Strip after Israels unilateral
disengagement in 2005 and Hamas seizure of power two years later. This
was the background for the three broad scale operations launched by Israel
in the Gaza sector: Operation Cast Lead (December 2008-January 2009),
Operation Pillar of Defense (November 2012), and Operation Protective
Edge (July-August 2014). This article undertakes a comparison of the three
operations, focusing on their strategic background and an analysis of the
operational military campaign, in which Hamas increased its use of the
victim doctrine, which aims to damage Israels status in the international


I Gabi Siboni

arena by maximizing Israels injury to the non-combatant civilian population

of the Gaza Strip. The article concludes by presenting a number of insights
regarding the measures necessary to contend with the security threat emanating
from the Gaza Strip.

The Strategic Context

Hamas rose to power in the Gaza Strip in the wake of democratic elections.
After losing all hope in the corrupt leadership of Fatah, the Palestinian public,
at least in the days leading up to the elections, regarded Hamas as a force
that could govern in a more honest manner. Hamas violent seizure of power
in the Gaza Strip left the movement, led by radical fundamentalist Islamic
ideology, to contend with the combined challenge of asserting political control
over a political-territorial entity on the one hand, and preserving regional
relevance as a resistance movement in the Palestinian arena on the other.
The escalation of rocket fire originating from the Gaza Strip in late 2008
led Israel to launch Operation Cast Lead. During this conflict, Hamas, which
had started to consolidate its hold in the area, was provided with a strategic
rear by Egypt and Syria,1 which were then on the eve of the wave of unrest
that would subsequently sweep through the Arab world. Hamas received
more substantial support from Iran, which sought in this manner to influence
developments in the Arab world, especially the Israeli-Palestinian arena. Iran
assisted Hamas by smuggling weapons (Grad rockets, anti-tank missiles, and
explosives) into the Gaza Strip, providing it with technological knowledge
that facilitated the production of explosive devices and rockets, assisting
in training on Iranian soil, transferring funds totaling hundreds of millions
of dollars each year, and providing political backing against Israel and the
Fatah-led Palestinian Authority.2 This provision of aid was facilitated by
taking advantage of the failed Egyptian administration of the Sinai Peninsula
during the rule of President Husni Mubarak.
Operation Cast Lead was the first of a series of confrontations between
Israel and Hamas and the other armed groups operating in the Gaza Strip.
Hamas regarded both the recommendations of the Goldstone Commission,
which was established by the UN Human Rights Council to investigate
Israels actions during the operation, and the harsh international criticism
of Israels policies toward the Gaza Strip as a significant achievement. The
continuing erosion in international public opinion of Israels legitimacy
to respond to rocket fire from the Gaza Strip has deepened the Hamas

Operations Cast Lead, Pillar of Defense, and Protective Edge: A Comparative Review

I 29

leaderships understanding of the potential of utilizing civilian casualties

in the Gaza Strip as a powerful means in the balance of power between the
resistance movement and Israel.3
Operation Pillar of Defense was launched while Hamas was riding on
a high wave of popular support throughout the Arab world. The revolution
in Egypt and the rise to power of the Muslim Brotherhood that followed
imbued Hamas with greater confidence. Egypt, under the rule of Muslim
Brotherhood leader Mohamed Morsi, Turkey, and Qatar competed with one
another in their support for Hamas in an effort to increase their influence
in the Sunni sphere. Hamas relations with Iran entered a period of crisis,
and the Islamic organizations relations with the Egyptian government
intensified to the point of dependence on Egypt. In these circumstances,
Egypt was able to bring about a quick end to the fighting and facilitate
the formulation of understandings that allowed both Israel and Hamas to
claim significant achievements. In the wake of the conflict, Israel enjoyed
quiet and Hamas was provided with an opportunity not only to stabilize
its rule but also to tighten its relations with Qatar and benefit from Dohas
generous military aid. This period, however, did not last long, and ended
when the Muslim Brotherhood was forced out of power in Egypt by a
military coup and General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was elected president. On
the eve of Operation Protective Edge, Hamas found itself isolated in the
Arab world. The economic system it had developed through the tunnels in
the Rafah region was almost completely paralyzed by the countermeasures
implemented by the Egyptian military. This sense of isolation and the desire
to change the problematic position in which it now found itself is what led
Hamas to the most recent round of fighting.
The 2014 campaign in Gaza was also influenced by another change in
the array of powers in the Middle East: the growing threat posed by the
Islamic State organization in Syria and Iraq, which set the backdrop for the
emergence of a new American-led coalition aimed at destroying the group.
In this context, the United States and the countries of the West suddenly
found themselves on the side not only of Saudi Arabia and Jordan, but also
of Iran, Hizbollah, and even the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria. This
phenomenon, which may not guarantee the restoration of Washingtons
relevance to the events in the Middle East, has pushed Hamas and the
problem of the Gaza Strip onto the sidelines of the international agenda,
thus exacerbating its isolation even further.


I Gabi Siboni

The Operative Campaign

It is difficult to determine whether the fighting by Hamas and other

Palestinian groups during Operation Protective Edge was the product of
advance planning, particularly as neither side appeared interested in the
conflict. However, as has happened many times before, Israel and Hamas
once again found themselves in the midst of a protracted round of fighting.
Observation of Hamas modes of warfare since Operation Cast Lead reveals
a systematic process of learning. During the period between Operation Pillar
of Defense and Operation Protective Edge, Hamas acted with restraint. At the
same time, however, it increased construction of the military infrastructure
within the Gaza Strip and systematically attempted to carry out attacks in the
West Bank.4 This process was marked by a combined approach to warfare
consisting of two primary elements.
The first element was an offensive effort, which aimed at striking at
Israel through two means: rocket fire and cross-border attacks by way of
the offensive tunnels. Maintaining rocket firing capability was facilitated
by a defensive effort including the concealment of underground launchers
in densely populated civilian environments. These two offensive elements
were not intended to achieve decision of any kind but rather to damage the
fabric of life of Israeli citizens and exert pressure on the Israeli government
to ease the restrictions on the passage of goods and people into the Gaza
Strip. Hamas and the other groups operating in Gaza also made use of their
short range mortar firing capabilities to undermine the sense of security of
the residents of communities located close to the border fence.
This offensive effort rested on two developments. The first was recognition
of the fact that the firing of rockets at Ben Gurion airport had the potential
to disrupt international air travel to Israel. This speculation was confirmed
by a rocket that was aimed at the airport and was not intercepted by the Iron
Dome system. This episode prompted a number of airlines to cancel their
flights to and from Israel for a few days. The second was the understanding
that mortar fire on the settlements along the Gaza perimeter exerts pressure
on Israel, as unlike rocket fire, mortar fire from such a short range does not
allow residents sufficient warning and cannot be intercepted by the Iron
Dome system.
In the process of building a systematic fighting force, Hamas increased
the power of its rocket fire effort over its previous capabilities. This was
reflected on a number of levels. In terms of weaponry, Hamas expanded

Operations Cast Lead, Pillar of Defense, and Protective Edge: A Comparative Review

I 31

both its long range rocket launching capabilities and the quantity and variety
of the rockets themselves. In defense of its rocket capability, Hamas and
the other organizations operating in the Gaza Strip developed a concept of
warfare and defense based on the use of underground spaces to protect its
forces and its rocket launching equipment, as well as increased use of the
civilian population as human shields for its mortar and rocket launching
sites. This enabled them to maintain substantial firepower even in the final
days of the campaign and, at the same time, identify the weak spots of the
Iron Dome system at close range and fire mortar shells at the communities
located in close proximity to the fence.
The undermining of the legitimacy of Israels right to use force in the wake
of Operation Cast Lead led to Hamas development of the victim doctrine,
the second of its primary warfare elements. This doctrine seeks to provoke
Israeli action that results in injury to civilians and damage to civilian and
international installations. It is facilitated by positioning rocket and mortar
launching weaponry in installations of this sort and in civilian areas, and aims
to deepen Israels isolation in the international arena. The greater the civilian
injury caused by Israel, the more effective the effort to legitimize Hamas
and delegitimize Israel. During Operation Protective Edge, Hamas greatly
intensified its use of the victim doctrine, as manifested in the extensive
exposure of uninvolved civilians to IDF air strikes. Rockets were also fired
from humanitarian sites in which civilians had taken refuge. Employment
of the victim doctrine is effectively illustrated in photos showing rockets
being fired from inside schools and international organization facilities.
There is nothing new about Hamas and other armed groups launching
rockets from civilian areas. However, this mode of operation was upgraded
during Operation Protective Edge. Hamas learned the lessons of Operation
Cast Lead and Operation Pillar of Defense and increased its use of civilian
areas. The installation of rocket launching weaponry on the grounds of sites
of international organizations operating in the Gaza Strip requires advance
preparation, including digging and weaponry transport and installation.
It is difficult to imagine these preparations being carried out without the
personnel at these sites taking notice. Pressure may have been exerted on
such individuals to prevent opposition to preparations made by Hamas at their
sites.5 Indeed, until the final week of fighting, the IDF had difficulty striking
at Hamas senior command echelon, as its members remained protected
underground, where they operated in isolation from their surroundings.


I Gabi Siboni

Thus it is difficult to assess the extent to which senior Hamas officials and
commanders were aware of the scope of the destruction and loss of life
underway in the Gaza Strip or in other words, of the cost exacted by the
victim doctrine.6

Rocket launching site within an

UNRWA school

Rocket launching sites within schools

Rocket launching site within a

diplomatic facility and a Red Cross
medical facility [sic]

In contrast, the IDFs operational concept underwent no fundamental

change since Operation Cast Lead. It was based on firing, including precise
standoff firepower against previously selected targets and the intensification of
damage to incidental targets. In addition to weapons fire, the IDF maintained
the readiness of ground forces to undertake a limited ground incursion into
the Gaza Strip, with the aim of destroying the military infrastructure of
Hamas and the other armed groups operating in the Strip and of reaching
a ceasefire. During Operation Cast Lead, these forces were sent into action
after the Israeli airpower campaign had been fully exhausted and failed to
bring about a significant reduction in Hamas rocket fire. During Operation
Pillar of Defense, on the other hand, the Israeli ground force was never
utilized due to the relatively quick achievement of understandings and a
ceasefire, stemming from Cairos influence on Hamas.

Operations Cast Lead, Pillar of Defense, and Protective Edge: A Comparative Review

I 33

In recent years IDF force buildup has been characterized by an increased

emphasis on air fire capabilities and target intelligence. These areas have
received the majority of resources quite naturally, at the expense of ground
maneuvering, which was left behind with limited independent precision fire
lethalness and capability. At the same time, development of armament with
heavy platforms (such as the Merkava and the Namer) and advanced defenses
proceeded sluggishly due to budgetary difficulties. The IDFs operational
plans constituted a direct continuation of these processes, as demonstrated
during Operation Protective Edge. The campaign opened with air strikes that
were significantly larger in scope than previous operations, as a result of the
improvement of IDF intelligence capabilities pertaining to planned targets
and targets identified during battle. Hamas and the other groups, however,
maintained long range rocket fire and short range mortar fire capabilities
throughout the entire course of the hostilities. They were able to do this by
making extensive use of the victim doctrine, which made it difficult for
the IDF to strike at launching sites located in densely populated civilian
areas. After a number of attempts by Hamas to enter into Israel using attack
tunnels, the IDF (belatedly, in the eyes of some) initiated ground maneuvers
aimed at destroying the attack tunnels.
During the final week of fighting, when the Israeli ground forces were
withdrawn from the Strip, the air campaign resumed its major role in the
campaign, which intensified as the IDF lifted some of its self-imposed
restrictions. This facilitated more extensive destruction of Hamas military
infrastructure and rocket launching sites. It can be assumed that this action
was one factor that compelled Hamas to agree to a ceasefire according to
the original Egyptian outline, which the Hamas leadership had previously

The Operative and Strategic Balance of the Campaign

At the time of this writing, it is difficult to assess the results of Operation

Protective Edge. Past experience teaches that such assessments require long
term perspective and must be measured based on the improvement in Israels
strategic position over time, and not on declarations and populist discourses
of victory and defeat on both sides. Nonetheless, the results of the campaign
invite comparisons with the Second Lebanon War and previous rounds of
fighting in the Gaza region.


I Gabi Siboni

When the Second Lebanon War ended, the Israeli public perceived it
as a defeat and a missed opportunity.7 Nonetheless, it was followed by a
relatively long period of quiet in northern Israel one of the longest since
the establishment of the state. Operation Cast Lead, in contrast, concluded
with a unilateral ceasefire and was seen at the time as a military victory in
the struggle against Hamas, although Hamas and the other groups operating
in the Gaza Strip continued their buildup and their rocket fire from the Gaza
Strip almost without a break until Operation Pillar of Defense. And, as
became clear, the understandings that facilitated the ceasefire that marked
the conclusion of Operation Pillar of Defense also did little to provide Israel
with an extended period of calm.
With the requisite caution, a number of insights gained in the wake
of Operation Protective Edge that are indicative of an improvement in
Israels position vis--vis the challenges posed by the Gaza Strip can be
suggested. The first is the fact that the international community has come
to understand the seriousness of the threat posed by radical fundamentalist
Islam. Internalization of the danger posed by the Islamic State organizations
current offensive in Iraq and Syria has had an impact on general attitudes
toward Hamas and the other terrorist groups operating in the Strip, although
the groups are by no means identical. In this way, the unprecedented call
by EU foreign ministers for the disarmament of all terrorist groups in the
Gaza Strip may have been influenced by developments in Iraq and Syria.8
Second, during and following Operation Protective Edge, Hamas found
itself isolated in the Sunni arena with the exception of its relationship with
Qatar and Turkey, whose influence is limited in any event. The hostility of
Egypt has also deepened Hamas isolation and serves as a lever for pressuring
it to allow the Palestinian Authority to play a role in managing the security
and reconstruction of the Gaza Strip. All this has created a possible framework
for initiating a significant reduction in the military buildup capabilities of
Hamas and the other groups operating in the Strip, which is a process that
in the long term will reduce the threat they pose to Israel.
Finally, despite the harsh, arrogant words voiced by Hamas officials after
the campaign and the criticism within Israel regarding the fact that Hamas
finished the war with its military capabilities and the potential to continue its
military buildup still intact, the operation caused immense damage to terrorist
elements, weaponry, and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. Past experience
teaches that the massive scale of the damage is likely to have an effect on

Operations Cast Lead, Pillar of Defense, and Protective Edge: A Comparative Review

I 35

the desire of the groups in the Gaza Strip to renew hostilities, at least in the
near future. In this way, Operation Protective Edge may well be a milestone
on the road to the development of a long term strategy against the security
threat emanating from the Gaza Strip. The conditions that resulted from the
operation may be utilized as part of a process toward the demilitarization of
the Gaza Strip, even if it is only partial and gradual, and as another phase
in the evolution of a security reality that is more comfortable for Israel,
especially if the Palestinian Authority enjoys some influence on security
and administration in the Strip.
The importance of resisting the victim doctrine, however, must not
be underestimated. This doctrine constitutes an operative tool in the full
strategic sense of the term. Hamas mask of victimhood was cracked
when its operatives carried out a series of executions of collaborators
toward the end of the hostilities. Still, despite the appeal of international
human rights groups to Hamas to ensure that individuals accused of crimes
are not executed without a proper legal process, the implications of Hamas
treatment as an organization with which it is possible to conduct normative,
legal, and democratic discussion does not bode well for Israel.
Contending with threats such as the one posed by Hamas requires the IDF
to formulate an updated concept of the use of force based on the mixture of
weapons fire and maneuvers and on an understanding of the effectiveness
and power of direct contact and the operational accomplishment that ground
maneuvers can achieve. IDF force buildup must be guided by this understanding
and must not erroneously rely on the use of standoff firepower, no matter how
precise it may be. At the same time, the campaign cannot be military only.
In order to contend with the threat developing in other arenas, Israel must
devise an integrated doctrine that, alongside the military effort, incorporates
political, public relations, and legal components. Only an integrated effort
can provide Israel with the ability to contend on an ongoing basis with the
threat posed by armed non-state groups, especially those that have adopted
the victim doctrine as a central component of their struggle.


The author wishes to thank Ran Levy, an intern in the Military and Strategic Affairs
Program at INSS, for his assistance in the research undertaken for this article.
1 The Behavior of Hamas and the Nature of the Terrorist Threat from the Gaza Strip,
The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Israeli Intelligence




I Gabi Siboni
Heritage and Commemoration Center, March 2010,
On the visit of Khaled Mashal, head of Hamas Political Bureau, to the Gaza
Strip, see: The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Israeli
Intelligence Heritage and Commemoration Center, December 23, 2009, http://
See the comments by the Iranian Foreign Minister during Khaled Mashals visit
to Iran in mid-December, 2009, ibid.
General Security Services, Hamass Buildup Efforts after Operation Pillar of
Defense, Terrorism Portal, 2014,
On this subject, see The Military Use of Medical Installations and Ambulances
by Hamas and the Other Terrorist Groups in the Gaza Strip, The Meir Amit
Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Israeli Intelligence Heritage and
Commemoration Center, August 23, 2009.
Photos from an unclassified IDF document showing rocket fire originating from
civilian and international sites during Operation Protective Edge, August 2014;
source on file with the author.
This view was espoused by many public figures and members of the Israeli media
and supported by the Winograd Commission Report, which found that after 34
days of fighting, there was no decision in the IDFs favor, even in points. Hizbollah
shelling of the Israeli home front was halted only by the ceasefire. Israel did not
clearly win the war. See Winograd Commission Report, p. 396, article 19.
Barak Ravid, Foreign Ministers of the European Union Call for the Disarmament
of All Terrorist Groups in the Gaza Strip, Haaretz, July 22, 2014, http://www.

Iron Dome Protection: Missile Defense

in Israels Security Concept
Emily B. Landau and Azriel Bermant
The limited number of Israeli civilian casualties in the latest round of warfare
between Israel and Hamas was attributed in the main to the remarkable
performance of the Iron Dome anti-missile shield. According to figures
released by Israeli defense officials, Iron Dome achieved a success rate of
approximately 90 percent in intercepting rockets fired at Israels residential
areas. This was an improvement in its performance over Operation Pillar of
Defense in November 2012, when figures showed that the Iron Dome system
had an interception rate of 84 percent.1 However, Iron Dome is unable to
provide an effective response to the short range rockets and mortar rounds
fired at Israeli communities bordering Gaza. Israel is now working on a new
rocket and mortar defense system, known as Iron Beam, which is designed
to address this threat. The system utilizes lasers to shoot down short range
threats such as mortar rounds.2

Iron Dome Performance: Critique and Response

Despite Israels data regarding the performance of the Iron Dome system,
some specialists in the field have doubted the high rate of interceptions.
Theodore Postol of MIT, a controversial critic of missile defense systems,
claims that a detailed analysis of photographs of interceptor contrails during
Operation Pillar of Defense demonstrates that the interceptor rate was as low
as 5 percent, with little improvement during Operation Protective Edge. He
claims that successful interception would require the rocket to be approached
head-on, whereas photographs of Iron Dome contrails appear to show
that this has not occurred. Furthermore, he attributes low casualties from
Hamas rockets to Israeli civil defense preparations such as early warnings


I Emily B. Landau and Azriel Bermant

and shelters. According to Postol, there is no public evidence to show that

Iron Dome is performing at an interception rate of 90 percent.3 Postols
dismissal of the IDF findings on Iron Domes rate of interception is somewhat
puzzling, especially since in the past he has shown a readiness to rely on the
conclusions of Israeli defense officials when they correspond with his own
thinking. In the wake of the 1991 Gulf War, for example, Postol endorsed
the findings of the Israeli military that showed that the Patriot anti-missile
system did not offer additional security for Israel after Iraq began firing Scud
missiles.4 Other skeptics such as Richard M. Lloyd suggest that Iron Dome
has been able to destroy no more than 40 percent of incoming warheads.5
While lower than the interception rate reported by the IDF, this number is
still considerably higher than the figure suggested by Postol.
Subrata Ghoshroy, also from MIT, presents a more nuanced perspective
on Iron Domes performance. Unlike Postol, Ghoshroy suggests that once
detailed information on the performance of Iron Dome becomes more
accessible, the missile defense system may in time be viewed as a step
forward in defense systems of its type. At present, the lack of comprehensive
data on Iron Dome interceptions means that outside observers have difficulty
in evaluating the performance of the Israeli system. Moreover, even if Iron
Dome succeeded in intercepting around 90 percent of the Hamas rockets,
this does not necessarily mean that Israels other missile defense systems
such as Davids Sling and Arrow will perform as effectively.6 The point
is instructive given that during Operation Protective Edge, many of the
interceptors were not utilized since Iron Dome was able to detect that a
large proportion of the rockets would not reach urban centers. In the event
that Israel were to face a war on several fronts, with enemies firing many
hundreds of ballistic missiles a day, including missiles such as the Iranian
Shehab and Sejil models, Israels Arrow system would be required to utilize
a larger number of interceptors with the attendant risk that the system is
saturated and therefore unable to perform as effectively.7
Precise data on Iron Dome performance from the IDF is still lacking,8 but
Israelis certainly do not doubt the success of the defensive system. Indeed,
it quickly became the overwhelming success story of the operation, and
many people witnessed and documented interceptions first hand. The midatmosphere explosions during many rocket barrages became familiar sights,
and whether Iron Dome hit the incoming rockets head-on (detonating the
warhead) or from the side, the rockets did not reach their civilian targets.

Iron Dome Protection: Missile Defense in Israels Security Concept

I 39

Ironically, the success of the system was affirmed by the bizarre accusation
hurled at Israel by the outgoing UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,
Navi Pillay, whereby Israel was guilty of not sharing Iron Dome with Hamas
in order to protect Palestinian civilians.9 As to Postols idea that low civilian
casualties were due to other defensive measures, he provides no explanation
for the very minimal damage to property as well.
Indeed, a comparison of data from the Second Lebanon War of 2006
(when the Iron Dome system was not in place) and Operation Protective
Edge shows that that in 2006, some 4000 Hizbollah rockets hit Israel,
resulting in the deaths of 53 Israelis,10 whereas during Operation Protective
Edge, at least 3360 rockets were fired from Gaza,11 with two Israelis killed
from the rocket fire. Moreover, in 2006 there were 30,000 insurance claims
for damage (each rocket generated around seven damage claims), while
during the Gaza war of 2014 (as of September 3, 2014), approximately
2400 claims were filed (less than one claim per rocket).12 Critics of the Iron
Dome system will need to account for the significantly higher rate of civilian
casualties and insurance claims during the 2006 war when Iron Dome was
not in operation. The claim that the low civilian casualties during Operation
Protective Edge were a result of civil defense measures is not persuasive,
since these measures also applied in 2006 when many more were killed
from similar types of rockets.13

Defensive Measures in Israels Security Thinking

What does all of this mean for the defensive pillar in Israels security doctrine,
specifically with regard to the best means to confront rocket, missile, and
nonconventional threats? Traditionally, Israeli military planners have favored
developing flexible offensive capabilities to deal with long term strategic
threats. Moreover, technological uncertainties surrounding the development
and deployment of the Arrow ballistic missile defense system and its high
cost were commonly cited objections to its development. Nevertheless,
during the 1980s, in the face of fierce opposition by the IDF, then-Defense
Minister Yitzhak Rabin approved the development of the Arrow, and today
the balance is moving increasingly toward defensive capabilities.14
Missile and rocket defense has become a crucial element of Israels
approach in defending the country, alongside offensive capabilities and passive
defense. Israel is developing multiple layers of missile defense to face the
rising threats of ballistic missiles and rockets from Lebanon, Syria, and Iran.


I Emily B. Landau and Azriel Bermant

In the coming years, it is likely that Israel will develop an integrated system
that will cover the entire country to address multiple threats, activating the
different systems in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.15
The late Reuven Pedatzur, an Israeli defense specialist, argued against
defense systems due to their inability to provide adequate protection in the
face of nuclear threats. If but one nuclear missile were to penetrate the system
and hit Tel Aviv, the consequences, he argued, would be unbearable for Israel
therefore, to be effective, the Arrow missile defense system would have
to provide hermetic protection, which it cannot. Moreover, Pedatzur viewed
development of defensive measures as an Israeli message to its enemies that
it was preparing to defend itself against a nuclear attack, rather than relying
on its deterrence to ward off the prospect of such an attack. By sending the
wrong signal to Iran, Israel would in effect be damaging its own deterrent
image, projecting that its deterrence is less than robust.16
However, this has not been the predominant line of thinking; rather, the
model whereby deterrence is actually reinforced by defense has been adopted
by Israels military planners, as it has been by the United States and NATO.
Uzi Rubin, a leading Israeli defense expert and a former director of Israels
missile defense organization, has a take on deterrence that diverges from
Pedatzurs Cold War thinking. Deterrence against nuclear threats relies on
a survivable retaliatory force, and survivability requires that a sufficient
number of retaliatory forces are still operational after an initial attack. This
is where missile defense comes into the picture. Rubin concludes that while
missile defenses cannot provide a hermetic shield against ballistic missiles,
even a partially successful missile shield can significantly complicate the
planning of an adversary.17

Public Mood and Flexibility for Decision Makers

Additional benefits of missile defense systems relate to the public mood.

Critics of Iron Dome have overlooked the positive impact that successful
missile defense has had on Israeli national morale, and its contribution to
strengthening public resolve in a war situation. This is borne out by the very
positive response of the Israeli public to the Iron Dome systems success in
intercepting missiles from Gaza, both in 201218 and 2014.
Public mood can translate into concrete strategic benefits. In Operation
Protective Edge, the publics sense of protection by Iron Dome gave time and
space for the government to make calculated decisions on how to proceed in

Iron Dome Protection: Missile Defense in Israels Security Concept

I 41

response to the rocket fire, while reducing the pressure to move quickly to a
ground offensive in Gaza. When the decision was finally taken to conduct a
ground operation, it was not directly linked to the rocket attacks, but rather
to the efforts by Hamas to infiltrate into Israel through the numerous attack
tunnels. On the more negative side, Israels success in limiting civilian
casualties has been cynically turned against it in the international debate by
those who have accused Israel of a disproportionate response.
Lessons from Operation Protective Edge are instructive as Israeli military
planners place increasing emphasis on the development of defensive
capabilities in facing missile and strategic threats from Israels enemies.
No serious military expert would claim that missile defense systems are able
to provide hermetic protection, but missile defenses do create conditions for
enhanced freedom of action for decision makers defense systems ensure
that they have time, and are not compelled to resort automatically to preemption and retaliation.19 Missile defense systems give political leaders
various options, and provide time for diplomacy to work. This may help to
explain why the United States has invested vast sums of money in Israels
various defense systems. It is not just about protecting the Israeli public,
but also about enhancing stability and deescalation efforts.


1 Amos Harel, Iron Dome Racks Up 90 % Success Rate So Far, Haaretz, July 9,
2 Yaakov Lappin, Israeli Iron Beam Laser Air Defense System Brings Down
Mortars Like Flies Creator Says, Jerusalem Post, April 2, 2014.
3 Theodore A. Postol, The Evidence that Shows Iron Dome is not Working, Bulletin
of the Atomic Scientists, July 19, 2014.
4 Patrick E. Tyler, After the War; Did Patriot Missiles Work? Not So Well, Scientists
Say, New York Times, April 17, 1991.
5 William J. Broad, Weapons Experts Raise Doubts About Israels Antimissile
System, International New York Times, March 20, 2013.
6 Subrata Ghoshroy, Iron Dome: Behind the Hoopla, a Familiar Story of MissileDefense Hype, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, December 13, 2012.
7 Nathan Farber, Is the State of Israel Safe from Missiles and Rockets? Magen
Laoref, September 30, 2013,;
Yossi Melman, Israels Missile Defense System Could Crumble at the Moment
of Truth, Jerusalem Post, October 26, 2013.
8 The most recent data as of writing is from after nine days of the operation, when
the IDF put the success rate at 86 percent: See Jeremy Binnie, IDF Releases Iron
Dome Interception Rate, IHS Janes 360, July 20, 2014,


I Emily B. Landau and Azriel Bermant

9 For the report on this see:

10 Uzi Rubin, The Rocket Campaign against Israel during the 2006 Lebanon War,
Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University, June 2007, pp. 1014.
11 Operation Protective Edge By the Numbers, IDF website, August 5, 2014,
12 Uzi Rubin, Israeli Air Defense, Presentation to US Air Force Association,
September 12, 2014,
13 Ibid.
14 Efraim Inbar, Rabin and Israels National Security (Washington, DC: Woodrow
Wilson Center Press, 1999), p. 76. See also: Uzi Rubin, Israels Short-Range Missile
Defense in Action (audio), Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, September
10, 2013; Uzi Arad, presentation at INSS conference Complex Nonconventional
Deterrence Equations, May 22, 2014.
15 Yaakov Amidror, Missile Defense: An Israeli Perspective, presentation at INSS
conference Missile Defense: Asset or Liability for Regional and International
Stability, January 15, 2014.
16 Reuven Pedatzur, How Missile Defense Undermines Deterrence: The Israeli
Case, presentation at INSS conference Missile Defense: Asset or Liability for
Regional and International Stability.
17 Uzi Rubin, Israels Missile Defense: An Asset or a Drawback in a Nonconventional
Scenario, presentation at INSS conference Missile Defense: Asset or Liability
for Regional and International Stability.
18 Paul Schulte, Interactions between Missile Defense, Deterrence and Disarmament:
A Relativist Approach, presentation at INSS conference Missile Defense: Asset
or Liability for Regional and International Stability.
19 Bruno Tertrais, Beyond US Nuclear Weapons? NATO and Strategic Deterrence
by 2020, in NATOs Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons after Chicago, eds. Hugh
Chalmers, Malcolm Chalmers, and Andrea Berger, Whitehall Report 4-12 (Royal
United Services Institute, October 2012), p. 20.

Rocket Warfare in Operation Protective Edge

Yiftah S. Shapir
Rocket warfare was Hamas principal weapon in Operation Protective Edge.
Throughout the 50 days of fighting, Hamas and the other organizations
maintained their rocket launching capability. For Israel, the operation began
as the Iron Dome war. Iron Dome was already recognized as a successful
system in Operation Pillar of Defense, but Israels aerial defense system
entered Operation Protective Edge with more experience, more readiness,
and more Iron Dome batteries. This article will analyze the rocket warfare
and the defenses against it during Operation Protective Edge, and will assess
the achievements of the respective parties.

The Hamas Capability

Hamas and the other organizations in the Gaza Strip have used rocket warfare
since 2001, when Israel still controlled the Gaza Strip. Rockets launched
against Israel at that time consisted mostly of locally developed Qassams and
similar rockets using improvised fuel. Following Israels disengagement from
the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2005, the various organizations succeeded
in procuring imported standard rockets, and also upgraded their ability to
manufacture, or at least to assemble, rockets by themselves. When Operation
Protective Edge began, the organizations order of battle included standard
107-mm rockets (manufactured in China and Iran); 122-mm Grad rockets
for short ranges, and upgraded Grad rockets for ranges up to 40 km; Iranianmade Fajr-5 rockets with a 75-km range; and recent additions of Syrian-made
302-mm rockets with a range of up to 160 km. Hamas also used its own
self-produced rockets, which it said included the Sejil-55, M-75, and J-80
models. Production of the R-160 rocket was announced during Operation
Protective Edge.1 The Israel Military Intelligence Directorate estimated the


I Yiftah S. Shapir

number of short range (up to 40 km) rockets possessed by Hamas as in

the thousands, the number of 75-km range rockets as in the hundreds,
and the number of longer range rockets (302-mm) as in the dozens.

Rockets Operations: An Outline

The rocket fire, which had stopped almost completely following Operation
Pillar of Defense, increased in June 2014 (during Operation Brothers
Keeper). When the IDF announced the start of Operation Protective Edge,
the number of launchings increased exponentially, reaching 150 daily, and
Hamas began using its long range rockets. Rockets were fired at Tel Aviv
and other cities in the Dan region, and at Jerusalem, Hadera, and the Carmel
coast. Hamas managed to maintain a firing rate of about 100 rockets a day
until July 23, 2014. The rate then declined, remaining at 50-60 rockets a
day. After the second ceasefire was broken on August 19, the launching
rate increased again, reaching a peak of 170 rockets on August 20 and 165
rockets on August 26, 2014, the last day of the operation despite the IDFs
efforts to disrupt this activity.
In all, Hamas and the other organizations launched a total of about 4,500
rockets during Operation Protective Edge (from July 8 until August 26).2
Approximately 3,600 of them fell in open spaces, and about another 200
were defined as unsuccessful launchings (meaning that they exploded upon
launching or fell in the Gaza Strip). Iron Dome intercepted 735 rockets, and
only 225 rockets fell in built-up areas and caused damage.3
For Hamas, the long range fire was a major symbolic victory, even though
the actual damage caused was negligible. Yet despite the strategic importance
of the long range fire, the vast majority of the rockets fired against Israel
were short range rockets (up to 20 km), and the areas close to the Gaza
Strip therefore absorbed most of the barrages. Furthermore, large portions
of these areas are at too close for protection by Iron Dome capability, and
this greatly increased their share of the damage. These areas also suffered
most of the damage from mortar fire.
It appears that following the massive rocket barrages and the damage
caused by IDF attacks, Hamas and the other organizations were left with a
stockpile of rockets perhaps a few thousand likely to suffice for a similar
period of fighting. Hamas capability was severely affected, however, and
there is little likelihood of its being able to restore it to what it was. The
Gaza Strip is more tightly blockaded than ever, Egypt has strengthened

Rocket Warfare in Operation Protective Edge

I 45

its control of Sinai and demolished most of the smuggling tunnels, and
Hamas international connections with supporting parties like Iran, Syria,
and Hizbollah have become weaker.

Damage from Rocket Fire

The direct damage to the Israeli civilian population from the rocket fire was
limited. There were two fatalities, and several dozen cases of damage to
buildings and property were reported (and only a few in areas not adjacent to
the Gaza Strip). However, the number of wounded indicates a larger degree
of damage. Magen David Adom reported that it treated 836 injured people
during the operation, though only 36 were wounded by rocket fragments
and another 33 by glass fragments. The rest were injured indirectly: traffic
accidents that occurred during alerts (18), injuries suffered while running
to a sheltered area (159), and most of all, victims of anxiety (581).4 This
figure highlights more than anything else the fact that the heaviest damage
caused by the rocket warfare lay in the disruption of ordinary daily life
the need to halt activity and run to the sheltered area during each alert. It is
also reflected in economic damage: other than the direct damage suffered
by businesses (about $20 million) and damage caused by the absence of
workers from their place of employment (about another $20 million), the
indirect damage was much greater estimated at $1.2 billion.5
A particularly noteworthy incident was the rocket fired at Yehud on July
22, 2014. This attack, which struck a residential building approximately one
kilometer away from Ben Gurion Airport, caused the civil aviation authorities
in Europe and the US to issue a warning, following which many airlines
canceled their flights to Israel. Although most flights were renewed a day
later, the event implied great potential damage amounting to a blockade of
Israel, a threat that any future enemy will strive to achieve.

Iron Dome Activity

The IDF entered Operation Protective Edge with six Iron Dome batteries.
During the operation, the absorption of batteries in earlier stages of deployment
was expedited, and nine Iron Dome batteries were deployed by July 16, 2014.6
For Israelis, the proof of Iron Domes success was in the results. Seven
civilians were killed during the entire operation, and only two were killed
by rocket fire.7 Very few hits were recorded in areas beyond the vicinity
of the Gaza Strip. For the sake of comparison, during the Second Lebanon


I Yiftah S. Shapir

War, the 4,000 rockets fired caused 44 fatalities. The small number of hits
contributed to the publics general mood of complete trust in Iron Domes
capabilities and a feeling of great personal safety, which was also reflected
in the media and probably also affected policymakers. This feeling was not
shared by residents in areas close to Gaza, who bore the brunt of the attacks.
How effective was Iron Dome as a system? Early in the operation, it was
reported that Iron Dome had achieved a 90 percent success rate.8 According
to figures published at the end of the operation, Iron Dome intercepted 735
rockets, and failed to intercept only 70 rockets.9 This figure matches the
number reported at the beginning of the operation, and indicates the systems
technical capability.
In assessing the capability of Israels aerial defense system to protect its
territory, however, other factors should also be taken into account: first of all,
the systems inability to protect certain areas, in particular, as shown during
the operation, its inability to provide protection against short range rockets;
second, the existing extent of coverage (the current number of operational
batteries, from which its defense capability is derived; and the need to
decide what to protect and what not to protect; this factor is a function of
how the defense establishment invests these resources). To these should be
added everything that distinguishes between a systems purely technological
capability and the actual capability of an operational system: the temporary
unavailability of batteries, whether because of logistical difficulties or as
the result of technical malfunctions, and, of course, human error.10
The available figures are still superficial. In order to evaluate the systems
effectiveness correctly, it is necessary to know precisely how many rockets
were fired and at which targets, which of the targets hit were actually protected
at the time the rocket was fired, when each battery was usable and when
it was not, how many rockets were engaged, how many interceptors were
used against each engaged rocket and how many interceptors failed, how
many of the rockets were aimed at protected areas, where each rocket hit,
and how much damage it caused (including in open spaces).11
The available figures do, however, make it possible to give a rough estimate
of the systems capability. Of the 96012 rockets fired at built-up areas, 225
scored hits and caused damage. This yields a much lower success rate than
the purely technical capability, but it is still an impressive and praiseworthy
figure. This is the important figure for assessing the systems capability, since
it includes all the above-mentioned limitations. At the same time, only an

Rocket Warfare in Operation Protective Edge

I 47

in-depth analysis, which should be conducted by an independent agency

within the defense establishment, can provide solid information about the
systems effectiveness for the purpose of making the right decisions about
further procurement and about the necessary improvements.

Future Threat and Iron Domes Capability

The future rocket threat has four aspects that will present difficulties for
Iron Dome, or any other defense system, in future conflicts:
a. Long range rocket fire (up to 200 km)
b. The enemys procurement of accurate guided missiles (mainly applicable
to Hizbollah)
c. A large inventory of rockets (mainly applicable to Hizbollah), and the
growing ability to fire heavy barrages
d. Short range fire both short range rockets and mortar fire.
Hamas has managed to procure rockets with ranges of up to 160 km,
but not heavy rockets (500-600-mm caliber) and not guided missiles, such
as the Iranian Fateh-110 and similar missiles. Syria and Hizbollah already
have such missiles, which endanger mainly strategic sites that only a precise
weapon can hit. The defense systems will have to focus on protection of
such targets, since these missiles are not a statistical weapon, and defense
against them cannot rely on ignoring rockets headed for open spaces.
Heavy barrages: One of the great advantages of a rocket weapon system
is its ability to fire large scale barrages in an extremely short time span.
During Operation Protective Edge, there were a number of attempts at
such barrages, but it does not appear that Hamas is capable of firing very
heavy barrages.13 In a future conflict, Israel is liable to face much heavier
rocket barrages, which Iron Dome will have difficulty intercepting. In such
a situation, there may be a strategic need to focus Israels defense capability,
and the question of what to defend and what not to defend will arise in full
force in other words, whether to bypass the civilian population in order
to protect important military or civilian facilities.
Short range fire: Warfare in Operation Protective Edge highlighted the active
defense systems inability to deal with short range fire. This disadvantage has
been known for a long time and was exploited this time by Hamas, which
concentrated most of its attacks against communities near the Gaza Strip.
This vulnerability has strengthened the demand to develop a defense system
capable of intercepting short range rockets and mortar shells. The demands


I Yiftah S. Shapir

by the supporters of the THEL chemical laser system (Nautilus/Skyguard)

to procure such systems, whose development in Israel was halted in 2006,
were raised again in this context. The demand to procure the Centurion
system (also known as Phalanx) was also raised. The defense establishment
previously considered these systems, and it was decided not to purchase
them. It has also been reported that a new laser system, called Iron Beam,
based on a solid state laser, is being developed in Israel.14 This technology
is still in the early stages globally, and the chances that Israel will have an
operational solid state laser system in the near future are slim (the same is
true of a fiber optic laser another technology currently in development).

The Argument about Missile Defense Systems

Iron Dome aroused controversy from its inception. Objections included

technological arguments (which system is preferable), economic and
operations research arguments (any defensive system can be defeated,
unnecessary investment, the cost of defense is greater than the cost of
the potential damage), and strategic arguments (defensive systems run
counter to the principle of deterrence).
The debate continued during Operation Protective Edge from two opposite
perspectives. On the one hand, it was argued that the protection provided by
the Iron Dome system gave the decision making echelon maneuvering room
that enabled decision makers to avoid haste and premature escalation of the
operation. On the other hand, it was asserted that without the protection of
the Iron Dome system, there would have been damage to the home front
that would have forced the political echelon to launch an offensive to defeat
Hamas at the very beginning.
However, these issues ignore the political aspect. Decision making in
weapons procurement is a political act no less than a military one. The extent
of rocket damage is important not only in the way it is measured, but also in
how the public perceives it and in its political effect. The Israeli public has
suffered prolonged rocket fire since 1968. The publics ability to withstand
it depended to a large extent on how it assessed the states efforts to protect
it. Assertions of the uselessness and pointlessness of spending money on
defense will be even more trenchant in the argument about defense against
short range rockets and missiles, but they do not take into account the fact
that deciding on such an investment will by nature be a political act designed

Rocket Warfare in Operation Protective Edge

I 49

to prove to residents of southern Israel that the country has not abandoned
them, no less than it will be a purely military decision.
In the future, the political consideration will also affect the degree to
which protection will concentrate on military and strategic facilities. This
is a measure that in the above-mentioned circumstances is militarily logical,
but likely to prove problematic. Politically, it is actually already being raised
in discussion of whether instructions to the systems operators indicates
priorities as to what is to be better protected (e.g., to assign more interceptors
per incoming rocket while defending certain assets) and what is to be less


To a large extent, Operation Protective Edge was a war of rockets versus

defense systems against rockets. Hamas can bask in its success in launching
thousands of rockets without losing its capability over 50 days of fighting.
On the other hand, Israel can take pride in its system, which gave a feeling
of security to most of its residents, thereby enabling its decision makers to
exercise patience and judgment.
Israels defense system against missiles and rockets includes a large
number of layers. Of these, only the warning system (Color Red), civil
protection, and Iron Dome systems were put to the test. Israel has other
defense layers, however, which were not tested at all some existing and
some slated for the future and it is possible that these will constitute the
principal defense in future conflicts. Meantime, as in any military conflict,
Operation Protective Edge revealed both capabilities and limitations and
defects. The defensive system is imperfect, and it clearly will not withstand
all types of future threats.


