Diary From Mallorca Nov. 23-Nov.30, 2014

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Diary from Mallorca Nov. 23 Nov.

30, 2014
We went by bus from our school at 2.am. The bus trip took around 3 hours so we arrived at Kastrup
at 5.am. Then our plane departed at 7 am and at 10 am. we arrived in Palma airport. There our
Spanish families met us with cheers and applauses and then brought us to the their homes. Here we
spent some hours doing different activities with our Spanish partners. Some of us went to the beach
and some of us were very tired from the trip so they slept for a moment. Later in the afternoon we
went to a festival park and met all the others. We just chilled there for some hours and after that we
went home to eat and sleep.
We woke up at around 7 a.m. and then we ate breakfast and got ready for the day. We met at school
at 8 o' clock, and here we were welcomed with a music appearance by some Spanish students. We
got a short tour of the school before we took the bus to Palma city. There we went on a guided
sightseeing tour of the town. After that we were free to do whatever we wanted!
At 4 p.m. we all met up to go to the beach, there we played some football and some of us went for a
swim. We also sat down in a circle and played guitar and sang together, this was really fun!
After the beach we went to a restaurant to eat a little before we went home to sleep.
We started the morning with 3 hours of Catalan/Spanish lessons. After that some groups had their
presentations about Sweden/Spain and Ronneby/Palma de Mallorca. When they were done with
that we all went to Porto Pi and shopped in the shopping center and then in the evening we ate at
Pizza Hut.
On this day we went to the mountains by bus. We visited a little cute town called Valdemossa. On a
caf they served us a bun with a cup of really thick and strong taste of chocolate. It tasted like it was
melted. Then we visited another town and looked out over the ocean.
Then we went to Porto Pi as we did the day before. We shopped a little and then we went to Mc
Donalds. When it got dark we went to the beach and were there for about an hour. Before everyone
went home some of us ate at a kebab place. The kebab wasnt like Swedish kebab at all.
After that we went home and slept.
We got up around 7am and everyone met at school at 8 am. We started with Catalan and Spanish
lessons for a few hours.
After that it was time for the School and School system groups to do their presentations, which went
really great! When they were done some of us went to KFC for lunch and some went home.
After lunch we met at the center and looked in a few clothing stores and had some frozen yoghurt.
At 8 pm it was time for the farewell dinner at school with all the Swedish and Spanish students, as
well as the families and teachers. We ate Spanish specialities and watched photos we had taken for
the past days on a big screen. We also got T-shirts with prints of the schools names as a memory of
this project. Also Spanish TV was there to record a newsclip for the whole evening. The day ended
with a trip to Mc Donalds with everyone!

Everyone met at school at half past eight and then we took a bus to the beach. There we rented bikes
that we used to get to another beach a few km away. When we reached the final destination we
played football and "spkboll" and hung out. After a few hours we took a bus to the center for some
lunch, KFC again!
After eating we went home for a siesta and to get ready for the rest of the night. In the evening we
met up outside a disco where we danced and hung out for a while. Which was really fun!
We woke up at 10 and had breakfast. Then we went to Porto Pi. There we went shopping and ate
lunch at Mc Donalds. After that we took the bus to Palma and spent some time on the beach. In the
evening we all went for dinner at a restaurant. After the dinner we were going to a park where we
played the guitar and sang.
Today it was time to go home and we spent all day travelling. It was sad to say goodbye to our new
friends in Mallorca , but we are looking forward to them coming to visit us in April.
Hasta la vista!

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