American Journal of Orthodontics

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Seminars in Orthodontics


P. Lionel Sadowsky, DMD, BDS, DipOrth, MDent

Professor and Chairman
Department of Orthodontics
University of Alabama
1919 Seventh Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35294
Fax: (205) 975-7590
Seminars in Orthodontics (ISSN 1073-8746) is published
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Editorial correspondence should be addressed to:
P. Lionel Sadowsky, DMD, BDS, DipOrth, MDent, Editor,
Seminars in Orthodontics, Professor and Chairman, Department
of Orthodontics, University of Alabama, 1919 Seventh Avenue
South, Birmingham, AL 35294-0007; fax: (205) 975-7590.
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