1 The model numbers apparently represent the declared rocket range. There are few
other details about these models, and in some cases, it is reasonable to assume that
they are imported, not locally produced.
2 Even though all the sources that reported the extent of the firing were probably
using the same official sources, they are not consistent with each other. Various
sources have cited the numbers 4,519, 4,532, 4,594, and 4,564. Launchings: the
number of rockets that fell in open spaces was listed by various sources as 3,362,
3,641, about 3,852, and 3,417. In addition, some of the sources stressed that their
information includes both rockets and mortar shells, while at least one source
stressed that its figure does not include mortar shells.


I Yiftah S. Shapir

3 One report stated that Iron Dome had also intercepted 10 mortar shells a weapon
that is usually not within the range of Iron Domes capabilities. See Gili Cohen,
Iron Dome Intercepted About 10 Mortar Shells during the Fighting in Gaza,
Haaretz, August 13, 2014,
4 Yishai Karov, Rocket Casualties and Births Magen David Adom Summarizes
Operation Protective Edge, Arutz Sheva, July 27, 2014,
5 Operation Protective Edge in Numbers, Ynet News, August 27, 2014, http://www.,7340,L-4564678,00.html.
6 A sixth battery was deployed in September 2013. See Alon Ben David, Israel
Deploys New Iron Dome Batteries, Aviation Week and Space Technology, September
9, 2013,
7 Two people were killed by a rocket hit during Operation Protective Edge: Ouda
al-Waj was killed near Dimona on July 19, while Sergeant Netanal Maman was
wounded on leave and died of his wounds on August 29. In contrast, five civilians
and 11 soldiers were killed by mortar fire. See All the Faces and Names, Haaretz,
August 27, 2014,
8 Dan Williams, Israel Says Iron Dome Scores 90% Rocket Interception Rate,
Reuters, July 10, 2014,
9 Alon Ben David, Iron Dome Blunts 90% of Enemy Rockets, Aviation Week and
Space Technology, September 1, 2014,
10 The most prominent example is the rocket that struck Yehud, resulting in the halt
in aerial traffic. The failure to intercept the rocket was the result of an operators
decision a decision that in retrospect appears mistaken.
11 The definition of built-up spaces is in effect arbitrary. The two fatalities hit by
rockets were actually in open spaces.
12 735 + 225 = 960.
13 In regular armies, a standard BM-21 rocket battery has six launchers capable of
launching 240 rockets within 40 seconds. It is doubtful whether the Iron Dome
system is capable of dealing effectively with such a heavy barrage against a single
14 Gareth Jennings, Singapore Airshow: Rafael Launches Iron Beam, HIS Janes
Defense Weekly, February 10, 2014,

Subterranean Warfare: A New-Old Challenge

Yiftah S. Shapir and Gal Perel
Subterranean warfare is not new in human history. Tunnels, which have been
dug in all periods for various purposes, have usually been the weapon of the
weak against the strong and used for concealment. The time required to dig
tunnels means that they can be an important tool for local residents against
an enemy army unfamiliar with the terrain. Tunnels used for concealment
purposes (defensive tunnels) can be distinguished from tunnels used as a
route for moving from one place to another. The latter include smuggling
tunnels used to smuggle goods past borders (as in the Gaza Strip), escape
routes from prisons or detention camps, offensive tunnels to move forces
behind enemy lines, and booby-trapped tunnels planted with explosives
under enemy facilities (a tactic used by Hamas).
Operation Protective Edge sharpened awareness of the strategic threat
posed by subterranean warfare. The IDF encountered the tunnel threat long
ago, and took action to attempt to cope with this threat, but the scope of
the phenomenon, as became apparent in July-August 2014, was portrayed
as a strategic shock, if not a complete surprise, requiring comprehensive
reorganization to handle the problem. Some critics argued that an investigative
commission was necessary to search for the roots of the failure and punish
those to blame for it.
This article will review subterranean warfare before and during Operation
Protective Edge, and will assess the strategic effects of this mode of warfare.

The IDF vs. Subterranean Warfare

Subterranean warfare has appeared many times in the Arab-Israeli context,

and the IDF and the Ministry of Defense have dealt with various aspects of
the phenomenon of subterranean warfare for many years. On rare occasions


I Yiftah S. Shapir and Gal Perel

Hizbollah chose to operate underground during the years the IDF controlled
the security zone in Lebanon. Already in September 1996, a force from the
Egoz Unit under the command of Erez Zuckerman fought in a labyrinth
system of tunnels used by Hizbollah terrorists in Jabal Sujud.1 In the Second
Lebanon War, a force from the Maglan special forces unit conquered a
fortified Hizbollah dugout adjacent to the Shaked post; two IDF soldiers and
five Hizbollah operatives were killed in the battle.2 After the war, Hizbollah
built an extensive system of concealment and military tunnels within the
villages,3 and possibly tunnels for cross-border penetration as well.4
During the second intifada, the Palestinian terrorist organizations in the
Gaza Strip made extensive use of tunnels for smuggling weapons from
Egypt to the Gaza Strip and for attacking IDF forces in Gush Katif. The IDF
launched many raids against the tunnels, and by June 2004 had destroyed
over 100 of them. A special heavy piece of equipment, called a trencher,
was acquired and used to dig a trench along the Philadelphi axis. Shafts
were dug at random places into which explosives were inserted in the hope
of making the tunnels collapse, and rows of houses close to the Rafah road
were demolished. The problem, however, was not solved.
Digging a tunnel is estimated to take about three months and costs about
$100,000. Such tunnels can be concealed so that their openings are inside
houses or greenhouses, and can be dug in advance without being used
until the crucial time.5 Past significant attacks included the booby-trapped
tunnels in the IDFs Termit outpost, in which three soldiers were wounded
in September 2001;6 the booby-trapped tunnel in the IDFs Orhan outpost,
in which one soldier was killed and five wounded in June 2004;7 and the
attack on the Joint Verification Team (JVT) outpost in Rafah in December
2004 in a powerful booby-trapped and cross-border tunnel attack, which left
five soldiers killed and six wounded and was considered the most deadly
tunnel attack during those years.8 Hamas best-known offensive tunnel,
whose exit was 100 meters inside Israeli territory near the Kerem Shalom
border crossing, was used on June 25, 2006 in an attack by a terrorist squad
that killed two IDF soldiers and kidnapped Gilad Shalit.9
In October 2006, IDF forces demolished 13 smuggling tunnels on
the Philadelphi Route.10 In November 2007, the IDF demolished tunnels
infrastructure hidden within a tomato hothouse and designed for attacking
targets in Netiv HaAsara and Kibbutz Erez.11 The following year, in November
2008, a paratroopers battalion commanded by Yaron Finkelman operating

Subterranean Warfare: A New-Old Challenge

I 53

in Operation Double Challenge killed six terrorists and demolished the

opening of a tunnel concealed within a building 300 meters from the fence
on the Gaza Strip border.12
During the entire period that included Operations Cast Lead and Pillar of
Defense, not much tunnel warfare activity was recorded, but in November
2013, IDF forces destroyed two cross-border tunnels.13 In March 2014, the
IDF demolished another cross-border tunnel.14 Tunnel warfare began even
before Operation Protective Edge was declared, during the escalation that took
place following Operation Brothers Keeper. On July 6, 2014, in response
to rocket fire from the Gaza Strip, the IDF took preventive action against
a cross-border tunnel in the Rafah area that led to the death of six Hamas
operatives.15 As a result, Hamas intensified its rocket fire, further escalating
the conflict and leading the IDF to launch Operation Protective Edge on July
8, 2014. An attempted attack on July 17 by 13 terrorists emerging from a
cross-border tunnel near Kibbutz Sufa was foiled,16 and led to the beginning
of the land-based operation.17 During the land campaign, brigade combat
teams, including infantry, armored forces, and combat engineers engaged in
the detection and demolition of both combat tunnels within the Gaza Strip
and cross-border tunnels.18
During Operation Protective Edge, Hamas and Islamic Jihad operatives
carried out a number of attacks in Israeli territory using cross-border tunnels.
Terrorists attacked an IDF pillbox tower near Nahal Oz, killing five soldiers.19
On August 1, 2014, a Hamas force violated the ceasefire, killing three
Givati Brigade soldiers, and escaped through an offensive tunnel to Rafah,
taking with them the body of First Lieutenant Hadar Goldin. A total of 34
cross-border tunnels used by Hamas were destroyed.20 The tunnels detected
by the IDF during Operation Protective Edge were complex tunnels, with
a number of entry and exit shafts. The main tunnel route was often split,
and sometimes there were parallel routes. For this reason, dealing with the
tunnels was no simple task.

Anti-Tunnel Warfare

Anti-tunnel activity can be divided into activity to detect the tunnels and
activity after a tunnel is detected. Due to the concealed character of the
tunnel, detecting it constitutes a major part of the operation.


I Yiftah S. Shapir and Gal Perel

The tunnel can be detected when it is being dug (mainly through noise
created during the digging), or afterwards when the tunnel is dormant and
waiting to be used a much more difficult process.
The methods used to detect tunnels while they are being built usually rely
on attempts to detect the noises accompanying the digging through sensitive
underground microphone systems (geophones). Once a tunnel is already dug,
construction noises cannot be relied on; the empty spaces underground must
be detected through other methods. Land penetrating radar has been tried,
as well as various methods (also based on geophone systems) that try to
identify the structure of the terrain by analyzing initiated sound waves, both
through controlled explosions and through mechanical hammers that generate
vibrations. Methods using sensors based on optical fibers, mapping changes
in ground-generated infrared radiation, and microgravity measurements
have also been tried (i.e., sensors that attempt to detect minute changes in
the earths gravity).
All these methods for detecting targets are still in the early stages of
development. As of now, earth-penetrating radar is only capable of detecting
objects at a depth of a few meters, while the tunnels are likely to be dozens
of meters underground.
Geophone systems have a similar problem. Geophysicists have used
these systems for many years in their efforts to map geological strata and
detect mineral deposits. However all the methods are based on measurements
affected by an infinite number of factors that must be isolated. Geophones
are sensitive to background noises any movement above ground creates
sound waves that the geophones absorb. In addition, the results are very
dependent on the contours of the terrain, changes in the land strata, the
weather, and land humidity.
All the proposed systems are based on large arrays of sensors, with
computer software to analyze the results. However, the algorithms used
to detect geological strata at depths of hundreds of meters have proven
unsuitable for detecting empty spaces at a depth of a few dozen meters.
Here the major challenge to systems developers is to develop the algorithms
needed to detect small empty spaces at a depth of a few dozen meters in
any type of land, while neutralizing all the other interfering factors. This
is a difficult problem, to which a solution is yet to be found not in Israel,
nor elsewhere in the world (the US Department of Homeland Security, for
example, which is confronted with smuggling tunnels on the US-Mexico

Subterranean Warfare: A New-Old Challenge

I 55

border, has been working on this). Note that despite the large scale US
investments in this problem, tunnels do not pose a threat of the same scope
that they do for Israel.
It appears that the tunnel detection challenge is not an easy one. Already
in his report for 2006, the State Comptroller warned that, For over 20 years,
the Palestinians have used tunnels for smuggling purposes, mainly between
Egypt and the Gaza Strip. This problem has greatly intensified in recent
years, and has become a strategic threat. The report states that engineering
efforts to counter the tunnel problem began as early as 1990, and mentions
three different systems under development. By 2007, when the Comptroller
wrote his report, none of these efforts had succeeded.
Additional systems were later developed. In early 2012, it was announced
that a system called Mispar Hazak (strong number) would soon be deployed
on the border with the Gaza Strip. Today, however, two and a half years
later, there is still no effective system in operation. Another system is in
development, and a great deal of money has been invested in it over the
past two years.
Already in the early years of the twenty-first century, the IDF organized
the Samoor (weasel) company for combating hidden weapons caches and
tunnels, as part of the Yahalom Special Operations Engineering Unit of the
IDF Engineering Corps. The unit is trained and equipped with means to
operate within tunnels, including communications and breathing systems.
Actually, the IDF prefers to avoid entering tunnels it has detected, if possible,
because the attacking side has no advantage in a tunnel. This capability is
designed for a scenario in which a soldier has been kidnapped, or in order to
attack the enemys underground command and control positions.21 As soon
as a tunnel was detected, IDF forces took action to isolate the operating
area and detect its additional shafts and branches. The Special Operations
Engineering Unit planted explosives in order to demolish the tunnel. A number
of methods were used to demolish tunnels during Operation Protective Edge,
including aerial bombardment using JDAM bombs (called kinetic drilling),
using water to make the tunnel collapse, and using liquid explosives by a
special system dubbed Emulsa. In addition, elite IDF units were trained
to fight within tunnels as tunnel rat units. In retrospect, the IDF learned
that aerial bombardment of the tunnel shafts made it harder to detect the
tunnels themselves.22


I Yiftah S. Shapir and Gal Perel


The tunnels have been classified as a strategic threat, with the impression
given that this is the gravest threat facing Israel. Arguments have since been
made that the defense establishment is responsible for a strategic failure, and
there have even been demands for an investigative commission on the matter.
There is no doubt that the tunnels are a serious problem. Those who say
that the defense establishment should have directed more focused efforts
to find a solution to the problem are correct, specifically putting in place a
special agency to coordinate the efforts to solve the problem and provision of
this agency with the proper authority and budget. On the other hand, it cannot
be claimed that nothing was done. Efforts were made to solve the problem
of locating the tunnels, and even though these efforts were unsuccessful,
they should not be ignored. At least four different systems were developed
at a large financial investment, though they failed to identify the tunnels.
This indicates just how difficult solving the problem is.
At the same time, despite the great public attention paid to the problem
of subterranean warfare, this does not mean that subterranean warfare
is the major strategic threat to Israel. It is merely one of many kinds of
warfare. A major investment in developing means for tunnel detection will
necessarily be at the expense of other investments. In other words, the issue
is currently in the headlines, but long term thinking should not be distracted
by momentary criticism. A wise investment policy should maintain a balance
between investment in defense and investment in offense (activity against
the tunnels is necessarily defensive), and even in defense, a balance should
be maintained in allotment of resources among all the threats that are still


1 Moshe Tamir, War Without a Sign (Tel Aviv: IDF Publishing House, 2005), p. 145.
2 Ofer Shelah and Yoav Limor, Prisoners in Lebanon (Tel Aviv: Yediot Books, 2007),
p. 161.
3 Idan Soncino, Deep in the Earth: The IDF Continues Training for Underground
Warfare, IDF website, July 16, 2012,
4 Meir Orbach, Harel Eilam, and Doron Peskin, Everything is Included in Hizbollahs
Tunnels in the North, Calcalist, August 4, 2014,
5 Amos Harel and Avi Issacharoff, The Seventh War (Tel Aviv: Yediot Books, 2004),
pp. 293-97.

Subterranean Warfare: A New-Old Challenge

I 57

6 Amos Harel and Amira Hass, The Fatalities from IDF Fire in Rafah following the
Blowing Up of the Termit Outpost, Haaretz, September 27, 2001, http://www.
7 Amir Rapaport, How to Solve the Threat of the Tunnels in Gaza, Maariv, August
21, 2004,
8 Marwan Athamana and Amir Buhbut, The Rafah Death Tunnels: 5 Soldiers Killed,
Maariv, December 12, 2004,
9 Shelah and Limor, Prisoners in Lebanon, p. 46.
10 Hagai Huberman, 5 Tunnels Discovered in Past 24 Hours on Philadelphi Route,
Arutz Sheva, October 19, 2006,
11 Amir Buhbut, Major Attack Prevented: IDF Exposes Tunnels in South, Maariv,
October 15, 2007,
12 Amir Buhbut, The Fence War: Deception is the Name of the Game, Walla, April
25, 2014,
13 Southern Command Commander: Hamas Operation Will Meet with Painful
Response, IDF website, November 1, 2013.
14 Yoav Zeitun and Ilana Couriel,Terror Tunnel in Israeli Territory: Goal Kidnapping,
Ynet, March 21, 2014,,7340,L-4501722,00.html.
15 Yoav Zeitun, Matan Tzury, Ilana Couriel, and Eli Senior, Heavy Rocket Barrages
Aimed at the South, Interceptions over Ashdod, Ynet, July 7, 2014, http://www.,7340,L-4539120,00.html.
16 Amir Buhbut and Yanir Yagna, 13 Terrorists Tried to Attack from Tunnel in Israeli
Territory, Walla, July 17, 2014,
17 Egypt Accuses Hamas: It is Responsible for the Bloodshed in Gaza, Wallla, July
17, 2014,
18 Ilana Dayan, Paratroopers Brigade Commander Request: Give the Fighters a Moment
in the Sun, Mako, August 7, 2014,
19 Yoav Zeitun, Ahiya Raved, and Noam (Dabul) Dvir, 10 Soldiers Killed
Yesterday, Kidnapping Foiled, Ynet, July 7, 2014,
20 Summing Up 50 Days of Warfare in Numbers, Channel 2 News, August 26, 2014,
21 Gili Cohen, The Tunnels Failure: Only during the Fighting was a Procedure for
Demolishing them Distributed, Haaretz, August 6, 2014,
22 Amos Harel, The Old World is Cracking, the Security Illusion has Exploded, Haaretz,
August 29, 2014,

Operation Protective Edge:

The Cyber Defense Perspective
Daniel Cohen and Danielle Levin
Cyber warfare has become an important source of power for nations, and at
the same time is a strategic threat to a nations critical infrastructure, given
that communications, media, finance, and many other sectors now rely on
the cyberspace domain. Militaries in particular have become heavily reliant
on advanced cyberspace technology. On a national level, Israel is in the
process of establishing an integrated national cyber defense system, which
demands cooperation between the civilian sector (civil service and private)
and security and military establishments.
The Israeli defense system against cyber attacks during Operation Protective
Edge tested Israels utilization of government policy in the cyber sphere,
and marked a significant improvement in coordination between Israels
cyber defense organizations, including the functioning of Israels IT security
systems and the increasing cooperation between the civilian and defense
sectors. This article examines the cyber attacks during Operation Protective
Edge, analyzing three major factors: the volume of attacks, the actors behind
the attacks, and Israels advances in cyber security.

Volume of Cyber Attacks against Israel

A serious increase in the number of cyber attacks accompanied the entry of

IDF ground forces into the Gaza Strip during Operation Protective Edge.
Some of these attacks can be attributed to organized cyber rallies of amateur
hacking groups, while other cyber attacks verged on a more sophisticated
level that focused on Israeli communication networks. Once the ground
operation concluded, the number of cyber attacks declined significantly.1


I Daniel Cohen and Danielle Levin

One of the major cyber attacks during the operation focused on

communication and internet suppliers aiming to overload the system and
cause Israeli networks to collapse.2 More generally, the attacks included
distributed denial of service (DDoS) and Domain Name Service (DNS),
the collapse of over 1,000 non-crucial Israeli websites, website defacement,
exposure of databases, and leaked personal information of Israelis such as
login credentials.3 Each exploit generated additional opportunities for Hamas
to gather more data, as new potential targets were identified. In addition,
tailored methods and means of approaching these targets were developed,
such as when Hamas sent mass text messages to Israelis claiming to be either
from the Israeli Security Agency (ISA), Haaretz, or Hamas.
Additional attacks included interference with a private television satellite,
which allowed a pro-Hamas propaganda message to appear momentarily on
Channels 2 and 10 (Hamas launched a similar attack against commercial
channels during Operation Pillar of Defense).4 The IDF Spokespersons blog
and Twitter account faced a major cyber attack conducted by the Syrian
Electronic Army (SEA), with messages posted in English and Arabic.5 In
addition, large hacking groups coordinated multiple cyber protests against
Israel, referred to as OpIsrael. These operations brought major cyber
groups to work together throughout the operation for the Palestinian plight.6

The Actors behind the Attacks

Throughout the operation, the IDF cooperated with ISA to foil planned
attacks by Iran on al-Quds Day, an annual event organized by Iranian
leaders against Israel. The attack involved hackers from all over the world
who attempted to disable Israeli websites.7 Over the last few years, major
terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hizbollah, with assistance from Iran,
have demonstrated an increasing interest in the field of cyber terror. State
sponsored cyber terrorism groups like the Iranian Cyber Army and SEA
executed cyber attacks during Operation Protective Edge, and overall,
the IDF maintained Iran had a major role in the increase of cyber attacks
targeting civilian facilities during the operation.8
Another group targeting Israel, but not openly identifiable from the
Muslim and Arab world, was the hacking collective Anonymous, which in
regard to attacks against Israel is divided into three units: Arab, Muslim,
and the remaining collective. Anonymous, which previously organized
cyber operations against Israel, can consist of elite hackers, yet Operation

Operation Protective Edge: The Cyber Defense Perspective

I 61

Protective Edge was distinctive in that this caliber of hackers decided not
to participate.9 This potentially provides an explanation for the distinction
between Operations Pillar of Defense and Protective Edge regarding the
identity of attackers. In Operation Pillar of Defense, the Israeli government
faced over 100 million cyber attacks in eight days, with IP addresses tracing
back to sites all around the world, predominately from Europe and the United
States.10 In comparison, during Operation Protective Edge, a cyber security
company report estimated that 70 percent of cyber attacks could be traced
back to Arab and Muslim countries.11

Israels Advances in Cyber Security

Israel took a proactive cyber approach with a pre-planned defense strategy

of advanced operational capabilities that provided a high proficiency of
security defense.12 Both the IDF and the ISA were able to foil any attempts
to damage Israeli government networks and critical infrastructure. The ISA
confirmed it was able to secure all Israeli government networks and systems
against cyber attacks. One of the defense methods was to block foreign IPs
for two hours at the start of Operation Protective Edge. ISA, through its
cyber division, acted in coordination with private contractors, the Israeli
Ministry of Communications, and the media in taking preemptive measures
against the attacks.13
The IDF worked with an integrated communications network of Military
Intelligence and cyber companies related to the Ministry of Defense, which
assisted in recognizing and removing all cyber threats from attackers. The head
of the IDF cyber defense unit claimed that infiltration of IDF networks had
also been attempted, and asserted that Israels high technological capabilities
were elevated in order to ensure breaches did not occur.14


Cyber cells of terrorist organizations have so far been unable to execute

strategic cyber attacks against Israel, which requires high levels of intelligence
and technological capabilities. Terrorist organizations are presumably
improving and developing advanced cyber capabilities that could pose a
future threat to the cyber sphere. This threat is interconnected between terror
organizations and state sponsored terrorism, which includes deception via
hacktivist groups. Israel cyber security defense perspective should recognize
this link as a national security threat.


I Daniel Cohen and Danielle Levin

The implementation of cyber regulations and preventive action aims to

make cyber protection a built-in necessity to protect the Israeli state, including
the civilian sector (private and public). It is imperative to acknowledge these
sectors as part of the national security infrastructure.15 There was a significant
improvement in coordination of Israels cyber defense organizations during
Operation Protective Edge, including the functioning of Israels security IT
systems and the increasing cooperation between the civilian and the defense
sector. This experience underscores the immediate need to formulate a
protocol for defense of civilian cyberspace.16


1 IDF Blog, The Attack against Israel You Havent Heard About, August 22, 2014,
2 Jonathan Lis and Oded Yaron, Amid Cyber Attacks on Israel, Security Agency
Wins a Battle Fighting Back, Haaretz, July 28, 2014,
3 See Anonymous sub-group, AnonGhost Pastebin:
4 Watch: Hamas Hacks into Channel 10 Broadcast, Jerusalem Post, July 14, 2014,
5 SEA tweets on the IDF Twitter included Long Live Palestine, and #WARNING:
Possible nuclear leak in the region after 2 rockets hit Dimona nuclear facility.
6 Daniel Cohen and Danielle Levin, Cyber Infiltration during Operation Protective
Edge, Forbes, August 12, 2014,
7 IDF Blog, The Attack against Israel You Havent Heard About.
8 Gabi Siboni and Sami Kronenfeld, The Iranian Cyber Offensive during Operation
Protective Edge, INSS Insight No. 598, August 26, 2014,
9 Cohen and Levin, Cyber Infiltration during Operation Protective Edge.
10 David Shamah, Steinitz: Israel Beat Back 43,999,999 and a Half Cyber Attacks,
Times of Israel, November 12, 2012,
11 David Shamah, Qatari Tech Helps Hamas in Tunnels, Rockets: Expert, Times
of Israel, July 31, 2014,
12 Shamah, Steinitz: Israel Beat Back 43,999,999 and a Half Cyber Attacks.
13 Lilach Shoval and Eli Leon, Iran Waged Cyber Warfare against Israel during
Protective Edge, Israel Hayom, August 18, 2014,
14 Gili Cohen, Israeli Officer: Iran Involved in Cyber Attacks during Gaza War,
Haaretz, August 18, 2014,

Operation Protective Edge: The Cyber Defense Perspective

I 63

15 Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart, The Threat of Terrorist Organizations
in Cyberspace, Military and Strategic Affairs 5, no. 3 (2013): 3-29.
16 See Gabi Siboni, A National Response to Civil Defense in Cyberspace, Policy
paper, INSS, August 2013.

Operation Protective Edge: The Legal Angle

Pnina Sharvit Baruch
At the start of Operation Protective Edge, Israel enjoyed relatively broad
international support and understanding about the need to take action to stop
Hamas rocket fire. Israels proposed quiet in exchange for quiet reinforced
the legitimacy of the operation. However, as the operation continued, the
number of Palestinian casualties rose and the scope of destruction in Gaza
expanded, leading to voices in the international community and international
organizations accusing Israel of violating international law and carrying out
war crimes. On July 23, 2014, while the operation was still underway, the
United Nations Human Rights Council established an international commission
of inquiry headed by Professor William Schabas to investigate violations
of the laws of armed conflict and human rights law during the campaign.1
This was the same council that appointed the Goldstone commission after
Operation Cast Lead in 2009. The UN Secretary General also announced
his intention to establish a commission of inquiry to examine the damage
to UN facilities during the operation.2 Thus, while at this stage the military
campaign has ended, the legal battle over Operation Protective Edge is just
As in every case in which Israel has used military force, certain allegations
have arisen concerning its very use of force in the summer of 2014. These
allegations have no convincing legal basis because Operation Protective Edge
was part of an ongoing military campaign against Hamas, which has been
underway for many years and has included numerous rounds of fighting.
Therefore, the laws regulating the very use of force (jus ad bellum), which
apply only at the start of an armed conflict, are irrelevant. Furthermore,
in the case in question, it appears that Israel has a well-grounded claim of
self-defense, given the ongoing rocket fire from the Gaza Strip.


I Pnina Sharvit Baruch

Rather, the more significant claims concern the manner in which the IDF
used force in the operation and the application of the laws of warfare (that is,
the area of jus in bello). In this context it should be noted that while there is
no doubt that Hamas indiscriminate rocket fire at the civilian population in
Israel and its use of Palestinian civilians as human shields meets the level of
clear war crimes, this does not lessen Israels obligation to act in accordance
with the binding international rules. Therefore, Israel cannot take refuge in
the claim that the other side has grossly violated the rules.
The laws of warfare are based on a number of fundamental principles; the
main ones relating to the issue at hand are distinction and proportionality.
According to the principle of distinction, military attacks should be aimed
only at military targets and enemy combatants (including civilians taking
direct part in hostilities), and thus targeting civilians or civilian objects is
prohibited.3 According to the laws of warfare, civilian objects lose their
immunity and become legitimate military targets for attack if by their
nature, location, purpose or use they make an effective contribution to
military action and their destruction offers a definite military advantage.4
Some allegations regarding the implementation of the principle of
distinction by IDF forces during Operation Protective Edge focus on certain
kinds of targets attacked including the homes of Hamas operatives, multistory buildings, and UN institutions and their characterization as legitimate
military targets. In order for attacks on these objects to be legal, they must
have served a military-related function and be used, for example, as command
and control posts, weapons storehouses, firing posts, or hiding places for
Hamas operatives. However, more generally, the main challenge in dealing
with allegations regarding the application of the principle of distinction is
the difficulty to prove after the fact that civilian buildings in the Gaza Strip
were used for military purposes. Therefore, it is very important to document
the events, including by attaining soldiers testimony when the events are
still fresh in their memory, compiling photographic documentation, and
collecting all other relevant evidence to document the incriminating
findings about the military activity Hamas carried out in these buildings.
In this context, it is difficult to overstate the severity of the damage caused
by irresponsible remarks made at times by Israeli political and military
officials about exacting a price from the population or by calls to flatten
Gaza. These statements are used as prima facie proof of Israels intention
to harm civilians. This is so, notwithstanding the fact that the officials have

Operation Protective Edge: The Legal Angle

I 67

no connection to IDF orders or influence over them, and despite the fact that
these statements do not reflect the actual contents of the military directives.
In order for an attack to be considered legal, it is not sufficient that
it comply with the principle of distinction. It must also comply with the
principle of proportionality, which prohibits an attack expected to cause
collateral damage to civilians and civilian objects that will be excessive
compared to the direct and concrete military advantage anticipated.5 In light
of the extensive harm to civilians and damage to civilian property in the
Gaza Strip, presumably most of the claims that will be made against Israel
will be that it used disproportionate force.
To fulfill the principle of proportionality, the expected military advantage
from an attack must be assessed and then balanced against the anticipated
harm to civilians and civilian objects. This is naturally a subjective test,
and there are no precise formulae for determining what is proportional.
The laws of warfare state that the standard is that of a reasonable military
commander.6 It is also acknowledged that the examination should be
conducted on the basis of the information in the commanders possession
at the time the decision is made, while taking into account the uncertainty
that exists in combat, and not based on the actual result.
An examination of how the principle of proportionality was applied during
the operation calls for a number of clarifications: First, one must understand
how expected harm to civilians is assessed. The laws of warfare require that
precautions be taken to evaluate the extent of the damage anticipated, but
they recognize that these must be measures that are feasible in the particular
circumstances.7 Therefore, before executing a pre-planned attack against a
known target, a more thorough evaluation of anticipated collateral damage
is required than prior to carrying out an urgent, immediate action. It is
also understood that forces operating on the ground cannot be expected to
conduct an inquiry on the same level as aerial forces, and it is accepted that
the information they possess is more uncertain and more limited. It should
be noted that all civilians who might be harmed must be taken into account.
Therefore, if civilians were given a warning but did not evacuate the area
even though they had the opportunity to do so, they still must be taken into
consideration in examining the proportionality of the action.
Second, the laws of warfare recognize that even an action that results in
harm to civilians could be considered legal, as long as the harm is proportional
compared to the military advantage or if the actual harm was unexpected.


I Pnina Sharvit Baruch

In other words, there is no demand to completely avoid harm to civilians.

Nevertheless, in recent decades, there has been a spillover of values originating
in human rights law to the analysis of combat situations (in particular, when
the examination is conducted by human rights institutions). In the world of
human rights law, which is intended to apply to law enforcement situations
and not combat, when a civilian is killed, the starting assumption is that
a prohibited action has taken place that requires a criminal investigation.8
Moreover, human rights institutions tend to judge according to the results
and to reject claims that the damage was unanticipated or the result of an
error.9 The advanced technological precision capabilities of the IDF (and
other Western militaries) create the illusion that Israel is free of errors and
that any difficult result is therefore intentional.
Third, in an assessment of the expected military advantage of an attack,
the starting assumption is that the higher value the target, the greater the
advantage. Nevertheless, the anticipated military advantage is examined in
relation to the attack as a whole.10 This has great relevance in the context
of Operation Protective Edge. One of the problems in the fighting against
Hamas is the lack of high value targets. Hamas has no large military bases
or significant strategic weapon systems, and all its senior commanders
hid deep underground. Therefore, the targets, when they are examined by
themselves, do not appear especially valuable. However, the test is not
necessarily the value of each individual target, but the cumulative value of
the targets and the contribution of their destruction to the objective of the
military attack as a whole.
Fourth, the claim that the ratio of casualties between the sides indicates
prima facie that there was a lack of proportionality in Israels use of force
must be examined. According to the argument, the small number of casualties
on the Israeli side indicates that the military advantage of the campaign was
limited. On the other hand, Israel caused extensive harm to civilians and
civilian objects, and therefore, in the balance between them, the damage is
excessive and thus disproportionate. From a legal perspective, proportionality
is not assessed on the basis of the number of casualties or level of destruction
on either side. There are quite a few precedents in which most of the damage
was caused by one side. However, it is still necessary to address the claim on
its merits. A total disruption of life in certain areas of Israel and a significant
disruption in the rest of the country is intolerable, and Israels investment
in defensive capabilities such as Iron Dome and other protective measures,

Operation Protective Edge: The Legal Angle

I 69

which were entirely responsible for the very small number of civilian
casualties on the Israeli side despite the thousands of rockets fired by the
Hamas, should not be held against it. Moreover, there is significance to the
fact that Hamas, for its part, not only did not worry about protective measures
for the Gaza population but purposefully placed it in the line of fire because
it was deliberately operating from among civilians and under their cover.
While this conduct does not remove Israels obligation to comply with the
provisions of the law, there would appear to be a basis for arguing that this
fact must be taken into account in evaluating proportionality.
Fifth, there have been claims that excessive weight was given to protecting
the lives of soldiers and avoiding abduction of soldiers. According to the
laws of warfare, the approach that the lives of ones soldiers are more
important than the lives of enemy civilians is not acceptable. However, in
situations where the soldiers were in mortal danger and acted to protect
themselves or their comrades, it appears that the accepted practice is to
permit the use of force necessary to confront this danger. The assessment
of proportionality takes into account the basic right to self-defense, which
is given even in situations involving law enforcement, and all the more so
in combat. Of course, even in these situations, an attempt must be made to
minimize the harm to civilians. However, it does not appear that there is a
basis for determining that harm caused as a result of an unavoidable act of
self-defense by troops will be considered disproportionate. It is important
for Israel to demonstrate the complexity of fighting in a built-up area in
Gaza, the challenges of mines and booby traps, and Hamas reliance on
underground fighting. An understanding of the complex battlefield is important
for understanding the limitations that existed on the soldiers ability to
minimize harm to civilians beyond what was done. It is also important to
investigate and present events in which soldiers took risks to prevent harm
to civilians, and there is no doubt that such incidents occurred. Presenting a
comprehensive picture of the campaign will help cope with the allegations
of unrestrained and disproportionate use of force.
Another question that is expected to arise concerns the use of artillery fire
in a populated area. Arguments against the use of this weapon derive from
its being a statistical weapon with a certain deviation from the precise
target at which it is aimed. The use of artillery fire in a built-up area during
combat is not banned by the laws of warfare, and all regular armies have
artillery weapons and rules permitting their use in certain circumstances


I Pnina Sharvit Baruch

even in populated areas. However, there are initiatives today to set limits
on the use of such weapons.11 It can be assumed that this debate will arise
again in the discussion of Israels actions in the operation.
The criticism of the State of Israel in Operation Protective Edge could
lead to criminal proceedings in state courts throughout the world on the basis
of universal jurisdiction. It could perhaps even lead to investigations and
proceedings in the International Criminal Court (ICC) if the court acquires
jurisdiction in the wake of a Palestinian appeal.12 In addition, critical reports
against Israel regarding the operation will be used as another tool in the
political campaign to delegitimize the state.
The main way to confront the anticipated allegations in the international
arena, and especially in potential criminal proceedings, is to carry out
independent investigations that are thorough, effective, fast, and transparent,
and are conducted in such a way that the investigative mechanism will
also receive international legitimacy.13 In specific cases if for example, it
becomes clear that IDF forces acted contrary to military orders and the laws
of warfare a hard line should be taken against those responsible, including
prosecution in suitable cases. This is necessary in order to preserve and
protect the rule of law and the values of the IDF. But in addition, this will
enable reliance on the principle of complementarity, whereby international
proceedings and foreign judicial intervention are not appropriate when the
state concerned carries out a genuine and effective investigation on its own.14
Israel must arrive at the legal campaign it is facing armed with factual
and legal material that will enable it to present its point of view and to
demonstrate the complexity and challenges of the campaign. It should carry
out field investigations of a variety of incidents, including those in which
no civilians were harmed and no allegations were made against Israel, in
a manner illustrating the caution with which Israel acted, and not focus
only on incidents where there are claims of wrongdoing (while these must
of course be thoroughly investigated). It is important to allow maximum
transparency, including making an effort to reveal relevant intelligence
if possible. It is also necessary to gather testimony on the challenges of
combat from as many soldiers as possible. This will provide a fuller and
more complete picture of the campaign.
Finally, a rational decision should be made on the issue of cooperating
with the UN commission. Israel is justifiably resentful about the commissions
mandate and makeup and rightfully assesses that the report the commission

Operation Protective Edge: The Legal Angle

I 71

writes will be biased. However, if cooperation might help make the report
more balanced, which would lead to fewer negative consequences and
dangers, then Israel should not hurry to reject this idea, but rather carry
out a dispassionate objective analysis of the cons and pros of cooperation.


1 A/HRC/RES/S-21/1, July 23, 2014, Article 13,

2 Yoav Zeitun and Roi Kais, Killing of Children on Gaza Beach and Attack on
UNRWA School: IDF Opening Criminal Investigation, Ynet, September 10, 2014,,7340,L-4569517,00.html.
3 Article 48 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1977 (henceforth:
the Protocol). See also Article 51(2) of the Protocol. The State of Israel is not a party
to the Protocol, but insofar as these provisions reflect customary international law,
they also apply to it. Any provisions quoted in this article are considered customary
4 Article 52(2) of the Protocol.
5 Article 51(5)(b) of the Protocol. See also Article 57(2)(a)(iii) and Article 57(2)(b)
of the Protocol.
6 Final Report to the Prosecutor by the Committee Established to Review the NATO
Bombing Campaign against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 2008, para. 50,
7 Article 57 of the Protocol.
8 On this matter, see The Public Commission to Examine the Maritime Incident of
31 May 2010 (Second Report The Turkel Commission), Israels Mechanisms
for Examining and Investigating Complaints and Claims of Violations of the Laws
of Armed Conflict according to International Law (henceforth: the second Turkel
report), Chapter A, Section D, The Grounds for Carrying Out the Obligation to
Examine and Investigate (When to Investigate?), pp. 91-96,
9 See, for example, the Goldstone report on Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip,
A/HRC/12/48, paras. 861-65.
10 See the states reservations about the expression military advantage in the provisions
of the Protocol, which in their opinion, refers to the advantage anticipated from
the attack considered as a whole and not only from isolated or particular parts of
the attack. See also Australias clarifying interpretation that the term concrete and
direct military advantage anticipated refers to a bona fide expectation that the attack
will make a relevant and proportional contribution to the objective of the military
attack involved. Julie Gaudreau, The Reservations to the Protocols Additional to
the Geneva Conventions for the Protection of War Victims, International Review
of the Red Cross, No. 849, March 2003, pp. 143-84,


I Pnina Sharvit Baruch

11 See, for example, the ruling of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal
Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) on the matter of Gotovina, Prosecutor
v ante Gotovina and Markac (IT-06-90-A), Appeals Chamber, November 16, 2012.
12 See the article written by ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, The Truth about
the ICC and Gaza, Guardian, August 29, 2014,
13 Second Turkel Report, Chapter A, Section E, Method of Conducting an Examination
and an Investigation (How to Investigate?), pp. 100-32.
14 See Article 17 of the 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which
anchors the principle of complementarity,

Demilitarization of the Gaza Strip:

Realistic Goal or Pipe Dream?
Kobi Michael
Operation Protective Edge has made the concept of low intensity conflict
irrelevant. It dramatized the weight of Hamas military capabilities and
infrastructures in the Gaza Strip and their potential for striking the Israeli
home front, along with the organizations steadfastness in a prolonged
campaign, which was longer than both previous Gaza campaigns and even
the Second Lebanon War. In addition, Hamas military capabilities and
infrastructures reflect both a process of institutionalization of the group as
a governmental and military power in Gaza, and the link between military
and political power.
Hamas military capabilities since Operation Protective Edge have remained
significant, certainly in comparison to those of the Palestinian Authority (PA).
Hamas will seek to maintain or even develop them, despite the difficulty
involved in light of the results of the operation. It is clear to Hamas that its
military capabilities are the basis for realizing its political demands in the
Gaza Strip, and in general, in securing its standing as an influential political
force in the Palestinian arena and beyond. Therefore, Hamas will refuse any
voluntary demilitarization and will use its military capabilities to challenge
the PA or any entity that in the context of the operation to reconstruct Gaza
attempts to undermine it or threatens its power or influence.
The reconstruction of Gaza, led by the international community and
implemented through the PA, has a greater chance of success if Hamas
influence on the project is limited. The same is true of prospects for turning
the project into leverage to restart the political process with the Palestinians
and build a Palestinian state in a controlled and responsible process, with
the Gaza Strip as the first significant layer. In order to neutralize Hamas


I Kobi Michael

negative influence on the process, it must be allowed to be a political partner

only, in the framework of the Palestinian reconciliation government led
by Abu Mazen, and not be allowed to exercise veto power or exploit the
process for another seizure of Gaza and from there, a takeover of the PA.
To this end, Hamas military capabilities must be weakened, which means
demilitarization. In other words, without demilitarization, a constructive
reconstruction operation in Gaza will not be possible.
To Israel, the successful reconstruction of the Gaza Strip is a necessary
condition for reshaping the Palestinian, Israeli-Palestinian, and regional
systems. Therefore, it is important to make every effort to ensure the
necessary conditions for successful reconstruction, and demilitarizing Gaza
is one of, if not the most important of these conditions. The failure of the
immediate attempts at reconstruction would reduce the chances for any
further reconstruction efforts, particularly insofar as complex projects of this
sort must balance between the required investment of extensive resources,
coordination between the respective actors, and the political prestige of the
party leading the effort.
The more that Gaza is demilitarized, the less the likelihood that Hamas will
continue to rule, and the greater the likelihood of a gradual PA return to political
and security control. Similarly, the more substantive the demilitarization,
the greater the chances of economic and infrastructure development and
reconstruction in Gaza. The greater the improvement in the quality of life
for Gazans, and the more that Gaza is rebuilt, the stronger the restraints
on escalation. In strategic language, the greater the assets possessed by
the governmental authority in Gaza, the greater will be the ability to deter
violence and escalation.
Thus, the strategic benefit to be gained from the demilitarization of Gaza
and the ensuing benefits to the Gaza civilian population are indisputable. In
this context, however, three fundamental questions arise:
a. What is demilitarization? Is this an all-or-nothing situation of
demilitarization or no demilitarization, or is this a continuum, with no
demilitarization at one end and complete demilitarization at the other,
with countless values of demilitarization along the continuum?
b. Is it even possible to achieve demilitarization of Gaza (total or partial),
and how?
c. Could even partial demilitarization of Gaza become leverage for changing
and reshaping the system in Gaza?

