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QAM Sampling Recommendations

Recommendation for random and aimed sampling

regimes for low acid products.
Random sampling of low acid products
Minimum 50-100 samples from each filler and batch
2 consecutive samples should be drawn each time

85-90% of the samples

10-15% of the samples

These samples to be incubated

in 30-35C for min. 5 days

These samples to be incubated

in 50-55C for 3-5 days
pH, visual, sensoric

pH, visual, sensoric
No Defect

Product can be released.

Plate (Streak on agar)
5-10% of above samples
as verification and
incubate acc. above
mention temperature for
5 days.



Production put on hold.

Plate the defect samples (streak on agar).
Incubate the plated samples in its
respective incubation temperature range
for minimum 3-5 days

No Defect

Product can be released.

Plate (Streak on agar)
5-10% of above samples
as verification and
incubate acc. above
mention temperature for
3-5 days.

Rough identification of
Spoilage organism/s
Trouble shooting
Corrective action
Test run

Version 1

Hans Svensson

QAM Sampling Recommendations

Aimed sampling of low acid products

Two (2) samples should be drawn directly after every event;
Short stop re-start
Reel splice
Strip splice
End of production
These samples should be incubated in 30-35C for min. 5 days.
Evaluation: Visual, pH and Sensoric. If defect or deviations is found the sample/s should be
plated (streak on agar) for RID.
If deviation is detected should investigations on filling machine condition and operation,
personal hygiene and operators health condition depending on result of the RID

Start up samples of low acid products

If a filler has been idle for longer time like a weekend or similar is it strongly recommendable to
draw 15 samples directly at start-up time and to be incubated in 30-35C for min. 5 days.
Evaluation: Visual, pH and sensoric. All the samples should be plated and incubated in 30-35C
for 3-5days for verification of present of bacteria.
If any deviation or growth is detected should investigations on Hygiene, CIP and pre-sterilisation
and corrective actions shall take place.

Version 1

Hans Svensson

QAM Sampling Recommendations

Recommendation for random and aimed sampling

regime for high acid products.
Random sampling regime of high acid products
Minimum 50 100 samples is drawn for each filler and batch
All samples to be incubated in 20 25C for 5 7 days.
Evaluation: Visual and sensoric
Blown packages commonly due to Yeast, sometimes/rare other like Lactobacillus.
Sensoric deviation commonly due to Mould (fungi).

Aimed samples regime of high acid products

Two (2) samples should be drawn directly every event;
Short stop re-start
Reel splice
Strip splice
End of production
These samples should be incubated in 20-25C for min. 5 days.
Evaluation: Visual and Sensoric.
If defect/s is/are found same investigation as for low acid

Start up samples of high acid products

If filler has been idle for longer time like a weekend or similar is it strongly recommendable to
draw 15 samples directly at start-up and to be incubated in 30-35C for min. 5 days.
Evaluation: Visual, pH and sensoric. All the samples should be plated (pour plate) in Orange
Serum Agar and incubated in 30-35C for 3-5days for verification of present of Lactobacillus.
If any deviation or growth is detected should investigations on Hygiene, CIP and pre-sterilisation
and corrective actions shall take place.

Version 1

Hans Svensson

QAM Sampling Recommendations

Random re-sampling for both high and low acid.

To do random re-sampling might be necessary to verify if the defect/s is/are within the incubated
random packages (samples) or it follows the statistic distribution graph for a batch/production.
See graph below.
The number of samples for re-sampling is; n = 900/estimated p(% defects in the population).
(The re-samples should be drawn from production/batch stored in the final store)

Amid re-sampling
Draw ~25 samples from the pallet prior to event
Draw ~50 samples from the pallet of the event
Draw ~25 samples from the pallet after to event

Next step for re-sampling

Independent random or aimed re-samples should they be incubated accordantly product type
regarding temperature for 3-5 days and thereafter be analysed.

Version 1

Hans Svensson

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