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Golf and the Talent Themes

Gets to the course early to hit two buckets of balls and practice puttingwill often play
36 in a single day. Has a Tiger Woods golf cap.
Will often play a fivesome in the winter months because he wants doesnt want to split
the group. Will quickly invite the single on the putting green to join your threesome.
Hates to see a single on the course.
Loves golf for aesthetic reasons. Reads Zen type golf books like Golf in the Kingdom.
Says best part of golf is just being out in nature.
Will not play unless there are stakes. Knows every golf side game there is. Will wager
you and try and hustle you by badgering you for strokes. Dreams of winning the Club
Is the Boss of the Moss. Will needle every member of the group. He sets the rules, the
games and sets the teams.
Keeps track of greens in regulation, putting stats and inputs them into his Excel
spreadsheet at home. Knows his average putts per round. Thinks Shot Link is the
greatest golf invention ever.
Has a collection of logo balls that he has collected on the wall in his office. Subscribes to
Golf Digest and clips articles to file for future reference. Still has his Golf My Way book
by Jack Nicklaus that he got in college. Loves watching the Golf Channel.
Will often bring the pace of play to a halt while you are forced to listen to the end of his
many stories. Knows all the funny golf phrases Nice Putt, Sally. We are playing
Army golf left-right-left and An all round good putt. Often the only guy laughing.
Remembers what clubs he hit on each hole of his last five rounds. Will provide
commentary on significant shots that he and others have hit in the past on most holes.
Many greenside chips will lead to him reminding the group of Watsons chip at Pebble
Will offer swing tips throughout the round, even if he is a hack. Repairs his divot and
one other on each green. Greenskeepers best friend.
Has all his bag tags from Pebble Beach to the Member-Member. Carries a vanity
handicap. Biggest fear is hitting a hole in one in a late evening solo round.
Is a swashbuckler on the coursegoes for all par 5s in two. Will try to hit the ball
between the six inch gap in the trees. I didnt come to lay up. Asks What would Phil

Plays with the same foursome each Saturday. Favorite aspect of golf is the chance to
spend four hours with his friends.
Quick to try new techniques and to implement swing fads. Reads Golf Digest and cant
wait to get to the range to implement his new swing tip. Will take swing tips from
everyone from the Pro to the Cart Girl.
He is a turtle on the golf course. Has read all of Bob Rotellas Psychology of Golf books.
Can be mechanical due to analysis leads to paralysis syndrome. Loves classic layouts
that require one to think their way around the course.
Putts with a putter he made in the garagehis hero is Karston Solheim. Loves the study
of course design and can list his top three designers.
Energetic, fast-paced player who shoots the most stress free 97 you have ever witnessed.
Believes that he is going to someday be a single digit handicapper.
Has top of the line golf clubs and is obsessed with playing a perfect round of golf.
Shoots 74 and is miserable.
Volunteers to work the youth clinic. Notices when high-handicappers shoot a good
round. Loves seeing someone break 100 for the first time. Can annoy partners by
continually making suggestions.
His golfing hero is Seve Ballesteros. Plays it one shot at a time and will adjust his
gameplan based on the current situation. In a match, if you block in right, hell go back
to the cart and get an iron.
Is on the mens golf association board organizes the golf and social events. In his older
age, he is a Starter at the course.
Will never be late for the tee time. Takes his golf game seriously. Will feel awful (even
apologizing) when his missed three footer costs your team a skin.
Will often be involved in charity outings. Is unyielding in his opinion that Jack Nicklaus
was better than Tiger Woods. Has had the same Black Betsy putter since college.
Thinks he will make every putt.
Has custom fit clubs and despises club pros who teach everyone the same swing. Has an
unorthodox swing but says it works for me. Favorite golfer is Jim Furyk.
Has played 54 holes of golf in a single day. Can get around in less than three hours and
has a bag tag that says Stop slow Play. Believes golf was not meant to be a four hour
outing. Hates riding in a golf cart.

Knows everyone at the club. Calls up memories of Rodney Dangerfield in
Caddyshack. Spends two hours at the range but only hits 17 ballsI ran into some
people I know.
Calculating golfer mentally plays each hole from the green back to the tee. Knows how
far he hits each club to help eliminate any variability. Nick Faldo is his hero.
Loves the team aspect of the Ryder Cup. Has ice-water in his veins. You can never tell
by his emotions whether he just made birdie or bogey. Thinks Ernie Els has never gotten
his proper due.
He is already talking about the golf trip to Myrtle Beach and its 9 months away. He is
making plans for he and his son to play Pebble Beach and his son is three. Has been
known to get ahead of himself on the course. Says hes going to go on the Sr. Tour
when he turns 50.
Will not leave the practice green until he sinks 50 consecutive three foot putts. Has a
consistent pre-shot routine. Take Dead Aim is his favorite swing thought.
Wears his emotions on his sleeve. Has never had a lesson says he is a feel golfer. He
got misty eyed when he played Pinehurst #2. Will pause to wait for the squirrel to leave
the fairway before hitting.
He knows that in order for him to break 80, he must hit eight greens in regulation. He
reviews the course in his mind and formulates a plan prior to each round. His golf bag is
meticulously organized.
Scorned by his friends for slow play. Sees the water and sand traps on every hole. Is a
conservative player will play the par 5 as a three shot hole. His strategy is to keep it in
play and stay out of trouble.
Is a stickler for the rules and always plays the ball down. Spends time on the range
perfecting his simple, efficient swing.

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