Demilitarization of the Gaza Strip: Realistic Goal or Pipe Dream?

I 75

Answers to these questions can help shape an informed approach to

definition and implementation of Israels strategic interests in Gaza.

Demilitarization in the Context of the Gaza Strip

Demilitarization denotes clearing or evacuating fighting forces and weapons

from a defined area and a ban or restriction on any military activity. It is a
security regime of sorts and a means of managing or settling violent conflicts,
which reduces the potential for escalation and allows for an early warning
zone and early deployment to thwart possible escalation, whether peacefully
(through diplomacy) or through military means.
Demilitarized zones do not require reciprocity or symmetry between
the parties to the conflict. There may be situations in which a demilitarized
zone is created only in the sovereign territory of one party. Alternatively,
there may be cases in which there are demilitarized zones in the sovereign
territory of two (or more) parties involved in the conflict, but the size of
the zones is not identical. An example is the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty.
There is also partial demilitarization, which permits retention of a limited
and defined number of weapons and military forces, such as in the IsraelSyria Separation of Forces Agreement. There are also cases in which the
presence of military forces of any of the parties to the conflict is banned,
but the presence and operation of military forces of a third party is
permitted, be they peacekeeping forces or a party agreed upon by the sides
that is engaged in supervision of the disputed area.
Full demilitarization of the Gaza Strip means depriving Hamas and
other terrorist organizations of the ability to operate militarily against Israel
or another player that seeks to operate in Gaza, including for purposes of
reconstruction. In this context, therefore, it is important to distinguish between
capabilities and intentions. While the intention to continue to attack Israel
or other actors cannot be suppressed in the foreseeable future, the ability
to do so can be suppressed or very significantly contained by: eliminating
the existing tunnel infrastructure and preventing its renovation; eliminating
the rocket and weapons production infrastructures and preventing their
renovation by means of self-production or smuggling; and neutralizing senior
operatives and others in the organizational military apparatuses, whether
through persuasion, arrest, or targeted killing.
Although a goal sought by Israel, total demilitarization of the Gaza Strip
will presumably not be possible in the short term. Until then, Israel, with aid


I Kobi Michael

from Egypt, the moderate axis in the Arab world (including the PA under
Abu Mazen), and the international community will need to benchmark points
on the continuum between no demilitarization and full demilitarization, and
will need patience, determination, and strategic insight to ensure progress
across the continuum. Full achievement of the goal will require ongoing
international resolve and backing, close cooperation between Israel and
Egypt and the PA, determination and a capacity for action from the PA, and
an ongoing military effort against the terrorist infrastructures. In addition,
there is a need for efforts, led by the international community via the PA,
to rebuild and develop Gaza while at the same time strengthening and
entrenching PA rule there. As such, this involves an intelligent, cautious,
patient, and ongoing combination of militarism and diplomacy.
The actors operating in the Gaza Strip are a state actor (Israel), a semistate actor (Hamas), and non-state actors (Islamic Jihad and other terrorist
organizations). The formative logic of the system in Gaza is different from
that of an interstate conflict, and the actors respective motivations regarding
demilitarization do not converge. In this case, it is likely that voluntary
demilitarization cannot be implemented, nor apparently can complete
demilitarization. Hamas, and certainly the other terrorist organizations,
will seek to maintain military capabilities, because without them they have
no political viability.
While it is clearly impossible to achieve total demilitarization of Gaza in
the immediate wake of Operation Protective Edge, Israels strategic interest
following the campaign makes it necessary to demand that any ceasefire
and settlement agreement be conditional on Gazas full demilitarization,
even if the process is gradual. The settlement agreement must determine the
appropriate mechanisms for implementing the demilitarization and give Israel
the legitimacy to thwart any attempt to renovate the military infrastructure. For
this purpose, it is important to start the process by formulating an agreement
on the minimum threshold definition of demilitarization necessary to allow
the arrangements for Gazas reconstruction through the PA to begin. At the
same time, the PAs status and influence must be strengthened, while Hamas
political standing is continuously and regularly weakened.
On the other hand, Israel must prepare for a situation in which there is
no agreement. In such a case, it must work to consolidate legitimacy for
ongoing operations against the terrorist infrastructures and establish new
rules of the game about a response if the terrorist infrastructure is used

Demilitarization of the Gaza Strip: Realistic Goal or Pipe Dream?

I 77

against the Israeli population. In light of the lessons of Operation Protective

Edge, Israel cannot allow Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the
Gaza Strip to rehabilitate themselves militarily and return to the situation
that existed prior to the campaign.

Partial Demilitarization of the Gaza Strip: Likewise a Lever

for Change?

Complete demilitarization promises the most favorable outlook for creating

the strategic leverage to change the situation in Gaza and restart the political
process in its broader contexts. But given a situation in which the chances
of total demilitarization in the near term are not great, could limited
demilitarization, i.e., partially dismantling Hamas military infrastructures
and capabilities and preventing another buildup, be sufficient to create
change there? The answer would appear to be yes, but it is contingent on
the simultaneous fulfillment of several conditions.
First, the minimum required demilitarization of Gaza must allow a
functional PA government, or alternatively, allow the PA security apparatus to
deal with attempted challenges by Hamas. At the same time, it must preserve
and maintain deterrence against Hamas and the other terrorist organizations
and reduce their ability to challenge the PA and disrupt its activities.
Second, security and strategic cooperation between Israel and Egypt must
be improved or at least maintained on the current level to ensure that the
smuggling of weapons and other military capabilities from the Sinai Peninsula
and by sea from the border with Egypt is thwarted. For this purpose, USEgyptian relations should be tightened. The United States should resume
its support for the Egyptian regime and relax the pressure it has placed on
Egypt since the Muslim Brotherhood government was ousted. It should
also restore its economic, military, and political support for the benefit of
the regime of President el-Sisi.
Third, Qatars drive to support Hamas and radical elements must be
contained, whether by direct pressures on the countrys rulers or by other
means that will clarify to Qatar the price for supporting Hamas and the risk
inherent in its dangerous and subversive policy. In addition, there must be an
effort by the Arab world and the international community to strengthen the
axis of moderate Arab states with an eye to other conflict zones in the Middle
East and as a counterweight to the dangerous radical and subversive axes.


I Kobi Michael

Fourth, the possibility of rebuilding and developing Gaza should be

cast as a significant stage in the process of Palestinian state building. This
means building functioning and responsible Palestinian institutions as
well as providing training, support, and supervision. In particular, it means
constructing mechanisms that will ensure that the resources allocated to
developing Gaza will be used in the most effective manner. After twentyone years of economic support for the PA, crucial lessons must be learned.
UNRWAs mandate and operating procedures must be changed, and there
must be tighter control over the resources at its disposal in order to ensure
it will be part of the solution instead of part of the problem. The financial
aid must not support the infrastructure of corruption and inefficiency. It
must ensure the development and prosperity of Gaza, the development of
Palestinian governmental institutions, law and order, and above all, the
monopoly on the use of force.
Fifth, Israel must comprehensively reformulate its strategic interests vis-vis the Palestinian arena, turning the crisis in Gaza into an opportunity for
strategic change. Even if the chances of a peace treaty with the Palestinians
are not great, at this time the PA, headed by Abu Mazen, can be a strategic
partner for Israel in weakening Hamas and terrorist organizations in the
Gaza Strip and reorganizing the area. Such a strategic partnership requires a
change in Israels approach to rebuilding Gaza, generosity and cooperation
in easing the security closure of Gaza, and a willingness to undertake more
significant actions to implement the model of two states for two peoples. In
addition, Israel needs military resolve for ongoing prevention of attempts
to rebuild the terror infrastructures and for maintaining deterrence against
Hamas and the terrorist organizations.


Gaza must be demilitarized in order to reshape the system there and impose
restraints against further escalation, or in strategic language, achieve and
maintain deterrence. At the same time, demilitarization is presumed to be
a necessary condition for the success of the operation to rebuild Gaza and
resume the political process with the Palestinian Authority under Abu Mazen.
It is clear that at the current time and in the conditions created after
Operation Protective Edge when Hamas retains sufficiently large military
capabilities to challenge any actor that attempts to step into its shoes it is
not possible to achieve full demilitarization, either voluntary (by Hamas) or

Demilitarization of the Gaza Strip: Realistic Goal or Pipe Dream?

I 79

by force. On the other hand, the situation is ripe for international recognition
of the need for demilitarization. Therefore, Israel must ensure that there are
mechanisms for implementing demilitarization and international legitimacy
for a response on its part should there be any attempt to violate it. The
demilitarization of Gaza is a process that requires time, determination,
persistence, and much collaboration between many actors. A relevant strategy
could help Israel establish and promote the demilitarization process. Even
if at this time complete demilitarization appears to be a pipe dream, by the
very act of progress toward it, Israel can improve its strategic position.

Israeli Deterrence in the Aftermath of

Protective Edge
Mark A. Heller
Like all of Israels wars and military campaigns, Operation Protective Edge
was fought because the deterrence Israel had hoped to establish by prior
threats or actions broke down a reality that only became clear ex post facto.
And like the impact of other such operations, the contribution of Protective
Edge to the rehabilitation of Israeli deterrence will also be known, if at all,
only after it too has been exposed in retrospect to have been limited in time
or scope. That does not mean that efforts to establish deterrence are futile
and should not be pursued, only that it is difficult to determine with any
certainty how effective they will be. The chances that deterrence strategies
will succeed are maximized when they combine credible threats to inflict
unacceptable costs if the adversary undertakes undesired actions with
promises either to it or others important to it of benefits if it refrains
from taking those actions.
Military deterrence has been at the center of Israels security doctrine
since its rudiments were elaborated by David Ben Gurion. Although the
conceptualization of deterrence has flourished in the nuclear age, its essential
principle has always been a feature of conflict management, and its most
familiar and concise formulation comes from the fourth century Roman
author Publius Flavius Vegetius: Si vis pacem, para bellum (If you wish
peace, prepare for war). At its heart, military deterrence means dissuading an
adversary from taking action unacceptable to the deterring side by credibly
threatening unacceptable consequences if that action is nevertheless taken.
The simplicity of the adage, however, belies its almost infinite complexity.
In the late 1950s, Thomas Schelling, in many respects the father of modern
deterrence theory, wrote that the concept remained vague and inelegant.


I Mark A. Heller

Continuous refinement and improvement since then have provided little

more in the way of actionable guidance for decision makers.
That is because the variables that determine whether or not deterrence
exists and will continue to exist in the future are difficult if not impossible
to assess. These include the adversarys calculus of the costs and benefits of
action and inaction (especially the definition of unacceptable consequences
according to its own logic, not that of the deterrer), the extent to which it is
a unitary, authoritative actor immune to misperception and miscalculation,
and its understanding of the credibility of the threat, along with ones own
willingness and ability to inflict the threatened consequences.
At first glance, Hamas ideological commitment to the complete eradication
of Israel implies that inaction against Israel contradicts its very raison dtre
and that the only consequence that may outweigh the cost of inaction is a
credible threat to its own existence. According to this logic, only such a threat
can deter it from sustaining or renewing combat with Israel. Israel did not
directly pose such a threat during Operation Protective Edge, because it was
self-deterred (fear of casualties), deterred by others (fear of international
criticism of the violence necessary to encompass that objective), or persuaded
by its own analysis that the complete destruction of Hamas did not serve
its broader interests. Consequently, Hamas should logically have continued
the fighting until it exhausted any capacity to attack Israel. In fact, however,
Hamas ultimately acceded to an unconditional ceasefire in late August without
having achieved any of its stated objectives, that is, on virtually the same
terms it had been offered seven weeks earlier.
One likely explanation for this is that, notwithstanding its subsequent
declarations of victory, Hamas came to see continued fighting as a potential
threat to its political primacy in Gaza, if not to its very existence. In other
words, while Hamas may be implacable in its ideological hostility to Israel
and there is virtually nothing that Israel can do to induce Hamas to renounce
that hostility its ultimate objective may not be accorded the highest priority
or immediacy at any given point in time. Faced with an inability to inflict
significant damage on Israel, an indifferent if not hostile strategic hinterland
(there were more anti-Israel demonstrations in London and Paris than in Arab
capitals), and growing death and destruction among its Gaza constituency,
the Hamas leadership apparently came to the conclusion that prolongation
of the fighting would work to its disadvantage and that it was better to

Israeli Deterrence in the Aftermath of Protective Edge

I 83

wait (and hope) for a favorable change in the constellation of forces before
resuming violent conflict.
It is, however, an open question whether or for how long Israel can prevent
such a change. For one thing, Palestinian support for Hamas worldview and
narrative does not appear to have ebbed significantly in the short term. On
the contrary, public opinion surveys immediately after the ceasefire show
little inclination to blame Hamas for the damage inflicted on Gaza, growing
endorsement of its approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, widespread
acceptance of its claims that Israel deterrence had been undermined, and
(by almost 80 percent of respondents) that the fighting had produced a
Palestinian victory a not altogether implausible interpretation of survival
despite clear inferiority in the metrics of military power. All this suggests
that Hamas did not pay an unacceptably high price for Operation Protective
Edge certainly not one high enough to threaten its control of Gaza and its
competitiveness in the West Bank or one that would deter it from initiating
another round. On the other hand, certain inconsistencies imply that its
political calculus in this regard might be less reassuring. After all, even
before the fighting ended, Hamas felt the need to carry out the public extrajudicial execution of dozens of those it charged were collaborators but
were widely known to belong to Fatah and other opposition elements, pour
encourager les autres. Nor can Hamas ignore the fact that its overall approval
ratings are higher in the West Bank, where the consequences of its policy
produced only pride and anger, than in Gaza, where it brought about death
and destruction (and where it is riskier to express positions unsupportive of
Hamas). Moreover, while 77.6 percent of Gaza respondents believed that
Israel had been painfully beaten by Palestinian militants, 72.5 percent were
also worried about another military confrontation with Israel, suggesting
that a new Hamas-initiated confrontation might be received with some lack
of enthusiasm, particularly if some diplomatic movement or other change
in conditions on the West Bank meanwhile enhances the relative standing
of the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority.
In addition, Hamas political capital will be influenced by a number of
factors beyond Israels exclusive control. That will be the case inside Gaza,
particularly with respect to the arrangements concerning control of funds,
jobs, and contracts for the economic reconstruction, as well as for any
security (and other) presence of Fatah or third parties. The same will be true
of the regional political-strategic environment. As long as Egypt continues


I Mark A. Heller

to be ruled by a regime unequivocally hostile to the Muslim Brotherhood, it

will be difficult for Hamas to secure any significant political backing for an
aggressive policy or to persuade Egypt to relax its determination to prevent
Hamas from replenishing its depleted war stocks. And if radical Islamist
movements continue to gain momentum, Hamas might feel more hesitant
to act aggressively lest it further alienate those regional and international
forces galvanized to resist that tide, for which Turkey and Qatar are no real
substitute, though it could also be emboldened by the apparent tide of history.
In any case, these are all matters over which Israel will have little influence.
Even issues that ostensibly are under Israels control, particularly the threat
and use of military force in order to influence the adversarys cost-benefit
calculus, are nevertheless subject to serious constraints. Thus, international
political considerations undermine the credibility of an Israeli threat to bring
the full weight of its military power to bear on Gaza or to act as though it
were in a full state of war with Gaza meaning, inter alia, denial of food,
fuel, water, energy, and other essentials. Lacking the overall ability to pursue
decisive strategic victory over Hamas or the availability of mechanisms to
lower Hamas political motivation, hence, its unacceptable consequences
threshold, Israel may be able to constrain the buildup of Hamas capabilities,
but it will be hard put to deter Hamas directly for an indefinite period of time.
However, that reality does not necessarily preclude the possibility of
indirect deterrence, that is, the threat or use of force in a manner that
erodes support for Hamas among the Palestinian public and other forces in
the Palestinian political arena, whose unacceptable consequences threshold
may well be crossed at some point short of Hamas destruction. After all, not
all Palestinians share Hamas zeal for war against Israel, and even among
those who do identify with Hamas ultimate vision, not all share the intensity
of its commitment or are willing to incur the same costs in pursuit of this
vision. So if Hamas is persuaded that a renewal of violence will provoke
objections and resistance among in its own constituency to the point where
its standing is threatened, that may be a more effective deterrent than any
direct and intrinsically limited Israeli threat or action aimed at it.
Promoting the constellation of forces needed for indirect deterrence may
be pursued by military means alone, including threats and acts to constrain
Hamas capabilities, and it almost certainly necessitates zero tolerance of
any Hamas use, import, or manufacture of weapons and construction of
tunnels. But a comprehensive approach that combines the threat and use of

Israeli Deterrence in the Aftermath of Protective Edge

I 85

force with political efforts to lower the motivation, hence, the unacceptable
consequences threshold of non-Hamas Palestinians, promises to be more
effective. That clearly implies the pledge of some benefit for withholding
or withdrawing support from Hamas, both in terms of economic wellbeing
for Gazans and of a political horizon for all Palestinians, in addition to the
threat of incurring costs for failing to do so.
Yet the most sophisticated strategy may in fact not ensure deterrence,
and even if Hamas refrains from taking actions unacceptable to Israel, it
will be difficult to know at any given point in time whether that is because
Hamas has been deterred or because of some other reason (e.g., distractions,
different priorities, capability constraints). The same intrinsic ambiguity,
by the way, characterizes Hizbollahs inactivity vis--vis Israel, including
its rejection of urgent calls for assistance from Hamas during Operation
Protective Edge: despite the assumption that the punishment inflicted by
Israel in 2006 continues to deter Hizbollah directly or indirectly, there is
no certainty that the explanation does not lie elsewhere or that Hizbollah
will continue to refrain from acting against Israel in the future, especially in
different circumstances, e.g., in the context of a clash between Israel and Iran.
Successful deterrence may possibly be inferred; only deterrence failures
can clearly be demonstrated (though not necessarily understood correctly),
and then, only in retrospect. That is not a reason to abandon deterrence as a
core element of security policy. But it is a reason to search for a multi-faceted
approach that addresses both motivations and capabilities and consciously
tries to shape both components of the cost-benefit calculus and communicates
them, not just to the adversary itself in this case, Hamas but also to all
the other components of a political system that are important to it, namely,
the entirety of the Palestinian body politic.

Rethinking the Deterrence of Hamas

Avner Golov
Throughout Operation Protective Edge, Prime Minister Netanyahu stated
that Israels objectives included attacking Hamas and maintaining the
organizations difficult economic and political situation; thwarting attempts
by Hamas to rebuild its military capabilities damaged in the fighting; and
restoring Israeli deterrence. The latter objective is the most problematic.
The purpose of a deterrent strategy is to prevent the enemy from attacking
by convincing it that its action will lead to punishment more serious than
the expected benefit. Deterrence in its widest form (broad deterrence) is
intended to prevent a military conflict. In its more limited form (narrow
deterrence), it is a tool for preventing the enemy from carrying out specific
actions, even after a conflict has erupted, in order to reduce the chances
of escalation and protect strategic assets. The inherent weakness of any
deterrent strategy is that its achievements are measured in retrospect. It
is very difficult to evaluate, let alone determine with certainty, when and
under what conditions the enemy will assess that the benefit of an attack
will exceed the damage it can be expected to cause. When the enemy fails
to attack, it is difficult to assess in real time whether it fears a devastating
response or it is weighing other considerations unconnected to deterrence.
In retrospect, the reason for the failure of Israeli deterrence to prevent a
conflict with Hamas at the start of the recent campaign was an assessment that
Hamas, which rules Gaza, would behave responsibly toward its citizens and
prefer to preserve its political and military assets rather than risk an Israeli
response that would lead to destruction and increased domestic pressure
on the organizations leadership. In previous incidents over the past year,
when the IDF attacked Hamas infrastructures, the organization chose to
avoid a response that would lead to escalation with Israel. The assessment in


I Avner Golov

Jerusalem was that Hamas was demonstrating political responsibility and

did not wish to risk a confrontation. In June 2014, Hamas chose differently
and began to escalate the conflict with Israel, initially by loosening the reins
on the other Palestinian factions, and later, by direct involvement in attacks
on communities in the south.
What caused this change in the organizations behavior? The conventional
wisdom is that Hamas saw itself in distress politically and economically
and that therefore it had almost nothing to lose from escalation with Israel.
It was prepared to pay the price of an Israeli response so it could attempt to
present an achievement that would stop it from growing weaker. Hamas,
which shrugged off responsibility toward the citizens of Gaza, initiated the
conflict with Israel and used its citizens as human shields.
This is an important lesson for deterrence in general and deterrence
against a terrorist organization in particular: when the enemy feels that it
does not have much to lose, this reduces the effectiveness of deterrence. If the
government of Israel intends to preserve Hamas sorry situation, it must take
into account that its ability to maintain deterrence against the organization
over time will be damaged. In a reality where Hamas is weakened, its state
elements are also weakened, and the forces that characterize a terrorist
organization responsible solely for its own interests are strengthened. The
challenge of deterrence against such an organization is very complicated
because there are no means of leverage other than striking at the organization
and its capabilities.
Hamas resolve during the conflict indicates that when the organization is
in distress, Israels ability to ensure a long period of quiet will be even more
limited than in the past. Therefore, if deterrence is restored to its state prior
to the latest round of fighting, it will be part of a fluid situation in which any
slight change could lead to the failure of Israeli deterrence.
The incorrect assessments by IDF officials at various stages of the campaign
that Hamas would accept a ceasefire without an agreement providing it with
some achievement suggest a lack of understanding of the dynamic that
characterized Hamas and the change it underwent over the course of the
fighting. Thus, there is a critical need to examine the underlying intelligence
assumptions on which these assessments were based, in order to reduce
the likelihood of similar errors in the future. This conclusion is not meant
to imply that Israel should give up its deterrent goal, rather, that it should
be cognizant of the limitations of this goal and formulate an improved

Rethinking the Deterrence of Hamas

I 89

deterrence strategy on the basis of lessons from Operation Protective Edge.

An additional lesson from the latest operation could help Israel improve its
deterrence policy, even if in a limited way, and thus reduce the threat that
deterrence will fail in the future against a Palestinian terrorist organization.
At the start of the Operation Protective Edge, Israeli deterrence not
only failed, but simply collapsed, reflected in the failure of Israeli narrow
deterrence to restrain Hamas at the start of the fighting. The Palestinian
terrorist organization began to fire rockets and missiles at cities in the south
and in Gush Dan early in the conflict. In previous conflicts, it gave careful
consideration to such moves. In Operation Cast Lead, it avoided attacks
aimed at central Israel, and in Operation Pillar of Defense, the number of
attacks was more limited than in Protective Edge. In the latest campaign,
Hamas also fired to the north of Gush Dan a range it had not dared in the
past and carried out terrorist attacks on the ground, in the air, and from
the sea. It appears that in fact, almost all of Hamas barriers connected to
Israeli deterrence fell and that it did not believe its behavior would lead to
a devastating response that would threaten the stability of its regime. While
Hamas indeed improved some of its capabilities in the last two years, in
past operations its escalatory strategy was much more gradual and restraint.
The effectiveness of the Iron Dome active defense system, which prevented
loss of life and damage to critical assets and reduced public pressure on
decision makers for a devastating Israeli response, may have contributed to
Hamas preference for risking an Israeli response in an attempt to produce
a strategic achievement in the fighting. Israels attempt to avoid a ground
attack and its failure to respond to rocket fire at Gush Dan in Operation
Pillar of Defense, along with public opposition by some Israeli leaders to a
ground campaign at the start of the current operation, were another incentive
for Hamas to risk a confrontation with Israel.
Israel must learn from this failure and correct it. Israel proved in the
latest round of fighting that it is prepared to endanger its soldiers in a ground
attack. In the second half of the operation, Israels leaders changed their
messages slightly and began to make it clear that they would not rule out the
possibility of a broad operation aimed at toppling the Hamas government.
In order to strengthen narrow deterrence against Hamas, this message must
continue to be reinforced, especially given the leak about the high price that
can be expected for such an action. It is important to maintain the threat
that Hamas will be toppled in response to well-defined offensive actions,


I Avner Golov

and not to use this threat against a wide range of operations, which would
damage its credibility and blur Israels red lines.
Israel has proven that it has the ability to obtain and take advantage of
international legitimacy for activity in Gaza to launch pinpoint strikes against
Hamas assets, even after the group has neutralized the effect of surprise and
succeeded in entrenching itself. Israel must maximize this opportunity. It
should create new rules of the game including a number of red lines that,
if crossed, will lead to heavy punishment and damage to the organizations
most important assets, and later, even a threat to its rule. Possible Israeli
red lines could address the scope of the rocket fire, the range, the targets of
attack, or terrorist activity not connected to rocket fire. This policy could
fail in extreme cases, for example, if Hamas decided to conduct an all-out
war against Israel. Nonetheless, to the extent possible, the group should be
encouraged to avoid this. The failure of broad deterrence and a renewed
outbreak of military conflict should not be allowed to lead immediately to
a situation in which Hamas enjoys carte blanche.
The limitations of Israeli deterrence, as revealed in Operation Protective
Edge, indicate that Prime Minister Netanyahus objectives to continue to
weaken Hamas and restore deterrence against it contradict each other.
Israels strategic choice on the southern front in this context is actually
between two main scenarios: a weakened Hamas that is difficult to deter,
and a stabilized Hamas with more effective levers of deterrence against it.
The ceasefire agreement does not indicate a clear Israeli choice between
these alternatives. If Israel wishes to maintain stable deterrence against
Hamas, it must allow the organization to rehabilitate itself. However, if it
wishes to prevent Hamas from doing so, it must contend with a situation
of unstable deterrence. Israel should undertake an assessment of the two
options and promote the strategy that is correct for it. It must not leave the
decision to other actors in the region, such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar,
and the Palestinian Authority, whose interests differ from Israels.
In the overall balance, deterrence is of secondary importance compared
to the goal of weakening Hamas. Maintaining the trend toward a weakened
Hamas with economic and political tools, and even military tools if necessary,
is an active goal intended to produce a better situation for Israel. In contrast,
the goal of deterrence is more passive by nature and is intended mainly to
buy time between the rounds of fighting. Israeli deterrence, no matter how
successful, will only gain time for Israel until the next round. Israel must hold

Rethinking the Deterrence of Hamas

I 91

an in-depth discussion about the implications of various alternatives to Hamas

rule in Gaza and assess whether conditions are ripe for a genuine strategic
change there. The return of Fatah, the development of a local leadership,
the seizure of power by another terrorist group, and the strengthening of the
connection with Egypt are examples of this. Only once the State of Israel
has a clear strategy toward Gaza can it incorporate its deterrence policy into
the framework of this strategy while reckoning with its limitations.

Part II
Israel and the Palestinian Arena
Operation Protective Edge:
Leverage for Returning the PA to the Gaza Strip
Shlomo Brom / 95
Changing Course and Discourse:
The Intra-Palestinian Balance of Power and
the Political Process
Anat Kurz / 101
Organizational Change within Hamas:
What Lies Ahead?
Benedetta Berti / 109
The Final Countdown for Hamas?
Palestinian and Arab Discourse on
the Social Networks
Orit Perlov / 113

Operation Protective Edge:

Leverage for Returning the PA to the Gaza Strip
Shlomo Brom
Since Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip in 2007 following the collapse of
the Palestinian unity government, the concept of distinction, or separation,
between Gaza and the West Bank has taken hold in Israel. This idea has its
roots in security, but there is also an overlying political layer that justifies
the concept.
The security argument is simple. The military wings of Palestinian terrorist
organizations have their main forces and headquarters in the Gaza Strip.
As these organizations, particularly Hamas, are still actively fighting Israel,
Israel has an interest in severing the connection between Gaza and the West
Bank and thereby blocking the establishment of a terrorist infrastructure in
the West Bank and preventing arms smuggling, infiltration of terrorists and
operational instructions, and other terrorist activity in the West Bank. For its
part, the political consideration is based on the assumption that Israel should
embrace a policy of conflict management with the Palestinians rather than
conflict resolution, whether because the two-state solution is contrary to
Israels interest or because there is no possibility of a settlement, given the
lack of a credible Palestinian partner. According to this approach, separation
between the two areas and the ability to maintain independent, respective
policies ostensibly facilitates conflict management.
To a large extent, the events that culminated in Operation Protective Edge
refute the assumption that separation facilitates conflict management, and
demonstrate the strong linkage between the two geographical areas. The
crisis that began with the abduction and murder of the three teenagers in the
West Bank eventually led to a large scale confrontation in the Gaza Strip.
In order to end the crisis, ceasefire talks were held with a united Palestinian


I Shlomo Brom

delegation, headed by Abbas representatives. It became clear that a ceasefire

could not be reached in total isolation from the wider Palestinian context,
as long as the people living in both areas see themselves as belonging to
the same people, and as long as the same political movements and the same
terrorist organizations operate among them. What happens in one area
affects the other.
One manifestation of the separation approach in Israeli policy is opposition
to reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah and to a national unity government.
When the most recent reconciliation agreement was signed and a national
unity government established in April 2014, Israel maintained its tradition of
staunchly opposing Palestinian reconciliation and a national unity government.
It refused to work with the new government, made every effort to torpedo
key clauses in the agreement, such as the transfer of funds for the purpose
of payment of salaries to government employees in Gaza, and threatened
punitive measures against the Palestinian Authority (PA). Israel appears to
have ignored the fact that this time, the background to the reconciliation
agreement and its ensuing arrangements were different from those of previous
Indeed, the background to the reconciliation was the serious crisis for
Hamas following the loss of its main allies and principal sources of funding
in the Arab world in particular and the Middle East in general. Its relations
with Syria, Iran, and Hizbollah deteriorated when Hamas refused to support
the Assad regime in the civil war, and the organization subsequently lost the
support of Egypt when the Muslim Brotherhood government was ousted.
This loss caused it the most serious damage because Egypt decided to
take action against the smuggling tunnels, which completed the blockade
of Gaza and caused a serious financial crisis for Hamas. The organization
saw the financial and political components of the reconciliation agreement
as a way out of the crisis, and therefore it was prepared to accept many of
Fatahs demands. Thus, for example, Hamas agreed to transfer control of
civil affairs in Gaza to the government in Ramallah. In fact, it agreed to cede
a significant part of its control in the Gaza Strip, even agreeing to Egyptian
terms on the presence of PA security forces at the border crossings. However,
failure of the reconciliation agreement from Hamas perspective, to a large
extent because of Israels opposition paved the way for the outbreak of
violence in Gaza.

Operation Protective Edge: Leverage for Returning the PA to the Gaza Strip

I 97

When an organization like Hamas has its back to the wall, the attempt to
move forward by means of violent conflict gains greater momentum, and
random events that otherwise might have been stopped at an early stage
quickly escalate into widespread conflict. Perhaps Israel could have adopted
another approach, which sees the reconciliation agreement as an opportunity to
start a process toward restoration of PA rule in Gaza, even if at the beginning
of the process Hamas continues to maintain its fully independent military
capabilities. It is possible that such a change in Israeli policy could have
prevented the deterioration that led to Operation Protective Edge.
Israel and Hamas reached agreement on an unlimited ceasefire in two
stages. In the first stage, the border crossings will be opened for humanitarian
purposes and the fishing zone will be extended to six miles. In the second stage,
discussions will be held for a month on more comprehensive arrangements for
opening the Gaza border crossings and Israels security demands. Consequently
the question is whether new opportunities have been created for returning the
PA to the Gaza Strip and whether this would serve Israels interests. In the
public debate in Israel, this issue is part of a broader question: is Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas part of the problem or part of the solution? This
formulation is relevant because the current policy of Israels government
especially after the failure of the talks brokered by US Secretary of State
John Kerry holds that Israel has no Palestinian partner. In other words,
Abbas is part of the problem and not the solution. A change in approach to
Abbas and the PA could have broader political consequences.
In talks brokered by Egypt and other international players to resolve the
crisis in Gaza, the return of PA administration to the Gaza Strip was broached
as part of the solution. The first element proposed was a return to the idea
raised by the Egyptians in the months prior to the crisis, which was reflected
in the reconciliation agreement: placing PA guards on the Palestinian side of
the crossings and even along the border as a condition for regular opening
of the crossings. The second component is PA involvement, up to the level
of control over the aid given for different reconstruction projects in Gaza by
various states. Inclusion of the PA is intended to achieve three objectives.
The first is to deprive Hamas of the potential to derive political and practical
benefit from control of the reconstruction and present it as a victory for the
organization. The second objective is to bolster the legitimacy of Abbas
and the PA government by making them key players in the reconstruction
project. The third goal is to help establish monitoring mechanisms, primarily


I Shlomo Brom

international, and specifically European, for the aid, to ensure that dual-use
goods that reach the Gaza Strip are not channeled toward Hamas military
purposes. Thus, for example, there is a need to monitor cement and iron
transferred to Gaza so that they will not be used to build tunnels and other
If Israel makes do with security separation between the West Bank and
Gaza Strip and gives up on political separation, beginning the process of
returning PA administration to Gaza could serve Israeli interests. From Israels
perspective, it is better to have a national unity government in Ramallah,
composed mainly of technocrats affiliated with Abbas, that controls civil
ministries in Gaza without a Hamas presence, and through them, manages
the reconstruction project with the aid of the international community and
contributing Arab countries. To be sure, the PAs security presence would
be limited, and Hamas and other armed groups in Gaza will not agree to
disarm. However, since Hamas has been weakened and lost a large part
of its arsenal during the fighting, and since it is under heavy Egyptian
pressure, it may be possible to expand the PAs security presence in Gaza
gradually over time. This is especially true if the original Egyptian proposal
is implemented, namely, to station PA forces (the Presidential Guard) at the
Rafah border crossing as a condition for its regular opening, and perhaps
also more ambitious elements of the plan, which would include placing PA
forces along the border between Gaza and the Sinai Peninsula and putting
the civilian police under PA control.
The second stage of negotiations for a long term ceasefire will examine
the expanded opening of the crossings from Israel to Gaza. This would
involve opening more crossings (up to five) and placing fewer restrictions on
what goes through them. Israel could also make agreement on such subjects
conditional on placement of PA security forces on the Palestinian side of the
crossings. These developments could serve as a good basis for gradually
expanding the presence of PA security forces in Gaza, beyond activity by
the PA government ministries responsible for civil matters.
Such a policy brings with it several political implications, beginning
with Israels acceptance of the reconciliation agreement and a willingness to
work with the national unity government. The second political implication
is Israels willingness to accept Abbas increased stature as a partner for new
arrangements in the Gaza Strip. It will be difficult to resolve the contradiction
between this willingness and continued adherence to the approach that Abbas

Operation Protective Edge: Leverage for Returning the PA to the Gaza Strip

I 99

is not a partner in the negotiations for a permanent settlement, i.e., that he

is part of the problem and not the solution. Therefore, it can be assumed
that the international community will labor to help Abbas by restarting the
negotiations on a permanent settlement on terms that are acceptable to the
Palestinians. The fighting in Gaza has damaged Abbas standing among the
Palestinian public, and he is perceived as having collaborated with Israel by
containing the protest in the West Bank while Hamas was heroically fighting
the Israeli enemy. If measures are not taken to strengthen Abbass legitimacy
among the Palestinian public, he will find it difficult to meet expectations
that he can contribute to reconstruction of the Gaza Strip and the stability
of the ceasefire. In addition, if the political process is not restarted, Abbas
will likely implement his plan involving unilateral measures, which include
joining the International Court of Justice (ICJ). These, in turn, will lead to a
high level of friction between the PA and Israel. It is difficult to believe that
in such a situation, it would be possible to cooperate with the PA regarding
its return to Gaza and reconstruction of the Gaza Strip.
The question remains whether Abbas and the Palestinian Authority are
up to the tasks now envisioned for them. Israels policy in recent years,
particularly in the past year, has greatly weakened Abbas and the PA, and
their legitimacy is at a very low level. Indeed, a recent public opinion poll
by Khalil Shikakis Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in
Ramallah shows a steep decline among the Palestinian public in support for
Abbas and Fatah and a significant rise in backing for Hamas and its leaders.1
It will be difficult for the Palestinian security forces to function if they lack
legitimacy in the eyes of the public, and a weak government in Ramallah
will have a hard time conducting an ambitious plan to rebuild Gaza. The PA
will need a great deal of assistance from regional and international actors
and from Israel. This does not mean only the necessary financial aid, which
many have pledged to donate toward Gazas recovery. There will also be
a need for direct assistance from states and government agencies (such as
USAID) and international organizations (such as UNRWA) in managing the
effort. Israel will need to create a situation whereby the PA can operate in
Gaza, whether by making it easier for PA officials to enter and leave Gaza
and easing the passage of goods at the border crossings, or by measures
to strengthen PA legitimacy. This involves building a coalition of the
willing that will be prepared to mobilize for joint action in order to assist
in stabilizing the ceasefire and rebuilding Gaza.


I Shlomo Brom

Hamas will certainly not wish to accept its weakened military and political
position in Gaza, and it will take steps to contain the strengthening of the PA
there. However, the special circumstances at the end of Operation Protective
Edge specifically, the military and financial weakness of Hamas, which
lost a large part of its weapon systems during the fighting; the dependence
on Egypt, which is interested in containing and weakening Hamas; and the
eagerness inside and outside the Middle East to give the PA a key role in
the Gaza Strip will make it very difficult for Hamas to stop the PA from
increasing its presence in Gaza without paying a very heavy price. The
Palestinian public will accuse it of damaging national unity and the unity
government; measures will be taken against it by Israel and Egypt, which
control all entrances to Gaza; and the plan to rebuild Gaza will be at risk if
Hamas refuses to play by the rules of the coalition of the willing.
The government of Israel will need to consider whether it is prepared
to change basic elements of its policy toward the PA and the Gaza Strip
in order to take full advantage of the chance to start a process of change.
Perhaps in the longer run, such a process would eliminate the political split
between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and produce a calmer situation
between Gaza and Israel, which could open up new political possibilities.


1 Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, Special Gaza War Poll,
Ramallah, September 2, 2014,

Changing Course and Discourse:

The Intra-Palestinian Balance of Power and the
Political Process
Anat Kurz
During Operation Protective Edge, many in Israel stressed the advantages
likely to stem from allowing Hamas to retain control of the Gaza Strip for
the purpose of enforcing calm in the area. This confirmation of Hamas
hold on the Strip actually validated the split in the Palestinian arena. At the
same time, the longer the campaign continued, the more Israel softened its
opposition to coordination between Fatah and Hamas, increasingly aware of
the benefits of involving the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority in the formulation
of principles for a ceasefire and the administration of the Gaza Strip as part of
a new arrangement in this arena. Indeed, the renewed presence of PA forces
in the Gaza Strip may serve as a counterbalance to the Palestinian division,
which currently limits PA influence in the Palestinian arena to the West
Bank, and may possibly constitute a basis for comprehensive institutional
coordination between the rival movements.
For its part, Israel may view the establishment of a unified Palestinian
Authority as an opportunity to restart the political process, if the PA, in the
spirit of Fatah policy, adheres to its commitment to a negotiated settlement.
In order to increase the chances of this happening, Israel, in coordination with
regional and international parties, must articulate a concrete political plan
with relevance to both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The presentation
of such a tangible political horizon could strengthen the status of the PA
and at the same time reduce the attraction of the strategy of direct military
confrontation with Israel as a means of breaking the deadlock in the sphere
of conflict.


