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A very good morning to the honorable judges, fellow participants and

respected audience. On this wonderful day, I have an interesting story to share
with all of you, about smart thinking and bravery. So seat back ladies and
gentlemen and enjoy this story.
Once upon a time, in a faraway city in Arabia, there lived a clever little girl
called Morgiana. She worked for the richest man in the city.
One day, Morgiana was walking home from the market. Down the road, she
could see her master, Al Abu. He was dressed in fine clothes and carried a heavy
bag. Two strange men were walking behind him. One man was short and had a
black beard. The other was tall and had a red beard. When Al Abu reached his
house, he turned round and looked behind him. The two men hid behind a
doorway quickly. Why are they hiding from Al Abu? thought Morgiana to herself.
Ill hide in this doorway and watch them.
After Al Abu had gone into his house, the two men came out of hiding. Now,
these two men were thieves who had heard about Al Abus wealth. They had
followed him to his house so that they could come back later with their gang to
rob him. So this is where he lives, said the short one. How are we going to
remember his house? All the houses here look the exactly the same. Thats
true. said the tall one, scratching his red beard thoughtfully. They all have the
same white walls and wooden doors.
With a sigh, the two thieves stood in front of the door and thought about
this problem. Suddenly, the tall one grabbed his friends hand. I have an idea,
he said, picking up a stone. Ill draw a big cross on the door. Using a stone, he
drew a big white cross on the door, like this, X. There now we can find this
house when we come back tonight. Lets go and tell the chief, said the tall thief.
Ladies and gentlemen,
After the thieves had gone, Morgiana came out of hiding. She saw the cross
on the door. Oh no! Theyre coming back to rob my master tonight, said
Morgiana. How can I stop them? She thought for a while. Then, she had an idea.
She picked up a stone and drew a cross on all the doors along the road. All thirty
of them. Those thieves wont be able to find our house now. said the clever girl.

That night, the thieves and their Chief came on their horses. Which is the house?
asked the Chief. Its the one with a white cross on the door, said the tall thief.
The thieves looked for the door with a white cross. But all the doors along
the road had white crosses on them! The Chief was very angry. He slapped the
two thieves. You stupid fools! he said. Why did you draw a cross on every
door? Butbut Chief, we didnt. We only drew a cross on one door, said the
tall thief. Well, which is the right door? asked the Chief. Um, er I think it was
this door, Chief, said the short one pointing to a door,.or was it that one?
No, no, its further down, said the tall one.
Well, ladies and gentlemen,
The two thieves started to argue and then they began to fight. Oh, stop
fighting. said the Chief angrily. Im not going to break into every house here.
Lets go back right now. He turned around angrily and left. All the thieves
followed him. As they left, the two thieves were still arguing. Morgiana had been
watching from an upstairs window. When she saw the thieves leave, she laughed
softly. she had saved her master from the thieves. What a clever girl she was!
Well, thats the end of my story. This story teaches us that sometimes
problems in life can be solved by remaining calm and using your mind to find a
solution to the problem. Before I say goodbye, as Malaysian, with 1 Malaysia
concept, we must help each other regardless of different race and cultures. Stay
away from ill feelings and any negative values. Always think good and do good to
Thank You.

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