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Cypress Ridge

High School

Table of Contents:
2December Recap
3A Word from Your Editors
4A Message from Your P.Cs
5.DCON/Unicef/Save the Date
6.Officer Panel/Contact Info

Happy Holidays Key

Stay Connected!
Remind 101: (469) 425-2483
Facebook: Cypress Ridge Key Club
Instagram: crkeyclub
Twitter: CRKeyClub

December Recap

President, Alex Dantzler supporting our

Key Club at the Chipotle! fundraiser!

Member, Karina Bouy assisting at the

Special Olympics Bowling Competition!

Member, Carlos DeLeon helping at the

event, Christmas at the Cathedral!

Sgt. at Arms, Tam Nguyen serving food at

the event, Christmas at the Cathedral!

Joke of the Month:

Why did one of Santas elves go see the doctor?

A Word from Your Editors

Hey Key Clubbers!
Happy Holidays! As we end 2014, we would all like to
thank you guys for your hard work and dedication to service!
2014 was a great year for our Key Club, and we reached out
to the community in so many ways thanks to you guys!
We would also like to thank everyone that attended our
latest Christmas-themed meeting! We all had a lot of fun with
you guys! We are planning on integrating more icebreakers
and fun games into our meetings!
Also, thank you to those of you that attended our
Christmas at the Cathedral event! It was a HUGE success
thanks to all of you wonderful volunteers!
Lastly, thank you for donating to our recent toy drive! The
toys were delivered to Star of Hope on Monday after the
meeting, and they were greatly appreciated! We hope that
you guys can see the difference you are all making on the
world around you!
Cant wait to see all of you guys at our first meeting on
January 12, 2015! From all of the officers to all of you, have a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Have a fun and safe break, Key Clubbers!
-Sarah & Diana

Answer to Joke of the Month:

Because he had a low elf esteem

A Message from Your Project

Merry Christmas Key Clubbers!
Lauren and I hope that you and your families are having a
wonderful Christmas. The holiday season can be full of joy and memories
and gift giving, but please keep in mind that it can be a real struggle for
some other families that may not be quite as fortunate.
In Houston alone, there are approximately 5,350 homeless people
and many more people that cannot afford to buy a lot of gifts. There are
many families dealing with hardships and loss. Its time like these that we
appreciate how wonderful you members are and no matter what your
motives may be, youre still giving your time to volunteer and help out
others. Please continue to give your time and hard work outside of Key
Club and help every opportunity that you get. There are plenty of other
ways that you can contribute. We know that all of you guys here those
bells in front of stores. You can always donate your spare change to
Salvation Army, and to clean out your closet for all of the new things you
got this Christmas, donate your clothes and toys to Goodwill or Purple
Its the little things that each of you all do that will add up to
something so much bigger. Service is so much more than lending a
helping hand. Its a sign that humanity still exists.
It is peoples generosity, compassion, and
selflessness that brings us all together. Its what
brings Key Club together.
We, project coordinators, are so thankful
to have such enthusiastic and committed
members. Weve had a wonderful first semester
and cant wait to have an awesome second
semester as well! We have a lot in store for you
guys so be ready! We wish you all a wonderful
Christmas and a happy New Years with your
loved ones! See you guys soon!
Lauren and Kim

District Convention 2015

The 66th Annual T-O District Convention is quickly approaching! DCON
will be held April 9-12, 2015 at the Sheraton hotel in Dallas, Texas. Be sure
to mark your calendars for a fun and exciting weekend full of workshops
and activities! This is a great event to learn more about Key Club and
yourself! If you have any questions regarding DCON, feel free to ask any

Halloween may be over, but there are still
many reasons to be cheerful! Our Key
Club collected over 40 boxes this year
and we owe it all to you. Thank you for
being a part of such a wonderful project!
The funds we collected are being put to
great use! Key Club has partnered
together with Kiwanis and Unicef to
eliminate Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus in
24 countries and together we can stop
this disease!

Save the
Tuesday, Jan. 6 First day of Spring
Monday, Jan. 12 First Key Club Meeting
of the year!
Friday, Jan. 23 Key Club Bake Sale
Monday, Jan. 26 Key Club Meeting

Officer Panel & Contact Info

Alex Dantzler

Vice President:
Angela Nguyen

Thao Doan

Project Coordinator:
Lauren Lee

Project Coordinator:
Kim Vo

Public Relations:
Julie Nguyen

Diana Vazquez

Katie Nguyen

Sergeant at Arms:
Tam Nguyen

Sarah Bunn

Upperclassmen Representative:
Dominique Nguyen


Huy Pham

Alex Nguyen

Underclassmen Representative:
Chris Nguyen

Underclassmen Representative:
Christianne Tomakin

2014-2015 Division 3N Lieutenant Governor

Amy Jiang
Vice President

2014-2015 Cypress Ridge Key Club Officers*

Alex Dantzler
Angela Nguyen
Alex Nguyen
Huy Pham
*For contact information of the rest of the officer panel, visit our website:


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