I Anat Kurz

The Balance of Forces in the Palestinian Arena

Toward the end of the nine-month period designated by the US administration

for talks between Israel and the PLO (July 2013-April 2014), when it was
clear that the parties were mired in yet another futile attempt to agree on
principles for a negotiated settlement, the PA reached understandings with
Hamas regarding the establishment of a cabinet of technocrats as a step
toward general elections in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. By appointing
this cabinet, Fatah and Hamas intended to expand the base of their domestic
support, albeit necessarily at the expense of one another. The PA sought a
way to cover for its failure to promote a political process toward Palestinian
independence. This was meant to bolster its status at home, against the
background of an intensifying economic crisis and concern within the
Palestinian arena, Israel, and the international community regarding the
possible dismantling of the PA, if not as an intentional act of defiance then
as an uncontrolled ongoing process. Hamas, for its part, wished to edge
closer to the center of the Palestinian political arena, even at the price of
the appearance of reconciliation with Fatah, in order to breach the walls of
isolation imposed on the movement due to the inter-party rivalry and its
refusal to meet the international demands that are a prerequisite for political
dialogue.1 (Indeed, Israel sees Hamas rebuff of these international conditions
as justification for its policy of separation between the West Bank and the
Gaza Strip.) One immediate motivation for the inter-party rapprochement
was the economic hardship suffered by Hamas and the Gaza Strip population
due to the deterioration in relations with Cairo following the removal of
the Muslim Brotherhood from power in Egypt, and particularly the firm
Egyptian actions against the network of tunnels in the Rafah area.
It was considered unlikely that the two rival movements would succeed in
reaching an understanding regarding division of power and full cooperation
within the PA and, in accordance with Hamas demand, within the ranks of
the PLO. Another obstacle to the reconciliation process was Hamas refusal
to accept the PAs monopoly on the weapons in the Gaza Strip. However,
the mere announcement of closer relations between the two movements
provided Hamas with a tactical achievement, especially when in response
Israel suspended the political process (as it did in response to the renewal
of the PAs international diplomatic efforts, in the form of requests to join
the conventions of different UN organizations).

Changing Course and Discourse: The Intra-Palestinian Balance of Power

I 103

The joint cabinet lost all practical significance in the wake of a series
of events that culminated in rapid escalation and the outbreak of violence
between Israel and Hamas. The hostilities were preceded by the murder of
three Israeli teenagers by Hamas activists in the West Bank, the retaliatory
murder of a Palestinian youth, and a wide scale campaign against the Hamas
infrastructure in the West Bank by the IDF in coordination with the PA
security forces. All this occurred against the background of difficulties
imposed by Israel on the transfer of funds to the Gaza Strip following the
announcement of the joint cabinet and the disagreement between Fatah and
Hamas regarding responsibility for the salaries of Hamas administration
and security personnel. However, the issue of coordination between the
two movements returned to the agenda as part of the talks regarding a
security arrangement for the Gaza Strip in the aftermath of the war and
the reconstruction required in the wake of the massive damage to the Strip
during the confrontation.
The reconstruction process is intended to be undertaken with the cooperation
of the Palestinian Authority. Egypt has insisted that the PA take part in
the implementation of the new arrangements in the Strip as a step toward
reestablishing its presence in the region, cognizant that all measures to
this end require coordination between Fatah and Hamas. Beginning in the
first days of the fighting, and more intensively as the war dragged on, PA
Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and his associates took part in Cairos efforts
to dictate the contours of the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, as well
as the principles of relations between Hamas, Egypt, Israel, and the PA. For
its part Israel encouraged this policy, in an effort to rehabilitate the PAs
status in the Gaza Strip.2 Still, the viability of this effort was threatened
by two developments that emerged clearly in the context of the fighting:
international reaffirmation of Hamas hold on the Gaza Strip and a rise in
the Palestinian popular support enjoyed by the movement.
The understandings reached to bring the fighting to an end testified (once
again) to the fact that from the perspective of Israel, the United States, Egypt,
and other parties in the region, Hamas enjoys the status of a state actor. In
the course of the fighting, official elements in Israel articulated the desire to
strike Hamas. At the same time, in contrast to past statements regarding the
need and intention to topple the Hamas regime, Israel also made a conscious
effort to enable Hamas to retain the ability to enforce calm.3 This change in
Israeli policy reflected concern that the collapse of the Hamas regime could


I Anat Kurz

be followed by anarchy that would both saddle Israel with an economichumanitarian, security, and political burden and would allow radical Islamic
forces in the region to gain strength. This, in turn, would reduce the effect
of deterrence that Israel achieved as a result of the campaign, as well as
make it more difficult for Egypt to contend with the armed groups in the
Sinai Peninsula and along the border of the Gaza Strip.
The international recognition of Hamas hold on the Gaza Strip would
compensate the movement for the lack of support, and in some cases, the
sheer loathing it elicited from the leadership of Arab states; most prominent
among the Arab disdain was the Egyptian leadership.4 Aid pledged to the
Gaza Strip by Qatar and Turkey and by the European Union will help
rebuild the civilian infrastructure in the region. Arab and Western elements
that lend their support to the reconstruction project will not be able to avoid
coordination with Hamas, marking another phase in easing the politicaleconomic boycott of the movement. In turn, the Hamas leadership can be
expected to use the civilian reconstruction effort to reestablish its civilian
control of the region and rebuild its military infrastructure there.
The rise in popular support for Hamas as a result of its proven ability
to withstand the military might of the IDF for a period of many weeks will
help the movement achieve this goal. According to a public opinion poll
conducted in the Palestinian arena near the time of the ceasefire (which
qualifies the long term validity of its findings), most respondents expressed
support for the transfer of responsibility for the security forces in the Gaza
Strip to the joint cabinet, albeit following elections for the PA and based on
their results. Another finding indicated that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh
would beat Abbas in elections for the PA presidency, were they held at that
time.5 This trend should compensate Hamas for the public criticism that it has
sustained for its provocation of Israel in the name of organizational survival
and maintained control of the Gaza Strip, which resulted in an aggressive
Israeli response that turned the Strip into a disaster area.
For this reason, the PAs ability to rehabilitate its status in the region
will be dictated not by the official role it will be assigned in the realm of
security, administration, and reconstruction but rather the scope and quality
of the coordination it manages to establish with Hamas, in the Gaza Strip in
particular and in the Palestinian arena as a whole. The official framework
already exists. All that remains to be done is to renew, or actually to begin

Changing Course and Discourse: The Intra-Palestinian Balance of Power

I 105

the routine activity of the cabinet that has already been agreed to by the
two rival parties.

Political Ramifications

The fighting between Israel and Hamas has accentuated the components
of the security-political dilemma currently facing Israel, which is rooted in
the rivalry between the two camps in the Palestinian arena and the balance
of power between them. For years, in addition to the difficulty of bridging
the gaps between their fundamental positions, relations between Israel and
the Palestinians have been tainted by the division in the Palestinian arena
in general, and Hamas strategy of violent struggle in particular. The most
recent military confrontation, which erupted shortly after yet another round
of talks between Israel and the PLO ended in failure, inevitably heightened
the doubts already existing in Israel regarding the practicality of negotiations
with the Palestinians and the feasibility of implementing an agreement,
as well as the concern over the inevitable accompanying security risks.
Bitterness against Israel and perception of the recent confrontation as an
achievement of Hamas strategy of violent resistance can be expected to
harden the PAs negotiating positions. In this context, both Israel and the
PA will find it difficult to remove familiar stumbling blocks from the path
to renewed political dialogue.
Against this background, the PA can be expected to renew its dialogue
with Hamas. The disagreements between Fatah and Hamas on division
of power are far from resolved. Abbas has charged Hamas with bringing
disaster upon the Gaza Strip and seizing the humanitarian aid that arrived in
the region after the ceasefire came into effect. However, he may also seek to
add substance to the joint cabinet if the political deadlock continues, with
the aim of expanding the PAs base of popular support. For precisely the
same reason, the PA may well attempt to engage in dialogue with Hamas if
talks with Israel are resumed, in an effort to strengthen the PAs image as a
national representative enjoying broad support. The dialogue with Hamas is
also likely to help the PA quell criticism at home for focusing on diplomatic
measures and refraining from taking up arms against Israel while the residents
of Gaza were collapsing under the pressure of the Israeli attack. For its part,
the Hamas leadership is likely, from the relatively strong position it now
occupies, to strive for coordination with the PA in an attempt to make the


I Anat Kurz

most effective use possible of its increased popular support at home and the
renewed recognition of its hold on the Gaza Strip.6
The political process will not be on the agenda of the coordination effort
between the two movements, at least not at the beginning. Chances that
coordination will be translated into a willingness to adopt positions that
will make it difficult for the Israeli government to avoid a return to the
negotiating table also remain slim. The PA itself will find it hard to dictate
conditions and restrictions to Hamas, and its weakness will once again be
demonstrated if the military wing of Hamas or other armed factions operating
in the Gaza Strip insist on instigating renewed rounds of fighting. Still,
closer relations between Fatah and Hamas have the potential to bring about
a positive change in atmosphere in the sphere of the conflict. If cultivated,
such relations could also pave the way to effective renewal of the IsraeliPalestinian political dialogue.
Israel should undertake an in-depth reassessment of the potential advantages
of coordination between Hamas and Fatah, based on the assumption that a
unified PA, which constitutes a designated, recognized authority with a broad
base of legitimacy and overall responsibility for the happenings in the Gaza
Strip and the West Bank, is a distinct Israeli interest, especially if driven
by a political platform that espouses Fatahs commitment to negotiations
and a negotiated settlement. Israel, therefore, should support institutional
coordination in the Palestinian arena and at the same time assure Fatah of
a political breakthrough and the imperative of security calm, which will
help improve the movements standing and justify its opposition to violent
To this end, the Israeli government requires a concrete political initiative. It
must therefore dedicate thought and resources to formulating an initiative, in
preparation for the return of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations to the international
agenda as part of a plan of action to be drawn up by actors in the Middle East
and beyond, with the aim of calming the tensions surrounding the conflict.
This possibility fits in well with Mahmoud Abbas declared intention to
present an initiative under the auspices of the PLO, in an effort to translate
the criticism of Israel for the scale of its campaign against Hamas and
the scope of destruction and killing in the Gaza Strip into pressure on
the Israeli leadership to return to the negotiating table from a position of
relative weakness.7 To this end, Jerusalem will need to take advantage of the
convergence of interests between Israel and pragmatic states in the Middle

Changing Course and Discourse: The Intra-Palestinian Balance of Power

I 107

East, led by Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which for their own reasons seek to
reduce Hamas influence and stabilize the Israeli-Palestinian arena. It will
also need to effectively utilize its convergence of interests with international
actors, particularly the United States and European states. A binding Israeli
initiative will better enable Israel to mobilize understanding and support
for its demands, particularly in the realm of security. An Israeli initiative
formulated with the cooperation of leading international parties could also
possibly force the PLO/PA to soften its positions on issues regarding a final
At the same time, Israel will also need to take part in international efforts
to rebuild the Gaza Strip. Especially if combined with a comprehensive
political initiative, a reconstruction and development drive will not only
reduce the motivation within the Palestinian public to join the ranks of
Hamas and other radical factions but also help reduce the danger of local
flare-ups in the Gaza Strip or the West Bank igniting the Israeli-Palestinian
arena as a whole.


1 The Quartet conditions include the cessation of armed struggle, the recognition of
Israel, and the honoring of past agreements signed between the PLO and Israel.
2 Barak Ravid, Jacky Khoury, Zvi Barel, Yaalon: We are interested in having Abbas
forces stationed at border crossings in Gaza as part of the ceasefire, Haaretz,
July 22, 2014,; and
Daoud Kuttab, Israel Warms to Abbas as Gaza Mediator, al-Monitor, Palestine
Pulse, July 22, 2014, Still, doubts remained
as to the PAs ability to guarantee quiet. See Amos Harel, Yaalon: The PA is Not
a Neighbor that Can be Relied On, Haaretz, July 28, 2014, http://www.haaretz.
3 At the conclusion of Operation Cast Lead (December 2008-January 2009), Hamas
was charged with guaranteeing security calm in the Gaza region, although on the
eve the operation, some official spokespeople in Israel presented the toppling of
Hamas as the goal of the fighting. During Operation Pillar of Defense (November
2012), official elements in Israel came to recognize the movement as an entity
with which it was possible to conduct dialogue, albeit indirectly, with the goal of
achieving security quiet.
4 Kareem Fahim, Palestinians Find Show of Support Lacking From Arab Leaders Amid
Offensive, New York Times, July 19, 2014,
world/middleeast/palestinians-find-show-of-support-lacking-from-arab-nationsamid-offensive.html?_r=0; Khaled Abu Toameh, Palestinians: The Arabs Betrayed


I Anat Kurz

Us Again, July 21, 2014,

5 Special Gaza War Poll, Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR),
September 2, 2014,
6 Elie Hanna, Meshaal: Full Partnership in the Palestinian Authority and a Palestinian
State within Pre-1967 Borders, al-Akhbar, September 6, 2014,
7 Jodi Rudoren, Abbas is Seen as Ready to Seek Pact on His Own, New York
Times, August 25, 2014,
abbas-seen-as-ready-to-seek-mideast-pact-on-his-own.html?_r=0; Kifah Ziboun,
Abbas Devises Plan for Independent Palestinian State: Official, a-Sharq al-Awsat,
August 30, 2014,

Organizational Change within Hamas:

What Lies Ahead?
Benedetta Berti
Since its creation as the armed wing of the Gaza-branch of the Muslim
Brotherhood in 1987, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance, better known by
its acronym Hamas, has been an organization characterized by high internal
dynamism and fast-paced change. Indeed, over the nearly three decades of its
existence, Hamas has experienced a series of substantive, qualitative changes.
At the military level, the organization evolved from a relatively unsophisticated
violent faction that relied on stabbings of individual Israelis to a well-trained
and orderly armed group capable of deadly suicide bombings and rocket fire
deep into Israel. Furthermore, during Operation Cast Lead and even more
recently in the course of Operation Protective Edge, Hamas demonstrated
its transformation into a hybrid actor with high combat skills capable of
engaging its enemy through both classic guerrilla tactics such as ambushes,
IEDs, and suicide missions, as well as conventional standoff tactics to target
and kill Israeli soldiers. Hamas military evolution and reliance on hybrid
warfare has also been mirrored by an even more profound social and political
transformation, as it moved from the margins to the center of the Palestinian
political stage while administering a sophisticated social welfare network.
Not surprisingly, over the years Hamas has evolved significantly as an
organization. In its early years the group was centralized, cohesive, and
overseen by one of its historic founders, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. It operated
through district-based units centered in local mosques primarily in Gaza,
and it lacked any type of strict internal institutions. Then, following Yassins
arrest in 1989 and increased external pressure from Israel, Hamas opted for
a more decentralized, specialized, and dispersed structure and geographical
expansion. Since then, the groups activities and its leadership have been


I Benedetta Berti

both geographically dispersed and compartmentalized, with Hamas centers

of power divided between the groups diaspora-based Political Bureau, the
political leadership in Gaza, and the military commanders of the Qassam
Brigades (with the West Bank leadership traditionally playing a secondary
role). Over the years and especially since 2007 the groups center of
organizational power has vacillated between Gaza and the diaspora.
Moreover, since 2007 the group has weathered especially rapid and
potentially disruptive internal changes. First, Hamas status and organizational
strategy underwent a major transformation following the groups victory in
the 2006 Palestinian Legislative Council elections. In 2007, after a failed
attempt at a unity government with its historical political foe Fatah, and
witnessing both growing international pressure and deteriorating relations
with Fatah and the PA, Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip, quickly
becoming its sole and uncontested ruler. This move created a political split
between Gaza and the PA-ruled West Bank.
Between 2007 and 2013, Hamas invested in consolidating its control
over the Strip, for example by taking over and reforming the executive,
legislative, and judicial branches of government in Gaza and by creating an
extensive security sector completely independent of the PA. Meanwhile the
group managed to keep the economy afloat, despite international isolation
and biting Israeli and international economic restrictions. Upon becoming
the de facto government in Gaza, the organization experienced increasing
tensions between the needs of Hamas as the representative of the resistance
calling for sustained confrontation against Israel and the requirements
of Hamas as a ruler, which pressured the group to take a more risk-averse
position and focus on internal power consolidation rather than external
war. Between 2007 and 2013, the interaction between these two competing
needs resulted in a series of violent interactions between Israel and Hamas,
followed by times of relative quiet. Within Hamas, the at times diverging
strategies of government and armed struggle led to increased organizational
tensions between the groups political, military, and external leaders who
often disagreed not only on the question of how and when to conduct armed
attacks but also on the thorny question of reconciliation with Fatah.
Hamas political landscape shifted again in the summer of 2013. Following
the ousting of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood government of Mohamed
Morsi, Hamas found itself in an increasingly complex position, as the
loss of the groups main regional political patron, combined with the new

Organizational Change within Hamas: What Lies Ahead?

I 111

Egyptian authorities efforts to further isolate Gaza and Hamas economically,

resulted in a deep political and financial crisis. This predicament affected
Hamas capability to keep Gaza and its economy afloat, continue to rule
as the effective authority, and meet its financial obligations as the de facto
government, including salary payments for the roughly 40,000 employees
on its payroll. This loss of control sheds light on why, in early summer of
2014, Hamas finally decided to overcome the post-2007 rift with the PA and
Fatah and agree to the creation a Palestinian unity government of technocrats.
Since the creation of the unity government, Hamas prospective loss of
control in Gaza, together with the urgency of the financial crisis (with the
much expected PA economic relief and payment of Hamas salaries failing to
materialize) heightened internal tensions within the organization. In addition,
the group was propelled to attempt to project and reestablish its role as a
Palestinian national group, focusing its attention both on Gaza as well as on
the West Bank. In this context, the situation following the kidnapping and
murder of three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank which was immediately
attributed to Hamas military wing further complicated the organizations
predicament, as Israel moved in the weeks following the abduction to target
both Hamas operatives and infrastructure in the West Bank. The Israeli
operations in the West Bank, combined with Hamas internal debate over
resuming attacks against Israel, led to a new barrage of rockets launched
against Israel, prompting yet another round of hostilities.
Hamas goals in the 2014 war, which became apparent immediately,
included restoring the organizations reputation and strength with respect to
Israel as well as in the Palestinian political arena, and just as importantly
keeping internal conflict at bay. Militarily, Hamas wanted to restore its
image as the Islamic resistance and project strength. This attitude explains
why the group invested in attempts to infiltrate Israel, capture soldiers, and
employ higher risk standoff tactics to kill Israeli soldiers. Hamas likely
calculated that a short military escalation would allow the group to increase
popularity domestically while gaining international visibility and, more
significantly, intensify its bargaining power and force Israel as well as
Egypt to relax economic restrictions on the Strip and implement the terms
of the 2012 ceasefire, which included not just quiet-for-quiet but also
progressive normalization of the flows of goods and people to and from
Gaza. Any meaningful political concession from Israel would represent for
Hamas both a material improvement of the status quo relieving some of


I Benedetta Berti

the pressure on the group as well as a tool to reassert internal cohesion and
obtain a political victory and improve its somewhat shaky political standing.
An understanding of the Hamas calculus and desired political objectives
helps clarify why the organization was divided over the issue of a ceasefire,
despite the steep price paid in the last round of confrontation. Hamas goals
and strategy told the story of a group under extreme internal and external
pressure. Internally, the continuation of the conflict revealed sharpened
differences of opinion between the Gaza-based political leaderships, the
Qassam Brigades, and the Hamas leaders abroad, led by Khaled Mashal.
Even within the Qassam Brigades, the unit-based, localized model of combat
adopted to maximize the autonomy of each unit allows Hamas to increase its
flexibility and resilience, but at the expense of clear command and control,
coordination, and communication. As to its external environment and with
the noteworthy exception of Qatar and Turkey, Hamas also faced increased
regional and international isolation.
The conclusion of the war with an open-ended ceasefire, to be followed
by indirect talks, only partially eased Hamas predicament. In the short
term, the group was able to preserve internal cohesion and position itself
at the center of the political stage, resulting in a boost to its popularity in
both Gaza and the West Bank. Hamas also denied Israel a clear cut victory,
was de facto able to dictate the duration of the war by rejecting successive
ceasefire offers, and displayed improved military skills over those seen in
Operation Cast Lead. Yet the group paid a heavy price, with significant losses
to its arsenal, infrastructure, and military leadership. In addition, Hamas
political and financial position continues to be precarious, with the group
facing growing regional isolation and seemingly forced to allow PA security
forces to be deployed at Gazas borders in order to obtain any significant
relaxation of the economic restrictions it has sought so vigorously.
Looking ahead, Hamas will likely continue to find itself in a complex
position. On the one hand, to capitalize on the short term popularity boost
in view of future Palestinian elections, Hamas needs to maintain the unity
government (a condition for the transfer of funds that will pay the salaries of
employees on its payroll and allow entry of international aid and reconstruction
funds into Gaza). On the other hand, to preserve internal cohesion and retain
control of its military wing, the group must keep its independence and freedom
of action in Gaza. These two interests are to some extent competing, and
thus likely to generate more internal friction as well as an external crisis.

The Final Countdown for Hamas?

Palestinian and Arab Discourse on
the Social Networks
Orit Perlov
A look at the heated Palestinian and Arab discourse on the social networks
about the July-August 2014 campaign between Israel and Hamas indicates
erosion in the organizations local influence and public standing. The
criticism of Hamas at home, as reflected online; the relative apathy of the
Arab street toward the damage to life and property in Gaza caused by
Operation Protective Edge; and the overt ambition of Sunni Arab regimes
to defeat political Islam in the region, including the Muslim Brotherhood
and its Palestinian offshoot, illustrate the depth of the crisis for Hamas.
An integrated analysis probing Hamas weakened legitimacy within these
three circles will facilitate an understanding of the chain of events that led
the organization, at the end of 50 days of fighting, to declare a ceasefire
and accept the Cairo agreement, which it had rejected at previous stages
of the campaign.

The First Circle: The Luxury Tower Effect

The destruction of the luxury towers in the heart of Gaza City al-Zafer
Tower 4 in Tel al-Hawa, the Italian Compound in the Nasser neighborhood,
and al-Basha Tower in western Rimal was a campaign turning point. On
August 23 and 25, 2014, residents received warnings from the IDF to leave
the buildings. First they received warning messages on their cellphones;
later, pamphlets were dropped from the air calling on people to evacuate
their apartments; and thereafter the knock on the roof procedure was
carried out, with the IAF launching a number of small missiles that struck
near the buildings in question or the roofs. Subsequently, bombs leveled the


I Orit Perlov

luxury residential towers. From the conversations on the social networks in

Gaza, a clear picture emerged. While there were relatively few casualties
from the collapse of the towers, this surgical strike on Gazas elite was
a turning point, and from then on, public pressure on Hamas to stop the
fighting increased.
The collapse of the towers cannot be separated from previous events. The
IDF attacked the towers after many days that wrought massive destruction
throughout Gaza. Particularly in the neighborhoods of Shejaiya and Rafah, the
number of fatalities, including many children, rose every day, and hundreds
of thousands of Gazans became refugees. These scenes were broadcast on
local, regional, and international media, but none of this was sufficient to
break the spirit of the people of Gaza, at least not to a point that forced the
Hamas leadership to stop firing at Israel. As became clear in retrospect, it
was the direct strike against the middle and upper classes the economic
backbone of Gaza City and the Gaza Strip in general that, added to the
cumulative (and inevitable) weakened resilience among the Gaza population,
significantly changed the public atmosphere. YouTube videos and Tweets
showed people running crazily into the streets, before the building cracked,
like a biscuit, as described by one tower resident. Families who lived in the
towers were unable to endure the sights and the actual damage and took to
the streets helpless and screaming frantically. Against this background, there
was public pressure on Hamas to agree to a ceasefire on terms previously
rejected by the leadership. The battle would not have continued indefinitely
and the breaking point would have been reached in any case, but from the
point of view of Gaza public opinion, it seems that the elite turned out to
be Hamas Achilles heel.

The Second Circle: The Arab Street Did Not Take to

the Streets

The Palestinian street: The uprising of the Arab Spring that swept through
the Middle East did not spill over into the Palestinian arena or translate into
in a wave of violent social protest against Israel. The Palestinian population
in both the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which has bitter experience of direct
conflict with Israel over the course of two popular uprisings, preferred to
avoid another round of conflict. The latest round of fighting between Israel
and Hamas was not the result of a popular protest that spiraled out of control,
but of policy from above, namely, the Hamas leadership. The Gazans even

The Final Countdown for Hamas?

I 115

failed to respond to the leaderships many attempts to bring the masses to the
streets in order to exert pressure on Israel to end the operation in a manner
that would paint Hamas a clear victory picture.
Apart from viral campaigns, Tweets on social media and Hashtags such
as #GazaUndrAttack, #FreePalestine, #PrayForGaza, #BDS, the Arabic
hashtag for Gaza Resists, and #ICC4Israel, which expressed support for
the population of Gaza and protested Israels massacre, there was no
noteworthy or significant support for Hamas itself. The most concerted
attempt by Hamas to bring the masses to the streets was the March of the
48,000 (#48kMarch),1 which was not successful. Hamas intention was
to hold a mass march in the West Bank on July 24 from the Amari refugee
camp through the Qalandia refugee camp toward East Jerusalem, which
would develop into a third intifada. The march garnered the support of the
Fatah leadership in Ramallah, which saw it as a means of dissipating anger
and perhaps also as a measure to diminish the protests against it for standing
aside while the people of Gaza were under massive Israeli attack. In any
case, the Fatah leadership called upon young people to take part in the nonviolent march as a mean to express their anger. But in continuance of the
Palestinian streets reservations about sweeping demonstrations, as observed
in recent years, people did not take to the streets en masse despite the calls
on Facebook and in mosques to join the march. Only about 10,000 protesters
participated; they clashed in Qalandia with Israeli security forces and were
repulsed. This does not suggest that the West Bank public did not identify
with the Gaza population, rather, that Hamas failed to recruit young people
for a massive public protest. In practice, the public prefers to continue to
wage the struggle against Israel through means that will not force it to pay
a price, including the anti-Israel boycott movement and anti-Israel protests
around the world.
The Jordanian and Egyptian streets: In Egypt and Jordan there is public
hostility and anger at the Muslim Brotherhood, and thus, at Hamas as well.
The Muslim Brotherhoods influence on the Egyptian street was greatly
weakened when the government it headed and President Morsi were toppled
in July 2013. In Jordan, the Islamist wave was stopped after it paralyzed the
parliament and led to the replacement of six prime ministers. As a result,
despite Egyptian and Jordanian popular support for the people of Gaza during
Operation Cast Lead in 2008-9 and Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012,
this time the Egyptians did not take to the streets and the demonstrations in


I Orit Perlov

Jordan were relatively poorly attended. Aside from expressions of support

for the people of Gaza on social networks, no active Arab solidarity was
visible. It was argued that Gaza is not a strategic threat [to Egypt] and
that if we must choose between our national security and Gaza, we choose
our national security.
This was the reason for the repeated failure of efforts by Hamas Political
Bureau chief Khaled Mashal to instigate demonstrations of support for the
organization outside the Palestinian arena. In a video appeal to residents of
Irbid, the Muslim Brotherhoods stronghold in Jordan, Mashal called for
a mass protest, but there was no response. He also called upon Hizbollah
leader Hassan Nasrallah to aid Hamas. Nasrallah responded by giving a
speech that expressed weak support but concentrated on other burning topics,
including the civil war in Syria, the domestic turmoil in Lebanon, and the
struggle against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

The Third Circle: The Sunni Arab Axis against Political Islam

On May 6, 2014, one month before he was elected president of Egypt, Abdel
Fattah el-Sisi granted an interview to Egyptian television and outlined his
position on the Muslim Brotherhood. His message was unambiguous: I sat
with Khairat al-Shater [number two in the Muslim Brotherhood leadership in
Egypt]and he threatened that they would burn down Egypt, that jihadists
from Syria, Libya, and Afghanistan would attack the Egyptian army. I told
him that I will make anyone who raises arms against Egypt disappear from
the face of the earth. There will be no reconciliation talksand there will
be no such thing as the Muslim Brotherhood when I am president and thats
final! Actions by the el-Sisi regime against the Muslim Brotherhood and
Hamas were consistent with these comments, and this sentiment was echoed
clearly on the social networks. For example, I was told: You [Israel] must
understand, first of all, that el-Sisi sees political Islam as an existential threat
to Egypt2and therefore, he does not intend to contain the movement,
conduct a dialogue with it, allow it to rebuild its legitimacy, or weaken it.
El-Sisi is interested in defeating political Islam: the Muslim Brotherhood
and its proxies in Gaza [Hamas] and in Libya.
In response to a question I raised to Egyptian leaders of public opinion
on social media about the Egyptian interest regarding Gaza and Hamas, as
reflected during Operation Protective Edge, I was told that el-Sisi does
not intend for Israel to allow Hamas to emerge from this round with a

The Final Countdown for Hamas?

I 117

victory picture and that if it depends on el-Sisi, he will crush Hamas

[even if takes] to the last Israeli soldier. And in fact, it appeared that for the
Egyptian government, the hostility toward Hamas overcame any feelings
that might have arisen from the devastating images that came from Gaza.
Thus, the continuation of Israels struggle against Hamas was convenient
for the Egyptian government, since it promoted a desirable goal but did
not risk Egyptian involvement in a direct struggle with Hamas or force the
government to pay a price with the Egyptian street.
Egypt is not alone in the battle against Hamas either the organization
itself or the organization as one of the spearheads of radical political Islam in
the Middle East. In order to defeat political Islam, to degrade and ultimately
destroy3 it, el-Sisi has worked to form a strategic axis that includes Egypt,
Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority. The convergence
of interests between the Arab members of this axis and Israel is clear when it
comes to the fight against political Islam in general and the struggle against
Hamas in particular.
Consequently, Egypt formulated principles for a new arrangement in
the Gaza Strip in which Egypt and Israel would work together to ensure
that weapons and money do not enter Gaza and to prevent Hamas from
rearming and rebuilding its military capabilities and infrastructure. Egypt
even expressed willingness to train the PAs Presidential Guard so as to
allow PA President Mahmoud Abbas men to take part in guarding Gazas
border crossings. Egypt also prefers that the UAE take responsibility for
the transfer of salaries to Gaza with the PA participating in distributing the
money, and that Saudi Arabia be responsible for the reconstruction project
in order to undermine the power of the Qatar-Turkey-Hamas axis. El-Sisis
success in imposing the terms for a ceasefire on Hamas and the ability of
this success to influence the reconstruction process in Gaza were therefore
seen as an important stage in promoting the objective.


During Operation Protective Edge, the increasing erosion of Hamas

legitimacy was an evident trend that intensified within three circles that
have traditionally supported the organization: Gaza domestic public, the
Palestinian public in general, and the public in the Arab world. In addition,
an anti-Hamas Sunni Arab axis was established, headed by the Egyptian


I Orit Perlov

President and with Israeli cooperation, whose purpose was to weaken and
degrade Hamas as much as possible.
Thus, the question arises whether it is Hamas final countdown and
whether its days are numbered. It is difficult to give a definitive answer.
In the past, Hamas has proven its ability to change tactics and strategy in
order to survive and maintain its status and political relevance in hostile,
constraining circumstances. Still, there is no doubt that at the current time,
the organization faces a significant challenge perhaps the most serious
since its founding.


1 For the Facebook announcement of the March of the 48,000, meant to demonstrate
solidarity with the people of Gaza and protest against IDF attacks, see https://www.
2 Hamas was accused of breaking into a prison in January 2011 and releasing Muslim
Brotherhood leader Mohamed Morsi, who was ousted in July 2013 from the
presidency in a coup that brought el-Sisi to power. It was also accused of training
members of Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, a radical Salafist organization that operates in
the Sinai Peninsula and is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood.
3 An expression borrowed from President Obamas description of his policy toward
the Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL): President Obama: We Will Degrade
and Ultimately Destroy ISIL, White House Blog,

Part III
The Israeli Arena
The Civilian Front in Operation Protective Edge
Meir Elran and Alex Altshuler / 121
Operation Protective Edge:
A Public Opinion Roller Coaster
Yehuda Ben Meir / 129
Operation Protective Edge:
Implications for Jewish-Arab Relations in Israel
Nadia Hilou, Itamar Radai, and Manal Hreib / 135
Operation Protective Edge: Economic Summary
Eran Yashiv / 143
Civilian Settlement:
Not Designed to be a Fortress of Power
David Tal / 151

The Civilian Front in Operation Protective Edge

Meir Elran and Alex Altshuler
The response to the complex challenges facing the civilian front during
Operation Protective Edge was, generally speaking, more successful than in
previous similar military confrontations (the Second Lebanon War in 2006,
Operation Cast Lead in 2008-9, and Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012).
The damage caused by the 4,382 rockets and mortar bombs1 fired by the
Palestinian factions from the Gaza Strip at civilian targets in Israel during
the 50 days of fighting was relatively small, certainly in terms of human
casualties (with seven civilian deaths, two of them due to rockets and the
rest from mortar fire).
The relatively limited daily average of some 86 rockets and mortar bombs,2
significantly lower than in previous clashes, created somewhat moderate
interference with the civilian routine, with the exception of the populated
areas in the south. The damage to the economy was quite reasonable, relative
to the length of the campaign.3 The total damage was lower than had been
predicted by the scenarios that were published by the defense establishment,
evidenced by a relatively small number of acute emergency cases in most
parts of the country. However, the communities located within the 20 km
range of the Gaza Strip were exposed to some 60 percent of the rocket and
mortar bomb launches, while those located within the 40 km range of the
Gaza Strip were exposed to 32 percent of the launches.4 The most extreme
damage occurred in the localities in the so-called Gaza envelope, which
bore the brunt of the mortar bomb launches and were most immediately and
severely threatened by the relatively surprising challenge of the offensive
tunnels. The combination of the two-pronged offenses from above and
below was indeed a significant threat that represented a major blow to the


I Meir Elran and Alex Altshuler

sense of personal security and morale and led to the self-initiated evacuation
of most of the areas residents (who returned home shortly after the ceasefire).
The duration of the operation was much longer than expected by the
reference threat scenarios, based mostly on the experience of the previous
rounds of fighting in the last decade. Although overall the Israeli public
met the protracted challenge well, the extended nature of the operation, its
complexity, and the fluctuations on the military front created new challenges
for the public. Although there were several ceasefires during the operation,
they did little to contain the psychological impact of the lengthy campaign.
One might have expected that the several lulls would ease the pressure on
the civilians and allow individuals, communities, and organizations to remuster their energy. In fact, however, they only created a sense of uncertainty,
frustration, and helplessness for many, as expressed by criticism of what was
deemed as Israels pursuit of too restrained an approach to the Hamas attacks.
Another noted expression was found in the blatantly growing extremism
among segments of the population toward the other, especially the Arab
minority in Israel.
Against this complex background, several systemic lessons in the context
of the civilian front can be learned.

Societal Resilience

The most important lesson has to do with the Israeli publics societal resilience
as manifested during the fighting. Unlike the common connotation when used
by politicians and the media, societal resilience does not refer to robustness
or to public cohesiveness in the face of broad trauma or an external severe
threat. Social resilience, in its pure form, represents the capacity of a society
local or national to respond flexibly to a serious disruption (e.g., security
threat) in proportion to its severity; in other words, to allow a temporary
lessening of normal functioning and bounce back quickly to societys
previous identity and conduct level, while giving room for modifications
and adaptations.5 In terms of the Israeli publics functioning and based on
public opinion surveys conducted during the operation, one may conclude
that Israelis generally demonstrated a high level of functional stability in the
face of the measured Hamas challenge. More importantly, Hamas strategic
objective chaos and demoralization within the Israeli public, so as to exert
pressure on the government to ease the economic and security restrictions
imposed on the Gaza Strip was completely foiled.

The Civilian Front in Operation Protective Edge

I 123

The functional resilience of the public may be measured both tactically

and strategically. Tactically, the public behaved well during the rocket attacks.
It reduced its routine conduct to a reasonable degree and generally returned
to normal behavior immediately thereafter. An important exception to this
generalization was the Gaza envelope population, whose challenge was
significantly more substantial. Most residents in those localities left their
homes, generally even before the offensive tunnels dug from the Gaza Strip
became a primary concern to the public and the military. At the same time,
not all residents of the area behaved in the same manner. Some communities
chose not to evacuate or to evacuate only in smaller numbers, testifying to
different attitudes among different communities, presumably with different
characteristics.6 Alternatively, one could argue that the proactive evacuation
of the residents manifests a valuable functional flexibility a primary
component of social resilience.
Strategically, the Israeli public demonstrated its societal resilience by
quickly returning to normal levels of function following the campaign.
This includes the residents of the Gaza envelope and the south as a whole,
who returned to their routines, albeit after publicly expressing hesitations
and complaints regarding the political situation and what they viewed as
the governments misjudgment. A few days after the fighting stopped, the
school year, including in kindergartens, began on time, including in the
areas that were the hardest hit in the Gaza envelope and in towns where
prominent local leaders had publicly called for keeping the children out of
school even after the ceasefire went into effect. Communities that hesitated
in sending the children back to school also returned to their routines a few
days later. All of this indicates high social resilience, even higher than that
demonstrated following the Second Lebanon War.
Social resilience is not a predetermined and fixed trait that must be
continuously cultivated over time through deliberate action and professionally
guided programs, long before the outbreak of a crisis. Furthermore, following a
crisis, it is important to create growth engines of social and economic resilience
in areas prone to serious danger, in accordance with the relevant threats.
Such actions can create higher public fortitude in preparation for possible
future disruptions of serious proportions and allow for rapid recovery after
a future crisis. In this context, the full implementation of the governments
decision to strengthen differentially the economy of the southern regions
is most important. On August 10 and 31, 2014, the government decided on


I Meir Elran and Alex Altshuler

a broad program, including the allocation of 1.3 billion shekels over the
next five years to the Gaza area communities to promote social, economic,
and security programs. Decisions designed to strengthen the more distant
southern communities were taken later, at an overall budget of an additional
2 billion shekels. Still, the residents of the south need an attentive ear and
a warm shoulder to lean on; this is no less important than the necessary
material support. Executing those plans with sensitivity and understanding
on an ongoing, unwavering basis will raise the chances for significant
empowerment and enhance social resilience among these residents.7
Another lesson relates to the conduct of national leaders and, even more
importantly, that of local leaders. Inclusive leadership and public trust are
key components of social resilience.8 Generally speaking, the nations leaders
conducted the campaign in a measured, calculated manner, and together with
the military created an appropriate level of trust, even if it wavered and then
declined to some degree during the second half of the campaign.9 Toward the
end of the operation, the residents of the south and the government differed
over the question of prioritizing the special needs of the areas threatened by
Hamas. The possible renewal of hostilities in the near future might broaden
these gaps and the consequent mistrust, accentuated by local leaders, many
of whom have openly challenged the governments policy. At the same
time, political leaders in the south have shown a particularly high level
of leadership, thereby enhancing the resilience of their constituencies and
serving as a source of inspiration for the Israeli public at large.

Active Defense

There is no doubt that the success operationally and in terms of morale

of the Iron Dome system made a major contribution to the outcome of
Operation Protective Edge. The 735 interceptions it scored represented a
serious countermeasure to Hamas rocket offensive; the system saved lives
directly in Israel and indirectly in the Palestinian Gaza strip, and positioned
itself as a central element of Israels security doctrine.10 The system also
proved itself as a generator of a high sense of personal safety in the public
at large, and likewise gave the political echelon wide space to maneuver
and make difficult decisions without the pressure of mass casualty events.
The publics trust in the system grew stronger through the campaign, to the
point at which there was some risk that people might disregard the directives
on seeking shelter. The military success of mitigating the threat was largely

The Civilian Front in Operation Protective Edge

I 125

assisted by the air forces offensive moves designed to reduce the potential
of Hamas rockets on the one hand, and by the publics conduct in seeking
shelters as instructed by the IDF Home Front Command, on the other.
At the same time, it is important to realize that in terms of the rocket threat,
this round of hostilities was relatively minor. Israel should be prepared for much
more severe scenarios, especially with regard to increased accuracy, range,
quantities, and warhead payload of high trajectory weapons. This is already
the case, to a large extent, with the Hizbollah arsenal,11 but improvements
are also expected with Hamas capabilities, which will turn at least part of
their rockets into missiles, allowing a much greater hit percentage of civilian,
military, and infrastructure targets in Israel. An upgraded threat will require
much more robust and effective protection systems by the active defense forces.
Moreover, as significant as the last achievement was, any resistance system
has its limitations and will never be hermetic. An appropriate response to
future threats requires many more Iron Dome batteries12 as well as continued
upgrading of its technical and operational capacities.

