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abide by something tartja magt valamihez; h marad valamihez

Politicians rarely abide by their promise. | A politikusok ritkn tartjk be

Lets abide by the rules! | A szablyokat tartsuk be!


to the best of ones ability a legjobb tudsa szerint; amennyire csak k-

I will help you to the best of my ability. | Amennyit tudok, segtek.


be about to do something mr azon van, hogy megtegyen valamit

I was just about to leave the house. | Mr ppen el akartam menni hazulrl.
thats about it nagyjbl ennyi(t)
A: Have you heard anything new? B: No. Thats about it. | A: Hallottl
valami jat? B: Nem. Csupn ennyit.

keep abreast of something lpst tart valamivel; figyelemmel ksr vala-

I am trying to keep abreast of the latest research. | Igyekszem lpst tartani a legjabb kutatssal.


Absence makes the heart grow fonder. (proverb) A tvollt sztja a sze-

retet lngjt.


The absent party is always to blame. (proverb) Mindig azt hibztatjk,

aki nincs jelen.


gain access to something 1. megkaparint valamit 2. bejut valahova

1. Olga gained access to your money. | Olga megkaparintotta a pnzedet.

2. Somehow we must gain access to the building. | Valahogy be kell jutnunk az pletbe.

Angol-magyar kifejezstr.pmd

2009.10.28., 16:38



Accidents will happen in the best regulated families. (proverb) A leg-

jobb csaldban is megesik.


of ones own accord nszntbl; sajt akaratbl; nknt

Ned will never resign of his own accord. | nszntbl Ned soha nem
fog lemondani.


in accordance with something valaminek megfelelen; valami szerint;

valami rtelmben
We must proceed in accordance with the law. | A trvny szerint kell eljrnunk.


account for someone / something 1. megmagyarz valamit 2. megtall

1. How do you account for your actions? | Hogy tudja megmagyarzni tetteit?
2. We cannot account for two children. | Kt gyereket nem tallunk.
call someone to account 1. felelssgre von valakit 2. megr, leszid,
elvesz, megdorgl valakit
1. The offender was called to account. | A vtkest felelssgre vontk.
2. If you lie, you will be called to account. | Ha hazudsz, leszidnak.
on no account semmi esetre sem; semmikppen
On no account should you delete this entry. | Ezt a bejegyzst semmilyen
krlmnyek kztt se trld ki.
open an account 1. bankszmlt, folyszmlt nyit 2. hitelszmlt nyit
1. You should open a savings account. | Vegyl ki egy takarkbettet.
2. Would you like to open an account with us? | Szeretne cgnknl hitelszmlt nyitni?
take something into account figyelembe, tekintetbe, szmtsba vesz valamit
The judge took the age of the accused into account. | A br tekintetbe
vette a vdlott kort.

There is no accounting for tastes. (proverb) zlsek s pofonok klnb-


Angol-magyar kifejezstr.pmd

2009.10.28., 16:38

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