Civil Defense

The overall functioning of the public during the so-called state of routine
emergency, considering the long duration of the conflict, was quite high.
The safety procedures were well observed, allowing most Israelis to maintain
an essentially normal way of life between rocket barrages and alerts. The
professional directives and emergency information provided by the IDF Home
Front Command were critical, clear, and instructive. An additional important
contribution was manifested by the dramatic increase in the number of the
warning zones (now approximately 210),13 which reduce the frequency of
interruptions to civilian life per person and region, and consequently help
minimize the damage to the economy. The future full scale introduction of
the cellular-based warning system (via personal text messages14), which was
operated initially during Operation Protective Edge, will further improve
the publics risk awareness and conduct during emergencies.
All these factors considered, it seems that the current state of the shelter
system is reasonable, though it requires local improvements, especially in
zones that at present have virtually no protection, such as the unregistered
Bedouin communities and localities with mobile/temporary housing. The
widespread use of mobile concrete shelters (miguniyot) seems like an effective
and inexpensive solution, if they are readily available for the population at


I Meir Elran and Alex Altshuler

large. Looking to the future and anticipating a more severe threat, an orderly,
multi-year national program must be designed and enacted soon. Given its high
costs, it must selectively prioritize specific defensive needs. Special emphasis
must be placed on protecting critical national infrastructures, including
the electric grid, the gas and water supply systems, and the transportation
nodes. The sensitivity of this challenge was made clear with the short halt
of international flights to Israel, which should be viewed as a wake-up call
for the possibility of real, widespread interruption of necessary services
supplied by the critical infrastructure installations. This is a risk that Israelis
are not familiar with and so far is not at the center of attention of the decision
makers. This must change drastically, and soon.
In the legal/normative sense: on July 8, 2014, the government declared a
special situation for the civilian sector in the south. Later, the government
decided to begin implementing the countrys Emergency Economy System
(melah). These decisions allowed the country to call on the human and material
resources required by emergency needs. At the declarative level, the decision
sent a message that the population was being taken care of. Still, the demands
from local politicians to expand the enactment of the Emergency Economy
to other locales were not met, primarily due to economic considerations.


Israels civilian front met the challenges posed by Operation Protective

Edge well, given the measured scope of the interruptions on the one hand
and its extended duration on the other. Expressions of social resilience were
generally high, and the disruption to routine life was relatively low, except
in the greater Gaza area.
Nonetheless, the civilian fronts successful coping with the challenges
of the last round should be measured against the limited posture of the
opponent. Given much more extreme threat scenarios, especially on the part
of Hizbollah in the north, much more thorough preparations must be taken.
This requires a qualitative leap in the overall deployment of the civilian front,
both in the realm of social resilience, as well as in reference to the active and
passive defenses. Israel cannot rest on the laurels of Operation Protective
Edge, and must prepare for more threatening scenarios. This will require
conceptual, operational, technological, and organizational improvements
for the entire system.

The Civilian Front in Operation Protective Edge


I 127

1 Non-classified sources provide diverse data, though fairly close in number. As of

now, no sources distinguish between rockets and mortar bombs.
2 Some suggest that the daily average was around 100, since there were no more
than ca. 50 days of fighting in this round.
3 See Haim Bior, Survey: Two-thirds of Businesses Suffered a Drop in Activity
since Operation Protective Edge, The Marker, August 21, 2014, http://www.
4 Data from Haaretz, August 28, 2014.
5 F. H. Norris, S. P. Stevens, B. Pfefferbaum, K. F. Wyche, R. L. Pfefferbaum,
Community Resilience as a Metaphor, Theory, Set of Capacities, and Strartegy for
Disaster Readiness, American Journal of Community Psychology 41 (2008):12750.
6 There are different social forms of residence, which impact on the social structure
of the communities. Even among the kibbutzim there are differences between
the secular and religious groups, and those that have relatively large segments of
newcomers who joined the communities expansion projects.
7 Meir Elran and Eran Yashiv, The True Victory is the Social and National Resilience,
The Marker, August 17, 2014.
8 G. Ben-Dor, The Social Component of Social Resilience: A Working Paper, Herzliya
Conference, 2003,
9 For survey results showing Israel as victor, see Sofia Ron-Moriah, New Survey
Shows: Netanyahu is the Big Winner of Protective Edge, NRG, September 5,
10 For data source, See Yuval Azoulay, Iron Dome: 8 Facts about the True Queen
of Protective Edge, Globes, July 10, 2014,
11 Quantitatively and qualitatively the Hizbollah threat is roughly 10 times that of the
Hamas threat before the last round. The threat scenario from the Lebanese front
shows a daily average of more than 700 rockets and missiles per day, to include
large scale barrages of dozens of launches at a specifies given target.
12 In prior studies we have suggested a necessary order of battle of 16 Iron Dome
13 See Gili Cohen, This is How the Alarm System in Israel Works, Haaretz, August
24, 2014,
14 Homefront Command Website,

Operation Protective Edge:

A Public Opinion Roller Coaster
Yehuda Ben Meir
A well known platitude holds that public opinion on current events,
especially security issues, is subject to great fluctuations in the wake of
unfolding developments. While true in ordinary times, the observation is
especially apt in times of war. In 2006, for example, during the early days of
the Second Lebanon War, following the resolute speech by Prime Minister
Olmert in the Knesset in which he presented the aims of the war, public
support among the Jewish public reached 82 percent. By the end of the
war one month later, public opinion completely reversed itself, and under
pressure from hostile public opinion and public protest, the Prime Minister
was compelled to appoint an investigative commission to look into the war
(in other words, its failures). In a survey conducted in March 2007 by the
National Security and Public Opinion Project at the Institute for National
Security Studies (INSS), only 23 percent of the Jewish population said that
Israel had won the war, while 26 percent said that Hizbollah had won and
51 percent believed that no one had won. Only 34 percent of the public
answered that they could trust the government to make the right decisions
on questions of national security.1
Operation Protective Edge followed a similar pattern. Public opinion
exhibited much volatility and fluctuation corresponding to developments in
the fighting and Israels various decisions over the 50 days of the operation.
This article describes three principal dimensions to public opinion during the
operation: the degree of satisfaction with the Prime Ministers performance
(which functions as an indirect measure of the publics satisfaction at the
course of the fighting and its results); the publics direct evaluation of the
results of the fighting (who won); and the publics attitude toward the various


I Yehuda Ben Meir

alternatives facing Israel and the decisions taken by the cabinet and the Prime
Minister at various junctions during the fighting. Note that the surveys were
conducted by different entities and the questions were worded differently, so
it is no wonder that at times varying, even radically divergent results were
obtained. Consequently, the general picture should be approached with a
large degree of caution.
Evaluation of the Prime Ministers performance mirrored the pattern of
the Second Lebanon War, exhibiting ups and downs throughout the fighting.
A survey conducted by Channel 2 on July 17, 2014, nine days after the
beginning of the operation and just before the entry of IDF ground forces
into the Gaza Strip, reported that 57 percent of the Jewish public assessed
the Prime Ministers performance as good, compared with 35 percent who
assessed it as not good. A survey published by Channel 2 one week later, on
July 24, nearly one week after the entry of IDF ground forces into the Gaza
Strip, showed a dramatic improvement in the rating of the Prime Ministers
performance, with 82 percent assessing it as good, compared with only 10
percent as not good.2 In a survey conducted on July 20, two weeks after the
operation began and three days after the entry of IDF ground forces in the
Gaza Strip, 73 percent of the adult Hebrew-speaking Jewish population said
they were satisfied with the Prime Ministers performance, compared with
16 percent who were not satisfied.3
Channel 2 surveys charted a continual linear decline as the fighting
continued and ceasefires were declared and then violated by Hamas. In a
survey published on July 31, 2014, when the IDF was still in the Gaza Strip,
74 percent of the Jewish public assessed the Prime Ministers performance
as good, compared with 18 percent who assessed it as not good.4 On August
3, two days after the kidnapping in Rafah and one day after the decision to
withdraw Israels forces from the Gaza Strip, another decline was recorded: 62
percent were satisfied and 29 percent were dissatisfied.5 A Channel 2 survey
on August 5, two days later, showed almost the same results, with 63 percent
rating the Prime Ministers performance as good.6 A survey conducted the
next day on behalf of Israel Hayom showed the identical result: 63 percent
of the adult Hebrew-speaking Jewish population was satisfied with the Prime
Ministers performance in the operation.7 In a survey commissioned by
Haaretz on August 5, one day after a ceasefire that lasted for a few days was
declared, 33 percent of the public assessed the Prime Ministers performance
as excellent, and an additional 44 percent as good (a total of 77 percent),

Operation Protective Edge: A Public Opinion Roller Coaster

I 131

compared with 20 percent who assessed it as not good or poor.8 In a study

conducted on August 11-12 in the framework of the Peace Index project, 61
percent of the Jewish public assessed the performance of Israels political
leaders as very good or fairly good (97 percent of the Jewish public gave
these answers in the same survey as their evaluation of the IDF).9
At the end of the operation, a further decline took place in the assessment
of the Prime Ministers performance, although its extent varied between
different surveys. In a survey published by Channel 2 on August 25, 2014,
one day before the end of the operation, when the rocket fire from the Gaza
Strip increased, a dramatic fall occurred in the assessment of the Prime
Ministers performance, with only 38 percent giving him a good rating,
compared with 50 percent who rated his performance as not good.10 Two
days later, one day after the ceasefire was announced, a Channel 2 survey
showed a further slide: 32 percent assessed his performance as good, compared
with 59 percent who assessed it as not good.11 This reflects the publics
clear dissatisfaction with the results of the operation. At the same time, a
survey by the Dialog group also conducted on August 27 and published the
following day in Haaretz showed better results for the Prime Minister, with
50 percent of the public satisfied with the Prime Ministers performance,
compared with 41 percent who were dissatisfied.12 It is very possible that the
difference in results occurred because the Channel 2 survey was conducted
on the night of August 26, the day the ceasefire was announced and after
two members of Kibbutz Nirim were killed, while the Haaretz survey was
conducted on the night of August 27, one day after a ceasefire was declared,
when it became apparent that the operation had indeed come to an end. This
explanation, combined with the 18 percent gap between surveys conducted
within one day of each other, bolsters the assertion that the public opinion
roller coaster in the assessment of the Prime Ministers performance in the
operation has not reached its final stop.
An examination of the direct evaluation by the public of Israels
achievements in the operation shows quite a similar picture to its assessment
of the Prime Ministers performance, with wide swings throughout the
operation. In the framework of the INSS National Security and Public Opinion
Project, a survey was commissioned from Rafi Smith at two different points
in time in order to probe this question. In a survey of a representative sample
of the adult Jewish population, the respondents were asked, According
to your impression, as of now, who is winning in Operation Protective


I Yehuda Ben Meir

Edge? In the first survey, conducted on July 27-28, 2014 at the height of
the land-based campaign, 65 percent said Israel was winning, 6 percent
that Hamas was winning, 21 percent answered neither is winning; it is
a draw, and 8 percent had no opinion. Of those expressing an opinion,
71 percent answered Israel, 6 percent Hamas, and 23 percent neither is
winning; it is a draw. Note that in a survey published one week earlier, on
July 22, in Israel Hayom, very similar results were obtained: 73 percent of
the adult Hebrew-speaking said that Israel could point to achievements in
the operation, compared with 4 percent that said that Hamas could point to
achievements, 19 percent who said that neither side had achieved anything,
and 4 percent who had no opinion.13
In the second survey, conducted on August 6 after IDF forces withdrew
from the Gaza Strip, 51 percent of those with an opinion answered that Israel
had won, 4 percent that Hamas had won, and 45 percent answered neither
is winning; it is a draw. The proportion of those said that Israel had won
declined by 20 percent since the first survey. Note that the increase was not
in the proportion of those saying the Hamas won, but in the proportion of
those calling the campaign a draw. Almost identical figures were obtained
in a survey published on Channel 2 a day earlier, when IDF forces were
withdrawing from the Gaza Strip. Asked whether Israel had won, 42 percent
answered yes and 44 percent answered no. Among those expressing an
opinion, 49 percent said that Israel had won, compared with 51 percent
who said that Israel had not won.14 In a survey published in Israel Hayom
at the same time (August 8), very similar results were obtained: 45 percent
said Israel had won, 5 percent that Hamas had won, and 49 percent that
neither side had won.15 To sum up, at this stage of the operation, when the
land-based campaign was over and the ceasefire collapsed, public opinion
was divided on the question of whether Israel had won.
Toward the end of the operation, the publics assessment of Israels
achievements in the operation became more negative. In a survey conducted
on August 11-12, 2014 in the framework of the Peace Index project, 32
percent of the Jewish public expressed satisfaction with the operation, 27
percent expressed disappointment, and 41 percent were in the middle, being
neither satisfied nor disappointed. In answer to the question of whether or
not the governments goals for the operation had been achieved, 44 percent
said they were all or mostly achieved, 48 percent said that only a small
portion had been achieved, and 5 percent said that not a single goal had

Operation Protective Edge: A Public Opinion Roller Coaster

I 133

been achieved.16 When the operation was over, the publics dissatisfaction
with the results became still more prominent. In a survey published by
Channel 2 on August 27, one day after the operation ended, when asked
whether Israel had won, only 29 percent said yes, and 59 percent said no.17
Almost identical figures were obtained in a survey published the next day
in Haaretz. In answer to the question, How would you define the results
of the fighting, only 26 percent answered that Israel had won, 16 percent
that Hamas had won, and a majority of the public (54 percent) answered
that neither side had won.18 Few Israelis believe that Hamas won, but the
feeling that the results had been a draw, what the media called the sour
taste, was shared by a majority of the public. At the same time, here too
it is unclear whether this is indeed the public opinion roller coasters last
stop only time will tell.
Where the third aspect is concerned, i.e., the publics view of the various
alternatives facing Israel and decisions taken by the cabinet and the Prime
Minister during the fighting, the public wanted and expected that Hamas
would be hit much harder, which explains its dissatisfaction with the final
result. At the same time, the public greatly objected to occupation of the
entire Gaza Strip. In the first survey by Rafi Smith commissioned by INSS
and conducted on July 27-28, while IDF soldiers were engaged in destroying
the tunnels in the Gaza Strip, the public was asked how Israel should continue
Operation Protective Edge. Among those expressing an opinion (93 percent
of the sample), 3 percent answered, Halt the operation immediately,
26 percent said, Finish dealing with the tunnels and halt the operation,
43 percent said, Expand the operation and severely damage the military
wing of Hamas, but do not occupy the Gaza Strip, and only 28 percent
answered, Occupy the Gaza Strip and overthrow the Hamas regime. A
survey published by Channel 2 on July 31, when destruction of the tunnels
was nearing completion, showed that the Jewish public was divided over the
continuation of the operation 46 percent supported ending the operation, and
46 percent said, Continue the operation until Hamas rule is overthrown.19
In the second Rafi Smith survey, conducted on August 6 after IDF forces
withdrew from the Gaza Strip, a somewhat similar picture emerged. In
answer to the question of their views of the governments decision to accept
the Egyptian ceasefire proposal and remove IDF forces from the Gaza Strip,
one third (34 percent) supported the government decision, while half (50
percent) of the Jewish public believed it should have expanded the operation


I Yehuda Ben Meir

and severely damaged the military wing of Hamas, but without occupying
the Gaza Strip, and only 16 percent believed it should have occupied the
Gaza Strip and overthrown the Hamas regime (only half of those who
supported this alternative in the first survey).
There is no doubt that the Israeli public is clearly opposed to sending IDF
soldiers to occupy the Gaza Strip. The public has accepted the assessment
that such an operation involves heavy losses on both sides, while its purpose
and advantages for Israel are unclear. At the same time, most of the public
expected far more impressive and clearly visible damage to Hamas, especially
its military wing. There is a feeling that the government did not allow the
IDF to exercise its full capabilities, particularly in the land-based campaign.
At the same time, even on this issue it is not clear whether the last word has
been spoken. It can be assumed that the public opinion roller coasters final
stop will be determined by the length of time there is quiet in the south.


1 Yehuda Ben Meir and Dafna Shaked, The People Speak: Israeli Public Opinion
on National Security 2005-2007, Memorandum No. 90 (Tel Aviv: Institute for
National Security Studies, 2007).
2 Published on Channel 2, A Look at the News, July 24, 2014.
3 Haim Schein, 73%: Israel Achieved More, Israel Hayom, July 22, 2014.
4 Published on Channel 2, A Look at the News, July 31, 2014.
5 Published on Channel 2, A Look at the News, August 3, 2014.
6 Published on Channel 2, A Look at the News, August 5, 2014.
7 Aharon Lapidot, Resilient Home Front in Operation Protective Edge, Israel
Hayom, August 8, 2014.
8 Yossi Verter, Haaretz Survey: The Public is Satisfied with Netanyahu, Haaretz,
August 6, 2014.
9 Peace Index, Tel Aviv University and the Israel Democracy Institute, August 25,
10 Published on Channel 2, A Look at the News, August 25, 2014.
11 Published on Channel 2, A Look at the News, August 27, 2014.
12 Yossi Verter, Hamas Bruised: Support for Prime Minister Plunges 27% in 3 Weeks
Fighting Haaretz, August 28, 2014.
13 Schein, 73%: Israel Achieved More.
14 Channel 2, A Look at the News, August 5, 2014.
15 Aharon Lapidot, Resilient Home Front in Operation Protective Edge, Israel
Hayom, August 8, 2014.
16 Peace Index, August 25, 2014,
17 Channel 2, A Look at the News, August 27, 2014.
18 Verter, Hamas Bruised.
19 Published on Channel 2, A Look at the News, August 30, 2014.

Operation Protective Edge:

Implications for Jewish-Arab Relations in Israel
Nadia Hilou, Itamar Radai, and Manal Hreib
The most recent escalation in Jewish-Arab relations and in the public discourse
in Israel about the Arab community in Israel began with the kidnapping
and murder of three Jewish teenagers in the Gush Etzion area on June 12,
2014. The subsequent kidnapping and murder of an Arab boy in Jerusalem
on July 2, 2014 inflamed the Arab community, and was the catalyst for
a wave of stormy demonstrations throughout Israel that in several cases
developed into violent confrontations with the police. Tension between the
Jewish and Arab communities in Israel, which intensified as the fighting in
Gaza continued over an extended period, brought to the surface feelings that
should be addressed as a basis for policy recommendations to help prevent
a widening of the gap between the communities.

On the Eve of the Conflict

The Peace Index surveys conducted between 2010 and 2014 by the Israel
Democracy Institute, which included questions referring directly or indirectly
to relations between Jews and Arabs, do not indicate a trend of radicalization
among Jews in their attitude toward Israels Arab minority. Close analysis
of cross section responses, however, shows that the attitude of Jewish
youths toward Arabs in Israel harbors more extremism than is estimated to
exist among Jewish adults. It is possible that this finding explains the crude
behavior of some youths towards Arabs. The incitement against the Arab
community in the country is reflected mostly in the social media, a means of
communication especially popular among young people. The escalation that
began with the murder of the boys in the Gush Etzion area was marked by
racism and extreme nationalism directed against Arabs, apparently similar


I Nadia Hilou, Itamar Radai, and Manal Hreib

to the mood on the eve of the events in October 2000 at the start of the
second intifada. Thus in the summer of 2014, a looming question facing
public figures and law enforcement agencies was whether Israel was on the
brink of a third intifada, but this time waged by the Arab citizens of Israel.
Demonstrations and protests occurred throughout Israel. The main national
demonstration took place in Kafr Manda in the Galilee on July 6, 2014,
organized by the High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel. The
themes of this demonstration included protest against expressions of racism
and hatred toward the Arab community, primarily in the social networks, and
against government policy that appeared to tolerate the phenomenon. The
demonstrators demanded that the punitive measures stipulated in the law be
taken against such expressions, and protested against calls to boycott Arab
businesses (which drew only partial support among the Jewish community),
anti-Arab incitement, accusations of lack of loyalty, and calls for collective
attacks and punishment of the Arab community. In other demonstrations
elsewhere in Israel, according to police reports, a total of 108 demonstrators
were arrested, of whom 37 were minors. The Arab media covered these
events extensively, with the coverage and criticism focusing on the inability
of the law and order agencies and the Jewish community in general to cope
with the hatred, racism, violence, and incitement led by the extreme right,
including price tag actions carried out over the past year.
The demonstrations were marked by two principal trends. The leaders
of the Arab local authorities usually acted with restraint. Some expressed
opposition to the demonstrations, and those who supported the protest and
approved the demonstrations tried to maintain a moderate line. Some even
initiated a dialogue with the police and called for restrained demonstrations,
fearing damage to shared Jewish-Arab concerns, especially economic interests.
In contrast, the Arab Knesset members and political parties tried to put
forth a tougher line. Most of them took an active part in the demonstrations,
although the lead was taken primarily by Arab al-khiraq al-shababi groups
(youth movements) and students. The Islamic movements were also linked
to the protest, and held separate demonstrations in Jaffa and Lod, among
other places.

The Outbreak of the Military Conflict

Operation Protective Edge caught the Arab community in the midst of a

wave of protests, demonstrations, and arrests. The operation diverted public

Operation Protective Edge: Implications for Jewish-Arab Relations in Israel

I 137

attention away from the preceding events, but gave the signal for another
wave of protests and demonstrations. The demonstrations that began with
the murder of the Arab boy in Jerusalem became protest demonstrations
against the war in the Gaza Strip and again were held in various places in
Israel. Some of the demonstrations were led by local forces, some by youth
groups, and others by the organized Islamic movements. The nature of the
demonstrations differed from place to place; some were rallies sponsored
jointly by various political and civil forces and movements, while in
other cases separate demonstrations were held in the same area. The High
Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel tried to achieve unity
and lead a uniform line of protest that would include all the political parties
and movements, local authorities, and civil organizations; the latter were
prominent partners, and sometimes the main players, in the ongoing protest.
As the war continued and the number of civilian fatalities in the Gaza
Strip rose, protest among Israeli Arabs increased. The Higher FollowUp Committee declared a general strike and a national demonstration in
Nazareth on July 22, 2014. The number of participants in this demonstration,
which was attended by Arab Knesset members, was estimated at only a few
hundred, although the Arab media reported a much higher number. The
demonstration sparked open tumult, leading to the arrest of 18 participants.
Still, in comparison with previous demonstrations, and judging by the police
response, this was a relatively restrained demonstration, and the strike that
accompanied it in various areas was limited.
Beside broad support in the Arab community for the strike and active
participation in protest activity, quiet opposition was also evident, especially
among business owners, who were anxious about damage to their livelihood
enhanced by continued calls in the Jewish community, including by Minister
of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Lieberman, for a boycott of Arab businesses.
Various groups also attempted to find a balance between protests and peaceful
coexistence, mainly in mixed Jewish-Arab cities and business zones catering
to a mixed audience. The public protest in the Arab community subsided over
the final month of Operation Protective Edge, although heated discussions
about Jewish-Arab relations continued on the social networks, along with
expressions of protest over the military activity.


I Nadia Hilou, Itamar Radai, and Manal Hreib

The Arab Media in Israel and Arab Civil Organizations

Despite the divergent and at times discordant voices among Arab citizens
of Israel, there is a large degree of consensus in the Arab media in Israel
concerning the price tag attacks and slander directed against the Arab
communities in Israel. Media coverage of these actions was extensive, and
they were the chief catalyst for the dissatisfaction and protest that began before
Operation Protective Edge. Bills promoted by the government relating to the
Arab community in Israel were portrayed in the Arab media as discriminatory
and unjust. Among the focuses of protest were the program for settling the
Bedouins in the Negev (the Prawer Plan), and the proposed housing policy
and VAT discount for those finishing military service. Additional issues
included the governments attempt to encourage the enlistment of Christian
Arabs in the IDF, perceived as an attempt to divide the Arab population, and
the bill for force feeding of hunger striking administrative prisoners in Israel.
The police were accused of using unnecessary force in demonstrations
organized by Arabs and the use of different criteria for Jewish demonstrators.
Moreover, the confrontations during the demonstrations between extreme
right wing activists and Arab demonstrators were interpreted as evidence
of the widening gap in Arab-Jewish relations in Israel as a whole. The same
was true of the violence and harsh racist statements on the part of extreme
right wing groups. Layoffs of Arabs accused of making critical remarks on
the social networks, especially manifestation of solidarity with Palestinian
suffering in the Gaza Strip and expressions of pleasure by some at the deaths
of IDF soldiers in the conflict, were perceived as being designed to exclude
the Arab community from the civil and social system in Israel.
In this regard, the Arab media, like other media in Israel and elsewhere,
both reflected public opinion and shaped it. At the same time, exposure in
the media was manifestly different in the Jewish and Arab communities in
Israel. The growing tension between the communities was covered little in
the Jewish media, and most public attention was devoted to the war. If events
in the Arab community were reported, the coverage was usually limited and
focused on radical voices.
Civil organizations and non-profit organizations were also intensively
involved in public discourse and protest actions in the Arab community.
Indeed, these were the main active element during this period. Particularly
noteworthy are the Adala and Musawa organizations, which played a key
role in representing those arrested and providing them with legal defense.

Operation Protective Edge: Implications for Jewish-Arab Relations in Israel

I 139

Together with the Anjaz Society and the Arab-Jewish organization Abraham
Fund Initiatives, these organizations were active in the protest itself. Their
activity, which aimed mainly at the internal Israeli arena, included calls for
a halt in the arrests and for action against the anti-Arab incitement. Calls
were also heard to supply protection and mobile shelters in the Bedouin
area in the south, and to open a war crimes investigation.
In the international theater, a petition was filed with the UN Human
Rights Council requesting a discussion of severe human rights violations
and suspected war crimes carried out in the course of Operation Protective
Edge. Fourteen civil organizations signed this petition. An attempt by a
group of Arab academics to publish a joint opinion by academic, humanities,
cultural, and public figures calling for a halt in the operation was only
partially successful: seventy people signed the petition, including many
Arab lecturers at Israeli institutions of higher learning.

The Economic Background to the Arab Protest

The socioeconomic situation of Arabs in Israel has long lagged behind that
of the Jewish community,1 and the difficult economic background feeds
feeling of discrimination and alienation toward the government and society
in general. Recent statistics indicate:
a. On the average, Arab men earn 60 percent of the salary of Jewish men
and retire earlier from the labor market. Participation in the labor market
among Arab women is especially low: about 22 percent (according to a
personnel survey before the change in the survey in 2012).
b. The employment rate in the 18-22 age bracket, 26 percent, is particularly
c. The incidence of poverty among all persons is 48 percent, compared
with 15 percent in the Jewish non-ultra Orthodox sector.
d. Similar statistics apply for human capital (relating to education and
health). For example, 16 percent of those in the Jewish sector have a
low level of education (grammar school only), against 37 percent in the
Arab sector. A similar trend appears in the figures for higher education:
40 percent in the Jewish sector, versus only 17 percent in the Arab sector.
A 2012 study by Miaari, Zussman, and Zussman found that the events of
October 2000 led to an increase in layoffs of Arab workers.2 The report by
the Committee on Poverty published in June 2014 addressed problems of the
Arab community, and recommended ways of solving them. In particular, the


I Nadia Hilou, Itamar Radai, and Manal Hreib

program devised by Nitsa Kasir of the Bank of Israel and Eran Yashiv of Tel
Aviv University was cited as a basis for a policy program.3 The government
decided to establish a ministerial committee headed by Minister of Science,
Technology, and Space Yaakov Peri to deal with the subject, and the abovementioned program was to be presented at the committees first meeting in
mid-July 2014. The discussion was postponed, however, due to Operation
Protective Edge. The question that greatly concerns the Arab community is
whether the calls for a boycott heard during the war, and the actual boycott,
will have long term economic effects.
The protest among the Arab community, which began before the military
campaign in Gaza, is rooted in longstanding feelings of discrimination that
were exacerbated in the weeks leading up to the military conflict by measures
and statements perceived by the Arab community as reflecting conscious, if
not deliberate, exclusion and discrimination at both the senior government
level and among the general public. The escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian
theater, which touched the national and humanitarian feelings in the Arab
community in Israel, sparked the outbreak of protest, based on frustration
and rage caused by ongoing discrimination.


The behavior of the Arab community during Operation Protective Edge

was marked by a number of principal features. As a whole, the protest was
moderate and restrained. The moderate voices made their voice heard, and
played a significant role in public discourse. The recognition that coexistence
was more important than the protest was widespread and predominant.
Extremist voices were kept in the background, and the general public did
not follow them. Furthermore, the Arab politicians and Knesset members
did not play a particularly prominent role in public discourse; their place
was taken by civil forces, including youth, who made their views known
through the social media. The politicians at the national level were confronted
by local leaders driven primarily by the welfare of their constituents. They
called for restraint and moderation, and they were heeded.
It is not clear whether this general pattern will persist in the future, and
there are various forces with opposing agendas in the Arab community.
At the same time, these groups all share awareness of the socioeconomic
and political distress and discrimination that fed the current protest and are
likely to provide a basis for future protest. Indeed, the public debate of the

Operation Protective Edge: Implications for Jewish-Arab Relations in Israel

I 141

various consequences of the conflict, including its internal socio-political

significance in Israel, is still underway, perhaps particularly among the
countrys Arab citizens.
The effects of the Gaza conflict on Jewish-Arab relations in Israel and
coexistence were shunted aside during the fighting and essentially ignored
in public discourse in the Jewish community. Nonetheless, many questions
continue to trouble the Arab community, and Israeli society as a whole must
be aware of this. The negative phenomena that came into sharp relief during
the operation expressions of lack of tolerance, hatred, and even racism
were mutual between Jews and Arabs, and constitute a threat to coexistence.
The many voices and movements in the Arab community highlight the
need for partnership and dialogue within the Arab community itself in order
to maintain a reasonable standard of living and the possibility of growth
and suitable achievement. They understand the risk of escalation, and are
well aware that the first to suffer from it will be the Arabs themselves. It is
important to encourage this moderate and pragmatic attitude. In any case,
the seriousness of the situation requires understanding and action on the part
of both Jewish and Arab leadership. The following measures are therefore
a. An official binding declaration that a supreme national goal is the attainment
of equal rights and integration of Arab citizens in the daily life of Israel.
b. Promotion of a policy aimed at equal rights through a budgeted multiyear plan that will make a solution in employment, education, and
infrastructure development in the Arab sector a clearly leading priority.
Immediate protection for the Arab home front is also required as part
of the lessons of the Gaza conflict. Such a policy would certainly help
strengthen the moderate element in the Arab community, especially at
the municipal level.
c. A clear attack on anti-Arab racism in the Jewish community. It is best for
this to come from the highest levels (the President and the Prime Minister).
d. A comprehensive program in Jewish and Arab schools to eradicate racism
and recognize the other as having enjoying equal rights. The focus on
youth is essential, and requires systematic thinking and measures with a
high priority. Teaching of Arabic in the educational system and preventing
damage to the status of Arabs in Israel, mandated since independence
was declared, should also be advanced.


I Nadia Hilou, Itamar Radai, and Manal Hreib

There is nothing new about most of these recommendations, and these

essentially repeat what was presented in the Orr Commission report following
the riots in 2000. Most of these recommendations, which were formally
adopted by the government, have not been implemented. It is important
now to begin immediate implementation of the recommendations, taking
into account the conditions that have changed during the decade that has
passed since they were formulated.


1 For a comprehensive description, see Eran Yashiv and Nitsa Kasir (Kaliner),
Patterns of Labor Force Participation among Israeli Arabs, Israel Economic
Review 9, no. 1 (2011): 53101; Eran Yashiv and Nitsa Kasir (Kaliner), Arab
Women in the Israeli Labor Market: Characteristics and Policy Proposals, Israel
Economic Review 10, no. 2 (2011): 1-41.
2 Sami Miaari, Asaf Zussman, and Noam Zussman, Ethnic Conflict and Job
Separations, Journal of Population Economics 25. no. 2 (2012): 419-37.
3 See Eran Yashiv and Nitsa Kasir (Kaliner), The Labor Market of Israeli Arabs:
Key Features and Policy Solutions, Tel Aviv University, 2013, at http://www.

Operation Protective Edge: Economic Summary

Eran Yashiv
This article explores three interrelated issues: economic aspects of Operation
Protective Edge; implications for both the state budget and aid to Israels
southern population; and an assessment of the economic situation in the
Gaza Strip and the prospects for a massive economic program to help solve
the conflict. The first two questions are discussed as a description of the
developments; the third question combines an economic analysis and policy

Economic Aspects of Operation Protective Edge

There are three main aspects to the economic loss: a decline in economic
activity and a loss of output; military expenses incurred in the fighting;
and damage to inventory and property. Injury or death among soldiers and
civilians, and psychological or social effects, which are obviously important,
are not included in the current discussion.

Loss of Output
Operation Protective Edge caused a loss of output as a result of absences from
work (e.g., people serving in the reserves and mothers forced to stay home
with their children), a drop in demand (in particular, internal tourism, foreign
tourism, and dining and entertainment services), disruption of regular activity
(e.g., work stoppages caused by alerts, disruption of supplier operations),
lower productivity, and so on. Small and medium-sized businesses in the
south were hit particularly hard. The partial shutdown of flights to Ben
Gurion Airport also had a negative impact on economic activity.
Israels annual GDP totals NIS 1.05 trillion. GDP averages NIS 4.2 billion
a day for every working day (248 days per year). During Operation Protective


I Eran Yashiv

Figure 1. CDS Spread, September 2013-August 2014

Source: Bloomberg; data taken from Deutsche Bank Research

Edge, there was probably a loss of 10-20 percent of this daily GDP; the 43
working days out of the 50 days of the operation, therefore, imply a total
loss of NIS 18-36 billion, or 1.7-3.4 percent of annual GDP. A more precise
figure is unattainable at present; a clearer estimate will be available in late
2014 with the publication of third quarter national accounts figures by the
Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). According to a CBS report of October
20, 2014, the GDP growth declined by 1 percentage point in 2014. While
this is not a measure of the output loss due to Operation Protective Edge, it
is consistent with the above numbers.
For the sake of comparison, the growth rate now (in GDP) is about 3
percent a year; Israel has then lost about two thirds of its annual growth
for the year. However, this is a one-time occurrence and not a permanent
reduction in the rate of growth.
The capital market reacted somewhat to both the operation and the poor
economic figures that preceded it. For example, the shekel-dollar exchange rate
remained around NIS 3.41 to the dollar during July, but with the publication
in early August of figures indicating a slowdown in the first half of 2014, the
shekel weakened to NIS 3.58 to the dollar in early September. At the same
time, the confidence in the capital market was not affected during the operation.
Figure 1 displays the CDS (credit default swap) spread1 representing the

Operation Protective Edge: Economic Summary

I 145

confidence of overseas investors in the Israeli economy over the past year.
A smaller spread indicates more confidence. The spread increased slightly
during the operation, meaning a drop in confidence, but fell again when the
operation ended. From a year-long perspective, the increase was negligible in
comparison with the large scale downtrend in the spread, indicating a major
rise in confidence. The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange rose at the beginning of
Operation Protective Edge, then fell below the pre-operation level. In late
September, it was 2.4 percent higher than before the operation.

Military Expenses
Estimates of the campaigns expenses that appeared in the media, including
figures cited by IDF officers, ranged between NIS 100 million per day before
the entry of ground troops to NIS 200 million per day during the ground
operation. There were reports of massive, even wasteful, use of ammunition in
certain cases. A cautious estimate for the military costs during the 50 days of
the operation is therefore at least NIS 7 billion, without payment for reserve
days and air force armaments. Estimates by the defense establishment of
some NIS 9 billion and a demand for an NIS 11 billion supplement to the
2015 defense budget appeared in the media. The same reports quoted sources
in the Ministry of Finance, which estimated the costs at NIS 4-5 billion.
For the sake of comparison, the Second Lebanon War lasted 34 days,
and at its end the IDF received NIS 8.2 billion in direct compensation (plus
more in different forms). Operation Cast Lead lasted 22 days and cost NIS
3.8 billion; the Ministry of Finance paid NIS 2.45 billion. Operation Pillar
of Defense lasted eight days, and its cost was approximately NIS 2 billion.
Damage to Inventory Homes and Means of Production
Rockets and mortars hit private homes, public buildings, companies, factories,
and agricultural areas, resulting in loss of capital stock. Losses are difficult to
estimate, because they are necessarily based on damage reports and claims
for compensation with various biases. According to an announcement by the
Ministry of Finance on August 7, 2014, claims for direct damage totaling
NIS 50 million were filed. The ministry nevertheless estimated the indirect
damage at NIS 750 million-NIS 1 billion, and it is unclear whether this
includes GDP damages of the type described above.


I Eran Yashiv

Implications for the Government Budget and Israels Southern

The immediate effect of these developments was an increase in the government
budget as a percentage of GDP. Spending rose, tax receipts fell with the drop
in economic activity, and GDP itself was affected. Even before the operation,
the deficit was a problem that was aggravated by these developments.
Discussions of the 2015 budget were postponed due to the operation, and
the government was forced to deal with the budget in September-October
2014. The first important discussion in the full cabinet took place on August
31, 2014, when it was decided to cut NIS 2 billion from the 2014 budgets of
all government ministries except for defense, increase the defense budget by
NIS 1.5 billion, and allocate NIS 500 million to residents of the communities
around the Gaza Strip. Additional aid for residents of the south over the
next five years was also promised.
Future disputes are expected between the Ministries of Finance and Defense
concerning the budget supplements needed by the Ministry of Defense in
2015 and on a subsequent multi-year basis. There are various aspects to this
problem: the division between the defense budget and the civilian budgets,
the multi-year consequences for the budget, and the consequences of the
government deficit and debt. For example, the Locker Committee, which is
tasked with discussion of a framework for the multi-year defense budget,
will have to include the consequences of Operation Protective Edge in its
The budget approval process is expected to include both professional
disputes, as that between the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Israel,
for example, and political disputes. As of the writing of this paper, it is too
early to know what the effect of the operation will be on the 2015 budget,
not to mention the following years. Aid for residents of the south will be
greatly affected by the decisions made about the defense budget.
Over the years, there has been a significant drop in defense spending
as a percentage of GDP, from over 30 percent in the early 1970s, to 20-25
percent by the mid-1980s, and around 6 percent in recent years. The decline
notwithstanding, according to the World Bank Israel had the fourth highest
rate of defense spending in the world in 2009-13, 5.6 percent of GDP,
behind Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan. For the sake of comparison,
the World Bank figures put US defense spending at 3.8 percent of GDP, and

Operation Protective Edge: Economic Summary

I 147

the UK and France at 2.3 percent, meaning that by international standards,

defense spending in Israel is still high. In order to remain at these levels,
the defense budget must be increased by no more than 3 percent a year,
Israels expected economic growth rate for the coming years, amounting to
an annual increase of no more than NIS 2 billion in 2014 terms.

An Economic Program for the Gaza Strip

Even before Operation Protective Edge, the Gaza Strip was at the bottom of
the global economic totem pole: 1.76 million residents live amidst the third
highest population density in the world 4,800 people per square kilometer.
The infrastructure in Gaza is insufficient, and even in peacetime there are
many halts and disruptions in electric, water, sewage, and other systems;
power outages of 7-8 hours, for example, are a matter of routine. The labor
market is marked by high unemployment: in the Gaza Strip in the second
quarter of 2014 it was 45 percent, compared with 26 percent in the West
Bank. Among young people in the 15-29 age group, unemployment was 58
percent. Under these conditions, there is no possibility of production on a
significant scale. Per capita GDP in the Gaza Strip is around $1,500-1,600 per
year, compared with $3,100-3,200 in the West Bank. On a global scale, the
Gaza Strip ranks 174 out of 223 countries in the World Banks calculation.
In comparison, Israel is 32 on this scale, with a per capita GDP of $36,000
per year. Given these figures, the poverty indicators are predictable: the
incidence of poverty is 39 percent (compared with 18 percent in the West
Bank), with the poverty line being a monthly income of NIS 2,293 per fiveperson household. The incidence of extreme poverty is 21 percent (compared
with 8 percent in the West Bank), with the extreme poverty line being NIS
1,832 in monthly income. It is obvious what standard of living is possible
when per capita income is NIS 400 a month (about $4 a day).
Economic distress frequently drives nations into military conflict or
other aggression. Furthermore, the already desperate economic situation
in Gaza worsened with the change of regime in Egypt, its activity to close
the tunnels and border crossings, and the more stringent border restrictions
imposed by Israel. Indeed, the Gaza Strip has been under a severe closure
regime imposed by Israel and Egypt for a long time. In addition to the general
economic restrictions, financial support for Hamas from Iran and Syria has
waned, and there are problems in paying public sector salaries in Gaza.


I Eran Yashiv

This is the reason why Hamas demands in both the ceasefire negotiations
and the negotiations with Fatah on establishing a reconciliation government
concentrated on the blockade of Gaza and the opening of the economy. The
tunnels to Sinai are the natural response to a state of economic isolation.

The Economic Program

One solution to this situation is a substantial improvement in the economic
situation. If Gazans have something to lose, they will be much less ready to
enter into a conflict. Economic prosperity is likely to reduce the power of
Hamas and other Islamic movements, provided that the economic change is
substantial and carried out by suitable agencies. Minor changes of the type
already tried in the past will not bring about the desired change.
The Gaza Strip has several economic possibilities,2 among them
development of tourism along the coast, development of services (including
entry into hi tech, as has occurred among Israeli Arabs in the north), and gas
production (following the discovery of a significant off-shore gas field in
1999). In the short and medium terms, investment and employment can be
channeled toward development of physical infrastructure and public services.
It is important to stress, however, that a fundamental change means a major
step forward, not merely the easing of the blockade and some opening of
the border crossings. Small steps will not achieve the actual goal, and will
even make the situation worse in the long term. The establishment of new
international mechanisms to implement the change is needed, not handling
by Hamas or Israel. These mechanisms require the agreement of several
countries and international agencies to join together in a serious effort. This
means the establishment of special agencies with professional personnel and
knowledge. If goals and parameters are not stated specifically and concretely,
they will dissolve, and the hoped for turnaround will not take place.
How can this be achieved? The following elements are needed:
a. Repair and construction of infrastructure: Concomitant with the repair
of the ruins from the July-August 2014 attacks, repair of infrastructure
and construction of absent infrastructure should begin. An international
agency, such as the World Bank, can assemble a task force that will
review the situation and establish priorities over time. It can be expected
that Gaza can be brought to a reasonable state of economic infrastructure
within three years (from the start of work), and to a good situation

Operation Protective Edge: Economic Summary

I 149

within 6-8 years, in part by employing local unemployed workers. It is

very important that this mechanism be under international control, use
external specialists, and clearly and transparently publicize its work.
The transparency will promote the change in awareness necessary for
economic progress in the Gaza Strip. Beyond the cost of rebuilding the
destroyed houses and buildings, $800 million-1 billion in infrastructure
investment is needed in each of the next three years, and $500 million
in investment in the 3-5 years following. Reconstruction of the homes
and buildings at a much higher level than they were before destruction
will be a positive step; such action can greatly bolster the populations
support for economic development.
b. Financing: Financing for moving the Gazan economy forward will come
from rich Arab and Western countries. It is very important that there be a
variety of donor countries to share the financing risks and to prevent one
country from taking over the process is important. At the outset, this can
be done through an emergency fund managed by the World Bank. In the
medium and long terms, a special bank can be set up for development of
Gaza on the same format as institutions of this type around the world,
such as those established in Eastern Europe in the 1990s after the fall
of the Soviet bloc.
c. Supervision of inputs: A key question in Israel about the Gaza Strip is
concern that inputs for production can be used for military needs. This
concern notoriously materialized in the use of building materials to create
dozens of offensive tunnels, under conditions of the Israeli closure. This
issue has been solved elsewhere: the World Bank and other institutions
have discovered more than once that aid was reaching corrupt rulers or
self-interested groups, instead of the intended recipients. Mechanisms were
therefore developed for transferring economic assistance, usually in the
form of direct transfer to the recipients, while making receipt contingent
on progress in the projects. Such methods can also be used in the current
case through moderate Arab parties and international agencies. These
mechanisms must also include supervision of the selection of the aid
recipients themselves, which are liable to emerge as targets for control
or influence by Hamas.
d. The political environment: These measures cannot be carried out in the
midst of a cycle of violence. The entry of a UN force into Gaza is necessary,
for example, the type of force stationed in 1992-95 in the countries that


I Eran Yashiv

were formerly part of Yugoslavia, which constituted an international

force making economic activity possible. The active involvement of the
UN, the World Bank, and the Development Bank will include hundreds
of foreigners both soldiers and specialists on the ground in Gaza.
The combination of these functions is essential, as is the transparency
and public reporting of their actions.
The activity of Palestinian Prime Minister Fayyad in the West Bank in
2007-13 is proof that substantial economic progress can be achieved when
professional parties lead the processes. The idea that economic progress
prevents war is deeply rooted in Europe, and was successfully applied in
the second half of the twentieth century, following two world wars in the
first half of the century. The opposite is also true: economic distress leads
to conflict and bloodshed. At the same time, the implementation of these
ideas is highly dubious right now, due to the lack of willingness on the part
of the relevant countries and the fact that they are not initiating this type
of process. Continuation of the economic problems, with all their negative
political consequences, is therefore a highly plausible scenario.


1 The CDS spread is a financial instrument that provides insurance against a default, in
this case on Israeli government debt. The spread is actually the insurance premium. A
higher premium represents a greater risk. Data for the figure was taken from https://$EM&rwobj=CDS.calias&rwsite=DBR_INTERNET_en-PROD.
2 It is obviously desirable that a development process take place in addition and
independently in traditional fields, such as textiles and agriculture, and that there
be a removal of the (strict) export barriers to Israel.

Civilian Settlement: Not Designed to be

a Fortress of Power
David Tal
In addition to the clear benefit provided by the Iron Dome system of preventing
serious injury and loss of life among the Israeli population, the system also
provided the Israeli government with a level of freedom of action that it
would not have enjoyed had the rockets from Gaza caused significant injury
to the Israeli civilian population. One example of this effect was Prime
Minister Netanyahus acknowledgement that his decision to refrain from
sending IDF forces into the heart of the Gaza Strip was facilitated by the
protection provided by the Iron Dome system. Whether justified or not, the
Prime Minister avoided a more extensive ground operation in the Gaza Strip
under cover of Israels effective missile defense system.
Against the background of this important strategic advantage, the
governments weakness vis--vis the settlements of the western Negev,
located in the region referred to as the Gaza envelope, stands out in strong
relief. These settlements sustained heavy fire, particularly mortar fire, and
their residents were forced to weigh continuing to live in such difficult
conditions against abandoning their homes for safer locations for the duration
of the fighting. The longer the fighting went on, the greater was the hardship
faced by the western Negev population, and the louder and more widespread
their protests became. Among other charges, the inhabitants complained that
the government had not assumed the task of evacuating them in organized
fashion from their homes that were under bombardment.
The governments decision to refrain from assuming responsibility for
the organized evacuation of these citizens presumably stemmed in part from
economic considerations, although the Zionist ethos regarding the importance
of settlement to national security also likely played an important role. This


I David Tal

ethos, which has accompanied the modern Zionist enterprise almost since
its inception, is entirely without foundation.
According to the pre-state Zionist ethos, the borders of the Jewish state would
be determined by the settlement map, with Jewish settlements constituting
fortresses of power with military significance for the anticipated clash with
the Palestinian Arabs during the period preceding the establishment of the
state, and with the Arab armies in the course of Israels War of Independence
and during the period following the establishment of the state. These were
groundless premises. First, the borders of the state were not determined by
settlement. The settlements that were established throughout Mandatory
Palestine were in most cases established in areas with a relatively small
Arab population, such as the Western and Eastern Galilee, the Jezreel Valley,
the coastal plain and lowlands, and the northern Negev. Virtually no Jewish
settlements were established in areas containing significant Arab populations,
such as Judea, Samaria, and the central Galilee. In other words, the outline
of the yishuv (the pre-state community) was determined by geography and
demography, not by the intentional mapping of Jewish settlement patterns.
Moreover, Jewish settlements established in regions in which Arabs accounted
for a majority of the population were destined, under the United Nations
resolution on partition, to be included in the Arab portion. These included
settlements such as Kfar Darom and Hanita. In other words, the borders
of the State of Israel as demarcated by partition were determined not by
the settlement map but by existing blocs of Jewish and Arab communities.
During the 1948 War, the Israeli forces conquered areas intended for
incorporation into the Arab state that contained Jewish settlements (e.g.,
Hanita). These conquests did not follow the line of the Jewish settlements,
rather the line of the Arab military formations present in those regions.
Thus, in the course of October-December 1948, IDF forces conquered the
central Galilee, which was then held by the relatively weak Arab Liberation
Army but contained no Jewish settlements whatsoever. At the same time,
a region containing Jewish settlements, such as Kfar Darom in the Gaza
Strip, was not conquered due to the success of the Egyptian forces in the
area in holding off the IDF. Similarly, IDF forces did not conquer the Jewish
settlements that were abandoned in northern Jerusalem and Beit Haarava.
The claim that settlement has played a security role is also without
foundation. The perceived security-settlement-land connection led the Zionist
leadership to decide that even if fighting were to break out as a result of the

Civilian Settlement: Not Designed to be a Fortress of Power

I 153

declaration of the establishment of the Jewish state in May 1948, Jewish

settlements in isolated or frontier regions would not be evacuated. The decision
to refrain from evacuating settlements was based on two main factors: the
argument that the entire country is the front lines and that there was no
place that was not vulnerable to injury, whether in the heart of the country or
in the periphery; and the belief that evacuation would disrupt the very fabric
of life in the yishuv and undermine the resolve of the population. These two
arguments collapsed the moment the Arab invasion began. At this point, a
clear line between the front lines and the home front was established, and
it became evident that the evacuation of frontier settlements neither harmed
the yishuvs fabric of life nor weakened the resolve of the population or of
the yishuv as a whole.
The yishuv leadership, however, had made no preparations for the
possibility of evacuation. As a result, on May 15, 1948, a non-combatant
civilian population, including children, occupied the decisive majority of
the countrys Jewish frontier communities, including settlements such as
Yad Mordechai, Degania Alef and Bet, and the other communities of the
Jordan Valley. The moment that enemy forces began crossing the border,
the evacuation of the non-combatant population from these settlements
began. Because the yishuv leadership had not prepared for this possibility,
the evacuation process involved improvisation and difficulties. At this point,
it also became clear that the evacuation of civilians not only did not harm
the war effort of the Haganah/IDF but actually enabled it to move fighting
forces away from the communities themselves and toward the primary effort
engaged in fending off the invading forces.
Although settlement clearly did not play a significant role in the Israeli
military campaign of 1948, the lesson was not internalized. Instead, the
concept that settlement is important for security continued to exist after
the war as well. It was then that the IDF established its system of regional
defense (hagana merhavit), which was meant to solve a challenging strategic
problem then confronting the State of Israel: the states lack of strategic
depth to allow for sufficient warning in the event of an Arab attack. In this
framework, the frontier settlements were organized to operate as an obstacle
for invading enemy forces and provide the state with artificial strategic
depth until forces of the IDF could make their way to the point of invasion.
However, the logic of the regional defense system was negated from the
very outset, when in September 1949 Prime Minister and Defense Minister


I David Tal

David Ben Gurion announced that from that point on, the IDFs defensive
and offensive formations would be based on attack forces and not on static
defense, as he described it. Yet despite Ben Gurions words, no change was
made to the principle underlying the IDFs approach to regional defense as
a means of holding off a surprise enemy attack, although in practice this
element was now neglected.
The logic underlying the regional defense system appears to have been
more political than military. It was meant to give the inhabitants of frontier
regions the sense that they were militarily protected and to continue feeding the
ethos linking settlement and security. Nonetheless, frontier settlement played
no practical role in the IDFs defensive formations against the possibility of
the invasion of an Arab army. And when such an invasion occurred in the
Golan Heights during the Yom Kippur War, the civilian population of the
region was immediately evacuated. In this way, from both the perspective
of the territory it occupied and the population itself, settlement played no
military role in the war.
The premise that the evacuation of settlements can be interpreted as the
relinquishing of sovereignty is also incorrect. Although objections to Israeli
sovereignty over the territory within the armistice lines agreed upon with the
Arab countries in the course of 1949 were voiced during the first years of
Israeli statehood up to the Sinai Campaign, the situation changed following
the 1956 war and even more so after the Six Day War, after which opposition
to Israeli sovereignty within the territory demarcated by Israels peace borders
(in the case of Egypt and Jordan) and armistice lines (in the case of Syria
and Lebanon) ebbed. After all, the territory along Israels border with the
Gaza Strip and Egypt, and with Jordan the length of the Arava desert, is far
more unpopulated than it is populated. Nonetheless, Israeli sovereignty in
these regions is unequivocal.
Despite Israels many years of experience, the equation linking security
and settlement has still not disappeared. The ethos is stronger than the
reality and has continued to be fed by proponents of the Jewish settlement
enterprise in the West Bank, and the inhabitants of the western Negev are
yet more of its victims. It makes sense to sever the Gordian knot between
settlement and security and to begin to see settlement for what it truly is:
a concentration of a non-combatant civilian population including women,
children, and the elderly. It is also logical to prevent civilians from being

Civilian Settlement: Not Designed to be a Fortress of Power

I 155

placed in harms way, and to cease fearing that the evacuation of settlements
holds significant negative social or political implications of some kind.
Perhaps the evacuation of frontier settlements imbues the enemy with
a sense of victory and accomplishment. Indeed, Hamas spokesmen have
frequently highlighted the departure of inhabitants of the western Negev
as an achievement. However, the benefit of evacuating settlements is much
greater than the ostensible damage it may cause. First, the damage caused to
a civilian population that is not evacuated is much greater than the damage
caused by evacuation not only from a material perspective but from a strategic
perspective as well, as civilian injury may require the government to make
decisions that it might otherwise seek to avoid. Second, in terms of the image
it conveys, a government-conducted orderly evacuation to organized places
of refuge presumably constitutes a strong signal to the enemy, particularly
the civilian population on the other side of the border that does not enjoy
the assistance of government bodies. Based on this calculation, the potential
benefit to Israel of evacuating the civilian population from areas of fighting
is much greater than any image-related damage it may suffer. Moreover,
such an evacuation would enable the Israeli leadership to make operational
decisions related to IDF capabilities and relieve it of the concern for the fate
of a population vulnerable to rocket fire. The Iron Dome achieved the same
result with regard to the Israeli population living far enough away from the
Gaza Strip and provided them with protection. This protection enabled Israeli
decision makers to conduct the fighting in the Gaza Strip without sustaining
a large number of Israeli casualties as a result of rocket fire.
It is recommended to apply this logic as well to the civilian population
that does not enjoy the protection of the Iron Dome system. In the absence
of a missile interception system capable of drastically reducing the damage
and injury caused by the mortar fire and short range rockets that the Iron
Dome system cannot intercept, it makes sense to conduct an organized
and orderly evacuation of the civilian population living in range of these
weapons. To do so, Israel needs to take actions similar to those taken by
Britain during World War II. Based on the experience of World War I, the
British government prepared itself for the possibility that it may come
under air attack and that its civilian population may be vulnerable to injury.
Against this background, the British government drew up organized plans
for the evacuation of non-combatants, especially children. The plans were
put into operation with the onset of the German bombardment of British


I David Tal

cities, and thousands of children were evacuated from the cities undergoing
bombardment. This conceptual model must also be applied to the Israeli
civilian population.
The Israeli government must prepare itself for a situation in which civilians
are exposed to rocket and missile fire by preparing an operational plan for
the evacuation of the population to safer, protected areas. The problem in
making this change is more conceptual than organizational. The civilian
defense systems in Israel, in their various forms, are capable of organizing
such an operation through advance planning and making the necessary
preparations. The true problem is conceptual: the government needs to
abandon the approach that links settlement and security and start viewing
the civilian frontier population as a security and political burden. Ensuring
the security and well-being of inhabitants by keeping then out of the line
of fire would provide the government with the same freedom of action with
which the Iron Dome system provided it during Operation Protective Edge.

Part IV
The Regional and International Arenas
Reviving a Regional Approach
Gilead Sher and Liran Ofek / 159
The Gaza Campaign:
An Arena for Inter-Arab Confrontation
Yoel Guzansky / 167
Operation Protective Edge:
Deepening the Rift between Israel and Turkey
Gallia Lindenstrauss / 173
Egypt: The Non-Neutral Broker
Ephraim Kam / 179
The United States and Israel in Crossfire
Oded Eran / 183
A New Opportunity to Confront the
Delegitimization of Israel
Gilead Sher and Einav Yogev / 189

Reviving a Regional Approach

Gilead Sher and Liran Ofek
Despite the physical demarcation of the zone of the recent military
confrontation between Israel and Hamas, the broader context went well
beyond the geographical area and the ranges of the rockets shot from it.
The operation illustrated the convergence of interests between Israel and
Arab states, chiefly Egypt under Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, which is once again
playing a central and influential role in the efforts to promote a ceasefire.
Moreover, after the operation, Israeli cabinet ministers spoke of the need to
promote a regional initiative, either to achieve a long term solution concerning
Hamas1 and/or as an alternative to bilateral negotiations between Israel and
the Palestinians.2
Has a foundation been created for a paradigm shift from a framework
of bilateral negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians to multilateral
regional dialogue? Israels official stance toward the Arab Peace Initiative,
which is a proposed framework for multilateral engagement, has remained
rather skeptical, and many still see it as a prescription for surrender more
than an invitation to negotiations.3 On the other hand, those who support a
regional format believe that the Arab initiative is meant to leverage interests
common to Israel and some of the leading Arab states (Egypt, Saudi Arabia,
Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates), and that to this end, it should be
reexamined as a framework for negotiations.
The Arab Peace Initiative was announced in 2002, just before Operation
Defensive Shield, and has since been ratified repeatedly at the annual Arab
League summits. The initiative proposed an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict
in exchange for the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank
and Gaza, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and a agreed solution to the
refugee problem. This initiative is not necessarily the only format for regional


I Gilead Sher and Liran Ofek

dialogue. However, Israel ought to announce that with concrete reservations,

it is adopting the principles of the initiative as part of the framework for
negotiations to end the Arab-Israeli conflict in general, and the IsraeliPalestinian conflict in particular.

Hamas as a Regional Challenge

According to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Hamas is an enemy of

any peace-loving entity. Indeed, Hamas has demonstrated this well: beyond
the fact that Hamas fires rockets and mortar shells at Israel, the General
Security Services exposed a Hamas military infrastructure in the West Bank
intended to be used for attacks against Israel and even a coup against the
Palestinian Authority (PA).4 PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has accused
Hamas of working against the Palestinian consensus, of being behind the
abduction and murder of the three Israeli teenagers in June 2014 which
started a chain of escalation leading to Operation Protective Edge, and of
strengthening ties with Muhammad Dahlan, Abbas political rival.5 At the
same time, Abbas presented his independent plan to Khaled Mashal in Doha
to unilaterally establish a Palestinian state and was even reported to have
received Mashals signature on it.6
The current Egyptian regime under el-Sisi sees Hamas, a subsidiary of
the Muslim Brotherhood, as a radical terrorist organization that aspires to
undermine stability at home. Cairo blames Hamas, inter alia, for attacking the
Rafah crossing and abducting Egyptian soldiers in Sinai. During Operation
Protective Edge, Egyptian journalists supported the operation and called for
IDF operations in Gaza to be intensified. Hamas is not even mentioned in
the ceasefire agreement that Egypt brokered, and above all, Cairo recognizes
the PA as the only entity authorized to help the future reconstruction efforts
in Gaza, in coordination with Israel and the international community.7
Saudi Arabia supports Cairos tough stance against Hamas and the Muslim
Brotherhood. In March 2014, Riyadh declared Hamas a terrorist organization8
a decision with direct political implications for the group. Similarly, since
December 2013 Hamas has been an unwanted guest in Jordan,9 and even
Qatari pressure to allow Hamas to reopen its offices in Amman was to no
avail.10 However, unlike Egypt, Jordan expressed concern that the fighting
in Gaza would undermine the stability of the kingdom, and therefore it
allowed demonstrations to enable the disgruntled population to let off steam.

Reviving a Regional Approach

I 161

It would appear that key regional players characterize Hamas according to

their respective local-national interests, and not with a regional perspective.
Thus, for example, Israel used force against Hamas in order to remove
an intolerable threat the organization posed along Israels borders and to
the Israeli civilian population, and Egypt is taking a hard line intended to
preserve stability at home and security on its borders. Jordan and the PA in
the West Bank are acting in kind. Hamas as a current threat could encourage
security coordination between Israel and the countries of the region, but the
coordination on this issue is usually localized and does not set overt regional
processes in motion.
At the end of the day, the support Israel received from the leaders of the
Egyptian-Jordanian-Saudi bloc during the campaign in Gaza was limited in
time, scope, and context. During the first three weeks of the operation, Arab
leaders did not criticize the military operation against Hamas, but strong
criticism developed as the fighting progressed because of the extent of the
death and destruction in Gaza. Thus, for example, Saudi King Abdullah
claimed in early August that the operation in Gaza is a war crime, and his
Jordanian counterpart stated that the extensive harm to the civilian population
contradicted Israels claim that the war was justified. The Egyptian Foreign
Minister also spoke out against continuing what he called the inhumane
blockade of Gaza.11 This criticism primarily lip service, which is also how
Israel relates to it stems from the need of the Arab regimes to appease
public opinion in their respective countries. Obviously, this approach prevents
open regional cooperation with Israel.

Nevertheless, Progress toward a Regional Process

Even before Operation Protective Edge, the last round of talks between
Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization, which took place under
the direction of US Secretary of State John Kerry, deepened the mistrust
between Israeli and Palestinian leaders and between the two societies. The
Netanyahu-led government evinced a lack of confidence in the political
process with the PA, and its actions and statements eroded Palestinian trust
in Israels intentions concerning political progress toward a settlement. In
tandem, Abbas actions and lapses, along with his unilateral international
diplomatic activity, have eroded public support in Israel for the political
process and reinforced the rejectionist image of the PA in the minds of many.


I Gilead Sher and Liran Ofek

In his speech to the UN General Assembly, Prime Minister Netanyahu

addressed certain threats common to Israel and the Egyptian-JordanianSaudi bloc, led by radical Islamic terror Sunni and Shiite and the fear of
a nuclear Iran. The threat of terrorism, according to Netanyahu, is directed
against all religions and ethnic groups, including Muslims.12 This threat
indeed constitutes a sufficiently concrete danger in the eyes of Jordan and
Saudi Arabia, and they have thus joined the US coalition against the Islamic
State (IS). Pilots from these countries, the UAE, and Bahrain are participating
in attacks on the organizations bases and its strongholds in Syria and Iraq.
El-Sisi has also announced that Egypt, even though it is not a member of
the coalition, will do whatever is required to help the forces fighting IS.13
Israel is not participating in the fighting, but it is providing intelligence as
part of the strategic cooperation between Jerusalem and Washington.14 The
Arab involvement in the coalition is also noteworthy against the background
of the US refusal to include Iran in this effort. This refusal is connected in
part to Irans support for the Assad regime and its intentions to develop a
military nuclear program. In the Prime Ministers opinion, this situation
constitutes an opportunity to build an axis for broader regional cooperation
than what has existed until now.15
According to Netanyahu, the active involvement of Arab countries could
lead to a settlement with the Palestinians. However, regional frameworks
such as the Arab Peace Initiative, while they cannot serve as an alternative
to bilateral negotiations, can constitute an incentive to complete them.16
Prince Turki al-Faisal, former head of Saudi intelligence, addressed this
when he noted that Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries would support
an Israeli-Palestinian peace treaty, but that the treaty would be achieved
only through negotiations between Jerusalem and Ramallah. He also added
that Israel could ask to discuss the clauses of the Arab initiative, but would
have to recognize the proposal and show genuine willingness to progress
on the Palestinian issue.17
Indeed, a regional process would presumably not be possible without
genuine progress in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. Therefore, Israel could
announce that in principle, it recognizes the Arab initiative as a basis for
dialogue and as part of the framework for negotiations for ending the ArabIsraeli conflict. In addition, it should consider initiating regional economic
and security arrangements to form an axis based on interests it shares with
Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf emirates, with support by the US and

Reviving a Regional Approach

I 163

the Quartet. In this way, Israel could discuss its reservations to the initiative
with countries in the region, and thus there would also be an opportunity to
formulate points of agreement on graduated solutions to the core issues of
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In this context, a multi-level mechanism for
dialogue with the following elements could follow, specifically:
a. A regional channel: to promote negotiations between Israel, the PA, and
other members of the Arab League on the basis of the Arab initiative or
other regional initiatives and support negotiations on long term settlements.
b. An Israeli-Palestinian track: to promote negotiations with the PA that
would gradually lead to permanent settlements through interim agreements,
constructive independent steps, and partial agreements.
c. An implementation mechanism: to ensure the success of the blueprint for
rebuilding Gaza, implement understandings reached during the negotiations
on other tracks, demilitarize the future Palestinian state, and create a
real change on the ground, while strengthening the moderate Palestinian
leadership, continuing to build the institutions of the Palestinian state,
and rebuilding the economy.


Operation Protective Edge brought to the surface an intriguing set of

interests shared by Israel and Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and
the PA, both collectively and on concrete bilateral bases. Those organizing
themselves along this axis are working, each in its own way, against Hamas,
radical Islamic terror, and certain aspects of the Iranian issue that affect
Israel as well. Nevertheless, the congruence of security-political interests
alone does not indicate that there is a joint regional approach ensuring an
axis for long term multilateral dialogue. At the time of this writing, it is
still too early to say whether the government of Israel will decide to adopt
a regional approach, in whose context significant progress can be made on
the Israeli-Palestinian track.
While the frequent changes in the Middle East create new opportunities,
the ability to take advantage of them depends on whether the leaders, the
centers of power in the region, can set in motion regional political processes
and mobilize their respective constituencies. This is a difficult process,
given the starting conditions: 80 percent of Palestinians support rocket fire
at Israel if the blockade of Gaza is not lifted and 60 percent claim that the
two-state solution is no longer practicable.18 Similarly, there is continued


I Gilead Sher and Liran Ofek

Israeli construction in Judea and Samaria, and bills on annexing territories

or applying Israeli law to settlements in the West Bank have been proposed.
However, in order to ensure a Jewish majority in democratic Israel within
its sovereign territory and block the possibility of a bi-national state while
fighting terror and other threats to Israel, the government would do well to
adopt a sophisticated and creative regional approach.


1 Lapid: Regional Committee Needed for a Long-Term Solution, Maariv, August

31, 2014,
2 Herb Keinon, Liberman to Post: Hamas Removal, PA Vote and Regional Pact
Needed for Peace, Jerusalem Post, August 12, 2014,
3 Ilai Alon and Gilead Sher, Eleven Years to the Arab Peace Initiative: Time for an
Israeli Regional Strategy, Strategic Assessment 16, no. 1 (2013): 21-35, http://
4 Gili Cohen, 93 Hamas Operatives Suspected of Establishing Terror Infrastructure
in West Bank; GSS: They Were Planning a Coup in the PA, Haaretz, August 18,
5 Jacky Khoury, Abbas Attacks Mashal: We Agreed on Reconciliation Government
but You Tried to Stage Coup against Me, Haaretz, September 1, 2014, http://www.
6 C. Zabun and S. Abu Khasin, Sources to [a-Sharq al-Awsat]: Abu Mazen to Devise
Plan with Three Possibilities for Achieving Palestinian State, a-Sharq al-Awsat,
August 30, 2014,
7 Text of Egypts 11-Point Ceasefire Proposal, Times of Israel, August 15, 2014.
8 David M. Kirkpatrick, Saudis Put Terrorist Label on Muslim Brotherhood, New
York Times, March 7, 2014,
9 Elhanan Miller, Jordan Shuts Its Gates on Hamas, Times of Israel, December
17, 2013,
10 Qatar Pressures Jordan to Open Hamas Office in Amman, Middle East Monitor,
April 1, 2014,
11 Ariel Ben Solomon, Israel Not Taking Jordan, Egypt, and the Saudis Belated
Criticism Too Seriously, Jerusalem Post, August 13, 2014, http://www.jpost.
12 Prime Ministers Office, Prime Minister Netanyahus Speech at the UN General
Assembly, September 29, 2014,

Reviving a Regional Approach

I 165

13 Hamza Hendawi, Ian Phillips, and Lee Keath, El-Sissi: Egypt Will Give Any
Support Required in Fighting Against ISIS, Huffington Post, September 20, 2014,
14 Key Partners in the U.S.-Led Coalition against ISIS, Chicago Sun-Times, September
28, 2014,
15 Prime Ministers Office, Address by PM Netanyahu at the Institute for National
Security Studies, June 29, 2014,
16 Walid Salem, All about the Arab Peace Initiative (API) in Questions and Answers,
Center for Democracy and Community Development, May 2012, p. 9.
17 Akiva Eldar, When a Saudi Prince Meets an Israeli General, al-Monitor, May
29, 2014,
18 Khalil Shikaki, Palestinian Public Opinion Poll No. 53, Ramallah: Palestinian
Center for Policy and Survey Research, September 29, 2014, http://www.pcpsr.

The Gaza Campaign: An Arena for

Inter-Arab Confrontation
Yoel Guzansky
The Arab world was never a paragon of cooperation and unity, and the
respective approaches in the region to political Islam, which have become
more distinct since the upheavals of the so-called Arab Spring, have further
eroded the ability of the regions states to come together, even on the IsraeliPalestinian issue, which traditionally garnered much consensus. The division
resulting from differing political and ideological approaches was also evident
during Operation Protective Edge. Not only were many Arab states focused
on domestic problems, but battles for status and prestige and conflicts of
interest among those involved in the negotiations made it difficult to draft
terms for a ceasefire and a new arrangement in Gaza.

The Region and Political Islam

Two prominent camps comprise the regional mosaic today. One, including
Qatar and Turkey, is made up of countries identified with political Islam,
and the other is a coalition led by Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which sees the
Muslim Brotherhood, and Hamas in particular, as a threat to stability and
security. To these latter countries, Hamas beyond the fact that it is a militant
Muslim Brotherhood proxy that entangles the Egyptian regime with Israel,
undermines the rule of the Palestinian Authority (PA), and serves as an
example of Islamic movements ability to seize power is an organization
that collaborated, and to some extent still collaborates, with Iran.1 Thus,
there is evident tension in the position of these countries between hostility
toward Hamas and the ideology it represents and a traditional drive to show
solidarity with the Palestinians. The attitude of the moderate camp toward
Hamas in the recent conflict with Israel was similar to regional responses to


I Yoel Guzansky

Hizbollah actions that led to the outbreak of the Second Lebanon War in the
summer of 2006, which included much criticism of Hizbollahs adventure
that ultimately hurt many Lebanese civilians. Likewise in the summer of
2014, Hamas was accused of acting irresponsibly and harming Palestinian
interests and civilians.
Indeed, from the outset of the crisis, Hamas was the target of harsh criticism
for its conduct and its refusal to accept the terms for a ceasefire formulated
by Egypt. Egyptian and Saudi commentators bemoaned the fact that Hamas
rejected the Egyptian initiative and argued that this caused the deaths of
many Palestinians in Gaza. In their view, in rejecting this initiative, Hamas
was in fact acting in the service of Iranian interests and those of the Muslim
Brotherhood and its allies, Qatar and Turkey. Egyptian Foreign Minister
Sameh Shoukry even accused Qatar (and Turkey) of an attempt to thwart
the Egyptian mediation initiative and commandeer Egypts leading position.
During Operation Protective Edge, Hamas in fact garnered minimal
support compared to its record in previous rounds of fighting with Israel.2 The
damage to its standing in the region was evident even before the outbreak of
the fighting and reflected developments in the region, led by the civil war in
Syria and the change of leadership in Egypt. As a result of the war in Syria,
Hamas lost its stronghold in Damascus, and the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood
government in Egypt denied Hamas Egyptian support. The government of
Abdel el-Sisi strove to entrench Hamas political and economic isolation,
even at the price of prolonging the conflict: the ceasefire terms drafted in
Cairo were such that they would clearly be difficult for Hamas to accept.
While Cairo condemned the escalation of Israeli operations and demanded
that Israel strive for maximum restraint, Egyptian condemnations of Hamas
were no less vehement. Foreign Minister Shoukry stated that Hamas could
have saved the lives of many Palestinians had it accepted the Egyptian
initiative.3 Cairos approach to Hamas was clearly reflected in the terms for
a ceasefire and a new arrangement in the Gaza Strip that it placed on the
regional agenda. Egypt demanded that the economic aid to rebuild Gaza
come from countries sharing Egypts view of the Muslim Brotherhood,
that it be transferred through Egypt and the Palestinian Authority (PA),
and that it be channeled for civilian, not military reconstruction of Gaza.
Nevertheless, as the conflict dragged on, and particularly during the Israeli
ground operation, calls began to be heard in Egypt to relieve the suffering
of the civilian population in Gaza and open the Rafah border crossing.

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This growing popular sentiment propelled the Egyptian leadership to show

greater flexibility in its talks with Hamas. Still, Hamas leaders, particularly
Political Bureau chief Khaled Mashal, were not permitted to enter Egypt to
participate in the negotiations, and the organization was forced to take part
in a delegation headed by a PA official.
Qatar, which has sought to expand its regional influence, and in so doing
has angered various Middle East regimes, played a key role, mainly negative,
in the efforts to promote a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel. As the main
supporter of Hamas, Qatar sought to maintain the organizations rule in
Gaza, which explains the opposition by Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
to the Qatari (and Turkish) ceasefire initiative that accepted most, if not
all, of Hamas terms. In a concomitant drive, Qatar also sought through its
mediation efforts to harm the regional interests of Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
Qatars rivalry with the el-Sisi regime in Cairo and with Riyadh is connected,
first and foremost, to Dohas support for the Muslim Brotherhood and its
proxies in the region.
The US government, which did not take direct part in the ceasefire
negotiations, initially supported the Qatari mediation initiative. US economic
and security interests in the emirate, as well as chilly Washington-Cairo
relations following the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt
in what the administration views as a military coup, formed the background
to this support.
The Cairo-Doha rivalry presented the Hamas leadership with a dilemma:
should it adopt the Egyptian mediation initiative and thus risk the loss of Qatari
aid, or should it prefer the support of the wealthy emirate and incur the risk
that Gaza would be cut off from its Egyptian lifeline? Hamas intransigent
position toward the Egyptian mediation initiative during the campaign was
attributed to Qatari influence over the organization. Nevertheless, and under
heavy Egyptian pressure, Hamas was ultimately forced to accept the Egyptian
proposal when it appeared that the extent of the death and destruction in
Gaza was threatening its very rule. Predictably, Qatar was not pleased with
its inability to influence the ceasefire negotiations as it had hoped or with
the political priority given to the Egyptian political effort.
In addition to the limitations on Qatari influence in the region, the Hamas
leadership was also forced to contend with what appeared to be a small
regional matter regarding the events in Gaza and the Palestinian arena in
general: the instability in Iraq and Syria and the takeover of large parts of


I Yoel Guzansky

these countries by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is at the top of
the political and defense agenda of many states in the region. The Sunni
monarchies in the Gulf seek to stop the progress of radical Islamic forces
in Iraq and Syria as well as in Lebanon and the Maghreb. As part of this
effort, on several occasions forces from Egypt and the United Arab Emirates
attacked Islamic forces in Libya, which enjoy Qatari support.
Saudi Arabias relatively minor interest in the events in Gaza was explained
by its need to concentrate on events beyond its borders. The kingdom is
focused on the challenge to stability in its vicinity from radical Islamic forces
in Yemen and Iraq and on the effort to fend off the danger that domestic
struggles from those countries will spill over into Saudi Arabia. Riyadh
participation was limited to behind-the-scenes support for the Egyptian
political line, which can be interpreted as tacit agreement with Israels
operations against Hamas. Riyadh sees Hamas as a hostile organization,
but it sought to avoid being seen as unsupportive of the Palestinian issue.
Therefore, as occurred more than once in the past, the Saudi king gave a
forceful speech implicitly criticizing Hamas conduct as well as those who
carried out what he called war crimes in Gaza, although he did not mention
Israel by name.4 Even before the ceasefire announcement, Saudi officials
and commentators joined the call for a comprehensive regional political
settlement on the basis of the Arab Peace Initiative.

Toward a Regional Arrangement?

Is inter-Arab polarization beneficial to Israel? The Arab street, like the

rulers of Arab countries, remained largely indifferent to the conflict in Gaza.
The source of this relative apathy is loathing of Hamas and a desire for it to
be weakened, as well as the focus on a political and security agenda that is
not connected to events in the Israeli-Palestinian arena. On the other hand,
the diplomatic proceedings around the attempts to formulate a ceasefire
between Israel and Hamas, and in particular, the difficulty in drafting joint
principles for a cessation of hostilities, reflected the centrality of the power
struggles in the Arab world. A necessary conclusion is that in the future as
well, these power struggles could cause wars to be prolonged, even if this
gives Israel more political and military leeway. However, the rivalries in the
Arab world, particularly between Egypt on one side and Qatar and Turkey
on the other, could hamper the creation of effective leverage for pressuring
Hamas. This danger fits into a regional trend, in which non-state actors play

The Gaza Campaign: An Arena for Inter-Arab Confrontation

I 171

a key role due to the erosion of the power of Arab states, the relationships
among them, and the web of threats in the region.
On the other hand, Israels ability to strike at Hamas military force buildup
will improve if an effort in this direction is made in the context of a regional
political framework that is as broad as possible. Reconstruction of Gaza with
the backing of the moderate Arab states is an Israeli interest: vigorous
joint action to rebuild Gaza will reduce the inflammatory influence of Qatar
(and Turkey) over the organization. In order to promote this interest, Israel
must turn to those countries in the Arab world that are interested in working
for the benefit of the people of Gaza while curbing Qatar and weakening
Hamas. The good news according to Mamoun Fandy, writing in a-Sharq
al-Awsat, is that if Israel wants to strike a grand deal with the Arabs, now
is the time to do itArab states are in their weakest political positions for
a long time, and given their internal political upheavals they are ready to
sign a comprehensive deal.5
While some would say that the division between Arab states and the
weakening of those states is actually an argument in favor of Israels avoiding
agreements, since Israels partners would find it difficult to implement
the agreement and meet their obligations, there is much room between a
comprehensive regional political settlement and a lack of cooperation, and
Israel can utilize this fluid situation. Against the backdrop of the campaign
in Gaza, several political possibilities have become clear that can deepen
ties between Israel and the Sunni-monarchic-secular bloc. Aside from a
common interest in curbing the Iranian nuclear threat, this bloc also shares
the Israeli interest in weakening state and non-state regional forces that are
affiliated with radical political Islam.


1 Zvi Barel, The Victor in Protective Edge: El-Sisi, Haaretz, August 7, 2014, http://
2 Yoel Guzansky and Gallia Lindenstrauss, Operation Protective Edge and a Fragile
Regional Arena, INSS Insight No. 578, July 24, 2014,
3 Roi Kais and Elior Levy, Hamas Demonstratively Bypasses Egypt, Ynet, July
19, 2014,,7340,L-4546333,00.html.
4 Saudi King Abdullah Labels Israeli Offensive against Gaza War Crime, a-Sharq
al-Awsat, August 1, 2014,
5 Mamoun Fandy, No Longer an Arab-Israeli Conflict, a-Sharq al-Awsat, August
11, 2014,

Operation Protective Edge:

Deepening the Rift between Israel and Turkey
Gallia Lindenstrauss
Operation Protective Edge deepened the crisis in relations between Israel and
Turkey, as evidenced in a number of ways. During the campaign, Turkish Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan made very strong statements about Israel,
among them, that Israel has been carrying out systematic genocide against
Palestinians since 1948,1 that Israel has surpassed Hitler in barbarism,2
and that Israel is killing Palestinian women so they cannot give birth.3 In
one instance, Erdogan even indicated that Israel-Turkey relations would not
improve as long as he was in power.4 Furthermore, Ankara declared three
days of mourning over the events in Gaza,5 and demands were voiced that
Turkeys Jewish community apologize for Israels actions.6 Turkish opposition
members did not voice different views from those expressed by Erdogan
and the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), and even accused the
government of failing to match the bellicose rhetoric with practical actions.
In particular, opposition figures again made the erroneous claim that the
NATO radar based in Malatya in eastern Turkey is intended, inter alia, to
provide information to Israel, specifically about what is occurring in Gaza.7
Violent demonstrations were held near the Israeli embassy in Ankara and
the consulate in Istanbul; in turn, the Israeli Foreign Ministry reduced the
diplomatic staff in both cities and announced that Israelis had better avoid
travel to Turkey. There have been calls in both countries to boycott goods
from each other.
Despite its initial hesitation, Israel allowed Turkey to transfer large scale
humanitarian aid to Gaza and transfer wounded Palestinians from Gaza
to Turkey.8 Even though most of the aid was coordinated by the Turkish
governmental aid organization TIKA and the Turkish Red Crescent, also


I Gallia Lindenstrauss

prominent among the organizations that took part in the effort was IHH,
one of the main driving forces behind the Mavi Marmara flotilla in May
2010, an event that brought the tension between Turkey and Israel to new
heights.9 During Operation Protective Edge, IHH even announced that
it was considering sending a flotilla to Gaza, and following the Turkish
presidential elections (apparently it did not want to raise sensitive issues
before the elections) the organization announced that the flotilla to Gaza
would embark during 2014.10
The process of deterioration in Turkey-Israel relations is not new. However,
in late April 2014, in an interview with an American media outlet, Erdogan,
referring to the bilateral friction, stated that an agreement between the two
countries on normalizing relations was expected to be signed in the coming
weeks.11 While measures taken by Turkey in response to the events in Gaza
were not fundamentally different from other manifestations of the increased
tension between the two countries, the scope and severity of the rhetoric
made this crisis especially severe.
Several factors led to the most recent rift in relations. First, there is a
correlation between the state of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in general and
events in Gaza in particular on the one hand, and Turkish-Israeli relations on
the other. Every time there is a crisis between Israel and the Palestinians, and
especially if it is as serious as the crisis in the wake of Operation Protective
Edge, tension increases between Israel and Turkey. For example, in 2002,
then-Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit described the events in Jenin
during Operation Defensive Shield as genocide. In recent years, Gaza
has become a focus of the debate in Turkey about the Palestinian issue. The
close ties between the AKP and Hamas reinforce the Turkish emphasis on
events in the Gaza Strip.12
Second, given the tension between Turkey and Egypt over the ouster
of Egypts Muslim Brotherhood-led government, the initiatives proposed
by Egypt to end the fighting between Israel and Hamas were perceived as
challenges to the initiatives proposed by Qatar and Turkey. Already in midJuly, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and Israeli Foreign Minister
Avigdor Lieberman accused Qatar and Turkey of sabotaging the possibility
of a ceasefire agreement.13 Erdogans criticism of Egyptian President Abdel
el-Sisi, whom he called a tyrant, and of Egypts policy toward Gaza in the
current conflict, led to a rebuke of the Turkish diplomatic representative in

Operation Protective Edge: Deepening the Rift between Israel and Turkey

I 175

Egypt (the Turkish ambassador to Egypt was already expelled in November

Finally, the proximity of the Turkish presidential elections, which were
scheduled to take place on August 10, 2014, provided fertile ground for
Erdogans harsh comments about Gaza in election speeches around the
country. Erdogan, who needed more than 50 percent of the vote in order to
be elected in the first round of the elections, chose to highlight this topic,
on which there is a broad consensus in Turkey and which is identified with
his term as Prime Minister: milestones in the deterioration of Israel-Turkey
relations in connection with Israeli policy toward Gaza were the incident
between Erdogan and then-Israeli President Shimon Peres during the World
Economic Forum in Davos in January 2009 as well as the Mavi Marmara
Hamas ultimately accepted Egypt as the principal mediator, evidence
that in this round of conflict, Turkey was at a disadvantage.15 Furthermore,
it appears that Turkey is playing second fiddle in relation to Qatar as well.
Yet another indication of Turkeys limited influence over diplomatic events
in the Middle East was the fact that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
skipped Ankara during his shuttle diplomacy in the region to promote a
ceasefire.16 On the other hand, it appears that US Secretary of State John
Kerry attributed greater importance to the mediation efforts of Qatar and
Turkey and included their Foreign Ministers in a meeting he convened in
Paris in late July in an attempt to end the fighting.17
During Operation Protective Edge, the influence of Turkish policy on
Israels calculations was limited, and if Qatar and Turkey indeed successfully
sabotaged the ceasefire agreement at the start of the campaign, the influence
was essentially negative. While many in the West dismissed the Turkish
rhetoric as excessive, it nevertheless perhaps contributed to a general line
of condemnation of Israel.
In contrast, Turkish policy toward Gaza in recent years has had a much
greater impact. Many of the Israeli restrictions on the passage of goods
to Gaza were eased after the Mavi Marmara crisis and as part of the talks
between Turkey and Israel intended to resolve the crisis. In addition, based
on the conclusions of the Turkel commission, which investigated the events
surrounding the flotilla, a change was made in procedures for documenting
and investigating IDF operations that are likely to engender international
criticism.18 Presumably these changes also had practical manifestations in the


I Gallia Lindenstrauss

nature of the actions during Operation Protective Edge. Moreover, decision

makers in Israel cannot ignore the threat Erdogan made in 2011 (even if it is
not likely to be carried out) that next time, a humanitarian flotilla to Gaza,
such as the one currently organized by IHH, will be escorted by ships from
the Turkish navy.
The deterioration in Israel-Turkey relations against the backdrop of
Operation Protective Edge raises certain questions about the general claim
that mutual dependence, especially on economic issues, will curb major
deterioration in relations. In the year prior to Operation Protective Edge, the
volume of trade between Turkey and Israel was some $5 billion (compared
to about $3.5 billion in 2012), and if not for the operation, it would have
likely reached a new high. Turkish Airlines, which operated between seven
and eight daily flights to Ben Gurion Airport (making it the largest foreign
air carrier at the time from this airport), canceled two daily flights in the
aftermath of the campaign, as fewer Israelis were now willing to fly through
Turkey because of the hostile atmosphere in the country toward Israel.19
During the operation, the Turkish energy minister announced that talks
between Turkey and Israel on the option of natural gas exports from Israel to
and from Turkey were frozen for now.20 In light of the volume of economic
activity between the two countries, one might have expected that the public
debate in both nations would include more moderate voices, but in fact, there
were no prominent voices contradicting the dominant hostile discourse.
In conclusion, despite the many efforts undertaken in recent years to
rehabilitate Israel-Turkey relations, it appears that the crisis, which deepened
against the background of the campaign in Gaza, has struck a heavy blow
to relations, and it is currently not clear how this can be overcome. The
latest crisis may be especially serious because of the tumultuous relations
between Israel and Turkey in recent years, which deprived Jerusalem and
Ankara of the stable foundation that could be relied on to reduce tension.
Israel in 2014 was more steadfast in its refusal to accept Turkish mediation
efforts than in similar cases in the past. That being the case, it appears that
unless a fundamental and positive change occurs in the situation in Gaza, the
subject will continue to be a focus of considerable tension between Israel and
Turkey, and bilateral relations will not return to the path of normalization.

Operation Protective Edge: Deepening the Rift between Israel and Turkey


I 177

1 Ariel Ben Solomon, Erdogan Accuses Israel of Attempting a Systematic Genocide,

Jerusalem Post, July 18, 2014.
2 Gulsen Solaker and Jonny Hogg, Turkish PM Erdogan Says Israel Surpasses
Hitler in Barbarism, Reuters, July 19, 2014.
3 Tulin Daloglu, Erdogan Uses Gaza as a Campaign Tool, al-Monitor, August 4,
4 Serkan Demirtas, Turkey-Israel Ties Can be Worsened Further, Hurriyet Daily
News, July 19, 2014.
5 In Rare Move, Turkey Declares Three Days of Mourning for Gaza, Hurriyet
Daily News, July 21, 2014.
6 Roy Yerushalmi, Turkish Jews Urged to Apologize for Israeli Killing of Muslims,
Ynet, July 17, 2014.
7 Despite Foreign Ministry Denial, CHP Insists Turkeys Kurecik Serving Israel,
Hurriyet Daily News, July 21, 2014.
8 Foreign Ministry Opposes Turkish Red Crescent Request to Bring Aid to Gaza,
Ynet, July 25, 2014.
9 Thus, for example, in a telethon, the IHH raised some $5.5 million for the residents
of Gaza. See Fatih emsettin Ik, Envoy to Qatar: Two Countries in Solidarity
with the Gazan People, Daily Sabah, August 12, 2014.
10 Turkeys IHH to Send New Flotilla to Break Gaza Blockade, Daily Sabah, August
11, 2014.
11 Erdogan: Reconciliation Agreement with Israel Expected to be Signed in Coming
Weeks, Haaretz, April 29, 2014.
12 For more on this see Gallia Lindenstrauss and Sfyan Kadir Kvam, Turkish-Hamas
Relations: Between Strategic Calculations and Ideological Affinity, Strategic
Assessment 17, no. 2 (2014): 7-16.
13 Turkey Spars with Egypt over Failed Gaza Cease-Fire Bid, Todays Zaman, July
18, 2014.
14 Egypt Summons Turkish Envoy over Erdogan Slur, al-Jazeera, July 26, 2014.
15 Gokhan Bacik, The Turco-Egyptian Feud and the Palestinian Crisis, Todays
Zaman, July 20, 2014.
16 Lale Kemal, Turkeys Foreign Policy in Serious Disarray, Todays Zaman, July
23, 2014.
17 Barak Ravid, Kerrys Latest Cease-Fire Plan: What Was He Thinking? HaaretzBlog,
July 27, 2014.
18 Goldstone 2? No Need for Alarm; IDF Acted Appropriately, NRG, August 13,
19 Itay Blumenthal and Danny Sadeh, Turkish Airlines Reducing Activity in Israel,
Ynet, August 8, 2014.
20 Turkey Rules out Energy Alliance with Israel until Gaza Peace: Minister, Hurriyet
Daily News, August 4, 2014.

Egypt: The Non-Neutral Broker

Ephraim Kam
In the end, it was Egypt that headed the negotiations for a ceasefire agreement
between Israel and Hamas, and perhaps it will also lead the discussions
about an arrangement in the Gaza Strip. Although Egypt has been a mediator
between Israel and Hamas in the past, this time its involvement could not be
taken for granted. Preoccupied with domestic problems, Egypts standing
in the Arab world on the eve of Operation Protective Edge was at a low
point, and there were other candidates to lead the negotiations: the United
States, Turkey, and Qatar, and perhaps the Palestinian Authority (PA). Most
importantly, Hamas did not want Egypt as a mediator because it believed
correctly that Egypt was hostile to it, that the Egyptian position was
biased in favor of Israel, and that Egypt was an interested party and not a
neutral mediator. For these reasons, Hamas announced at an early stage of
the negotiations that it did not recognize the Egyptian ceasefire initiative
and would not accept Egypts proposals.
Despite these difficulties, Egypt led the negotiations to their conclusion
in the first stage, with three factors contributing to this outcome. First, the
other candidates for leading the talks were out of the picture. Other than
Hamas, no relevant player wanted Turkey and Qatar as mediators, and the
US administration preferred to support Egypt and assist it behind the scenes,
especially since others the Arab League, Saudi Arabia, the PA, and Israel
supported it. Second, Hamas needed the ceasefire urgently, and in the
absence of alternatives, it had no choice but to accept Egyptian mediation,
in spite of what from its point of view were decided disadvantages. Third,
since the Gaza Strip borders Egypt and the geographical connection has
central importance in the talks, it would have been impossible to reach an
agreement without Egyptian participation.


I Ephraim Kam

Egypt had its own interest in leading the talks and reaching a settlement.
It was important for Egypt to act as mediator to improve its standing in the
Arab world, restore its position of influence, and strengthen President elSisis domestic status as the element addressing the Palestinian problem and
stabilizing the region. It was even more important for Egypt to influence the
arrangement in the Gaza Strip in accordance with its own interests, given
the connection between the situation in Gaza and the security problems in
the Sinai Peninsula.
For Egypt, there is a twofold consideration concerning the arrangement in
Gaza. On the one hand, Egypt seeks to rein in Hamas as much as possible. The
Egyptian regime views the group as a terrorist organization associated with
the Muslim Brotherhood that endangers Egypts security, especially in Sinai,
and damages Egypts efforts to rebuild its economy. For this reason, Egypt
has banned Hamas activity on its territory, including activity by associations
and institutions connected to the organization and acceptance of funding from
the organization. This is also the reason why Egypt closed the Rafah border
crossing between the Gaza Strip and Sinai after Hamas seized power in Gaza
in 2007, and made its reopening conditional on the PAs return to power in
Gaza. From Egypts perspective, opening the crossing means recognizing the
Hamas government in Gaza, giving Hamas strategic depth by means of Sinai,
and strengthening the Muslim Brotherhood. During Operation Protective
Edge, Egypt allowed only limited openings of the crossing for humanitarian
purposes, mainly to transport the wounded and bring in medicine and food.
More importantly, much more than its predecessors, the current Egyptian
regime is working to destroy the smuggling tunnels on the border with
Gaza. While Egypt identifies with the suffering of the people in Gaza and
is committed to helping the Gaza population, it distinguishes between the
people and the Hamas leadership, which it perceives as an enemy. During
Operation Protective Edge, some elements in Egypt even took a positive
view of Israels efforts to strike Hamas and blamed the organization for
causing the deterioration in the situation.
During the ceasefire negotiations, Egypt took advantage of Hamas weakness
and distress to dictate terms that were not acceptable to the organization.
Thus, Egypt did not allow several Hamas leaders, in particular Khaled
Mashal and Ismail Haniyeh, to come to Cairo for the talks and preferred to
conduct the negotiations with Mousa Abu Marzouk, who lives in Cairo and
has a relationship with the Egyptians. In general, Egyptian proposals on the

Egypt: The Non-Neutral Broker

I 181

contents of the arrangement were closer to the position of Israel, which in

principle was also ready to accept them, than that of Hamas.
Egypts second consideration concerns the PAs status in the Gaza Strip.
From the outset Egypt demanded that the PA head the Palestinian delegation
to the ceasefire talks and that the discussions with the delegation be conducted
through the PA. More importantly, in order to prevent smuggling of arms
and materials that could be used to enhance the rocket industry or dig
tunnels, Egypt insisted that the opening of the Rafah border crossing as part
of the easing of restrictions on Hamas be made conditional on PA security
control of the crossing, and Hamas was forced to accept this condition. The
Egyptian regimes interest in strengthening the status of the PA in Gaza and
ultimately returning it to power there reflects its perception that Hamas is a
threat to Egypt, its view that the PA is the authorized representative of the
Palestinian people, and the assumption that consolidating the government
in the West Bank and Gaza under the PA and weakening Hamas are crucial
for promoting a solution to the Palestinian problem.
To Egypt, the most desirable arrangement would apparently be to
demilitarize Gaza in exchange for its reconstruction. Even if no such
arrangement is agreed on and apparently the chances are slim Egypt
will do its best to block the arms smuggling routes through Sinai and the
sea and from Sudan and Libya into Egypt, while taking advantage of the
destruction of the Hamas military infrastructure during Operation Protective
Edge and the difficulty in rebuilding it. At the same time, Egypt is likely to
actively help rebuild the civilian infrastructure destroyed in Gaza and raise
money from abroad for this purpose.
Despite the hostility between Egypt and Hamas, both sides consider
improved relations to be of fundamental importance. Hamas has a significant
interest in rehabilitating its relations with Egypt for several reasons. Opening
the Rafah crossing depends on Cairo, and Hamas connection to Egypt is the
critical economic route for the movement of people and goods to and from
Gaza, especially since it lost Israel as its main source of employment. On
the other hand, Egypt also has an interest in binding Hamas to itself again in
order to moderate the organizations approach to the PA and Israel, prevent
another Hamas military conflict with Israel, cut it off from the Muslim
Brotherhood, and sever its ties to states like Iran, Syria, Turkey, and Qatar.
In addition, Egypt has an interest in leading the reconstruction of Gaza. It is
therefore possible that Hamas, because of its distress, its political isolation


I Ephraim Kam

in the Arab world, its damaged relations with traditional allies such as Iran
and Syria, and its need for substantial outside financial aid to rebuild Gaza,
will seek ways to build a closer and more balanced relationship with Egypt.
Egypts position toward Operation Protective Edge also reflects the
current regimes relations with Israel. For several reasons, the security
ties between the two countries are closer than in the past and are certainly
stronger than when the Muslim Brotherhood was in power. First, Egypt is
concerned by the wave of terrorist attacks it is suffering, particularly in the
Sinai Peninsula, and it sees Hamas as the Muslim Brotherhoods partner
in these attacks. Egypts view of Hamas as an enemy, or at least a threat,
has created a common Egyptian-Israeli interest, which was reflected in
the Egyptian aim in mediating the ceasefire: to weaken Hamas, reduce its
capabilities, and if possible, restore the PA to the helm in Gaza. Second,
Israel is helping Egypt strengthen its control of Sinai, including through
willingness to allow Egypt to position larger military forces there than is
stipulated in the military appendix to the peace treaty. And third, Israel has
attempted to help Egypt in Washington with the delay in the shipment of
weapons by the US administration in response to the ousting of the Muslim
Brotherhood government in Egypt.
However, the regime in Egypt also feels it has an obligation to consider
the mood in the country concerning the Palestinians, which is not excessively
sympathetic to Hamas but shows great sensitivity to the suffering of the
Palestinian population in Gaza and anger at Israel. For this reason, the
regime publicly expresses its attitude toward Hamas but plays down security
coordination with Israel. Moreover, Egypt still considers it very important
to progress in solving the Palestinian problem, which the regime sees as
the key to a fundamental and open improvement in its relations with Israel.
Thus as long as there is no progress on the Palestinian track, despite the
improvement in security coordination and President el-Sisis more positive
attitude to Israel, the Palestinian issue will continue to trouble IsraeliEgyptian relations.

The United States and Israel in Crossfire

Oded Eran
The dilemmas facing the US in the Middle East since Barack Obama entered
the White House, and certainly since the Arab Spring began, resurfaced clearly
during Operation Protective Edge. The first dilemma concerns relations
between Israel and the United States. Since Hamas took over the Gaza Strip
in 2006, Israel has launched three military campaigns against the terrorism
and rocket fire emanating from the area. The first, Operation Cast Lead,
ended a few hours before President Obamas inauguration in January 2009;
this was apparently a factor in timing the end of the operation. Operation
Pillar of Defense occurred in November 2012, at the end of Obamas first
term, while the third campaign, Operation Protective Edge, took place nearly
midway through his second term.
During the recent conflict, the Obama administration reiterated consistently
that Israel has the right to defend itself, while at the same time demanding
vociferously that Israel refrain from harming innocent civilians in the Gaza
Strip. Indeed, a degree of hardening in the American attitude to civilian
casualties was discernible, which can be attributed to the number of casualties.
During the week-long Operation Pillar of Defense, 180 people were killed
in Gaza; in contrast, Operation Protective Edge continued for 50 days and
over 2,200 people in Gaza were killed. Schools and other civilian facilities
used as a base for rocket fire against Israel were used by Gaza civilians as
shelters; for its part, Israel had no choice but to attack these launch sites.
However, official US statements such as the one issued on August 3, 2014
stating that the United States is appalled by todays disgraceful shelling
outside an UNRWA school in Rafah aroused much anger in Israel that will
be difficult to assuage.


I Oded Eran

Furthermore, during the recent conflict the US took measures that had
not been used for many years. Washington suspended a shipment of military
equipment to Israel, albeit for a few days only. In the course of his six years
in office, and even though relations with the Israeli government and Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have been tense if not stormy on more than
one occasion, President Obama has reiterated the US commitment to Israels
security. However, when Israel embarked on a military operation whose
justification the US did not dispute, the President had recourse to a measure
that was absent from US-Israel relations for over three decades. Some have
also cited the decision by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
to ban flights by US airlines to Israel for security reasons as a signal of
the administrations dismay at the force of Israels operation in Gaza. This
author, however, is inclined to believe that the decision was motivated by
professional and safety reasons only.
The conflict in Gaza also focused renewed attention on US-Egypt relations.
These relations are not strictly bilateral, as there is a triangular relationship
between Israel, Egypt, and the US. The countries considered the partners
of the US in the Middle East, led by Israel and Egypt, were disappointed,
if not disturbed, by the abandonment of Egyptian President Husni Mubarak
during the internal conflict in Egypt in 2011 that led to his overthrow.
They subsequently watched with dismay what they regarded as American
indifference to the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt and
the vocal criticism in Washington of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah elSisi, who was elected following the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood
government, and his efforts to suppress the opposition in Egypt.
For its part, Israel did not conceal its satisfaction with the coup that
returned the Egyptian military to the Cairo helm, and the armys determination
to fight terror cells in Sinai and rein in the tunnel activity between Sinai
and the Gaza Strip. Israels lobbying in Washington on behalf of the oldnew regime in Egypt is well known. Israel and Egypt find themselves on
the same side against Hamas, and Israel prefers Egypt-led mediation with
Hamas over any other mediation including mediation involving the US.
Although US involvement in the ceasefire outline proposed by Qatar and
Turkey was minor, the American administration was expected to evince
more understanding for Israels sensitivity certainly with respect to Turkey,
as Erdogan, Turkish Prime Minister at the time, made particularly vitriolic
statements against Israel during the operation. The divergent Israeli and

The United States and Israel in Crossfir

I 185

American responses to the proposal by Turkey and Qatar, some of which

were aired publicly, were especially sharp, indicating the frayed nerves on
the two sides regarding their relationship.
The grating tones were not directly related to the dispute about Israels
policy on Gaza and Hamas. There has virtually never been an Israeli military
operation in which the US did not vacillate between support in principle for
Israels right to defend itself and criticism of Israel for civilian casualties and
damage to civilian targets. However, American criticism of these or other
aspects of Operation Protective Edge may well have been related to the
frustration of the Obama administration vis--vis Israel, especially during
the nine months ending in late April 2014, in which US Secretary of State
John Kerry made an effort to jumpstart substantive negotiations toward an
agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. The Americans did not hide
their opinion that the principal, if not exclusive, blame for the failure of the
talks lay with the Israeli Prime Minister. Furthermore, Washington is still
trying to use the end of the fighting as leverage to restore the Palestinian
Authority (PA) to power in the Gaza Strip. It can be assumed that the
American administration expected Israel to provide PA President Mahmoud
Abbas with a diplomatic bridge in the form of willingness to compromise
in the West Bank, which Abbas can use as a springboard toward power in
the Gaza Strip. The Israeli government, however, hastened to make clear
to the administration that it saw matters differently. Moreover, the speeches
by Abu Mazen and Netanyahu at the UN General Assembly in September
2014 have given a new negative twist to the situation, and an immediate
return to talks is highly unlikely.
Even without events in the Gaza Strip, the American administration faces
a dilemma over how to handle Palestinian political measures designed in part
to fill the political vacuum created following the most recent round of talks.
If implementation of Palestinian or other political initiatives depends on a
resolution by the UN Security Council, the US will have to decide whether to
cast a veto or allow resolutions to pass, thereby becoming milestones and/or
stumbling blocks in the political process between Israel and the Palestinians.
There may be other questions involving American efforts to deter various
Palestinian initiatives regarding international organizations that are not
directly related to a vote in the Security Council. The views of Israel and
the US on issues relating to reconstruction in the Gaza Strip, such as Israels
involvement in the establishment of international mechanisms, supervision


I Oded Eran

of these mechanisms, and the use of equipment and raw materials used by
Hamas in building tunnels, are also liable to affect relations between the
two countries.
The US could not have prevented the formation of an investigative
committee by the UN Human Rights Council, but it can, should it choose to
do so, use its weight to influence other UN forums to limit the damage that
the expected report is liable to cause Israel. In the past, Congress pressured
the administration in this direction through its authority to approve budgets
for US participation in various international organizations. The accumulation
of hostile activity against Israel in international agencies is liable to put this
issue back on the agenda, and serve as the background for a confrontation
between the current administration and Congress.
There is no proof that the responses and reactions by the US and Israel
are affected by considerations related to the negotiations on the Iranian
nuclear issue. These negotiations are continuing, and it does not appear that
the US is exerting pressure on Israel to refrain from crushing the military
infrastructure of Hamas, Irans ally. No activity in the Gaza military campaign
by either Israel or Iran can be cited as designed to send a specific message
to each other. Israels actions during Operation Protective Edge do not give
much indication to how it will act if the current negotiations do not lead to
a suspension of Iranian nuclear activity. On the other hand, the regime in
Tehran has made no threat or taken any other action against Israel and/or
the US suggesting linkage in Irans view between the nuclear negotiations
and events in Gaza.
The events in the international arena that were unrelated to the conflict
between Israel and Hamas were instrumental in preventing further deterioration
in Israel-US relations. The violent confrontation in Ukraine between the
government and pro-Russian elements and the extension of control by the
Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) will continue to occupy the American
administration in the coming months. The increased American involvement
in the struggle against ISIS eased the tension between Washington and
Jerusalem. The disagreements that caused that tension, however, even
before the outbreak of fighting in Gaza, have not dissipated. The end of
negotiations with Tehran in late November 2014 on Irans nuclear program
is liable to ignite the dispute on this issue between Israel and the US anew.
Political initiatives involving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, even if they do
not originate with the US, such as a Palestinian approach to international

The United States and Israel in Crossfir

I 187

agencies and institutions could also restore the Israeli-American differences

to the headlines.
The three military operations conducted by Israel in Gaza since Hamas
seized power have not solved the main questions political, military, and
economic in that area. In the absence of a long term arrangement in
Gaza, a renewed outbreak of hostilities is very likely. At this stage, Israel
finds relief in its dialogue with Egypt on security matters of interest to both
countries and in the role Egypt is playing in reaching a stable ceasefire.
Israel can expand this dialogue to include Jordan, which has an interest in
weakening the Muslim Brotherhood in its own territory. While the value of
this identity of interests with Jordan and Egypt as far as Gaza and offshoots
of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood movement are concerned should not
be underestimated, their life span should not be overestimated, either. Both
Egypt and certainly Jordan will need the cover of an ongoing political
process between Israel and the Palestinians to sustain their cooperation with
Israel. This assessment is also valid for the Gulf states and the concerns they
share with Israel as a result of Irans nuclear project.
Such a partnership, as far as it goes, also depends on the Arab sides
perspective of the relations between Israel and the US. Outside observers
cannot ignore the erosion in Israel-US relations, relations that constitute a
key element in any version of Israels security concept. Israel cannot afford
further decline in these relations. President Obama will remain in the White
House for more than another two years. This is a long period by any standard,
especially in a dynamic region undergoing upheavals at an increasingly fast
pace. Extra effort is therefore required to renew the dialogue between the two
countries at the highest levels, even though the difficulty of this task is clear.

A New Opportunity to Confront the

Delegitimization of Israel
Gilead Sher and Einav Yogev
During Operation Protective Edge, the Jewish community of Rome awoke
one morning to anti-Semitic graffiti sprayed on the walls of the city. Posters
in the streets proclaimed that a boycott of every type of Jewish product and
merchant is fundamental to stopping the slaughter in Palestine, because
every Jewish-owned industry, factory, and business earmarks a percentage
of its sales for Israel to supply it with weapons and continue to kill those
who have a right to live in their own homeland. The posters listed some
forty businesses clothing stores, butcher shops, restaurants, bars, and
hotels that, it was claimed, have Jewish owners and should be boycotted.1
The Rome incident is one of many such cases that occurred against the
backdrop of the recent military campaign in Gaza. A report by the AntiDefamation League found that 51 percent of the anti-Semitic incidents
in July showed a direct connection with Operation Protective Edge. The
report, which compared the responses around the world over the summer
of 2014 with those during Operation Cast Lead in 2009, claims that there
is a substantive deterioration with regard to attitudes to Israel. In addition,
many pundits argue that this time, the waves of anti-Israel boycotts and
protests expanded, reflected in violent incidents, speeches spewing hatred,
and attacks against Jews,2 as well as participation by hundreds of thousands
in the consumer boycott of Israeli products in general and products from
the settlements in particular.3
On the other hand, during the seven weeks of fighting in Gaza, other
than a small number of condemnations and scattered calls for a ceasefire,
the international community allowed Israel relative freedom of action. The
conflict between Russia and Ukraine on the one hand and the campaign by


I Gilead Sher and Einav Yogev

the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) on the other dominated international
attention. However, the relative quiet on the diplomatic front during the
fighting could mislead those who do not look beyond the actual military
campaign against Hamas. The European Union, Israels largest trading
partner, announced that it is considering a general boycott of products from
Israel if their origin is not displayed in advance;4 prominent allies such
as Great Britain and Spain announced during the fighting that they were
weighing the continued export of weapons to Israel; Israeli participation in
some international festivals was canceled;5 Israeli tourists were ejected from
restaurants and tourist sites in disgrace, and in some cases, were removed
from such sites in order to protect them from hostile elements;6 and overall,
the consumer boycott of Israeli goods was expanded, particularly in Europe.7
Furthermore, after Operation Protective Edge, Mahmoud Abbas joined the
already unsettled atmosphere with his old-new program, whose second and
third phases deal with the possible failure of the negotiations or a moratorium
on talks. In the second phase of the plan, the Palestinian Authority (PA) and
Arab League countries will appeal to the UN Security Council and demand
that it order Israel to evacuate Palestinian territory within three to five years.
In the third and final phase, the PA will join all international institutions,
sign the Rome Statute, which created the International Criminal Court in
The Hague, and file a claim against Israel and its leaders. This Palestinian
unilateral approach has already eroded Israels status with Britains House
of Commons voting in mid-October, 274-12, in favor of a symbolic motion
that stands as an initial stage of UK recognition of a Palestinian state and a
similar declaration by the Swedish Foreign Minister.
Clearly, the latest round of fighting with Hamas heightened the challenges
facing Israel in the political-diplomatic, media, economic, and legal arenas.
The increasing pressure indicates that legitimate criticism of Israeli government
policy by the international community is slowly evolving into measures to
influence Israels conduct and its decisions as a sovereign democratic state.
During and after Operation Protective Edge, those driving the campaign to
delegitimize Israel viewed Israels gradually eroding international status
with much satisfaction. The campaign to delegitimize Israel inevitably
limits Israels political and military room to maneuver, and the expansion of
delegitimization efforts in Western public opinion could limit it even further.
One explanation for the unprecedented momentum in the delegitimization
campaign during and after Operation Protective Edge is the feeling in world

A New Opportunity to Confront the Delegitimization of Israel

I 191

public opinion that Israel, whose citizens enjoyed the effective protection of
the Iron Dome system, responded disproportionately and indiscriminately,
harming innocent civilians while wreaking great destruction in Gaza. This
sentiment bespeaks a lack of understanding of the nature of fighting by a
democratic state against non-state powerful and organized militias. For
more than a decade, Western countries, first and foremost the United States,
Israel, and Great Britain, have confronted terrorist organizations that protect
themselves by blending in with the civilian population, sowing terror, and
fighting from within clearly civilian institutions. Taking these disadvantageous
circumstances into consideration, during Operation Protective Edge the
government of Israel generally adopted a limited, proportional, and restrained
policy in fighting against Hamas.
Those behind the wave of anti-Semitism and condemnation of Israel seek
to maximize the element of asymmetry in capabilities and powers, while
stirring up feelings of subversion and illegitimacy in the media and among
the general public. Furthermore, studies indicate a dangerous congruence
between the objectives of the Islamic fundamentalist terrorist resistance
movements and the network of groups seeking to delegitimize the State of
Israel. Both sets of movements seek to undermine Israels very existence
as the Jewish national state, one by means of a militant, asymmetric war
of attrition and the other by boycotts and construction of a narrative that
blackens and dehumanizes the concept of Zionism.8
In general, an examination of Israels conduct in recent years shows
that between the rounds of fighting in Gaza, Israel developed a partial
operational and defensive solution to the threat of delegitimization. During
Operation Protective Edge, concern for cooperation with the international
community and for positive international public opinion, Israel, even while
under attacks, was careful to pay attention to the international community
and honor ceasefires even when they were systematically violated by Hamas
and were often against Israels best interests. It also exercised great military
caution, reflected in the warning leaflets it dropped before firing on Gaza, the
instructions to evacuate areas such as Shejaiya and Beit Hanoun, and explicit
commands not to fire at areas in which there was a great likelihood of hurting
civilians. While this conduct is due primarily to the IDFs ethical code, it also
reflects Israels generally meticulous compliance with international norms.
On the legal front, in part as a result of the lessons learned from Operation
Cast Lead and the Mavi Marmara episode, Israel strictly adheres to the rules


I Gilead Sher and Einav Yogev

of international law. Lawyers are included in the decision making process

at middle and high military levels and in the headquarters of maneuvering
forces. Furthermore, during the fighting, the State Comptroller announced
that his office, in coordination with the Prime Minister, would check the
political and military decision making processes and examine the IDF and
the governments inspection and investigation mechanisms.9
The IDF has also learned from past errors, and even before a commission
of inquiry was established under the auspices of the UN secretary general,
announced that it would conduct a legal investigation of ninety incidents
from Operation Protective Edge. These include the deaths of four children
on a Gaza beach, the bombing of a school in which fourteen were killed,
and an incident of looting in Shejaiya.10
The international commission established by the UN Human Rights
Council and headed by William Schabas has an overwhelming majority of
Asian, African, and South American countries 34 out of 47 including
Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Cuba, and Venezuela. Each is known for its
consistent violation of human rights, and therefore, there is nothing easier
than to condemn Israel automatically in the council as part of the double
standard familiar in the international arena. However, past experience
teaches that Israels reluctance to cooperate with commissions of this kind
serves little purpose. Israels criticism of the mandate and staffing of these
commissions, including the body established after Operation Protective
Edge, is appropriate, and Israel must formally protest and make its criticism
known to the international community. At the same time, it must demand to
submit under protest its factual and legal arguments so that they will be
presented to the commission, even if it chooses to ignore them.
These efforts notwithstanding, the accelerated erosion of Israels position
in the wake of the operation indicates that a measured security strategy,
operational caution, and legal-military deployment are not enough. The
harsh images from Gaza, broadcast on international and regional Arab
networks, frequently unfiltered and tendentiously edited, are what remain
seared in the minds of Arabs and Westerners. Moreover, the demonstrations
and events around the world indicate that the Palestinian struggle has long
transcended the borders of the Middle East. The Palestinian narrative has
been internationalized and framed as a just struggle among many audiences
in academia, economics, politics, and public opinion.

A New Opportunity to Confront the Delegitimization of Israel

I 193

This is the background to the organized strategy behind the campaign to

turn Israel into a pariah state, as occurred with South Africa. Its purpose is
to increase international involvement in Israel itself, and thereby dictate the
terms of Israels independent existence and borders while eroding its standing
as the sovereign state of the Jewish people. This is done by tactically and
manipulatively copying the global campaign once conducted against the
racist dictatorship of South Africa and applying it to the Palestinian-Israeli
national conflict.
Israel is not an apartheid state, and the democratic and liberal forces
prominent in its society will endeavor to ensure that it would never become
one. Nevertheless, during and especially after Operation Protective Edge, as
in every round of fighting in which Israel was involved in the past decade,
there were increasing comparisons, superficial and baseless though they
were, between Israel and the South African apartheid regime. The measures
intended to ingrain into Western consciousness that Israel equals apartheid
began several years ago among activists and NGOs. They are based in part
on repeated comparisons between Israel and South Africa that use racist
and inflammatory language to describe Israels conduct in the territories as
a holocaust, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing.
In the campaign to delegitimize Israel, there are no clear and defined
milestones. The campaign is being conducted at varying intensities, overtly
and covertly. Thus, there is a lurking danger not only of rapid deterioration,
up to isolation and censure of Israel, but also that Israel will unfortunately
awaken late to the need to deploy against the campaign. South Africas
position in the international community did not get worse overnight; it
was a process of ongoing erosion. Over the course of some twenty years,
opposition to apartheid spread in world public opinion in the form of boycotts
and divestment, in cultural and academic institutions, and in corporations
and financial companies. Eventually, Western democratic governments,
first and foremost the United States, joined the campaign. This creeping
isolation could be Israels fate, despite its democratic character, military
achievements, and measured defense policy.
Now, with Israels military achievements in Operation Protective Edge
and the growing threat from extremist organizations in the Middle East, an
opportunity has been created for a political turnabout in Israels conduct and
an effective response, with real significance, to the campaign to delegitimize
Israel and blacken its name. Israel should work to end the Arab-Israeli


I Gilead Sher and Einav Yogev

conflict, with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at its center, while ensuring the
states existence and security in the heart of the stormy Middle East marked
by the waves of fundamentalist Islamic terror.
The revolutions in Arab countries, the civil war in Syria, the growing
strength of Salafist jihad, the collapse of government systems, ISIS terror,
the rise of the power of the Arab street, and the weakening of the regimes
in all countries in the region make it necessary for Israel to adopt a policy
of caution and alertness. However, this does not mean perpetuating the
status quo. It appears that today, circumstances and opportunities have been
created for Israel. The current regional constellation a weakened Hamas,
a relatively moderate PA leader, an Egypt willing and able to mediate, and a
concerted fight against ISIS that includes Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and
other Arab states provides tailwind for Israel. Moreover, Israel maintains a
pivotal position within the international communitys efforts to rehabilitate
Gaza and hopefully aid the transition to a gradual resumption of power in
Gaza by the Palestinian Authority under Abbas, with Hamas eventually
disarmed. That should be exploited to combine a regional political initiative
with Israeli-Palestinian negotiations while independently and unconditionally
preparing to separate from the Palestinians. Such a combined and graduated
initiative would seek to end the Arab-Israeli conflict and ensure the future of
Israel as the safe, democratic state of the Jewish people with a responsible,
long term, sober view of security for Israel and its citizens.
But that is not enough. In tandem with its political moves, Israel must
undertake a national and international effort to confront the effective
delegitimization campaign being waged against it on all fronts mentioned
above. In academia, the economy, culture, trade, and tourism, Israeli
citizens face a delegitimization front and bear the burden of the campaign
economically, in terms of image, and sometimes personally. It is the states
obligation to shield all individuals who stand on the front lines but are not
a formal part of the governmental or military system through a protective
arrangement that does not leave them on their own. Therefore, the government
must allocate resources, combine forces, develop operational and combat
doctrines, recruit institutions and individuals from outside the government,
and organize these efforts urgently under the umbrella of imperative strategy.
Israel today has the power to engender change and lead to a turnabout to
cope with this complex threat, and the sooner it does so, the better.

A New Opportunity to Confront the Delegitimization of Israel


I 195

1 Rome Posters Call For Boycott of Jewish Shops, Times of Israel, August 11,
2 Tali Farkash, Dramatic Increase in Anti-Semitism following Protective Edge,
Ynet, September 11, 2014,,7340,L-4570165,00.
3 Barcode Scanning App Used to Boycott Israel, Sky News, August 12, 2014, http://
4 Ora Koren, Europe to Israel: Separate Exports from the Territories from Exports
from within the Green LineWithin 30 Days, The Marker, September 2, 2014,; Ora Koren, Israel Concerned:
Ban on European Imports from the Territories Will Expand to Fruits and Vegetables,
The Marker, August 18, 2014,
5 Merav Yudilovitch, Following Protest: Israeli Show Canceled in Edinburgh,
Ynet, August 7, 2014,,7340,L-4556110,00.html.
6 AFP and Arutz Sheva Staff, Israeli Tourists Forced to Leave Maldives Resort
after Gaza Demo, Arutz Sheva, July 30, 2014, http://www.israelnationalnews.
7 News Agencies, Is Boycott Expanding? George Soros Sells Stake in SodaStream,
The Marker, August 4, 2014,; Lior
Gutman and Nurit Kadosh, Is Boycott Expanding? Pension Giant ABP to Examine
Its Investments in Israel, Calcalist, August 16, 2014,
8 The Delegitimization Challenge: Creating a Political Firewall A Conceptual
Framework in the Political and Diplomatic Arena of National Security, Reut
Institute, January 2010,
-%20final%20delegitimacy.pdf, p. 15. For further reading, see Nick Cohen, Whats
Left? How Liberals Lost Their Way (Fourth Estate, 2007).
9 Revital Hoval, State Comptroller to Check Whether Israel Violated International Law
in Gaza, Haaretz, August 13, 2014,
10 Yoav Zeitun and Roi Kais, Death of Children on Gaza Beach and Attack on
UNRWA School: IDF Opens Criminal Investigation, Ynet, September 10, 2014,,7340,L-4569517,00.html.

The Strategic Balance of Operation Protective Edge:
Achieving the Strategic Goal Better, Faster, and at a Lower Cost
Amos Yadlin / 199

Conclusion: The Strategic Balance of Operation Protective Edge

The Strategic Balance of Operation Protective
Edge: Achieving the Strategic Goal Better, Faster,
and at a Lower Cost
Amos Yadlin
Three military campaigns between Israel and Hamas have ended in an
asymmetric strategic tie. On the one hand, there is no doubt that in the
summer of 2014 Hamas suffered an enormous military blow and failed to
achieve both its stated demands and its strategic goals. On the other hand,
Hamas survived the battle against the IDF, the strongest army in the Middle
East; it reasserted its ethos of heroic resistance through armed struggle
and reached a ceasefire agreement whereby it neither gives up its weapons
caches nor accepts restrictions on future arms buildup. In the short run,
moreover, Hamas has likewise improved its standing among Palestinians.
Given this outcome, Israels strategic thinking ought to focus on how to
achieve a better strategic result in the next round of fighting, which one
must presume will ultimately arrive.
Operation Protective Edge, the third round of fighting between Israel and
Hamas, lasted 50 days. When it was over, Israels main accomplishment
was a ceasefire with no gains for Hamas, as described by Israels Prime
Minister. Nonetheless, and even if Israel did not initiate the fighting and was
dragged into it, it should have leveraged Hamas determination to continue
the battle in order to better achieve its strategic objective.
The way in which the campaign was conducted countered Israels
traditional security concept, which is based on deterrence, early warning,
and decision. Israels overwhelming military power and the results of the
previous conflicts did not deter Hamas from initiating the recent offensive.


I Amos Yadlin

There was no specific intelligence indication or strategic warning about the

approaching conflict, as demonstrated by cuts in the 2013 defense budget,
the reduction in reserve soldier training, and the cessation of IAF training
flights. Likewise, in the conflict itself, Israel did not achieve a decisive
victory. Clearly, it is not possible to apply the traditional security concept
to every campaign or round of conflict, but it is important that it serve as a
fundamental frame of reference for the Israeli defense leadership. The IDF
must strive to develop an operational concept that allows implementation
of strategic objectives and conforms as much as possible to the State of
Israels current security concept.
Only the defense pillar of the current security concept (which was added
at the recommendation of the Meridor Committee in 2005-6) functioned
appropriately during Operation Protective Edge. However, the highly
successful performance of Israels defensive arrays allowed and brought
about an estrangement from other very important elements of the traditional
security concept: a short campaign, a clear victory, and the transfer of the
fighting to enemy territory. In addition, because of strengthened defenses,
many classic principles of war were disregarded: taking the initiative and
going on the offensive; surprise and deception; concentration of effort;
throwing the enemy off balance; and continuity of assault.
On the other hand, there is much logic to the claim that a campaign
such as Protective Edge should not be examined on the basis of the IDFs
traditional security concept or principles of war. It is very difficult to deter
a terrorist organization, and it is certainly difficult to defeat it in a short war.
A better analogy and reference point might be prolonged counterterrorism
campaigns. For example, if one were to compare Operation Protective Edge
to the challenging first three years of the second intifada and the waves of
suicide bombings that killed hundreds of soldiers and civilians in Israel,
Protective Edge presents as a short campaign with reasonable costs. Even
the United States, the greatest military power in the world, was unable to
achieve a decisive victory against the Taliban in Afghanistan, defeat al-Qaeda
in the global war on terror, or eradicate Sunni and Shiite terrorism in Iraq
over the course of a decade. With those military experiences as reference
point, Israels performance in Protective Edge is above par, notably when
considering the fact that its main cities and population centers were targeted
by rocket fire throughout the campaign.

Conclusion: The Strategic Balance of Operation Protective Edge

I 201

No doubt in the world of asymmetric conflicts, other rules of war apply.

This article discusses the tension between the need to preserve Israels
classic security concept while addressing the ever-changing characteristics
of contemporary war. In this case, a war was waged against a low signature,
semi-state organization that hides behind its civilians on the one hand, and
has state responsibility and significant military capabilities on the other.
The articles central argument is that Hamas in Gaza is neither a classic
terrorist organization nor it is a normal state. It falls under a new definition
of a hybrid organization that includes elements of the two configurations.
Therefore, when fighting against it, it is necessary to apply all elements
of the classic security doctrine as well as mission-specific elements of a
war against non-state terrorist organizations. Many of the principles of
war remain valid for a war against an organization of this type. However,
the main challenge is to identify the right elements of the battle against a
hybrid threat and to prepare military solutions that will gain the following
objectives: a clear political advantage in the arrangements subsequent to
the battle; significantly enhanced deterrence; a shorter campaign duration;
reduced costs; minimized damage to Israels international standing; and the
absence of escalation on Israels other borders.
From Israels perspective, some of the negative aspects of the recent
campaign stemmed, paradoxically, from the relative success of Operation
Pillar of Defense in 2012. It is commonplace that anyone who wins a battle
and rests on his laurels has less motivation to learn, investigate, and prepare
tactical and doctrinal solutions for the next round. Suffering significant
blows, it appears that Hamas learned the lessons of Operation Cast Lead and
Operation Pillar of Defense well, and prepared strategic tools and tactical
solutions to neutralize Israels advantages as those manifest in previous
campaigns, mainly in intelligence and precision strike capabilities. In an
INSS memorandum published in December 2012 following Operation
Pillar of Defense, I wrote about the need to investigate and study a dozen
key issues, including the failure to address the other sides arms buildup
in the post-conflict settlement; the need for a deeper understanding of the
asymmetry between the two sides objectives and their respective definitions
of victory; and the formulation of concrete military responses to address
this asymmetry.
An excerpt from the recommendation I wrote then is still valid today:


I Amos Yadlin
Even if the IDF and the State of Israel believe that they won
the battle, it is important that Israel conduct an investigation
into the eight days of fighting [Operation Pillar of Defense].
This would be an investigation rather than an inquiry: an
investigation seeks information on how to conduct the next battle
more effectively, whereas an inquiry seeks to discover who is
at fault, and who can be blamed for past actions. The political
echelon can appoint its own internal Winograd commission,
without public or media pressure and without the expectation
that heads will roll or that a senior political or military figure
will be removed from office. The chief of staff can also appoint
a group of senior reservists to examine the systemic, strategic,
operative, and logistical questions connected to the campaign.

Apparently, this recommendation was not adopted, perhaps explaining part

of the problematic choice of strategic objectives and the operating concepts
chosen for their implementation throughout Operation Protective Edge.
What follows are ten questions and topics for investigation to be explored
in depth, this time in the wake of Operation Protective Edge. It would be
best to probe these issues and questions in the appropriate forums in the
General Staff, the Ministry of Defense, and the cabinet, and to provide a
strategic, tactical, and operational response through a current and relevant
security concept, a matching operational concept, and suitable force buildup
and directives on the use of force.
1. Did Israel understand the enemys rationale and decision making
process correctly?
It is impossible to formulate a strategic objective without an in-depth
understanding of the adversary. A professional debriefing process should be
conducted with the goal of improving Israels understanding of the rationale
underlying Hamas decisions and the manner in which it made them. This is
the only way through which Israel might understand why it had no strategic
warning that the deterrence achieved in Pillar of Defense eroded to a point of
renewed hostilities in the summer of 2014. It would appear that there was a
failure to internalize the realization that Hamas had given up on a Hamas-run
Islamic state in Gaza because of its difficult political and financial situation
following the change of regime in Egypt. The fact that the keys to Gaza
were handed to the Palestinian unity government increased the attractiveness

Conclusion: The Strategic Balance of Operation Protective Edge

I 203

of the military option for Hamas, and the significance of the military wing
commanders increased in contrast to Hamas political leadership in Gaza,
whose influence ebbed. Even if the claim that Hamas itself did not intend
to enter into battle is correct, why, nonetheless, was it dragged into one? In
addition, it must be understood why Hamas repeatedly refused to accept the
ceasefire proposals and why it violated them. After all, an organization that
had been deterred and was not interested in fighting would be expected to
accept a ceasefire at an early stage of the campaign, whereas Hamas agreed
to a truce only after seven weeks of combat.
2. Were the goals of the campaign correct? Were they too limited at the
outset and unrealistic later on?
Initially, Operation Protective Edge had three modest objectives: restore
quiet to the south; restore deterrence; and strike a hard blow against Hamas.
In fact, these three goals constituted different dimensions of the same
objective: only if Hamas were hit sufficiently hard would it be deterred
from further fighting, and thus quiet would be restored in the south. This
goal was not achieved in six weeks of fighting and thousands of precision
attacks against Hamas targets. Only in the seventh week, when the heads
of the military wing of Hamas were targeted successfully and multi-story
buildings in Gaza were struck, was Hamas hit hard enough to be deterred,
and thereupon quiet was restored. The question of whether these objectives
could have been achieved in the first or second week of the campaign is one
Israel needs to probe thoroughly.
A subsequent goal was to destroy Hamas offensive tunnels, and in this
the IDF was very successful. The question here is why this objective was
not defined at an earlier stage, as soon as the campaign began. Another goal,
demilitarizing Gaza, was added to the list of objectives halfway through the
operation. This is an important, worthwhile, and ambitious goal, but the way
in which the operation developed did not support it. There was absolutely
no chance that Hamas would voluntarily disarm. Neither Egypt nor NATO
let alone the Palestinian Authority would be prepared to undertake a
process that the IDF itself was not prepared to carry out. It would have been
appropriate to set a more realistic goal for the political settlement stage,
namely, preventing Hamas from undertaking a military buildup after the
conflict. The correct approach would have been to agree on this not with
Hamas, but with Israels allies, Egypt and the United States, and to focus


I Amos Yadlin

in the agreement on preventing smuggling into the Gaza Strip and on the
legitimacy of action against rocket and launch sites and production facilities,
and against the digging of new offensive tunnels in Gaza.
3. Was the paradigm of maintaining Hamas as the sovereign correct?
In Israels defense and political community in recent years, a basic assumption
has taken hold that keeping Hamas as the sovereign power in Gaza is an
Israeli interest because Hamas serves as a responsible ruling power that can
also be deterred. This assumption was strengthened by the relative quiet
between Israel and Hamas following Operation Pillar of Defense, after Hamas
effectively enforced its rule in the entire area while preventing Islamic Jihad,
the Popular Resistance Committees, and other armed groups from carrying
out operations against Israel. Israel was concerned that without Hamas, a
political vacuum would be created in Gaza that would serve as fertile ground
for even more dangerous activity or a failed state, as occurred in Somalia
and Libya. This paradigm led to a limited, gradual, and ineffective use of
force that was contrary to the principles of war and the important objective
of shortening the duration of the conflict.
This problematic paradigm should have been examined for the following
reasons: (a) Hamas, with the help of Iranian and Qatari support, has proven
that it is a danger to Israels security, and that it is capable of establishing a
rocket and tunnel arsenal that posed a strategic threat to the State of Israel.
The substitute for Hamas a collection of organizations that would fight
each other lacks the ability to create strategic threats on the scale of those
Hamas created for Israel. (b) Since the Syrian state disintegrated, similar
concerns have arisen about the danger of a lack of a central government on
Israels northeastern border, but thus far, this threat has not materialized. The
situation on the Israeli-Syrian border is relatively stable and the assessments
about waves of jihadists coming to attack Israel have not materialized.
(c) Since Hamas knows in advance that Israel will not allow it to fall, it
operates and attacks Israel with a certain immunity, which weakens Israels
position both militarily and politically. (d) A greatly weakened Hamas is a
condition for an arrangement advantageous to Israel and for the possibility
of effectively bringing the PA back to Gaza. Only if Israel had struck Hamas
while liberating itself from concern for the groups survival could Hamas
have been sufficiently weakened to allow for a good political arrangement
after the operation.

Conclusion: The Strategic Balance of Operation Protective Edge

I 205

4. How should victory be defined? What is the appropriate concept when

victory and defeat appear less relevant?
In the past, victory in a war was clear: conquest of enemy territory and
destruction of the enemys army. In Operation Protective Edge, neither side
achieved victory in this sense, yet both sides claimed victory at the end of
the campaign. On the one hand, there is no doubt that Israel was victorious
militarily and accomplished most of the modest objectives it had set for
itself. Moreover, Israel denied Hamas achievements from the two strategic
military capabilities it had built since Operation Pillar of Defense: long
range rockets, which, thanks to the Iron Dome system, were of minimal
effectiveness, and offensive tunnels, which were destroyed by the IDF. On
the other hand, Hamas too has a victory narrative that is based on having
successfully coped with the strongest army in the Middle East, fired rockets
for 50 days at most of Israels territory, pushed the IDF back to the Gaza
border, harmed Israels economy, caused the closure of Israels airport,
and emptied Israeli communities near Gaza of most of their residents.
Hamas also showed the Palestinian people that the armed resistance was
not defeated, that it retained its weapons, and that its path is preferable to
Fatahs political path.
Victory in a contemporary hybrid battle is achieved largely on the level
of perceived perceptions, and in order to amass accomplishments on this
level, force should be used in ways that achieve the necessary effect even
under the limitations of asymmetric conflict. Using force in a creative
and surprising way, beyond the enemys expectations, while effectively
incorporating diplomacy and skillfully leveraging the issue in the media can
create an effect of victory even in the modern battlefield against a hybrid
enemy that combines the low signature of a terrorist organization with state
responsibility and a state configuration. An unequivocal military achievement
creates conditions for accomplishing political objectives.
It is too early to judge who won in the political arena. This can be assessed
only when we study the arrangement that has still not been concluded. And if
no formal arrangement is reached, it can be judged by the actual arrangement:
Will deterrence be achieved and will there be quiet? For how long? Will
Hamas return to a military buildup? What will be the outcome of the campaign
from the broader perspective of Israeli-Palestinian relations? How will it
influence potential future arenas of combat as Israels international standing?


I Amos Yadlin

5. Was it possible to formulate a third strategy?

The public, media, and political discourse in Israel debated two strategies:
whether the goal was to strive for a ceasefire in Gaza the position taken
by the Prime Minister and the Defense Minister or aim to conquer Gaza
and eradicate Hamas, which was the Foreign Ministers position. What was
missing from the discussion was the third strategy: dealing a stronger
blow against Hamas, with an emphasis on its military wing and its military
installations, while undermining its confidence and capabilities through
an ongoing series of surprise ground and air operations that are different
from what could have been expected from the IDF. The attack vectors used
by the IDF during Protective Edge were similar to those used in the past,
and were therefore predicted and prepared for by Hamas. More innovative
methods might include (a) pinpoint ground operations in Hamas core areas
by a special task force, but not with the aim of conquering the entire Gaza
Strip. Such a ground operation could take place in a number of unexpected
ways; (b) surgical strikes against the heads of Hamas in the early stages of
the fighting; (c) special forces operations to harm or arrest heads of Hamas
and damage the organizations strategic capabilities. It was wrong to discuss
the IDFs ground capabilities in terms of all or nothing, while creative
ways could have been sought to strike Hamas effectively and quickly. At
the heart of the third strategy is a different goal, which includes a better
arrangement for Israel, based on preventing Hamas from growing stronger
in the future. Hamas should have been weakened in such a way that it left
the Palestinian people no doubt that the organizations strategy of violence
will not be able to promote its political objectives.
6. How can the important accomplishment of preventing regional escalation
be preserved?
It is very important to create a supportive regional environment for an
Israeli operation against a semi-state terrorist organization. It is even more
important for a military operation in Gaza or Lebanon not to escalate into a
regional conflict with Egypt, Jordan, Syria, or Iran. From this perspective,
Operation Protective Edge was managed well: for 50 days, Israel carried
out operations in the air, on land, and at sea, and the conflict was well
contained. There was no military escalation to another front and almost no
international pressure, and the legitimacy battery was recharged steadily
through Israels repeated responsiveness to ceasefire proposals. Israel had

Conclusion: The Strategic Balance of Operation Protective Edge

I 207

never before conducted a campaign in which other countries in the region,

particularly Egypt, saw eye-to-eye with it on its operations against Hamas
and gave it their backing, openly and through covert channels.
At the same time, while the Arab world agreed that Hamas terrorists
should be dealt a hard blow, it unequivocally condemned the harm to innocent
civilians in Gaza. In addition, the support for Israels actions was apparently
contingent on its not launching a ground operation, which is a very sensitive
issue in the Arab world. It was the obligation of the intelligence agencies, the
top military echelon, and the political leadership to ask themselves during
every day of fighting whether the campaign was still limited to one front
and what should be done in order to prevent escalation to others.
7. How should Hamas military buildup and the trickle between rounds
of fighting be handled?
The original sin of the arrangements between Hamas and the international
community after Operations Cast Lead and Pillar of Defense was that the
issue of the Hamas arms buildup was not dealt with effectively. In addition,
the response to the renewal of the trickle of fire from Gaza was not sufficiently
strong. Therefore, Hamas rebuilt its capabilities, and after a short time started
firing again at Israel. If Israel does not wish to find itself in another conflict
with Hamas within one to two years, it should carefully study its past failure
in preventing Hamas military buildup and the laxity of its response to Hamas
fire. Mechanisms should be found to allow Israel, through cooperation with
Egypt and the international community, to enforce effective prevention of
a military buildup in the Gaza Strip. It is clear that this objective will not
be achieved through the indirect talks in Cairo on a political arrangement
between Israel and Hamas. Therefore, Israel should reach an agreement
with its main allies, with the possibility of passing a resolution in the UN
Security Council that would preserve its freedom of action against a Hamas
buildup by means of rockets, tunnels, or any other way.
It is also important to ensure that the reconstruction of Gaza does not serve
as a cover for a renewed buildup by Hamas, and that dual-use materials are
used for civilian purposes only. The leading strategy ought to be an easing
of the economic and civilian blockade, concomitant with a tightening of the
blockade against the military buildup. The idea of economic and civilian
reconstruction of Gaza will also help to establish deterrence to raise the
price for Hamas of losing a future conflict. A status quo should be established


I Amos Yadlin

in which Hamas does not engage in a military buildup and in which force
buildup and/or a trickle of fire from Gaza are considered unacceptable and
give Israel maximum legitimacy for an operation whose goal is to establish
effective deterrence and prevent Hamas from rebuilding its military power.
8. How can unnecessary friction between Israel and its most important
ally the United States - be avoided?
The United States is not only Israels most important ally sometimes it is its
only ally. In Operation Protective Edge, Israel had unnecessary altercations
with the United States. The frustration after the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations
were suspended several weeks before the start of the conflict in Gaza, as well
as the ongoing lack of trust between the administration in Washington and
Jerusalem, required greater attention to the formulation of understandings and
a common language about the events taking place. Washington unequivocally
supported Israels right to self-defense. Nonetheless, the United States, like
the Arab world, could not accept the number of casualties of uninvolved
citizens and remain indifferent to the media reports from Gaza. Instead of
working to strengthen communication and understandings between the
countries, some senior officials and even the political leadership in both
countries gave negative briefings and provided problematic leaks that
aggravated the situation. Therefore, in any future campaign in which Israel
is involved, expectations, rules of conduct, channels for achieving political
settlements, and the red lines of the two countries should be clarified, with
close attention paid to the need to maintain the important bilateral strategic
9. Are we learning the correct lessons for confronting Hizbollah, Syria,
and Iran?
Iron Domes ability to seal Israels skies almost hermetically must not be
allowed to create the illusion that the home front will be protected to a similar
extent from the threat in the north. Israels other enemies have much more
extensive and more accurate missiles and drones, with heavier warheads.
Therefore, the difference in the threat must be understood and a different
answer provided. In particular, the publics expectations must be adjusted
in order to prevent serious damage to its morale and functioning when
the level of the response is different from that in Protective Edge. While
a response to the missile and rocket threat from the north and the east is

Conclusion: The Strategic Balance of Operation Protective Edge

I 209

more complicated, it is certainly possible if correct preparations are made.

An attempt by Hizbollah to conquer territory in the north would not be an
intelligence surprise; the groups leaders have spoken about this publicly.
But anyone expecting that the enemy will reach Israel only through tunnels
must assume that the border with Lebanon allows overland passage in areas
with dense vegetation, and that it will be easier for the enemy to reach Israel
by this route than through the tunnels. The enemy has also studied the IAFs
ability to cause enormous damage to thousands of targets, its impressive
attack output, its ability to hit state infrastructures, its well protected, armorshielded tanks, and its other advanced capabilities. Thus, even if deterrence
in the north has been very strong since 2006, Hizbollahs ability to arm
itself with advanced systems and attempt to neutralize the IDFs advantages
requires in-depth thinking and the ability to keep one step ahead of it.
10. How can the asymmetric strategic tie be broken?
The concept of an asymmetric strategic tie was coined after the first two
weeks of the campaign, during which the IDF was unable to impose a
ceasefire on Hamas or achieve the modest goal set by the cabinet: quiet in
exchange for quiet. Despite the number of targets struck and the intensity
of the fire against Hamas assets in Gaza, it was clear that the attacks on
Hamas did not achieve the desired effect. In particular, it was clear that the
military wing of Hamas was not sufficiently harmed and that it wasnt been
pressured enough by the public in Gaza to cease firing. On the other hand,
Hamas had important propaganda achievements: it fired continuously at all
ranges in the State of Israel; it forced millions of Israelis to run to shelters; it
attacked IDF soldiers in assembly areas and in the guard tower on Kibbutz
Nahal Oz; it dealt a heavy blow to the Israeli economy (estimated at 20
billion NIS); and it undermined the sense of security in the Gaza perimeter
communities to the point that a large part of the population abandoned the
area. Hamas also boasts that it succeeded standing up to the IDF for 50 days.
The heart of the solution to the asymmetric strategic tie is to free ourselves
from the paradigm of maintaining Hamas as the party in charge, which
compels us to limit the use of force. We should return to the use of force
that contains innovative elements of surprise, stratagems, and maneuvers
against important enemy centers of gravity. We must not return to the
routine use of force seen in the last three rounds of fighting with Hamas.
The challenge facing the top IDF echelon and the defense establishment


I Amos Yadlin

is to create the operational tools and plans that can go beyond the use of
standoff firepower and achieve more meaningful strategic objectives than
a conventional ceasefire and in a shorter time.


Hamas in the Gaza Strip is not a major threat to the State of Israel or its
security. Iran on the nuclear threshold, with the ability to break out to a nuclear
bomb, remains Israels most serious threat. Hizbollah is the second most
serious military threat, and Syria, despite the civil war, also poses a greater
threat than Hamas. In the summer of 2014, the IDF faced the weakest of
Israels enemies. Nevertheless, the modest objectives of Operation Protective
Edge took too long to achieve, which is contrary to Israels security concept.
The price paid in terms of the economy; the ongoing damage to front line
communities; the danger of regional escalation; the fear of an operational
error with strategic significance; and the harm to Israels relations with the
nations of the world all make it necessary to have a clearer victory and a
shorter campaign. This is also true about understanding the need for strategic
patience, which is derived from the limitations on the use of force in an
asymmetric environment.
In light of the hybrid threat, the security concept must be updated to
address both a conflict limited to the Gaza Strip and an all-out war scenario.
The next conflict with Hamas in Gaza could take place at the same time as
a conflict in the north against Hizbollah and/or Syria and Iran. Israel cannot
proclaim victory in Operation Protective Edge and thus neglect the necessary
challenge of debriefing thoroughly and learning. The Iranian issue and the
emerging bad deal between the world powers and Iran will also return to
the headlines soon, ahead of the November 24, 2014 deadline for the talks.
Israel must not be distracted by current events and must complete the lesson
learning process. It is inconceivable that the State of Israel and the IDF would
not have a more sophisticated, decisive response to the threat of terror from
Gaza. Before the next conflict erupts, new tools, mechanisms, and doctrinal
methods must be developed that will allow a shorter campaign and a more
decisive victory. Only in this way will it be entirely clear that Israel has not
settled for a strategic tie. Israel must aim for a military victory, even without
the toppling of Hamas and the total conquest of Gaza, while scoring clear
military gains and striking a severe blow against Hamas capabilities. This
victory will enable the achievement of the political goals, led by preventing a

Conclusion: The Strategic Balance of Operation Protective Edge

I 211

Hamas military buildup; postponing the next conflict for as long as possible by
depriving the enemy of capabilities and influencing its intentions (achieving
deterrence); and above all, eliciting a deep understanding on the part of the
Palestinians that they will not achieve more through violence than they
would through peaceful negotiations.

Shlomo Brom is a senior research fellow and head of the Program on IsraeliPalestinian Relations at INSS. A former director of strategic planning in the
planning branch of the IDF General Staff, he participated actively in peace
negotiations with the Palestinians, Jordan, and Syria, and served as deputy
national security advisor. His primary areas of research are Israeli-Palestinian
relations and national security doctrine. Brig. Gen. (ret.) is co-editor of The
Second Lebanon War: Strategic Perspectives (2007) and Strategic Survey for
Israel (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012-2013, and 2013-2014), and editor of In the
Aftermath of Operation Pillar of Defense: The Gaza Strip, November 2012.
Anat Kurz, a senior research fellow, is director of research at INSS and the
editor of INSS Insight. She has lectured and published widely on insurgencyrelated issues, sub-state political organizations, and conflict resolution,
and her current research focuses on the Palestinian national movement and
Israeli-Palestinian relations. Among her publications are Fatah and the
Politics of Violence: The Institutionalization of a Popular Struggle (2005)
and The Palestinian Uprisings: War with Israel War at Home (2009). Dr.
Kurz is co-editor of Strategic Survey for Israel (2009, 2010, 2011, 20122013, and 2013-2014); Arms Control Dilemmas: Focus on the Middle East
(2012); Arms Control and National Security: New Horizons (2014); and The
Interim Deal on the Iranian Nuclear Program: Toward a Comprehensive
Solution (2014).

Alex Altshuler is a Fulbright post-doctoral fellow at the Program on Crisis
Leadership at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
and post-doctoral research fellow at INSS. His Ph.D. dissertation at Ben-


I Contributors

Gurion University of the Negev proposed a theoretical framework aimed

at enabling more effective and evidence-based strategic decision making
processes in emergency preparedness. Dr. Altshuler has written numerous
scientific papers, and received many academic prizes, scholarships, and local
and international grants. He has co-authored papers on inter-organizational
training to manage crises, including during the course of Operation Protective
Yehuda Ben Meir, a senior research fellow at INSS, is the head of the
National Security and Public Opinion Project at the INSS and co-head of
the Israeli Society and National Security Program. A psychologist and an
attorney, Dr. Ben Meir was a Member of Knesset and served as deputy
foreign minister in the Begin and Shamir governments. He is the author of
Civil Military Relations in Israel and National Security Decision Making:
The Israeli Case (1995) and co-author of The People Speak: Israeli Public
Opinion on National Security 2005-2007 (2007); Vox Populi: Trends in
Israeli Public Opinion on National Security 2004-2009 (2010); and The
Voice of the People of Israel: Israeli Public Opinion on National Security
2012 (2013).
Azriel Bermant is a research fellow at INSS. His areas of expertise include
United States policy on arms control, US policy on the Middle East,
NATO missile defense policy, and nuclear proliferation. He also studies
Israeli-European relations. Dr. Bermant earned his Ph.D. from University
College, London. He is currently writing a book on Margaret Thatcher and
the Middle East.
Benedetta Berti, a research fellow at INSS, is a Kreitman post-doctoral
research fellow at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and a lecturer at
Tel Aviv University. Dr. Bertis areas of expertise are human security,
internal conflict, integration of armed groups, post-conflict stabilization
and democratization, civil society, social movements, and strategic nonviolence. She recently published Armed Political Organizations: From
Conflict to Integration (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013). Dr. Berti is
also a member of the Young Atlanticist Group of the Atlantic Council and
the Krber Foundations Munich Young Leaders, and is an active participant
in Global Experts Program pf the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations.


I 215

She holds a Ph.D. in International Relations and Security Studies from the
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and completed
a post-doctorate fellowship at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Daniel Cohen is the coordinator of the INSS Military and Strategic
Affairs Program and the Cyber Warfare Program. His research fields focus
on cyberspace issues, particularly cyber strategy, cyber weapons, cyber
actors, and cyber capabilities. He also studies military strategy and terrorist
organizations. He holds a B.A. in Government, Diplomacy, and Strategy
from the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya and an M.A. in Political Science
in the Security Studies Program at Tel Aviv University. Mr. Cohen served
in the IDF in a combat position and as a commander in an elite unit.
Udi Dekel is the Managing Director of INSS. He served as head of the
negotiating team with the Palestinians under Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
during the Annapolis process. In his last position in the IDF he served as
head of the Strategic Division in the Planning Directorate of the General
Staff. Brig. Gen. (ret.) Dekel headed the Israel-UN-Lebanon committee
following the Second Lebanon War and was head of the military committees
with Egypt and Jordan. He also served as head of the working groups on
strategic-operational coordination with the United States; on developing a
response to the threat of surface-to-surface missiles; and on international
military cooperation. He was a member of a committee to update Israels
security concept in 2005-6 and coordinated the formulation of IDF strategy.
Meir Elran has been a senior research fellow at the INSS for over a decade.
Brig. Gen. (ret.) Elran is head of the Homeland Security Program at INSS
and co-head of the Israeli Society and Public Opinion Program. His main
area of interest is resilience in various fields, particularly social resilience
and the resilience of national infrastructures.
Oded Eran is a senior research fellow and a former director of INSS. In
his most recent post before joining INSS, he served as the World Jewish
Congress representative in Israel and Secretary General of the WJC Israel
branch. Dr. Eran has served as Israels ambassador to the European Union
(covering NATO as well), Israels ambassador to Jordan, and head of
Israels negotiations team with the Palestinians (1999-2000). Other previous


I Contributors

positions include deputy director general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

and deputy chief of the Israeli embassy in Washington. He also serves as a
consultant to the Knesset Subcommittee on Foreign Affairs.
Avner Golov is a doctoral student at the Fletcher School of Law and
Diplomacy at Tufts University and a research associate at INSS.
Yoel Guzansky is a research fellow at INSS. Before joining INSS, he
coordinated work on the Iranian nuclear challenge at the National Security
Council in the Prime Ministers Office. Mr. Guzansky, a doctoral candidate
in political science, specializes in issues affecting security in the Persian Gulf
and has published extensively in international academic publications. His
book The Arab Gulf States and Reform in the Middle East: Between Iran and
the Arab Spring (Palgrave-Macmillan) will be published in the near future.
Mark A. Heller is a principal research associate at INSS and the editor of
the INSS quarterly Strategic Assessment. He joined the Jaffee Center for
Strategic Studies, now incorporated into INSS, in 1979, and has taught
International Relations at Tel Aviv University and at leading universities in
the United States, including the University of California at San Diego and
Cornell University. He served as research coordinator at the Canadian Institute
for International Peace and Security, visiting professor of government at
Harvard University, research associate at IISS, and public policy scholar at the
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Among his publications:
A Palestinian State: The Implications for Israel (1983); The Middle East
Military Balance, which he co-edited and co-authored in 1983-1985 and
again in 1996, 1997, and 1998; Israel and the Palestinians: Israeli Policy
Options (co-editor, 2005); The Middle East Strategic Balance 2007-2008
(editor, 2008); and One Year of the Arab Spring: Global and Regional
Implications (co-editor, 2012).
Nadia Hilou, a visiting research fellow at INSS, holds a B.A. and an M.A.
in social work. She served as a Member of Knesset in the 17th Knesset,
representing the Labor Party, and prior to that served as the head of the
National Unit on the Advancement of Women in Local Government and as
a deputy director of Naamat Israel with special focus on co-existence. Over
the years, Ms. Hilou served in other public offices in positions relating to


I 217

welfare, education, social justice, and the integration of the Arab sector into
Israeli society for the sake of co-existence. Ms. Hilou, who was the first
Christian Arab woman MK, chaired the parliamentary Childrens Welfare
Committee and was a member of several other committees, including the
Interior and Environmental Protection Committee (where she was acting
chair), the Committee on the Advancement of Women, the Special Committee
on Migrant Workers, and the Public Concerns Committee. She also served as
the Labor Partys coordinator in the Labor, Welfare, and Health Committee,
and as a member of the subcommittee on trafficking in women and the lobby
to reduce social gaps. At INSS, Ms. Hilou studies the Arab sector in Israel
and the ways to improve Jewish-Arab relations in Israel.
Manal Hreib joined the Neubauer Research Fellowship Program for
outstanding doctoral candidates at INSS in July 2013, developing and managing
social projects in the Arab and Bedouin sectors in Israel in conjunction with
local government and state government ministries. In 2006, she founded the
Vision Center for development coaching programs and group dynamics and
directed the center for eight years. Ms. Hreib is currently a Ph.D. candidate
in the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management at the Technion.
She holds a B.A. in Human Services and Educational Systems Management,
and an M.A. in Educational Systems Management from the University of
Haifa. In 2010 she was certified as an organizational consultant by the Israeli
Association for Organizational Development. In 2012 she was accredited as
a project manager by the Technion and joined the international organization
Project Management Institute.
Ephraim Kam, a senior research fellow at INSS, served as assistant head
of the research division of IDF Military Intelligence and retired at the rank
of colonel. Dr. Kams main fields of expertise are the Iranian challenge,
Arab states security problems, the US entanglement in Iraq, strategic
intelligence, and Israels national security issues. His most recent studies
are From Terror to Nuclear Bombs: The Significance of the Iranian Threat
(2004); A Nuclear Iran: What Does it Mean, and What Can be Done (2007);
and Israel and a Nuclear Iran: Implications for Arms Control, Deterrence,
and Defense (editor, 2008).


I Contributors

Emily B. Landau is a senior research fellow and director of the Arms Control
and Regional Security Program at INSS. Her principal fields of research
are new trends in arms control thinking, Middle East regional security, the
Iranian threat, and the challenge from North Korea. Dr. Landau is active in
Track II meetings and conferences and teaches a graduate seminar on arms
control at Tel Aviv University and courses at the Interdisciplinary Center,
Herzliya and the University of Haifa. Dr. Landau is the author of Arms
Control in the Middle East: Cooperative Security Dialogue and Regional
Constraints (2006) and Decade of Diplomacy: Negotiations with Iran
and North Korea and the Future of Nuclear Nonproliferation (2012). Her
most recent publications (co-editor) include The Nuclear Nonproliferation
Regime at a Crossroads (2014) and The Interim Deal on the Iranian Nuclear
Program: Toward a Comprehensive Solution? (2014).
Danielle Levin is a research assistant in the INSS Cyber Security Program.
Ms. Levin holds a double B.A. in Political Science and History from
Charleston College and an M.A. from the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya.
Gallia Lindenstrauss is a research fellow at INSS and lectures at the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya.
She holds a Ph.D. from the Department of International Relations at the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her areas of expertise include Turkish
foreign policy, ethnic conflicts, ethno-national diasporas, and military
interventions. In 2007-2009, she was a member of the Neubauer Research
Fellowship Program for outstanding doctoral candidates at INSS. As a postdoctoral fellow at the Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations at
the Hebrew University in 2009-2010, Dr. Lindenstrauss studied the Armenian
diaspora. She is the author of Meditation and Engagement: A New Paradigm
for Turkish Foreign Policy and its Implications for Israel (2010).
Kobi Michael, a senior research fellow at INSS, is a senior lecturer in the
Department of Political Science at Ariel University. Among his primary
research interests are peace and war studies, strategy, national security, civilmilitary relations, peace maintenance, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Until recently, Dr. Michael served as the deputy director and head of the
Palestinian desk at the Ministry for Strategic Affairs. He has published widely
in his field and been awarded several academic prizes, including the 2008-


I 219

2009 best book award from the Israeli Association of Political Science for
Between Militarism and Statesmanship in Israel. He has written and widely
on a range of topics in his areas of academic and professional expertise.
Liran Ofek is a research assistant in the Center for Applied Negotiations at
INSS. Mr. Ofek holds an M.A. in Security Studies and a B.A. in Political
Science from Tel Aviv University. He served in the Intelligence Corps of
the IDF.
Gal Perel holds an interdisciplinary B.A. in Social Science from Bar-Ilan
University. He served in the paratroopers in the IDF and worked in the Prime
Ministers Office. He is currently a research assistant in the Military Balance
Program at INSS and an intern in the Military and Strategic Affairs Program.
Orit Perlov, a social media analyst and research fellow at INSS since 2012,
follows and analyzes the discourse and trends that emerge on the social
networks in Arab states. Her work includes maintaining daily exchanges
with the Palestinian, Egyptian, Jordanian, Syrian, Lebanese, Libyan, and
Tunisian civil society so as to identify emerging processes in Arab society
and use the discourse to affect public opinion in those nations. Ms. Perlov
also serves as a consultant and guest lecturer in various research, security,
and government institutions. In 2002-2008 she worked in the Foreign
Ministry and served in the Israeli embassy in Jordan, where she constructed
the Foreign Ministrys Arabic public relations website. She was also a
political consultant in the Persian Gulf states. In the spring of 2013, Ms.
Perlov participated in the US State Departments annual seminar on national
security and policy and published an essay on the opportunities inherent in
social media for US foreign policy.
Itamar Radai, a visiting research fellow at INSS, is the academic director
of the Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation at the
Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies at Tel Aviv
University. Dr. Radai specializes in Israels Arab sector, the Palestinians,
and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Following the completion of his Ph.D. at the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and he was a post-doctoral fellow at the
Taub Center for Israel Studies at New York University and a post-doctoral
fellow at the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of


I Contributors

Peace at the Hebrew University. Dr. Radai teaches at Tel Aviv University
and the University of Haifa. At INSS, Dr. Radai works on issues related to
Israels Arab citizens and co-edits Bayan: The Arabs in Israel, a quarterly
dedicated to contemporary affairs of Arab society, published jointly by the
Moshe Dayan Center, the Konrad Adenauer Program, and INSS.
Yoram Schweitzer is a senior research fellow and director of the Program
on Terrorism and Low Intensity Conflict at INSS. In the IDF he served in
the Intelligence community, and he was an advisor to the Prime Ministers
Office and the Defense Ministry on strategies for combating terrorism. He
also served as head of the International Counter-Terrorism Department in
the IDF and as a member of a task force dealing with Israeli MIAs and
POWs. Mr. Schweitzer lectures and publishes widely on issues connected
to terrorism. He is editor of Female Suicide Bombers: Dying for Equality?
(2006) and co-author of The Terrorism of Afghanistan Alumni: Islam vs.
the Rest of the World (2000); An Expected Surprise: The September 11th
Attack and Its Ramifications (2002); Al-Qaeda and the Globalization of
Suicide Terrorism (2005); and Al-Qaedas Odyssey to Global Jihad (2014).
Yiftah S. Shapir, a senior research fellow at INSS, heads the Institutes
Middle East Military Balance project. For more than a decade, he was coeditor of the annual Middle East Military Balance, where he was responsible
for the quantitative section of the publication. Currently he is in charge of
the quantitative military balance section on the INSS website. Mr. Shapir
also follows modern military technology, including ballistic missiles, space
technology, and ballistic missile defense in the Middle East. Mr. Shapir
joined the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, now
incorporated into INSS, as an associate of the centers Project on Security
and Arms Control. Prior to that, he served as a career officer in the Israeli
Air Force, from which he retired at the rank of lieutenant colonel. He has
extensive background in information technology and operations research. Mr.
Shapir holds a B.Sc. in Physics and Chemistry from the Hebrew University
of Jerusalem and an M.B.A. (specialization in Information Technology
and Performance Research) from the Recanati Business School at Tel Aviv


I 221

Pnina Sharvit Baruch, a senior research fellow at INSS, heads the INSS
Program on Law and National Security. Adv. Sharvit Baruch retired from
the IDF in 2009 after serving in the International Law Department for 20
years, five of which (2003-2009) she was department head. In that capacity,
as senior legal advisor, she was responsible for advising IDF commanders
and decision makers at the government level on a wide variety of issues
relating to international law and administrative law, including the laws of
armed conflict and occupation of territory, naval law, counterterrorism,
security liaison, border demarcation, and conflict resolution. Adv. Sharvit
Baruch served as a legal advisor to Israels delegation to the negotiations with
the Palestinians from the outset of the talks. In 2002, she also participated
in the negotiations with Syria. Following her retirement from the IDF at
the rank of colonel, Adv. Sharvit Baruch joined the faculty of the Tel Aviv
University Law School where she teaches courses on public international
law and conflict resolution. She also teaches international law at the National
Security College, and has published several articles on the topic.
Gilead Sher is a senior research fellow at INSS where he also heads the
Center for Applied Negotiations. He was the Head of Bureau of former Israeli
Prime Minister Ehud Barak and was one of the chief negotiators with the
Palestinians at the Sharm el-Sheikh agreement (1999), Camp David (2000),
and the Taba talks (2001). Prior to that, he served under Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin as delegate to the 1994-95 Interim Agreement negotiations
with the Palestinians. Mr. Sher was a visiting professor on Conflict Resolution
and Negotiations at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania
and is a visiting professor in the Masters Program in Conflict Resolution
at Tel Aviv University. He also serves as chairman of the board of the Sapir
Academic College. Mr. Sher is an attorney and senior partner in Gilead
Sher, Kadari & Co. Law Offices. He is the author The Israeli-Palestinian
Peace Negotiations, 1999-2001 Within Reach (2005). He holds the rank
of colonel (res.) in the IDF and is a former brigade commander and deputy
division commander in the Armored Corps as well as a military judge.
Gabi Siboni, who joined the INSS research team in 2005, is a senior research
fellow at INSS. He heads the INSS Military and Strategic Affairs Program
and the Program on Cyber Security, and is the editor of the INSS journal
Military and Strategic Affairs. He holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Engineering


I Contributors

from Tel Aviv University and a Ph.D. in Geographic Information Systems

from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. In addition to his position at
INSS, Dr. Siboni serves as a consultant in a wide variety of fields, including
cyberspace security, IT risk management, information systems, and water,
energy, and environmental engineering.
David Tal is the Yossi Harel Chair in Modern Israel Studies at the University of
Sussex. Prior to that, he was the Kahanoff Chair in Israel Studies at University
of Calgary, and was a visiting professor at both Emory University and
Syracuse University. He is the author of The American Nuclear Disarmament
Dilemma, 1945-1963 (Syracuse University Press, 2008); War in Palestine,
1948: Strategy and Diplomacy (Routledge, 2004); and Israels Routine
Security Policy: Foundations and Developments, 1949-1956 (Ben-Gurion
University Press, 1998). He was the editor of Israel Identity: Between East
and West (Routledge, 2008) and The 1956 War: Collusion and Rivalry in
the Middle East (London: Frank Cass, 2001).
Amos Yadlin was appointed Director of the Institute for National Security
Studies in November 2011, following 40 years of service in the IDF, nine of
them as a member of the General Staff. From 2006 to 2010, Maj. Gen. (ret.)
Yadlin served as head of Military Intelligence, following a term as IDFs
military attach to the United States. In 2002 he earned the rank of major
general, and was appointed commander of the IDF colleges and the National
Defense College. Maj. Gen. (ret.) Yadlin served as deputy commander of the
Israel Air Force. Prior to that, he was commander of two combat squadrons
and two IAF bases and also headed the Planning Department of the IAF.
He served as a fighter pilot in the Yom Kippur War, in Operation Peace for
Galilee, and in Operation Tammuz the attack on the Osirak nuclear reactor
in Iraq. Maj. Gen. (ret.) Yadlin received a B.A. with honors in Economics
and Business Administration from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
and an M.A. in Public Administration from Harvard University. He is the
co-author of Regime Stability in the Middle East: An Analytical Model to
Assess the Possibility of Regime Change (2013).
Eran Yashiv is a faculty member of the Eitan Berglas School of Economics
at Tel Aviv University. He is a macroeconomist, primarily interested in labor
market issues. His research spans several themes, such as labor search and


I 223

matching (the main focus of his work in recent years), financial markets,
immigration, and exchange rate economics. In 2012 and 2013, Prof. Yashiv
was chair of the Public Policy Department at Tel Aviv University. In 2013,
he founded the Center for Regulation Policy at Tel Aviv University and was
its first director. For the past decade, Prof. Yashiv had been a research fellow
at the Centre for Economic Policy Research at the Centre for Research and
Analysis of Migration (CREAM) at University College, London and at IZA,
Bonn. In recent years, he has been a consultant to the Bank of England and
to the Bank of Israel on labor market issues. He is the academic director of
the Sapir Forum for Economic Policy and was the head of the economics
program at the Taub Center for Israel Studies at New York University. He
served as the head of the macroeconomics team at the 17th Annual Caesarea
Conference (2009) and is currently a consultant to the Economics Ministry
and chair of the steering committee of the Vacancies Survey of the Central
Bureau of Statistics. He joined INSS in March 2014 as a senior research
fellow and heads the Neubauer Program on Economics and National Security.
Einav Yogev is a research associate and program manager in the Terror
and Low Intensity Conflict Research Program at the INSS. She also heads
a program on Israels image and the delegitimization efforts in the context
of the Next Generation Program at the INSS. In both programs Ms. Yogev
launched and heads an internship program. She serves as a leader in Oxfam
(Australia) and in the past served as a board member of Amnesty International
Israel. She has spearheaded and directed several youth leadership and social
change projects for the British Council and Lions Clubs International. Ms.
Yogev holds a B.A. in Philosophy and Literature and an M.A. in Diplomacy
from Tel Aviv University.

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